Based on a clinical trial that SHOWED PRECISELY NO EVIDENCE of actual health benefit for the children who received it.
In other words, what Pfizer demonstrated in its 2,300-patient child trial is that its mRNA doses can make your kids make spike proteins (and have side effects).
Per Pfizer’s September 20 press release announcing the trial’s results, the trial didn’t show the vaccine reduced hospitalizations (which are basically non-existent in healthy children) or even mild cases.
See where the release says the vaccine did anything to help kids stay healthier?
No? That’s because it doesn’t.
But it did reveal “side effects generally comparable to those observed in participants 16 to 25 years of age” - in other words, (sometimes severe) headaches, fatigue, and fever. Clinically significant myocarditis? Who knows? With barely 1,000 boys receiving the vaccine, even fairly common side effects could go unnoticed.
Still, as it warned/promised, Pfizer has now formally asked the Food & Drug Administration to approve (I mean authorize, but let’s not go down that rabbit hole) its Covid shots for the little ones.
The Pfizer announcement led to some very special bluecheck genius from Matthew “Matty” Yglesias, proud owner of 500,000 Twitter followers and a Substack almost as big as this one.
The conversation went like this: Maya Sen - a Harvard professor (I won’t judge if you don’t) pointed out the lack of clinical benefit in two words:
Which led Matty to Mattysplain:
Matty - Matthew - Mr. Yglesias, sir -
You’re not saying what you think you’re saying.
But yeah, let’s give healthy kids a vaccine proven to work for months - months, I tell ya! - for a disease that poses basically no risk to them.
Two of our three kids are in this age range. They will be getting mRNA shots when Florida freezes over.
Pure evil. Our children are now being used as human shields to make the irrationally terrified feel better. Pure evil anyone who pushes this on our children.
Seriously. This is giving me heart palpitations. The level of evil is unreal. And the fact that the majority of people haven't woken up to this yet makes me want to bash my head against a wall.
This is a nightmare. Although I know one day I will be fired from my job, my wealth will be confiscated, I will be denied medical care and may be put into a "quarantine" camp, what I fear the most and what gives me nightmares at night is the EUA for children. I can't protect my niece and nephew no matter how hard I try to convince my family not to do it. How can I protect these innocent children who I love as if they were my own?
I’m so sorry. My own 21 and 23 year olds and their wives allll got it. It makes me want to cry. I feel alone bc almost all my close friends and family have gotten it. I have managed to keep our 15 and 17yo safe.
The hardest part about all of this is having a family divided in their opinion because I am so afraid of the safety and health of the 1/2 of my family that blindly got the jab. The majority of my friends and relatives got the jab willingly and without any hesitation. I'm lucky that at least my Mom, my sister and her husband have remained "purebloods" and we will at least be able to escape our blue state together. If 100% of my immediate family agreed that these clots shots are nothing put poison, I wouldn't be so fearful of the future because at least I know the people I love the most would be safe.
I've had the toughest arguments with my 19 y.o. who's already told me that she wants to be able to live her life fully. Therefore, she will get the jab in the future. I've forwarded intelligent articles with plenty of data, interviews by honest doctors (including McCullough, Fleming, Kory/FLCCC, Malone, etc.). It's been a heartbreaking journey for me. Especially seeing how society is closing all doors on my vibrant and healthy teenagers. At the moment, she has decided to wait for which I am grateful and happy. Every day poses a challenge. I go to rallies, read every article on substack, Telegram, etc. And pray for this nightmare of mandates to end. Like you, I just want my family of 4 to be safe and remain 'purebloods'. But I worry about all children and the future of this country.
Same here Mailee. I tried really hard to convince my ex-husband as we share child custody. He's slowly coming around but there's still a lot more work to do. Feel so isolated at times.
Yep my siblings and their spouses got the jab and then talked my mom into it.,now none of them
Want to associate with us as a family anymore.. yet we will be the ones in 10 years still alive and they will have died from a horrible jab! So sad to think about but I know our family aren’t stupidly walking into get anything the govt is bribing and now coercing other to do!
I hear ya ! My 34 year old got it and we didn’t and we’ll as our son with Autism due to medical reasons which would make them worse with a jab! Don’t people get it? It does damage the minute it is injected! Like lambs to the slaughter.. I pray for those that hagg BC e already been jabbed and don’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into! We need JESUS to come back now!
Hi Sandy Mom, you're the only mom I know who feels the same way! Would love to connect as I am worried sick about the mandate being pushed down. I have a child in elementary school (private) and the school has already mandated all the kids 12+.
I may have managed to get a relative to put off jabbing her third-grader by telling her there are safer vaccines coming out next year. She was really glad to hear that--so she does acknowledge there is risk. She has been keeping the kid home from school because of Covid risk.
Now give a thought to all the children where information like this is not available. Their parents will follow whatever 'health officials' tell them to do. Evil, evil, evil.
Look for info, then look for more info. Try to put everything together and explain it to their parents. Everything clear. Find beforehand answers for the questions that you expect they have. I have nephews and I feel exactly the same for them, as my own kids. Fortunately their parents think as I do. But if they would not I would even think about suing them in order to protect the kids.
In Los Angeles already many if not most of the high school kids have received the vaccine because they don’t want to fight the system. They want to go to concerts and movies and be normal teens.
And yet LA will still have mask mandates; nothing but mandates without a shred of evidence that they accomplish anything other than tyranny. "The beatings will continue until morale improves"
this is the biggest challenge with teenagers. They feel invincible (we all did back then), and all their vaxxed friends "are fine". The only thing they care about is living life fully. For my 19 y.o. is the ability to travel the world, to enjoy concerts, theater, etc. All her friends are vaxxed. Even her boyfriend. But at least, I've managed to have her wait a bit longer. Not sure how much longer but I count my blessings and have learned to enjoy life 1-day at a time. And I PRAY nonstop.
These filthy profiteers are condemning a whole generation of kids depriving them of a healthy adulthood, marriage, and future families. This is about depopulation !!!
(Couldn't find the original anymore. Had close to 900K views nearly 2 weeks ago.)
Dr. Leana Wen admitting that the vaccinated "carry so much more virus" that the unvaccinated need to be protected from vaccinated. Perfect propaganda for this new upcoming approval in 5-11 year olds.
I live in Connecticut and parents can't wait. I've heard them discussing it at soccer games. There is also no mask mandate in my town, 90% are vaccinated out of the eligible population and 95% of people are still wearing masks in the grocery store. It's a mental illness at this point. I've told my kids that we're homeschooling as soon as schools mandate and then moving.
My college (in Washington) mandated vax but my husband and I submitted religious exemptions that have been granted, although our accommodation is that we are only allowed to teach online. We suspect that by next year they will say they can no longer accommodate us. Unless the tide turns. Do you think the tide will turn?
Houston is quite liberal from what I saw at the beginning of the year. My son and I moved to Katy, Texas just so he could attend a real school for the remainder of his sophomore year. We live in nazi Oregon. Living in Texas for 5 months was a wonderful break from OR.
I actually moved to Connecticut from Atlanta so sort of similar.... When people are sick (70% overweight, vitamin D deficient, etc), they're easily scared and want easy answers. They can't think about 2nd and 3rd order effects. Think about daily life for your average affluent professional (inside all day, screens, terrible diets that they think are healthy i.e. Beyond Meat products, long commutes, etc.) and it is also imperative for their self image that they "follow the science" because that's what educated people do. This was the first real scare for most people and they didn't handle it well (brain fog). People still won't hang out with others indoors where I live.
I just looked at that. I had seen another doctor on the Stu Peters show discuss similar findings and wasn't sure if this was fake news or what. The slide labeled as "weird structure materialized when a drop of vaccine fluid dried on a slide, revealing a network of interconnecting lines..." was very similar to the doctor I saw on SP yesterday? Is this real? I thought it was BS. Should I start peeing in my pants? The doctor on SP is South Africa.
Did you look at the foreign bodies in the slides? It could just be crystals, some contamination, but in vials from different geographic locations ???
"Another non-biological object that was injected by the vaccine. As I said above, this image shows the foreign body in the vaccine fluid."
"The syncytium (circled in red) has managed to engulf and is trying to enzymatically digest one of these non-biological structures in lung tissue. The syncytium will not be able to digest this.
The yellow arrow is pointing at the non-biological foreign body that was injected into this individual via the vaccine."
Scary stuff even if it's just contamination during the manufacturing process.
As to prepping, I'm down in CFL, but power is a concern and my kids are wondering why I'm buying lots more "stuff" lately. I point out all the supply line issues that are already starting to show up in our food supply and elsewhere. Example, my local Walmart usually has a fairly large section of spray paints. Maybe like 500-750+ fully stocked. There were maybe 35-50 cans sprinkled over shelves almost like the toilet paper scare last year.
I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping not for everyone's sake. Think those three also have very low levels of natural immunity because August/September are not normal respiratory virus season in the northeast (Maine, Vermont were very strict and CT has a lot of people who work from home).
JV, maybe you could consider moving to your neighbor, New Hampshire, with their libertarian Free State Movement. Are there any vaxx and mask mandates there?
You're lucky JV. I share custody with ex-husband who don't see eye-to-eye with me on this issue. I'm fighting with everything I have. Wish I could homeschool.
There's a fad going around, to make more revenue, of removing wowomen's breasts prophylactically because they "might" get breast cancer. I know a woman the doctors so terrified she had it done. Aged her 15 years. Hardly recognizable.
I don’t think this fad is going around. Women have to have compelling reasons to be approved by insurance for prophylactic mastectomy (such as extensive family history, having genes that puts you at tremendous risk of BC, ambiguous imaging results, repeated surgeries, etc., or a combination of reasons). Don’t be so quick to judge. And prophylactic mastectomies do NOT age people (put years on them). That is simply NOT true. I can point out some knock dead gorgeous women who have had prophylactic mastectomies.
I know a 25yo who wants the prophylactic mastectomy now, at her age, bc she has been frightened by relatives who developed breast cancer in their late 50’s. Wrong!
Agree. I’m going to have to do this in the next few years and it is absolutely not what I just want to do. It is needed for specific high risk profile. People are too judgmental about this.
Not going to go look for it, but there was a tweet a while back from an obviously deranged mom who had posted her 10 yr old son's teary joyful reaction when she told him that Pfizer was testing the shots on little kids and planned to soon ask for approval.
The actual child abuse is not that they want to give the kids the unnecessary and harmful injections, the child abuse is scaring kids so much over something that is virtually harmless to them. And it is exacerbated by the selfishness of adults who have no compunction over possibly harming then from the shot just so they can be less scared themselves.
These filthy profiteers are condemning a whole generation of kids depriving them of adulthood, marriage, and future families. This is about depopulation !!!
"We used VAERS data to examine cardiac AEs, primarily myocarditis, reported following injection of the first or second dose of the COVID-19 injectable products. Myocarditis rates reported in VAERS were significantly higher in youths between the ages of 13 to 23 (p<0.0001) with ∼80% occurring in males. Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group. In addition, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed subsequent to dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males."
Well this is the hill to die on. If you haven’t marched for medical freedom yet you better start now. I’ve been to 3 such protests and will continue to fight. HOLD THE LINE!!
That is a sad but good point. In Europe, they've been protesting quite a bit without any changes occurring in the mandate legislation (as far as I know).
I assess orgs\entities cyber security program...I'm telling you, ransomwear and the protection of PII, data loss, breaches, etc are going to take a backseat to personnel which is now moving up to #1 or DEFCON5. People are loosing their jobs. An entity cannot stay in business with a 25-whatever % in reduction. Operational, financial, reputational, safety....those will be impacted in a entity-threating extinction event. Also, the severe psychological stress, these sociopaths are going to get what's coming to them.
I'm extremely concerned that we're not vaccinating fetuses. I feel that government officials should be present during sexual acts so they can inject COVID-19 vaccines at the moment of conception. Also, how can we get fetuses masked? Is there a surgical protocol for mask insertion in utero?
Remember earlier this year when there were reports of menstrual abnormalities among women even when they hadn't gotten a vaccine but were simply around someone who did? Including pre-menstrual girls as well as post-menopausal women? Initially it was denied as sounding too crazy, but eventually it was taken seriously and I believe was even reported in Newsweek. So... what could cause that?
Turns out, Pfizer's own instructions say to report Exposures During Pregnancy (EDP), including from inhalation and skin contact. This goes for women being exposed to someone who had the vax but also being exposed to others who were themselves exposed (so, 2 removed)! I'm quoting from pages 67 ff from the above link (I've added ** because I can't bold.) I believe SAE stands for "serious adverse event." Also note: Pfizer is keeping track of these, but they don't appear to be reporting outside (which I believe is the CRF) Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if: • A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention. • A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception. • A female is found to be pregnant *while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure*. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy: • A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention *by inhalation or skin contact.*
A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention *by inhalation or skin contact* then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception. The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy). • If EDP occurs in a participant or a participant’s partner, the investigator must report this information to Pfizer Safety on the Vaccine SAE Report Form and an EDP Supplemental Form, regardless of whether an SAE has occurred. Details of the pregnancy will be collected after the start of study intervention and until 6 months after the last dose of study intervention. • If EDP occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the investigator must report information to Pfizer Safety using the Vaccine SAE Report Form and EDP Supplemental Form. *Since the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.* Follow-up is conducted to obtain general information on the pregnancy and its outcome for all EDP reports with an unknown outcome. The investigator will follow the pregnancy until completion (or until pregnancy termination) and notify Pfizer Safety of the outcome as a follow-up to the initial EDP Supplemental Form. In the case of a live birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination, the reason(s) for termination should be specified and, if clinically possible, the structural integrity of the terminated fetus should be assessed by gross visual inspection (unless preprocedure test findings are conclusive for a congenital anomaly and the findings are reported).
So how could there be a transmission through inhalation or skin contact? It reminded me of the study of vaccinated female mice who transmitted a fertility-inhibiting substance to other mice merely by being around them. Dr. Lee Merritt discusses that study in this interview;
No chance I will be giving this to my girls 12 and 16. Both in private school in CA. I will homeschool them and then move. This as other countries are stopping the shots.
I need to share something from this morning among my Substack friends:
My husband and I tried to go on a rare breakfast date. Hostess asked me to put mask above my nose.
I did, but then cried through the entire breakfast - I can't even articulate why, I was just overcome with grief on so many levels. My poor husband. I don't think I will thrive under totalitarianism.
I'm sorry this happened to you. A lot of people on this Substack feel the same grief that you do. I have to believe that if we resist hard enough and for long enough we can still turn this. Because only the elite thrive under totalitarianism.
Pure evil. Our children are now being used as human shields to make the irrationally terrified feel better. Pure evil anyone who pushes this on our children.
I feel sick. I am reading this and I feel physically revolted.
Seriously. This is giving me heart palpitations. The level of evil is unreal. And the fact that the majority of people haven't woken up to this yet makes me want to bash my head against a wall.
This is a nightmare. Although I know one day I will be fired from my job, my wealth will be confiscated, I will be denied medical care and may be put into a "quarantine" camp, what I fear the most and what gives me nightmares at night is the EUA for children. I can't protect my niece and nephew no matter how hard I try to convince my family not to do it. How can I protect these innocent children who I love as if they were my own?
I’m so sorry. My own 21 and 23 year olds and their wives allll got it. It makes me want to cry. I feel alone bc almost all my close friends and family have gotten it. I have managed to keep our 15 and 17yo safe.
The hardest part about all of this is having a family divided in their opinion because I am so afraid of the safety and health of the 1/2 of my family that blindly got the jab. The majority of my friends and relatives got the jab willingly and without any hesitation. I'm lucky that at least my Mom, my sister and her husband have remained "purebloods" and we will at least be able to escape our blue state together. If 100% of my immediate family agreed that these clots shots are nothing put poison, I wouldn't be so fearful of the future because at least I know the people I love the most would be safe.
I've had the toughest arguments with my 19 y.o. who's already told me that she wants to be able to live her life fully. Therefore, she will get the jab in the future. I've forwarded intelligent articles with plenty of data, interviews by honest doctors (including McCullough, Fleming, Kory/FLCCC, Malone, etc.). It's been a heartbreaking journey for me. Especially seeing how society is closing all doors on my vibrant and healthy teenagers. At the moment, she has decided to wait for which I am grateful and happy. Every day poses a challenge. I go to rallies, read every article on substack, Telegram, etc. And pray for this nightmare of mandates to end. Like you, I just want my family of 4 to be safe and remain 'purebloods'. But I worry about all children and the future of this country.
Same here Mailee. I tried really hard to convince my ex-husband as we share child custody. He's slowly coming around but there's still a lot more work to do. Feel so isolated at times.
Yep my siblings and their spouses got the jab and then talked my mom into it.,now none of them
Want to associate with us as a family anymore.. yet we will be the ones in 10 years still alive and they will have died from a horrible jab! So sad to think about but I know our family aren’t stupidly walking into get anything the govt is bribing and now coercing other to do!
Well you're not alone.
I hear ya ! My 34 year old got it and we didn’t and we’ll as our son with Autism due to medical reasons which would make them worse with a jab! Don’t people get it? It does damage the minute it is injected! Like lambs to the slaughter.. I pray for those that hagg BC e already been jabbed and don’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into! We need JESUS to come back now!
Huge Congrats, you did your job well, hopefully all the ones you alerted must take hard metals preventive measures
"My brother in law said, he loves indoor plumbing and vaccines." What a ridiculous straw man.
Hi Sandy Mom, you're the only mom I know who feels the same way! Would love to connect as I am worried sick about the mandate being pushed down. I have a child in elementary school (private) and the school has already mandated all the kids 12+.
I may have managed to get a relative to put off jabbing her third-grader by telling her there are safer vaccines coming out next year. She was really glad to hear that--so she does acknowledge there is risk. She has been keeping the kid home from school because of Covid risk.
Now give a thought to all the children where information like this is not available. Their parents will follow whatever 'health officials' tell them to do. Evil, evil, evil.
Look for info, then look for more info. Try to put everything together and explain it to their parents. Everything clear. Find beforehand answers for the questions that you expect they have. I have nephews and I feel exactly the same for them, as my own kids. Fortunately their parents think as I do. But if they would not I would even think about suing them in order to protect the kids.
It makes me want to bash THEIR heads against a wall. Wake Up!
In Los Angeles already many if not most of the high school kids have received the vaccine because they don’t want to fight the system. They want to go to concerts and movies and be normal teens.
And yet LA will still have mask mandates; nothing but mandates without a shred of evidence that they accomplish anything other than tyranny. "The beatings will continue until morale improves"
this is the biggest challenge with teenagers. They feel invincible (we all did back then), and all their vaxxed friends "are fine". The only thing they care about is living life fully. For my 19 y.o. is the ability to travel the world, to enjoy concerts, theater, etc. All her friends are vaxxed. Even her boyfriend. But at least, I've managed to have her wait a bit longer. Not sure how much longer but I count my blessings and have learned to enjoy life 1-day at a time. And I PRAY nonstop.
Same here.
Me too. God help any parent that falls for this and uses their child to perpetuate this huge scam on the world.
The testimonies project - the movie
Remarkable video. Let the Sunshine in.
These filthy profiteers are condemning a whole generation of kids depriving them of a healthy adulthood, marriage, and future families. This is about depopulation !!!
"If we do vaccines right...."
I'm not even sure that future generations are safe. Genetic damage can be passed down the line.
Ouch. Hadn't thought about that.
Just watched, sitting here in tears, so very powerful. What are in these dam vaccines. Children disabled and dead, babies dead. How can this be?
Thanks for posting. Watching it now
And also protect the politicians/bureaucrats that cannot admit mistakes and generate healthy profits for the pharma companies.
I can just hope they all end up where they deserve to, face down in a ditch.
We can see where you posted this same thing 17 other times. Got it, thanks.
Don't be snide. Not everyone can read all of the hundreds of comments on Alex's posts.
Maybe 1900 wanted it seen. Be kind
I research the topic like a madwoman and haven't seen this, so thank you.
Agree. Evil. No other word for for it.
Finally someone says it. We're sacrificing children for an illusion.
For a “delusion”.
Does vaccinating children really make the irrationally terrified people feel better? How does that work?
Feeding the irrational terror:
(Couldn't find the original anymore. Had close to 900K views nearly 2 weeks ago.)
Dr. Leana Wen admitting that the vaccinated "carry so much more virus" that the unvaccinated need to be protected from vaccinated. Perfect propaganda for this new upcoming approval in 5-11 year olds.
If the tables listed in this story are correct...then Vaccines must be halted !!!.....
Does anyone remember the story of William Tell? Asking for a friend.
I live in Connecticut and parents can't wait. I've heard them discussing it at soccer games. There is also no mask mandate in my town, 90% are vaccinated out of the eligible population and 95% of people are still wearing masks in the grocery store. It's a mental illness at this point. I've told my kids that we're homeschooling as soon as schools mandate and then moving.
I live in Southwest Missouri, and people are normal here! Yay! We're only scared to death about the rest of the country going nuts.
My sister lives in SW Missourri too but her husband is a university professor so they are terrified.
My college (in Washington) mandated vax but my husband and I submitted religious exemptions that have been granted, although our accommodation is that we are only allowed to teach online. We suspect that by next year they will say they can no longer accommodate us. Unless the tide turns. Do you think the tide will turn?
I believe it depends (quite grimly) on how many vaccinated people leave our world this winter.
Your town may be growing as people seek safety from masks and vaxxes.
I live in Houston and 90%+ of the people in the grocery store still wearing masks. The mental illness is everywhere.
Houston is quite liberal from what I saw at the beginning of the year. My son and I moved to Katy, Texas just so he could attend a real school for the remainder of his sophomore year. We live in nazi Oregon. Living in Texas for 5 months was a wonderful break from OR.
Wow, even Houston.
Houston? Wow, I'm shocked to hear that
Houston and Austin are liberal cities.
I actually moved to Connecticut from Atlanta so sort of similar.... When people are sick (70% overweight, vitamin D deficient, etc), they're easily scared and want easy answers. They can't think about 2nd and 3rd order effects. Think about daily life for your average affluent professional (inside all day, screens, terrible diets that they think are healthy i.e. Beyond Meat products, long commutes, etc.) and it is also imperative for their self image that they "follow the science" because that's what educated people do. This was the first real scare for most people and they didn't handle it well (brain fog). People still won't hang out with others indoors where I live.
I think half of the U.S. is back to normal life outside of blue states and cities.
Yep, CT here too, unbelievable really.
Three states have largest cases of fully vaxxed covid hospitalized cases: (1) VT (2) CT & (3) ME. Antibody dependency enhancement syndrome ?…yes
MD measured immune system of healthy young male after 2nd jab:
Look at the 6th to last picture on Rivercitymalone (burkharts slides) and it looks like the same thing when the fluid dries.
I just looked at that. I had seen another doctor on the Stu Peters show discuss similar findings and wasn't sure if this was fake news or what. The slide labeled as "weird structure materialized when a drop of vaccine fluid dried on a slide, revealing a network of interconnecting lines..." was very similar to the doctor I saw on SP yesterday? Is this real? I thought it was BS. Should I start peeing in my pants? The doctor on SP is South Africa.
Did you look at the foreign bodies in the slides? It could just be crystals, some contamination, but in vials from different geographic locations ???
"Another non-biological object that was injected by the vaccine. As I said above, this image shows the foreign body in the vaccine fluid."
"The syncytium (circled in red) has managed to engulf and is trying to enzymatically digest one of these non-biological structures in lung tissue. The syncytium will not be able to digest this.
The yellow arrow is pointing at the non-biological foreign body that was injected into this individual via the vaccine."
Scary stuff even if it's just contamination during the manufacturing process.
As to prepping, I'm down in CFL, but power is a concern and my kids are wondering why I'm buying lots more "stuff" lately. I point out all the supply line issues that are already starting to show up in our food supply and elsewhere. Example, my local Walmart usually has a fairly large section of spray paints. Maybe like 500-750+ fully stocked. There were maybe 35-50 cans sprinkled over shelves almost like the toilet paper scare last year.
I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping not for everyone's sake. Think those three also have very low levels of natural immunity because August/September are not normal respiratory virus season in the northeast (Maine, Vermont were very strict and CT has a lot of people who work from home).
I think NJ is like that, too, from what I hear from friends. I got out of there a year ago.
Smart smart smart
JV, maybe you could consider moving to your neighbor, New Hampshire, with their libertarian Free State Movement. Are there any vaxx and mask mandates there?
I am considering it, although my husband is an attorney so bar exam issues.... We moved up here to be near our families. Bad timing...
I've heard that some parents are lying about their kids ages to get them jabbed.
^ good.
You're lucky JV. I share custody with ex-husband who don't see eye-to-eye with me on this issue. I'm fighting with everything I have. Wish I could homeschool.
It's usually me and the 60ish year old men not wearing a mask. It's fascinating.
Can't blame you one bit.
Just remember: the ones all upset because you're not masked are just stupid people. Not everyone has an IQ over 90.
Giving jabs to children who basically are immune to Covid is like forcing birth control meds on senior citizens .
The metaphor I think that is more appropriate is giving healthy people chemotherapy in case they get cancer in the future
There's a fad going around, to make more revenue, of removing wowomen's breasts prophylactically because they "might" get breast cancer. I know a woman the doctors so terrified she had it done. Aged her 15 years. Hardly recognizable.
I don’t think this fad is going around. Women have to have compelling reasons to be approved by insurance for prophylactic mastectomy (such as extensive family history, having genes that puts you at tremendous risk of BC, ambiguous imaging results, repeated surgeries, etc., or a combination of reasons). Don’t be so quick to judge. And prophylactic mastectomies do NOT age people (put years on them). That is simply NOT true. I can point out some knock dead gorgeous women who have had prophylactic mastectomies.
I know a 25yo who wants the prophylactic mastectomy now, at her age, bc she has been frightened by relatives who developed breast cancer in their late 50’s. Wrong!
There may be other factors like high risk gene mutations.
Bad example. That is not a fad. It's an option for women with a strong history of breast cancer who KNOW they carry the same gene.
Not how it's done in reality.
Agree. I’m going to have to do this in the next few years and it is absolutely not what I just want to do. It is needed for specific high risk profile. People are too judgmental about this.
Not going to go look for it, but there was a tweet a while back from an obviously deranged mom who had posted her 10 yr old son's teary joyful reaction when she told him that Pfizer was testing the shots on little kids and planned to soon ask for approval.
The actual child abuse is not that they want to give the kids the unnecessary and harmful injections, the child abuse is scaring kids so much over something that is virtually harmless to them. And it is exacerbated by the selfishness of adults who have no compunction over possibly harming then from the shot just so they can be less scared themselves.
Our society is very sick.
Child psychologist Alice Miller has a term for parents who emotionally manipulate their children for the emotional needs of the parent:
emotional incest
A strong term, but accurate.
Child abuse is the new normal
These filthy profiteers are condemning a whole generation of kids depriving them of adulthood, marriage, and future families. This is about depopulation !!!
Please stop spamming the comments. You're hurting your cause.
With love, yes, that sounds lovely.
"We used VAERS data to examine cardiac AEs, primarily myocarditis, reported following injection of the first or second dose of the COVID-19 injectable products. Myocarditis rates reported in VAERS were significantly higher in youths between the ages of 13 to 23 (p<0.0001) with ∼80% occurring in males. Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group. In addition, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed subsequent to dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males."
Well this is the hill to die on. If you haven’t marched for medical freedom yet you better start now. I’ve been to 3 such protests and will continue to fight. HOLD THE LINE!!
They don’t care if we protest. Lawyering up is what they don’t want us to do.
That is a sad but good point. In Europe, they've been protesting quite a bit without any changes occurring in the mandate legislation (as far as I know).
I assess orgs\entities cyber security program...I'm telling you, ransomwear and the protection of PII, data loss, breaches, etc are going to take a backseat to personnel which is now moving up to #1 or DEFCON5. People are loosing their jobs. An entity cannot stay in business with a 25-whatever % in reduction. Operational, financial, reputational, safety....those will be impacted in a entity-threating extinction event. Also, the severe psychological stress, these sociopaths are going to get what's coming to them.
Hold the line indeed!!
I had never been to a protest before until May 2020 to protest the lockdowns. This is another reason to protest!
You're classified as a domestic terrorist now!
If you're only now getting on a watchlist somewhere, you're doing America wrong. ;)
Proud 'domestic terrorist' since I supported Ron Paul in the 2008 presidential election. Those 'Constitutionalists' are crazy, you know.
Only Sheeple and the criminally insane would give this "vaccine" to any child.
I'm extremely concerned that we're not vaccinating fetuses. I feel that government officials should be present during sexual acts so they can inject COVID-19 vaccines at the moment of conception. Also, how can we get fetuses masked? Is there a surgical protocol for mask insertion in utero?
SSSSHHHHHH......don't give these assholes any ideas !!!
For “safety” of course. I’m sure that’s next on the playlist.
Vaccinating pregnant mothers is close enough as long as we use gender neutral pronouns because "science" is unclear about gender role in reproduction.
Right there with you, brother!
Today I came across a link to Pfizer's clinical trial protocols:
Remember earlier this year when there were reports of menstrual abnormalities among women even when they hadn't gotten a vaccine but were simply around someone who did? Including pre-menstrual girls as well as post-menopausal women? Initially it was denied as sounding too crazy, but eventually it was taken seriously and I believe was even reported in Newsweek. So... what could cause that?
Turns out, Pfizer's own instructions say to report Exposures During Pregnancy (EDP), including from inhalation and skin contact. This goes for women being exposed to someone who had the vax but also being exposed to others who were themselves exposed (so, 2 removed)! I'm quoting from pages 67 ff from the above link (I've added ** because I can't bold.) I believe SAE stands for "serious adverse event." Also note: Pfizer is keeping track of these, but they don't appear to be reporting outside (which I believe is the CRF) Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if: • A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention. • A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception. • A female is found to be pregnant *while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure*. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy: • A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention *by inhalation or skin contact.*
A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention *by inhalation or skin contact* then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception. The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy). • If EDP occurs in a participant or a participant’s partner, the investigator must report this information to Pfizer Safety on the Vaccine SAE Report Form and an EDP Supplemental Form, regardless of whether an SAE has occurred. Details of the pregnancy will be collected after the start of study intervention and until 6 months after the last dose of study intervention. • If EDP occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the investigator must report information to Pfizer Safety using the Vaccine SAE Report Form and EDP Supplemental Form. *Since the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.* Follow-up is conducted to obtain general information on the pregnancy and its outcome for all EDP reports with an unknown outcome. The investigator will follow the pregnancy until completion (or until pregnancy termination) and notify Pfizer Safety of the outcome as a follow-up to the initial EDP Supplemental Form. In the case of a live birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination, the reason(s) for termination should be specified and, if clinically possible, the structural integrity of the terminated fetus should be assessed by gross visual inspection (unless preprocedure test findings are conclusive for a congenital anomaly and the findings are reported).
So how could there be a transmission through inhalation or skin contact? It reminded me of the study of vaccinated female mice who transmitted a fertility-inhibiting substance to other mice merely by being around them. Dr. Lee Merritt discusses that study in this interview;
No chance I will be giving this to my girls 12 and 16. Both in private school in CA. I will homeschool them and then move. This as other countries are stopping the shots.
I need to share something from this morning among my Substack friends:
My husband and I tried to go on a rare breakfast date. Hostess asked me to put mask above my nose.
I did, but then cried through the entire breakfast - I can't even articulate why, I was just overcome with grief on so many levels. My poor husband. I don't think I will thrive under totalitarianism.
I'm sorry this happened to you. A lot of people on this Substack feel the same grief that you do. I have to believe that if we resist hard enough and for long enough we can still turn this. Because only the elite thrive under totalitarianism.