I thought I would DIE from the flu in 2009! Laid in bed with covers over my head for days sweating and THE WORST UPPER RESPIRATORY AND HACKING UP GREEN/BLACK PHLEM FOR WEEKS! Could that have been a bioweapon??! And just like you, I have NOT had the flu since and HAVE NEVER HAD THE FLU VACCINE. I do struggle with ragweek/Mountain Ced…
I thought I would DIE from the flu in 2009! Laid in bed with covers over my head for days sweating and THE WORST UPPER RESPIRATORY AND HACKING UP GREEN/BLACK PHLEM FOR WEEKS! Could that have been a bioweapon??! And just like you, I have NOT had the flu since and HAVE NEVER HAD THE FLU VACCINE. I do struggle with ragweek/Mountain Cedar-Juniper! Here in North Texas that can turn into a pretty severe Upper Respiratory infection, but the Neti Pot and prevention works.
Bioweapon?! Not sure. It was the swine flu and at least the vaccines acted like normal vaccines at that time. But I too don’t like Juniper. I never knew about it until I visited my daughter in Oregon 3 years ago. Between fires, Juniper snd her getting a bad case of Covid in Feb. of 2020, she now has trouble breathing 😮💨. She never had asthma or any health issues for that matter. The planet is retaliating and rightfully so 🥲
I thought I would DIE from the flu in 2009! Laid in bed with covers over my head for days sweating and THE WORST UPPER RESPIRATORY AND HACKING UP GREEN/BLACK PHLEM FOR WEEKS! Could that have been a bioweapon??! And just like you, I have NOT had the flu since and HAVE NEVER HAD THE FLU VACCINE. I do struggle with ragweek/Mountain Cedar-Juniper! Here in North Texas that can turn into a pretty severe Upper Respiratory infection, but the Neti Pot and prevention works.
Bioweapon?! Not sure. It was the swine flu and at least the vaccines acted like normal vaccines at that time. But I too don’t like Juniper. I never knew about it until I visited my daughter in Oregon 3 years ago. Between fires, Juniper snd her getting a bad case of Covid in Feb. of 2020, she now has trouble breathing 😮💨. She never had asthma or any health issues for that matter. The planet is retaliating and rightfully so 🥲