So you support George Soros? Who do you think funds that group? Sad you can’t differentiate between barbarians and innocent. You think Jew hate is new? That we need the msm to know this happened when the monsters filmed it? You are sad. The organization you claim to support a nihilistic trash heap funded by billionaires who hate you too!
So you support George Soros? Who do you think funds that group? Sad you can’t differentiate between barbarians and innocent. You think Jew hate is new? That we need the msm to know this happened when the monsters filmed it? You are sad. The organization you claim to support a nihilistic trash heap funded by billionaires who hate you too!
So you support George Soros? Who do you think funds that group? Sad you can’t differentiate between barbarians and innocent. You think Jew hate is new? That we need the msm to know this happened when the monsters filmed it? You are sad. The organization you claim to support a nihilistic trash heap funded by billionaires who hate you too!