I appreciate your commentary and the work that you are doing Alex. I was one of the people who contributed to your lawsuit And I am really happy with the headway you were able to make. But you talk a lot about being consistent so I am going to point some thing out. I heard you on Joe Rogan arguing that the dose of the medicine (ivermectin trial) didn’t matter, that if it worked it would work, even at too low of a dose. That’s actually not true. There is something called threshold. Drugs are tested to find out the threshold of when it begins to work, and then how much it takes to become toxic. If you take a very weak antibiotic with a bacterial infection, it may cause your bacterial infection to get worse. In this latest post you pointed out that 1 mg of medicine didn’t help the lesions, but that 3 mg did.

Dosage matters. 

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I also contributed AND I'm a paying subscriber, and will be purchashing Pandemia. I concur with the ivermectin analysis. While I realize putting focus on the mRNA vaccines should be the priority, there is enough evidence to show ivermectin does work. http://ivmmeta.com and also watch the new movie short about ivermectin: https://thetruthaboutivermectin.com/ . Furthermore since Alex may read my comment I want to let you know these vaccines injuries and deaths aren't an accident. They've long had the data to show they are killing a huge number of people and they keep on pushing them. At some point logic dictates that this is because that's their goal. Klaus Schwab and the WEF want to depopulate the planet, they don't keep that a secret.

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More and more credible evidence coming out for the efficacy of ivermectin. I wonder if Alex will be able to humble himself and admit he was wrong about it.

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I doubt it. Pierre Kory is a serious person and a legitimate doctor. Robert Malone is a serious person and a legitimate scientist, and still Alex pushes back with flimsy semantics. Not nuance, semantics.

We shall see.

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Yeah. Well, semantics is what 'journalists' are good at and they are masters at weaponizing nuance.

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I'm still prescribing it.....had to move to the south in order to find pharmacists who will fill it....also using fluvoxamine.....paxlovid studies are a joke....will not prescribe.....tried and true meds, safe meds are the way to go....or no meds, just supportive care....not sure what Mr. Berenson is reading but I'd take a systematic review over an RCT any day, especially in these fraudulent scientific times.

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thank you for taking the time to answer.

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That will be interesting to see...mass formation runs in all directions.

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Do you know if ivermectin works on individuals that have had side effects for over a year?

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I agree w/ u Andrew. I also think their motive is political. The virus was never that bad, however it was produced by China who claims they are at war w/ America. I have no reason to disbelieve them. The virus (covid19) took Trump out & has been used by political forces ever since. The mRNA vaccine is far worse than the respiratory virus it is supposed to save us from. Many are beginning to see it as a bioweapon. The damage it has done to pilots of commercial airlines, aviators in the Armed Services, is slowly coming out via whistleblowers & the DMED Data. Everyday we learn the horror of the adverse events & deaths from the mRNA vaccine. Where all this information will lead is beyond my puny imagination to guess. What I do know, is we’ve been scammed, manipulated & lied too in a most horrible manner. The earth is beginning to slowly cry for justice.

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I do hope you are writing abut Klaus Schwab on other sites. It so important as this man is evil as well as the WEF and must be called out as many times as possible so it "sinks" into the heads of Americans. the fact the England is paying 140,000 B.Pds. to injured vaccines victims says it all. Thank you.

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I also appreciate you Alex and you frustrate the hell outta me with your silliness sometimes.

Example: shit talking Glenn Greenwald for 'not being mean enough' to the big bad Alex Jones in an interview. The way you clutched your pearls over Glenn sharing a stage with Jones was curious.

Glenn doesn't have any unjustified anger, nor does he drip with it any more than you do. Maybe he isn't as snobby as you?

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The interview where Greenwald (to Matt Taibbi) explains why he goes on Tucker is awesome. Paraphrasing, but it goes something like this:

1) Fuck you, I'll talk to whoever I fucking want to talk to.

2) Tucker has a huge audience. If you can convince a few percent of them, that's a lot of minds you've changed.

As Greenwald said, refusing to engage with the other side makes no tactical sense at all. Perhaps some people are worried they won't be able to back up their rhetoric with logic.

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I love that Tucker introduces his viewers to serious journalists who have (perhaps) varied political views.

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I am frustrated that we've entered a time period where Tucker Carlson is the most serious news pundit on TV, it seems.

Controlled opposition or not, he's doing some good work.

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Alex just shows his ignorance in other areas of life when he starts shit talking people like Tulsi & Glenn with nothing but a general idea of why he's formed his very main stream & superficial opinions of them.

Glenn Greenwald is a fucking bad ass. Period.

Alex Jones is a pioneer, regardless of his past mistakes. Harping about the Sandy Hook "deep fake" is all anyone has on him.

And that distractionary route allows everyone to ignore the legitimate evidence which suggests some kind of State interaction in those particular events. (e.g. the off duty officer in the woods with a rifle, the kid's computer being destroyed prior to his murderous rampage, the obstruction by law enforcement higher ups which followed the investigation, etc.) and the evidence of some of his most outlandish claims (crises actors, etc.) likely playing a role in other events.

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Greenwald is the gold star. Without his exile, I probably would have never found Substack -- and I certainly wouldn't have started one.

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Of course dosage matters, which is one of the reasons homeopathy is worthless.

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Don't worry, though, California not only knows what covid misinformation is, they'll pull your license if you repeat it! Just remember, the vax is safe and effective!

SAFE from prosecution, and EFFECTIVE at padding the bottom line!

Edit: Added the link to the bill



Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of physicians and surgeons by the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California. Existing law requires the applicable board to take action against any licensed physician and surgeon who is charged with unprofessional conduct, as provided.

This bill would designate the dissemination of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or "COVID-19," as unprofessional conduct. The bill would also make findings and declarations in this regard.

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Wouldn't it be interesting if most doctors left California? There are Sanity Sanctuaries in many Red States.!

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They have been!

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Are you one of those doctors who's left California, I am not your Other?

I'm not a doctor, but if I could leave California, I'd do so too.

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Tennessee isn't a Sanity Sanctuary; I was surprised to find out.

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Sorry. Tennessee is clearly not Red enough!

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Tennessee's just too wide. It stretches from Middle America to the Mid Atlantic States and takes its cues from all of it. And with Memphis and Nashville you have deep pockets of Entertainment Industry and we all know what Entertainment Industry is all about: echo chamber. Don't get me wrong. I love Tennessee. I love Nashville and Memphis, but I don't go looking for sociopolitical sanity there.

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The entertainment group (not industry because there is nothing industrious about it) is one that it easily manipulated. The reason? Simply! Their primary skill is to memorize and repeat words in song or while acting. So you play the words you want them to repeat and by habit they repeat them!!

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Brilliant analysis. Thanks.

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This is so egregiously offensive largely because of the ambiguity of 'misinformation' and its subsequent weaponization of the state (and their corporate lackeys) in order to enforce its own ideology, i.e., its own set of *actual* misinformation.

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Yes, the people proposing this are SO qualified to make the assessments

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A couple months ago I went back looking for an article about 'covid misinformation' from 2020 -- stuff like "There will be no vaccine this year" and "The virus did not come from a lab." I wasn't able to find THAT article, but I did find a very similar article about 2021's 'covid misinformation'. Spoiler alert: The 'experts' were 1-for-8.


A new poll has found that Americans who consume more right-wing media are far more likely to believe misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccine against it.

In a survey released Monday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, respondents were asked about eight different misconceptions about the pandemic, ranging from “The government is exaggerating the number of COVID-19 deaths” to “The COVID-19 vaccines can change your DNA.” The survey found that 78 percent of Americans either believe or aren’t sure about at least one of the statements. However, the numbers varied greatly depending on party affiliation, vaccination status and source of news.

The other COVID-19 statements presented by Kaiser — in the order of whether people believed or were unsure about them — were “Pregnant women should not get the COVID-19 vaccine,” “Deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine are being intentionally hidden by the government,” “The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to cause infertility,” “Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19,” “You can get COVID-19 from the vaccine” and “The COVID-19 vaccines contain a microchip.”

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I’m not sure of your explanation, but I will say that Kaiser is jab happy, probably for money. My sister was in Kaiser with ALS last Thanksgiving 2021. She was then released from Kaiser into home hospice. Kaiser gave her a flu shot and a tetanus shot as she was leaving to die at home under hospice! Why?! They also pushed her to take the C19 jab and I wonder if this hastened her death.

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We've incentivized everybody to jab as many arms as possible. The entire covid debacle is a terrible distortion of the free market, and the worst part is that we're strong-arming people into making medical decisions that will literally kill some of them. Colleges are still mandating boosters! The only reason that is happening is because colleges suckle on the government teat, so they do whatever the government wants. Just like Facebook.

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its only happening because people are going along with it. If say 30% of students refused to go along, and unenrolled if the college held there ground, they could not survive. 30% is probably a high number too, even less non compliance and unenrollment would likely cause colleges to reconsider. People insread come u with every excuse in the book for why they had to go along. "It was his dream school", "she only had 1 year left to graduate"...etc., etc. The people hold the power if they use it.

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It's true. In Oregon, our community colleges were spared from the vaccine mandate for one simple reason -- if they had tried to mandate the jab, too many staff and students would have simply walked away.

And the 'leaders' know this.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

I agree! I just never considered getting any vaccines as I am only 65 and in excellent health, with no Rxs. My pathologist father taught me to keep my immune system healthy and to never introduce unnatural substances into my body unless absolutely needed. But so many I know got jabbed for C19 without any thought! And I’m now watching them get sickly and even die.

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Is it still in process or is it law??

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Passed as far as I can see, though there may be another step (signature of governor, most likely)



Edit: Got more information from a reader -- Thanks Justin!

If the governor does not veto the bill in 30 days, it passes. Since he's got presidential ambitions, it will be easy for him to do nothing, but California residents (heck, invite the nation, as he'll push this there too), post this info:

You can contact the CA governor's office at https://govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail/

(has email form and phone number, including fax)

And express your opposition to that bill, and urge him to veto it.


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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

(Like is for your comment, certainly not for this censorship and anti-medicine bill.)

I know that many docs in the Stanford area medical centers have quit, moved, or retired. They have been hiring contract docs from out of state. Wonder how long that will work. Also, CA is begging out-of-state docs and contractors to help with these doc shortages. Thanks to the paranoid and the controlling blues.

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My favorite move was some state or another (NY?) kicking out unvaxxed nurses, then bringing in National Guard personnel -- who were (at that time) not mandated to get the vaccine. In at least a couple cases, it was the exact same person.

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Yes, that was the not so great state of New York and our unelected governor Kathy Hochul.

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That is hilarious.

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Also in Maine, which has draconian vax mandates for ALL public and private schools. And in reality, docs won’t write exemptions.

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BLUE states all of them

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Also in OREGON

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You really think fuckin' Newsom would veto this? Inasmuch as this law is just posturing (like his reactive gun control laws), I don't think he would veto it. It's all about looks, baby!

Maybe our best bet is to wait until someone enforces and then be able to challenge it in a federal court somehow?

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I have 0 hope that Newsom will veto this. It's also a little bit slimy that he doesn't actually have to sign it and can just ignore it into law. Rules are so inconvenient sometimes, but so useful other times!

As one of my online friends says -- there are no rules, only weapons.

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Newsom? Slimy?? Really???

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There's still time to protest. The advocacy group PERK has a newsletter giving action steps to take to defeat bad bills in California. This week they helped defeat SB866, a bill that would have given 15-year-olds the right to medical treatments without parental oversight or consent. Check out PERK: https://www.perk-group.com/news

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Thanh’s SC. I sent my veto request.

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So I live in California. Not planning to leave- too beautiful here and we can afford the taxes— so far!

I’m planning to a) keep my current bad docs for emergencies, funded by my Medicare; b) find an alternative, independent doc or doc practice thru telemedicine, who I hire for cash/ with no insurance or Medicare and who ideally practices from out of California and c) continue to seek a local independent “good” doc where I can take all my business who will hopefully take Medicare or partial.

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I’ve been saying 2098 is our signal to leave. Probably by next summer if that horrible Newsom signs it.

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I don’t think Newsom’s kids are Vaxxed

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Newscum, please!

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NOTE: The original version of the story contained the wrong link to the Wayback Archive - I have updated and corrected it.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Keep reporting, Alex. Our family appreciates every bit of this information you tirelessly seek.

One of us was forced to get double jabbed by employer, one of us was able to sit it out, and both kids = no mRNA shots. It was such a hard position to defend some time ago, and now it's eerily silent. Employer and family members who were so vax-happy are not saying a word.

We will never forget.

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Physicians cannot find what they won’t seek - and sought what wasn’t there for 2 years.

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A-fu*kin'-men Sister!

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Why would they seek more info when their arrogance confirms that they are Uber Intelligent!

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Nice dig as usual. Please dig into the scandal of the CDC and Fauci slandering ivermectin. You would have a field day with it.

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Going on 16 months of skin lesions bleeding under skin of my left knee for no apparent reason! All labs normal maybe this is what’s going on? Great!….vaccines are the gift that keep giving (and not in a good way)

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

The "wayback machine" from Rocky and Bullwinkle - a classic reference. American physicians cant look - or they will be fired. Trust me I know.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022Author

Can you talk? I don’t have to use your name.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

I am not sure I have anything solid for you Alex. I have been a follower of yours since the pandemic began. I'm just a simple country surgeon trying to do the best for my patients. But you can always reach out to me . How to proceed?

What I can say is this - if you are in healthcare and are looking for a job. If you request a medical or religious exemption - you most likely will not get a job in many places. That's just my general experience so far.

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God bless you. I pray that everything works out well for you.

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thanks. Appreciate the good wishes. We need more of that.

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my dentist had the same sentiment. he's angry he had to take them & will not boost.

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But physicians can talk amongst themselves, and organize, and come out with a statement in a United front. They can’t fire all of them.

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I'm so glad I didn't get this vax. I'm Never going to get it. I'd rather take my chances with covid. We are almost 3 years in. I'll take my chances. I can't believe parents are forcing their kids to get this!

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You’ve probably already had Covid and even if you haven’t and do get it you’re not going to get very sick, just ask my 94yo mom who got it and sailed thru it like a champ. It’s not to be feared, and certainly not to be feared for kids. Take tons of Vit C (3000mg/day), zinc, magnesium, get out in the sun for 15min a day without sunscreen, gargle with Listerine and try not to touch your mouth or eyes when you’re out in public. You’ll be fine.

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And if you get it, just follow the flccc ivermectine protocol and you be fine. Been there, done that.

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Oh, and I have a big garden, several raised beds, so I'm outside all day long, every day, working in the garden. So I get alot of sun and fresh air all spring, summer, and fall. Plus I sport shoot all year, including in winter. If covid was such a huge deal, how come in still alive? For me, I think the risk is relatively low. I'm under 60. My grandmother got covid July 2021 before the vaccine came out. She tested positive, had flu like symptoms, and was better within 2 weeks. She's 89 and lives in an elderly home. She didn't die. I think the risk was really hyped up. Kids aren't at risk of dying from covid yet they're forcing kids to get the vaccine. That's wrong. They're the last segment of society who should get a vaccine. They don't need it. In fact I believe kids are more at risk from the vaccine than from covid. Forcing them to wear masks all day in school, it's child abuse.

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Agree to everything you said...from a pureblood living in Switzerland, never once tested for Covid (think I may have had it last October, but I'll never know) and have never worn a mask, and don't make my students either! Never. It is abuse, and it's harmful to all.

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EXACTLY! It's child abuse. And it makes me sad to see what is happening to our children. You are awesome!

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What they are doing to children is criminal, the forced vaccinations (Covid AND the entire children’s vax schedule), the closing of the schools, the mandatory masking. I’ve come to the conclusion and I say this as a person who has never voted for a Republican in my life and always considered myself a hyper liberal, that liberals hate children. I don’t know why, I can’t figure it out, but everything that’s happened in the last almost three years has exposed that hatred.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

What I just find surreal is how the average Dem voter does NOT see it exactly as you just described Gail. It's so blatantly obvious too who are responsible for driving the false narrative with children perhaps suffering the most from these tyrannical policies. "safe and effective" or "we are all in this together" Yeah right!

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Gail, I agree. It is crazy! And what they do to kids in school who didn't get the vaccine is obscene. The pressure on the kids against the parents... Telling them that there aren't enough vaxxed kids so we have to keep the masks on because of the holdouts and this whole thing is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, which is because of them and their parents. Despicable! And this is even AFTER it was proven that the vaxx doesn't stop the spread!

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Pretty solid advice, IMO. Don't forget the vitamin D supplements if you're not getting the kind of sun that produces vitamin D.

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I'm pretty sure it was covid that I got December 2019. I was sick for a few days, a week. Typical low grade fever, stuffed up bad, runny nose, sore throat, achy. Then it went away. But in January I started having these bouts of not being able to breathe. This went on from January 2020 to April 2020 where I'd lay in the fetal position for hours feeling like I was suffocating. I went to my doctor and she said I was probably having a panic attack, tho my oxygen saturation levels were at 91 %. I went to her twice like that during the 4 month period. I told her that if I was having a panic attack it was because I couldn't breathe, and not the other way around. By April it was pretty much gone. I also always felt like I couldn't completely clear my throat. By May 2020 I was fine. Then I got omicron in December 2021, I was sick for a few days, sore throat, low grade fever, body aches, really stuffed up. It went to my chest for less than a day and then it cleared up. I started taking the Vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, multivitamins, vitamin D, fish oil, vitamin A, in March 2020 and have been taking them since. I'm really not that worried. My doctor is worried. I have diabetes but I'm not overweight, 5' and 120 lbs. If anything I'm a little underweight and that's what she's worried about. Probably because of the ozempic I take. But I'm pretty confident in my immune system. It's worked well so far. Right?

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Maskachusetts Update: I got into an argument yesterday in the waiting room at Dad's podiatrist. I was sitting about 10 feet away from other waiting patients. I pushed down my mask b/c it was fogging my glasses and I couldn't read my Kindle.

Some Old Bat chastised me for failure to wear the mask over my nose.

I replied, "You're wearing a mask. I bet you've had three or four or 10 boosters. And I'm sitting on the other side of the room. So why the HELL do you CARE about me and the DAMNED MASK?"

The office manager, hearing the commotion, came into the waiting room and said I'd have to leave if I didn't wear my mask correctly.

Thanks to Alex, I can now inform the Mask Gestapo, "Do you know that the vax causes pus-filled lesions?"

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Last winter, March 2022ish I went into the doctor's office for an appointment and the admin at the front desk told me to put on a mask. Because at that time they had just lifted the mandatory madk mandate for indoor public spaces. I told her that I can't breathe with a mask on. And I refused to wear one. She didn't pressure me to wear one and she didn't kick me out (I think my doctor was giving that direction not to force people who couldn't). So I sat down, waiting to see the doctor. There was one other patient in the waiting room, across the room. She said "we ALL feel uncomfortable with the mask on". So I said "well why are you wearing it then?" She wisely decided to keep her mouth shut. My doctor is pretty good. It's the stupid mask Karens that make everyone miserable.

I put another woman in her place in the grocery store too during the mask mandates. She was trying to tell another person to put her mask on. She was 12 isles away for Christ sakes. So I told her to leave that woman alone, that there are exemptions in the grocery store, and to mind her own business. She said that she has the "right to be safe". She was at least 500 pounds. The hypocrisy with these self righteous zombies is hard to stomach. I figured that if she was going to go down that road, then it was going to cost her. I wasn't going to let her get away with pointing someone out, without pointing her out. There was no yelling or demeaning comments. I simply told her I wasn't going to tolerate her behavior. There were at least 15 people watching this play out. Nobody said a word.

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My doctor told me to leave and canceled my appointment. Looking for a new doctor.

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That's terrible. What a betrayal. My optometrist told me to hit the road and find another eye doctor. She won't test me because I'm not vaccinated. These doctors have turned their backs on patients and their fundamental principles to do no harm.

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Good on you. I hate the mask nazis. So rude!

It amazes me that in Scotland patients only wear masks in hospital when they are moving about somewhere. Whenever I see pics from American hospitals I always see patient lying in their beds with a mask on even people who are in siderooms on their own!

So American schools are more strict about masks than Covid wards in Scottish hospitals! Lol

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Good on you. I hate the mask nazis. So rude!

It amazes me that in Scotland patients only wear masks in hospital when they are moving about somewhere. Whenever I see pics from American hospitals I always see patient lying in their beds with a mask on even people who are in siderooms on their own!

So American schools are more strict about masks than Covid wards in Scottish hospitals! Lol

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Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written



" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "


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Can’t help but wonder if that’s the reason why the CDC is driving what appears to be an over the top campaign hype on vaccinations for Shingles (Chicken Pox for adults) for older adults?

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Absolutely intentional. The ads for pox, shingles, vAIDS appeared with perfect timing as well as others for neurodegenerative issues and cancers. The fallout issues from the injections long term is a BOON to Pharma. A sick society is a highly profitable one. A good business model from birth to death

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Yeah, I went to my husband's doctors appointment and they were pushing that vaccine but dropped it after my husband broke out with lichen plantis (a skin condition) after taking the vaccine the first time. Flu shots can take a hike from now on too. I've had neuropathy and pulsatile neuropathy since I had my shots and I STILL have it! My dad was a surgeon and he always said to do your own research. I always knew there were a few bad apples in the profession before, but my trust for all of them is in the toilet. And the CDC and FDA are the WORST.

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My mom died from some rare attack on her neurological system, that started in the ponds area of her brain. She developed a lesion there, and she incrementally lost all bodily functions starting from her feet. It was like ALS, like MS, but it was fatal. I believe it was as a result of her annual flue shot. She got the flu shot every year. In October she started tripping over her feet, then by November she was dragged a leg. She lost control of her bowels. She lost mobility in her lower and upper body. Within 7 months she had locked in syndrome, could only blink, and couldn't talk. She could cry though. She died in April. There are risks to every vaccine. My father doesn't believe the flu vaccine did that. But I do. None of the doctors, neurologists could explain why she got sick. But it all coincided with the flu vaccine. And there are stats on flu vaccine deaths with this particular rare death noted as one of the risks. Everyone takes a chance when deciding

to take any vaccine. I don't think people realize how risky vaccines are and what can happen to you. I don't believe there's informed consent there, even with the flu vaccine. It's like russian roulette. I don't get the flu vaccine anymore and I certainly am not going to take a chance with the covid vaccines. I'd rather take my chances with covid, with my own immune system. If I kick the bucket from covid it I influenza, then oh well. But could you imagine killing myself with a vaccine? Ironic right?

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Alex look into IgG4 immune tolerance. It’s why vaccinated aren’t clearing the spike.

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I told ya!

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flccc.net has a great clearing protocol.

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Explain further Rachel

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Conversion from igg1 and igg3 to IgG4 non neutralizing abs starting 6-7 months after initial two dose regimen https://t.co/h6Se1TfX1R

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Jeezy, not that I understand the ramifications of this in layman's terms, but it is encouraging that substack is a place where learned folks can actually have a discussion about this. If the government had their way, they would have tried to shut down substack writers for disinformation but substack didn't back down like Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, etc. did. Those companies have to come clean with EVERYTHING the government told them to do. And if they still do it, then we have to move everything to other platforms. They can't keep pushing government propaganda like this.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

So Alex, worse than lesions, I have had three dear friends contract cancer since having been jabbed. All were seemingly healthy previously. One, a super healthy vegan and lady equestrian, died of colon cancer. Another, who had been a mountain of a man, died of pancreatic. The third was diagnosed three months ago with bladder cancer. She went through aggressive chemo, suffering all the side effects, and when she went in for post chemo scans two days ago, was told it had been completely ineffective and the tumor had grown “substantially,” to the point that surgery is no longer an option. Anecdotal? Yes, I suppose. But I can’t shake the feeling that three dear friends would be still with us and/or healthy had they chosen differently. Thoughts?

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mRNA shots do sound like a virus of themself. Oh they invade the body, then they hijack cells, then they take control of the cell to make copies of itself/gets the cell to start pumping out proteins.

The fact the vaccinated people look and feel so ill after the vaccine, nevermind the serious damage being done to some of them, really blurs the line. Are you making something that gives protection or are you just really really sick because that 'protection" is itself a cause of disease.

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Methylpseudouridine for the win. It’s THE thing for reducing immunogenicity of the shots and blocking the TLRs from recognizing it. Keep at it. Keep suppressing your TLRs over and over again. Keep injecting yourself with methylpseudouridine. Nothing negative could ever come of it. Hey! It’s just your immune system. Minor thing.

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