Yes, the case is both funny & cool. I can guess the demographic who would buy one, and it won't be the urban cat ladies.

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Can you imagine if the cat ladies bought one? Every time they reached for their phone, they would be triggered. They'd drop to the floor and let out a blood curdling scream at the sight of DJT.

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TDS is a deep deep psychosis 🤓

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Especially since it’s an UNMASKED Donald Trump.

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You said Cat Lady! I'm so triggered, I'm going to have to go find a safe space have a vegan snack while contemplating the depopulation of the human race....

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Exactly what a "useful idiot" as Benjamin Netanyahu coined recently would do :)

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I could see these selling briskly from the counter at my local “Black Ops Arms” in my home “city” of Claremont, NH. Population 13,000.

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Live Free or Die

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Well now I'm worried about the JD Vance piece. I hope "weird" isn't mentioned... lol.

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The Dems are so desperate that the best they can come up with is "he's weird".

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Yes. It's weak sauce. Don't they have a thesaurus?

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I've been working on the D-definition of weird. Weird (in democraticese) means family oriented, willing to defend your country by serving in the military, opposing illegal immigration etc. etc.

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Oh and I just heard Shapiro say weird is liking the flag.

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I was watching him too... seems about right... I'm weird!

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Many of us are!

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I saw that!

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Thesaurus? What would they use that for? They all repeat the same talking points every day. It's too much work for them to think for themselves, plus they have to drive home the point that a Yale Law School graduate, family man, businessman and former Marine is weird. Weird was the word of the day on every left leaning pundit's lips including the bitter Claire McCaskill, former Senator from MO. She's an analyst at MSNBC now.

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@Luise- we all know an email goes out from the WH with the catch word of the day and in which scenario to use it. The other day it was 'weird' and about JD Vance. ;)

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You expect too much. That thesaurus is a very long word. Gotta keep things to five letters.

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They probably think it is a dinosaur.

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@Jolly- hold on, now. I'm a proud Deplorable but I've been saying since the 2016 campaign that Trump needs a Thesaurus!

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And the pant suit queen that cackles isn't weird?

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Well at least she isn't as scary as you-know-who (I could type it but then I'd die under mysterious circumstances).

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I could think of a lot of names that could go in the "not as scary as you know who" blank.

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Beyond weird, that one.

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Right. These leftists need to do some self reflection on that. They don’t seem to think the demented one is weird for having the urge to sniff children and shower with his then teenage daughter.

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They're "playing nice" for the moment and refraining from calling Trump and Vance "literal Hitler" or worse. But that same old, tired rhetoric will be resumed before election. They cannot help themselves.

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The new Democrat talking word....weird. True to form of the Democrat playbook they accuse others of what they are doing and describe others as they should be described. Irony of Ironies.

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@Mel- I think it'd be hysterical if they incorporated couch cushions somehow. I'd buy one!

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Oh my gosh... lol. Almost forgot about that one straight out of the gate.

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I would have ordered one if you hadn’t told me the creator is a democrat lol.

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Was my first thought as well. Selling items you don’t believe in- not a good practice.

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Exactly. Leave that out if you really want your friend to sell some of these.

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For readers of our beloved BERENSON, subscribe to County Highway. It is Kirn's print newspaper. It is delightful. It reminds me of Texas Monthly in the early 1990s when it was truly an amazing publication. (But Kirn's paper is so much better!!) Now Texas Monthly is owned by next generation oil wealth so it ain't the same magazine. Ugh. It is corporate - not gritty - the way Texas used to be before it lost its soul.

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Mildly amusing, yes. Want one, nah. I think that's your friend's image of what Republicans see DJT as, and it's sad and misses the point.

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Some Trump voters may see him as some sort of hero, but I'd wager that the majority might just consider him the better choice in a binary race. From my Independent perspective, it is not wise to seek a hero when voting for a president. Presidents are neither heroes or villains, but are elected officials sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and execute the laws passed by Congress. The "heroes and villains" binary and the two-party system is not serving us well.

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This. Too many people elevating their candidates (not just presidential) to deity-like status.

They're human, they fuck up inevitably.

Will be voting for him because the alternative is just pure insanity, and I'm not wasting my vote, even though I'm in a deep blue city in a deep blue state.

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Anyone who the elitists tried to jail and then in all likelihood tried to kill ... must be doing something right.

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The problem is this time we really have villains running on one side. Trump may not be a hero, but the left certainly are villains.

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Stomach ache? Hopefully you will be able to explain that in away that doesn’t out you!

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Just ordered one.

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Here is a link to all of the designs he has.


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The shark one is hilarious.

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They are all really funny and done well. I’m so tempted. 🤣

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As an artist, I say, "Nice case!" As a patriot I say, "No thanks!" I don't support the poisonous toads of toadtalitianism, regardless of whether he's your friend or not.

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Hahahaahaha. You are hilarious and these are a riot. Tabbai has Walter Kirn though and Kirn is funny as hell. 🤣🤣

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Why would I send my money to someone who is basically making fun of me, probably thinks I'm an unwashed deplorable, and, I imagine, thinks he's smarter than me? And I AM a cat lady and I'm voting for Trump (I think I can hear him thinking that proves he is smarter than me 😉😂)

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My favorite is the one with the gorilla. Laughed out loud when I saw it!

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Thank you for helping your friend. And thank you for helping me find a fun new phone case.

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The case is great. Curious as to how JD Vance can give anybody a stomach ache. Working Class, humble beginning, USMC ... rising to the top while being truthful and honest. You libs cannot stand that, right?

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ouch.... I'd buy it but....not for $31 for a phone case. That's an East Coast price. Is your friend interested in selling to red states like Iowa? Then he better cut the price by two thirds

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@Stephanie- I an get off easy because this old broad has an iPhone 8. :D

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LOL same here! iPhone 8 is apparently too old. 😂

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so you won't be tempted then! It's a gorgeous case. I'd be the envy of the bar, but not if they heard I paid $31

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Why do you think your friend's political orientation matters in the marketplace? I'm sure I buy things from manufacturers and stores whose authors, inventors, or designers have political inclinations different from mine. I don't need to know that any more than they need to know the political views of their customers.

Why can we just exercise capitalism for capitalism's sake, and not bog it down with identity politics??

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If the friend votes Democrat, I don't give a shit, if I like the product I'll buy it.

If the friend calls me a Nazi and levels all sorts of vile accusations at me simply because I'm a conservative or because I'd vote for Trump, I don't give a shit if I like the product, I won't buy it.

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