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I live in Connecticut and parents can't wait. I've heard them discussing it at soccer games. There is also no mask mandate in my town, 90% are vaccinated out of the eligible population and 95% of people are still wearing masks in the grocery store. It's a mental illness at this point. I've told my kids that we're homeschooling as soon as schools mandate and then moving.

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I live in Southwest Missouri, and people are normal here! Yay! We're only scared to death about the rest of the country going nuts.

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My sister lives in SW Missourri too but her husband is a university professor so they are terrified.

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My college (in Washington) mandated vax but my husband and I submitted religious exemptions that have been granted, although our accommodation is that we are only allowed to teach online. We suspect that by next year they will say they can no longer accommodate us. Unless the tide turns. Do you think the tide will turn?

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I believe it depends (quite grimly) on how many vaccinated people leave our world this winter.

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Your town may be growing as people seek safety from masks and vaxxes.

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I live in Houston and 90%+ of the people in the grocery store still wearing masks. The mental illness is everywhere.

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Houston is quite liberal from what I saw at the beginning of the year. My son and I moved to Katy, Texas just so he could attend a real school for the remainder of his sophomore year. We live in nazi Oregon. Living in Texas for 5 months was a wonderful break from OR.

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Wow, even Houston.

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Houston? Wow, I'm shocked to hear that

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Houston and Austin are liberal cities.

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Oct 7, 2021
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I actually moved to Connecticut from Atlanta so sort of similar.... When people are sick (70% overweight, vitamin D deficient, etc), they're easily scared and want easy answers. They can't think about 2nd and 3rd order effects. Think about daily life for your average affluent professional (inside all day, screens, terrible diets that they think are healthy i.e. Beyond Meat products, long commutes, etc.) and it is also imperative for their self image that they "follow the science" because that's what educated people do. This was the first real scare for most people and they didn't handle it well (brain fog). People still won't hang out with others indoors where I live.

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Oct 7, 2021
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I think half of the U.S. is back to normal life outside of blue states and cities.

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Yep, CT here too, unbelievable really.

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Three states have largest cases of fully vaxxed covid hospitalized cases: (1) VT (2) CT & (3) ME. Antibody dependency enhancement syndrome ?тАжyes

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Look at the 6th to last picture on Rivercitymalone (burkharts slides) and it looks like the same thing when the fluid dries.

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I just looked at that. I had seen another doctor on the Stu Peters show discuss similar findings and wasn't sure if this was fake news or what. The slide labeled as "weird structure materialized when a drop of vaccine fluid dried on a slide, revealing a network of interconnecting lines..." was very similar to the doctor I saw on SP yesterday? Is this real? I thought it was BS. Should I start peeing in my pants? The doctor on SP is South Africa.


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Oct 9, 2021
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Did you look at the foreign bodies in the slides? It could just be crystals, some contamination, but in vials from different geographic locations ???

"Another non-biological object that was injected by the vaccine. As I said above, this image shows the foreign body in the vaccine fluid."

"The syncytium (circled in red) has managed to engulf and is trying to enzymatically digest one of these non-biological structures in lung tissue. The syncytium will not be able to digest this.

The yellow arrow is pointing at the non-biological foreign body that was injected into this individual via the vaccine."

Scary stuff even if it's just contamination during the manufacturing process.


As to prepping, I'm down in CFL, but power is a concern and my kids are wondering why I'm buying lots more "stuff" lately. I point out all the supply line issues that are already starting to show up in our food supply and elsewhere. Example, my local Walmart usually has a fairly large section of spray paints. Maybe like 500-750+ fully stocked. There were maybe 35-50 cans sprinkled over shelves almost like the toilet paper scare last year.

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I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping not for everyone's sake. Think those three also have very low levels of natural immunity because August/September are not normal respiratory virus season in the northeast (Maine, Vermont were very strict and CT has a lot of people who work from home).

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I think NJ is like that, too, from what I hear from friends. I got out of there a year ago.

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Smart smart smart

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JV, maybe you could consider moving to your neighbor, New Hampshire, with their libertarian Free State Movement. Are there any vaxx and mask mandates there?

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I am considering it, although my husband is an attorney so bar exam issues.... We moved up here to be near our families. Bad timing...

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I've heard that some parents are lying about their kids ages to get them jabbed.

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You're lucky JV. I share custody with ex-husband who don't see eye-to-eye with me on this issue. I'm fighting with everything I have. Wish I could homeschool.

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Oct 7, 2021
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It's usually me and the 60ish year old men not wearing a mask. It's fascinating.

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Oct 7, 2021
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Can't blame you one bit.

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Just remember: the ones all upset because you're not masked are just stupid people. Not everyone has an IQ over 90.

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