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More people have hydrogen peroxide available and it's easier. Besides, Dr. Zelenko's protocols represent the gold standard and should be used.

Hydrogen peroxide application: https://www.theepochtimes.com/frontline-doctor-highlights-his-preferred-covid-19-treatments_4192746.html

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Until they make hydrogen peroxide illegal!

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5% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide diluted with saline. I use like 1/8 tsp of the peroxide with 2tsp of saline in a nebulizer. Also use Providone Iodine mixed with saline. Just bought a saline nasal spray @ target and added iodine to that. Divide the oz/ml by 10 and add 1/10 of iodine to bottle. You can transfer in to one of the saline mist style bottles, Use up to 3x/day esp. after being out among people. Also periodically use budesonide nasal spray when I feel a little scratchy or nasal irritation as extra precaution.

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I think a lot of the unvaccinated realize how this virus starts out and how to take preventive measures at the onset. It appears that these types of viruses start in the nasal passages first and work their way down. The obvious protocol would be as you say but there are probably many things that work as a first line of defense. For me right now I have a few boxes of xlear in my medicine cabinet for nasal inhalation should the need arise . I also dilute tea tree oil in water and use as a mouth wash. My medicine cabinet probably doesn't resemble the average one and hasn't in years. Will it protect me in the end. I really don't know. But I know none of these carefully selected products that I have used successfully for years cause no harm. The most amazing thing to me is the expert medical advice is basically if you have covid is go home and if things don't improve after a few days go to the hospital. This just blows my mind. Once the virus makes it beyond your nasal and throat system you could be in trouble. I am trying to get this information out even to the vaccinated people I know but they really don't seem interested.

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Immediate gratification crowd don't want to take the time to research or make a decision on their own, HEAD IN THE SAND. They want to HOPE that some unkown secret concoction that the Maker Pfizer WANTS TO BURY THE TRIAL STUDIES FOR 55 YEARS!

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One issue with gargling w/peroxide. So effective it wipes out normal bacteria that keep thrush in check. Something of which to be aware.

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peroxide weirdly numbs my mouth and throat, thank you for your comment....I have only used it with a sore throat...not as preventative b/c I don't want to kill good bacteria like using hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial soaps etc... Which IS BS and not good for your body

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Jan 4, 2022
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тАЬOne really easy thing that anyone can do is just follow the directions on a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, you can get this at the store, can dilute it down to 1 percent swish swish it through your nose, or swish it through your mouth and drip it into your nose or use a neti pot to rinse out your nose. And itтАЩs not uncomfortable, it shouldnтАЩt be burning, if itтАЩs burning, you would want to dilute it a little bit more, and that kills the virus on contact,тАЭ he said.

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I used it in neti pot and it burned like hell! it's ok gargling and I have the protocol for a nebulizer. But before you suggest neti pot...use it yourself first!

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You can download Dr. Syed Haider's guide lines https://drsyedhaider.com/

He recommends Betadine nasal spray(iodine solution)

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