This is more a request for information than a story.
Lately I have received several emails like this:
I am a retired anesthesiologist in XXX. Recently I had a pizza party with other doctors who are retired, or about to retire. An oncologist among us told the story of a multiple myeloma patient in his practice who after the vaccine appeared to convert to acute leukemia. He had never seen this before. He contacted an oncologist at XXX, a major referral hospital here in XXX, to ask what he thought of this. The XXX doc said he too had never seen this before, and in his practice had three multiple myeloma patients who also converted similarly. Thought this might be a useful avenue for you to pursue…
And this:
We have a friend-of-a-friend back home (in XXX) that is a cardiologist… [she] isn’t recommending any shots, which is a dramatic about-face from where she had been. She actually was canceling playdates for her young children in March 2021 if the friends’ parents weren’t vaccinated (this was the impetus for us knowing any of this, because our mutual friend was not, and had no intention of getting, vaccinated).
This was a heartache for me, so I followed up several weeks later to ask about how that schism was affecting her daughter, the shunned playmate. Well, it was all resolved. The cardiologist mother had seen the new patients she was getting after the shots and was no longer pushing them for anyone. I don’t know if she’s gone so far as to discourage patients (as opposed to close personal contacts) from getting them, but she’s not pushing them.
And this:
On two recent trips to the pediatrician’s office in XXX… I found it interesting that the pediatrician didn’t even mention Covid or the vaccine. My daughter is headed off to college in August.
Obviously, this change - to the extent it is happening - has not reached the medical specialty boards, much less the American Medical Association, which continues to push mRNA shots. But I wonder how many physicians are now no longer encouraging - or even actively discouraging - patients from getting booster shots. Taking a public anti-vaccine stance is risky for physicians. Even filing a VAERS (vaccine adverse events report) submission comes with headaches.
If you are a patient who has seen your doctor’s attitude change, or a nurse who has noticed that your hospital is no longer pressing shots, or most of all a physician who has decided that the Covid vaccines may not be appropriate for your patients, please email me at alexberensonauthor at (or if you are concerned about confidentiality).
I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2020. I knew I had found the right oncologist when she advised me to absolutely NOT get the vaccine, stating that she would throw her body across mine if anyone threatened me with the jab.
Not every American trained doctor is an AMA pharma robot.
There is one doc I know who came up through American medical school and US Army residency and fellowship. He has always been a very independent thinker, keeps right up to the leading edge in his field, pulmonary and critical care, but with a very open mind for what works. Always thinking of patient care best practices.
Long before corona virus, he was already on board with Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The stories of wondrous recoveries were chilling to me because, even back then, big pharma would always stand in the way of a simple therapy like the vitamin C protocol. Foreshadows of the simple efficacy of hydroxy and ivermectin. And the other ICU doc was against it, total lackey for big pharma.
When the coronacrisis hit our town, he was on the front line in the ICU 7 days a week for three months straight.
This physician has always been on board with the FLCC and open to hydroxy and ivermectin as soon as he heard of it from Dr Marik. The patients in our ICU received ivermectin and the FLCC protocol when this physician was their doc. And they recovered. Even from ventilators.
He was the only doc on staff who fought for nurses at his icu who were resisting the jab. Very much American medicine trained, but thinks for himself. Very proud of him. And there must be many others like him.
God bless the healers, and clearly this doctor is one of them. I too heard about the protocols for sepsis. It reminds me of the scourge of scurvy, the insanity of ulcers, or even the fight to get doctors to was between patients. Humans simply do not really change over time as a group, all change seems to be individual. God Bless you also.
God bless your doctor. One of my friends with pancreatic cancer was talked into getting the vaccine. The next day her doctor did her bloodwork and her tumor markers had shot through the roof. So sad. So senseless.
Totally agree. And since they are finding the trials we not reported honestly, the freedom from lawsuits these pharmaceutical companies have should be bull and void.
So far, 2 friends whose C had been in remission are dead, too many more whose cancers have returned, from a 30 year old’s brain C to multiple breast cancer patients who had been doing well and now-aren’t. It makes me nauseous & nervous about who’s next. None of them have said a word about why the turn around…it’s C…Drs know they can just say you’re time was up.
yes we know what patterns to look, honest stats. would reveal this. I would like this info advertised for all to see. we hear ca is off the charts. So much illness, I'm concerned with staff and resource shortages; we will suffer all the more.
Denial. These people don't want to believe they made a bad choice, especially on behalf of a loved one. Even if the choice was to comply for practical reasons. It's going to take a massively tragedy so large someone can't lie to themselves and they start screaming.
Do you know that's it's been written denial is your strongest emotion? I too agree no one is going to admit and or face the facts until it becomes so omnipresent they'll eventually be another ME TOO movement
all one has to do is read your local obituaries every day to see the average age and how many died suddenly and or from cancer (that I guarantee returned)
One small town doctor near where we live has said the number of heart, cancer & other illnesses he’s seeing is frightening. He’s refusing to give boosters to those coming in demanding them. And you’re right, obituaries galore…unexpected death…hard to read.
I have written about it elsewhere but it is worth repeating. I had a friend who battled lung cancer for many years (even though he was a non-smoker.). His cancer was considered stable enough to suspend all treatment. Even though there were still tumors present, they weren't growing. He got the "vaccine" as soon as it was available, thinking he needed it because of his lung cancer. He got the second shot at the end of April 2021 and he was dead by early June. The cancer came back with a vengeance right after he got the shots. He didn't stand a chance.
I am a stage 4 lung cancer patient. Refused all vaccines (pneumonia update, flu, COVID). My oncologist, great guy in all other respects, insists that I should get all the vaccines. He got COVID in spite of the vaxx; I don't think he has changed his position. I haven't either.
Glad your critical thinking was stronger than your doctor’s irresponsible reaction offering advice without real knowledge about C and the content of the experimental injections!!
Have you heard of NaCLO2 and Immunocal?? Two amazing substances I wished I had known when my mother was told at a “top” hospital in Germany she had a terminal cancer, 20 yrs ago. You have to see amazing testimonials.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out. Apparently the anti-parasiticals are being tried for effectiveness in cancer control -- used in conjunction with chemo.
This also happened to a friend of mine with stage 4 cancer. She was desperate to get the shot when it came out and died a few weeks later at age 41. So sad.
F..king BS...I cannot reply with a "like" ...this kind of damage is totally avoidable and everyone harmed should seek legal recourse against the perpetrators.
One of my uncles developed a strange fast acting pancreatic cancer along with leukemia. Last summer. Went into ER with stomach ache, never left hospital. Died a few days later. Seventies. Pretty sure he'd had both shots offered as of 6/21.
A close loved one’s lymphoma was in remission. Got the jabs. Six months later, lymphoma returned aggressively and he had to do a stronger chemo. Now back in remission and I’m hoping that’s it. Good news is I’ve talked him out of boosters. But he still insists the jab was not responsible. How can we ever prove it?
Part of the trouble is people don't report these events to vaers. I count among neighbors, friends and family, as of today, about fifteen dead or injured, with the onset not long after the shots. Only one, a sister, reported it to vaers. Tells you what's reported on vaers is the tip of the iceberg.
Yup, many don't report to VAERS, either because they don't believe it is the jabs, or they don't know how.
My dad, a disabled veteran, has been in excellent cardiac health for years. He takes a medication that causes chest pain, so he had regular checkups on his heart to make sure the pain was from his meds. So he had more cardiac checks than most. Always perfect.
My mom is a doctor that fell headfirst into the shot propaganda, so they both got 2 shots and a booster (and regularly asked me to get one, which I didn't). They still got CV, btw. Caught it from my vaxxed, boosted, mask-wearing sister in law, the same way we got it. All of us were fine, and it was less severe for my unvaxxed family... Anyway, a few months back, Dad had a small heart attack, followed by a massive Widowmaker heart attack while on nitro in the hospital from the first, which the doc said was highly unusual.
How does one go from perfect cardiac health to 100% blockage in no time flat? Take multiple experimental shots for a disease that has a very low mortality rate, apparently. But report it to VAERS? No way, they can't believe that it was the shot. That would rock their world too much. 😬
What helped is a neighbor who got jabbed then had 8 mini strokes and blamed the jab. It helped to have a fellow Jab-ee talk about it rather than anti-jab me trying to convince him.
This also happened to a friend of mine, who dutifully took both shots and two boosters and is now facing removal of part of her lung due to a return of the cancer that had been in remission.
If it was me, I would reprogram his tv, to skip those MSM channels! Whether it's cable or over the air, you can block certain channels. Start with NBC, then every other day, block a new channel 😁👍
Wow! I hadn’t heard of this behavior. I have a 78 year old aunt who refused the jab and was completely dropped by her social groups as a result. It’s sad for her. (I say, “Screw those harpies.”)
Yes! This has been a huge thing for two of my friends' senior moms. Horrible peer pressure and badgering, one of my friends told their mom to lie and said she'd had it because they live in San Francisco and she was fearful at some point they would be turned in in the mandates became worse.
I am dealing with that now here in Georgia. My brother in law lives in Berkeley and is about to get his 6 year old boosted. They are coming here in a couple of weeks and insist that we wear N95 masks until he can test us with a rapid PCR test. My in laws are vaxxed and have had Covid twice, my wife and oldest daughter are too and we all had Covid in December. My oldest daughter refuses to get boosted but she was forced to get the vax because she was going to visit them last year in Berkeley and that was a condition of her visiting. My youngest daughter and I (neither of us vaxxed) had symptoms for two days while my wife couldn't shake the symptoms for a couple of weeks. I have just about made up my mind that I'm not going to be subjected to the madness that they want to impose on us. They are going to have a hard time here in Georgia since no one wears a mask (except for the young wokes in Atlanta).
I used to get monstered by a doctor relative (still might, this one is obsessive compulsive), but I just try to out pro vax them. So the argument turns into who is the ,most pro vax. It works 😂
Thanks, I hadn't considered that, on account of my wife & I didn't get the shots, and neither did our son, his wife, & kids who are under 5 yrs old. But, my wife's mother did, and had an adverse reaction after her third shot. She's 89 yrs old, and pretty tight lipped about health issues. My mistake, is not finding out untill after the fact. I've since clued her in on many pertinent issues.
I've stopped watching Cavuto (always admired his work ethics but ) because he's talking about masks and quoting the dreaded Birx (may she burn in hell). You'd think he'd finally realize his obedience to Big Pharma is killing him but on he goes!
I have a friend who got an aggressive form of bladder cancer after the 3rd shot. He is also so blind to it possibly being connected to the shots. Another mutual friend had cervical cancer in remission for a couple of years which returned with a vengeance after the second shot. It’s so incredibly sad! I keep my opinion about it to myself. It’s too late now anyway
My next door neighbor co worker lost vision in one eye never recovered from that loss in one eye and had perfect vision .. another. Friend of mine lost their vision in one eye as well….. 😢
It’s crazy. I realize it’s anecdotal so far, but it’s all so very suspicious. I appreciate Alex trying to verify with doctors. I’m reading RFK Jr’s book about Fauci right now though, and the corruption and cover ups run deep
Oh how I wish my mom and dad had your Oncologist. Mom died November 8, 2021 after contracting covid 5 months after her jabs, which rapidly progressed her lymphoma. She went on a clinical trial and the cancer was regressing when she caught covid, was hospitalized and put on Remdesivir and a vent. She came home briefly for about 2 weeks, then back in ICU with "shredded lungs from the covid" and died a month later. Dad who was perfectly healthy his whole life, now has Merkle Cell Carcinoma and has decided not to treat so he can "go be with his wife." She was 66 years old when she died. He is 67. Way too young to die. They only got to enjoy 5 years of retirement. I am looking for an attorney who will take my case and do a class action against the hospital system where they've both been jabbed and treated. Please pray for this.
My sincere sympathies for your losses. Praying that you’ll find a lawyer to represent you in this. Too many doctors have pushed for too long and too many good people have passed unnecessarily.
Right? It's a common problem. Very difficult to get the pressure right at all times. Marty McCarry (sp?) wrote about how dangerous it is years before this plandemic
My friend’s oncologist also told her not to get the jab, because this doctor is seeing enough of her jabbed patients come out of remission. Also seeing many new, advanced cancers. Can you believe the doc is in trouble with her clinic management for protecting her patients?!
I’m an oncologist,and My wife and I both had Covid in early 2020.While I was going through it,I read John Ioannidis’s paper in STAT,an online publication,saw his DIAMOND PRINCESS analysis,and realized that what we were hearing in the media was dead wrong,so I was a Covid skeptic early on.The mRNA template was unproven,so I was skeptical of it early,too.I did graduate work in immunology,so I understood the importance of T cell mediated immunity,and believed I would have lasting immunity from the infection,and that proved to be the case.I never encouraged anyone from vaccination in 2020(I work for a moderate size nonprofit hospital corporation),but I stopped wearing a mask in March 2021,and have been discouraging patients from vaccination since,particularly if they have had Covid.In my hospital system,I could certainly be disciplined or fired for my actions,and our ‘medical director’ is as big a CovidNazi as you will find,but we are short staffed,and they need me in the call schedule,so,so far,so good.Don’t get me started on the unusual clotting disorders I’ve seen in vaccinated patients with alarming frequency…
Was talking to a sales trader at one of the largest banks. That company fired employees who didn’t get jabbed. The ST told me they lost an institutional client over the bank’s stance of firing employees. But the ST added, they were pressured by the govt, and losing a client is insignificant compared to losing out on govt deals. Not surprising, but it confirmed my suspicions.
My husband worked for a big insurance company (investments division and they think their peers are big investment banks) who at first said they would not mandate the jabs, this was America, etc... And then about face right around the time they tried to do the OSHA thing. I think they would have given my husband a religious exemption (it looks like they approved them all) but he said heck with it, and went to another company that never mandated it and offered him a work from him job. Something obviously happened for such an about face because they were mandating it right as it became clear even to regular people that the vaccine didn't stop transmission.
Terminated following application for religious exemption. Knowledgeable. Fully informed. While I do need to find a qualified attorney, I have time. Per the EEOC, I have 180 days after the last date of discrimination (discharge) to file my charge. It will be filed and lawsuit will follow. They have begun. I would prefer to put this behind me and settle, but I will protect my rights. And my former employer has been fully informed of this. I am of the view that time (and data) is on my side. Oh, I did ask my former employer whether or not they received financial incentives - one of the many questions I asked, none of which were answered.
Tucker Carlsons interview of guest, Ingo Rademaker mentioned the names of attorneys and law firm repressing him in his suit against ABC for fired over not getting the vax.
Perhaps someone for you to contact for your lawsuit. Good Luck
My daughter works for a famous record company as a director. She put in her religious exemption and they denied it, she hired an attorney and they are still working through it the company threatened she would have to resign and she will not so now we'll be heading to court
I couldn't take the hostility anymore and accepted the termination while reserving rights. God give her strength. Unless you are going through it, you cannot imagine how difficult the hostility is, the rejection from former friends and colleagues. I support her in her stand for freedom.
Cheering her on! Would that they would be smart enough to realize how they need her. But with Fauci's wife (FDA ethics) recently giving instructions to employers on how to painfully pressure people to get the jab, more of this is no doubt going on.
I’ve felt from the very beginning of this charade that the smart tort lawyers have been patiently waiting on the sidelines while the government and the entire medical profession (and many other sectors of the economy) slowly construct their own gallows. If my children weren’t already established in their respective careers as engineers, I’d definitely be pointing them towards law school. There’s gold in dem der hills!
And opportunity for the bar to step up and do their jobs. Right now, the bulk of lawyers seem to be hiding in the hills along with true medical professionals. There are a few doing the right thing, but the bulk seem to be living in fear, whether it is political/social retribution or otherwise. I do believe that the legal tide will turn soon also. I have patience.
It’s important to patiently wait for the dim-witted public (from which a civil jury would be selected) to overcome their collective deception. In California, I need 9/12 or 75% to prevail against my employer. Based on my recent shopping trip to Costco and the number of Kool-aid mask wearing, I’m not sure we’re quite there yet here on the left coast.
I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2020. I knew I had found the right oncologist when she advised me to absolutely NOT get the vaccine, stating that she would throw her body across mine if anyone threatened me with the jab.
Keep that doctor close!!!
I’ll second that!
Clearly, this doctor was trained in another country and not a AMA pharma robot.
Not every American trained doctor is an AMA pharma robot.
There is one doc I know who came up through American medical school and US Army residency and fellowship. He has always been a very independent thinker, keeps right up to the leading edge in his field, pulmonary and critical care, but with a very open mind for what works. Always thinking of patient care best practices.
Long before corona virus, he was already on board with Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The stories of wondrous recoveries were chilling to me because, even back then, big pharma would always stand in the way of a simple therapy like the vitamin C protocol. Foreshadows of the simple efficacy of hydroxy and ivermectin. And the other ICU doc was against it, total lackey for big pharma.
When the coronacrisis hit our town, he was on the front line in the ICU 7 days a week for three months straight.
This physician has always been on board with the FLCC and open to hydroxy and ivermectin as soon as he heard of it from Dr Marik. The patients in our ICU received ivermectin and the FLCC protocol when this physician was their doc. And they recovered. Even from ventilators.
He was the only doc on staff who fought for nurses at his icu who were resisting the jab. Very much American medicine trained, but thinks for himself. Very proud of him. And there must be many others like him.
Gd Bless Him; Kol Hakavod to this doctor! He has all my respect and pray there are many others that follow his lead!
God bless the healers, and clearly this doctor is one of them. I too heard about the protocols for sepsis. It reminds me of the scourge of scurvy, the insanity of ulcers, or even the fight to get doctors to was between patients. Humans simply do not really change over time as a group, all change seems to be individual. God Bless you also.
God bless your doctor. One of my friends with pancreatic cancer was talked into getting the vaccine. The next day her doctor did her bloodwork and her tumor markers had shot through the roof. So sad. So senseless.
I cannot reply with a "like" ...this kind of damage is totally avoidable and everyone harmed should seek legal recourse against the perpetrators.
Totally agree. And since they are finding the trials we not reported honestly, the freedom from lawsuits these pharmaceutical companies have should be bull and void.
Bull and void. Agree completely. Love the Freudian slip.
Alex should organize a tort case to include all post-mRNA shot damage
So far, 2 friends whose C had been in remission are dead, too many more whose cancers have returned, from a 30 year old’s brain C to multiple breast cancer patients who had been doing well and now-aren’t. It makes me nauseous & nervous about who’s next. None of them have said a word about why the turn around…it’s C…Drs know they can just say you’re time was up.
yes we know what patterns to look, honest stats. would reveal this. I would like this info advertised for all to see. we hear ca is off the charts. So much illness, I'm concerned with staff and resource shortages; we will suffer all the more.
just lost a friend of mine, who was cancer free, after getting jabed & boosted.
If you want to kill people for profit, hypnotize them first.
Denial. These people don't want to believe they made a bad choice, especially on behalf of a loved one. Even if the choice was to comply for practical reasons. It's going to take a massively tragedy so large someone can't lie to themselves and they start screaming.
Do you know that's it's been written denial is your strongest emotion? I too agree no one is going to admit and or face the facts until it becomes so omnipresent they'll eventually be another ME TOO movement
all one has to do is read your local obituaries every day to see the average age and how many died suddenly and or from cancer (that I guarantee returned)
One small town doctor near where we live has said the number of heart, cancer & other illnesses he’s seeing is frightening. He’s refusing to give boosters to those coming in demanding them. And you’re right, obituaries galore…unexpected death…hard to read.
I have written about it elsewhere but it is worth repeating. I had a friend who battled lung cancer for many years (even though he was a non-smoker.). His cancer was considered stable enough to suspend all treatment. Even though there were still tumors present, they weren't growing. He got the "vaccine" as soon as it was available, thinking he needed it because of his lung cancer. He got the second shot at the end of April 2021 and he was dead by early June. The cancer came back with a vengeance right after he got the shots. He didn't stand a chance.
I am a stage 4 lung cancer patient. Refused all vaccines (pneumonia update, flu, COVID). My oncologist, great guy in all other respects, insists that I should get all the vaccines. He got COVID in spite of the vaxx; I don't think he has changed his position. I haven't either.
Right there with you! 10 years stage 4, no vaxx, flu, pneumonia shots and still NED!
Glad your critical thinking was stronger than your doctor’s irresponsible reaction offering advice without real knowledge about C and the content of the experimental injections!!
Have you heard of NaCLO2 and Immunocal?? Two amazing substances I wished I had known when my mother was told at a “top” hospital in Germany she had a terminal cancer, 20 yrs ago. You have to see amazing testimonials.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out. Apparently the anti-parasiticals are being tried for effectiveness in cancer control -- used in conjunction with chemo.
Stay strong Margaret
God bless you Margaret. May you outlive us all.
This also happened to a friend of mine with stage 4 cancer. She was desperate to get the shot when it came out and died a few weeks later at age 41. So sad.
Also so sorry for your loss
Happened to a friend of mine. Abruptly passed after was stable for a number of years shortly after the second vaccine. He was 51. :(
I knew someone in a very similar situation. She actually mentioned that she felt it was the vax that caused the left turn in her condition.
F..king BS...I cannot reply with a "like" ...this kind of damage is totally avoidable and everyone harmed should seek legal recourse against the perpetrators.
One of my uncles developed a strange fast acting pancreatic cancer along with leukemia. Last summer. Went into ER with stomach ache, never left hospital. Died a few days later. Seventies. Pretty sure he'd had both shots offered as of 6/21.
So sorry for your loss.
A close loved one’s lymphoma was in remission. Got the jabs. Six months later, lymphoma returned aggressively and he had to do a stronger chemo. Now back in remission and I’m hoping that’s it. Good news is I’ve talked him out of boosters. But he still insists the jab was not responsible. How can we ever prove it?
Part of the trouble is people don't report these events to vaers. I count among neighbors, friends and family, as of today, about fifteen dead or injured, with the onset not long after the shots. Only one, a sister, reported it to vaers. Tells you what's reported on vaers is the tip of the iceberg.
Yup, many don't report to VAERS, either because they don't believe it is the jabs, or they don't know how.
My dad, a disabled veteran, has been in excellent cardiac health for years. He takes a medication that causes chest pain, so he had regular checkups on his heart to make sure the pain was from his meds. So he had more cardiac checks than most. Always perfect.
My mom is a doctor that fell headfirst into the shot propaganda, so they both got 2 shots and a booster (and regularly asked me to get one, which I didn't). They still got CV, btw. Caught it from my vaxxed, boosted, mask-wearing sister in law, the same way we got it. All of us were fine, and it was less severe for my unvaxxed family... Anyway, a few months back, Dad had a small heart attack, followed by a massive Widowmaker heart attack while on nitro in the hospital from the first, which the doc said was highly unusual.
How does one go from perfect cardiac health to 100% blockage in no time flat? Take multiple experimental shots for a disease that has a very low mortality rate, apparently. But report it to VAERS? No way, they can't believe that it was the shot. That would rock their world too much. 😬
Alex reported on this case, some mans Lymphoma seen rapid progression after his booster was case study.
Thanks. My friend would say- “oh that’s a different type of lymphoma, so it’s not relevant.” No helping these people!
Thankful you were able to talk him out of boosters. Sadly, I could never have attempted it.
What helped is a neighbor who got jabbed then had 8 mini strokes and blamed the jab. It helped to have a fellow Jab-ee talk about it rather than anti-jab me trying to convince him.
Omg…bless their heart!
So tragic. I’m sorry.
This also happened to a friend of mine, who dutifully took both shots and two boosters and is now facing removal of part of her lung due to a return of the cancer that had been in remission.
I hear you 😢
My father needs your oncologist. Except he believes everything NBC news says, so there's no hope really.
If it was me, I would reprogram his tv, to skip those MSM channels! Whether it's cable or over the air, you can block certain channels. Start with NBC, then every other day, block a new channel 😁👍
I've found (to my ire) that nosy neighbors and relatives and other Karens call senior citizens and pressure them. They did that to my Dad.
Wow! I hadn’t heard of this behavior. I have a 78 year old aunt who refused the jab and was completely dropped by her social groups as a result. It’s sad for her. (I say, “Screw those harpies.”)
You have to find a whole new set of friends in this day and age. Hard, but not impossible to do.
My mom, 89, was excluded from a lunch gathering for not being vaxxed. So sad.
Yes! This has been a huge thing for two of my friends' senior moms. Horrible peer pressure and badgering, one of my friends told their mom to lie and said she'd had it because they live in San Francisco and she was fearful at some point they would be turned in in the mandates became worse.
My mum lies too. She said people will kill her when they find out! Isn’t that so sad one has to lie about their choices at old age?!
The Bay area is awful. They've all been overcome with fear.
I am dealing with that now here in Georgia. My brother in law lives in Berkeley and is about to get his 6 year old boosted. They are coming here in a couple of weeks and insist that we wear N95 masks until he can test us with a rapid PCR test. My in laws are vaxxed and have had Covid twice, my wife and oldest daughter are too and we all had Covid in December. My oldest daughter refuses to get boosted but she was forced to get the vax because she was going to visit them last year in Berkeley and that was a condition of her visiting. My youngest daughter and I (neither of us vaxxed) had symptoms for two days while my wife couldn't shake the symptoms for a couple of weeks. I have just about made up my mind that I'm not going to be subjected to the madness that they want to impose on us. They are going to have a hard time here in Georgia since no one wears a mask (except for the young wokes in Atlanta).
I used to get monstered by a doctor relative (still might, this one is obsessive compulsive), but I just try to out pro vax them. So the argument turns into who is the ,most pro vax. It works 😂
Thanks, I hadn't considered that, on account of my wife & I didn't get the shots, and neither did our son, his wife, & kids who are under 5 yrs old. But, my wife's mother did, and had an adverse reaction after her third shot. She's 89 yrs old, and pretty tight lipped about health issues. My mistake, is not finding out untill after the fact. I've since clued her in on many pertinent issues.
that's why my mom, 89, hasn't had any! She has mild heart disease already-didn't want to lose her to death by vax!
How infuriating.
Sad thing is that even F news pretty much pushes the jab. TC is the only one who is even questioning the effectiveness these days.
I've stopped watching Cavuto (always admired his work ethics but ) because he's talking about masks and quoting the dreaded Birx (may she burn in hell). You'd think he'd finally realize his obedience to Big Pharma is killing him but on he goes!
So sorry!
So sad!!
I have a friend who got an aggressive form of bladder cancer after the 3rd shot. He is also so blind to it possibly being connected to the shots. Another mutual friend had cervical cancer in remission for a couple of years which returned with a vengeance after the second shot. It’s so incredibly sad! I keep my opinion about it to myself. It’s too late now anyway
Oh and these people are in their 50s. Not even elderly
My next door neighbor co worker lost vision in one eye never recovered from that loss in one eye and had perfect vision .. another. Friend of mine lost their vision in one eye as well….. 😢
It’s crazy. I realize it’s anecdotal so far, but it’s all so very suspicious. I appreciate Alex trying to verify with doctors. I’m reading RFK Jr’s book about Fauci right now though, and the corruption and cover ups run deep
Everyone should buy this book !! The truth exposed will blow your mind !
Oh how I wish my mom and dad had your Oncologist. Mom died November 8, 2021 after contracting covid 5 months after her jabs, which rapidly progressed her lymphoma. She went on a clinical trial and the cancer was regressing when she caught covid, was hospitalized and put on Remdesivir and a vent. She came home briefly for about 2 weeks, then back in ICU with "shredded lungs from the covid" and died a month later. Dad who was perfectly healthy his whole life, now has Merkle Cell Carcinoma and has decided not to treat so he can "go be with his wife." She was 66 years old when she died. He is 67. Way too young to die. They only got to enjoy 5 years of retirement. I am looking for an attorney who will take my case and do a class action against the hospital system where they've both been jabbed and treated. Please pray for this.
Stunning. Best wishes finding an attorney to take this on. You and your family deserve justice. Beyond criminal.
My sincere sympathies for your losses. Praying that you’ll find a lawyer to represent you in this. Too many doctors have pushed for too long and too many good people have passed unnecessarily.
Oh my goodness. You're not the only ones and therefore you are correct to file a class action lawsuit. Prayers and the best of good vibes your way.
the ventilator shredded her lungs!
Right? It's a common problem. Very difficult to get the pressure right at all times. Marty McCarry (sp?) wrote about how dangerous it is years before this plandemic
I'm so so sorry this happened. so wrong.
I would think "shredded lungs" would come from the vent
Wow. What a brave and awesome doctor. We need more!
Glad you are still with us!! Please kiss your onc on the cheek for all of us...
Kudos to your doctor!!!!!
She's a saint
Great doctor and I hope you are doing well
That doc must not work for a corporate institution
God bless her! She's a keeper for sure. Wishing you the very best of health! Cheers
My friend’s oncologist also told her not to get the jab, because this doctor is seeing enough of her jabbed patients come out of remission. Also seeing many new, advanced cancers. Can you believe the doc is in trouble with her clinic management for protecting her patients?!
You are blessed with such a wise oncologist who put you first, and not politics or big pharma!
first, I hope you kicked cancer's ass. Your story warmed my heart. I have been wondering about doctors and teachers ...
🙏 for you Mscacaphony
I’m an oncologist,and My wife and I both had Covid in early 2020.While I was going through it,I read John Ioannidis’s paper in STAT,an online publication,saw his DIAMOND PRINCESS analysis,and realized that what we were hearing in the media was dead wrong,so I was a Covid skeptic early on.The mRNA template was unproven,so I was skeptical of it early,too.I did graduate work in immunology,so I understood the importance of T cell mediated immunity,and believed I would have lasting immunity from the infection,and that proved to be the case.I never encouraged anyone from vaccination in 2020(I work for a moderate size nonprofit hospital corporation),but I stopped wearing a mask in March 2021,and have been discouraging patients from vaccination since,particularly if they have had Covid.In my hospital system,I could certainly be disciplined or fired for my actions,and our ‘medical director’ is as big a CovidNazi as you will find,but we are short staffed,and they need me in the call schedule,so,so far,so good.Don’t get me started on the unusual clotting disorders I’ve seen in vaccinated patients with alarming frequency…
Was talking to a sales trader at one of the largest banks. That company fired employees who didn’t get jabbed. The ST told me they lost an institutional client over the bank’s stance of firing employees. But the ST added, they were pressured by the govt, and losing a client is insignificant compared to losing out on govt deals. Not surprising, but it confirmed my suspicions.
My husband worked for a big insurance company (investments division and they think their peers are big investment banks) who at first said they would not mandate the jabs, this was America, etc... And then about face right around the time they tried to do the OSHA thing. I think they would have given my husband a religious exemption (it looks like they approved them all) but he said heck with it, and went to another company that never mandated it and offered him a work from him job. Something obviously happened for such an about face because they were mandating it right as it became clear even to regular people that the vaccine didn't stop transmission.
Very interesting information, Pepperwood. Government's YUGE thumb has been everywhere around us.
Word IS getting out. Can lawsuits be far behind?
Terminated following application for religious exemption. Knowledgeable. Fully informed. While I do need to find a qualified attorney, I have time. Per the EEOC, I have 180 days after the last date of discrimination (discharge) to file my charge. It will be filed and lawsuit will follow. They have begun. I would prefer to put this behind me and settle, but I will protect my rights. And my former employer has been fully informed of this. I am of the view that time (and data) is on my side. Oh, I did ask my former employer whether or not they received financial incentives - one of the many questions I asked, none of which were answered.
Tucker Carlsons interview of guest, Ingo Rademaker mentioned the names of attorneys and law firm repressing him in his suit against ABC for fired over not getting the vax.
Perhaps someone for you to contact for your lawsuit. Good Luck
Thank you!
The pretrial discovery process will have a big impact on that silence.
My daughter works for a famous record company as a director. She put in her religious exemption and they denied it, she hired an attorney and they are still working through it the company threatened she would have to resign and she will not so now we'll be heading to court
I couldn't take the hostility anymore and accepted the termination while reserving rights. God give her strength. Unless you are going through it, you cannot imagine how difficult the hostility is, the rejection from former friends and colleagues. I support her in her stand for freedom.
I'm sorry you went through that and admire you for sticking to what you knew was right.
Thank you we have faith in God where ever He leads
Three cheers for your daughter's guts!!
I predict glory.
Sorry you're daughter is going through this! Look forward to her winning the suit!
Cheering her on! Would that they would be smart enough to realize how they need her. But with Fauci's wife (FDA ethics) recently giving instructions to employers on how to painfully pressure people to get the jab, more of this is no doubt going on.
Terrible business must be held accountable. Thank you for your bravery and perseverance! It’s exactly what is needed.
We're all cheering you on!!!
Let us know how you do! We're all cheering you on!
I’ve felt from the very beginning of this charade that the smart tort lawyers have been patiently waiting on the sidelines while the government and the entire medical profession (and many other sectors of the economy) slowly construct their own gallows. If my children weren’t already established in their respective careers as engineers, I’d definitely be pointing them towards law school. There’s gold in dem der hills!
And opportunity for the bar to step up and do their jobs. Right now, the bulk of lawyers seem to be hiding in the hills along with true medical professionals. There are a few doing the right thing, but the bulk seem to be living in fear, whether it is political/social retribution or otherwise. I do believe that the legal tide will turn soon also. I have patience.
It’s important to patiently wait for the dim-witted public (from which a civil jury would be selected) to overcome their collective deception. In California, I need 9/12 or 75% to prevail against my employer. Based on my recent shopping trip to Costco and the number of Kool-aid mask wearing, I’m not sure we’re quite there yet here on the left coast.