The fact that Damar Hamlin survived still does not negate the concern about why a seemingly healthy 24 year old would drop of a heart attack in the middle of a football game (the hit he took does not look to be extraordinary). The number of athletes having sudden cardiac events is something that needs to be investigated and understood. I would certainly expect that the MD's working on Mr. Hamlin will conduct enough test to determine what factors contributed to this horrific event that nearly killed Damar Hamlin. Hopefully there will be some transparency around this event that will put some of the vaccinated athlete community at ease (or perhaps on guard) about what factors may have lead to this tragic event.

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Absolutely. That's why speculating he was "brain dead" is so counterproductive.

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For the sake of Damar Hamlin and his family...for his teammates...for all the vaxxed players in the NFL, NBA, NHL, etc....for all the babies, children, and young adults who've taken these dangerous and useless jabs...the questions must be asked and answered.

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And too bad all the people who’ve died suddenly, in their homes, didn’t have world class medical care to bring them back to life once their hearts stopped.

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What difference does it make whether Kirsch speculated that he was brain dead or not? I don't see the relevance.

I have read plenty of Kirsch's substack and I think he provides a valuable voice that is hard to find elsewhere. However, Kirsch is a human being. Which means he has flaws. One of his flaws is an arrogance that can lead him to believe he is right in more circumstances than is justified. I'm sure that attitude has played an important role in his business success. Obviously, it also has downsides.

But what difference does it make to the discussion about vaccine safety? Whether Hamlin lives or dies at this point (and I pray that he lives) is irrelevant to the question of whether the vaccine played some crucial role in his cardiac arrest.

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And are we being told the truth?

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Is it OK for me to speculate that most of the presstitutes in the corporate media are brain dead as well ? Asking for myself.

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It maters this way. If you a leading figure and you speculate widely and incorrectly it can have a negative influence on public opinion about all the COVID vax skeptics. And that retards advancing our goals.

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In the state where we reside, the high school association is discussing requiring EKGs for athletes in order to participate. This is not normal and what Damar experienced as a particularly elite athlete is also not normal. We deserve answers.

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The kids and young adults (and everyone else) who were coerced or mandated to get jabs they didn't want or need deserve answers.

Keep the focus on them.

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Where I live (in Las Vegas), a 16 year old girl dropped dead on the field of a flag football game yesterday. I have no clue if she got the jabs but everyone agrees that nobody has ever seen a 16 year old otherwise healthy girl just drop dead while playing a high school sport.

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It is a miracle that he is neurologically intact after having CPR for that long. Thank God for protecting this young man.

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Anybody needing >5 min CPR and being resuscitated twice is at huge risk of brain damage. Likely ordinary mortals wouldn't survive without serious damage. Perhaps the speculation was premature, but it was speculation.

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Jeez Alex, who appointed you King of the Vax Skeptics? 9 minutes without oxygen is a long time. Kirsch's speculation, although it turned out to be wrong, seemed reasonable at the time. Let's please also note that the Bills and Bengals made the extraordinary decision to walk off the field, and no one seems to be complaining about that.

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Alex Berenson



Jan 4

Any reporter who plays along and repeats this nonsense without immediately noting the silence of the


and the treating doctors and


is now complicit.

Quote Tweet

Alex Berenson



Jan 4

Damar Hamlin’s physicians and the @nfl are AGAIN using non-doctors to make vague - effectively meaningless - statements on his condition to delay and raise hope while themselves staying silent and refusing to put anything in writing.

This game is sick and cynical and must stop. twitter.com/coleyharvey/st…

So to clarify, this tweet is not speculating he might be brain dead? I have no problem with this speculation as we all saw what we saw and it is miracle he is doing so well. I'm just confused.

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We have a set of damning facts that is clear and indisputable and everyone who "reaches" and takes people off the trail like Kirsch and other showboaters does not help the cause:

1) the transmission and deaths rates which were the "justification" for all that followed were wildly exaggerated and those exaggerations came out of organizations heavily funded by Bill Gates

2) Gates gave over $300 million in "grants" to a wide range of international news organizations including Reuters

3) the "safety measures" like masks, lockdowns, social distancing, school closures, business closures etc. were based on make-believe garbage science

4) Billions of dollars were spent to coerce people into accepting an injection with God only knows what in it

5) We don't fully know the ingredients of the injections, but we do know they were literally experimental in that they were never deployed before on human beings

6) the studies that demonstrated safety and efficacy of these injections were absolute garbage on all levels

7) the news media, Big Tech, academia, and governments at all levels pushed these falsehoods tirelessly and worked in a coordinated fashion to silence and smear legitimate scientists. doctors and analysts who had contrary facts

8) more people have been reported killed and seriously injured by this injection (stop calling it a "vaccine" or even a "gene therapy") than all other injections recorded by the government's own database than all other vaccines combined.

Done. That's it. We have all the facts we need.

We really don't need to talk about anything else and we should be repeating these points endlessly until they are in everyone's consciousness and a critical mass of the public understands how they've been abused so nature can take it's course.

Everything else is a waste of time and counterproductive. If I were a Pharma PR strategist I would love nothing more than 10,000 loose cannon COVID resistance celebrities shooting off their latest look-at-me clickbait theories at every opportunity.

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Let me suggest a practical solution. EVERY article on ANY aspect of the COVID catastrophe should begin with a simple statement of the most recent VAERS number.


"As of December 23, 2022 VAERS reports 1,490,160 total adverse reactions to COVID vaccines in the United States including 33,334 COVID vaccine related deaths."

It's easy to do and it puts everything into perspective. According to the government's own records the COVID vaccines are injuring and killing tens of thousands of people. Done.

Even a billionaire should be able to understand the efficacy of doing this.

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Thanks for the Data

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Not only a routine hit in NFL, but all players have shoulder pad extensions protecting that very area unlike a baseball player taking perhaps a direct shot from a baseball at high velocity. A consideration is not much to ask at all, but those behind the curtain simply will not allow IT. Just what is it gonna take to truly expose those perps behind the curtain is the real question. To date all of them are made of Hilary like Teflon...

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Blaming everything but the elephant in the room…aka, shot in the arm.

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The Feds had more guys in Hamlin’s hospital than they had in JFK’s in Dallas. That alone is probative.

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I have read similar comments about a Federal law enforcement presence at the hospital but cannot find any information confirming this. Could you provide a source, please.

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Yeah well where the hell are the investigative reporters? All watching CNN so they can report on the reporters reports? They should be milling around that hospital asking questions from everyone including janitors.

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I think you missed my point. I have seen comments on various Substacks stating the Feds were at the Cincinnati hospital. I searched the internet and could not find a story stating a Federal presence at the hospital. I am inquiring as to the source documenting the Federal presence.

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I hope Damar Hamlin's doctors will try to figure out what caused a 24 year-old athlete's heart to stop beating on the playing field. But given the behavior of doctors and the health "authorities" over the last three years, my fear is that if the vaccine played any role, they don't want to know and will avoid finding out. And that's because, as Bret Weinstein noted in a recent podcast with Dr. Aseem Malhotra, these mRNA shots were PROTOTYPES. They were not sufficiently tested for either efficacy or safety, yet government and medicine ran a massive campaign to propagandize, cajole, bribe, shame, coerce, and if all that failed, force every one of us to take them. They succeeded in getting these prototypes into billions of people, and now they'll do whatever it takes to prevent themselves and the rest of us from knowing whether they're injuring and killing people. If I—a layperson with no scientific training—knew the minute I heard "mRNA vaccine" ("What's that?" I immediately wanted to know, and the answer both intrigued and concerned me) that we should proceed with caution, they—the people in charge—definitely should have known it. They have no interest in accountability now that things might have gone wrong.

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You posted on Jan. 5. It's now early Monday morning Jan. 9. So far the doctors have not determined a cause, have they? They are keeping quiet.

The problem I see is even if they do find a problem with his heart by doing an MRI, it's going to be difficult to show why he developed that problem. If Damar had a cardiac MRI done right before he got a Covid shot, and then and got another cardiac MRI shortly after he got a COVID shot which showed injury, then that would be some evidence the shot did it. The side effects of COVID are similar to the negative side effects of the shots.

According to Dr. McCullougth there were elaborate cardiac screening programs for athletes in 2020 due to the potential that COVID could cause heart damage. He says these screening programs stopped by 2021 because they saw few damaged hearts due to COVID infection.

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Alex. Look whos company you are in when you deny what ivermectin does. Youre standing with Fauci, the CDC, the Biden administration, the NIH and every brainwashed doctor in the country.

Look at us over here—Dr Koury, Dr Mcullough, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Fareed, Dr Tyson…pretty much everyone who has actually been successful at treating patients.

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I still haven't had anybody explain how it's the business of me and my doctor.

Even if it's simply the placebo effect, the placebo effect is real. Why would doctors do their best to kill that proven benefit?

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Are you talking about Ivermectin? Sorry, if I’m off. If you are, the reason Dr.s don’t use it for Covid-19 is first, FDA said not to. Unprecedented overreach for FDA to tell dr.s that an approved medicine, ( safe for humans), cannot be prescribed for Covid. It’s very common for dr.s to prescribe a drug that’s approved, but not for what dr. is prescribing it for. Provigil, for instance, is a drug used for people with narcolepsy. ( people that fall asleep during the day) It is commonly prescribed for M.S. patients because of debilitating fatigue during the day. The second reason is that hundreds of Ivermectin studies showing effectiveness have recently disappeared from medical journals. They were retracted for trivial, plainly disputable reasons. These were peer reviewed, double-blind studies, some that stretched over many years with a large number of research participants. These were anti-viral studies, Lyme, Malaria, Ebola, HIV, SARS, etc. These studies were replaced by a few faulty & weak studies that showed Ivermectin being ineffective against virus infections. The protocols that medical doctors ultimately used, cited one of those studies to show doctors that Ivermectin would be the wrong choice against the Covid virus. Unless these are international doctors, they have no clue how common this drug is used ( and OTC -avail.) even as a preventative for many viruses. It’s sad that Americans are in the dark about this drug. It’s everything Big Pharma hates, safe, effective, & inexpensive. The inventor was awarded Nobel Prize for the discovery. ( in 70’s)

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Article states, “ no studies available.. “. Yah, I wonder why??!! If Ivermectin was proven effective against Covid virus, the vaccines would’ve not been approved for emergency use. Under FDA (EU) guidelines, “ there cannot be another equally effective and available drug.” Ivermectin is better, obviously, and available.

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And by the way—yes you were nodding your head while you were absolutely schooled by Dr. Koury. That wasnt a debate it was a spanking.

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Cheap, Nobel prize winning drug that has limited issues for the majority of people should have been handed out like candy

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I almost hyperventilate when Alex writes another anti-ivermectin statement. Now it’s his pride he’s protecting, and it’s a very bad look. Comma from a 58 year old stage 4 C survivor & her 73 yr old husband who had Delta & recovered with…you guessed it…Ivermectin!

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I saw the interaction between you and Pierre Kory and thought he won by a mile.

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Kory is in the trenches too seeing 1000's of patients, and not simply on a keyboard all due respect to Alex

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If you don't agree with our tribe, and worse still, you agree with the other tribe, there must be something wrong with you. Is that what you are saying?

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Nope. Im talking specifically about ivermectin. Just the simple fact that a group of evil people ran a campaign against a safe medication —and all of the implications of that campaign (millions of deaths) should make Alex think twice about what he is saying.

If i make a statement and all of the evilest mofos alive are agreeing with me, and all of the brilliant, honest people dont—i would want to rethink what i said.

They were wrong about the safety of the shots. Wrong about the effectiveness of the shots. Wrong about paxlovid. Wrong about remdesivir. Wrong about masks. Wrong about closing schools. Wrong about lockdowns—-but they are righ about ivermectin? Nah.

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Exactly! It doesn’t make any sense. It’s like the “ opposite” game. If they say this, they really mean that. “Ivermectin is bad”, no, it’s good. 😳

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Thanks for the clarification.

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I have said over and over that we don't know what caused Hamlin's collapse, because no one who has treated him has said. I do think it was the vaccine because healthy 24 year old don't drop with a heart attack in football -- he wasn't hit hard, and the line immediately was the tackle did it. First, that damages the sport (I can see all the rules and legislation in place to "prevent" this from ever happening again) and second, there's no evidence the tackle caused his heart to stop. The problem is that I don't trust the media, and I don't trust doctors anymore. I don't know if when they report the medical diagnosis and cause that I can believe them. No matter what they say. That so many athletes have dropped dead or had cardiac episodes needs to be looked at -- and it's being ignored (except by a few.) I actually agree with Alex about Steve Kirsch. I read him and I like so much of his information, but sometimes he just goes off about things that have no foundation. I just want the truth. That's it. And I don't know where I'll get it anymore.

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Yes. The problem is that we have the likes of Fauci, Walensky and others who have blatantly lied to us about everything covid related. We have also watched doctors act counter to anything that made any sense. I still have to wear a mask in some medical facilities and nowhere else even though everyone with an ounce of sense know they do nothing except make it hard to breathe and collect who knows what pathogens to keep breathing in and out. This has completely destroyed public trust in the healthcare community which I used to be part of. So he could have had his heart stop from the impact and the doctors come out and say that’s definitely what it was and I’m probably not going to believe them. I know what I saw and my common sense meter tells me that wasn’t the cause but my common sense meter isn’t perfect.

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Listen to your gut , truth will resonate

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Myocarditis can leave telltale signs of heart muscle damage, whether or not he will release that information is another thing. We don't even know if he was vaccinated at this point.

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His family and his team would have shot that down right away. I think we know. Most of them are "vaccinated".

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Boosted 12/26 per his dr posted

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Please do not spread that debunked story. The only MD of that name is a physician in Florida who looks nothing like the picture associated with the Twitter account making that claim. The Twitter account was opened several weeks before this tweet, had almost no activity, and has now disappeared. HIPPA prevents physicians from disclosing any medical information without the patients consent.

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unfortunately the only way to find out the truth would have been this young man dying. His family would then be able to assemble a team of sharks to sue the hell out of the NFL. Fortunately it appeasrs he is going to recover. If his career is over, this may also be an open door to a massive lawsuit, the only possiblity of getting a real answer as to what happened. If that doesnt happen, it will be a standard statement that will be ambiguous at best and dishonest at worst.

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The NFL will pre-emptively settle, threaten or bribe them into silence anyway. That’s how cabals work.

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Not the NFL, probably Pfizer or Moderna. NFL eventually for mandating. Big Pharma doesn’t want any findings getting out that might implicate the vaccine. Trouble is, it will be impossible to deny after more and more of these situations. I feel like Darmis is a miracle. Others might not be so lucky. ( & haven’t been so lucky)

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When I last cared about football, I seem to remember the Players Union settling with the owners over the retirement medical benefits vis-a-vis concussions.

As the mRNA poison increasingly manifests itself in increasing injuries, methinks it likely that the 70% black players seek, uh, reparations from the white owners, who pace the slaveholders of yore, forced them, etc.

Good times ahead

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I couldn’t agree with you more Allison on every point. Not having trust in the ones we wish we could is a very troubling thing.

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You don't understand your audience. You think you do in the sense that you think the worst of us, but you don't get it. We don't have a problem with accurate criticism. It's the other side that doesn't like that.

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I know you are waiting for a double blinded studies on ivermectin, good luck finding them, good luck funding them. And that's the problem we are having all along.

Big Pharma decides what study they will encourage and fund. They pay the media to control the narrative. I actually did find a few studies, but I could not find them again.

I am so happy that Damar came out of it NOT brain dead, he was really really lucky, and any honest doctor will tell you that CPR for such a long time is not playing for good brain function later.

I do not understand why you do not accept the fact that a doctor who prescribe ivermectin and his patients are saying they felt better pretty much immediately as a better EVIDENCE than any big Pharma funded study? Or at least it should count.

Both me and my husband had Covid. For me the Z stack and HCQ was enough, my husband was still not doing well, so against the advice of his doctor, who was not courages enough to tell me he cannot prescribe neither meds other the Z pack. I added ivermectine to the mix. He was feeling much better within hours.

My cousin landed from Israel with full blown Covid in November 2022. I gave her both HCQ and ivermectine, and she was much better the next day. When she came she was not even able to walk to the bathroom without help. She has many health issues and is overweight. Ivermectine did the trick.

Why not ask your audience who took ivermectin and what did it do for them.

Make a poll here.

Edited for clarity and some typos.

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Exactly. The Together Trial was funded by the very same people who needed it to fail so that vaccines would be approved.


Going to the Together Trial publication site, I grabbed the first Ivermectin study listed. Here’s what we see (highlighting mine):

"Patients who had had symptoms of covid for up to 7 days and had at least one risk factor for disease progression were randomly assigned to receive ivermectin once daily for 3 days or placebo.

My question is very, very simple:

When a patient has had symptoms of covid for up to 7 days and has at least one risk factor for disease progression, do we give them a covid vaccine?

Of course not. In fact, we’ve allowed Big Pharma and the “experts” to claim that it takes roughly 40 days after you start the jab regimen before you’re ACTUALLY “vaccinated” (ensuring a fake 100% efficacy at the end of that 40 days). So by definition, the vaccine must be administered over a month in advance of contracting covid. (Which - you know - shouldn’t be a thing after getting a vaccine, but - you know.)

So the ‘experts’ are able to kill off possible treatments and threaten doctors who dare disobey BASED ON CASES IN WHICH THE VACCINE WOULD BE USELESS ANYWAY! If the vaccine gets the benefit of being administered OVER A MONTH IN ADVANCE, why does Ivermectin or [whatever other drug] not get that same benefit of the doubt?

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So well explained SC!

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My physician husband gave ivermectin and the rest of the protocol to another doctor who was two weeks into COVID and could hardly breathe and was so exhausted he was hardly able to get out of bed. Double vaxxed with Moderna. He was too far into his illness to get the monoclonal antibodies, so my husband prescribed ivermectin, and within two days, the doctor texted and said he was no longer coughing and feeling much better. He certainly was a believer in ivermectin.

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Thanks for the personal experience. We keep both on hand in case we get sick. As many in Africa use them with low Covid case load I am a believer. I agree, I would love to see a survey by someone like Alex who has integrity. Personally my wife and I take immune system boosters and neither of us have been sick for years. That is something considering my wife used to catch any illness going around. I did see a study that found that people who take supplements were shown to be less likely to catch Covid all other factors being equal.

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If the government had done nothing but distribute Vitamin D and ban CNN there would have been no pandemic.

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I gave him my antidotal evidence. Perhaps if a million of us write in it might substitute for a study funded by the NIH and CDC and of course Pfizer.

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Fair enough criticism, but you seem to be the king of the circular firing squad. There is a strong team of mRNA truthers and they need to stick together. If you have a problem with Kirsch you should talk to him directly. You all have your own issues. Don’t we all. Shitting on each other really doesn’t help.

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Tiffs are healthy in the perplexing search for scientific truth. Lighten 🆙

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He also had a Tiff with Dr Malone.

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That was about defending his ancestors. I get it. Blood is thicker, and all that. But, Alex is human ( I think?), and we all make mistakes and learn. ( except Fauci & Gates, and maybe a few more) We are all fallible. I have his back on this. I don’t agree with him but I get where it came from. Remember, he started as a journalist! Look how far he’s come. 🏆📘👏🏼

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Your attitude with Kory “just nodding and listen” is nothing to be proud of, Alex. That is not a debate. It was disrespectful at best.

Besides, Kory, Marik, McCullough, Fareed… have treated and saved thousands with IVM. With an almost perfect record. Do you think they are lying? They are idiots? Or has IVM not worked with your 0 patients?

Said that, I agree with this post.

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Shasta - Without a RCT to support, its difficult to say IVM works or does not work. I would prefer Doctors/writers to say "I don't know" if they don't. We have been missing too much of that lately.

Unfortunately, the study by CDC/FDA was riddled with problems and I suspect that most folks that care to be informed no longer trust them or the WHO.

Also, when Alex is a the guest on a show, like Outkick, he shares his opinion on almost everything, That said, as a guest among many, not sure what etiquette would be to debate others that were invited for that reason. Difficult situation.

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There’s no RCTs because the powers that be don’t want to prove that Ivermectin works.

Remember in the 80s with the medications that could work on AIDS? Have you seen the movie “Dallas Buyers Club??” Why no RCTs on those medications??

How come no real RCTs on these experimental Clot Shots??

Fauci and the rest of the ilk don’t want to save lives. If they did we would never have had these experimental clot shots and we would’ve used HCQ and IVERMECTIN from the beginning!

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There have been plenty of RCTs and other forms of studies on IVM. https://c19ivm.org/meta.html. I dare someone to do a RCT study with IVM early treatment in the Control group and vax in the treatment group. Good luck with that.

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"But it is because those questions are so crucial that vaccine skeptics must be cautious - that we cannot afford to make these mistakes."

You're insane if you think that they will start treating us fairly if we 'get our act together'. Obviously we should call out BS when we see it, but BS one from one person has nothing to do with the rest of us.

With regards to this story, I certainly hope Hamlin recovers. But I won't believe it until I see it.

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Alex cant let go of his establishment roots. He still thinks hes playing a fair game, and that eventually the truth will come out, and he can win a pulitzer. He's dillusional, and hes also not the authority about what people can or cant say about anything. He got banned from twitter for spreading misinformation. Meanwhile, now he wants to start his own ministry of information, as long as everyone follows his narrative.

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The Twitter files have proven that literally everybody at any large media company is bought and paid for, but he expects them to suddenly have a change of heart and start inviting him to the cocktail parties again.

They're not covering the big stories because they're paid not to cover the big stories. That's how they all 'missed' Russiagate and 2020 and 1/6 and covid and basically every other big story of the day -- they're presstitutes and whorespondents completely under the control of the narrative-pushers (in government and out).

Edit: Your last line reminded me of one of my favorite sayings "I'll let you ban hate speech if you let me decide what it is."

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Just a side note, I was looking for an authorative source for responding to a request for proof the vaccines are causing heart attacks amongst athletes and in 9 pages of google in 3 different searches all I got were "fact checker" and people saying athlete sudden deaths have nothing to do with vaccines. I assume Google has been bought off or is complicit with the pharmaceutical companys/medical community coverup.

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The UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, brought up their partnership with big tech companies including TikTok and Google that contribute to controlling the narrative on climate change.

According to Fleming, the Google search results now prioritize UN links.

"We partnered with Google," she said, adding, "for example, if you Google 'climate change,' you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources."

"We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled 'climate change,' we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top," she said, before claiming ownership of science.

"We're becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do," she said.

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In a followup to my comment, I stumbled across a technique for accessing suppressed and redirected key words. Put a - sign (negative sign) directly in front of the word(s) you are using in a google search and it will suppress googles algorithm that sends you off of your desired search.

For example, -vaccine -injuries.

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Ok Alex now that you got that off your chest, how about doing some investigative Journalism and ask him how many shots he has had and when did he have them? How am I sure he had shots?

BECAUSE HE WAS MANDATED TO GET THEM. You might also want to ask when was his last physical and was his heart examined. Afterwards we can all rest easy if there is no correlation and make our vaccine booster appointments for next week.

PS There have been many peer reviewed studies, as of late, that have that shown the efficacy of Ivermectin. My own experience and my families is that when we got COVID we all took it and within 4 hrs for me and 1 day for my kids we all felt better . I know. I know its antidotal and we need a gold plated double blind study involving millions to be certain it works.

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•Nine minutes .. 3-5 in full view LIFELESS!! Then 4-6 hidden in tent 🎪Why the hood?? Damar had already had 20 or 60 zaps ⚡️ in the open! Next intervention is pericardiocenesis for CARDIAC TAMPONADE. This is elementary ACLS, my dear Dr. Berenson. Any witnesses present wanna all spin the TENT 🎪 sequence as any thing else is lying.. send your own soul to Hell for eternity kinda LIES•

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Imo Essien ODU Basketball player just dropped clutching his chest!

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he recovered YaY … Nevertheless Im sensing this is the rumble (like Pompeii before the blast 🌋 and lava races thru the streets🔉🔊

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I'm absolutely stoked to hear the fantastic news on Hamlin's recovery and progress, but, also, at the same time, question if we are being told the truth. I definitely have many questions as do many others, I'm sure. Continued prayers for a full recovery.

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They spent the last few days finding a clone to trot out wave to the public and disappear into the media memory hole.

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How have they ignored the hundreds of soccer players across the world who’ve tipped over in the same way Hamlin did…disgusting.

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Great now lets also pray we get an honest answer to when he was VAXXED.

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Yeah. Steve jumped the shark for sure.

But he’s done great work. Like a famous guy once said, we don’t have to agree on everything. 😏

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He may have jumped the gun, but not the shark.

But I don’t think it was jumping the gun, unless what he said about the nine minutes of CPR (which was all news to me) wasn’t true.

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The scientific community have known the mechanism by which the spike protein kills since 2007.

“The Spike Protein causes massive Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress and, depending upon the individual, this can manifest in a wide range of diseases. The coronavirus spike protein induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and upregulation of intracellular chemokine mRNA concentrations: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17670839/

EXPRESSION of Spike Protein. This means that if your cells EXPRESS the Spike Protein, it causes ER stress. ER stress can induce Diabetes, Neurodegeneration, Cancer and PRION FORMATION.

In short: Since 2007 they knew the spike proteins would cause random deaths that appeared as something else.”


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Good! She shared data originating from the same person I got it from: Walter Chesnut. This needs to be shared widely and understood clearly.

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I just looked at it. Has nice primer. Thanks for the reference.

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Thanks for the reference.

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You are welcome. Walter is excellent in his findings; his work is exceptional.

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Absolutely KNOWN long ago!

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So I’m supposed to believe that Damar Hamlin wrote on a piece of paper Who won the game? Like a Disney movie? Meanwhile they have him turned on his stomach so not inflame his lungs? Idk if he is brain dead but I don’t trust the media. He is still in critical condition. I hate that this great young man has become a pawn and something that powerful people will try to sweep under the rug. But I need to Literally see him come out with a thumbs up and say some words before I think he is totally ok.

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Wondered the same.

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Not sure why Kirsch would say that. It is foolish to speculate on such matters. I totally agree with Berenson.

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I interpreted it as Kirsch having spoken with doctors who shared that concern. And I believed Kirsch was saying it’s a possibility.

I have also heard “renowned cardiologists” say that the way Damar fell indicated his cardiac arrest was not from the hit.

I appreciate Steve not being afraid to have mentioned that possibility as many people were waiting for some indication of brain wave activity, etc.

Steve kirsch’s words stand alone; I don’t think you need to criticize the work of others who are trying to get to truth , Alex.

First it was Dr Malone, then Dr Kory, now Steve Kirsch.

I think we need all these bright minds working together to at least get the discussion and the data known

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Because many physicians told him that was most likely due to 9 minutes of CPR

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If you read the entire NY Post article about this, you realize that they try to make it seem like Damar is awake and talking, but this is misleading. Further down, the article says the doctor wanted to clarify that Damar cannot speak and is still on a ventilator and in critical condition, and that he is communicating by nodding his head and writing notes, which could be true but I doubt because I believe people on vents are usually heavily sedated. It's like they know few people read past the headline, and even fewer read a whole article. Something seems fishy here, I have to wonder how much of it is bullshit.

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