using your behavior with ivermectin as a guide, i predict new yorkers double down on stupid over and over again until everyone is pointing and laughing at them and nobody goes to see the city stuff anymore because that place is too full of itself and dishonest to bother with.

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Ivermectin was on the WHO's essential list of medicines for decades before they banned it:


Indian Bar Association serves legal notice to WHO chief over Ivermectin guidelines:


Top Yale researcher: Ivermectin works, even for long haul COVID:


The WHO banned it, but it has been recommended by the CDC to immigrants since at least May of 2019:

http://tritorch.com/CDCIvermectin (fixed)

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This is why Alex is calling you ivermectin fanatics. You guys troll every thread with irrelevant babbling about it. Go away. Unsubscribe. Please.

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Already did unsubscribe due to his infantile Ivermectin/Fauci rant yesterday. You might want to consider following the money Aero:

In January of 2020 - just as COVID was reaching the national stage - France inexplicably labeled HCQ a poisonous substance and banned it. Up until that point in France, HCQ had been an over the counter drug - as easy to get as Tylenol in America - for many years.

Ivermectin is vouched for by a large number of doctors with first hand experience to be both safe and extraordinarily effective in treating COVID-19. It is also very cheap.

The entire edifice of authority from the media, to the pharmaceutical industry, to the government, to the NGOs, want to kill and bury Ivermectin as deep as possible under mountains of propaganda as a verifiable effective therapeutic. And they are willing to destroy the reputations and livelihoods of anyone who gets in their way to achieve that.

This despite the fact that it's been on the WHO's Essential Medicines List for decades.

If there is a treatment for a disease the FDA cannot grant an EUA for a competing treatment, in COVID's case, the vaccine. Put on your detective shoes and think critically about this for a minute.


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"The People making horse medicine jokes are getting injections that haven't passed animal studies" ( EVER ! )


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So true, I have “horse paste” in my arsenal. I have used it even before Covid so I knew it was “safe and effective”. It’s a lot cheaper than the same damn thing sold by Big Pharma for 200 bucks a tube.

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or., for that matter, any other complete study

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All I can say is ivm kept me from getting very sick from the Rona, in spite of immunity issues, and helped my neighbor, who has a lung tumor, recover in a few days. It works!

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How do you know? You can't know that. But, glad you're well.

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I know a couple who both got cv. The man took ivm on advice of his doctor; the woman did not because she was afraid of it. He got well. She ended up in hospital, went on a vent, and died. There are far too many coincidences for it not to have any effect. Have you seen the reports of people on vents who got ivm and were better the next day? Thanks so much for the well wishes.

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or maybe you both would have shook it off, as 99% do. Either way, glad you are well

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tritorch - great job

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I don’t know if you ever read the Spartacus essay from a while back, but another OTC med that was BANNED in every country in late 2019 was ranitidine (Zantac in US). I was on it, was told by my doc at the time it was safe to use and it seemed to work. All of a sudden, it was claimed to cause cancer. I did a completely stupid thing by discarding all I had. I believed “the experts”. This was before my enlightenment. Spartacus explained in the essay how Covid (original) worked and stated that ranitidine would have been a powerful, safe and cheap drug that would have worked against it. Similarly to how Pepcid is known to help but not as effectively. But....in late 2019 the powers that be were planning to release a virus and sell a vaccine so ranitidine had to go. When I read that, it was my aha moment. I had already heard about France banning HCQ in January 2020 so I knew something was going on.

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Ah yes, I remember reading that, thank you for reminding me CinnamonGirl. Excellent work by the mystery author. It showed that the fraud is so brazen and in our faces, and yet billions of people will only watch the tv and believe all the lies from the owned and controlled fourth estate...


Sad state of affairs. Somehow we've got to figure out how to awaken these people so they can join our ranks and put an end to this insanity. This has never been more true:

“Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad.” — Kurt Vonnegut

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Wow. I had no idea. It's maddening to look back and see all that was being put in place when we were not paying any attention.

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Any chance you have the link to the essay?? That is really shocking but ... not really.

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the study Alex states was flawed. Ivermectin must be taken with zinc and vit D. The study made no mention of that protocol

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OK, so where's the zinc and vit D without ivermectin RCT to rule out the possibility that zinc and/or vit D are the effective components of the protocol?

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Thanks for the additional details, Julie.

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Exactly - it is a zinc ionophore.

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Thanks for your link. I find your post quite helpful.

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Thank you!

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Ivermectin was incredibly effective with the alpha wave as basically a lone therapeutic, in India especially where it was widely distributed. With delta it was not as effective, but it is not prescribed here in high risk patients by itself, but as part of a multi drug/therapeutic regimen. Any statistical analysis with the latest variants/mutations need to be analyzed extremely carefully. If the study is a few hundred patients that tells you very little because the variables have not been diluted. In a small study you have to be rigorous about excluding confounding variables, and the list is long...previous infection, BMI, comorbidities, blood type, age, health status, other medications, etc. Even if IVM is less effective against the current variant, prescribing it along with other anti-COVID drugs will be at least additive, and could be synergistic.

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Does this help in men getting pregnant?

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I'm not interested in discussing ivermectin when the topic is vaccines. Please take your fanaticism elsewhere.

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That's cool but it is very relevant to discussing vaccines because as I just mentioned above:

If there is a treatment for a disease the FDA cannot grant an EUA for a competing treatment, in COVID's case, the vaccine. Put on your detective shoes and think critically about this for a minute.

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Earth is Flat and Men are having Babies.

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I think discussing how to treat Covid is quite relevant. I enjoy listening to all sides of the debate. What would you like to discuss about vaccines? Do you think our governments will keep trying to impose vaccine mandates? Do you think we should try to discover effective early medical treatments for treating Covid? Do you think vaccines are the only ways to prevent Covid or mitigate its effects? There are so many things to discuss. Controversy/disagreement can often give birth to new solutions that benefit us all. (Perhaps I'm foolishly optimistic about this.)

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You would fit in quite well in Trudeau’s Canada. Why are you so offended by the truth about IVM and want to stifle conversation about it? Maybe you need to leave this discussion, since you seem to be so easily triggered by written words that you don’t like or agree with. I’m sure there is a safe space calling your name somewhere.

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He can’t really leave if he’s Alex’s sock puppet

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You ivermectin fanatics are completely off the rails. You can't understand why people might be turned off when everything becomes bitching about ivermectin? You are trolls. Look it up.

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Nope. Paid to be here, asshole

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Let's see. Furious and outraged over being called a "fanatic". Rude and vulgar in own comments. Hallmarks of a rational person.

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So then, what do you think of the vaccines?

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I am unvaccinated. I think they are junk and would never get a covid vaccine. That's what I think.

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So why are you posting this in the comments for a piece on booster shots? I love ivm but I take it out once in a while, to borrow from Groucho Marx.

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The key to good Science is to consult your feelings: if you're experiencing intense negative emotions such as fear, anger and resentment, those emotions can literally cancel objective reality. That's why "marginalized" groups and the mentally ill can be unquestioned authorities on the Science (provided they have the correct political opinions.)

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Why is finding / having Ivermectin information being a "fanatic?" Maybe people want to learn about it before taking it? That's what I did.

And the stuff people are pointing out is not "irrelevant babbling."

Alex claimed Ivermectin does nothing to help folks with Covid AND can actually make people sicker - there's plenty of information out there to prove him wrong. Why is that "irrelevant babbling?"

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My subscription was for

one year. I paid for it when it appeared Alex was committed

to truth. Now that he is

clinging fanatically to this strange IVM hatred, I have taken off the auto renew. However i will not stop calling him out for being wrong and a douche about it.

If you want people to stop calling him out for being aggressively, obviously, and douchily wrong maybe try to get him to stop doing it.

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Have you had anyone you care about saved by it? I have. Go away or read the studies that show it works.

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I won’t say “saved” by it but it made a difference for several — along with hydro chloroquine, zinc, Vitamins A, D, and C.


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How about you stop insulting people and just listen to other point of view? I think you meant to be on Twitter.

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Go Pfuck Yourself. You want me to unsubscribe, refund my donation

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You knew from day one Berenson was never about Rabbit's foot science.

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They can't help it.

I contacted Substack to ask for a mute/block button because the trolls are ruining the comment sections.

They agreed it was a good idea, but I don't know if it will actually happen.

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Boo hoo. Troll says troll

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I can also say, go fuck yourself. So?

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But you can’t spell it right

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Feb 19, 2022
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Feb 19, 2022
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Same to you, troll.

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Seriosuly. I disagree with Alex's stance, but I'm glad that he's standing up to the bullying he receives from a particular subset of his "fans."

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Shits on his readers and allies then calls them cries about “bullying”

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I agree.

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Feb 19, 2022
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So true 🤣

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They like you and Papa Smurf have a lot of head lice with all this heavy use of rabbit's foot science Ivermectin. Why dont you just tell everyone to eat a bologna and anti-freeze sandwich?

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ok that was funny

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Can we drop the ivm now? If you hate what he said enough to stop reading or subscribing, then just go away.

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Its called Fake News. He is trying for a spot on CNN. I cant see another reasonable explanation. ......."COVID survivor help by using Ivermectin."

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Thanks, Zade. I disagreed with his two ivermectin posts, but I'm still here and wanted to read a discussion about manages for healthcare workers, not a re-re-re-hash of thrive debate. Let's not turn this into Twitter.

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my comment is the top rated comment on this thread. You are wrong.

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Judas priest. Are you 11 years old?

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Feb 19, 2022
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What are you talking about?

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Alex posted a rant yesterday attacking the ivermectin crowd of his subscribers and told them to eff off

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Most of us already did, but his subscription plan is annual not

monthly so we can still comment, and do to get our money's worth.

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MY husband and I were preparing the past few weeks to be suspended- said NO to booster- and I did NOT feel "grateful" to these abusers for letting it go at the last minute. I will never let it go and never be okay with what they have done.

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It's a form of betrayal that should not be forgotten.

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Do we know why the powers that be are backing down on the boosters? I’m in California and hoping for the same … first it was due in February and then extended to March 1.

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I suspect that would be because the hospitals would collapse, crime would be even worse and the state would burn down.

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Only about 40 percent of staff would get it. The hospitals could not fire 60 percent of the staff and stay open for business. They pushed back on the mandate

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that must've sucked. I'm glad you stood up for your health. We need more smart strong people.

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Thank you. My advice to CA is- hold the line

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May I ask what capacity you work within healthcare? Nothing too specific requested... Just curious as too the general feelings among your coworkers

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Physician. I was in the minority of my peers-sadly-but in line with many of the the nurses and other staff in the hospital.

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I won't let them forget. It's great that the truth is outing, as it always does, but millions of people have been terrorized, marginalized, and forced to go to great effort and expense simply to defend their dignity against a tyrannical government and its corporate shock troops. This burden has cost people their livelihoods. It has cost some of them their lives.

We have to make sure that restitution is made, and that order is restored. And, yes, those of us who were right about this from the very beginning, because we followed the real knowledge and not the politicized narrative, should be thanked and awarded the chairs currently occupied by those who led us into this abyss.

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Restitution. It’ll come out of the pockets of taxpayers, not the hides of those responsible for this fiasco.

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Agree whole heartedly, but when pigs fly.

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Very well said!

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I'm wondering how the mandates work going forward, or do not work for that matter.

Let's say you just hired on at a company with a "vaccine" mandate, and got jabbed. Or been working somewhere for years, and were forced to get the shot(s). Besides being dumb, you're probably pissed.

If that company drops their "vaccine" mandate, then what? New hires coming in next year or whenever don't have to get jabbed?? How is that reconciled? Doesn't seem equitable now does it?

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These companies are chock full of our best and brightest.

Well, aren’t they?

Did it not cross their mind that might happen? Or were they that confident this scheme would work exactly as they were told?

I am 100% sympathetic to people who had to get vaccinated in order to feed their kids. They never should have been faced with that choice.

But let us move forward along a different path:

- live far below your means

- get rid of the extras, the chaos in your life

- get out of debt

- stop financially supporting the people and entities that will choke you and your family to death - do this as much as possible

We must separate from these people. We must put distance between us and them.

We need to minimize our dependence on them, if not eliminate it.

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100% this is the way forward

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I really try to do this with my spending and donations etc. The problem is there are so many woke/nefarious people/companies it’s hard to keep track. Anyone know of a master list floating around?

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I do not take any of this lightly. It is hard. Thankfully for me my husband had his head on straight years ago and heading into this disaster we were debt free. It helped us prepare for facing the decision of whether we would walk if our exemptions had not been granted.

As for supporting those who support us: It is not easy. It can’t always be done and frequently you don’t know.

We made the decision to not buy much. We keep more of our money. There is little we need honestly.

The woman who cuts our hair is like minded. Therefore we tip her heavily. No money goes to any charities. We only give money direct to people who we know are legitimately in need.

Starving the beast will not happen overnight. It may not happen at all. But there is no need for them to profit this much off us.

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Raft of lawsuits against companies incoming. Any lawyer that advised a large company to force a vaccine mandate based on the OSHA "regulation" that never was, should be disbarred. That threat was never more than a press release and now has opened up companies to a ton of liability... which I now wonder if that was the point. Further bankrupting the US economy.

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We all know “equity” is the favored buzzword these days. Also wondering how the hiring process is going for these companies that put vaccine requirements in their hiring ad. Someone needs to tell them to fuck right off.

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Great name. Are you running out of me?

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Companies will just keep requiring the shots for all employees with or without "mandates" to avoid that exact scenario.

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and then there are the mandated vaccine damaged. Perhaps the class action ambulance chasers will get involved. Hope those companies go down in the flames of litigation.

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Me too. I want these companies to be destroyed.

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So to summarize after two years of lying to us, infringing on our rights and freedoms and destroying the free market economy, we now are supposed to believe that our leaders are now lifting mandates and easing restrictions and we all can get back to normal. I won't be falling for this and my views are strained as I watch our federal government in Canada clamp down on freedom fighters by seizing bank accounts and arresting citizens. They havent screwed us over for two years to let us have our lives back. Dont fall for the lies, this is far from over. Stay strong and free.

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In the states at least, they are worried about losing elections. I think this is why we are seeing the restrictions being lifted even in blue states. However, this is a temporary pause, they are not done with removing our freedoms.

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Don't be fooled. They are not backing down. This is a strategic retreat. Masks will come back after the midterms. The vaccine passports are the first step in a social credit system that will restrict movement, employment and access to finances. The frozen accounts in Canada should be a wake up call to all of us.

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this is why they must be defeated at the ballot box.

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“The vaccines have failed, and the only question now is how fast everyone who mandated them will move to memory-holing those mandates.”

How do you know this? Is this data from a double blind placebo study or is this observational data? Why can’t you apply the same logic to countries that use Ivermectin effectively?

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If all you want to do is bitch about ivermectin, please do us all a favor and unsubscribe.

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So we can only point out hypocrisy when it’s convenient to the current narrative? Critical thinking is only correct when it questions vaccines. Can’t apply the same logic to IVM criticism. Got it.

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Don't feed AB's sock puppet.

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Yev is either the biggest Berenson fanboy or Berenson himself. Either way, the blind fanaticism is kinda creepy.

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Here we go again, just like when the Malone spat blew up. You don't like what Alex said in one place on one topic but you can't set that aside to discuss anything else? So you're going to clutter the thread on the NY booster mandate with your opinions and objections to his claim on ivm.

I'm a big believer in ivm but if I didn't already know how it helps, these bloody tantrums would convince me these people are all totally full of crap

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Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with what he said, and I'm not in any way mad about his take on IVM. We all trust Alex, and by now we can be sure he wants to know the truth about the vaccines, and the push to distribute them to everyone regardless of the effectiveness This is what a good journalist would do. Lots and lots of research, with data to back it up. My issue is that it's just odd that someone with Alex's background can take such a half baked baked position on IVM when there's so much real world data on the effectiveness of the treatment. It's not a miracle drug, nor a cure for covid. It is an effective treatment, and seems to keep MOST out of the hospital compared to riding out covid at home with no treatment at all.

If he had interviewed doctors, looked at the mountain of the data available, and still sad "it just doesn't work, sorry, it's junk" then we all might see his take differently. But from where I see things, based on the two posts about IVM, it doesn't look like he has spent the time, nor put in near the effort to look at IVM like he does with the vaccines. Yet, he takes a such a confident stance that any reader of his substack would say "yep Alex has done the research, and this is probably a fair take". Strong opinions are fine, but you better have a really good argument to back up that opinion and be able to defend it, otherwise, it's just a biased, bad argument that smacks of arrogance, and no one wants that.

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Based on the number of doses the US purchased, and the fact the boondoggle will look even worse when that's pure profit for big pharma with no delivery of product required if this gets dropped, I think we have a few more hysterical rounds of mandates and attempts to come. My fear is that the kids will be the victims. The goal has always been the childhood vaccine schedule for immunity and for some reason people keep voting to use kids as coerced guinea pigs for big pharma subscription plans - particularly teenagers (opioids, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and now heart attack jabs).

That said, it's a win and a positive improvement. Until we get these authoritarian fascist Dems out of office for a few elections, we will be living in narrative hell with zero bodily autonomy, no free speech, constant threats, risk of a social credit system, and possible punishment via freezing financial assets for disagreeing with the government. Unless of course you are 8 1/2 months pregnant and change your mind about delivery, then you can point to "bodily autonomy" to kill, then still deliver, your fully developed and viable but now dead baby because equity????

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Yes, I read 5 doses were purchased for each of US. Not sure if that includes the new arrivals from the south. Key point you make: "for a few elections" ... please can people keep this in memory for a few YEARS this time?

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I can only hope. I have no crystal ball for decades down the road, but for the next decade I likely won’t vote for a single Democrat just to send a message. It’s imperative we vote them out for at least the next 4/6 years. They got MORE extreme after 2016 and MORE authoritarian and fascists upon the 2020 election. The current crop needs to be definitively dumped from public office for at least a few elections to get sanity back. One party rule is generally bad for an extended period of time, but I’ll take the party that wants less government and less interference in life over the fascist authoritarian left that wants to destroy everything.

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The Dems intent is one party rule.

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They have lots of intents. Let’s shut them down.

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First mistake was going to the show in the first place.

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Why these two very bright people would comply with 'show your papers' to get into a show is pretty sad to me. Do they not understand the power of the boycott? No one should comply with that madness. Period.

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Yup my daughter lives in Jersey outside NYC, not going anywhere near there to visit her. Meeting in a free state.

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Thank you. If everyone would do this, it would be over.

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Exactly...Do Not Spend Another Dime in NY...Let them Starve. Compliance just breeds more Tyranny.

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My daughter loves Harry Potter and would have loved to see this. Hopefully it goes on the road because that's creepy and I'm not stepping foot near NYC

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It will probably be cancelled eventually because, you know, JK Rowling believes people should not be persecuted. That makes her deserving of persecution.

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I think people underestimate what a favor JK Rawlings has done for the world. My 10 year old says Harry Potter has fake news in it. 😂. She planted the seed for billions of people that will help ensure the WEF fails and many who have read Harry Potter at least consider that the news lies….. a lot.

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This isn't unique to kooky NY. I live in Denver and any patron of any theater at the Denver Performing Arts Complex is subject to the same abuse.

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Thanks. I didn’t know that Douglas Murray wrote for the NY Post. Love him.

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It's an opinion piece, so he doesn't often write for them.

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Where does one find Murray?

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Huh. I didn’t realize Douglas Murray moved to NYC. Crazy story. I miss visiting the city.

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That was a difficult read, even with the attempts to lighten the mood (acceptable sipping?). The mask gestapo are power drunk and take themselves way too seriously. Bless their hearts.

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I agree - they're just gonna pretend like it all never happened and move on, hoping everyone will be focused on some new-new thing.

I've noticed that a lot of people use this technique. :)

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People will still leave New York and Chicago. I’m worried for Florida and Texas. Perhaps it’s time we “pivot” to shoring up the free places. Frankly I don’t give a shit about NYC or Chicago. I don’t need to see the news there to know what’s going on.

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Nooooooo, you can't shore up the free places, I'm still stuck in California!!!

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Sorry!!! That stinks.

My dad, a Vietnam vet, recently told me about McMaster's morons. Basically, a program that recruited 100K US soldiers annually to fight in Vietnam despite the fact their IQ was between 65 and 85. Now I'm not saying the war was a good idea, but with a total of over 300K of these guys fighting on our side, I am reexamining that maybe that's actually why we lost. Most of the crime US soldiers committed towards the Vietnamese was committed by this group (the rape, the pillaging). Apparently, the US army had to build a prison to house a good number of these guys in Vietnam because so many were, well, doing exactly what is predictable when you give a bunch of morons really big guns and the power to hurt others. At one point the prisoners rioted, burned half the place down, and were surrounded by special forces with 50-caliber machine guns threatening to open fire if they didn't calm down and knock it off.

Anyway, this got me thinking about places like NY and CA and blue cities 15-20 years from now. We know IQ is somewhat malleable. We know that young men with low IQs are prone to violence (sexual and otherwise). In 1977, Hirschi and Hindelang reviewed numerous studies and found that IQ predicted violent delinquency as strong, if not more strongly, than race and social class. There have been hundreds of studies across the western world that came to the same conclusion over the decades since then.

Now we look at covid restrictions and the growing body of evidence finding, in replication, that places with the most severe restrictions are seeing the largest drop in IQs - including a famous study that came out a few months ago funded by the NIH which found poor boys born in the Boston area during the pandemic were showing nearly 2-standard deviations DROP in IQ compared to poor boys studied as toddlers that were born and studied pre-pandemic. It found drops in IQ across the spectrum with being female and born into a higher income family to be more protective, but not completely protective. As was always predictable, we most harmed the least able to find resources to help mitigate the harm. CA already had the lowest literacy rate in the country (almost 10% below WV) despite the insane amount of public spending n public schools.

Now consider where you live - some of the most isolating and draconian policies directed at children. CA has literally created hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of future male morons through covid "mitigation." That is heartbreaking, but the dear leaders of CA will turn it into a revenue source to send to their cronies. What they have never shown the capacity to do is to use those massive tax revenues to actually solve a problem. Do you really think that'll change with covid damage???

You can vote out all the Soros backed DA's you want. The state, long term, is going to be left with very high crime and a terrible choice between expensive mass incarceration or accepting as a quality of life it's going to be at least as dangerous as the worst parts of Chicago are today - maybe both. These people are not going to have the means or capacity to leave. They are never going to get the support they need to function in society because politics in CA revolves around enriching government contractors and activist, not solving problems.

The point of the story - you may not be able to leave now, but ignore the long term known and predictable at your own risk. Perhaps it is at least time to consider a long-term plan B.

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💕 Thank you for that well thought out comment!

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I tried to give you a heart, too, NCmom, but could not. So, I am giving you 100 hearts. (I am wondering if not being able to give hearts has something to do with the indentation of the comments?)

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I’ve had the same issue but haven’t identified a reason…. Maybe that’s it. 🤷‍♀️

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FWIW, I tried to give your comment a ❤️.


This comment is my ❤️ equivalent.

PS: I live in NYC; I moved here years ago from California. Blue to blue — my apologies 😉.

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I have yet to see any sort of scientific explanation as to why 6-months old babies and pregnant women should be inoculated. For something that is next to 99% survivable. Using an unknown chemical that runs out of steam shortly after the jab.

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There is no scientific explanation; it's a greed explanation. I believe survivability for that age group of people nears 99.99%; and the other .01% had other medical issues.

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I believe you’re correct on your figures.

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Oh stillbirths and all sorts of stuffs! Observational studies with small numbers. The real question was: what were the mom’s bmi, blood pressure, d levels and other health markers? I strongly suspect poor outcomes highly correlate with those….

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But have the same outcomes been observed when prescribing other "vaccines"???? If not, why only CV has been causing all these problems? VAERS shows nothing like this in the past 30 years for other jabs.

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The explanation I’ve heard, which seems plausible, is the continuous revenue stream provided, once it’s on the vaccine schedule for children.

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That is not just in. Reports of this started rolling in months ago. There are now an overwhelming number of confirmations such that it cannot be ignored.

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Good, please get this news out there, I only heard about it yesterday.

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A German pathologist did an autopsy of 40 post vaccine deaths in early fall 2021. I can't remember the exact percentage, but he found the weird clots in like 92%. He found the vaccine injury to be the only contributing factor for death in like 86%.............

Unfortunately, getting the news out is hard because with the Brandon administration we live under fascism. The only way to get it out is old school - each person tells a few people that tell a few people and so one.

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“Each one, reach one.”

Let’s go, ya’ll!

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Does anyone have Berenson's email address handy? I think this is worthy of his attention.

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Our local arts center has a board made up of Covid zero liberals. They sent me a donation request. I sent it back with a note, “I’d be happy to donate once all restrictions are dropped.”

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Same here for our new off-Broadway theatre. I've sent several of these to organizations my husband and I typically sponsor annual campaigns/ galas at the corporate sponsorship level. The most infuriating to us was Make-A-wish. They won't grant wishes to unvaccinated children. Talk about cruel

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OMG, that is so sad and yes, cruel. Don't they understand that these kids are probably too sick to get a vaccine? Where has empathy gone!

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My (very) senior mother has a senior dog that she adores and the dog is sick. Even that dog's vet advises that my mom's dog does NOT get any of his usual boosters / vaxxes / etc due to his illness.

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My BIL was forced to get a vaccine before he could get Chemo at a large university hospital that specialized in his kind of cancer. I just hope the vax won’t cause his cancer or another cancer to come back.

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They already succeeded, via coercion, fear and manipulation in "vaccinating" a large swath of their population. Mission accomplished. If you took the shot(s) they're laughing at you, not the other way around.

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My employer has a mandate but hasn’t said a single solitary thing about it in over a month.

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