weaponized incompetence. applies to covid and ss for trump

when i got married 24 years ago, the first thing i did was wash a few loads of dark laundry with clorox bleach. ever since, my wife won't let me do laundry.

weaponized incompetence :)

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Substack should award a "Comment of the Week".

Yours ! 👍

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my first comment. maybe i don’t suck at this social media stuff

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My wife saw how I did laundry when we were single. Everything was always mixed together in one load: towels, jeans, t shirts, bedding once in awhile. She shortly took over.

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First load my husband did, he washed all my whites with a cheap red cotton outfit. He turned all my whites pink. I've done all the laundry since.

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No way he really has covid. It's possible that he's so set on running, that they're trying to do what worked in 2020 and have him run from the basement.

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I'm preparing to collect on a $100 bet that I made six months ago, when a friend despaired at seeing Biden's re-election. I assured her that Biden won't be on the November ballot. Her husband sweetened my pronouncement with the aforementioned $100 bet.

Part 2 of the wager--one that seemed ridiculous at the time--is that the DNC will "allow" Biden to remain in office as long as he withdraws his candidacy. Then VP Dimwit will be the nominee, figuring that "Oh what the hell, we're going to lose anyway. Let Kamala take the fall."

As an aside, my father, who is weeks away from his 94th birthday, is now in a nursing home. (Multiple comorbidities--He's already beat the hell out of the actuarial tables!) BUT, thanks to Alex & Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough and a host of covid contrarians, we got Dad through the covid scare.

So yesterday I get a text message from the nursing home saying three patients have tested positive, blah, blah, blah. The nursing home advises MASKS for staff, patients, and visitors. Fortunately, the nursing home is not REQUIRING masks for visitors, nor for patients.

I visited Dad today. He was unmasked. I'm unmasked. He looked at me and chuckled. "It's all bullshit--just like you said."

My dad is AWESOME!!!

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It's funny what the PA shooter was able to do. I commented, "Over two years, I couldn't take a mask off for 5 seconds without someone crawling up my 4th point of contact, yet this guy goes up on the roof 3 times, is observed using a range finder and then brings a backpack?!!!"

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SO ARE YOU! What are you going to spend $100 on? NOTE: Mike McCormick thinks Biden will replace Kamala with Hilary and then retire after the election.

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No idea of what "splurge" I'll use the $100. Perhaps I'll frame it, with a nicely written explanation of the source.

The self-satisfied "I TOLD YOU SO" has great value.

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It won't buy as much as it would have six months ago.

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You should wear it on a T Shirt!

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Right? “I won for my prediction of the Biden debacle”

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Are you a big person? This slogan might not fit. How about. "I WON! Ask me how."

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You nailed it Rosie.

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I think he's going to have "long covid" and use that as an excuse to withdraw, so as to avoid popularity and cognitive questions. It turns out long covid is still a thing some democrats are scared of.

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Is it possible they just told him he has covid, so he thinks he has to drop out?

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Or it's possible Jill and Hunter wanted some time to shut Joe up so they could negotiate a retirement package that will include several millions of dollars to compensate for the millions they will no longer be able to extort from our enemies, and a pardon for Hunter for gun, tax and any other crimes he could be charged with. I'm sure they would devise many other perks that would compensate Jill for her loss of her first lady status.

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That has been my thought for awhile. If they get a handsome "severance" package full of all you mentioned it just might be the necessary incentive.

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Very possible!

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No. He continually states that he is not a quitter. He can carry on--even if he is a bit tired. He's still better than everybody else. (At least in his own mind!)

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proof that his mind is so far gone that it still holding onto the farce that it still capable of functioning... however poorly...

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I've wondered this too!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Wouldn't that be something if what you say played out as narrative. The sheep would totally BUY it too as most believe LC exists. Not to mention how many of them would now claim they have LC too, since uncle Joe has it, and Pharma will be licking it's chops glad to sell them costly treatment options which of course they will take.

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Genius. Bonus for the Dems: Big Pharma gets more free publicity from the dems---if he hadn't gotten a booster, he might not have survived.....

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I'm with Alex: he hasn't had any recent booster shots. Let's hear his doctor give us the date of his last booster shot. Let's see video of him getting this shot with a time stamp.

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Let's see our government and Big Pharma admit they every did/will do anything wrong.

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It's possible!

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Tell him he has Covid. Inject him with whatever. Bye bye Joe. Maybe not assassination but land him in a lock down unit in a rehab center for the rest of his life

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This is the Hillary Clinton method. 😂

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If he doesn't have Covid, it works to run from the basement.

If he DOES have Covid it works the same way. ALSO he could die from Covid, which means he has retired from running.

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BUT BUT Saying he has Covid works in 2 ways. It counters the criticism that Biden is intellectually impaired. It supports his defense "I was sick." YEAH How can an elderly man with COVID be expected to be totally fit for a presidential debate? But it also works for the future. He can campaign from the basement because he has long-covid or has trouble recovering. He can even deliver sharp incisive pressl statements (crafted by Jill and/or Obama).

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Exactly my thought.

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2 minds that think as one (heart emoji here)

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Or perhaps pretending to have covid was a good way to chicken out of that speech in Vegas.

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I think it’s an excuse because he can’t speak well publicly at this time. His family probably wants him to have another long session of rest before his next public 2 min appearance and needed a reason to end his tour. And using Covid is a poor attempt to garner sympathy.

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The timing is suspicious for a Covid diagnosis considering Biden's latest excuse to possibly back out is "If a doctor says I can't do it" (paraphrased). That side still thinks Covid instills fear in people so they're using it as a weapon. I actually am insulted they think I'm naive enough to believe it.

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I agree. The timing is not coincidence. It's the rational excuse. He's too sick to continue......

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In the town I reside Covid still invokes not just fear but terror!

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Totally! People still think covid is scary…when anyone says, “So & so is isolating because they have covid,” I say, “You mean they have a cold,” and I laugh!

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What town?

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That's so sad

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@Concerned: a few in my neighborhood react like that but must don't.

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Dems will cheat enough to win, no matter the candidate

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Sad to say, I have to agree with you!

The mere fact that they ran the old, disease ridden degenerate in the first place shows that they have the Steal all set up.

I am involved with a couple of groups that are trying to clean up the voter rolls in NY and the amount of fraud on every level is unbelievable.

One of the big problems is that the RNC has not been that diligent in using the tech that's available to stop these phantom voters from getting ballots.

There are groups that advocate hand counting of ballots which is a sick joke. If it gets to the point that a phony ballot is counted, it's too late.

My greatest hope is that Elon will take over every aspect of the tech involved stopping the Steal for the GOP and review every measure they have in place to insure that all ballots cast are legit.

There are many people and groups out there including True the Vote, America First Legal, Judicial Watch, Omega4America to name a few, that have been working to clean up the rolls and who know what they're doing.

This should have been done yesterday, there's no time left to litigate now and certainly not after the election.

Praying once again for Divine Intervention for MAGA.

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Biden boasted about cheating - he said the quiet bit out loud.

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Whom do I contact to work on voter roll clean-up in New York? I live in NYC.

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The best two:

United Sovereign Americans: https://unite4freedom.com/

NY Citizens Audit: https://auditny.com/

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Thank you!

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I can only imagine the land slide if elections were not fixed!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I understand and feel your sentiment. However, I think it is hard to steal an election if the vote is not close. If it is close, then yes, I think the Dems know how to manipulate the voting in their favor. But, when it is not close, these manipulations are marginal and will not work. So, the deal is that the Republican candidates must be much better at garnering votes than they have been in most close races to win.

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It wasn't close last time if you take out the fraudulent ballots.

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They're drawing up new plans. Axios is reporting he's exiting the race...that it's imminent.

They're saying by the weekend they'll announce a new candidate.

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I am listening to KH talk (teleprompter) and she is staying on message. Her.

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We thought the deep state and DEMS were cornered prior to the allowed assassination attempt last weekend, but now they are so deep into that corner just what will they DO? I mean its ONLY mid July. Just sayin.

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They can try, but how obvious are they willing to make it?

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The DemonRats are beyond caring about the obvious.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I take issue with the statement that the US constitution is "messier". It is the greatest thing about the US along with the culture of upholding it. Parliamentary systems are much worse in practice, just look at Canada or the UK, or Australia, or NZ. All four handled the pandemic politically much worse than the US.

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He is not quitting. Quitting would be admitting he cannot beat the Bad Orange Man. Brandon HATES Trump -- personally even more than professionally. He's also much more of an egomaniac than Trump so given his ego, his desire to be The Big Guy and his hatred for the Orange Man there is no chance he quits. To 25 him, you need half the cabinet to knife him -- can you think of anyone on earth who would prefer working for Kackling Kamala vs actually working for no one, since Brandon doesn't even hold cabinet meetings?

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I know. I should not be so childish with the name calling but that is clever.

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We are living through a very bad comic book movie. The end may be in sight in November, but whomever is on the Dem ticket, the powers to be will be ballot harvesting like crazy to stay in power.

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I can't imagine they would let Covid take him down. That would be the ULTIMATE vaxx failure, now wouldn't it?

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Makes me wonder how the DEMS tie it all back to Trump announcing and championing OWS. We all know Trump is who the DEEP state fears most

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It is possible that the jab will take out Joe on its own.

It is not, in fact, famous for improving health outcomes.

Biden is elderly and under enormous stress with jackals howling at him from every side.

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Biden has blackmail on the Dem High Command.

Why they cant openly speak against him.

May be easier to delete him - like they tried with Trump.

Short illness

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I think that political assassination is repugnant but at least he would not be able to pardon Hunter. I think the country must come to terms with just how corrupt our political class is — all the way back to JFK’s murder. Bobby for AG!!

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Just so damn disgraceful for certain the vast corruption always protected under the guise of POLITICS. Should be re-named corruptlitics or scamlitics etc. Just such "allowed" corruption within the swamp decade after decade

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Just as the circumstances around the assassination attempt are being “protected under the guise” Of “incompetence.”

At the very least it is way too early to conclude that. We all need to sit back and wait to see just how preposterous the official narrative is going to be. Meanwhile “citizen journalists” are releasing some pretty damning footage.

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No, HHS.

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In my personal experience, you cannot reason with people with dementia. I'm glad the arguments I had with my father in his final year were over much more trivial issues than who was going to be the next American president.

Also, people with dementia suffer ratcheting debilitation with every illness, injury or other trauma. If Biden really has Covid this week, and he survives yet another brush with a virus so dangerous and deadly we had to shut down the global economy for almost a year to combat it, he will come out the other side in much worse shape than when he flubbed the debate.

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Poor Jill…she sees her power slipping away!!!

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Whatever "covid" Biden may have and, it's certainly not the same covid of 4+ years ago. He has claimed to be "sick" with a cold, but he hasn't yet looked sick. At the most he had the sniffles.

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Actually, it's not that different. What has changed is the fear-mongering.

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I have a feeling the same people who visited Justice Scalia on the evening he "passed in his sleep" are also going to have "a friendly late-night chat" with Uncle Joe.

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Gotta get thru Dr Jill first: therein lies the conundrum.

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They'll put Dr. Jill on a Boeing 737, near one of those "safe" emergency exits.

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NAILED IT like a hammer!

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Understanding what grifters the Bidens are, my guess would be that the delay in replacing Joe on the ticket has primarily to do with agreeing on a price.

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I’ve been thinking that since the debate.

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No, Alex, the 25th Amendment isn't the end Biden "deserves." It's what the Constitution DEMANDS. This isn't about punishing Biden, at least not for me. It's about upholding our system - for you, for me, for our children and grandchildren.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Agree. So he's too ill, old, feeble, etc. to run for President, but he's PERFECTLY CAPABLE of BEING President for six more months.

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I recommend the Fauci protocol.

Democrats will definitely support Put Biden on a ventilator and administering Remdisiver. :p

- Rich

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Yikes. That had receded back in memory. You may be a forecaster on this.

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People need to realize that these PCR tests are 99% false positive readings and if Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden truly has COVID-19 he would be in a hospital setting with a controlled environment. And his diagnosis would be from a critical care doctor. Nothing wrong with him. Something wrong with the PCP who examined him. Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden administration thinks everyone is stupid and doesn't realize that Alex Berenson saved Trump's life and Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden is gaslighting everyone again. Uncle Joe is so bad he believes his lies. For example the southern border is secured when everyone else knows that we are being invaded by millions of illegal alien criminals.

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Mullis has NEVER stopped rolling in his grave on that great FRAUD has he!

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Yes! This was exactly my first thought.

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Here to rain on this parade …..because apparently the polls simply haven’t changed much despite the long delayed acknowledgment of Biden’s dementia. Unfortunately this means that the “ D” folks and the “never-Trumpers” will still vote for a mindless body or any stand in that isn’t Trump. Also factor in potential for fraud with all the “mail in voting”, Congressional refusal to require voter identification, and the blatant effort in many states to register illegals as citizen voters.

Sorry, this is no done deal. All this crowing and celebration is simply premature especially if potential Trump voters don’t bother to vote because they figure he’s gonna win. The show is not over until the [politically incorrect term] lady sings….

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