Not every American trained doctor is an AMA pharma robot.
There is one doc I know who came up through American medical school and US Army residency and fellowship. He has always been a very independent thinker, keeps right up to the leading edge in his field, pulmonary and critical care, but with a very open mind for what works. Always thinking of patient care best practices.
Long before corona virus, he was already on board with Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The stories of wondrous recoveries were chilling to me because, even back then, big pharma would always stand in the way of a simple therapy like the vitamin C protocol. Foreshadows of the simple efficacy of hydroxy and ivermectin. And the other ICU doc was against it, total lackey for big pharma.
When the coronacrisis hit our town, he was on the front line in the ICU 7 days a week for three months straight.
This physician has always been on board with the FLCC and open to hydroxy and ivermectin as soon as he heard of it from Dr Marik. The patients in our ICU received ivermectin and the FLCC protocol when this physician was their doc. And they recovered. Even from ventilators.
He was the only doc on staff who fought for nurses at his icu who were resisting the jab. Very much American medicine trained, but thinks for himself. Very proud of him. And there must be many others like him.
God bless the healers, and clearly this doctor is one of them. I too heard about the protocols for sepsis. It reminds me of the scourge of scurvy, the insanity of ulcers, or even the fight to get doctors to was between patients. Humans simply do not really change over time as a group, all change seems to be individual. God Bless you also.
Keep that doctor close!!!
I’ll second that!
Clearly, this doctor was trained in another country and not a AMA pharma robot.
Not every American trained doctor is an AMA pharma robot.
There is one doc I know who came up through American medical school and US Army residency and fellowship. He has always been a very independent thinker, keeps right up to the leading edge in his field, pulmonary and critical care, but with a very open mind for what works. Always thinking of patient care best practices.
Long before corona virus, he was already on board with Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The stories of wondrous recoveries were chilling to me because, even back then, big pharma would always stand in the way of a simple therapy like the vitamin C protocol. Foreshadows of the simple efficacy of hydroxy and ivermectin. And the other ICU doc was against it, total lackey for big pharma.
When the coronacrisis hit our town, he was on the front line in the ICU 7 days a week for three months straight.
This physician has always been on board with the FLCC and open to hydroxy and ivermectin as soon as he heard of it from Dr Marik. The patients in our ICU received ivermectin and the FLCC protocol when this physician was their doc. And they recovered. Even from ventilators.
He was the only doc on staff who fought for nurses at his icu who were resisting the jab. Very much American medicine trained, but thinks for himself. Very proud of him. And there must be many others like him.
Gd Bless Him; Kol Hakavod to this doctor! He has all my respect and pray there are many others that follow his lead!
God bless the healers, and clearly this doctor is one of them. I too heard about the protocols for sepsis. It reminds me of the scourge of scurvy, the insanity of ulcers, or even the fight to get doctors to was between patients. Humans simply do not really change over time as a group, all change seems to be individual. God Bless you also.