"As I have said many times before (and as I know many of you do not like hearing), Trump unequivocally lost in 2020 on both a popular vote and electoral vote basis. His decision not to accept the results of the election quickly was bad for our democracy."


You're right that we don't want to hear such a statement because you don't have any more information about 2020 than any of the rest of us. Yet when we ask questions about the election like "Why are all these ballots double counted in GA" or "Why did election officials destroy evidence they're required to keep for 2 years", we're told to shut up and go away.

Since election night 2020, Democrats have acted EXACTLY like a group of people who stole the election -- arresting Trump included.

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And just a fun little reminder, this is still on the internet:


There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.

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I think they bragged about it after the election. I thought I saved the article but I can't find it. Damn!

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And this is the problem, and perhaps Trump's salvation. The best you can say is that "officially" Trump lost, but that's a long way from a resounding conclusion that Trump actually lost. (This is a strange country, but I have a very difficult time believing that Biden got 81 million votes, especially when we had a cheating scandal with mail-in ballots and a nursing home here in Montana of all places with someone filling out residents' ballots and sending them in.) It's a criminal case. As Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn pointed out last week, by Smith pinning this case on the declaration that it is in fact absolutely true that Biden won in 2020, he has forced Trump into a position where he is obligated (and perhaps gifted) with the opportunity to drag in all the evidence that never made it into civil court that there were shenanigans in the election. I don't know how it will turn out, but that is the one ray of sunshine.

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Totally agree. And since the left is bragging about how trials in GA are televised..........

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exactly, they are televising one of the founding fathers of reality tv

i give trump 5 minutes before he delivers Rorschach's line "None of you seem to understand - I'm not locked in here with you - you're locked in here with ME"

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Oh just LOVE the way that sounds.

God bless you Dark Thomas.

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And Hillary Clinton committed worse acts, and she's free to swill her box wines in Chappaqua without an indictment in sight.

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They literally had her on Maddow yesterday, and the pair discussed how you can't say the election is rigged because you lose.

I worried the universe would implode in an irony black hole.

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“If bad actors tell us falsely that every election is stolen and that the only way an election is trustworthy is that if they come out on top of it, it tells you something not just about that person but it wounds us as a democracy in a way that’s hard to repair.” - Hillary Clinton during her interview with Maddow last night

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*braces for imminent implosion*

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I can’t listen to these “people”, or at least that’s what they say, without wanting to hurl like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Pure psychopathy, that’s what we are dealing with. Ironically the RICO statute got brought in. I love to say the government broke the old school gangsters back in the day, with RICO, so they could take their places: I find it ironic that Giuliani, who actually was responsible for that in NYC circa early 90s. Now its being used against him.

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She talked about 2016 for 4 years at least. She should be arrested for her words.

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I wish it had.

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Remember the article in the major publication (can’t remember the name!!!) that laid out exactly how various leftist silos worked together (some might say conspired) to defeat Trump in 2020? And this conglomerate was celebrated.

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Time Magazine, "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election."


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Thank you!

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Thanks. I thought I saved that but couldn't find it.

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LOL I just posted that!

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So are they admitting now that - if even one person in any of the various siloes broke the law - they ALL committed RICO violations?

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Little known fact: Fani Willis is the daughter of a major Black Panther who later wrote the book on litigating RICO charges.

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Whaaaat?!? Wow.

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Russiagate just got way more interesting!

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Yes, it’s a good thing Democrats never made any “false statements” about Russian collusion and the 2016 election, otherwise they might have risked prosecution as an organized crime syndicate.

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They ARE an organized crime syndicate.

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Yes can we look at those actions through a RICO lens? Talk about subverting the will of the people!

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Yes, but it's a clear-cut case of "Rules for thee, not for me".

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Yep. But how do people not see this?

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media propaganda and government schools that don't teach critical thinking skills

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Alex doesn't want to hear things like that, he's a NYT-reading Libtard at heart.

Ya, Biden "won" because the rules were changed to make cheating legal.

If Alex would at least admit THAT, maybe it would take his TDS down a notch.

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Trump left the WH peacefully on inauguration day 2021. He didn't barricade himself in. So how was Democracy harmed? Mailing out massive quantities of mail in ballots to anyone and everyone subverted democracy and made my vote worthless.

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Lets examine that statement, " Trump unequivocally lost...". If your on a drag strip with two cars, one twice as powerful as the other, and the green light comes on. It's supposed to be be a quarter mile track but it turns out the weaker of the two cars is on an eighth mile track. He wins, duh. When votes are copied, when they're harvested, when courts change the election laws or when votes are simply thrown away this is the Marxists way of shortening the track. So Trump lost but the race was rigged. And if you recount votes that are illegal votes, that's not really a recount. Our real problem is the judical system, weaponizing law for the benefit of one party,the state party, the Marxist left.

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Some secretary's of states (PA for example) made changes in voting to accommodate "The Pandemic crisis", and neither the state legislatures nor the courts stopped them. Even though no sec state has any authority to do such. Made it easier to commit vote fraud.

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I lived in PA at the time and saw it first hand. " Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector." Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2. The legislature, not the PA supreme court or attorney general, has that power.

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Biden got 81 million legitimate votes…yeah right.

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They don't need voters anymore, just ballots.

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….and voting “systems”.

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My assessment of our so called free and fair election system is that in 2016 the DemocRats were cocky and thought Evil Hillary would win easily, so no need to crank up the fraud machine. When she lost they decided that would never happen again and had 4 years to hone their voting fraud skills, then COVID hit which kicked their devious voting tricks into hyperdrive….game over. They will keep Biden around unless it gets to the point where the amount of fraud they have to commit in order for him to win becomes so great that it would be easily exposed then it will be adios Brandon.

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And once he's gone, they'll say "Well Biden was corrupt but now he's gone so the problem is solved" when nothing could be further from the case. I'm sure nearly all these families are getting stinking rich the same way the Bidens are.

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As the votes cast through Election Day were being counted that evening, we all watched as Republican poll watchers were prevented from observing the count and the swing states simultaneously stopped counting for the evening with (except for Arizona) with Trump comfortably ahead. Many of have seen 2000 Mules, which reported on cellphone data showing that multiple individuals made multiple trips to multiple drop boxes in at least 10 occasions and also visited Democrat-aligned NGOs. We know that Zuckerbucks appears to have turned government election offices into Democrat vote harvesting operations. We’ve seen videos of vans delivering pallets of ballots in Detroit in the middle of the night hours after the last vote was cast. More recently we learned that in October 2020 a woman presented between 8,000 and 10,000 ballot applications in Muskogen, MI, which appeared to be fraudulent, and that she worked for GBI Strategies, a group that was provided millions in funding by the Biden Campaign and other Dem groups.

None of this has been investigated. No subpoenas, no midnight raids, no zealous prosecutors seeking to make people talk. Nothing.

We also know that the investigators - the people behind Russia collusion in 2016 and their successors - allowed Biden to lie about Hunter’s laptop, stood by silently as 50 former intelligence officials circulated the lie that the laptop was Russian disinformation, and even suppressed the dissemination of the story.

The only reason that Alex Berenson and others haven’t seen the evidence is because they refused to look. Alex should know: the DOJ, etc. have lied about the election just like Fauci and Co. lied about Covid. Alex, investigate GBI Strategies and get back to us.

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Yep. Keep an eye on my 'Stack for an article about this later today :)

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Will do.

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I guess some has never seen 2000 Mules. If anything, it certainly proves that there needed to be a major investigation... not, “shut up, Biden Won”. The consequences of his “victory” will be felt for decades to come... if we’re still alive.

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If Trump is literally a facist/nazi or whatever, wouldn’t people have a moral obligation to do anything possible to keep him from winning. The “Trump is Hitler but we would never take advantage of mail in voting in an unethical way” line seems pretty ridiculous to me.

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They admit rigging their own primary election but would NEVER EVER EVER think of rigging the general election - they just value the input of the voters and love democracy too much for that!!!

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People forget this extremely important fact daily. And they are about to do it again to RFK Jr.

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100000000%. Their big issue right now is how to replace Biden without the voters being able to pick his replacement. Because they value democracy!

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You bet they did.

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Well said!

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Thank you. That's how I feel.

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Took you long enough Alex. You finally are willing to accept that the far left isn't just misguided and willfully naive. They are tyrannical.

It's that simple. Please stop with the "but trump kind of sucks too." There is no equivalence between Trump's boorishness and the utter lawless acts of the left.

You are a great journalist. Use your talents to expose them.

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Alex, to add to Joe's comment: the die is cast, the rubicon is crossed, there is no going back from this. The left knows that if there is a honest, law-and-order candidate, let alone a Trump supporter, there will be payback to expose the lawless, anti-Constitutionalism here. We will be lucky if there are free and fair elections ever going forward because they fear the weaponization of the DOJ etc will be turned upon them.

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Yep. I'm of the mind that one of the reasons that they freaked out when Trump won is that he could expose the Crossfire Hurricane shit that they all knew they were neck-deep into.

So they came up with Russiagate to suck up all the oxygen in the room and provide cover for what they did.

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What you wrote was great! I continue to subscribe because of all these well thought out comments I read. It sustains me in this crazy world.

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It's been interesting to watch Alex evolve over the past few years. My view is that he is an actual honest to God journalist who actually wants to know the truth. But he has his blind spots, just like all of us do. And he's been quick to brush off activities of the left as benign and "politics as usual", because at heart he's always been center left and there have ALWAYS been dirty tricks on both sides.

What has happened from at least 2015 with the insane Russian collision hoax through today with this embarrassing indictment has gone way beyond dirty tricks. This is banana republic level stuff. And the Democrats aren't even trying to hide their subterfuge, because who is going to stop them?

Maybe people like Alex. Maybe you and me. Maybe all of us.

One can only hope.

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"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Barack Husein Obama

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Great comment Joe👍

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This!!!! Exactly!!!!

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Bullcrap, Alex. They interfered in the election by censoring information and I live in Antrim Co. I'm pretty sure these machines are hooked to the internet and even if that was a mistake, it CAN BE DONE on purpose. Michigan just sent a case to the FBI where they tried to submit 10,000 illegal ballot applications and if they'd gone through (and since this was instigated in Tennessee I am sure they did this in all the swing states), we are pretty sure who they would have voted for. AZ hearings showed 200,000 possibly fraudulent ballots though they didn't know who the people voted for. Election LAWS were BROKEN, Alex, in Pennsylvannia and in WI. All to benefit Democrats. They have now passed NO VOTER ID in Michigan so they can legalize what they've been trying to do all along. So even if you happen to be right he lost (and we don't really know even that) -- there was vast election intererence and you OUGHT to care about that.

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Don't worry, those 10,000 instances of attempted ballot fraud were the ONLY ONES IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! -- Democrats

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You go, Bro!! You're rockin it!

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I generally feel too sick at heart to delve into the legal details of all these indictments, even though I know I should. But relying solely on news reports (I know, I shouldn't), it seems to me that this indictment is very different from the others. Not only does the GA DA want to put Trump in prison, as Alex says, but she, in concert with the Democrat machine, wants to clearly convey to everyone -- everyone - that it is dangerous to support Trump in any way. Because who knows what will be criminalized next. I think the in terrorem effect on donors, lawyers, potential advisors and just regular folks is really what they're after here.

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Me too.

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They're abusively expanding the criminalization of politics and opening the floodgates for adjudicating political disputes through the blatant misapplication of criminal law. We will come to regret the precedent they're establishing. The glass has now been broken over and over again. Political opponents can be targeted by legal enemies. Running for office now carries the legal risk of going to jail.

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And make no mistake, they will not stop at the people running for office.

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The DEMOCRAT party made their bed with Obama. Chicago politics indeed. As is obvious to any sentient person, these minions have since been imbedded throughout government, media, obviously the lockstep-Dem legislature and political machine, the administration and judiciary -- through their lawfare campaign ( in which these Trump prosecutions are the climax of their machinations....). Plenty of rinos involved too.

They know they will be exposed if Trump wins. They are fighting for their very livelihoods, and are taking this country down with them.

This is so obvious.

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I like a lot of stuff you write, but you let your intense dislike of Trump act like blinders too often. The only thing bad for the democracy when it comes to the 2020 election is the absolute unwillingness of democrats to allow any light to be shown anywhere there could possibly be questions regarding the legitimacy of submitted votes.

Now we find ourselves in a situation that, were the circumstances reversed, would have the democratic party pitching an apoplectic fit about election interference and how the country is turning into a banana republic. Instead, they're plowing full steam ahead, legality, morals, and ethics be damned.

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The hypocrisy makes my head explode.

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I’m not sure whether Alex really dislikes Trump that much. Maybe he really does. But saying that he dislikes Trump helps disarm critics who might dismiss Alex’s claims as being tainted by pro-Trump bias.

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I hate Trump with a passion, but I believe the election was almost certainly stolen, and these prosecutions are absurd. Trump screwed us on covid, crime, massive deficits and especially the covid jabs. Trump is totally pro transgender and the scumbag STILL defends the jabs. He spits in the face of the vaccine injured because it didn’t happen to him. This is what they call a populist!?!?!? I’m so disappointed in my fellow republicans for being such low info cultists supporting Trump over DeSantis.

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You are one of the rare people who can hold both of these thoughts (that Trump is not a principled man, and that he probably did not lose the election fairly) in your head at the same time.

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We all need to admit the Republic is over. Dark days to come for this crumbling country for sure. Very dark.

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As dark as it is...and it’s indeed getter darker...I cannot give up. Resistance may indeed be futile. But, to fold in the face of such naked evil is being complicit. Die on your feet standing against the assault or live the rest of your life begging on your knees. If you cannot see the honor in standing on principle, you’re not even a useful idiot. You’re useless.

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well on the plus side, the military is currently full of gender-confused fatties, so there's always hope

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I'm old but if it comes to it - I am ready to die on my feet.

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I’m not ready to give up yet.

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Even if we're destined to lose and to fall back into tyranny, that's no reason to give up without a fight.

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Exactly. Oh, there will be a fight. I just pray it’s legal and we don’t lose people on our side to these awful lawless prosecutors.

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Civil war??

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I don't see how it ends any other way - because the Democrats have tasted absolute power and they will NOT give it up without blood being spilled. Our only hope (a slim one) is that there are enough patriots still in the armed forces who will join the rebellion when it comes to make things even. Now - do you think Joe Biden will hesitate to Nuke a Red-State capital when the time comes?

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At some point, the National Guard will have to be called in.

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I have never been so sure the election was stolen until these 4 indictments. Only people trying to hide something would care this much about Trump. All along I have said the Dems changed the rules and harvested votes by going door to door which was not necessarily illegal (though it should be). Now I would bet just about anything they actually cheated to win. They simply would not care this much if they didn't have something to hide. My third grade teacher told me that words can only hurt you if they are true. Otherwise you just ignore them.

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People forget what was ALLOWED and freely by non legislative measures when the plandemic was put into motion IN an election year. In Wisc and Mich and AZ and PA look what was "allowed" where it has never been before with drop boxes (2000 mules) etc. Yet none of this was considered in election irregularities. Its amazing

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Yes, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court even ruled that drop boxes were used illegally. https://will-law.org/wisconsin-supreme-court-holds-absentee-ballot-drop-boxes-unlawful/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Just surreal all of it was normalized as if it was all up to snuff. Nothing to SEE here they would always say as they called you a election denier, white supremacist, injection hesitant, and all the other commie verbiage to try and bull coerce shutting down critical thought on questioning the process

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"You have no proof of election fraud" they shriek as they frantically destroy evidence of election fraud.

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Other states, too.


Delaware Supreme Court Takes One Small Step Toward Election Integrity

This follows along with Wisconsin ruling that ballot drop boxes are illegal and Michigan finding that the Secretary of State illegally changed election rules for 2020. Similar cases had similar results in Pennsylvania, where universal mailing of ballots was declared illegal AND that Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State had no authority to arbitrarily change election deadlines. Ditto in Virginia, where the rule allowing mail-in ballots to arrive late WITHOUT A POSTMARK was determined to be illegal. (No giant integrity hole there, no siree!)

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I've heard great things about that WILL entity in Wisc!

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What really makes me crazy mad is when I hear people say they voted for Trump twice, but won't again because of the chaos of the indictments. Boy, that must really make the Dems happy, it's working.

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Someone actually said that? Sure it wasn’t a bot or CIA tool?

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What were the findings of the investigation into trump’s allegations that the election was stolen?

The allegations were NEVER Investigated.

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I believe the official findings were "Shut up and go away. Stop asking us about this."

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If this were a normal criminal m case, I’d say there is a bright side in that now trump gets to litigate and gather all the evidence that got ignored and shut down in 2020. He gets discovery.

But this is no normal criminal case. He’s going to get railroaded good and hard.

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That's sort of what Trump is insinuating -- now he can present the evidence that the election was rigged.

But as a lawyer might say -- that assumes facts not in evidence. (mainly that the process is fair)

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Concealment implies guilt.

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Speaking of concealment, I was talking to my (extremely naive/brainwashed) liberal brother last night and asked him why, in Michigan, did they covere the windows in the polling place after they sent the observers home. He said "I'm sure there was a good reason."

It's hopeless trying to talk to liberals about this stuff.

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That would have been my liberal brothers reply as well.

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Love the name working rich!

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So, this RICO prosecution, if directed against the entire Democrat party, would nail EVERY SINGLE ONE. Seriously. And most of the Media.

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Here's a clip of Democrats in 2019 calling Trump a "dictator" for using the DOJ to investigate a political rival, turning the U.S. into a "banana republic."


Rachel Maddow in 2019: “Mr. Trump is using the Justice Dept to go after his perceived enemies. I feel worried about the prospect of the DoJ being used as a tool of this president OR ANY in our little banana republic. Any capable prosecutor can get a grand jury to hand down an indictment of something as innocent as a ham sandwich.”

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Sickening. And so many Americans eat this sht up.

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" I feel worried about the prospect of the DoJ being used as a tool of this president OR ANY in our little banana republic."

Didn't even take a full presidential term for this to be exposed as the lie it obviously was.

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“And his unwillingness to condemn the violence at the Capitol and encourage a peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 6 will stain him forever.”

Are you kidding Alex? He responded faster - and with much more detail - than anyone similarly situated (for example, in the 2020 summer riots). He recorded and uploaded videos to Twitter during the afternoon of Jan 6. And Twitter took them down.

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This last weekend I went through FBI emails that were released through a FOIA request. They VERY CLEARLY show that the FBI was planning for 1/6 for weeks if not months. You can see the emails in which they talk about all aspects of 1/6, and even talk about removing threats before the protest -- making it unbelievable they were caught flat-footed by the events of the day. You can read the emails yourself:


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Did you listen to the Tucker Carlson interview he just posted with Steve Sund the head of the Capitol Police on January 6-if you you might want to listen.

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At the risk of being accused of spamming, I wrote about it! What I found in the FBI emails backed up what Sund was saying basically perfectly. (We don't know for sure because so much remains redacted in the emails.)


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It’s unbelievable. And remember, this is from the very apolitical Capitol Hill Chief of Police.


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One (if not the only) reason Tucker was fired was his never aired interview with Mr. Sund. It was scheduled to air on the day Tucker was disappeared.

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It's almost as if they didn't realize he could just..........do another interview.

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But Tucker still hasn't done another Jan6 expose, has he?

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The intellectual capacity of the Murdoch's is easy to malign and prove. Brute force hoped to limit the reach of any subsequent interview. And they had to answer to their masters - Schumer and McConnell.

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You should watch or listen to the Tucker Carlson interview on Twitter with Stephen Sund the former head of the Capitol police-it will curl your hair

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I already did.

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I know. I wonder if Alex believes the “fine people” BS too.

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Electoral politics and Trump’s cooties aside, what they are doing is terrible and it’s liable to accelerate the disintegration of our civil society. Now that they’ve done it once, they’ll keep doing it to their political opponents. And the threat of reciprocal prosecutions doesn’t seem to bother them at all. They’ll just dig deeper and abuse harder. They’ve crossed the Rubicon and there’s no turning back.

They just don’t care. It’s sad and more than a little frightening.

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Alex, love your writing and pursuit of the truth no matter where it takes you. I call it brave.

For me, I've read enough of your work to know that you don't like Trump. So is it necessary to qualify and repeat that for the readers?

A couple questions related to your post and generally:

1. Have you ever thought about how media spin has biased you against Trump?

2. There's a lot of reasons why people thought the 2020 election was stolen or IMO not securely conducted. If we agree on the latter then why was there never an independent investigation? Why is it the cases were thrown out on standing, the merits were never heard? Note: Michigan just found 10m - 12m ballots that are illegitimate.

3. Trump has been accused of everything and the kitchen sink... he's a racist, a Russian plant, he got peed on by a Russian hooker etc. These allegations were either disproved through proper attribution of his quotes (Charolette for example) or the myriad of investigations/impeachments that found nothing. a. If all of this is unfounded who are the bad actors? b. And how could this NOT sully his reputation among folks that are not in the non FAKE news world? (Note: B sounds like election interference.)

I get that many find trump to be a dick, fine. How many Global NY RE developers do you think are not busting balls somewhere. To me he's sarcastic 60% of the time and people are so sensitive their panties get in a bunch or worse they get triggered and cancel people.

Somehow we've become a society who wants to be friends with the Leader (Obama bow down). I don't need a friend in the WH, I need someone with balls (figuratively) who's gonna stand up for the avg. American Joe. Last I checked, during his run for president and through his term, he's one of the only politicians in my lifetime who's actually done what he said he was gonna do. Under significant duress I might add. Cut the guy some slack and while you're at it... maybe open an investigative reporting on the "irregularities" of the 2020 election... you will be surprised at what you'll find and I would love to read it!

Be well,


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Trump was indicted for being repellent to the left and for threatening to unseat the current resident of the White House. That’s it. Why wait until we are 15 months from the next election? It’s been 2-1/2 years give or take since he commuted his indictable offenses. It’s so transparent it’s embarrassing. We should all on stocking up on bananas if we want to participate in our Brave New (banana) Republic.

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**committed, not commuted. I hate auto correct but when I’ve turned it off I have way too many typos!

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That and my thick thumbs. Totally understandable.

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The greatest WITCH hunt in the historical timeline of witch hunting hands down. What ONE person could survive what has been thrown at Trump since walking down the escalator in 2015. As Alan Dershowitz stated "it means nothing" This hunt as it continues only empowers the man and people who believe in America as GOD granted it to us thru our unalienable rights. How the average DEM still votes for this banana republic subversion of the constitution and law is the amazing aspect.

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Don’t say God, our author doesn’t believe in Him☹️

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God is a personal connection. I KNOW this entity gives me my unalienable rights now and in the end, and it IS what matters to me most. MAN does not give this to me and never will

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easy there, he said he is not an atheist

sounds like you want him to say some magic words that perfectly conform to your religion

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You are just as correct about the Election issue as you are about ivermectin .

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I wonder how many people still believe the election was stolen? I do. I also believe IVM was a very effective treatment for Covid. My wife and I took it every week for two years after a brave, honorable doctor prescribed it and we have had no Covid. Unbelievably a Justice Department lawyer just told the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that the FDA never told doctors not to prescribe IVM for Covid. Remember, "Stop it! you are not a cow!" that came from the FDA. I wonder how many people now would take IVM instead of the mRNA experimental drug vax?

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