The hysterics are for no reason other than sales for Big Pharma. They're just a booster shot for the bottom line. Actual covid stats show the "problem" is 1/3 of what it was last year when it also wasn't a problem.


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Or preparation to try to steal the 2024 election with mass mail in chaos

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I think that's also right up there. (In fact, I mention it first in my article)

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That’s a given!

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The formula, "Lie, cheat and steal"!

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I wish this was only over money. There's money involved (Big Time) but power has the greater influence. This is a "back door" approach to (at least) limiting our freedom and (at worst) to "overrule" the Bill of Rights. You know how patriotic Americans hold the Bill of Rights up as divinely inspired? Leftists have the same furor, only their energies are directed toward stratigies to go AROUND the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as obama said, those documents LIMIT government, which liberals hold far above God.

Iiberals claim that THEY are appointed by god (government) to get RID of these limiting documents or as they claim to "improve" government by removal of the founding documents. They cannot figure out which sex uses which bathroom, but they are true experts in expanding government to control you from cradle to grave.

I'm REALLY tired of would be tyrants telling us how much better ife would be WITHOUT adherance to rigorous ethics (or they define "ethics" to include criminal framing of defendents, criminalization of grandparents (if they don't like what they say and/or where they say it) & taking away all important civil rights of a disfavored groups.

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Well stated...this is a far greater context in the bigger picture for sure. 2020 was a table setting. Making massive $$$ is a no brainer and these psychopathic entities and individuals make sure of that, but its forest for the trees with what is already planned and in motion. Its why Trump is so feared in many opinioned minds. He stood in the way and still does...

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They (and we know who “they “ are) are going through hoops to disarm citizens. Murphy in NJ is promoting lawsuits against gun retailers.

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Mental health issues, drug use issues, crime and the failure of government to enforce laws, and prosecute those who break laws are at the core of gun violence. The left could theoretically keep passing laws and the killing and shooting will continue unabated. Their goal is populace disarmament not law and order.

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I totally agree. Too many have inflated the greed of Big Pharma as the major operative vice in the COVID morass. It is not. The pharmaceutical industry has yielded so many major therapeutic breakthroughs in cancer care, cystic fibrosis, and all sorts of auto-immune disorders. We need a more balanced view of this vital industry.

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Bigger that that even as this is a worldwide phenomenon. A coordinated one at that.

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At some point we need to have the torch and pitchfork mentality to take these tyrants out.

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“booster shot for the bottom line” well said! Mind if I steal that line? :=)

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Of course not :) Steal them all as long as you're screaming them too!

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Would make a great bumper sticker or tee shirt.

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Big Pharma, yes. Some might say, it's Big Something Else's turn, with Big Pharma (Covid) and Big Military Industrial Complex (Ukraine) and Big Education (student loan giveaways) having long binges at the public trough.

But no, with Modern Monetary Theory, we can now reward all of our constituencies at once.

Besides, there's now an election to steal on the horizon as well.

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Bigger than that, as this is worldwide.

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That is certainly one element. Gotta help the Big Pharma cartel to keep campaign donations flowing. Overall I believe it is to precondition the gullible masses to active their China Virus fear & hysteria as well as a precursor to a false flag event or two that will precede the 2024 election to usher in rules for the election cheaters to exploit. Shit is going to be off the charts crazy over the next 15 months.

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I would hazard a guess that they also want to gauge how many sheeple remain to be compliant at this point. How many people will now be freakoutable about a new virus in town...how many will eagerly jump back on the mask-vaccine train. Hard to know unless they do a test....

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I think the powers that be have a good idea about what percentage of the people will go along with the new narrative. And how to put the pressure on those that won’t follow along. Can you say “access denied” on pretty much everything you have? Bank accounts, internet, phone, and work. It’s already been done. Anybody remember the Canadian truckers?

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A great money laundering scheme. Gives billions to big pharma and get millions in donations for the party. And we the people should be thankful because it’s for our own good.

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Our government and big corporations, Corporatism, is essentially the mafia.

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I think you all are right of course it is primarily about control, money, power, and the rigging of elections but I also believe that Joe Rogan, who I watched a short clip of his from a recent program, was on to something when he said that the lefties “miss” all the masking, lockdown, mandating tyranny of the first scamdemic…”weird”….actually insane! So you know that they have completed the trifecta of evil, ignorant, and insane.

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They like their cult with lots of rituals.

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Ain’t that the truth!

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That brought to mind the book “Worshipping the State” by Benjamin Wiker….excellent read.

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Good piece

Noticed the same panic porn on Beckers Health Review also. "These states have DOUBLED their covid admissions!" Like from 4% to 8%...

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Or from 0.2% to 0.4% like the panic porn coming out of Erie County, PA.

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I think that is one of the lesser reasons. The control and destruction all the anticovid measure bring is the main goal. Transferring wealth is a part of that.

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Think “America” from West Side Story:

We’ll lock it down in America

We’ll all mask up in America

We’ll close the schools in America

Pandemia in America!

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I Feel Petty

When you're a Fed, you're a fed from the start..

(A girl like) Malaria

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A Beautiful Girl is Like A Malady

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Oh my I posted my WSS parody before I saw others were thinking likewise

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Another good one would be "Ready to Die" by Andrew W.K. Not actually from WSS, but sounds like it should have been.

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That is awesome! Sad but true! lol

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I wrote a comment to the Times story suggesting that they explain the VAERS data and the excess mortality data. Initially the comment was accepted but when I checked an hour ago it had been removed. I think the algorithm let me in but then the human eyes decided my comment did not follow Times protocols.

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Yes, the NYT, doesn’t just screen for dirty words, as they say, because the following comment I made about a story a few days ago never got past the moderator, human or machine:

“Shouldn’t the brief bio on Maggie Haberman at end of the story indicate that she received the Pulitzer Prize for false reporting of what turned out to be a nonexistent connection between the Trump campaign and Russia? You could also add that she missed the real news story of the planting with the FBI of this false information by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

“It seems the once proud NYT motto needs a revision: ‘All the News that Fits the Narrative!’”

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Maggie is on Twitter. I'm sure she's open to discussing why her reporting is so bad.

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She's either a democratic machine operative / government stooge (her work is well past the "Good German" behavior that enabled the Holocaust of some of my distant relatives in Germany) or she's just stupid, though I suppose she could be both.

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I just this week told a liberal friend about the NYT covering up the Holocaust. He was in disbelief. Yesterday, I sent him links to four articles, one from a liberal source, documenting it. This should be more widely known.

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The NYT has a long history of politically motivated reporting. You should read some of what they printed during the civil war. Bet it goes back even further.

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They're sneaky. I was commenter on the NYT site about 12 years ago and after a couple of my anti-narrative comments got too many 'likes' the moderators began delaying publication of my comment until there were already enough others the board so that fewer people would read it.

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HAHAHAHAHA The Comic relief you have provided since early in the COVID drama has been (no pun intended) life-giving, Alex

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So, Alex, how do we keep the deep state scumbags from imposing masks and lockdowns on us again, in pursuit of these gloom-and-doom warnings? It's certainly important to be forewarned that such attempts are likely in the offing, but the more crucial question is "How do we keep these dirtbags from levying more hardship on our lives?"

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Literally just refuse. That's ALWAYS been the answer. If a place wants you to put on a mask, turn around and walk out.

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Or walk right in & force them to remove you.

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Erm... not so easy for kids in school. "No Mask or No School" is an awful choice.

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Yep, but "No School" is the better bad choice.

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Depends on the kids' age. I'm extremely lucky mine were older- I'd never have masked a 2 YO. But pre-teens & teens? No, school + mesh masks was undoubtedly less bad than yet more virtual school, or moving to another state.

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I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but that's exactly why we have masks coming back.

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I agree with what I presume is your intent:- by complying, we enable it all to continue. Compliance is like being complicit.

But there's a HUGE diff between adults & kids.

"Not complying" isn't a battle we should force kids to engage in. (If they *want to*, then sure!) But developmentally, rebelling against authority, esp if it means deviating from their peers, is a lot to expect of children. Most importantly SCHOOL ISN'T SOMETHING THEY SHOULD HAVE TO SACRIFICE. Funny, that is something I had to yell at the Covidians & now I'm here yelling the exact same statement at Team Realty/ anti-Covidians too??!? Rather frustrating.

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"If masks are required, then pull kids from school!" It just hit me why this message from Team Reality infuriates me so much-->

Covidians asked us to sacrifice kids to protect adults. Harm them (not educating a kid is literally child abuse) to make adults feel better. Use them as cannon fodder in the warn on viruses.

Now some on Team Reality are asking the same thing:

Sacrifice kids to protect the freedoms of adults.

Harm them to make adults feel better.

Use them as cannon fodder in the warn on Covidiansim.


It is as wrong for Team Reality to make such demands as it was for the Covidians.

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It's possible for ADULTS TO GO TO WAR without asking their kids to pick up arms too.

& that's exactly what I've done. Fought as much as I could, including refusing to mask, while trying to MAINTAIN NORMALCY for my kids. Complete normalcy was impossible, so in-person school + masks was the least bad choice.

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thank you for saying!

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That depends on the duration and child's age, plus other nuances as well.

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Blatant CHILD ABUSE and no parent should accept it

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Yes. Resist! oh wait, do we need a symbolic hat for the resistance? Pink was already used so it can't be pink.

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FREEDOM vs Tyranny and has been for quite some time now hasn't it. Those who mask are saying they are ok with it, those that don't are not and will not be told what their rights are given by GOD only

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Do as Nancy Reagan famously told us to do. Just Say No.

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Do not comply. Use reason to explain "why" to others. Point out contradictions, lies, and "mostly false" statements ("masks save children's lives") The Hard Core (30 percent?) are going to do what they've done before, but the majority tend to listen to reason. Find ways to avoid rewarding businesses who are pro-tyranny and create a parallel society where you can safely spend your money and time.

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Don't forget to talk to your local sheriff, and get him/her on your team. The most powerful person that may (as they have been sworn to do) uphold your constitutional rights.

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Please CANCEL all reruns for the musical. We already saw it and it was frightening. Help I need a 'safe space' from the Covidians, (on another happier note two of my friends at the college where I'm a part-timer were 're-hired' after being fired for refusing the VAX. I have yet to get the backstory but I knew a bunch of them hired a lawyer. It happened very quietly).

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Watching a real life psychological operation is extremely interesting from the outside...

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Gaslight 2 -- co-starring you!

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??? What are you talking about? I am an Alex Berenson fan and subscriber.

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We are living through the sequel -- meaning that you're in the movie.

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Hahaha....maybe so. But I am not taking part in the psychological operation. So I see myself as simply an extra in this movie. Those who have fallen prey are an interesting study...

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Paula (the main victim) didn't think she was taking part, either.

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When I got to the acts songs I couldn't stop laughing & I live alone well except for Scootie my 9lb Chiweenie who gave me the "Are you crazy Dad?" look. I saw this am that 2 bureaucracies had ALREADY rescinded a Mask mandate. HMMMMM think the public has had enough? I live in that blue bastion of idiots Washington state where they are running an ad for the Vaxx by saying Covid is amonf top 5 killers in the US they compared it to Cancer and Heart disease. Who is running it? Wait for it! Moderna . Don't love a good crisis. I was in Vietnam and the Gulf War this is a stroll in the woods. :) Have a great week Alex- Get Some!

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The fear campaign needed 'a shot in the arm' as the vaccine will no longer be 'free'. What better way to scare sheep than a cancer comparison?

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I'm shocked at Harvard and Hopkins and Rutgers doubling down so hard on students/madates, is it just toxic ego of not being able to admit they were wrong- and they failed? is it bribery or some kind of funding? Do they realize how dumb they look?

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Academia is a determined predator with LOTS of money (much of which is coming from out of country- look at Penn State, Biden, purloined documents and the Chinese Communist Party- because they don't want you to)

Anything coming out of academia is the extreme far left and remember the "Taliban" (means "students") and the Cultural Revolution (many millions dead in China AFTER a starvation event) were started in Big Academia. Be advised that its the young who are vulnerable to extreme social "movements". BTW, in Nazi Germany the University adherants were among the MOST devoted Nazis

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30 years ago, while I was in school, I can't remember HOW many times I heard "True Communism has never been tried" (and this was happening when there was still the USSR)

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The thing is if you are truly shocked you have not yet truly understood what is going on. Just sayin. I mean its obvious why. They KNOW no one is holding them to actual account. They are not concerned until they "feel" IT

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I know! But I really cant believe that Harvard and Hopkins cant see this is ridiculous at this point, to kick a bright kid out of college for this.... Rutgers I get.

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But is not Harvard one of the most bought off and WOKE colleges there is?

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Have to wonder from whence come some of their donations/ funding. Whose favor do they wish to curry?

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Liberals who think they are so morally superior - the BEST people! - HATE being laughed at. All woke and no joke, they are.

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Their antics deserve nothing but mockery, that's all they'll get from me.

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Move over Springtime for Hitler. I see this catching on. I really need to see Trump do the Wu Flu Shuffle.

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Yes, you could hire Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice!

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The Covidians need to feel like they're still relevant.

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Insipred brilliance, Alex.

This is going straight to the top. The hottest ticket on Broaday. A smash hit of epic proportions. Will the audience have to wear masks for the first act?

And nobody can stop you now, unless the White House has you cancelled and deplatformed, again.

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If you just change the word "gun" to "vaxx", the musical "ANNIE GET YOUR VAXX!!" music book is almost already done. Biggest hit will be, "There is no business like Vaxx business!!".

Coming to an empty theater near you.

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I would actually hate watch that

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A duet of Biden and Trump singing "Anything you can do, I can do better!" would be a great finale.

PS--I hate musicals!!!

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“Anything you can f*ck up, I can f*ck up better”

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Oh, cmon even you have to admit when you see those persons with the strange , unusual look,wearing mask , the only ones in Home Depot on Saturday night. You have a visceral desire to run up and slap them silly or wonder what do they know that you don’t. It is a wonderful mind game that is playing out here. Help me not falter and keep me from slapping some masked stranger. I harken back to our Moderna vax days, the exciting prospect of living , only to have hopes dashed with the news of the ineffectiveness. What a rollercoaster ride of conflicting views.

Get ready for more

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These always come at election time. It's the only way they can declare emergencies, then require mail-in ballots where they control the outcomes. How many bogus ballots are the Chinese printing up for 2024?

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Indict me, I'm an election denier, just like Al Gore.

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Great line....I'm going to use it with a few people I know!

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Justine Trudope did not win here!!

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