As a veteran of these conflicts, Alex is correct. I hate to admit. I served as a civil affairs nco in Somalia, Afganistan, and Iraq. I supported these wars/Bush. We never made any of these places better for the long term. Our national interest was never threaten. I can remember being in Ramadi, 2004, with a FL ARNG infantry unit, and discussing the worsening situation, NOBODY above brigade level wanted to hear it. It is one reason why I now do not support the war in Ukraine. It is unlikely we will make things better in the long run.

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Putting this comment up top as it's always nice to hear from someone who was on the ground

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I could not agree more. The Ukraine conflict is likely to turn into a giant shit storm. Iraq or Vietnam x 20. The Ukraine was and is one of the most corrupt governments in the world. I feel for the residents there. We can only hope common sense prevails but I doubt it.

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It reminds me of the Balkans during the 90s. It was a Slavic conflict with an external actors: Serbia (Russia) v Europe (US). Same mode of warfare: Trench warfare with militias, barely trained units hammering away at each other, shelling of cities, old SOVIET weapons.

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I disagree. Ukraine once WAS corrupt. Zelensky has rooted out a lot of that, most of which is his opposition. That cleans out half the corruption. Ukraine can't turn out like US wars because their citizens not ours are fighting for their homes. As long as those citizens are doing the fighting, I'll accept their viewpoints. Russia needs to leave. And the west ought to help make that happen. This isn't a US run operation so has a chance.

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US boots aren't on the ground but US Intel personnel are and they are running the war. If they don't get us killed with nukes, Ukraine/Russia will be another regime change war. Corporations are probably jockeying for who gets the contracts to rebuild Ukraine right now. It's the perpetual war machine and it never stops.

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Well said.

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I think Blackrock is 1 of those corporations

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Yes, it will be a place the Europeans can import slavic girls from; maybe marry a few; or hire them as escorts.

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If I am not mistaken, the jihadi killers, by whatever name they use, are more widespread than they were in 2001, despite our airstikes, ISR assets and spec ops supersoldiers creeping around. We did help diminish ISIS (the Iranians probably did more) but so what? Afghanistan is right back where it was and more countries than ever have organized jihadi killers killing. But L-3, Raytheon and all those others keep raking in the cash. Great.

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A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam

Same dereliction of duty by high command - different war . . .

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IMHO Brennan did all the damage by removing all the people who could keep the lights on. But the US taking sides wasn't wise at all.

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"Irrational exuberance" also happened in Vietnam, positive things were used as examples of a supposedly good situation, while negative things were ignored. The corruption in both places was massive, another similarity.

We've seen this movie before and we can guess how it ends- with lots of lost lives and some really wealthy individuals

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The same old recipe for disaster.

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I agree 100% about not supporting this latest insanity in Ukraine. I too was a big supporter of Bush/war, but when I realized what a load of lies we’d been fed that opened my eyes to not supporting anymore of these wars. The Afghanistan debacle only reinforced that view.

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Yeah, the Afghan withdrawl was my last straw for me. I have to fight my bias, which is antiwar now, when I am analysizing foreign policy. I have effectively become Pat Buchanan.

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Nice analogy to the Iraq war. But I think there's a better analogy: the economic collapse of 2008.

The so-called "vaccines" are TOO BIG TO FAIL.

TOO much money was spent/distributed/wasted.

TOO much political power was seized by the bureaucrats at all levels of government.

TOO much holier-than-thou was embraced by the compliant/gullible segment of society, which allowed them to control ALL society.

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Ya how do all the people who cause these disasters keep failing upwards?

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Like the guy caught by project veritas. "I SEE FIVE WHITE PEOPLE! I FEEL UNSAFE!"

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While he tries to murder us all!

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Can anyone name ANYTHING the government/politicians haven't fucked up since Reagan?

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I just wrote a long reply to another one of your comments on a different post about the parallels I see between former CIA director Allen Dulles (whose long shadow falls on the story Alex tells here, btw) and Anthony Fauci. Our “representative democracy” has been undermined since Truman created the CIA, an act he came to deeply regret. The same types of unaccountable insiders seem behind virtually every institutional corruption.

What is even stranger to consider is that JFK and Trump were held in strikingly similar contempt by those hidden (amoral) powerbrokers: both were seen as moral degenerates and threats to American security. Interesting, no? One is actually assassinated, the other serially assassinated by The Deep State.

My point being that the U.S. has had a problem going back to the end of WW2.

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Without a doubt.

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I'm going to pick that book up this weekend.

Thanks for the recommendation!

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I may need to amend my analogy, as per Whitney Webb’s interview by Maajid Nawaz. Fauci may be the Oswaldian Patsy to “Sir Jeremy” Farrar (formerly of UK’s Wellcome Trust and now the WHO) who Dulles-like was likely calling the shots. His name was redacted from Fauci email, which seems quite suggestive to me.

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Couldnt agree more.

Im starting to think theyve contracted some NGO or some ne'er do well to blow up food factories, or crash planes into them. Is it a far stretch? I dunno!

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The takedown of Donald J Trump.

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Oooh. Good one.

I guess censorship as well

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They are consistent, everything goobermint is involved in, is an abject disaster.

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And the attitude of the bankers who took the millions in bonuses , stocks, cash, their golden parachutes was the same as all these that are complicit with the bio weapon cult with their masters of the universe mentalities. Evil disgusting people who only care about the $$

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And now too big to ever admit they were wrong.

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They don't know how to say "I was wrong". Their pride will never let them admit it.

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They are all the same. No skin in the game by the governing, no consequences for their mismanagement, doubling down in the next crisis. This all leads to a bigger crises in the future.

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Spot on!

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Well Said Rosie!

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The mRNA vaccines failed immediately, not 6 months later. Dr. Hervé Seligmann knew. Dr. Zev Zelenko knew. Dr. Simone Gold knew. I wrote about it on Twitter, for which they permanently suspended me, still without restoration of account, on February 19, 2021, which was barely two months after the vaccine rollout in the US. I wrote the reasons for the failure of COVID vaccines here:


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Guys from the Hill were the biggest suckers - the got Sagar and Robbie both got "break thru" cases right away, really sick, but were too scared of Krystal Ball to say anything.

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I watched Ryan and Robbie cooing over the Covid vaccines one day on the Rising Show. Joking about how they would take cocktails of the vaccine if they could. I felt embarrassed for them. I haven’t watched the show since because I can’t take them seriously anymore. Which is kind of too bad, because some of their reporting is good.

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Thank you! Loved it!

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The big comparison for me is that I'm a 'domestic terrorist' for opposing both Iraq and jab mandates.

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I’m also a “domestic terrorist” for the same reasons with added emphasis because I support all parents having the same school choice my husband and I can afford for our own children. For almost a year now I also discovered I’m a “Russian puppet” for opposing sending billions in our taxpayer dollars to make sure more people die in Eastern Europe while poverty grows globally. This all despite not ever being arrested for a crime, being 19 on 9/11, and never having stepped foot anywhere near Russia or Iraq.

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I bought the Iraq lie but thank God I didn't buy the vaccine lie.

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Same. And I will never trust anything else they try to shove down our throats or into our arms ever again.

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"On May 1, President George W. Bush had declared “Mission Accomplished,” essentially calling the war over. That overconfident statement turned out to be one of the most disastrous mistakes in modern American history." That's a lie. He was on the USS Abraham Lincoln, the banner behind him was proclaiming that the carrier had accomplished it's deployment mission. And it had! But Bush never said it. Now, admit to your mistake as a reporter.

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You are technically correct, and I will note it in the story. But this is EXACTLY parallel to the nonsense that mRNA apologists offer when they are claiming they didn't say the shots would end the epidemic - another eerie parallel.

The banner - which was visible to everyone as Bush gave the speech - said "Mission Accomplished." Bush did not use those words. What he said, to be precise, was:

"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."


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And it's not "torture", it's "enhanced interrogation" and it's not "gain of function", it's "directed evolution".

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Also.. it’s not LYING .. it’s plausible deniability.🔨

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"Tactical Baptism"

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revenue enhancement (taxes)

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thanks for your comment! Major combat operations had ended. Bush was "technically correct" as well. I'm a defense contractor, we were shipping tanks & helicopters home; our carrier groups returning to port - there were no Iraqi Military targets to strike anymore. Their regular Army units had been decimated and destroyed. And then the insurgency commenced . . . General MacArthur was America's finest war tactician, yet he told Truman there was no chance of China intervening in the Korean War. Whoops!! He must suck as a General, right? This is "gotcha" journalism - it's easy, which is what 20/20 hindsight is.

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MacArthur was relying on intelligence reports from the CIA, always a mistake.

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And now our own DOD contracted Pfizer, Moderna, and many others to help manufacture and distribute the “ countermeasures” & “ bioweapons”. Using these terms, as well as “ prototypes”, the DOD, spread immunity to all contractors, and to the DOD.

These viruses did not “ leak” from a lab. They were a premeditated attack, by global elites, & government elites. This explains the global unity of decision making, without much dissent or questioning. Except Africa on accepting vaccines from us. They have had enough of Fauci & Gates killing their people in the name of “ philanthropy.” Good for them and they were immensely successful during pandemic. Vit. D, from the sun, Ivermectin ( O.T.C.), & no vaccines. Brilliant.

This too is a combat operation, but one that does not use bombs & tanks. The ticking time bombs were in the shots, and the screams come from the loved ones of dead victims. The bioweapons contain Graphene oxide, proven, by Karen Kingston. This is toxic to human body.


But yet, here we are. Beaten & bruised and a little smarter. Less trusting of our government, it’s agencies, and our envied medical establishment. ( understatement) This could never have been “ leaked”, it was planned. It definitely came initially from a lab, but the pandemic was created & globally executed with precision. Check out Katherine Watt, here on Substack. and all her DOD contracts from “ Freedom of Info. Act.” Also, Sasha Latypova, both brilliant researchers that shine the light into this evil plan. Don’t believe info. served on a platter from the FBI. They are not our friends. Question everything & don’t comply.

We can push back and win this spiritual battle against the enemy. Bring GOD back to this nation and we’ll be one step closer. They hate GOD because they know the power is real.

Esther 4:14 “Perhaps you were created for such a time as this.”

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Missing historical perspective that ties everything together.

Has ANYONE pointed out that George H.W. Bush was Fauci's original political sponsor.

Does anyone recall that Bush Jr. front ran his State of the Union before the Iraq War address with the unexpected announcement of a Fauci pharma "relief" program in Africa?

The roots of the current catastrophe (we've got the pictures and the receipts):


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Fauci was a cancer at NIH long before that. He kept therapeutic meds away from AIDS patients in the 80s and told people to not be in the same room with them.

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Reagan appointed FauXi. Reagan also signed the 1986 law that gives pharmaceutical companies immunity for vaccine injuries. I used to love Reagan but the older I get the more I realize he wasn’t so great.

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Hi Erik, I replied to you with a reference from a book and my reply was deleted by the moderator. The book is "The Vaccine Court 2.0." Bush, not Reagan, found and put Fauci in place. Many, many things were "handled" by Bush Sr. during the Reagan administration (like Iran Contra) and elevating Fauci was one of them. The bill Reagan signed bore no relationship to what the vaccine court became after Clinton took over. Donna Shalala, the political hack he put in charge of Health and Human Services, was the hatchetwoman on that.

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I understood the “Mission Accomplished” banner referred to the tour of duty of the ship.

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This time I agree with A.B. The implication was that the Iraq war was over and won. Since Bush was too obtuse to plan that subtle photo op himself, who do you think devised that shot ( no pun intended )

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it did

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Correct Alex these guys are splitting hairs because whether Bush actually said it hanging the banner was a statement. You can't have it both ways Bush meant well but he had no idea what was really going on in Iraq

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I don't even like Bush, LOL 🤣 I get your point though about parallels. thanks!

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There's also an older and deeper Bush-Iraq connection.

It was Bush Sr. who turned US troops into medical guinea pigs during the first Iraq War which was a HIGHLY profitable undertaking for Bush Pharma friends.

That was followed Fauci's First Fraud and pharmaceutical genocide, the AIDS and AZT scam, which was the front runner to the current catastrophe. Same playbook, different disease (unreliable testing based on PCR, hysterical projections, rushed "therapeutics" based on fraud, billions for the perpetrators, NYT support etc. etc.)

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Look at that inbred Bush's face when he landed in his little CosPlay outfit. He was LOVIN it.

Everything bad that happened to the US is from Bush . And I am conservative!

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It’s been interesting to witness my very conservative older sister come to loathe all the Bushes for being internationalists willing to send brave young men into harms way. Of course that is how CIA types roll. And draft dodgers like Rumsfeld and the younger George.

It is interesting to me to see how quickly Clinton became so chummy with the Bushes because he — a poor boy from Arkansas — (& spouse) so badly wanted to be in “That Club.”

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Missing historical perspective:

Bremer wasn't the only monster they put a medal on.

Has ANYONE pointed out that George H.W. Bush was Fauci's original political sponsor and that Bush surrogates - Clinton and Obama - kept the ball rolling.

Does anyone recall that Bush Jr. front ran his State of the Union before the Iraq War address with the unexpected announcement of a Fauci pharma "relief" program in Africa?

The roots of the current catastrophe (we've got the pictures and the receipts):


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Excellent points. RFK, Jr.’s book covers it well.

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Thanks. Assuming my comments are not censored, the film I referenced above was cited by RFK Jr. in his Fauci book over 20 times. It was one of the backbones of the AIDS portion of the book.

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If Bremer was a "monster", what was Saddam Hussein? Historical perspective? LOL 🤣https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halabja_massacre

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And your point is what exactly?

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Your attempt to argue some kind of moral equivalence is disgusting. Stay off Gateway Pundit and Reddit for a bit.

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Why is this overtly hostile and completely illogical response being allowed to stay up while my fact-based response to it was removed To repeat: I commented on Brennan. I said NOTHING about Hussein. Now here's an opinion. To break out personal insults based on a blatant misrepresentation of another person's comment is contemptible as is whatever moderator removed my comment.

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Holy crap! I wrote my response to that urban legend and as soon as I posted it, I scrolled down a couple of posts and there was yours. You remembered the name details better than I did, but thank goodness I'm not the only one out here who actually was awake on that day and remember.

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Alex- thanks so much! Been following you through all covid and it's great to read your piece from your Iraq days. I couldn't agree more. My only comment is I thought you might go further and also point to the similarities with this current Ukraine proxy war. It's so obviously following the same playbook of covid and Iraq: significant deception from our government, manipulation of media, coercion of american populous, callous greed from our industries, rewriting factual history, And insane leadership. All leading to a place of horror, death, destruction, countless lives lost, enormous bad consequences for the world. I just feel like I'm just watching train wreck after train wreck coming from some bizarre and evil playbook.

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Just as with the Iraq narrative the same applies with the wuh flu era. Those who were suppose to profit from it all have and did. Pretty simple really and not rocket science. It's just always simply allowed to run it's course because NO ONE is ever held accountable as in actually stopped from continuing the crime and con. Here we are 3 years post wuh flu lab release and still not ONE person remotely held to account. The perfect crime. Have to admire it, if was not so tragic.

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Jan 27, 2023
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Hope that you are right, but 40 years later past beginning of AIDS Fauci has STILL not been brought up on charges. As you know, AIDS was exploited by Fauci and his plan worked well and his influence increased. Another Fauci exploitation occured using a identical playbook as used in AIDS crisis in '80's and again Fauci "won" (increased influence of Fauci worldwide by him exaggerating threat of c-19, and additional damage through lockdowns and suppressed cures)

I hope Fauci eventually gets his "comeuppance", and I am counting on the impressive book 'the REAL Anthony Fauci' by RFK Jr. He has committed so many crimes and damage to the public health system, not least of which is massively decreased trust by the average American of the "Public Health" system. It's clear that c-19 would have been over before it started except for the exploitation "it's a she to let a major crisis go to waste" of said disease to massive deaths (clearly because of suppression of cures, of which there are MANY) massive "exceptions' to our Bill of Rights and our Constitution, which is supposed to be the law of the land.

My hope is that Fauci (and his minions who are EVERYWHERE in the "public health" system) eventually is charged for some or many of the vast numbers of crimes he and his cohorts committed.

If and when this happens, we can give large credit to RFK Jr. and his fantastic book. It's a book you won't be able to put down and makes clear the reasons and motivations no of the "elite" people who started and continued to guide the vast exploitation of a very controllable disease for personal profit financially and in the pursuit of power.

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Phi$$er has been caught with fuckery like this at least a couple of times before

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Alex, please watch the recent videos from Project Veritas regarding Pfizer.

I, personally, would love to hear your POV on how and whether this "confession" will ever get any traction in the media or DC. As it is, the videos are being ignored, censored or limited, even on twitter 2.0.

Keep up your excellent work.

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The video showed up in my email when I logged on at 9 a.m. Jan. 26. I promptly forwarded it to several friends.

I've now watched it at least a dozen times--apart from Tucker Carlson's highlights of it.

About that Pfizer clown's confession, I am now awaiting the covid spin-meisters' attacks on James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, the entire "conservative" population, and all other heterodox thinkers.

As for the legacy media, I'm finding fewer & fewer people paying attention to them. BUT, I've come to realize that the independents--the podcasters--have audiences that are growing exponentially.

Network TV and Cable News are showing signs of being where newspapers were 20 years ago.

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It will get ignored because the media doesn't get to choose what they cover -- those decisions are made far higher than the newsdesk.


Know what my initial reaction was, and what I would think would be the initial reaction of all journalists?


The very little of that I saw was from people who were banned from social media or part of a major news story. Crickets from the ‘media’.

But that’s no surprise at all. The story is about government directing its preferred narrative via controlled media outlets. The media isn’t going to cover it because — you should already know this one! — government is directing its preferred narrative via controlled media outlets!

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They stung a low-level functionary trying to impress a date and pushed his entry-level title of "Director" as if he were a guy who sat next to Bourla at board meetings. I've been against these vaccines since before even the bogus trials -- I knew the game was rigged when shills like Hotez 180-ed on their opposition to emergency use just days after the 2020 election --but stuff like this doesn't help the cause. (FWIW, I was once made Vice President at a major investment bank just a few months after graduation, and it really impressed my mom.)

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Here's what I want to know:

No matter your position on the so-called "vax" ... After all the covid-induced upheaval of the last 2+ years, WHO WOULD BE IMPRESSED BY A BOASTFUL DATE BRAGGING ABOUT HIS EMPLOYER CREATING A FRANKEN-VIRUS???

I would've called him an asshole, dumped my drink in his lap, and walked out.

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Exactly. No one should be impressed. He's an asshole--and a moron. Yet here you are hanging all your hopes on his intellect and integrity.

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LOL how low down the totem pole would this guy have to be for this to be okay?

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Guy's in completely over his head and appears not to have much of a clue. He clearly doesn't have any judgment. He might have said anything to get laid. I'm pretty sure I did when I was young, stupid, and horny. Running with a story like this before developing it isn't journalism, it's MSNBC. And the fact that PV and so many other people pushing the story are OK with extravagantly puffing his credentials-- especially to folks who've never worked in corporate and have no idea that this guy is straight out of Dunder Mifflin Medical School-- speaks volumes.

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There it is! Attack Project Veritas! Kill the messenger!

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Are you going to answer my question or not?

How low down the totem pole would this guy have to be for this to be okay?

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I don't know what the "this" is that you refer to, but if it's bad it would also have to be true for it to not be OK. Personally, I'm inclined to believe plenty of bad stuff about Pfizer, but I'd like receipts before running with a story. My personal spidey-sense is quite accurate but it isn't newsworthy. Don't let facts get in your way, though.

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So you think that this guy is simply making shit up? Then why does it matter what his rank is?

I'm trying to figure out what you're trying to say here.

Edit: Here's your original statement. It doesn't sound like you're saying he's lying, it sounds like you're saying he's not important:

"They stung a low-level functionary trying to impress a date and pushed his entry-level title of "Director" as if he were a guy who sat next to Bourla at board meetings."

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No cause to look back, we are engaged in WW3. A small germ upended western culture, just imagine what lay ahead when the food scarcity really kicks in, the bombs start falling, maybe the first nuclear one (matters not where, life as we have known it will change dramatically). Right now we are moving deck chairs on the Titanic.

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Yeah, we totally won’t have toilet paper for a couple of decades Sharon. The horrors.

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One of your best pieces on this substack in some time. Very well written and a great connection between 2 seemingly very different events in history. Thank you!

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The common link between both scenarios is simple: that which occurs when Luciferian sociopaths are given unlimited resources.

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And money, money, money -- always follow the money.

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The large contractors are already preparing for the rights to rebuild Ukraine.

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And power.

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It’s patently clear the power in this country lies within the alliance between the Deep State and the Military-Defense-Pharma-Tech complex, and is accountable to no-one, not even our elected leaders (who ultimately they control through campaign contributions). Literally every “crisis” over the past 30 years (e.g. the Dot Com bust, 9/11, the Iraq War, the Great Recession, Climate Change, the opioid crisis, the Covid pandemic, Ukraine) can be linked to decisions/policies created and implemented by this cabal. In each instance they utilized a perceived “crisis”, created as a result of their disastrous policies, to grab even more power, exert more control over the American people and make more money for themselves. They use the MSM, which has been fully taken over by their paid operatives, to create a narrative to shift responsibility/blame for the crisis they created away from themselves and onto a third party (e.g. Wall Street, bin Laden, Saddam/ISIS, China, the unvaccinated, Putin, etc.). Anyone that even questions their decision-making is perceived to be a threat to their power and is labelled an "extremist" that must be personally and/or professionally destroyed (e.g. Trump). Inevitably their "solution" to the crisis they created makes the situation even worse. It’s the same pattern over and over again. One would hope eventually the voting public would catch-on, but it works each and every time.

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And we were duly warned about both by outgoing President Eisenhower.

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And before him, Major General Smedly Butler. The government has been compromised by the military industrial complex, big Pharma, and fully enabled by the MSM and a low information electorate (to the extent where an honest election takes place).

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Interesting perspective Alex and I'm sure your experience was life altering. What you should have at least mentioned was the role of the New York Times in creating the fiasco in Iraq to begin with. Not to belabor the obvious analogy, in the case of Covid, the NIH was complicit in causing the pandemic in the first place when they chose to fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan, just as the New York Times was complicit in promoting the Iraq invasion through Judith Miller's reporting on weapons of mass destruction. I'm sure you were proud to work there as a young journalist, but the paper had already lost its way. The connection to the current moment should not be lost either. In 2005, Gardiner Harris and Anahad O'Connor (perhaps you knew them) began the attempt to whitewash the connection between the raging (and as of today unceasing) autism epidemic and the dramatic expansion of the CDC's childhood immunization schedule. Some of us who still thought the paper had some integrity tried to protest. I wrote to the Public Editor, Byron Calame, and even had an in person meeting. All to no avail. I trace my own disaffection with American media to Harris and O'Connor's dishonest shilling for the CDC. I'm glad you've been "red-pilled" by the mRNA vaccines, but I hope you might pause for deeper reflection on your previous employer.

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Alex. It didn't take 6 months after the rollout of the shots in early December 2020 to know they weren't sterilizing vaccines that would stop the spread as promised. The shots were 'leaky' from the beginning.

On or about May 5, 2021, the NYTimes reported the CDC would stop recording breakthrough cases effective April 30th - since there had been 10,000 breakthrough cases they knew of, which they declared made them too 'rare' to bother about. Who knows what the denominator actually was? 10,000 is a significant number. The only reason to stop recording breakthough cases was so the CDC could claim they were 'rare' and not statistically significant.

I may be wrong about those dates (but I don't think I am) and its worth checking out. This fact has driven me crazy as an unvaccinated person for the last two years. Lying about breakthrough cases early on made it 1) ok to declare we could achieve herd immunity if there was a shot in every arm, 2) to blame the unvaccinated and 3) to mandate the shots. (Lies, damned lies, and the mis-use of statistics.)

The CDC willfully ignored breakthrough cases so they could continue the vax charade and nobody noticed or cared. They just kept on lying and then claimed they didn't know things they actually did know - that is was all evolving so it wasn't their fault.

I think your comparison of this whole covid nightmare with the Iraq nightmare is alarmingly straightforward and it should ring true with a lot of people who were as frustrated then as I am now. In both situations, some people were paying a LOT of attention, reading everything they could get their hands on and questioning the 'narrative' while most people were just listening with one ear and believing whatever was said by MSM and by the authorities and the then President. Eventually what all the liars tell us are 'conspiracy theories' turn out to be truth. Deja vu, all over again.

Thank you for what you are doing.

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The vaccines have failed. True.

But the attempt to compare the vaccine policy to Iraq is absurd. The column itself "learns" the wrong lessons in many ways.

De-Baathification was stupid. Not just because it was culturally tone deaf, but because it was part of our biggest mistake - staying too long. Preventing French, German and Russian companies from rebuilding contracts was NOT a mistake. If the Germans and the French would not have resisted the demand to force Hussein to allow inspections everywhere (for the sake of "multi-polar" power in the face of American dominance - nothing else) then we would never have been in Iraq in the first place.

What is similar is that the Iraq policy was the result of Permanent Washington believing their own lies and abusing their power to get what they want - regardless of the interests of American citizens.

Just like vaccine mandates, and just like sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine. Not to mention all of the recent blunders that inch us closer and closer to WWIII.

THAT is the real comparison to Iraq.

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