Just wanted to add, Scripturally, it's free moral agency/choice, not free will, one is from God, the other is from philosophers who stole from God and modified free moral choice into free will, there is a difference between the two, one is pure and from the Lord, the other poisoned by man to serve his faux noble needs.
Just wanted to add, Scripturally, it's free moral agency/choice, not free will, one is from God, the other is from philosophers who stole from God and modified free moral choice into free will, there is a difference between the two, one is pure and from the Lord, the other poisoned by man to serve his faux noble needs.
Just wanted to add, Scripturally, it's free moral agency/choice, not free will, one is from God, the other is from philosophers who stole from God and modified free moral choice into free will, there is a difference between the two, one is pure and from the Lord, the other poisoned by man to serve his faux noble needs.
Sounds legit
Is that sarcasm?
No. Makes sense.
Well then thank you kittynana. ;-]