It’s not just being wrong about COVID any more. It’s being wrong about just about everything, and being willing to destroy our country rather than admit they were wrong.

I’m done with them

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Also being willing to destroy individual relationships, which is both sad and infuriating. One of my closest friends, "D", just lost a relationship with one of her closest friends, "T", after 45 years, because T is in the midst of an intolerant and insufferable psychosis over political issues. I spend a weekend counseling D that her friend T is mentally ill, and that hopefully T will recover and come back at some point, but that in the meantime D would be well-advised to avoid the shrapnel from T's explosive episodes.

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Sound advice. There are a great many people who are manifesting some type of mental imbalance these days. Give them a wide berth, you cannot fix them.

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Ahhh..that would be the Libtards that transitioned almost seamlessly from TDS to Covid 1984 Derangement Syndrome as planned by the Puppeteers who understand psychology and abnormal psychology and how to brainwash.

PS What is with those black rubber rings people are wearing? Reminds me of the rubber bracelet Lance Armstrong Hoax virtue signalers!

These idiots are such f ing gullible lemmings. Total followers! Right over the damn cliff.

Lord help us because they are hurting us.

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I list my best first cousin. Her husband is a doctor at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara. They refused me entry into their home unvaxxed, but having had covid 2 x

I missed her daughter's wedding, all holidays and tried to reconnect after the truth was exposed. I have been shunned and continue to be shunned. However, I have a new family that is on the same page and we have accepted that we cannot be around toxic people..in all sense of the word toxic. Alan. Thank you for your wisdom.

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I have a cousin who is a doctor that controls her entire family. No vax, not allowed at the family x-mas party, even though my wife, daughter and I all had had covid. Kids too. I’m fine never seeing that part of the family again, although as each day goes by I’m sure some of them realize what a complete farce all the precautions were.

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I'm not so sure they realize anything like that. The fear campaign left an indelible imprint.

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Someone here where I work just had Covid, she still had the need to say, "good thing I had shots and boosters, I was not very sick". They still buy into the lies and pure BS, and likely always will.

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Yeah, they are profoundly ignorant of the monster they willingly and, at times, gleefully enabled.

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It’s funny (not really) how some of the highest educated in medicine believed the narrative of Covid by those that lead the medical profession and government. My stepdaughter who is an RN and her family are multi aid vaxxed. And they all got Covid but still believes that they would have died if they weren’t vaxxed. Even their one year old child is two times vaxxed.

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Some people are mentally fragile. They might appear tough on the outside but cannot tolerate large changes or mental stress. I am sorry for those people. They do need a rock to cling to in these turbulent times.

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They will stand on your shoulders if they think it will make them feel safer, even if you are underwater.

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It all traces back to fear. Most people are afraid of being cast out of the "herd" for going against "The Current Thing."

The good news is I think our rulers are now starting to fear us. Of course, this might be a scary thing itself - because it means they are going to become even more brazen or desperate to shut us up and keep us in our place.


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My concern is the plandemic is unfolding in the way the puppet masters predicted and they will pull some new trick out of their bag that will cause us all more grief.

By the way Bill, you perked up my interest and I got a copy of 3 days of Condor and watched it on the weekend. Dated but not a bad movie. The premise is a lot like the plandemic. Shoot your own loyal troops.

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I thought it was a 3-star movie, but the final scene is definitely a keeper. Prescient. Thanks for reading my "movies for our Covid times" article, Fred. There's several other movies that come to mind these days - "Network" and "Being There" for example.


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Yeah. Unfolding is the new Bill Gates food contaminant. Go here to get familiar with the logo on your produce: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=apeel+coating&atb=v314-1&iax=images&ia=images

And here to read about it: https://deeprootsathome.com/dont-touch-apeel-produce-this-applies-to-organics-too/

If Bill Gates is involved, how can you trust it?

If anyone has more updated info on this, please comment. There seems to be an industrial APPEEL and a food industry APEEL. But just because it is made from plant materials doesn't mean it is safe. Lots of poisons are plant based.

A little help on the research here?

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My uncle moved in with us for 6 months in 1980 while he built his house and he brought his Betamax playwrer and a bunch of movies with him. Maybe watching 3 Days of the Condor and Marathon Man and French Connection as an 11 year-old made me a cynical, jaded teen, but I also think it may have made me see how life really is at an early age. My brother and I used always joke when we'd get a new mailman--who is the hit on today?

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And my follow-up piece. Thank God our rulers are banning so many dangerous products ... like the gas stove.


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Man up!


Grow one !

Comes to mind.

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Not everyone is in that position. I can weather all that comes at me.

Some I have met can be pushed over the edge easily as they don't have

the mental fortitude to deal with problems. For example I made sure my kids had problems to handle and extended themselves so they could test their limits. Not all people are brought up that way.

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This is a given in a population. The strong and smart survive.

Make a choice.

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There seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance regarding the death jabs. “Nobody seems to care. It's like people have been converted into zombies” — Dr. Peter McCullough

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And is that "mental imbalance" also connected to the jab?

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The opposite. The jab didn’t make them crazy, being crazy made them believe in the jab.

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William, I am astounded at the family members/ friends that fell for the con. Most of my relatives are self-employed and faced no mandate to get in line; but they did!!! Unreal.

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It's fear. The Gov't 🇨🇦 played daily death counts and case counts on TV and had regular press releases with the public, daily at some points during the lockdowns. That fear campaign was fed to people in lockdown. For some TV News was their only link to the outside world. And anything else was "fake news" or "disinformation".

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and they will be the first to point you out

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T is unlikely to recover, just another buffoon.

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I've pretty much lost my best friend of 38 years between her fear of Covid, the unvaxxed (me, even though I got Covid in Feb 2022 and fully recovered), and apparently her finally admitting that she still feels "betrayed" by me because I voted for Trump in 2016. For being on the side that thinks of themselves as being on the right side of history, it never ceases to amaze me how chronically miserable she is. SMH.

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Mass formation psychosis has gripped SO many people--and comes in many variants.

Hoping you are able to assure D that she is on the RIGHT side of history here.

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or even the side of safety and freedom.

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Waste of a weekend, sorry.


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Good advice.

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I think we should change Republican and Democratic affiliation to Question everything or Question nothing. I think we would be surprised at who our new friends would be. These people will keep their heads in the sand until whatever is coming, China, CBDC, WHO, IRS, or the UN, knocks on their door. Such astonishing ignorance.

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I like the new party names, the left’s heads (cavity which was intended to contain a brain but no longer does) will explode because everyone will be a “Q” something 😉

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Perfect label.

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I agree 100%. They still won’t admit they were wrong. They still continue to write us off as idiots. Some continue to take the jabs, which stuns me every time I hear it! I have family members that still think they haven’t been injured by these shots. Only time will tell.....

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Had this text exchange with friends last week. Context was RFJ Jr. being correct on Covid shots.

Friend: 10X more people would have died without the shots. Vaccines are the new modern science.

Me: Who here got the shot and still caught Covid?

Friend 2: Vax is not preventative. Purpose is to mitigate symptoms.

Friend: Shorten illness and contagion so less are exposed (with a link to Harvard article).

Friend: But anti-vaxxers only care about themselves not humanity.

Me (feeling like I was in a 2021 time warp): Remind me why we had vax mandates. It was to prevent us from killing Grandma. Fauci told us if we got the shot we would not catch it and not spread it.

Friend: False.

Me: Why did we have mandates then?

Friend: We did not have mandates.

Of course, he made the shot mandatory for his employees.

I was incredulous that after everyone in the group caught Covid, they still felt this way about the shot, including the fellow R in the group (Friend 2).

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Your friend doesn’t know what he’s talking about re Fauci. I had a feeling this would happen so saved a clip of Fauci that Tucker had on and Fauci was saying, “Your friends can be assured that if they get the vaccine, they aren’t going to be infected.” I have it in photos and can only forward - can’t seem to save so I can put the link here. But I will forward it to Alex and hopefully he can figure out how to put it on site.

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I know. That is how I ended the exchange. I sent a clip of him saying that. "1984" set the template for revisionist history that they are following.

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I compare the Plandemic to nazi germany in the 1930s. The similarities are remarkable. The propaganda, people submissively doing what the Fueher ordered, even killing innocents, the village mentality of us vs them, the unclean, the nazi block wardens, turning a blind eye to atrocities, etc.

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Haha! "We did not have mandates." "False (about Fauci saying the shot would prevent transmission and getting it)". They are that devoted to their "cause" that they're now sacrificing their memories as a functioning instrument into a propaganda echo chamber. I had someone change facts on me last week. Neat little trick that!

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Nuts, huh? I let him know that he was either engaging in revisionism or being purposefully dishonest.

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Send them my story. With 50 years as the son of an infectious disease MD, I was one of them, and then - https://outsidein51.substack.com/p/pro-vaccine-safety-in-2023-where

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Just read it, Mike. Thanks for sharing. Like you, I long unquestioningly trusted the medical and public health community. No longer - they have to earn my trust.

Best wishes to Dustin.

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My son who is 33 now was diagnosed with non-verbal learning disorder at age 4. It's a profound disability. I'm pretty sure his childhood vaccines caused this. But I don't know for sure.

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totally could be.

My son suddenly had verbal set backs (severe) at close to 4 right after MMR. He had been reading Jonathan Swift to me out loud before.

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This is an unbelievable piece, Mike, and EVERYONE HERE might want to take time to read it. I have forwarded it to a friend with a newborn and to others who will want to at least consider how to better work the schedule for childhood vaccines. This is important info and thanks.

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This was a really good report and I had to share it.

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Back around 2000, I had to begin that learning journey too to help our son.

Mamas need the support of their men. It seems you were there, possibly mystified at times, but there, as was mine.

Sending love to both of you. It must have been much harder to see some things.

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That ain't a friend, as you discovered. We all sympathize.

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If nothing else, we have learned a lot about ourselves and others these last three years.

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-Selective memory

-Making stuff up

-Lying about mandates

-Rewriting history

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So so so weird.

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Yes, you wrote it, that is the final argument, it would have been so much worse. You cannot convince anyone that has not been convinced by now.

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I have a left leaning friend who has had five of the jabs and has had covid twice since he got his third booster in December. Just got an email from him saying he’d had bad news from a good friend - that an acquaintance had died 24 hours after his third booster. I had sent him one of Alex’s last posts and think the light bulb may finally have gone on. We’ll see.

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My neighbors son in law now has a heart infection and long Covid after #4. What does he do? Take #5! 🙈

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I’m with you. I don’t understand the disconnect. It’s just so frustrating because there is no common sense at all.

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That's how they get them to continue to be good customers.

They tell them it is Long Covid--drs make money and Pharma doesn't look guilty

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Well that ceo from Pfizer did say something about creating illness so drugs can be created to treat them, great business model.

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nicely said

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If it helps, here is an experience I had last year. At a club event in June of last year I got to talking to a fellow club member who complained that he had had Covid 3 times in spite of having gotten 3 jabs. I replied: "I have never had Covid and I am unvaccinatated. Covid impairs the immune system". I think the vitamins and suppliments my wife and I take helped.

Something that might help them if they are a senior is that there was a report that older people's immune system is weaker and does not mount the same Cytokine Storm that damages the good cell due to autoimmune response. There are many seniors going for their 6th shot in my area and while I shake my head, they are still alive and kicking.

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alive and a ticking time bomb

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Oh, but that is what Long Covid is for...

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Just saw this (new to me) evidence about the jabs on Twitter


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And about the "low risk" to healthy kids ... the mortality risk of dying "from" Covid is actually 0.000 percent ... which I would argue is about as low a risk as you can have in mathematics.


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My friend had skin cancer, after treatment he was completely cancer free. Then stage 4 bone cancer seemed to come out of nowhere and he went quickly.

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so sad.

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Yes, a complete coward cannot be trusted, their cowardice can kick in at any time and when that happens, whatever is scaring them vaults to the top of their priority list.

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Exactly. I'm not in a rush to "refriend" the people who would have turned in Anne Frank.

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Capistrano. The " karens" who yelled at me standing outside of my home unmasked. The neighbors who crossed the street when I was outside walking my dog. The stupid lucite panels which are still up. The restaurants checking papers to let us in. The rules that you could sit and eat unmasked but stand up to go to loo madked. It made no sense. Blue dots in stores to stand on and admonished if you were in between the dots. I could go on but my pounding heart with rage will explode that we lived this way. It us not over..not ever. It is a control for eventual power. I hope I die before I see the outcome. I have lost my faith in most of humanity. It upsets me greatly.

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It's definitely a shock to the system. I always disliked the Trudeau government because I thought he was just stupid and weird. It turns out he's a traitor and knows exactly what he's doing. I just retired and I had plans. But he's banning everything I like to do.

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As Forrest Gump's mother always said: "Stupid is as Stupid does." Evil is as Evil does too.

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then refried

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What is seemingly lost in time is the real issue not being addressed. That being "look what was done to humanity" in that time period! Perhaps the greatest CON and crime against humanity in the history of time and we want someone to say "hey my bad...I'm sorry" SERIOUSLY? Not ONE person responsible for orchestrating all that occurred and intentionally has remotely been held to ACCOUNT. Not ONE and we know who they are! Look what the weak-feeble GOP promised coming out of the holidays about "getting to the bottom" of the wuh flu corruption and yet NOTHING! All Comer and Jordan do is spin on their perpetual hamster wheel ranting and raving and at worst verbally scolding. I mean WTF! Where is the accountability for these overt and intentional criminal acts against humanity and especially the children. The intentional agenda of indoctrination and division of families and friendships alone is a crime and yet! For the love of GOD! Just sayin...

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Destroying the country, losing a son to death by shot, maligning family and friends——none of this is as important as having been the noble one, the savvy one, the smart one, the caring one, not just for a brief moment in time, but as a memory that never gets tarnished. Not on their watch, at least. This might be most people I know. Some have gone underground and are silent, but when the topic (any topic that they thought pitted them against us) comes up they won't give an inch.

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I'd say it's also worth noting that Alex's vent now has more than 1,800 comments. I scrolled through about 25 previous articles and none had generated this many comments. So the sentiment ... resonates.

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I go to a retreat next week with Doctors and Nurse Practitioners.....I just wait for any medical person to start talking about the vaccine and I let loose.. After being exiled due to my correct views....I stomp on anyone who thinks they can argue with me. I hope to make a few cry! After all the harm my moronic...vaccine pushing colleagues caused....they should cry!!! The deaths they caused...it's sick!!!

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without repenting they cant be trusted. they are a danger to your liberties and life. and that begs the question, why must we share life with such as these? because it doesnt have to be this way.

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Its sad. My pulmonary doctor brother in law has never reached out, Apologized or acknowledged anything...even after they required/demanded myself and my unvaxxed family take tests prior to our gathering for Christmas only for they themselves to all come down ill with covid that following February after their 3 plus shots. I honestly I dont ignore them...we pretend nothing happened but they are sort of dead to me now in a general sense...I feel nothing for them...ambivalent at best if only for the sake of my in laws and keeping the peace. They want us to visit but I can not bring myself to bother ...plus it's San Fran which is not real inviting either. They were willing to make our ailing in laws be alone for every holiday and then insisted on making us feel like dirty disease spreaders even when science and common sense contradicted this plainly and that in my opinion became clear very early on..my family had covid in early 2021 prior to vax so our risk of spread was at par with vaxxed. They are both doctors as well....and my brother in law even pushed us to vax our healthy 16 year old who had already had covid. I can't. They were supposed to be smart but I lost all respect for doctors and the medical community after this. I am a CPA and could follow the freaking logic better than them....totally blind to their own politically driven group think. Yeah I can't really go back...the emperor has no clothes. (Reference to a childhood fairy-tale)

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I fear that doctors will be the hardest to convince or to admit they were duped. How humiliating for an expert to be proven wrong, fundamentally wrong, by a know-nothing.

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From a variety of observations - not just on Covid - I've slowly realized that most doctors are nothing more than memorizers and regurgitators. They don't think like I (an engineer) do, about problem-solving. If they get to the end of their diagnostic flow-chart and still don't have an answer, it's just "does not compute" and they draw a blank. But I still cannot forgive the complete lack of thought that went into my kids' pediatrician telling me point-blank that "the vaccines are better than natural immunity". There never was and never will be any evidence backing up that statement.

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As an engineer myself, when my wife came to me with the results of the research she and her bff did in spring of 2021 on the vaccine it was a no brainer. They said we are not taking that s__t and I agreed, it looked like bad stuff. I am grateful to them every day for digging into the vaccine.

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Kudos to you for being willing to listen. Seems to me one of the biggest problems that was revealed was an unwillingness to even consider that The Narrative might be wrong. We should always consider new evidence and reevaluate accordingly.

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The EUA gene therapy medicine. Was NEVER a V. Surreal people still refer to it as a V.

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When writing one must consider the reader and say things so they are clearly understood by all. In the early days we called it a vaccine until we figured out it was the clot shot, jab, etc.

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In the early days it was STILL an EUA gene therapy medicine. Those calling it a V were not honest and those believing it not using their critical thought and looking underneath the hood so to speak

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and the CDC officially changed the definition on their website on what a vaccine was.

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It’s as if all that schooling was tossed aside. I when my husband got it, he was sent home with “take Vitamin D and drink lots of fluids.” No treatment for even his symptoms, which would have happened he had any other disease. I have lost all respect for medical people who did this.

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Being sent home with advice for hydration and Vitamin D is much better than any med intervention IMHO

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I was told the same--except here in Florida when I got infected back in February 2021, my urgent care doc (not even my regular doc!) ALSO sent me home with a prescription for Hydroxychloroquine. FLORIDA FTW!!

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It was unconscionable that therapies that could help were withheld by the majority of the medical community. We have a neighbor who, I believe, is alive today as a result of her adult daughter's informed insistence when the doctors and healthcare folks basically left her to fend for herself after coming down with covid in 2021. The daughter had better sense regarding what her mother needed and what should be done than the attending physician.

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Actually, that’s IS the cure. The coronavirus is a cold, unless you’re already are messed up and have screwed up health.

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While I agree that most colds are caused by coronaviruses, this one IS different. That spike protein was designed to wreak havoc on the human body, especially in those bodies already dealing with chronic conditions (like my diabetic husband).

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Which I stated. But, just because one has other health issues, that doesn’t mean one cannot be healthy! The medical cartel has been “keeping people sick”. So much I’ve heard over 59 years is utter bs! I no longer trust doctors. That ship sailed a few years ago.

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My daughter's pediatrician told us, point blank, "there are no false positives". This was the response I got after she asked if my daughter had gotten covid. I said, I don't know for sure we took one of those free government test kits. I couldn't believe a scientist said this!

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Back in 2020 a nephew of a friend of my wife's went with his band to perform across the border in Michigan. On returning he was the only one to test positive for Covid using the PCR test. Facing the prospect of telling 300 people they had been exposed to Covid he opted instead to take a $300.00 better test which turned out negative. He was very relieved.

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There are certain moments you never forget!

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This all of this above. I almost died when my general practioner recommended I get the shot after I had covid and it was a head cold at best for me personally. I freaking flew thru it....but now you think I should vax. Her reason was that we don't know how durable natural immunity is...um similar to the flu or common cold would be a good place to start with that I thought? And again it was a head cold for me so she was suggesting I get an untested possibly dangerous shot after I totally was fine getting covid? Made zero logical sense of any kind. Also at that point my 74 year old mother had 4 friends in her age group get it 2 got clots immediately (one in brain/one in intestinal), 1 had a stroke post shot 2, last one had neurological issues pop up....AND THIS was ANTIDOTELY....I mean when I personally know several vax injured folks in my small part of the world you know it's much much worse out there. I may never recover from witnessing all that has occurred.....lol...my faith is rocked in both people and any kind of critical thinking happening in our modern medical field.

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Yes. I too know multiple vaccine-injured people. One was officially diagnosed as such by a doctor; another doesn't know it herself, but shortness of breath, dizziness, etc. beginning immediately after vaccination is self-evident (if you have a brain).

I do not know anyone who died of Covid.

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One wonders how most of those medical people who knew and know still what they did was wrong sleep at night!

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How many of them are out there? How can so many people just "go along"?????

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Gods rarely admit errors

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I am a nurse. When I tell my colleagues that the healthcare community did horrendous damage to the public during the pandemic and that we need to acknowledge it, I am met with blank stares at best. Incredulity often. “We were in a pandemic,” I am told.

These people believe they did nothing wrong and if they did, it can all be swept under the rug because “we were saving lives.”

The public needs to grasp that there is a strong authoritarian streak running through our health system. That authoritarian impulse needs to be destroyed.

We are capable of incredible goodness but also evil.

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Relationships are based on mutual respect. They treated you with such disrespect. You probably could heal your relationship if they apologized, but that will never happen. It is easier to avoid people you no longer respect. I feel like you do.

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I am blessed with a sane doctor who does not think he has godly knowledge. He was cool and inquiring the whole time, did not push the vax (unfortunately for my wife and me, we got it anyway so we could travel on a pre-planned trip.) I had already had Covid and we were both very fit, healthy people and knew it was waste of time but didn't know at that point that it was actually dangerous. Doc said he wouldn't bother with the boosters because they didn't seem to be working from everything he was reading--this from a guy who had an unusually bad case of covid that put him in the hospital for a week. His 80-year-old mother brushed it off as if it weren't there.

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From the description I knew this guy was clearly not fresh out of med school. Had at least a little bit of a thinking cap on. They don't make 'em like that any more.

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Erin, I so relate to your situation. We were asked to take test, to stand in a backyard for my father-in-law 80th birthday party but, we declined. (we are KNOWN unvaxxed) We were shunned and berated as being selfish and stupid. Our relationships have forever been damaged. I offered an olive branch for the sake of the kids; my gesture has been accepted cooly. One of my nephews is complaining that his heart hurts! His mother never connects it to the vaccine. BLIND BLIND BLIND.

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Yep it's willfull blindness which has made me lose all respect. I am always kind but I can't forget it and their silence in light of the reality now is just well what it is...very telling as to their character and critical thinking skills or self awareness. They have a sense of superiority or ego that they can step away from.

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Yes. perhaps this is more like a Grimm's Fairy Tale, with all the death and blood, and lying and greed...

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I have an MD relative who has had at least 4 of the shots. I did try to reason with her about them but to no avail. Thankfully she never shunned me or made an issue of us not getting them. The other family members (not in medicine) who got the shots were not so accepting.

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That's great she did not make it a thing! That was the worst part of this acting like a none neutralizing injection was my public health responsibility to get. It.didnt.stop.spread...the end. And I call absolute bs on anyone that says we didn't know that day 1. I had relatives get the shot then subsequently contract the virus in early summer 2021...this was happening frequently and yet people walked around spewing that we were irresponsible "spreaders" for not being vaxxed when the vaxxed people all around me were literally falling ill left and right....and I a time where everyone had been declaring when they were sick these vaxxed folks (my relatives) quietly got it and said nothing...I would only hear about thru my mother in law later that their entire family was sick for a week. She they purposely shamed myself and my family but then quietly got sick themselves and said nothing....unbelievable gross gross behavior on their parts. Sorry I am still full of so much resentment!!

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It has been crazy! I try to be understanding since I truly don’t know how or why I didn’t fall for the propaganda when so many people smarter than I am did. I do have angry moments, but I am trying to get over them.

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I know exactly how you feel! Those friends and family are "dead to me". All but 1 doctor in my life is dead to me. It doesn't feel good, but I can't change that.

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Agreed. I am kind to all of them but can't let them in again in terms of being close I guess....their way of thinking or lack there of makes them feel unsafe to be around in any deep way anymore. It's very sad but trust is gone...I would have not felt this way had they simply taken the shots and let us be ...after all if you believed they worked what in the world would be your fear?? But them "shaming" us with a pre visit test as well as basically texting we were dumb or misinformed was gross display from folks that in general are considered the upper echelon of people....being highly paid Doctors in San Francisco.

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In a nutshell, I discovered I don't share the same values as them. Maybe we really never did. but circumstances conspired to bring out the worst in more than a few old friends. My "liberal" friends, from the "peace, love, free love, anything goes" generation showed themselves as paranoid, insensitive, intolerant and completely close-minded.

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Yes this is true. I have always had a strong favor towards individual rights opposed to the collective, if the individual is fulfilled they bring their happiness and goodness back to the community. If the community is always first than individuals are subjugated...and as a result often unhappy or harmed. We don't see eye to eye on that basic principle. However they are such hypocrites as the real reality is that they to "wanna do what they wanna do" but they think the rules don't apply to them or they are just mad if they do go along but you don't. It's not a way of thinking I respect even a little.

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Yes! Very well said!

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I understand. I cried reading your comments. It is exactly like my family. I am wRmed in my heart that people like Alex have gave us a voice, and we have each other as new family. We need to put a convention together do we can meet and find compassion and respect in this world again. We need to continue to speak our and trust in our faiths and the goodness of many..maybe not blood relations, but in each other.

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Truth. Truth is always best as is skepticism and questioning. Once I saw censoring and shame involved I knew in my gut it was not okay.

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Actually, you were much safer than the vaxxed when it came to catching the wu-flu. And the CDC knew it in September of 2021:


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Yes we were, I tested my antibodies for the year and a half following as I was mostly curious and the levels were strong for the entire time I tested...interesting. I was exposed to like maybe ominicron and I had a one day sniffle at best but my antibodies jumped up again per the tests....and yet still my general practitioner recommend a shot...lol?! For what I have survived a boyt of covid and like 2 more direct sustained exposures?! Why would I take a useless shot now with potential long term implications or contaminates! Insane. Like totally insane. Zero faith in medical community except for those that saw thru the madness which there were some for sure.

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There were many doctors online early and often who were opposed to using this vaccine without more study. I was one. On Facebook and Twitter there were many telling people not to panic even before the vaccine. I got put in Twitter jail. Most of us were practicing physicians, not ivory tower doctors. My wife's hematologist in Atlanta told her better not to take the vaccine. Most doctors I know are satisfied to treat their patients and do little online. Please don't condemn us all because the biggest mouths, the "experts" were everywhere and wrong.

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Well, I lost a brother to suicide on July 1, 2020 after he was laid off in April due to lockdowns and the resulting panic. People didn't want AV installers in their homes anymore. I'd love somebody responsible to apologize for that, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I don't even know what to say except I am so, so sorry. Sending love and condolences. But words are not enough for that awful loss.

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So sorry for your loss. I can't imagine your pain.

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I can’t say it better than Shari already did, but I add my sorrow for your brother. It is very wrong and these people will be held accountable one day; you can count on it. Meanwhile, I pray for your family, for healing and comfort. I’m so very sorry.

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Just awful. I am so sorry for your loss.

Before I moved to Florida a neighbor, who was a SBO, shot half his face off.

He's alive, but is now hooked on pain killers. Who can blame him?

My disillusion with the PHA'S and some of my fellow citizens almost crossed the line to hate - a feeling I'm unfamiliar with.

But I soon realized that would give them a W.

Sometimes "winning" is letting your "opponent" make the mistakes. Looks the same on the scorecard, but will always feel like a sorrowful loss.

Stay strong.

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don't want to lose this thread looking up SBO, PHA?

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small business owner. public health authorities

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Thank you, Ryan

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Too bad someone did not tell him Florida, especially South Florida is badly in need of them. He would have increased his salary by 50 %. Please use this as a lesson to others that sometimes you just have to pick up and move the fam to where the jobs are.

Not a new concept moving to get a job. This is the truth of the matter.

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I lost a dear cousin May 12, 2020 due to a toe infection that spread throughout her body. She was afraid to go to the hospital.

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I’m so sorry.

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So many untold stories like this, I'm sure. Very sad.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. There are still people that care out there RColeman. Please don't lose faith in humanity over this.

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I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you.

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I am 75 and overweight according to government standards. I did not get the jab and I will not take a flu shot or any other needle from now on if I can help it.

My grandson,who thinks he’s smarter than I am, insisted I take a COViD test before “meeting his new baby.” Declined. She can get her shots and come see me when she’s ready.

WalMart was allowed to be open; but the jewelry counter was roped off. That’s as stupid as putting on a mask to walk through a restaurant. I feel sorry for this generation and the ones to follow.

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Good for you. It's your body.

You can decide what to put into it. Thank you for being responsible.

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The idiocy was beyond comprehension. Your comment made me chuckle remembering the absurdity of it all! Good for you setting an example for your grandson!

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I'm a pastor. Navigating that role amidst covid hysteria has easily made this the toughest season of 20+ years now serving in this way (the cultural mess that ensued has only made it worse). Some were on the same page. Others were obviously not. Same thing goes for my relationship with family - my dad mainly. Maintaining unity amidst the differing opinions was only possible through extra doses of patience and grace. Never have I felt more a sense of "stay in your lane" from others; "accept what the experts say" even became a supposedly proper thing to do for Christians. All of that makes the current demeanor of "let's just move on" so frustrating. Thanks for your perspective on the journey.

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I’m a pastor, too (in San Francisco!). But our church plant launched *during* the fake plague and I have made it clear from the pulpit and in private conversation that the only Narrative we are going to embrace as a faith family is the truth of the Gospel. We are wrestling against rulers and authorities - and their obvious Uberführer - in a very real way, so having done all, we must stand firm and speak the truth without fear or favor. Because the government overreach based on the fake plague clearly comes from the enemy’s playbook (steal, kill, destroy), I regularly speak out against government and the allied forces of big pharma, state-aligned media and Marxist academia.

Praise the Lord that nearly none of us in our congregation was duped into playing the California Clottery.

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Preach and don't let you're congregations forget, most certainly, one of the most profound versus in the Bible.

Did Jesus not sum up everything in this one verse that would've prevented so much pain?

2 Timothy 1:7

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

I'm not one to give advice to a religious leader but I feel it is incumbent on strong people like you guys to tell it straight. If I were you, I would make this verse, in relation to covid, the ENTIRE focus of one sermon.

Do not fear yourselves. Do it with conviction. WWJD? Pretty sure he'd be disgusted by the vast majority of THE CHURCH'S behavior.

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For two Easters in a row, I have preached on the theme “Christians must not fear death.” To live is Christ - to die is gain (even more Christ!).

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Really inspired by your words- thanks.

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One of the main things I told the narrativists was that true leadership always calls people to not be afraid. But these last three years we were TOLD to be afraid, "be afraid, be very afraid", I still hear Shepard Smith saying that.

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And where's ol' Shep now? LOL. I literally have no idea what he's up to these days. Probably nursing a sudden and unexpected case of myocarditis.

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I only saw him say that one thing, but I just checked and saw his show was cancelled 6 months ago. Good-bye Shep.:)

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I like that.

Is there a word for: pithy + profound + prudential?

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Let me know if you find it!

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The Clottery!

That's exactly right.

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Wow. It had not occurred to me how difficult a pastor’s job can be. Thank you. You have chosen the only correct path.

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I left a church I had attended for several years when my young pastor (he claimed to be a courageous believer) adhered to all government mandates and closed the doors. I have never been so disappointed as I was in the church leaders who willingly capitulated to stupid dictators. Thank you for standing firm in the face of tyranny.

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We found a Catholic Church, 45 miles from us in ID (we live in WA) that offered full communion, while the WA churches near us either took reservations or if you could attend, there was no communion. The first time taking the cup, I couldn’t help but shed happy tears. I felt so lost & suddenly felt peace. Of course, I shared my joy, only to be met with how incredibly irresponsible I was. I’d had covid & told them, if I die after communion, so be it!

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May 1, 2023
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Disgusting and degrading. I still can’t believe how insanely fearful most of our Christian clergy acted.

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ABC did an interview with Robert Kennedy Jr about running for President. They edited out all his comments about the vaccine because of mis and disinformation. They actually posted this statement after the interview. They still insist more people would have been hospitalized and more would have died if not for the vaccine. They just won't admit they were and are wrong.

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I was shocked they admitted to the edits.

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If they didn't, Kennedy's team would have put it out there.

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...and the fakenews media would have ignored the report--like they ignore everything else that doesn't fit The Narrative.

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I refused the shot while I was pregnant and while I was breastfeeding (early 2021). My OB told me it was safe for me to get when I was in my third trimester and while I was breastfeeding.

In September 2021, I was not allowed to return to my office after my 6-month maternity leave because I was not jabbed. I happily worked from home until April 2022 when I was told to return to the office, after my triple (quadruple?) vaxxed co-workers and their families all caught COVID. The reason I was given was that "community infection rates are low" (a blatant lie).

In November 2021, a neighbor in my neighborhood ladies' book club wrote in the group email chain: "I believe everyone in the group is vaccinated, if that makes any difference in you being comfortable hosting inside instead of outside." (I had never discussed the jab with her - I wonder if she thought she would be able to smell it on me?)

My heart goes out to the commenters whose lives were destroyed by the Covid insanity. So many people suffered such horrifying loses...I don't know how I would move on and deal with the monsters and cowards responsible. The impacts on me and my family are minimal in comparison, and yet....

How can I trust the medical advice from my doctors when they told me to get a jab that had never been tested on pregnant women (and never could be for ethical reasons), with no regard for the life of my precious son?

How can I work in a place where I know policy decisions are not informed by logic or common sense, but instead a cocktail of fear, propaganda and whatever is convenient for the leadership? How can I forget that my boss will not acknowledge a mistake if doing so would hurt his faith in the blue church.

How can I form friendships in my new neighborhood with neighbors who denounced my presence in their homes (or chimed in with their vaxx status)? How can I encourage my sons to make friends with their children, knowing that betrayal and ostracization would come swiftly to them if the man on the TV said they should (for Covid, or whatever hysteria comes next)?

My faith in the decency and trustworthiness of my community has been shattered, and yet my family has hardly been touched by COVID-19 in comparison to what many have lost.

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Great post. Completely agree.

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Agree with another poster that this isn't about Covid. The inability to allow discussion or debate flows into so many other areas, one obvious area being the transgender ideology, I'm honestly starting to believe t's about government forces using psych-ops to instill in weak-minded Americans a puritanical resolve to be "right" or morally superior in order to usher in societal change that more closely resembles Communist China than our beloved USA. Writing this makes me feel like I've lost it, and I pray I'm very wrong (and will not be unwilling to admit it if proven so.....!)

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You’re right on! Dr Malone has written much about this. 5th Generation Warfare. The WEF, WHO, Fauci, CDC, the lies, the entire plan. It’s coming, watch for digital currency. I can’t imagine our government having complete control of our money, what we purchase, where we purchase, etc. My grandkids are my motivation! I won’t give up!

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But how many transgendered people are thriving in China? Sadly, I think it’s even more sinister than resembling a communist country, which is hard to even imagine.

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Thank you for your consistent courage despite all... We knew we could count on you.

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I lost some acquaintances. I kept my balls. That's gotta count for something.

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yeah and you're gametes might be priceless 5 years from now....:)

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I'm a rich man! ;-)

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You win! That is so funny.

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Ha! yes!

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I haven’t gotten an apology or even an ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the shots didn’t work. They still say it prevented you from having a bad case and dying🙄. I think it’s PRIDE. people cannot admit they were wrong because then they would have to face the fact the government (which they all trust) lied to them. And that would open up a entire can of worms that they cannot deal with. That’s a biggy, my government lies!😳

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I call these people "shot-committed", a play on "pot-committed" in poker -- a situation where you have too much money in the pot to fold, even if you know you're behind.

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I call it stupidity or permanent denial!!!

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Yes, and admitting the government lied to you whilst simultaneously holding a worldview where total government control will bring about equity and utopia means letting go of said worldview = total psychic collapse. So you see, you'll be waiting a long time for an apology.

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I don’t expect an acknowledgment or apology. BUT, they know, I know That I was right and that’s enough.

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That works with people without mental illness.. I guess. Wouldn't a mentally healthy person be able to admit being wrong? I have. It's not enough. They will screw you again. You don't need drama, just know they will screw you when and how they can if they feel any discomfort and rearrange your relationships accordingly. You deserve it.

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Believe me I have taken notice of those that have not admitted or acknowledged anything. Many are family members and I won’t be like them and ostracize them, but you better believe I will bring it up when it suits me.

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I think of all those people who trusted the government to keep them safe in the Superdome during Hurricane Katrina. If that didn't teach a lesson, I don't know what will!

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It’s about CONTROL. This Covid was a test run.

Died WITH or FROM Covid. ???

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How about "my government wants me dead"?

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Yes! Exactly!

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Come all the way over to the conservative side Alex. You’ll find true conservatives are much nicer people. They actually care about other people and want the world to be a better place instead of making everything about politics.

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Sadly, he can't so long as Trump exists. His TDS won't allow it. A shame. It's almost a form of Mass Formation Psychosis, TDS edition.

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It is, you are correct.

Additionally Alex , last I saw, still has Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine Denial Syndrome despite Fraudci's NIH studies that prove otherwise 2015 and the World wide - Nobel Prize in Medicine going to the medicine Ivermectin for people everywhere in the world, 2015 also. That was a bad year for Fraudci. Oh well, he has made up for it and then some.

How does a former NYT writer deny a 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine winner Ivermectin

for thé amazing results all over the world. Everyone agreed on it at the time. Particularly the Liberals that we're serving the " underserved ". They will throw anyone and anything under the bus if it does not meet their latest deranged, brainwashed, Main Stream Media verbal diarrhea.

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while picking up the proverbial trash

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That time “everyone in medicine” proved to Alex The Narrative was more important than The Truth. Alex, your moral compass led you away from weak-minded ladder climbers. The rearview mirror will prove the pain is worth the gain.

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I do disagree on something Alex said. Cowardice is not forgivable. Being wrong certainly is, we are all flawed humans, but being an abject coward is not forgivable and acting that way only encourages being wrong. Being so cowardly as to prevent grandparents and grandchildren from interacting is cruel and cowardice, regardless of most risks, because death will come anyway and it only robs people of life. Cowardice is why they hid, and cowardice is why they turned into totalitarian monsters. I have plenty of friends who were terrified, followed all the rules, dressed up like bank robbers, but most were not such cowards they’d actually hide from us. They disagreed, they were scared, but they were not going to be cowards. As a result many of our friends and family had the opportunity to learn from my mask free pure blood family (and adorable kids). As a result their fears were eased and their lives resumed much more quickly than they would have had they hidden from us in fear like the cowards did. I hope I have the same courage if I’m terrified of something and my friends tell me not to be and to come and learn. I demand it of myself. I am not a coward, though I am a fallible human.

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I like your distinction and think it's an important one. I was ridiculously panicked in early February for one week and then for 3.5 weeks in mid-March 2020, but I never stopped fighting my way out of my fear and never stayed home (other than the first 2 hours when I decided I'd never leave home again, only to change my mind the next day).

I do, however, think even that is forgivable. Just this past week, I realized that many of the people I know heard the propaganda and decided to have both legs amputated because that was what was recommended. And so naturally they stayed home. Naturally they shut down their lives. Naturally they didn't want to meet. Naturally they aren't "back to normal" even now. They cut their legs off. That's life-changing.

I fought to keep my legs and never touched them. I will eventually recover AS LONG as I realize that they have hurt themselves far more seriously than anything they did to me——dropping me forever, being happy I couldn't eat out last year, telling me I was arrogant, not believing anything I said, telling me off, not seeing me for 2 or 3 or 5 or even 15 months at a time, while they saw their other friends. I think these have been my worst three years but it is nothing to the damage they have done to themselves EVEN if we never see it and they never understand what they did. If I don't move on and forgive them fully I will harm myself massively. As you can see I'm still working my way out of the hole I fell into.

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love that NCMom

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Yes, so am I. My former 2 best friends said exactly that - coward, afraid of needles ?, you will kill us, stupid cow. A few weeks ago I saw one, and she talked just the same - lives saved by the jabs, if only everyone had taken them, millions of deaths in the US... the same stupid crap. That was the last time I talked to her. I will not contact her again, and if she contacts me, I will no longer be available. Enough is enough. I will invite those that treated me right, and a few new people I met who just like me, refused the jabs. During these last 2 years, I did with the jabbers as they did with me, did not invite them and did not call (they probably thought it got through the phone line LOL) and that won't change. No more invitations !

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Reply is " I am afraid of what is in them ".

Then ask " Do know what is in them?" If answer "yes", say " please show me the ingredients. We look and ask with our food, why wouldn't we when something is injected directly! Into us.

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My mom developed dementia with Lewy bodies within a couple of months after her second shot. I am positive it’s a result of the jabs and I’ve read research that it is. My brother and I begged her not to get the vaccines but she listened to my sister and niece instead. Now that her condition is getting worse, they refuse to acknowledge it and won’t discuss it. I believe that at some level, they know they were wrong but their inability to face that causes them to shut out any discussion about my mom. They refuse to accept that she’s in a progressively degenerating condition. When she passes, I believe they will suffer tremendous guilt, although maybe it will be subconscious as they remain adamant that they were right. My sister still tries to keep us from going inside my mother’s home, wanting us to visit outdoors in small groups. It’s a serious mental problem at this point.

Thank you, Alex, for all you’ve done to help all of us.

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My sister in law suffered with dementia after the shots also. Include with that a brain tumor that was out of control and heart issues. Though none of my husbands family would ever admit that it was the shots! Even with their own heart failure, widow maker, and sister in law dying in her sleep! Coincidental? I think NOT! I’m so done trying to convince people otherwise. It’s exhausting and I honestly want to shake them and say what happened to the person I love and care about!!!! My sister in law passed last month. I will always blame Covid shots.

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My 40yr old step-sister through marriage died within weeks of getting her 2nd Pfizer shot. She died from the vaccine that caused an abdominal clot. Her sister tried to tell her mom and my dad but they scoffed at the idea that their precious vaccine could have been the culprit.

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LoveMercy (love your name...) I don't even know what to say. I am glad you at least have your brother with you. But it's unspeakable that your mom developed dementia with Lewy bodies. Mercy is the only real option with awful things like this, for your sake and for your mom's. Love to you all. Nothing fixes it...

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My Dad has been failing since the shots.

My sister and cousin convinced him.

I make sure I mention how he has gotten so sick after the useless jabs

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I’m really sorry. It’s a hard situation.

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Like Bruce Willis.

The fam likes the money coming in so they make light of it ...sad.

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This is just incredible. Really.

I don’t even know you but I would bet money your siblings never acknowledge that perhaps the injections may not have been the best idea. Because if they do, they will have to confront what they did to the family.

So many families are shattered. And friendships. It’s insane.

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My un-jabbed son was banished from his NYC office in Dec 2021 by government decree because he was un-jabbed. He was exiled to New Jersey. When the jab mandate was lifted, his NYC office asked when he would return. He said "never" because he found NJ to be a better place to work - no mandate and a new group of co-workers who didn't recoil when he entered a room. Walking away can be the best choice in matters of principle.

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