Alex! I'm a lawyer in Australia, the increase in mortality in Australia is absolutely shocking. Truly scary. Strange signals are now showing up all over the place. You cannot drive anywhere without being confronted by an ambulance screaming past - this was something I used to see once every few weeks and yet I now see several, each day. Work wise, our office has seen a huge increase in the number of estates we are dealing with, compared to the usual amount we would handle. On average, it takes about 3 weeks for a Grant of Probate to issue from our State's Supreme Court - currently it is taking over 2 months for a Probate to issue (I can only imagine it is due to the excessive number of Applications being submitted, due to the excess deaths). In addition, Death Certificates usually have a specific date of death, however if someone has died alone at home and not been found for several days, a Death Certificate will show a period of between two specific dates (for example, 'between 3 March 2022 - 6 March 2022'). This is rare, and at our practice we would usually only see one or two of these a year. I saw three such Death Certificates come into our office for new estates, in one week alone. Essentially, these are people who died, at home, alone, completely unexpectedly. In addition, life insurance claims are taking so much longer to process than usual, because of the excess number of claims currently being made. I had a rep of a major Australian life insurance company phone our office to apologise for the delay on a specific estate, and she said the delay was caused by a huge increase in deaths that they are seeing (she said a huge number of additional employees had to be hired to process the excess) and quote 'they are not covid deaths'. We are just a small practice, but I would imagine any law firm dealing with estate law would be seeing the same thing. I don't know how the Governments can not only let this continue, but actively push these failed products onto the people of this country.
Maybe the good thing to come out of this is people are more careful about accepting vaccines. I wasn't an antivaxxer before, but I am one now. You would need to tell me everything that's in your shot, plus I'd have to check adverse events history for myself, before I'd take it. And even then, no thanks. "Vaccines" are a scam, a racket. You can never prove that a vaccine kept you from catching something, only that it failed. It's a no lose bonanza for pharma.
Funny you'd mention dogs. Just took my 10 yo German Shepherd bitch for her annual checkup. Refused the shots, which they had all ready to go. The vet somewhat hesitantly agreed that if we're not going to board her, she didn't really need them.
This is the only way we will get safer vaccines* if we all say to pharma and the govt "no more"
When they see a 30% drop in vaccine uptake, when other parents see how healthy those kids are, when ppl take their kids out of school and ppl start laughing in their docs face when they mention vaccine. Then they will freak out.
I'm not saying safe vaccines are even possible but it would be very easy to reduce the SAE by 90% just by taking the heavy metals out of the shots.
When people see how health and well behaved an unvaccinated child is they will not believe it at first. And it is shocking. The difference between them and the 70 doses children is night and day.
I have to say my 3 yo was playing with a 3 mo old rescue that had distemper at the time (obviously we didn’t know) and I was glad she was up to date on DHPP but I will titer her from now on.
My dog and cat have only rabies (3 yr shot) and that’s it. I also didn’t neuter my dog. He is 8 and thin, shiny coat, active, well behaved incredibly smart. Best dog ever. Cat is indoor/outdoor and is clear-eyed & regal. He can jump to the top of 5’ fence. Climbs trees, scrambles into the roof…walks with us at night. The less vet care the better for our two!
Actually rabies is the one vaccine required by all states and thank GOD we don't have to give it yearly, it's once every three years now. I just break the law after my dogs turn 10.
There's no Adverse Effects Reporting Register for pets. When they die of vaccine injury, it's easy just to gaslight the owners and incinerate the evidence!
Dr Ronald Schultz has tried to expose this over vaccination racket for years!
Cats too. For example, kidney disease which is a very common cause of death:
"The Crandell Rees Feline Kidney Cell (CRFK) is an immortalised cell line isolated in 1964 from the cortical kidney tissue of a 12 week old kitten. CRFK are utilised for the growth of certain feline vaccinal viruses. Proteins derived from CRFK cells have been suggested to persist in vaccines, and there is some evidence of an association between vaccination and the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats, possibly due to the development of antibodies against CRFK cell antigens"
Also, if you have any other links to share, I would appreciate it. I wish I could sponsor a study that finally explains why cats come down with CKD. This is the very first I heard about the cell line.
Oh my God. I lost one dear cat to CKD and my current wonderful cat has early stage CKD. Adopted at age 10 from the shelter... which obviously vaccinated him. I am appalled. Thank you for this info.
My internal medicine vet warned me about this in the 2000s already. I don't know if it was the referenced Lappin paper, but they found seriously increased inflammation in the kidneys of young vaccinated cats on autotopsy.
Since then I've only vaccinated a couple of times in my young cats against FPV using a so-called purevax vaccine with no adjuvant (we have no rabies here). But I will need to reevalute this with my next cat, considering everything I've learned in the past two years.
Please try to spread the word. Too few cat owners are aware of this.
I bought it for my daughter in law! She is just about ready to have a baby!
I hope that she does understand ALL of the arguments for and against before trusting the Sorcerer's of Pharmakea' whilst they endeavour to poison humanity with their filthy chemical concoctions.
Oh my gosh... well that and the movie Vaxxed should scare her silly. Congratulations on your upcoming grandchild and best wishes for a happy and healthy little one!
Same here. I am now an anti vaxxer, and stopped my baby’s vaccines at 12 months (August 2021) after eagerly having had her completely up to date until then.
100% what we find too! Our kids are RARELY sick compared to their friends, AND they had Covid also - sniffle and cough, no headache, fever, no nothing... :-)
I wish I found out earlier. My son had a severe reaction to a vaccine and I still went back for more. The whole time thinking this wasn't right. I tried to google it to explain to my husband but of course I had not idea how to research away from what the govt propaganda told me.
Fellow Aussie. I’ve been on this exact same journey. My husband and 2 grown up kids were all coerced to have 2 doses. Other 21 year old daughter and I have remained clean.
Finally got Covid from my Son last month. Gave it to my vaxed husband. All 3 of us exactly the same symptoms. Fever, severe sore throat, headache, loss of smell for 4 days, lingering cough. No worse then a mild flu.
Hang tough and good luck. Core Americans and Australians should be proud of one another. We are more alike than different despite what the media tells us. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Yep, as bad as getting sick is, keep in mind that the vaxx wouldn't have made it any better. This is also true of the vaxx for the common flu. Vaccination rates have skyrocketed for the common flu over the past 20 years but have flu rates gone down? They have not. Berenson had a great post about this a few months back. The bottom line is the vaccines aren't what they are touted as but doctors still push them. Remember, doctors pushed oxycontin after Perdue Pharma told them it wasn't addictive. Imagine that, convincing a doctor that heroin in pill form wouldn't be addictive.
Exactly. Even after all the settled class action lawsuits against Big Pharma, this time is different with the Covid shots? Looks like the same old manipulated data, fudged results and over-hyped marketing only this time, it jumped into bed with Big Government and look what we now have ... !!! A wrecked economy from lockdowns and the biggest political divide in decades. Great job world leaders .. !!!!!
Right on M J. Glad to hear you are not an anti-vaxxer. My father, who would be 104 if he were still alive, was an anti-vaxxer. My sister, brother and I were never vaxxed. Unfortunately, during the Viet Nam era, I had to go into the military. When they found out I was not vaxxed they shot the hades out of me. Never trust Big Pharms or its disciples.....MDs.
Absolutely! The sheer FEAR based strong armed coercion was real, and making all the non -injected out to be lepers of sorts. No diff than what happened to the Jews in the 1900's by a certain regime mind-set
61-year-old U.S. citizen, retired nurse. Went in for my annual. When my provider got to my "up to date" portion of my exam...he said, just a reminder that you need your flu, covid, shingles vaccines. He knows I am not going to take any of them! But I think because he had a student with him, he had to say it or he just has to say it. I can't remember when I got my one and only flu shot due to work....probably 15 years ago. I have had shingles. Got them while living in AUS. Didn't like it but would rather take the treatment instead of the vaccine. And I had Covid during my last month in AUS before it was a thing before repatriating back to the U.S. end of 2019 after being on a boat at the GBR with a large number of Chinese Tourist sharing snorkel equipment barely rinsed off. Still exercising, taking the protocol, and getting Florida Sunshine everyday. I miss Australia and I miss that stamina that Australians possess but this complying gig that is happening down under saddens me and my husband. Stay Strong! Overcome! Tyranny cannot prevail
It's the same here in Switzerland, where I live and where 70% of the population have taken at least one dose of the poison. No day goes by without an ambulance screaming. Before Covid that used to be the case once every couple of weeks.
Hello Irma, I am in Rapperswil, SG and yesterday three sirens screamed by....and it's always more than one a day for more than a month is highly unusual and was immediately noticeable. So tragic. And sadly it didn't have to be this way. Greetings to you from Rappi!
Neither have I taken the clot shot nor my 80+ year old neighbor whom I helped defend against one of his sons threatening to stop visiting him if he refused to take the poison. Surprisingly we both are still alive. Actually I think I had had this terrible disease lasting three days, which almost made me die of fear, early 2020.
Bravo for standing up for yourself and saying NO...and for helping your neighbor. I ask myself daily: what the hell has happened to so many people's minds?
Successful brainwashing. I recently heard in a Joe Rogan podcast that in the US about 75% of all TV advertising ($$$) comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, no journalist depending on a salary would dare to say anything which might offend their masters. Unfortunately Europe, including CH, love to parrot just everything that comes from across the Atlantic.
I once had a dog that was very sensitive to certain noises and howled like a wolf each time the ambulance drove by. Therfore I'm able to remember with great certainty that this happened relatively seldom. Something definitely has changed.
In Nashville, TN we’ve had an extraordinary epidemic of ambulances since 2020 but we’re the not-so-fortunate victims of a rabidly aggressive and competitive medical megalopolis from Vanderbilt & competing systems. Haven’t noticed an abundance of ambulances recently but everyone who got vaccinated is sick. Lots of music industry types sick here too.
I just “shared” this post via email with Claire Lehmann, editor of Quillette, from which I eventually unsubscribed due to its Covid coverage (inc its utter absence of outrage over Trudeau’s abuses.) I am dubious about whether she’ll read Alex’s post. But maybe if an Aussie or two also shares it with her she’ll get at least curious.
Snark, from someone who seems to have done a TL;DR or who didn’t get it. I wonder if “FreeSpeech” Quillette will cover AB’s eventual victory over Twitter?
When I replied to CL that it did not appear that she read the post (as it was about non-Covid deaths primarily) Claire shot back a juvenile “Berenson’s work is garbage.” How Tweet-like.
I think that UnHerd out of the UK is a much better Free Speech “go-to online mag.” I’ll take Freddy over Claire any day of the week.
I am Australian and I am ashamed of my fellow Australians they have complied like sheep. I always thought I lived in a free country. The last two years I’ve learnt, I live in a dictatorship. Please Americans never let them take your guns, please fight to keep your freedom. I dream of one day fleeing Australia and taking them to America. People can’t work here unless they are vaxxed. It is bone chillingly frightening what happened to us here in Australia and it happened overnight.
All what you wrote is true. I will debate with you about the time line. What’s happening today is not an overnight phenomenon. It has been going on for decades, little at a time. Get most of the people to believe that their government has their safety and well-being as a top priority but in reality is the government couldn’t care less about your well-being. All as planned and more people need to wake up to what’s happening in this world.
I am sorry about your situation. It is not that great in America in an absolute sense, but in a relative sense it may be. I always wanted to visit Australia, but the COVID insanity has definitely turned me off of the idea, which is a shame. I hope things improve for you and I wish you the best.
Canadian here. I feel you, your experience has not been much unlike ours. I keep saying to my husband "how has everything we have ever known completely changed in less than 2 years?"
We live in Australia. The majority just aren't invested. At a party on the weekend the covid topic was raised and when factual data was shared people questioned from where I pulled these statistics, like I was making them up to scare everyone. One bloke new of some issues in South America, the other just got jabbed so he could go to the pub. They hadn't had severe side effects so no investment in time worrying about others. As a father of 3 healthy boys my last 2 years have been consumed by the panic and prescriptive nature of the media. It all leads to being dismayed and distrusting of governments we thought were benign acting in our best interests.
Here in the US, autism was so very rare when I was a child. Stats say something like 1/10000. Now it's like 1/40 is going to be autistic. But if you were born after say, 1990, you would have no idea that it is an epidemic unless you looked at the stats.
Have a friend who got her two children vaxxed. Both had bad reactions to one of the childhood shots given when they were babies; both became autistic. But the doctors told her there was no connection.
As some people say: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!
I have a child with Asperger’s I don’t think it’s vax related I really think it has more to do with parental age. We’re having kids a lot later now. Most all the parents of autistic kids I know were in their late 30s when they had the kids, we were 37 and 39.
That’s a possibility but the only way to prove it would be to study vaxxed vs. unvvaxxed children of parents in that age group and no one will touch that study!
My great grandmother had 4 of her 11 kids in her 40s - no autism. People used to have babies until they stopped menstrating so while it may not be the vaccine there is clearly some environmental toxin in play. Age not the issue - if fetus wasn’t perfect you would miscarry.
Our kids had the shots dished out in the early to mid 90s. If I had it to do over I would refuse them. Definitely refused the Varivax they were pushing in our local schools.
There were elderly parents when I was growing up too. But I can't recall ever knowing more than maybe one autistic child in all the years I was in school. And I was a child before the MMR and other vaccines were scheduled. The people I know with autistic kids run the spectrum of ages. Some were in their twenties when the kids were born, and some in their late thirties. But I have heard several talk about babies who were seemingly on schedule for development who fell off the curve after their shots, and when it hits twice or more in family I have to think the shots are the culprit.
Yes, and many of those "mentally retarded" kids in my class had older parents. The stats don't lie: "For the U.S. overall, the mean age at first birth increased from
21.4 years in 1970 to 26.8 years in 2017." That's first child. I had my third at 37.5. Also, autism is MUCH more prevalent in boys. Why wouldn't it affect boys and girls the same if it was vaxxed related?
Why do the clot shots hurt women more than men? Why do more men than women get myocarditis from them? There are sex differences in the reaction to these shots. Don't know why there wouldn't be with any other "vaccine".
You're using those stats to explain a difference between 1/10000 and 1/40. Elderly parents can explain some things, such as Downs, but as I said, they were around in the 60s too. Women in my family have borne children into their late 30s early 40s in the years before the raft of shots now pushed on kids. No autism. That's one data point.
Retarded and autistic are not the same. You’re right about autism being much more prevalent in boys. So why would older adults having children cause it to be more prevalent in boys?
In all likelihood, there are many causes of the increase in autism. It isn't just one thing. Having children at older ages. Vaccination. Environmental pollution. Poor diet. And probably many others too. A baby might be able to emerge unharmed from one of the causes. Maybe two. But put everything together and many children will be forever damaged.
As the mom of a 21 year old with autism and the sister in law of a 60 something year old with autism, i can tell you that there is definitely a genetic basis for autism. Also better/broader diagnosis=higher case rate. I have no idea if vaccines are a contributing factor. My kid has been who he is since before he exited my womb. Yes he's had his childhood vaccines. but he will never get a COVID booster.
Good point. I should have phrased that better. I just meant that the child emerges different than he would have been if everything in his environment had been perfect. We are all "damaged" in that sense. And certainly, I see a tremendous amount of value in how many on the autism spectrum contribute in unique ways. Temple Grandin might be one of the most notable.
OK you're bordering on "troll" behavior. You don't get told you have Asperger's. You get diagnosed. And if you've been diagnosed and what to deny that diagnosis, then fine (that's called masking.)
Me neither, but also parents weren't having babies in droves in their upper 30's and 40's like we are now. There were definitely disabled kids in my school, I guess they could have been autistic but "mentally retarded" was the terminology in the 70s-80s.
Autistic is nothing like what was labeled "retarded". In my school system we had "retarded" kids mainstreamed in classes in grade school. They were not autistic. Most autistic kids I know are very bright, anything but "retarded" the way those other kids were.
We are heading to a future with 5% of males disabled by autism. The authorities seem totally unconcerned, 2hich is a clue as to whom they think is responsible.
Using autism statistics from long ago is meaningless, because they had not classified that as a separate category for schools to record until a few decades ago. Other conditions , like traumatic brain injury, skyrocketed when schools started recording them as a new category as well.
Autistic children were around in the past, but they were considered and classified as mentally retarded. I grew up in a town that had the developmental school for my county, and I clearly remember us as children thinking there were two types of kids with MR that we would see on the buses going by. One was the group that had the physical characteristics of Downes syndrome, and the other were kids who physically looked “normal” (who were likely autistic).
I have two sons on the spectrum and even as late as the 2000’s we ran into a few dinosaurs in the schools who thought all autistics had MR.
I do believe the incidence of autism has increased, but due to the statistics issue I mentioned above, and the over diagnosis of it, the actual increase isn’t isn’t as great as what is commonly believed.
Again, the difference between 1/10000 and 1/40 requires explanation. Yes diagnosis is a factor. But anyone who's had contact with special needs kids knows autism is very different from cognitively challenged.
You might check out the MIND Institute in California. They did a study years ago that showed there was a real, substantial rise in autism cases not due to diagnostic substitution.
And still, virtually no one is talking about this. Except Alex. My brother today was praising the vaccine and said he's taken "all the shots" and believes in health through chemistry
There are more than you think...I have most of my friends here all on the same page in Switzerland...we are not having any of their poison, or believing any of the government's lies. Stand firm...a lot of countries really need angels at the moment.
Are your friends real? Just kidding. It is true that I avoid the topic and therefore I haven't had many conversations about this, but anytime it appears, I am alone on my page...
Yes, they are real indeed....and I feel so lucky. :-)Some friends of course have disappointed me, and willingly took the injections (they must travel and eat out when travelling..poor babies) but the majority are on the same page. Unfortunately, my family in Canada is not. Sad.
Yes, they are...part of me understands their agreeable, slightly gullible and generally compliant nature, but come on people; the memo is screaming now; the stratagem has been revealed. Now it's time to admit you were wrong, apologise, and repair those divides.
No one mainstream is, which is how the vast majority get their information. I'm a paid subscriber to Alex's substack and followed him on twitter, so it's not me or us I'm talking about Renee
That's correct from my vantage point, too, Levidog. There is essentially no questioning of the vaccine narrative in any mainstream media or even in the next-level Independent media. There is private chatter, of course, and sites like this one, and even Twitter (a little), but most Australians seem blithely unaware. The pandemic was of no significance at all to the recent election - the few candidates with various pandemic-connected platforms got very few votes or attention.
Whoa! Seriously? That’s the problem. No one that critically thinks should be getting ANY information from a television (haven’t owned one in 20 years). Throw the television away. And social media is for kids.
The reality is that - at least in Australia - most people rely on (mostly commercial) television for their information. A small minority listen to radio and a bigger (but declining) minority read newspapers. Regardless of who it is 'for', a significant number of grown-ups rely on social media. Of course that's all problematic - but that's the reality. Unfortunately.
Wow. Sadly, I expected something terrible to roll over the vaccinated populations in the years following this mass psychosis event of government neck stomping and compliance. But this looks to be worse than I thought an most likely far from peak at this stage. Glad I refused to take the shots. Now I am left to worry about those I love that complied / were forced for one reason or another. Mostly government coercion and propaganda. Who will be held accountable? Who will pay for these crimes against humanity? Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Here in Maryland USA in my rural county, local transit buses go around with "Vaccinate Your Children for Covid: Safe and Effective" ads on the sides of the bus. I'm not a violent person but this makes me want to vandalize every one of them. "Safe and Effective". 100% false.
I'm with you on that...I'm so angry...and so thankful that my two daughters haven't had these jabs - or allowed any of our grandkids to be jabbed! (Our two sons, unfortunately, each got one jab, but then said, "No more".)
A good point. The purpose of current tactics is maximum disruption and putting us on the defensive, making us angry. It’s psychological warfare and has been in action for a long, long time.
Just to elaborate on the "effectiveness" of the injections, in WA's population of around 2.7 million people there have been about 775 k confirmed Covid-19 cases since it all began, or around 1/4. Most (all but about 1200) have been this year. Yet 95% of the population (aged 5+) has received a first jab, more than 90% (aged 5+) have had a second jab and 80% (aged 16+) have had a third jab. We are regularly reminded how well we have been protected from Covid-19 by the vaccinations. ;-)
Unfortunately, no one has been protected from anything. One jab reduces your natural immunity by 30%…and so on, and so on. People who have blindly gotten the jab have been infected with AIDS…symptoms are referred to as VAIDS.
I didn't mean to imply by my use of the word 'protected' that I thought that people were protected from anything - I was just using the word in the way that has become a commonplace assumption in Australia. Real evidence for its effectiveness is never provided - and is rarely sought.
I went to Seattle in November 2020 to visit my daughter and was perplexed by all the outdoor masking. Us Wisconsinites refused to bend the knee and we were looked at like lepers.
Modelling is usually used by the deep state to defer their responsibility for bad decisions. If they were to ever be prosecuted, their defense would be that they were just following the science (models).
“Oh —we got trouble! With a capitol T” , the Music Man sings. Something is very odd indeed with these stats! We can only hope and pray that leaders in the US wake up and start investigating it, before the next rise in cases and push for vax mandates. We need to end this madness now.
The United States was a part of this…ask Tony Fauci (GOF) and Francis Collins. The jab mandate actually promotes disease and death, not to mention destroying people’s livelihoods: for exerting their rights as free human beings.
I think you need to wake up. You are part of the tyranny being handed down. Do you know WHAT a case is? Do you know anything about a “test”? Do you know anything about the experimental jab? That is the true madness…ignorance.
Geert said about a month ago, the excess deaths would begin to be seen among the vaccinated. He is not saying any particular death either because any of the organs could be damaged as the damage systematic. So when we hear of children dying of liver damage, which is on the rise, that may be a result of vaccine or Covid itself. I have for months on here mentioned how I am seeing serious mental deterioration amongst older people I know that took the shot.
This knowledge and understanding was being experienced among we the people around the planet from early in 2020. Many had a serious foreboding much earlier from the deeply dystopian information coming from China. We had a memorable discussion with one of our daughters in March of 2020 as we argued intensively with other family members not to accept the narrative. We expressed with growing horror the realization of what so many deaths would actually mean. This is that horror. This time when we say “never again” we must mean it. Otherwise we face the real ends of it all.
Yup. What family I have left, is all in for vaccines. I have stopped seeing them. Sad. Critical thinking has been lost. When I heatedly discussed this with a vet friend, she admitted the 6 mos of trials to get EUA would eventually expose many adverse reactions. She does not admit government silencing scientists fearful of their jobs. She believes there are not many adverse reactions yet. She also was extremely uncaring about those suffering now from adverse reactions. It didn’t happen to her and so off her radar. Makes me furious.
Your vet friend has also been brainwashed in vet school. Give her some grace (it’s frustrating, no doubt). She sunk untold amount of $$ into her education. She likely has a deep cognitive dissonance on this topic.
When will the free people of Australia stop behaving like compliant little serfs and understand there's only one rational response when your children, parents, siblings, friends & neighbors are misled and executed by a Luciferian globalist cabal? It starts with a bridge and a rope.
When people start hanging or guillotining the authorities, a lot of innocent people are going to get it as well. And that would just serve the purposes of any "Luciferian globalist cabal".
Thank you so much for this piece. I reside in Victoria, Australia and what we went through with lockdowns and a total police state across 2020 and 2021 I am still coming to terms with. The mandates that followed still take my breath away. It remains that general workers (ie every single worker) must be double vaccinated, and some industries including teaching and healthcare must be triple/boosted. Covid continues to circulate, as does a particularly nasty flu or new virus. We have never been more sick.
And my fear for your country is that it will never end. If lockdowns were seen by the government as a success, it’s only a matter of time before the failures of the vaccines will point the government in the direction of a return to lockdowns. Godspeed.
But I’m so glad I got the jab, it could have been much worse without it….. unfortunately no one in government is going to admit to their mistakes and big pharma will have an all out war on any truthful information being discussed in the mainstream media.
Alex! I'm a lawyer in Australia, the increase in mortality in Australia is absolutely shocking. Truly scary. Strange signals are now showing up all over the place. You cannot drive anywhere without being confronted by an ambulance screaming past - this was something I used to see once every few weeks and yet I now see several, each day. Work wise, our office has seen a huge increase in the number of estates we are dealing with, compared to the usual amount we would handle. On average, it takes about 3 weeks for a Grant of Probate to issue from our State's Supreme Court - currently it is taking over 2 months for a Probate to issue (I can only imagine it is due to the excessive number of Applications being submitted, due to the excess deaths). In addition, Death Certificates usually have a specific date of death, however if someone has died alone at home and not been found for several days, a Death Certificate will show a period of between two specific dates (for example, 'between 3 March 2022 - 6 March 2022'). This is rare, and at our practice we would usually only see one or two of these a year. I saw three such Death Certificates come into our office for new estates, in one week alone. Essentially, these are people who died, at home, alone, completely unexpectedly. In addition, life insurance claims are taking so much longer to process than usual, because of the excess number of claims currently being made. I had a rep of a major Australian life insurance company phone our office to apologise for the delay on a specific estate, and she said the delay was caused by a huge increase in deaths that they are seeing (she said a huge number of additional employees had to be hired to process the excess) and quote 'they are not covid deaths'. We are just a small practice, but I would imagine any law firm dealing with estate law would be seeing the same thing. I don't know how the Governments can not only let this continue, but actively push these failed products onto the people of this country.
I'm an Aussie too.
I beg to differ about the 'complying eagerly'.. I think most were harassed, bullied, coerced and mandated. And of course they rolled over quickly.
I didn't. Haven't. Won't!
I used to say 'im not anti vaccines, just anti experimental, hastily concocted vaccines'...
But! I've been investigating further! And now I'm definitely an anti vaxxer!
Maybe the good thing to come out of this is people are more careful about accepting vaccines. I wasn't an antivaxxer before, but I am one now. You would need to tell me everything that's in your shot, plus I'd have to check adverse events history for myself, before I'd take it. And even then, no thanks. "Vaccines" are a scam, a racket. You can never prove that a vaccine kept you from catching something, only that it failed. It's a no lose bonanza for pharma.
We over vaccinate our dogs too. I refuse to vaccinate my 10+ year old dogs for rabies anymore.
Funny you'd mention dogs. Just took my 10 yo German Shepherd bitch for her annual checkup. Refused the shots, which they had all ready to go. The vet somewhat hesitantly agreed that if we're not going to board her, she didn't really need them.
This is the only way we will get safer vaccines* if we all say to pharma and the govt "no more"
When they see a 30% drop in vaccine uptake, when other parents see how healthy those kids are, when ppl take their kids out of school and ppl start laughing in their docs face when they mention vaccine. Then they will freak out.
I'm not saying safe vaccines are even possible but it would be very easy to reduce the SAE by 90% just by taking the heavy metals out of the shots.
When people see how health and well behaved an unvaccinated child is they will not believe it at first. And it is shocking. The difference between them and the 70 doses children is night and day.
I have to say my 3 yo was playing with a 3 mo old rescue that had distemper at the time (obviously we didn’t know) and I was glad she was up to date on DHPP but I will titer her from now on.
animals are so overly abused in this regard for certain!
My dog and cat have only rabies (3 yr shot) and that’s it. I also didn’t neuter my dog. He is 8 and thin, shiny coat, active, well behaved incredibly smart. Best dog ever. Cat is indoor/outdoor and is clear-eyed & regal. He can jump to the top of 5’ fence. Climbs trees, scrambles into the roof…walks with us at night. The less vet care the better for our two!
We humans are animals too. More in common with our dogs than is commonly understood.
Dogs are so much better than people.
It definitely makes sense to titer your pets before pumping in their 10th rabies vax!!
Actually rabies is the one vaccine required by all states and thank GOD we don't have to give it yearly, it's once every three years now. I just break the law after my dogs turn 10.
Dumb laws are optional!
Yes! Dogs are also repeatedly over vaccinated!
There's no Adverse Effects Reporting Register for pets. When they die of vaccine injury, it's easy just to gaslight the owners and incinerate the evidence!
Dr Ronald Schultz has tried to expose this over vaccination racket for years!
Cats too. For example, kidney disease which is a very common cause of death:
"The Crandell Rees Feline Kidney Cell (CRFK) is an immortalised cell line isolated in 1964 from the cortical kidney tissue of a 12 week old kitten. CRFK are utilised for the growth of certain feline vaccinal viruses. Proteins derived from CRFK cells have been suggested to persist in vaccines, and there is some evidence of an association between vaccination and the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats, possibly due to the development of antibodies against CRFK cell antigens"
Also, if you have any other links to share, I would appreciate it. I wish I could sponsor a study that finally explains why cats come down with CKD. This is the very first I heard about the cell line.
Oh my God. I lost one dear cat to CKD and my current wonderful cat has early stage CKD. Adopted at age 10 from the shelter... which obviously vaccinated him. I am appalled. Thank you for this info.
Here's a link to a paper that has a number of references in it:
My internal medicine vet warned me about this in the 2000s already. I don't know if it was the referenced Lappin paper, but they found seriously increased inflammation in the kidneys of young vaccinated cats on autotopsy.
Since then I've only vaccinated a couple of times in my young cats against FPV using a so-called purevax vaccine with no adjuvant (we have no rabies here). But I will need to reevalute this with my next cat, considering everything I've learned in the past two years.
Please try to spread the word. Too few cat owners are aware of this.
Thanks for posting this. Rethinking everything
Dr. Dodds is highly respected by many "dog" people.
You might enjoy the book Dissolving Illusions...
I bought it for my daughter in law! She is just about ready to have a baby!
I hope that she does understand ALL of the arguments for and against before trusting the Sorcerer's of Pharmakea' whilst they endeavour to poison humanity with their filthy chemical concoctions.
Oh my gosh... well that and the movie Vaxxed should scare her silly. Congratulations on your upcoming grandchild and best wishes for a happy and healthy little one!
Same here. I am now an anti vaxxer, and stopped my baby’s vaccines at 12 months (August 2021) after eagerly having had her completely up to date until then.
And I'll bet your baby is a walking disease factory, right? I mean that is what we have been lead to think.
Oh your kids are really healthy? Funny that! And the vaccinated kids around you probably don't look healthy.
100% what we find too! Our kids are RARELY sick compared to their friends, AND they had Covid also - sniffle and cough, no headache, fever, no nothing... :-)
I wish I found out earlier. My son had a severe reaction to a vaccine and I still went back for more. The whole time thinking this wasn't right. I tried to google it to explain to my husband but of course I had not idea how to research away from what the govt propaganda told me.
Fellow Aussie. I’ve been on this exact same journey. My husband and 2 grown up kids were all coerced to have 2 doses. Other 21 year old daughter and I have remained clean.
Finally got Covid from my Son last month. Gave it to my vaxed husband. All 3 of us exactly the same symptoms. Fever, severe sore throat, headache, loss of smell for 4 days, lingering cough. No worse then a mild flu.
We are all furious at what has been forced on us.
Hang tough and good luck. Core Americans and Australians should be proud of one another. We are more alike than different despite what the media tells us. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Yep, as bad as getting sick is, keep in mind that the vaxx wouldn't have made it any better. This is also true of the vaxx for the common flu. Vaccination rates have skyrocketed for the common flu over the past 20 years but have flu rates gone down? They have not. Berenson had a great post about this a few months back. The bottom line is the vaccines aren't what they are touted as but doctors still push them. Remember, doctors pushed oxycontin after Perdue Pharma told them it wasn't addictive. Imagine that, convincing a doctor that heroin in pill form wouldn't be addictive.
Exactly. Even after all the settled class action lawsuits against Big Pharma, this time is different with the Covid shots? Looks like the same old manipulated data, fudged results and over-hyped marketing only this time, it jumped into bed with Big Government and look what we now have ... !!! A wrecked economy from lockdowns and the biggest political divide in decades. Great job world leaders .. !!!!!
Wow....just wow...
Good for you ... hang in there !!!
Right on M J. Glad to hear you are not an anti-vaxxer. My father, who would be 104 if he were still alive, was an anti-vaxxer. My sister, brother and I were never vaxxed. Unfortunately, during the Viet Nam era, I had to go into the military. When they found out I was not vaxxed they shot the hades out of me. Never trust Big Pharms or its disciples.....MDs.
Meant to say that I was glad to hear that you are NOW an anti-vaxxer.
Absolutely! The sheer FEAR based strong armed coercion was real, and making all the non -injected out to be lepers of sorts. No diff than what happened to the Jews in the 1900's by a certain regime mind-set
61-year-old U.S. citizen, retired nurse. Went in for my annual. When my provider got to my "up to date" portion of my exam...he said, just a reminder that you need your flu, covid, shingles vaccines. He knows I am not going to take any of them! But I think because he had a student with him, he had to say it or he just has to say it. I can't remember when I got my one and only flu shot due to work....probably 15 years ago. I have had shingles. Got them while living in AUS. Didn't like it but would rather take the treatment instead of the vaccine. And I had Covid during my last month in AUS before it was a thing before repatriating back to the U.S. end of 2019 after being on a boat at the GBR with a large number of Chinese Tourist sharing snorkel equipment barely rinsed off. Still exercising, taking the protocol, and getting Florida Sunshine everyday. I miss Australia and I miss that stamina that Australians possess but this complying gig that is happening down under saddens me and my husband. Stay Strong! Overcome! Tyranny cannot prevail
:) I live in Cairns and work in tourism!
I believe you about getting Covid from the Chinese in late 2019.
Sadly, the tour operators mandated ALL passengers and staff (anyone aged 16 and over) to get the Clot Shots.
I escaped because I'm self employed.
It's the same here in Switzerland, where I live and where 70% of the population have taken at least one dose of the poison. No day goes by without an ambulance screaming. Before Covid that used to be the case once every couple of weeks.
Hello Irma, I am in Rapperswil, SG and yesterday three sirens screamed by....and it's always more than one a day for more than a month is highly unusual and was immediately noticeable. So tragic. And sadly it didn't have to be this way. Greetings to you from Rappi!
My daughter and I : unjabbed, me never once tested, and both unmasked for almost a year and a half now; still standing firm. No way to all of it!
Neither have I taken the clot shot nor my 80+ year old neighbor whom I helped defend against one of his sons threatening to stop visiting him if he refused to take the poison. Surprisingly we both are still alive. Actually I think I had had this terrible disease lasting three days, which almost made me die of fear, early 2020.
Bravo for standing up for yourself and saying NO...and for helping your neighbor. I ask myself daily: what the hell has happened to so many people's minds?
Successful brainwashing. I recently heard in a Joe Rogan podcast that in the US about 75% of all TV advertising ($$$) comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, no journalist depending on a salary would dare to say anything which might offend their masters. Unfortunately Europe, including CH, love to parrot just everything that comes from across the Atlantic.
I once had a dog that was very sensitive to certain noises and howled like a wolf each time the ambulance drove by. Therfore I'm able to remember with great certainty that this happened relatively seldom. Something definitely has changed.
Grüsse aus dem Limmattal!
In Nashville, TN we’ve had an extraordinary epidemic of ambulances since 2020 but we’re the not-so-fortunate victims of a rabidly aggressive and competitive medical megalopolis from Vanderbilt & competing systems. Haven’t noticed an abundance of ambulances recently but everyone who got vaccinated is sick. Lots of music industry types sick here too.
I also have had (Spain) the feeling of unusual number of ambulances, but could be just a feeling.
Thank you for telling your story. Good luck and God Bless.
The hard date is the insurance company data! People don't undie from covid.
The insurance actuaries must be in a real tizzy.
Look up Edward Dowd on GETTR
I just “shared” this post via email with Claire Lehmann, editor of Quillette, from which I eventually unsubscribed due to its Covid coverage (inc its utter absence of outrage over Trudeau’s abuses.) I am dubious about whether she’ll read Alex’s post. But maybe if an Aussie or two also shares it with her she’ll get at least curious.
She seemed to go right off the rails of late, so Im not optimistic!
Oh I heard back from Claire, and I quote:
Yes, Covid causes people to die. Who knew?
Snark, from someone who seems to have done a TL;DR or who didn’t get it. I wonder if “FreeSpeech” Quillette will cover AB’s eventual victory over Twitter?
When I replied to CL that it did not appear that she read the post (as it was about non-Covid deaths primarily) Claire shot back a juvenile “Berenson’s work is garbage.” How Tweet-like.
I think that UnHerd out of the UK is a much better Free Speech “go-to online mag.” I’ll take Freddy over Claire any day of the week.
Haha wow... we shall see I guess!
Thanks for posting. I appreciate the local confirmation.
They governments can, and they will.
Hey is that you Maria from CLN...?? ;-)
I am Australian and I am ashamed of my fellow Australians they have complied like sheep. I always thought I lived in a free country. The last two years I’ve learnt, I live in a dictatorship. Please Americans never let them take your guns, please fight to keep your freedom. I dream of one day fleeing Australia and taking them to America. People can’t work here unless they are vaxxed. It is bone chillingly frightening what happened to us here in Australia and it happened overnight.
It’s a funny time for politicians to be fighting for gun control. You think we forgot about your tyrannical power grabs???
Many people did forget. People get brainwashed by the media.
All what you wrote is true. I will debate with you about the time line. What’s happening today is not an overnight phenomenon. It has been going on for decades, little at a time. Get most of the people to believe that their government has their safety and well-being as a top priority but in reality is the government couldn’t care less about your well-being. All as planned and more people need to wake up to what’s happening in this world.
I am sorry about your situation. It is not that great in America in an absolute sense, but in a relative sense it may be. I always wanted to visit Australia, but the COVID insanity has definitely turned me off of the idea, which is a shame. I hope things improve for you and I wish you the best.
Canadian here. I feel you, your experience has not been much unlike ours. I keep saying to my husband "how has everything we have ever known completely changed in less than 2 years?"
We live in Australia. The majority just aren't invested. At a party on the weekend the covid topic was raised and when factual data was shared people questioned from where I pulled these statistics, like I was making them up to scare everyone. One bloke new of some issues in South America, the other just got jabbed so he could go to the pub. They hadn't had severe side effects so no investment in time worrying about others. As a father of 3 healthy boys my last 2 years have been consumed by the panic and prescriptive nature of the media. It all leads to being dismayed and distrusting of governments we thought were benign acting in our best interests.
Here in the US, autism was so very rare when I was a child. Stats say something like 1/10000. Now it's like 1/40 is going to be autistic. But if you were born after say, 1990, you would have no idea that it is an epidemic unless you looked at the stats.
Have a friend who got her two children vaxxed. Both had bad reactions to one of the childhood shots given when they were babies; both became autistic. But the doctors told her there was no connection.
As some people say: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!
I have a child with Asperger’s I don’t think it’s vax related I really think it has more to do with parental age. We’re having kids a lot later now. Most all the parents of autistic kids I know were in their late 30s when they had the kids, we were 37 and 39.
That’s a possibility but the only way to prove it would be to study vaxxed vs. unvvaxxed children of parents in that age group and no one will touch that study!
My great grandmother had 4 of her 11 kids in her 40s - no autism. People used to have babies until they stopped menstrating so while it may not be the vaccine there is clearly some environmental toxin in play. Age not the issue - if fetus wasn’t perfect you would miscarry.
Hmmm…add all the allergies children suffer these days. RFK has some good points on this.
Our kids had the shots dished out in the early to mid 90s. If I had it to do over I would refuse them. Definitely refused the Varivax they were pushing in our local schools.
I was 52 when my child was born, my wife 39. Perfectly healthy child. Breast fed and unvaccinated.
There were elderly parents when I was growing up too. But I can't recall ever knowing more than maybe one autistic child in all the years I was in school. And I was a child before the MMR and other vaccines were scheduled. The people I know with autistic kids run the spectrum of ages. Some were in their twenties when the kids were born, and some in their late thirties. But I have heard several talk about babies who were seemingly on schedule for development who fell off the curve after their shots, and when it hits twice or more in family I have to think the shots are the culprit.
Yes, and many of those "mentally retarded" kids in my class had older parents. The stats don't lie: "For the U.S. overall, the mean age at first birth increased from
21.4 years in 1970 to 26.8 years in 2017." That's first child. I had my third at 37.5. Also, autism is MUCH more prevalent in boys. Why wouldn't it affect boys and girls the same if it was vaxxed related?
Why do the clot shots hurt women more than men? Why do more men than women get myocarditis from them? There are sex differences in the reaction to these shots. Don't know why there wouldn't be with any other "vaccine".
You're using those stats to explain a difference between 1/10000 and 1/40. Elderly parents can explain some things, such as Downs, but as I said, they were around in the 60s too. Women in my family have borne children into their late 30s early 40s in the years before the raft of shots now pushed on kids. No autism. That's one data point.
Well we are both just guessing, aren't we?
Boys close blood - brain barrier much later then baby girls. It's natural, well designed and it has a purpose.
Retarded and autistic are not the same. You’re right about autism being much more prevalent in boys. So why would older adults having children cause it to be more prevalent in boys?
Perhaps damaged X chromosome? Girls have 2 X chromosomes and the healthy X covers an abnormality?
Of course there could be multiple factors.
In all likelihood, there are many causes of the increase in autism. It isn't just one thing. Having children at older ages. Vaccination. Environmental pollution. Poor diet. And probably many others too. A baby might be able to emerge unharmed from one of the causes. Maybe two. But put everything together and many children will be forever damaged.
As the mom of a 21 year old with autism and the sister in law of a 60 something year old with autism, i can tell you that there is definitely a genetic basis for autism. Also better/broader diagnosis=higher case rate. I have no idea if vaccines are a contributing factor. My kid has been who he is since before he exited my womb. Yes he's had his childhood vaccines. but he will never get a COVID booster.
Elon Musk has Asperger’s, like my kid. We don’t particularly like people calling them damaged.
Good point. I should have phrased that better. I just meant that the child emerges different than he would have been if everything in his environment had been perfect. We are all "damaged" in that sense. And certainly, I see a tremendous amount of value in how many on the autism spectrum contribute in unique ways. Temple Grandin might be one of the most notable.
Hey I've been told I have Asperger's too. Isn't it just a matter of opinion?
OK you're bordering on "troll" behavior. You don't get told you have Asperger's. You get diagnosed. And if you've been diagnosed and what to deny that diagnosis, then fine (that's called masking.)
decade after decade Pharma just destroys humanity in so many ways with the real data watered down and washed away in revision.
Hang in there. I have one grandchild with aspergers. Among my friends there are six grandchildren with autism. I never knew one when I was growing up.
Me neither, but also parents weren't having babies in droves in their upper 30's and 40's like we are now. There were definitely disabled kids in my school, I guess they could have been autistic but "mentally retarded" was the terminology in the 70s-80s.
Autistic is nothing like what was labeled "retarded". In my school system we had "retarded" kids mainstreamed in classes in grade school. They were not autistic. Most autistic kids I know are very bright, anything but "retarded" the way those other kids were.
We are heading to a future with 5% of males disabled by autism. The authorities seem totally unconcerned, 2hich is a clue as to whom they think is responsible.
Using autism statistics from long ago is meaningless, because they had not classified that as a separate category for schools to record until a few decades ago. Other conditions , like traumatic brain injury, skyrocketed when schools started recording them as a new category as well.
Autistic children were around in the past, but they were considered and classified as mentally retarded. I grew up in a town that had the developmental school for my county, and I clearly remember us as children thinking there were two types of kids with MR that we would see on the buses going by. One was the group that had the physical characteristics of Downes syndrome, and the other were kids who physically looked “normal” (who were likely autistic).
I have two sons on the spectrum and even as late as the 2000’s we ran into a few dinosaurs in the schools who thought all autistics had MR.
I do believe the incidence of autism has increased, but due to the statistics issue I mentioned above, and the over diagnosis of it, the actual increase isn’t isn’t as great as what is commonly believed.
Again, the difference between 1/10000 and 1/40 requires explanation. Yes diagnosis is a factor. But anyone who's had contact with special needs kids knows autism is very different from cognitively challenged.
You might check out the MIND Institute in California. They did a study years ago that showed there was a real, substantial rise in autism cases not due to diagnostic substitution.
Real or just cover up? Btw Tylenol is another cheap drug which some people might like you to be scared of.
And still, virtually no one is talking about this. Except Alex. My brother today was praising the vaccine and said he's taken "all the shots" and believes in health through chemistry
Don't worry - there're a lot of us talking about it!
But sadly, in my circle, just among ourselves.
There are more than you think...I have most of my friends here all on the same page in Switzerland...we are not having any of their poison, or believing any of the government's lies. Stand firm...a lot of countries really need angels at the moment.
Are your friends real? Just kidding. It is true that I avoid the topic and therefore I haven't had many conversations about this, but anytime it appears, I am alone on my page...
Yes, they are real indeed....and I feel so lucky. :-)Some friends of course have disappointed me, and willingly took the injections (they must travel and eat out when travelling..poor babies) but the majority are on the same page. Unfortunately, my family in Canada is not. Sad.
Oh, and there is no avoiding the topic with me...I make my views known even before people ask...I am that angry.
Funny thing is I can't visit relatives in Canada unless I get the vax so I guess I will never return, they're out of control paranoid.
Yes, they are...part of me understands their agreeable, slightly gullible and generally compliant nature, but come on people; the memo is screaming now; the stratagem has been revealed. Now it's time to admit you were wrong, apologise, and repair those divides.
Guess what? MANY people are talking about this, and they have been for quite awhile. You need to “get out more”.
No one mainstream is, which is how the vast majority get their information. I'm a paid subscriber to Alex's substack and followed him on twitter, so it's not me or us I'm talking about Renee
That's correct from my vantage point, too, Levidog. There is essentially no questioning of the vaccine narrative in any mainstream media or even in the next-level Independent media. There is private chatter, of course, and sites like this one, and even Twitter (a little), but most Australians seem blithely unaware. The pandemic was of no significance at all to the recent election - the few candidates with various pandemic-connected platforms got very few votes or attention.
Sounds like your news media was bought off by Big Pharma like the majority of media in the US - including Fox News, sadly.
The media has certainly been problematic. And still is. Rupert Murdoch is part of the (but not the whole) problem.
Whoa! Seriously? That’s the problem. No one that critically thinks should be getting ANY information from a television (haven’t owned one in 20 years). Throw the television away. And social media is for kids.
The reality is that - at least in Australia - most people rely on (mostly commercial) television for their information. A small minority listen to radio and a bigger (but declining) minority read newspapers. Regardless of who it is 'for', a significant number of grown-ups rely on social media. Of course that's all problematic - but that's the reality. Unfortunately.
Unfortunately is correct.
"All" the shots, how many is that?
I think the poor man has had 4 :(
Levi you cannot FIX the galactically stupid
Wow. Sadly, I expected something terrible to roll over the vaccinated populations in the years following this mass psychosis event of government neck stomping and compliance. But this looks to be worse than I thought an most likely far from peak at this stage. Glad I refused to take the shots. Now I am left to worry about those I love that complied / were forced for one reason or another. Mostly government coercion and propaganda. Who will be held accountable? Who will pay for these crimes against humanity? Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
The "safe and effective" mantra here in Australia is alive and well. There is essentially no public questioning of it. The Western Australian government used to publish "weekly" reports of infections, but the last one was early in May at As the "models" being used were Ferguson-esque in capabilities ... spectacularly incorrect ... they have now been replaced with something that tells a better story, and at least avoids publishing the predictions: Deaths are still relatively low, and are rarely described adequately so it's hard to tell what's actually happening. But almost nobody in WA is paying any attention. [WA means Western Australia, not Washington, the largest physical Australian state, but with only about 10% of national population.]
Here in Maryland USA in my rural county, local transit buses go around with "Vaccinate Your Children for Covid: Safe and Effective" ads on the sides of the bus. I'm not a violent person but this makes me want to vandalize every one of them. "Safe and Effective". 100% false.
I'm with you on that...I'm so angry...and so thankful that my two daughters haven't had these jabs - or allowed any of our grandkids to be jabbed! (Our two sons, unfortunately, each got one jab, but then said, "No more".)
A good point. The purpose of current tactics is maximum disruption and putting us on the defensive, making us angry. It’s psychological warfare and has been in action for a long, long time.
Just to elaborate on the "effectiveness" of the injections, in WA's population of around 2.7 million people there have been about 775 k confirmed Covid-19 cases since it all began, or around 1/4. Most (all but about 1200) have been this year. Yet 95% of the population (aged 5+) has received a first jab, more than 90% (aged 5+) have had a second jab and 80% (aged 16+) have had a third jab. We are regularly reminded how well we have been protected from Covid-19 by the vaccinations. ;-)
Unfortunately, no one has been protected from anything. One jab reduces your natural immunity by 30%…and so on, and so on. People who have blindly gotten the jab have been infected with AIDS…symptoms are referred to as VAIDS.
I didn't mean to imply by my use of the word 'protected' that I thought that people were protected from anything - I was just using the word in the way that has become a commonplace assumption in Australia. Real evidence for its effectiveness is never provided - and is rarely sought.
I got ya Barry! 😉
I went to Seattle in November 2020 to visit my daughter and was perplexed by all the outdoor masking. Us Wisconsinites refused to bend the knee and we were looked at like lepers.
Stunning statistics- hard to believe many still walk around with vax blinders on. It’s only June 6th too…
Blinders...and masks.
Because none of their news sources are talking about this and they never will.
What we are seeing now was predictable, at leeast for people studying the vaxx publications carefully or having been following Alex for some time.
Modelling is usually used by the deep state to defer their responsibility for bad decisions. If they were to ever be prosecuted, their defense would be that they were just following the science (models).
NZ Ambulance service reports approx 250 more callouts per day than usual during May 2022
That's a significant - and scary - stat.
“Oh —we got trouble! With a capitol T” , the Music Man sings. Something is very odd indeed with these stats! We can only hope and pray that leaders in the US wake up and start investigating it, before the next rise in cases and push for vax mandates. We need to end this madness now.
The United States was a part of this…ask Tony Fauci (GOF) and Francis Collins. The jab mandate actually promotes disease and death, not to mention destroying people’s livelihoods: for exerting their rights as free human beings.
So far, I’ve not heard of Tony or Biden catching Covid - makes one wonder what else they are doing for prevention.
They never got clot shot.
Thanks--I was going to post the same thing!
Are they actually human?
How do you even know you have CONvid? The tests are bogus. It’s a BIG scam.
They didn’t receive the Bioweapon. They may be evil but they’re not that dumb.
I recall the Resident did.
Are you sure? Maybe it was saline solution?
Biden hasn’t caught it, but several around him have including Kamala, Psaki (when she worked there) and Pelosi.
And you believe anything these people say? They say that so they can garner sympathy and avoid confrontation.
If he had taken a REAL Bioweapon jab he would be long gone….too many
they both have had covid
...with a capital T, that rhymes with V and that means "Vaccine!
I think you need to wake up. You are part of the tyranny being handed down. Do you know WHAT a case is? Do you know anything about a “test”? Do you know anything about the experimental jab? That is the true madness…ignorance.
Who are you lacing into?
Agree! We definitely have Trouble. But no “leaders” in the US to wake up unfortunately.
Geert said about a month ago, the excess deaths would begin to be seen among the vaccinated. He is not saying any particular death either because any of the organs could be damaged as the damage systematic. So when we hear of children dying of liver damage, which is on the rise, that may be a result of vaccine or Covid itself. I have for months on here mentioned how I am seeing serious mental deterioration amongst older people I know that took the shot.
This knowledge and understanding was being experienced among we the people around the planet from early in 2020. Many had a serious foreboding much earlier from the deeply dystopian information coming from China. We had a memorable discussion with one of our daughters in March of 2020 as we argued intensively with other family members not to accept the narrative. We expressed with growing horror the realization of what so many deaths would actually mean. This is that horror. This time when we say “never again” we must mean it. Otherwise we face the real ends of it all.
Yup. What family I have left, is all in for vaccines. I have stopped seeing them. Sad. Critical thinking has been lost. When I heatedly discussed this with a vet friend, she admitted the 6 mos of trials to get EUA would eventually expose many adverse reactions. She does not admit government silencing scientists fearful of their jobs. She believes there are not many adverse reactions yet. She also was extremely uncaring about those suffering now from adverse reactions. It didn’t happen to her and so off her radar. Makes me furious.
Your vet friend has also been brainwashed in vet school. Give her some grace (it’s frustrating, no doubt). She sunk untold amount of $$ into her education. She likely has a deep cognitive dissonance on this topic.
And terrible emotional problems in kids who've been locked down, isolated, etc.
It’s NOT CONvid. It’s the poison jab.
It's ok, the Bilderbergers are sorting it out - discussion point 11. Post Pandemic Health
It’s only a matter of time before they stop releasing the data. Fringe epidemiologists don’t understand the nuances of real science
They tried not to release it for 75 YEARS. Now, Pfizer is probably trying to change it/prevent collateral damage…too late!
Articles like this one about Australia is why I'm back in as a subscriber.
And this one is free:
Just read your piece, really excellent!
When will the free people of Australia stop behaving like compliant little serfs and understand there's only one rational response when your children, parents, siblings, friends & neighbors are misled and executed by a Luciferian globalist cabal? It starts with a bridge and a rope.
When people start hanging or guillotining the authorities, a lot of innocent people are going to get it as well. And that would just serve the purposes of any "Luciferian globalist cabal".
Thank you so much for this piece. I reside in Victoria, Australia and what we went through with lockdowns and a total police state across 2020 and 2021 I am still coming to terms with. The mandates that followed still take my breath away. It remains that general workers (ie every single worker) must be double vaccinated, and some industries including teaching and healthcare must be triple/boosted. Covid continues to circulate, as does a particularly nasty flu or new virus. We have never been more sick.
Victoria is in a crisis.
And my fear for your country is that it will never end. If lockdowns were seen by the government as a success, it’s only a matter of time before the failures of the vaccines will point the government in the direction of a return to lockdowns. Godspeed.
But I’m so glad I got the jab, it could have been much worse without it….. unfortunately no one in government is going to admit to their mistakes and big pharma will have an all out war on any truthful information being discussed in the mainstream media.
Very sad time in our world history. 🙏❤️🇺🇸🌎
The end of history?