This is more a request for information than a story.
Lately I have received several emails like this:
I am a retired anesthesiologist in XXX. Recently I had a pizza party with other doctors who are retired, or about to retire. An oncologist among us told the story of a multiple myeloma patient in his practice who after the vaccine appeared to convert to acute leukemia. He had never seen this before. He contacted an oncologist at XXX, a major referral hospital here in XXX, to ask what he thought of this. The XXX doc said he too had never seen this before, and in his practice had three multiple myeloma patients who also converted similarly. Thought this might be a useful avenue for you to pursue…
And this:
We have a friend-of-a-friend back home (in XXX) that is a cardiologist… [she] isn’t recommending any shots, which is a dramatic about-face from where she had been. She actually was canceling playdates for her young children in March 2021 if the friends’ parents weren’t vaccinated (this was the impetus for us knowing any of this, because our mutual friend was not, and had no intention of getting, vaccinated).
This was a heartache for me, so I followed up several weeks later to ask about how that schism was affecting her daughter, the shunned playmate. Well, it was all resolved. The cardiologist mother had seen the new patients she was getting after the shots and was no longer pushing them for anyone. I don’t know if she’s gone so far as to discourage patients (as opposed to close personal contacts) from getting them, but she’s not pushing them.
And this:
On two recent trips to the pediatrician’s office in XXX… I found it interesting that the pediatrician didn’t even mention Covid or the vaccine. My daughter is headed off to college in August.
Obviously, this change - to the extent it is happening - has not reached the medical specialty boards, much less the American Medical Association, which continues to push mRNA shots. But I wonder how many physicians are now no longer encouraging - or even actively discouraging - patients from getting booster shots. Taking a public anti-vaccine stance is risky for physicians. Even filing a VAERS (vaccine adverse events report) submission comes with headaches.
If you are a patient who has seen your doctor’s attitude change, or a nurse who has noticed that your hospital is no longer pressing shots, or most of all a physician who has decided that the Covid vaccines may not be appropriate for your patients, please email me at alexberensonauthor at (or if you are concerned about confidentiality).
I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2020. I knew I had found the right oncologist when she advised me to absolutely NOT get the vaccine, stating that she would throw her body across mine if anyone threatened me with the jab.
Not every American trained doctor is an AMA pharma robot.
There is one doc I know who came up through American medical school and US Army residency and fellowship. He has always been a very independent thinker, keeps right up to the leading edge in his field, pulmonary and critical care, but with a very open mind for what works. Always thinking of patient care best practices.
Long before corona virus, he was already on board with Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The stories of wondrous recoveries were chilling to me because, even back then, big pharma would always stand in the way of a simple therapy like the vitamin C protocol. Foreshadows of the simple efficacy of hydroxy and ivermectin. And the other ICU doc was against it, total lackey for big pharma.
When the coronacrisis hit our town, he was on the front line in the ICU 7 days a week for three months straight.
This physician has always been on board with the FLCC and open to hydroxy and ivermectin as soon as he heard of it from Dr Marik. The patients in our ICU received ivermectin and the FLCC protocol when this physician was their doc. And they recovered. Even from ventilators.
He was the only doc on staff who fought for nurses at his icu who were resisting the jab. Very much American medicine trained, but thinks for himself. Very proud of him. And there must be many others like him.
God bless the healers, and clearly this doctor is one of them. I too heard about the protocols for sepsis. It reminds me of the scourge of scurvy, the insanity of ulcers, or even the fight to get doctors to was between patients. Humans simply do not really change over time as a group, all change seems to be individual. God Bless you also.
God bless your doctor. One of my friends with pancreatic cancer was talked into getting the vaccine. The next day her doctor did her bloodwork and her tumor markers had shot through the roof. So sad. So senseless.
Totally agree. And since they are finding the trials we not reported honestly, the freedom from lawsuits these pharmaceutical companies have should be bull and void.
So far, 2 friends whose C had been in remission are dead, too many more whose cancers have returned, from a 30 year old’s brain C to multiple breast cancer patients who had been doing well and now-aren’t. It makes me nauseous & nervous about who’s next. None of them have said a word about why the turn around…it’s C…Drs know they can just say you’re time was up.
yes we know what patterns to look, honest stats. would reveal this. I would like this info advertised for all to see. we hear ca is off the charts. So much illness, I'm concerned with staff and resource shortages; we will suffer all the more.
Denial. These people don't want to believe they made a bad choice, especially on behalf of a loved one. Even if the choice was to comply for practical reasons. It's going to take a massively tragedy so large someone can't lie to themselves and they start screaming.
Do you know that's it's been written denial is your strongest emotion? I too agree no one is going to admit and or face the facts until it becomes so omnipresent they'll eventually be another ME TOO movement
all one has to do is read your local obituaries every day to see the average age and how many died suddenly and or from cancer (that I guarantee returned)
One small town doctor near where we live has said the number of heart, cancer & other illnesses he’s seeing is frightening. He’s refusing to give boosters to those coming in demanding them. And you’re right, obituaries galore…unexpected death…hard to read.
I have written about it elsewhere but it is worth repeating. I had a friend who battled lung cancer for many years (even though he was a non-smoker.). His cancer was considered stable enough to suspend all treatment. Even though there were still tumors present, they weren't growing. He got the "vaccine" as soon as it was available, thinking he needed it because of his lung cancer. He got the second shot at the end of April 2021 and he was dead by early June. The cancer came back with a vengeance right after he got the shots. He didn't stand a chance.
I am a stage 4 lung cancer patient. Refused all vaccines (pneumonia update, flu, COVID). My oncologist, great guy in all other respects, insists that I should get all the vaccines. He got COVID in spite of the vaxx; I don't think he has changed his position. I haven't either.
Glad your critical thinking was stronger than your doctor’s irresponsible reaction offering advice without real knowledge about C and the content of the experimental injections!!
Have you heard of NaCLO2 and Immunocal?? Two amazing substances I wished I had known when my mother was told at a “top” hospital in Germany she had a terminal cancer, 20 yrs ago. You have to see amazing testimonials.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out. Apparently the anti-parasiticals are being tried for effectiveness in cancer control -- used in conjunction with chemo.
This also happened to a friend of mine with stage 4 cancer. She was desperate to get the shot when it came out and died a few weeks later at age 41. So sad.
F..king BS...I cannot reply with a "like" ...this kind of damage is totally avoidable and everyone harmed should seek legal recourse against the perpetrators.
One of my uncles developed a strange fast acting pancreatic cancer along with leukemia. Last summer. Went into ER with stomach ache, never left hospital. Died a few days later. Seventies. Pretty sure he'd had both shots offered as of 6/21.
A close loved one’s lymphoma was in remission. Got the jabs. Six months later, lymphoma returned aggressively and he had to do a stronger chemo. Now back in remission and I’m hoping that’s it. Good news is I’ve talked him out of boosters. But he still insists the jab was not responsible. How can we ever prove it?
Part of the trouble is people don't report these events to vaers. I count among neighbors, friends and family, as of today, about fifteen dead or injured, with the onset not long after the shots. Only one, a sister, reported it to vaers. Tells you what's reported on vaers is the tip of the iceberg.
Yup, many don't report to VAERS, either because they don't believe it is the jabs, or they don't know how.
My dad, a disabled veteran, has been in excellent cardiac health for years. He takes a medication that causes chest pain, so he had regular checkups on his heart to make sure the pain was from his meds. So he had more cardiac checks than most. Always perfect.
My mom is a doctor that fell headfirst into the shot propaganda, so they both got 2 shots and a booster (and regularly asked me to get one, which I didn't). They still got CV, btw. Caught it from my vaxxed, boosted, mask-wearing sister in law, the same way we got it. All of us were fine, and it was less severe for my unvaxxed family... Anyway, a few months back, Dad had a small heart attack, followed by a massive Widowmaker heart attack while on nitro in the hospital from the first, which the doc said was highly unusual.
How does one go from perfect cardiac health to 100% blockage in no time flat? Take multiple experimental shots for a disease that has a very low mortality rate, apparently. But report it to VAERS? No way, they can't believe that it was the shot. That would rock their world too much. 😬
What helped is a neighbor who got jabbed then had 8 mini strokes and blamed the jab. It helped to have a fellow Jab-ee talk about it rather than anti-jab me trying to convince him.
This also happened to a friend of mine, who dutifully took both shots and two boosters and is now facing removal of part of her lung due to a return of the cancer that had been in remission.
If it was me, I would reprogram his tv, to skip those MSM channels! Whether it's cable or over the air, you can block certain channels. Start with NBC, then every other day, block a new channel 😁👍
Wow! I hadn’t heard of this behavior. I have a 78 year old aunt who refused the jab and was completely dropped by her social groups as a result. It’s sad for her. (I say, “Screw those harpies.”)
Yes! This has been a huge thing for two of my friends' senior moms. Horrible peer pressure and badgering, one of my friends told their mom to lie and said she'd had it because they live in San Francisco and she was fearful at some point they would be turned in in the mandates became worse.
I am dealing with that now here in Georgia. My brother in law lives in Berkeley and is about to get his 6 year old boosted. They are coming here in a couple of weeks and insist that we wear N95 masks until he can test us with a rapid PCR test. My in laws are vaxxed and have had Covid twice, my wife and oldest daughter are too and we all had Covid in December. My oldest daughter refuses to get boosted but she was forced to get the vax because she was going to visit them last year in Berkeley and that was a condition of her visiting. My youngest daughter and I (neither of us vaxxed) had symptoms for two days while my wife couldn't shake the symptoms for a couple of weeks. I have just about made up my mind that I'm not going to be subjected to the madness that they want to impose on us. They are going to have a hard time here in Georgia since no one wears a mask (except for the young wokes in Atlanta).
I used to get monstered by a doctor relative (still might, this one is obsessive compulsive), but I just try to out pro vax them. So the argument turns into who is the ,most pro vax. It works 😂
Thanks, I hadn't considered that, on account of my wife & I didn't get the shots, and neither did our son, his wife, & kids who are under 5 yrs old. But, my wife's mother did, and had an adverse reaction after her third shot. She's 89 yrs old, and pretty tight lipped about health issues. My mistake, is not finding out untill after the fact. I've since clued her in on many pertinent issues.
I've stopped watching Cavuto (always admired his work ethics but ) because he's talking about masks and quoting the dreaded Birx (may she burn in hell). You'd think he'd finally realize his obedience to Big Pharma is killing him but on he goes!
I have a friend who got an aggressive form of bladder cancer after the 3rd shot. He is also so blind to it possibly being connected to the shots. Another mutual friend had cervical cancer in remission for a couple of years which returned with a vengeance after the second shot. It’s so incredibly sad! I keep my opinion about it to myself. It’s too late now anyway
My next door neighbor co worker lost vision in one eye never recovered from that loss in one eye and had perfect vision .. another. Friend of mine lost their vision in one eye as well….. 😢
It’s crazy. I realize it’s anecdotal so far, but it’s all so very suspicious. I appreciate Alex trying to verify with doctors. I’m reading RFK Jr’s book about Fauci right now though, and the corruption and cover ups run deep
Oh how I wish my mom and dad had your Oncologist. Mom died November 8, 2021 after contracting covid 5 months after her jabs, which rapidly progressed her lymphoma. She went on a clinical trial and the cancer was regressing when she caught covid, was hospitalized and put on Remdesivir and a vent. She came home briefly for about 2 weeks, then back in ICU with "shredded lungs from the covid" and died a month later. Dad who was perfectly healthy his whole life, now has Merkle Cell Carcinoma and has decided not to treat so he can "go be with his wife." She was 66 years old when she died. He is 67. Way too young to die. They only got to enjoy 5 years of retirement. I am looking for an attorney who will take my case and do a class action against the hospital system where they've both been jabbed and treated. Please pray for this.
My sincere sympathies for your losses. Praying that you’ll find a lawyer to represent you in this. Too many doctors have pushed for too long and too many good people have passed unnecessarily.
Right? It's a common problem. Very difficult to get the pressure right at all times. Marty McCarry (sp?) wrote about how dangerous it is years before this plandemic
My friend’s oncologist also told her not to get the jab, because this doctor is seeing enough of her jabbed patients come out of remission. Also seeing many new, advanced cancers. Can you believe the doc is in trouble with her clinic management for protecting her patients?!
I’m an oncologist,and My wife and I both had Covid in early 2020.While I was going through it,I read John Ioannidis’s paper in STAT,an online publication,saw his DIAMOND PRINCESS analysis,and realized that what we were hearing in the media was dead wrong,so I was a Covid skeptic early on.The mRNA template was unproven,so I was skeptical of it early,too.I did graduate work in immunology,so I understood the importance of T cell mediated immunity,and believed I would have lasting immunity from the infection,and that proved to be the case.I never encouraged anyone from vaccination in 2020(I work for a moderate size nonprofit hospital corporation),but I stopped wearing a mask in March 2021,and have been discouraging patients from vaccination since,particularly if they have had Covid.In my hospital system,I could certainly be disciplined or fired for my actions,and our ‘medical director’ is as big a CovidNazi as you will find,but we are short staffed,and they need me in the call schedule,so,so far,so good.Don’t get me started on the unusual clotting disorders I’ve seen in vaccinated patients with alarming frequency…
Was talking to a sales trader at one of the largest banks. That company fired employees who didn’t get jabbed. The ST told me they lost an institutional client over the bank’s stance of firing employees. But the ST added, they were pressured by the govt, and losing a client is insignificant compared to losing out on govt deals. Not surprising, but it confirmed my suspicions.
My husband worked for a big insurance company (investments division and they think their peers are big investment banks) who at first said they would not mandate the jabs, this was America, etc... And then about face right around the time they tried to do the OSHA thing. I think they would have given my husband a religious exemption (it looks like they approved them all) but he said heck with it, and went to another company that never mandated it and offered him a work from him job. Something obviously happened for such an about face because they were mandating it right as it became clear even to regular people that the vaccine didn't stop transmission.
Terminated following application for religious exemption. Knowledgeable. Fully informed. While I do need to find a qualified attorney, I have time. Per the EEOC, I have 180 days after the last date of discrimination (discharge) to file my charge. It will be filed and lawsuit will follow. They have begun. I would prefer to put this behind me and settle, but I will protect my rights. And my former employer has been fully informed of this. I am of the view that time (and data) is on my side. Oh, I did ask my former employer whether or not they received financial incentives - one of the many questions I asked, none of which were answered.
Tucker Carlsons interview of guest, Ingo Rademaker mentioned the names of attorneys and law firm repressing him in his suit against ABC for fired over not getting the vax.
Perhaps someone for you to contact for your lawsuit. Good Luck
My daughter works for a famous record company as a director. She put in her religious exemption and they denied it, she hired an attorney and they are still working through it the company threatened she would have to resign and she will not so now we'll be heading to court
I couldn't take the hostility anymore and accepted the termination while reserving rights. God give her strength. Unless you are going through it, you cannot imagine how difficult the hostility is, the rejection from former friends and colleagues. I support her in her stand for freedom.
Cheering her on! Would that they would be smart enough to realize how they need her. But with Fauci's wife (FDA ethics) recently giving instructions to employers on how to painfully pressure people to get the jab, more of this is no doubt going on.
I’ve felt from the very beginning of this charade that the smart tort lawyers have been patiently waiting on the sidelines while the government and the entire medical profession (and many other sectors of the economy) slowly construct their own gallows. If my children weren’t already established in their respective careers as engineers, I’d definitely be pointing them towards law school. There’s gold in dem der hills!
And opportunity for the bar to step up and do their jobs. Right now, the bulk of lawyers seem to be hiding in the hills along with true medical professionals. There are a few doing the right thing, but the bulk seem to be living in fear, whether it is political/social retribution or otherwise. I do believe that the legal tide will turn soon also. I have patience.
It’s important to patiently wait for the dim-witted public (from which a civil jury would be selected) to overcome their collective deception. In California, I need 9/12 or 75% to prevail against my employer. Based on my recent shopping trip to Costco and the number of Kool-aid mask wearing, I’m not sure we’re quite there yet here on the left coast.
I hope the tide is turning but I’m not holding my breath. My son has a friend who’s unvaccinated 12 year old child went to a birthday party and the mom at the house wouldn’t let him eat out of the same potato chip bowl as the others. Talk about insanity!
I live in a more tolerant area, but I work in a profession which requires me to have national/international interaction. I have found tolerance nationally, even on the left coast. I have been surprised by humanity - aside from the small group who just operate out of fear and who have labeled anyone not compliant with the slur "anti-vaxxer," many who are jabbed respect the right to choose. I have many examples, including a woman in California who was incensed when she learned what was happening to me. Best of luck.
Sussman, Hillary's lawyer, just got off scot free because he's with the "correct" party. Do you think anyone connected to the Democrat party will be held accountable for this vax fraud? Fauci?
If the immunity starts getting breached, the personal injury lawyers will finally get their chance to be the heroes of the general population. It would be glorious 😉
Either the US representative democracy reel is all played out, or lawyers will find a way. I don't know which it'll be yet, but we're gonna find out soon enough, I guess.
So essentially the bank viewed the government as their client, not their depositors or borrowers. Hmm . . . Do I detect a problem? Does it extend to hospital systems and a lot of othe protected industries? If a consumer is no longer the client or customer . . .
Our governor here in WA, Jay Inslee, stated publicly that the reason he refused to cancel our state-of-emergency and his related powers is that the state would lose a lot of federal money. It's ALL about the money.
I’m in WA too. Inslee is an evil dimwit. He didn’t even need that federal money as he had a $14B surplus. Which he then used to give state employees bonuses and expand government programs.
I didn’t know this, but I’m not surprised. He’s the perfect student for Klaus Schwab, not having an original thought in his head. I think he thinks he’s going to run for president again. He never paid back WA taxpayers for his first run.
i suspected as much. i've worked seasonally for a famous international arts festival as their costume supervisor since 1980. i am the longest running employee in the history of the festival and have a stellar reputation. they dumped me without even a goodbye because i wouldn't take the vaxx even though they had never cared all the much about my health before.
they've also gotten very woke, social justicey, etc and my guess is that government grants are driving this bus. they insisted that all audience members be double vaccinated and boosted, show photo ID and be masked. this is SC and that crap doesn't fly here. by late april, the governor had made such medical Jim Crow policies illegal and now they begrudgingly have to let the lepers in. except the lepers hold a grudge and ticket sales have been pathetic.
i would so love to sue them but worry about the expense. i need a lawyer who'd love to go after a world famous arts festival
My large, TBTF financial company did the same, though they did grant my religious exemption—but, this was just to be able to remain employed. I had to work remotely, while the vaxed had to go in the office. Within a month of everyone being back, the vast majority in the office got Covid. When it was booster time, the same folks either got very sick from their boosters and/or got Covid again. A few weeks ago, a fifty something coworker dropped dead while waiting for the elevator. Slowly, they’re starting to wake up.
Out of curiosity, I checked to see if my husband's old employer is still requiring the vaccine and yup they are. I think the head guy is just dug in at this point. My husband's old job is still open and it says it in the job description.
He was not married. Had a longtime partner- office talk is “heart attack”, but that is an assumption. Doubtful there was an autopsy. I have two close friends whose brothers died within 4-6 months of dose two. Both in their early fifties, both in good shape. One PE diagnosis, one heart attack. Neither reported as possibly related. Just awful.
My husband’s place of work in higher ed was basically all CoVid Nazis, pushing the vax on CoVid recovered teens and young 20 somethings. It was absolutely unconscionable. And no one really had the contrary view point other than him until the mandated boosters arrived after most of their double vaxxed kids and staff ALL HAD OMICRON! Then people realized that complying with the first two shots was complying with ALL the shots the lunatics in public health decided they needed. My husband tried to explain to a coworker who wanted the initial series that he should still turn in an exemption so to keep him place of employment out of his medical decisions. That co-worker didn’t get what the big deal was with complying until he had his initial series, got pretty sick from the 2nd shot, then got CoVid and had a hard time with it. Asked his doctor about the booster and his doctor flew off the handle a little “NO YOU DON’T NEED A BOOSTER! YOU GOT OMICRON! THAT’S YOUR BOOSTER” but the place of employment still made him get a booster 2 weeks after he recovered from CoVid, putting him at high risk of adverse outcome. You cannot give these people an inch. Protect your exemptions. Exercise them even if you are going to comply. 🤷🏻♀️
The governor here in Georgia just signed Constitutional Carry a few weeks ago so no more license to carry for us! Of course, the leftists are calling it "Criminal Carry," basically making all legal gun owners criminals (in their minds anyway).
Our federal government, unfortunately, is strong and untrustworthy. We need to break up the federal government, its share of our economy, and its unconstitutionally seized authority, and send it back to the states and localities where it belongs.
That’s actually a BRILLIANT idea. Especially the universities. Put kids to work in the real world for a few years while their brains are still developing.
Study up on firearms; decide if you are looking to defend your property (defensive shot gun ) or if you want to be able to defend yourself against random violence (concealed carry handgun). Take a safety class and practice with your firearm. Welcome to the world of understanding that law abiding gun owners are not the problem in America.
Our entire system is based on the premise that we have the power, not the government. If they're treating us this way WITH the 2A, think of what they'd happily do to us without it.
I would suggest you & husband take a qualified firearms course, it will be more comforting, knowing best handling and use practices. Also, a good membership in a firearms association, will fill you in on all the legal aspects, of your rights & responsibility.
Find a gun safety course in your area. It's a really good first step, doesn't cost a lot, and will help you make a better decision about whether or not you want to become a gun owner. If you do, it'll help you be a more responsible gun owner. It might also help you find out where you can go in your area to try out different firearms and see what, if anything, would suit your needs.
Applying for an exemption grants that a business has the right to know the status of your health, blood, genes, etc. Refuse to report any status at all, ever. Not their business. There are enough purebloods remaining and, I think useful idiots who are now waking up, to refuse to report IF they have had a shot, how many shots, when the last shot was taken, if and when the next shot will be taken, etc. Exemptions are weaseling out of the issue. Refuse to disclose ANYTHING about your health status, ever. It is none of their business and you must jealously guard against further encroachment into your personal space/business. Actually you must push back and reclaim that which has been encroached thus far.
My husband and eldest son took religious exemption based on the revolting use of fetal cells in these shots. That's not telling the boss anything except "no".
I concur, Zade. The best exemption is the word “no”. Religious exemption? Medical exemption? I go with the “no I don’t want it” exemption. Also the “my company and boss and HR department don’t get to stand above me and pass judgment on what I’m allowed to believe or choose” exemption 😏
What do you think of this approach to religious exemption? Say your religion forbids you to lie, which is what you’d have to do when signing the informed consent form? No health or religious info disclosed. Details at
Way too soon post COVID to get a shot. 90 days in minimum if you're forced to get it. You have to delay in the hope that it gets overturned in the meantime
Hospital in Texas made my friend get the shot two weeks after he recovered. He argued that he had just had covid and should have more time and they said no, two weeks was fine.
And world takeover by the WEF. They want all the control. One digital currency. Democratic freedoms will all be gone and only one world leadership calling all the shots.
Thank you for your perseverance on this matter. I was fired by a huge medical facility for refusing the jab based on my own research and the lack of transparency from big pharma. As a licensed physician assistant I was taught critical thinking and to do my own investigation into what is best for my patients. Sadly I fear for who is caring for them at this time
Thank you Dr.Theo for sharing this info with us. Coming from an oncologist, i trust and believe you. I’m 70 and had “weird things” happen to me ten days after the second shot. Best described as a migrating blurbing bubble, then mild radiating pains in my shoulders and left jaw. I declined any boosters. My 45 year old doctor ignored my recorded symptoms with “ well, you don’t want Covid.” To which I said, I’ll take Covid over an aneurysm.” I’m hoping more doctors become less adamant in pushing the shots. Thank you again! Martha
I’m a nurse and sure wish I could work with a doctor like you. I’m speak my mind often and I refuse to administer all EUA medications or any vaccine’s for that matter. The docs I work with know how I feel about their lack of informed consent, too. We are severely short staffed but I come to work thinking it’s probably my last day today🤷♀️
Keep working as long as you can. Thank God for nurses like you. I’ve met a few and it’s refreshing. I have to say I have not met a doctor yet except for ones online.
My son has T Cell ALL that’s in remission 2 years out. His oncologist was pushing. Last summer he got one shot of the Moderna and had such a migraine that he refused any further. I’m so thankful for that as I’ve heard of all the relapses and other things that these vaccines have caused. He has not had any issues with just that one dose so far.
I unfortunately got the first 2 dec2020/jan2021, got violently sick after the second. Quickly realized my graven mistake. Turned in a religious exemption, it was accepted then denied. I got a lawyer and I’m still working. I’m in the Bay Area, north of SF….surrounded by blue zombies.
I’m a proud anti vaxxer and am utterly ashamed that I never looked into vaccines before. I didn’t buy into taking all of them but I trusted/respected our doctors…but, no more. All trust is gone! Working in the medical field is so depressing now that I know that docs are standard of care robots.
Thanks for sharing about your change of heart. It is encouraging that there are people more committed to the truth than to maintaining denial of past mistakes.
you are brave. We need more of you. I had it too (2/2020) and seem to still be immune. Been hugging lots of people (some testing positive the next day)
I pray you continue to be a healthy inspiring beacon for us all!
I'm getting a kidney transplant eventually and the donor program told me you don't need the vaccine anymore. This was about six weeks ago. I also took a job as a prison nurse for the state of Pennsylvania about six weeks ago, they dropped their vaccine requirement and this wasn't something that was publicized in media. I didn't see it listed anywhere in the job postings like they usually had so when I was called to interview the first thing I asked was what's the current Vax policy, guy said there wasn't one anymore.
Oh thank god for that. I can only speculate how many ppl suffered or had injuries on top of needing a transplant OR would not be able to get one because they didn't take this EXPERIMENTAL drug! So sickening to me this was allowed to happen.
This is such good news. My daughter may get listed for 2nd heart transplant and we were being pressured heavily for her and us to get it - to lessen spread and protect her. What garbage. I fought hours with them to the point where we told them we would choose to not transplant if they required it. They have finally decided to compromise with Evusheld (protective MABs) if we go forward but not requiring vax although still recommending but not pushing me like before. This is a children's hospital but she is adult. The Drs. in the lung program just recently told me they still require the vax though.
If you are already anemic you can't donate and then you have a procedure and bleed out you really have no choice. That is where we were at. Plus no way to bank as much as she needed.
I think it would depend on whether the blood contained the mRNA. I don't think spike protein itself would increase but you could certainly get some. Not an expert.
Tragically, the only person I personally know who died from covid was a prison chaplain - unvaxed, and I’m sure got covid from the fully vaccinated prison population.
I played golf with a gentlemen a few weeks ago, who has spent his entire career in the pharmaceutical sales business. Over a beer I asked him what he thought of the mRNA shots. He asked me if I took it, I said no. He then said excellent. They are experimental and have not been tested for long-term effects and we are now clearly seeing they do not work at all.
Exactly. They are working precisely as designed. The purpose they were designed for has little in common with the cover story, which is a ruse to get the payload delivered.
A friend is in the process of admitting her father to a nursing home. She asked if she needs the shots to visit him. They told her no and they’re not even giving boosters to the patients and staff.
I visit my dad’s friend (I’m his POA. He had no kids) in a nursing home and he’s currently Covid positive. I just have to wear a N 95 mask. He’s 91, unvaccinated, and just got a runny nose. When I enter the facility they ask a bunch of questions & have a machine take my temp to enter. I always answer, “I wish to not disclose” whether or not I’m jabbed
For months the only places I have deigned to wear a surgical mask has been in hospitals. Tomorrow I go again for cancer treatment. I will wear a mask, but now "Why?" Is printed on it in magic marker. When I am done with it I intend to send it to the hospital's administrator with a stamped return envelope.
I am receiving injections in my left eye for bleeding..macular degeneration. I have one of the best retina specialist in a large group of docs. You must be masked up to enter the building. Two of the docs require that your mask be taped to your face on the upper part of the mask before they will work on you. It hurts like hell too tear that masking tape off but I cannot change docs. I know this doc will keep me from going blind. I actually like him a lot. But these injections could go on ....forever. Sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I am also not vaccinated. Wonder if that has anything to do with it but again...nothing I can do.
I was pleasantly surprised this year at my child's well check that the dr did ask if we were wanting a Covid shot for her, she made no attempt to push it. Then said when I said no, we aren't interested, "She likely already had it anyways" and just moved on. Complete change from a year prior when she tried to talk me into it and I informed I work in the Research space so I definitely not getting it for my 12 YO...and she kept saying the risks were minimal and I had to inform her that is also minimal if she actually had COVID so no thanks.
And of course she had no idea of what the real risks were or are, but she didn't even know that. That so much of the medical establishment is happy to simply parrot what they're told, having no idea of the information on which it's based and whether the information is reliable scares the heck out of me. My own physician is a bit older than I am, and I hope he either wants to practice a really long time or that I can find a replacement who can study and think. I think they're pretty scarce anymore; they just mindlessly follow 'protocols.'
Exactly. That is the ONE thing I have learned in the last two years, is doctors really have no idea on these Pharm drugs...they literally just parrot what the Pharm company tells them and don't do any work to find out if it is true or anything on side effects, etc. Completely undermined my faith in the industry. I know there are some good ones out there but made me question even more what/how I deal with my own doctor and what they really know.
I asked my Doc if we could have a risk benefit discussion on the CoVid vaccines and she said “I have no data to have that discussion honestly with anyone. There isn’t any information published about these shots for me to even read.”
It's not even just the Pharma info, but the acceptance of the conclusions of papers they haven't read and couldn't analyze for validity even if they did, the recommendations of various specialty societies, which have shocked me in the last few years (pediatrics especially), and of organizations like the CDC, which are highly political and not unbiased.
I have questioned them since I was 12 years old. I check their diplomas on the wall ask about their education and experience, the same as if I hire any other service provider. The good news is that I have been to doctors mainly to assist friends or relatives. For me a massage therapist, ozone sauna, stretching, and a visit to a natural health store with brands I know very well replace the visit to a “doctor”.
As someone who has apparently been unusual in a medical sense since birth, I have learned through a number of close calls to be wary of accepting any treatment derived solely from following protocols. Sometimes it even required signing out of an ER AMA. Finding a physician I can trusthas been my saving grace. They may be hard to find and folks may have to ditch ones they don't trust, but hang in there. There are some out there and they are worth their weight in gold.
This is great, but... maybe you should re-think the whole “child’s well check” concept. I’m a healthy 68-year-old, and as a child I only went to the doctor for a broken arm. We’ve been scammed into thinking that our health is something to “be checked” even when nothing is wrong.
Totally agree. We've all been scammed. I call it Big Medical these days. We used to have one small doctor's office to go to when I was a kid. Now every city and town has big medical complexes. It's really tragic.
DRC- I concur. If you really think of it, our US society (the only one I know) is based on the profit motive. For everything. Love friendship health among others. There’s a great spin given for all of it under the umbrella of “concern”
PS my dirty little secret is that I DON’T throw pills out after a year. There’s no timer!! 🤣🤣🤣
I had to get a physical for sports forty years ago. BP 140/85 - "a little high but okay" then. My BP is still the same, but doctors have a fit because I won't take statins or anything else for it. The billion dollar statin industry got the standards lowered such that over half of the population has "abnormally high" blood pressure. Insanity, but I have to admit, that's some brilliant marketing.
Same for us at my daughter's physical last month. I had skipped the last two years because of the relentless vax pushing; this year, not a word about it. Its like it never happened...
I've mentioned this before and it is still fresh. If I am repeating myself here I apologize.
A discussion with a friend who knows a soldier of an Army base in Colorado, a large base. He is dating his daughter. He told him that in his combat group (this is where I don't know what is meant by group and am hoping for more feedback soon) 26 soldiers, infantry soldiers, young men in their 20s and 30s, 26 of them have had heart attacks in the last year. And, the commander of his group has to have a new heart, he's on the transplant list.
This just does not happen! I am thinking the group means around 1000 give or take 100 knowing the base. 26 out of 10,000 would be unheard of, this is a calamity if true, which I have no reason to doubt it.
Huge chunks of the military may be unfit to fight because of a shot.
In my Army career, we were told that loyalty goes both up and *down* the chain of command. This vaccine episode in particular, but also the Afghanistan debacle (not just the withdrawal, but the lying about success there for 20 years) and the pushing of CRT all break that faith. It's disappointing and also scary for what it means for national defense and current "leadership."
It’s definitely a BIO-WEAPON. The CCP did not put the mRNA/spike protein in their jabs, from what I understand. What a plan, to take over a country and make it weaker from within. And our own government is guilty. That’s a very frightening realization.
I think something is all interconnected. Our own politicians give Chyna a free ride! They’re a brutal, Communist country. I’m so sick of looking at MADE IN CHINA. I want nothing from that hell hole (good luck with that).
You bet! McConnell’s wife’s parents are connected with the CCP, Feinstein’s “driver” was connected, one politician was sleeping with a “spy”. The universities are full of questionable employees/students…the list is endless. CHYna has infiltrated the USA everywhere!
True, but some numerators are big enough to have meaning without doing a statistical test (in fact, that's what a lot of the docs, whose changes in behavior and advice are being described in this thread, have done - seen very unusual numerators, numerators outside their previous clinical experience). My career was in Army medicine, and this number falls in that category, to me.
My regular NPA whom I rely on for everything was initially pushing the shots energetically. My last physical 3 weeks ago, not a peep. When we discussed a pneumonia vaccine, she stressed it was a "traditional" vaccine and did recommend it due to my age and I agreed. The assistant who administered the shot quietly congratulated me for not taking the Covid shots. Something has changed in their office in the last year or so. Big time. Anecdotal but it's what I'm seeing. Thanks.
Please reconsider taking all the vaccines they are pushing on seniors. My Mother is suffering with vertigo after taking flu and pneumonia shots. My Mother is 81 and was extremely healthy, the vertigo is really debilitating.
Yes. When I visited my cardiologist in 2021 he went apoplectic when I told him I wasn’t getting ‘vaccinated’ under any circumstances. Had my 2022 visit, not a mention of it.
Our health insurance company sent out a statement and one of the pages was the entire vaccine schedule from birth. Nothing stating why that page was in there but reading between the lines......Health officials are freaked out that future parents who are going through this hoax will have big time vaccine hesitancy as they should. This is a shit show!!
My youngest was just the age when we usually start our (delayed) vax schedule, and middle kid was getting close-ish to finishing his series, when the lockdowns started. Made it such a pain in the tuckus to go to the health department, with suddenly no walk-ins, make an appointment a week ahead, no extra kids in tow, wear masks, blah blah blah. So we were like "how long can this last, really?" we were just gonna wait until it was over, and then start. A little delay, no big deal. I mean, we're uninsured, those shots cost $$$ at the pediatrician's office, but they're free at the HD, so that's how we do it.
Coming up on that kiddo's third birthday now. Still no shots. After seeing what the manufacturers for all those routine shots have been up to the last two years... you bet I'm "hesitant." Clearly we can't trust them on the current fashionable shots. Can we trust them on the old ones? I'm not sure anymore. Maybe we wait a little longer and see if they're held responsible. If not, I'm inclined to just not get any more immunizations for the kids. Maybe that's a decision they can/should make for themselves when they are adults.
I completely agree.....once they added the yearly flu shot (that didn't seem to work) I started getting suspicious about all these shots. I think the only one I'd be looking at giving my kids is the one for polio. My uncle had it and he could barely walk, his legs were very disfigured.
Our pediatrician kind of said the same thing: "If you only get ONE vaccine for them, get the polio shot" because he's from outside the US and has seen polio cases. I'm still thinking about that. When/if the vax craziness dies down, maybe we'll go get that one. We'll see. Right now it's hard to trust any of it. Like, what *else* have they not been telling us?
Absolutely!!! We are a miracle. But 50 years ago babies had 8 shots by the age of 6. Now they have received 72 at that age!!!!! Look at our pets. Annual shots is the norm now and they get cancer younger and younger!!!!
We have a lot of pets. We stopped vaccinating except for rabies, started using a non toxic tic and flea preventative (Buck’s Mountain Gold) and feed the highest quality food we can. Our pets are healthier and their lives much longer. Also we had fleas and got rid of them with zero harmful chemicals or even any baths for them. Easy. Cheap. Healthy. And it worked.
Also, there is a rabies three year shot and a one year shot. They are EXACTLY THE SAME SHOT. If the vet writes down one year, you need it again in one year (though immunity lasts for like 7 I think). If they write 3 years…it lasts three. It makes no sense but that is what every vet has told me and I keep asking.
I Would not get any of these ‘senior vaccines’ that these docs incessantly push. I am about to turn 70, have never had a ‘vaccine’ in my adult life with the exception of the ‘tetanus’ booster a few years ago when I had a bad cut from a knife (which I regret now). I just went through two weeks of having a ‘flu like’ sickness (fever, headache, body ache, loss of smell and taste) which then morphed into ‘cold like’ symptoms. Where was I exposed to this ‘flu like virus’? From my niece’s Gramma, who is twice vaxxed and twice boosted!
I’m not afraid of getting pneumonia or shingles…I have a healthy immune system that hasn’t been tainted or messed with from any of these so called ‘preventative vaccines’. It’s all about the FEAR my older friends…these docs want you to be afraid of getting all these ‘diseases or conditions’!
Re: shingles vaccine, my doc said something about my RLS issue and nerve damage. But then she mentioned protecting the “community” which is where she lost me. Of course it’s great to protect “the community” when you can reasonably do so - but not to take on excessive risk for yourself. There’s a limit. I have a neurological condition that docs generally don’t understand so I’m not rolling the dice unless there’s a clear reason to do so.
FYI there is NEVER a “clear reason” to take ANY of these ‘shots’. When has any medical provider given you information, as why they would be of benefit to you? Whether one has an underlying ‘medical condition’ or not! I have an ‘auto-immune’ disease that I have under control with a ‘natural’ form (from animals) of medication. Why would I want to mess with that, for a Shot or Shots, that there is no guaranty that you will be 100% “protected” from getting the thing you are getting the shot for. This goes for ALL adult and childhood vaccines!
Also, by lowering immunity, the covid shots greatly increased shingles incidence, so protecting the community is clearly something they don't really care about.
Yes, and you may know this by now, but the so-called tetanus booster is NOT the same as the ones we used to get. It is now a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis shot, and you cannot, to my knowledge, get tetanus alone. (Not that I would even get that, at this point.) Before the Covid insanity began I was going along on the normal medical bandwagon, and when my doc recommended I get the "tetanus booster," I said sure, okay, not realizing it was a new shot unlike the previous ones I'd had in my life. Like you, I now regret it intensely and keep wondering if that has been part of what triggered the intense muscle soreness I now experience as part of daily life, which as a thin, fit runner I never had before (and I'm 63). It's impossible to know, but one thing I am grateful to Covid for is having my eyes opened about the absolute insanity of what is happening to our medical system and these drugs we're told to take to "protect" us. I never want to accept another injection of anything ever again. But it's the control over that which worries me -- I mean, if I'm in a car accident or break my leg or need emergency surgery for something, it scares me to think what a hospital might decide I need when I'm not conscious or able to forbid consent.
I took that dtap vaccine. Soon after me and my vaxxed kids caught pertussis. My husband, not vaccinated for many many years, did not. We got it because a doctor told my friend her kids with terrible terrible coughs were not contagious. Doctors in the area did not know to even look for pertussis and I was the one diagnosing friend’s kids. Also no one got severely ill and obviously it was all over our community.
Yeah, same here. My doc wanted me to get shingles vax. Seems they have a check list of vaxs for one to take without even looking at the patient's history.
My GP did same reg shingles vax. I asked him how new it was... out for 6 months at the time. I then asked if he thought my medical history warranted the risk of a new vaccine with no long term safety record. He replied using the general age criteria. So I pointed out I'm not in the middle of the broad statistics for medical history. Asked if he recalled how many prescriptions he's seen in my history. He paused, then said none. Going back how far? Decades.
So you think I might have same risk as all these people around me that are in 4-5 drugs that come see you 3-4 times a year? Me having BMI of 23?
He replied, `So no to the shingles vaccine."
He didn't look at me to see my smirk...
At this point, I'm wondering what the difference between a doctor and Nurse Practitioner in training is...
I agree with you. Once you point out the facts to the GP, he backs off but never ever says "wow, you are right. You have done your research. I like having patients like you that are proactive & well read. " Nope, as this concedes that he isn't more knowledgeable about issues than you are. The god complex is strong in doctors which is so annoying. I am so heartened to read stories such as yours where patients pushback. We are not & never will be sheeple which scares the crap outta of the doctors.
I still believe that the most important way to fight any disease is to build up your own immune system. I take a product called GSH which enables your body to make Glutathione. (Made in Canada but available in the States)
I have read in so many articles about the importance of Glutathione as it is referred to as the Master Antioxidant. I also take plenty of Vitamin D3, Vitamin C throughout the day, for a total of at least 8000mg., Quercitin, and Zinc.
My husband is 80 and I’m 79. We have NEVER gotten a Flu shot, and surprise, surprise…never had the Flu. We also eat healthily and do not consider us to be more susceptible to Covid, and thankfully have always been smart enough to just say NO.
We have always loved travelling, but our communist dictator Trudeau won’t let anyone travel in or out of the country if not vaccinated, so no travelling for us, but I know many people who got jabbed just so they can travel, in spite of all the warnings of side effects and early deaths. Go figure that kind of thinking! When is the mainstream media ever going to stop Fauci and Gates from scaring the H*** out of everyone, fear mongering at its best! They can’t stand losing control, so now they are going to start expanding the Monkeypox scare!!! We have to keep fighting these evil vaccine/drug pushers, for our sake and the sake of our precious children.
Bravo!!!!!! That is exactly the right attitude. Learn your body, basic biology, great nutrition with whole foods and include supplements of top natural brands. Key to add vitamin D if not taking the sun one hour every day or in winter, real vitsmin C not synthetic ascorbic acid. Have a live blood analysis at least every five years, check the level if all nutrients in your blood and supplement those showing low levels. You are your best health practitioner. Get a profesional to address certain situations. And a good MD for accidents or surgeries if not avoidable.
I buy my GSH from a great Canadian company called CYMCORP. The price is about half the price of another Company called IMMUNOTEC. You can call CYMCORP directly and a person will actually talk to you. I, as well as my family, will never be without my GSH and it is safe even for babies! You cannot buy it in stores, but that is a good thing. Most salespeople, even in health food stores have no idea what Glutathione is, and neither do most doctors or nurses! It’s astounding! But they will push vaccines that are doing irreparable harm to our natural immune system, because Big Pharma’s agenda is just to keep giving you vaccines for the rest of your life, which will be much shorter if you keep getting jabbed! The closest thing to GSH is mother’s breast milk, because it has cysteine in it. The body actually “makes” glutathione. You cannot buy glutathione in a pill, so don’t be fooled by supplements that say “Glutathione”. There is an artificial glutathione called NAC, which is N-Acetyl-Cysteine, but I will only take the natural source, because NAC can be toxic over time. Natural GSH is the best way to keep your immune system strong.
However, we know why Gates or Fauci will never promote building up your immune system naturally because there is no money in it for them. Remember that our bodies do not suffer from “vaccine deficiency”!!!
Thank you for your thorough reply. I emailed the company via their website. I hope I can somehow purchase from them. After looking online most GSH supplements are in supplement form that’s offered here in the states. There are several in liposomal form so that may be the direction Ill have to go after investigating further.
You can blame pharma for the shingles debacle as well. There has been an explosion of shingles in older adults since the chicken pox vaccine was made mandatory for children to attend school. Before the vaccine, older folks who had already had chicken pox would routinely come into contact with children who were extremely contagious before they broke out in pox. This would boost the older person’s immunity to shingles (which lies dormant in the body after initial chicken pox infection) and ward off a shingles outbreak. With no more children getting chicken pox, us folks who had it are sitting ducks now. They vaccinated children against a very innocuous childhood disease and harmed the older population by doing so. Be careful of the shingles vaccine. There are many, many lawsuits going on at this moment for injuries sustained after taking them. I’ve had shingles so I know the pain but I’d rather go through that than take a vaccine. Some are even saying the vaccine causes shingles later on down the road. Build your immunity instead!
So why did kids need a chickenpox vax in the first place? I and others in my age group survived it so why a vax? Another way for big pharma to get money? Or has the virus mutated so much over the decades that a vax is vital? I don't get it.
Growing up before all these childhood vaccines I had chicken pox, mumps, and measles, as did every kid I knew. Not fun, but we all did just fine. I am still in the camp that believes the HUGE rise in autism in children stems from the massive amount of vaxxes that are pushed into these kids. And now I’m questioning what other health issues crop up later in life may have been caused by, or possibly made more susceptible too, by taking all these jabs?
A few months after 2nd shingles shot (the "new" one), a family member suddenly had extreme back pain and was falling down with no warning. Spinal surgery followed and this person never had a history of "falling down" before...........Lots of unexplained "junk" found by the surgeon in the spine as well.
Meh! I'd rather deal with pain and discomfort than to risk any of these stupid shots. This is the second iteration of the shingles shot. They found the first one did not work. Does the second one actually work?
I am of the mind that if it doesn't kill me, I'm not putting any pharmaceuticals in my body.
I disagree. Most who get the shingles shot have a bad time afterwards..,pain, feel they’ve been hit with a Mack truck, scared to get the second dose, and many get shingles anyway. Saw a death with shingles post shingles shot and it looked like she suffered. I wasn’t an antivaxxer but I was 💯 % not getting that series, I’d rather just get shingles.
It was my horrible response to the 2nd Pfizer dose that convinced me all vaccines are poison. No more poison injections for me. Really all medicine is poison but require proper dosing to eliminate symptoms….but even the best balance will still have side effects.
I work in a nursing home and was a hospice nurse for 9 years.
At this point. Do NOT take ANY shots. According to research done by La Quinta Columna in Spain and other parts of the world, ALL injections have graphene that is a main actor in this madness. All “vaccines”, Insulin, anesthesia even at the dentist, and also antibiotics have graphene, the cool substance associated to AI , transhumanism and the crazy agenda
I have a neighbor who was doing well, despite having had a bad bout of Lymes disease. After his 3rd jab, he returned to a full on return to Lymes, actually worse than before. His physician attributed it directly to the jab. Another life-long friend had cancer and was doing well. She had 3 jabs....she's dead. Cancer could have come calling I suppose, but after the jabs, she went downhill so fast it was surreal.
My neighbor has RA and runs to get each booster that come out. She seems to be fine so far, but I wonder. She's definitely a true believer in the jabs.
A close friend from high school is a top cardiologist in my area. I mean he was trained at institutions most average people know by name and would consider traveling to if they had the money and the need. In a text exchange with me he said the following:
"Btw, I read all the stuff you post on FB. Agree with all of it. Just can't come out like my job too much. The jab is bad news. Don't you dare give it to your kids!"
That was August of last year. Then in January of this year, he said:
"Can't tell you how much how much heart attack, stroke, unchecked cancer and opportunistic infection I'm seeing."
I find it so incredibly disheartening to know he might be recommending the jab to patients yet secretly telling people not to get this. I say this as a mom of a heart transplant patient who has been under immense pressure to get it for her and us to the point of almost denying 2nd transplant. We are seen at a top children's transplant center.
Knowing my friend, he's not recommending it to anyone. He just can't speak publicly about his views. In his practice, I'm sure he's telling patients to be cautious. He himself had to get a religious exception to the healthcare worker mandate and nobody in his family was jabbed (they all got immunity the old fashioned way).
I am saddened your friend doesn’t do the right thing and speak out. A person of integrity does the right thing even if it brings negative consequences to themselves. You’re not courageous if the only times you act are if you are in no way at risk.
A GYN said the exact same thing to me. He said he had multiple patients who were years into menopause who started getting their period again. I asked if he would suggest that I get the Covid vax for my young daughters and he said “HECK NO! But if you ask me out in the hall in front of my colleagues, I’ll say ‘Absolutely, and you go get your booster asap!’“ Regrettably most doctors with doubts cannot speak their minds due to fear of reprisal from medical boards, peers, etc.
Trust me. Doctors want this whole COVID thing to just go away! It's made a complete laughing stock of the medical community, and breached the trust that people once had for their doctor, or any doctor going forward.
Doctors were hoodwinked, bought off, or both. Now that little $40 a jab they were receiving from the COVID fund seems much less. Because many of these doctors are going to lose patients that will NEVER return. The whole, "Don't believe your lying eyes" bit only goes so far. There comes a point where antidotal evidence becomes the truth, that's where we are now.
Our doctor didn't push the vaccine, and didn't even care about masks either. He's older though. I think that the older docs knew that this was BS from the start.
Doctors are paid not to be hoodwinked. I treat them as accomplices, or, at the least as aiding and abetting this manmade disaster. Hoodwinked?!? They don't get to play the confused old bitty card.
No they can't play the confused old bitty card, but they are backed up by all of the fake science coming from the FDA and the CDC. Remember until that judge in Texas ordered the FDA EUA docs be made public, there was no proof.
But the FDA and CDC knew this stuff was bad all along!
Late September 2021, I took my then 9-year-old daughter to her annual physical. We live in a small rural community and her pediatrician is in a neighboring town that is even more rural. I asked him about his thoughts on the shot (as I do for all childhood vaccines) and everything he said could have come from a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services PSA. He accepts tons and tons of Medicaid patients, so I assumed this was because he had to - under some sort of threat. (As an aside, I tried to get a mask exemption for my daughter because her face would turn colors when wearing a mask and he told me the State of Michigan said no exemptions except for things like Autism or other mental health issues. He apologized and said his hands were tied).
While he told me the shot was safe and all that B.S., he did tell me that he had 13-year-old boy in his practice that had myocarditis shortly after taking the vaccine. This is a SUPER SMALL PRACTICE in a SUPER SMALL TOWN. I wonder if this was his way of telling me something.
Since the shots have become available for my daughter's age group, I have NOT received one call letting me know they had them available or I could get them there, not even some sort of robocall.
Those poor children whose parents still believe in the CDC. My sister-in-law is a physician assistant who was among the first to be vaccinated. She loves the CDC and quotes them religiously. We've gotten along GREAT for the past 12 years. We NEVER talk about politics. However, when she was going to vaccinate my 8 and 10 year old nephews, I knew I had to ask her questions. I cited a lot of the things Alex talks about (been following since April 2020) and just asked her about contradictions so she could help me understand things since she is an expert. Unbelievably, she was shocked what was coming out of other countries and decided NOT to vaccinate her kids. Now that the "rare breakthrough cases" are so rampant, she will never vaccinate them.
I was involved in a committee convened by the CDC to give a recommendation about a medical device for which I had done one of the pivotal trials and was invited by one of the main CDC folks involved in doing research on the device. It was the weirdest experience, since the other CDC folks there were aggressively one-sided in favor of the device (I thought the data didn't support that level of enthusiasm), to the extent that I wondered if they had been offered stock options by the developers. I've never looked at the CDC the same way since, and that was in the late '90s.
It's marketed. I don't think that decision is wrong, exactly, but I think the description of the operating characteristics of the test and of how to interpret the results is too optimistic, based on the data that were available at the time.
Good for you questioning your s-i-law. Undoubtedly, you saved the lives of her children. So sad that all critical thinking has evaporated from the medical community and we haven't yet reached the quota of deaths the overlords deem necessary (one assumes given how yet another pandemic is hiding behind the curtain). Pure evil.
So glad she was willing to listen and look at other opinions and data. Most have their eyes closed tight and refuse to see anything other than what their CDC/gov told them.
How much longer do we have to wait for a retiring doctor to tell us why their lips were zipped! The military tossed out highly trained and experienced pilots for not taking a stupid vax. If they were willing to give up careers and retirements, where are their equivalents in the medical field?? I don't get the silence (other than Frontline docs, etc).
Your 9-year-old daughter needs an annual physical...? You might want to re-think that. I’m of the belief, now, that I will only go to a doctor is something is wrong. That’s how it was when I was a child (I’m 68 now)... I wondering when it all changed.
I agree with your point, but I still make darn sure my kids get their annual well checks. I never want to be accused of "medical neglect" because I turn down shots. I found a great practice that is pro-parent choice when it comes to those decisions and I have solid records if I ever need to prove my kids are cared for.
This has been the most optimistic substack piece I've read all day. Alex, I think this needs to be a story…if not a book. They can't just memory hole all the shit they put us through and change uniforms. Sending good vibes to all those about to undergo procedures. ❤️
That first story is exactly what happened to my father in law. He had low-lying bone cancer for over a decade but it wasn't causing him any particular problems. A couple months after getting the Pfizer jab, he suddenly had a fast acting leukemia. He was dead a couple of months later.
Oh my.. So sorry. My ex husband and children's father. Same. 3 momths from Cancer Diagnosis to his death. Several aggressive cancers. In heart, lungs and spine. He had no history and had shortness of breath which lead him to hospitals. A couple Major ones at that. They had never seen these types before. Couldn't even identify what types. We are still reeling from this and my children are grown. Hurts no less.
So sorry to read this AND I know that being grown is no shield for the sorrow of a loss.
I still miss one particular friend, dead over a decade. I am now "down" to thinking about him only, say, once or twice a week (compared to constantly in the first year after his passing).
Someone special in one's life is always special. And if the special person is a parent.....
Quietly the wheel turns it seems: my quack who a year ago literally berated me for not participating in the Great Experiment, now does not even mention it. My brother in law is a cardiologist in PA and is fully boosted (and got Covid - duh!!) used to tell me "Just get it and you travel south to visit - from Canada". Now, never mentions it. As Alex says something is happening but as this is purely political and NOT scientific, the wrong people are still calling the shots.
My wife, an acupuncturist, was treating a ling time patient, an NHS nurse. Asked her how she was, and how it was at work - her husband an MHS consultant. They were fine, but SIX of their colleagues had recently retired with cardiac/stroke problems.
After reading the comments, I want to add that while we should be thankful former pushers are no longer pushing, it doesn't mean they should be let off the hook for the damage they've done. Stopping pushing is not the same as admission of guilt and repentance. The evidence was there for them to see long ago and they either ignored it or were too lazy to seek it out. Earning back lost respect will require more than we're seeing
Their blind acquiescence made/makes it more difficult for the rest of us. Had more people flatly refused this crap, it would have gone away. Companies and hospitals often folded eventually when they couldn't function without so many people. Especially pissed at people taking shots so they can travel and attend parties and performances. How Vichy. Disgusting. "Not pushing" ain't enough.
I found it incredible that people were essentially saying, "I don't want this, but the government says I won't be able to travel unless I do, so I'm going to do it".
The correct response was, and is, "I'm not getting it and you are going to stand back and let me get on with life, or else..."
So true. I was screaming that last year. If more people stand up more of us won’t have to stand up. If people want the vaccine that’s great - but to mandate to keep your job? No way that should have ever happened, barring a very few fields and even then I think it was wrong.
What I don’t understand is the lack of curiosity among doctors for a monumental event in their industry. I’m not a doc but I read everything I could on actual studies, not fake govt (money laundering?) PR. When such a big event happened in my industry of wall st in 2008 (06 up to 08) I knew in advance of the general public, I questioned the talking heads, were skeptical of the regulators, and knew which companies got a pass from regulators over others. I didn’t do this alone. On trading desks, and over drinks we were all talking about it, in advance, as in this-won’t-end-well. I’m not special - it’s my career field. So WTH have doctors been doing????
I've been absolutely amazed by the lack of curiosity shown by people in the medical profession.
Indeed, a friend told me that her doctor said he doesn't have time to keep up with everything (his reason for not reading widely on the Jabs, side-effects and etc.,, etc.)!!!
My Gawd!!!!
And, yes, Mary Ann has taken three jabs AND has newly developed tinnitus AND been briefly (two nights) hospitalized with Covid.
There are still some places that are pushing the vaccines! It's crazy at this point.
We know that the whole thing went down like a psyop, mass formation psychosis. But now, not even the media is pushing it. So, why are some businesses still onboard?
At any rate, this whole thing has been surreal for me. I didn't get the jab, and made sure that my wife didn't have to either. She worked at a local hospital and they were requiring it. I made arrangements to pull money out of my retirement to pay off our house, and make it so that my wife didn't have to work anymore!
That was a good move, because even though we had to pay a large tax penalty, NONE of us are jabbed, and the stock market is tanking, so my 401k would have been largely hit.
The world is completely up in the air at this point, and I'm not sure where we are going from here.
Taxpayers paid for the gain of function research, the development of the shots, advertising of the shots including those commercials and billboards, and the shots themselves (including all the unwanted expiring shots getting thrown away or sent abroad). Big pharma pushed all liability and any damage payments back to the taxpayers, and collects billions in profits while complaining about politicians not doing enough to mandate compliance.
The pharma lobbyists who achieved this should be world famous.
Some of the contracts for foreign nations were even worse! I'm just surprised that ANYONE went along with this BS anywhere. Only because Big Pharma assumed ZERO liability anywhere. That should be the first red flag, but for some reason they all went along with it. I think it was all of the WEF partner nations that ushered in the first contracts, because they knew it would further their goals.
Keep in mind, the WEF are the same people complaining about the human population, and the need to lessen it.
This whole thing has been so amazingly bad, I can't really think of anything to compare it to.
I just don't see at this point, how anyone can still keep falling for this BS. Everyone that was going to get COVID has gotten it. That includes all of the jabbed individuals.
Everything on the vaccines has been a giant walk back. They will do everything (in the beginning) by the end, they might have made symptoms lessened for some people... But we know that even that is a crock, because the vaccines cause a TON of other ailments on their own.
Wow, because they were not "that ill." See, that's what gets me. I had a coworker who got the jab, and he had to take a few days off, because it made him very sick.
I'm 42 years old. Everyone in my household had COVID-19. It was like a mild cold. A little achy a low grade fever for a few days, then we lost taste and smell for a few days. The strangest thing was the loss of taste came after we all had no other symptoms. Then a few days later, taste and smell were back and we were fine.
I don't buy any of the numbers, because my experience was like nothing they are describing. Of course you could say, "You're only one person." That's fair enough, but my two boys and my wife had it as well, we all had it around the same time and we all had the same symptoms.
My experience with COVID-19 was such that I can't see anyone requiring hospitalization. If it wasn't for the COVID-19 scare, I would have taken Tylenol and showed up for work.
There's absolutely no way in hell I would get the vaccine!
Three in my family (all unvaxxed) had similar symptoms. Yet my friends are all touting the effectiveness of their shots as the reason for their mild cases. SMH.
I am a 58 year old man diagnosed with persistent atrial fibrillation about 6 weeks ago. The only symptom was my Apple watch alerting me; I am otherwise hale and healthy with no other symptoms, all tests and vitals normal and still trying to get to the bottom of it. I have had appointments with a new PCP and a cardioversion with a new Cardiologist and any number of nurses and ED docs and told all that I was unvaccinated. None recommended the vax to me. I had Covid in December but that didn't seem relevant to any of the medical people I spoke/met with.
My wife is a supplement hawk, pushing magnesium all the time, will ask her about potassium. They have me on Eliquis to prevent clotting, my goal is no meds and sinus rhythm, have an appt on Thursday with Cardiologist.
A former co-worker has A-fib but he always converts to normal rhythm on his own after at most one day. A few months ago he had a stroke (CVT) which doctors removed successfully. It was attributed to the Afib. He is "fully" boosted.
My cardioversion worked for 3 days and have been back in Afib in the three weeks since. I called the Cardiologist’s office (huge practice) when Afib restarted and got a PA who told me that my cardiologist was on vacation and just to wait till this upcoming follow up visit for the next steps, I am nonplused.
I am a 63-year-old male Army veteran. Prior history of lymphoma. Doctors have told me I have 3 co-morbidities for Covid: (1) Damaged heart valves due to radiation treatments to the chest. (2) Injured lungs with diminished capacity due to Chemotherapy (Bleomycin) side effects. (3) Cancer survivor with an immune system that never fully rebounded after the chemotherapy was completed. Noting that I am physically fit and not obese.
Semi-annual appointment with my PCP three weeks ago. He told me I am eligible for the 2nd booster, but he recommended against it even though I am over age 60 and have multiple co-morbidity risk factors for an adverse Covid outcome. He has seen too many incidents of rapid disease progression, such as prostate cancer quickly metastasizing, amongst the RNAi vaccinated that he has never before seen in his career.
Anecdotal but I have noticed a huge shift. Went for routine yearly medical appts this year, and not ONE question/point about covid vaccines, whereas last year it was usually at the top of the list.
My own physician said 'yeah, I should encourage you to get the vaccine, but at this point if you haven't had it and don't have any antibodies, I don't know what to tell you.' My spouse was hospitalized with covid and I took care of spouse for at least a week beforehand when we didn't realize it was covid. Still no antibodies whatsoever, and I've had multiple tests (antibody, antigen, PCR) in the last year and a half.
IMHO there has definitely been a shift on this in the medical community.
Wish it was same for me. I went for my checkup and the doc asked about the jab. I replied no I had not participated. I was expected a lecture and shaming session but was relieved when none followed. However to my surprise the doc must have reported my status to the state of Illinois. Two days after my appointment I receive a txt message from the Illinois department of health informing me that I or somebody in my household might be in need of a jab. The txt included a helpful .gov weblink for me to click. Needless to say I was disturbed and creeped out by such commie behavior. No more visiting that doc for me anymore.
Antibodies are part of the adaptive immune system. You have an innate immune system too. It is documented science that humans can develop an innate immune resistance to a pathogen which is likely your case.
Agree. There's a very interesting paper in Nature Journal about CMV antibodies possibly being protective against Covid; I have high CMV antibodies for some reason (no symptoms that I know of).
Interestingly, neither of my adult kids got Covid either (and one lives with us so was here when spouse had it).
Interesting. I'm one of those people who can't seem to catch COVID despite multiple significant exposures, no vax and lots of interactions. I'm also CMV negative, though - which I know because I donate blood and they use CMV negative for infants.
Thanks for donating! My daughter has needed a lot of blood over the years so I appreciate it. I try to but it really wipes me out. She is cmv negative too.
I’m 67 and in the very high risk group. Had the Delta variant. Wasn’t fun, but I’ve had flu that was MUCH worse. It’s possible it was so mild you simply didn’t notice it.
Very curious about this. I’ve been tested for antibodies three times and never had them. Never had Covid. Have kids who have been in daycare and school since May of 2020.
None of my family is vaccinated. One of my daughters had Covid 18 months ago and just had bloodwork done - she still has very high antibody levels. Out of the rest of us, we have all tested positive for Covid within the last three months. (Clearly the vaccinated are spreading this). I had a headache for 24 hours and was left wondering - is THIS what we ran from for two and a half years??
I would be happy to participate in a study so long as I never had to have anything injected/ingested; would be fine giving blood. There are lots of people out there like us!
I had the same experience~~had my yearly "telemed" appointment (my choice...I despise going to the doctor's office...mostly the waiting) and not once was I asked about the jab. I've been exposed to Covid multiple times (never took precautions) and have had my antibodies tested twice and I have zero antibodies thus far. I know that genetically there are some people who have an innate resistance and perhaps that is us.
Yes. Sheepishly we were in the crowd that thought Covid mainly affects elderly and obese (and I'm sure it does, sadly). It was shocking how sick spouse got though (and spouse is in probably the top .01% of age range for ideal health/weight).
My husband also very healthy, normal bmi and got pretty sick with covid last Nov. He went into inflammatory phase but we found a good doc to treat him. I also was sick for 12 days but have recovered as well.
I think that's what happened to spouse - it's like the inflammatory response took over and everything just went haywire. Had monoclonal, too, before going to hospital (this was last spring of 2021) but it was too late probably. Also had Remdesivir but luckily didn't go on a vent. I'm thankful that your husband made it and that you're ok too.
They are having a harder time supporting the lies about covid, the mRNA injections and the worthless PCR test. Come the next pandemic, the silly money-pox, they will all be back on the big pharma, FDA,CDC,and AMA bandwagon.
My father had a stroke (7) years ago and has had trouble breathing since. Damage to the vocal cord area. He had Kidney Stones and needed to get them removed.
He went to the hospital where they tested him for COVID, he was negative. He goes through the procedure and has trouble coming off the anesthesia.
He was having breathing difficulties. So, they test him for COVID, as part of the their protocol, and say that he’s POSITIVE! He was tested (5) hours earlier and he was negative. You can’t become ill with COVID in (5) hours!
I was out of state at the time. I told him to get the hell out of the hospital! Because they were going to blame his breathing trouble on COVID. He had a stroke (7) years ago, and has had trouble since. Anyway he got out and is doing fine now.
I'm convinced that the hospital was going to try and put him on a vent, so they could cash in. This whole thing has been amazingly bad! EVERYTHING from the top down about COVID and the vaccines has been 100% lies.
I am just curious, what are people going to do if it turns out that my suspicions that the mRNA shots are just enhancing prior illnesses if not minimizing responsible immunity from Covid?
All these doctors screaming we should get shots, and then the evidence turns out that they’re killing people, well, if I were a physician shrieking “get the shot or get the fuck out of my office!“, I would genuinely be worried about the safety of my life and my family’s lives…
Addendum to what I just wrote a minute ago:
Really, I think physicians have totally fucked up the profession by either being horrifically absent from responsible dialogue, or just shrieking political agendas.
And frankly, I think there should be serious consequences for it, I truly believe in the adage, “bad things should happen to bad people”…
Clueless, or complicit, neither is an excuse to say, “I didn’t know better, give me a break“…
My response would be, “what appendage, you diseased despicable motherfucker!?“
That's my theory also. Whatever ails you, it enhances it. I had mild high blood pressure before the jab but it spiked right after the 2nd shot and I had to up my dosage. I had mild tinnitus for about 10 years but it got way worse for about a month after the 2nd shot and still flares up from time to time after never flaring up like this before. I NEVER bruised, but now I suddenly bruise fairly easily. I went for blood tests for the bruising, but they came back normal. Still something changed. God only knows what else it did. I'm convinced it's basically poison.
At the very least, MDs who pushed the shots or simply and unquestioningly parroted the administrative line need to have their medical licenses put on 5-year probation. The worst offenders (e.g. docs who went on TV or very publicly promoted the biologics) should lose their licenses permanently. With enough grassroots support and pressure at the right points, this could gain traction. My brother-in-law, an anesthesiologist (triple-jabbed, got COVID after, of course) invited my family out to his beach home, with the one small caveat that we get our injections! This after we all got COVID! An MD who refuses to acknowledge natural immunity. This is not science, but superstition. His license needs to be probationary.
I would argue for them all to LOSE their licenses, their privileges, their snobbery, but that would leave the nation with very few MDs, so probation it must be except for the worst offenders.
These doctors are already practicing in compromised positions, doing telehealth, making patients wear masks when you need to see their faces if not examine their mouths, and worst of all, inferring they have bad judgment totally kills the patient-physician alliance!
This is abandonment neglect and malpractice, and unfortunately, only when they see their own go down, will some of them wake the fuck up…
"I am just curious, what are people going to do if it turns out that my suspicions that the mRNA shots are just enhancing prior illnesses if not minimizing responsible immunity from Covid?"
Physicians have been going down the rathole, (mostly against their will) ever since they essentially became government/hospital employees, when Medicare was adopted, and health care became a job benefit, and not something you bought and paid for independently.
Private practices have almost become extinct. What they can and cannot do, according to government dictates/guidelines, is almost untenable.
Count on 'physician assisted events' that keep you locked up around every major election.
If you want a real treat, to drive you mad, read the AMA policy position paper on 'wokeness' and CRT.
It really is this simple: if you as a physician can't realize what you do as a person impacts on your community in ways beyond just seeing people in the office, then, why the fuck did you go into this line of work these past 20 years at least.
There was a brief vignette in the MCATS (Med School Board Exam) back in the 1980s showing a comparison to one going to med school and becoming a doctor vs one taking a plumber apprenticeship, and in the end, how each invested and spent money, the plumber was equally as "lucrative" as the doctor.
So, if you are a doctor because you wanted to heal and restore hope, then what the fuck have most of theses assholes I pathetically call colleagues been doing the past 2 years?
Sucking political prick and being butt fucked by bureaucratic bastards.
The AMA: yeah, look who belongs to that soulless shameless shithole of political hacks and cocksuckers...
What did Groucho Marx say: why would I want to belong to a group that has me as a member? Well, update it, why would I want to belong to a group that has me by the member?...
Oh, and if you don't like my language, tough shit!
They went into Med under the belief it was financially lucrative. Teachers, doctors, surgeons, clergy should never go into those fields for the money. It should be (and used to be) a vocation. Who knew plumbers would be the better financial path? See how we have been manipulated?
You're right. These are very salient points. The pressures they must face lead to self-censorship, and it must be terrible. Conform or be outcast and risk losing their livelihoods. I do, however, take exception to an MD in the family who maintains this BS. I'm not a patient who might report you to the administrative authorities or medical board. His superstitious take on the jabs vs. natural immunity is troubling and shows he has not yet unwashed his brain.
If you are truly on the side of helping get out of this mess, stop posting like a Pfizer sponsored Ray Epps. This post glows as brightly as "We need to go INTO the capital!"
The only hill you pathetic cowardly clueless cowering-in-your-homes losers are going to die on is the mound of dirt next to the grave that you’re going to roll into after they shoot/ stab/ bludgeon you…
Idiots, and buffoons, and worst of all, aconfrontationalists who keep telling us to vote November 8 like that’s going to make a fucking difference when the “Republicans” are going to stab us in the back anyway…
The Republicans are going to help the Democrats take away your guns, and all you’re gonna do is, “oh, woe is us, what can we do…“
have you not seen what the system did to Jan 6 trespassers ? and how much good did it do to their cause ? so who will benefit from following your provocation ? no need to answer, we all know.
Taxpayers funding gain of function research and the clotshot is awful. The likelihood taxpayer money is going to you like it did Ray Epps is icing on the cake.
Are you saying there should be no serious consequences for people pushing all these anti-humane stuff ? (by serious consequences I do not mean any illegal stuff. but trials ? license suspending ? some sort of consequences ? )
I would be fully in support of license suspensions and even fines and prison. But people mentioning anything physical have crossed a line and should be banned.
Reading this again this morning, I won’t edit it, I’ll just add to it:
People here saying that I am advocating for violence, no, I’m advocating for accountability!
At the end of the day, you want to keep giving people who are despicably inappropriate uncaring and in fact at times just plain evil a pass.
That’s just aids and abets horrific and vile behavior.
I truly believe that when a group of people see those in their group having deserved yet painful consequences, some will flee and perhaps even change their behavior for the better.
Civility acquiescence tolerance and politeness only gets you a slap on both sides of the face if not just a downright punch in the nose.
My partner has leukemia. His oncologist almost would not accept him as a patient initially as he didn’t want vaccines: pneumonia, shingles etc. Very stressful situation. I pretended to be the conciliatory partner who would gradually bring him around. Then came Covid. He started to push vaccines less and less. He literally never mentions the Covid vaccines. A while back I remember my partner turning to me after a visit saying, he doesn’t seem to push vaccines anymore. This doc is at a major cancer hospital in Manhattan.
"Verein Sterbehilfe, the association for euthanasia, updated its Code of Ethics on Nov. 19 to inform those seeking assisted suicide that they must be vaccinated against the coronavirus or they will be turned away. "
In the words of Carrie Fisher, "If it wasn't funny, it would just be true"
I am about to turn 70 in the fall. At my requisite Medicare/Supplemental Medicare “Wellness” visit a month ago my PCP (who is actually a physician’s assistant), he never mentioned the Covid V or asked if I was vaccinated, or if I had had Covid. (He knows better because I told him years ago(way before Covid was on the horizon), I would be declining any and all “vaccinations” that are recommended for us ‘seniors’.)
He also noted in my chart (at my request) for the practice to not ask me any longer about any vaccinations, or diagnostic testing like a Dexa bone density scan, mammograms, or colonoscopy. Requisite blood work is all I want.
Then after two years of being around people in all manner of ‘gatherings’ (small and hundreds of people, who were not vaxxed), not wearing masks, two weeks ago I contracted a “flu like virus” that gave me serious body aches, headaches, fever, loss of smell and taste, then morphed into ‘cold like symptoms’. I was exposed to this ‘virus’ when I had lunch with my niece and her Gramma. The Gramma is vaxxed and boosted and tested ‘positive’ the day after our lunch, after having ‘symptoms of something’. So within two days of exposure I fell ill.
So basically I was ‘infected’ by a vaxxed and boosted person! It’s been 16 days and I’m feeling better after using the ‘FLCCC protocols’ (Ivermectin and supplements) and a couple of IV Drip Ozone and Vitamin C Therapy treatments to help me recover and get my energy back.
Glad you are feeling better. I followed FLCCC too back in Dec. The one thing I wish I knew then, that I have since learned, is to keep your protein intake up. Covid really attacks your muscles. HTHs
Well fortunately I am not a vegan and eat of lot of protein…both plant & animal. And I was taking all the supplements and then some that are on the FLCCC protocols for a couple of years now…so who knows what I might have experienced. The only thing new is the Ivermectin. I wish I had been using It prophylactically all this time too. I have an American friend who lives in Mexico who takes a weekly prophylactic dose of Ivermectin and she’s never been sick. (She’s not vaxxed but all her expat friends are!)
I’m a huge fan of the FLCCC and used ivermectin for everyone in our family when we were sick with delta for a few days(none of us had the shot) and I in my fully non medical opinion I don’t think it’s a great idea to take it all the time. Viruses live within us all the time, even the good ones and I wouldn’t want to completely change that dynamic. I find it in some ways equivalent to taking antibiotics all the time. I think we will learn more as time goes on. We did take it preventative Ly for major international trips, just didn’t want to deal with the hassle of a positive test coming back.
My Dr is no longer encouraging the shots. He was an early adopter of them, said he trusted "the science" behind them. A full year went by before I saw him again for my annual physical and after I told him that I never got jabbed, he told me that he never got the booster and doesn't want one. He's also had covid twice himself now. I told him that to the best of my knowledge that I never had it.
Alex, I applaud you, again, for your work. This current effort of yours may save some (more) lives, but it’s probably too late to save the medical profession.
As a hematologist who is also a microbiologist, I was certain in March of 2020 that we were all being had and told whomever would listen. Especially early on when the vents and the improper care were killing most admissions, I have advised elderly (75+) patients that the shot would likely help them avoid some severe disease. At their age they are unlikely to suffer long term sequelae. But I also told them that adequate levels of Vitamin D would likely be generally protective anyway. One way or the other, have not lost any to Covid.
I have never advised anyone under 60 to get the spikeshot and have gotten very strident with the parents of those under 20 that this was almost certainly more likely to cause harm than good. I have advised against the shot to those in the throes of their malignancy (like the MM patient Alex mentioned) because screwing with their immune systems at that sensitive time with a complete unknown just seemed (and still seems) too risky.
I have never worn a mask (except in the OR where I have been noting for years that it is just theater) -- that was known to be ridiculous from the get-go. I have never had my patients wear one in my offices either -- and none have minded. I have pointed out many times that lying about the efficacy of masks, which is where all the lies began (together with lies about the efficacy of lockdowns) would do nothing but convince everyone that public health (for sure) and medicine (sadly) could not be trusted. And that has come to pass.
I have certainly heard anecdotal reports from other docs about malign occurrences that have happened after spikeshots, but am generally relieved that my patients have either avoided them, or have recovered (as far as we know today) without getting them when they chose/were forced to get the spikeshot anyway.
This is all going to go down as one of the darkest periods in medicine. As Alex notes, the medical societies/associations (especially the AAP which should be disbanded) have not figured this out yet. With luck their membership will give them hell when they do...but most of these things just seem to go unpunished and often unrecognized.
I never asked you on my stack- have you suffered any consequences for your position to your patients? Anyone snitched on you to the board, or given you any stern warnings?
Not really. Lots of rolling eyes. Many agree with me but are too afraid to say so -- but they will not screw me, either. I have been around a long time and lots of folks owe me, so there is that. But really the best thing is that the patients are fine with it. (I suppose anyone who wasn't would/could go elsewhere and perhaps they did, but certainly no fall-off in It is why the loss of mutual trust between physician and patient is the greatest tragedy of this whole debacle. :(
I'm still hoping to find a PCP as grounded as you. I live in a very red area where public sentiment is largely on my side, but local healthcare is under big conglomerates like Northwell, Wellspan, etc. with corporate top-down edicts about things like mandatory masking and vaccine "education" on patient contact.
Yes! Last year at my physical - my Dr was totally pushing the shot. I said no thanks - and asked if he had seen data coming out of Israel that they were failing…he said - yeah - could be an outlier. He tried to bully me by telling me about ‘healthy’ patients that died. I still said NO - I’ll keep taking my vitamins, eat right and exercise.
One year later - NOT ONE PEEP about covid at all. I told him that I got Covid in April (natural immunity for the win)- and he ignored it completely!!! I didn’t want to start a fight …I was irritated enough that I had to mask….but that was a huge shift my Dr went thru. He’s part of a huge INOVA system here in VA.
My overseas doctor (cardiologist but also does my yearly physicals) was upset with me for having taken JJ shot (coerced fed employee). I now have a note in my patient record to not get any more shots (of any kind mRNA, adeno, whatever else they come up with) due to my existing blood clotting issues. He was definitely not mincing words that no one under 65 should be getting the shots if they don’t have comorbidities like diabetes, obesity and similar.
May ask who your doctor is? My 20 year old healthy daughter is (still) being forced to take it in Australia to finish an on campus class and graduate. She’s been virtual to date.
Only tangentially related but I just want to mention hippie dippie Omega Institute in Rhinebeck—which I used to like —is requiring Covid shots for all their summer programs, no exceptions. F those ex flower children. The craziest part is that Radical Remission, an organization that promotes non traditional views of cancer healing, is holding their summer retreat there. Pretty pathetic and contradictory in my opinion. I don’t understand how an organization that supposedly supports oncology patients on their own unique paths can require these vaccines. Omega is also showing zero integrity.
I just don't get that one, trying to eat healthy etc....meanwhile let me try some gene therapy??? And I saw a Naturopath and her staff showing off their jab??? Wtf!
Wow! From the website of a hippie dippie Zen mountain meditation community in Vermont that my friend's son is attending: "Please join us online (or in person if fully vaccinated)".
They also state under "Our Values" the first precept of a Zen peacemaker: "First, do no harm: I vow not to harm others or myself, and to live in not knowing as the source of all manifestations." Hmm....something here is slightly amiss.
What bothers me are these supposedly spiritual organizations that have no problem discriminating. You can partake of our marvelous spirituality/wisdom as long as you yield your body autonomy to corporate profit. Even a cursory study of this issue will not support mandates to attend programs. So basically those making these policies chose to obey without question or study. Not a great recommendation. Fauci has admitted on national television that the vaccines do not stop transmission. So these people are either virtue signaling morons or smoked too much weed.
These people are like most of my family members and friends/acquaintances here in MA: brainwashed by two years of fear propaganda with some moronic, virtue signaling "have to be part of the club" thrown in for good measure.
I think it's hard for these "fully vaccinated" folks to hear their beloved and trusted authorities like Fauci and Walensky admitting that the shots do not stop transmission. When I try to point out this important information, I get oddly blank faces.
Many in the yoga community, to my dismay, also bought into the agenda. Yoga teachers, who are supposed to honor their bodies as a temple. A Harvard PhD I studied yoga philosophy with for 10 years, was encouraging his large following to take the shots. I sent him many articles and he basically told me “vaccines work.” Shocking!
I really don’t understand this phenomenon of intelligent people who apparently have no interest in exploring facts or thinking independently. Very puzzling.
Exactly! I don’t know what to think of it, except that they are intellectually arrogant by training and blindly follow what someone tells them is the science. Same with my former husband, a very intelligent attorney.
the city of Charlotte was telling citizens (ATTENTION CITIZENS) about delays for trash pickup etc and other services were behind due lack of staff. Local reporters reinforce thus. I tweet a screenshot about the city STILL saying on its employment site a vax is required and I bet if the city dropped it they fill those roles and the citizens are taken care of. I checked the other day and the requirements are gone. Go figure...
I naively got the first two shots and came to regret it. Over the next six months I had some adverse reactions, clearly caused by the vaccines (seem to be OK now). I tried to report them to my primary care doctor, who blew me off. His office (big corporate practice) is fanatical about useless masks and other nonsense. No more vaccines for me. Last November I saw him for my annual "wellness check." He asked me if I had gotten the booster and I said no, fully expecting him to harangue me about getting it. To my surprise, he impassively said nothing and just moved on. Now he has really moved on, leaving the practice for reasons unknown. I now have zero trust in the public health system and most of the medical profession.
In early 2021, I recommended for people at high risk. Once I started seeing vaccinated people with delta in summer 2021, I have not recommended it for anyone. Never recommended boosters or covid shots for kids. Now, I wish I had never recommended them for anyone. Still unvaxed. Still immune.
You have integrity and rolled with your best instincts. The fact that you can change your opinion faced with negative efficacy proves you are a REAL doctor.
My husband and I have a good friend who is a physician/epidemiologist and a pharma industry veteran working with drug safety (including for another company using the mRNA platform for non-vaccine purposes). He had major qualms about those from the beginning, refused to take them himself, and is not letting them anywhere near his children. He told us one of the first things that made him realize something was off in a big way was when the media was trying to paint HCQ as some sort of poison, despite the fact that it has a better safety record than nearly all other prescription drugs and many OTC meds.
I knew something was wrong when they started claiming HCQ causes arrhythmias. I’ve been on HCQ for over a decade. No one ever asked me to do a baseline EKG which they would have if they were worried about QT prolongation on my EKG. I asked my rheumatologist about it and she told me that in her 20 years of practice at a large, well known academic medical center, she had never known a patient who developed that problem.
So when they came out with the vaccines, I was very skeptical.
Our pediatrician retired early (she has not offered the vax), researched new offices. Closer office was, "so excited to offer vaxxines and Paxlovid to our younger patients!" The next had a one star review from frustrated teen who posted angrily that this office "refused to vaxxinate me or prescribe birth control pills without parental consent!" I knew I'd found our new home. Nobody there has even mentioned getting injected.
"so excited to offer to our younger patients, who don't need them, these rushed-to-market products that had virtually no reliable trials and for which we know exactly zero about their long-term side-effects, consequences, and negative outcomes. SO EXCITED!!!"
I’m fortunate in that my PCP has always been vehemently against the vaccine. Early on she was losing patients as a result. She’s not only been completely vindicated but now has more referrals than she can handle. She predicts more vaccine-related deaths than from Covid alone, IE the instances without comorbidities. Unfortunately we’ll never hear if she’s right as Big Pharma sponsored Corp Media will no doubt bury those reports.
my mom is 93 years young, she was resistant on getting the shot, I made her. She is mobile watches jeopardy every night, and drives faster than me in the slow lane. lol She recently went in for blood work, and he Dr. of 20 years, said your all good no second booster needed.
She has gotten 3 shots, and since then she has complained of more aches and pains in her legs. Hmmm I wonder.......she basically said to me the other day, no more shots I am done! we all are, as I said so sorry I got it, and I got J and J, which two days later, said it caused blood clots, and put the vax on hold. Ugh just eat well, keep your weight down, get mental and physical excersie.
Her cousin btw 85 years young , youthful , full of life, (same DNA I guess ) got the shot in Feb of 21 , was on her couch one week later, put her head back, fell into a coma, went to hospital died a week later, we all wondered if it was the vax......... but we were like no , we wonder now, I think it was............
This relates to my belief that every decision like this must be made at the individual level. Only the individual can best balance their own values and needs for themselves, and it is the individual who will suffer the consequences of the decision. Telling someone what you think you know about a subject, or referring them to sources of information, is fine. But if people pressure others, even believing they're doing the right thing, I think it's an error they can come to regret and that could cause the pressured person to resent the 'pusher,' possibly breaking a close relationship.
Absolutely not! I did it because I thought they worked! My Aunt is vaxed a boosted she just go it for the third time..........considering all that is out there, in hindsight I am sorry she did it and so am I!
Our daughter's pediatrician changed her attitude in the other direction: She told us in 2020 and 2021 not to worry about Covid, which wasn't a significant threat to children, then told us in 2022 that Covid is deadly to children and we absolutely must get the safe and effective Pfizer vaccine to save our daughter's life. It was one of the strangest conversations I've ever had.
I asked my dr what she thought about the world shutting down over a cold.. she said, it's just a flu.. I saw early on what was going on, did my own research and found the truly disturbing evil elite rich ppl/ rockerfeller found. behind this. Perfect storm of mass phychosis/ communist demoralization/ desensitization, disinformation combined with the pre meditated, planned bio attack by the elite devil worship ppl. Planned vax, The media hype, everyone follow the subliminal programing, post pics/ vids of your vaxism... I've been baptised already and have holy spirit to discern no need worldly vaxism. Even most religious leaders blind leading the blind.. crazy to see this all unfold. Gov payout for hosp murder. 50% + population sleep walking into the goulags. Neuremburg 2.0 hitler got nothing on these ppl. Georgia stoners, kill off 80% pop. take babies for their sacrifices or sex slaves/ control pop/ only rich elite evil ppl get to make babies/ raise children, Digital id implant, force to live in smart citys, behead christians.. nwo reset digital $ nanotech implant track/ monitor everything/ man w/ computer implant.. Bible/ God = true. Give your life to Jesus. He is the only power that can destroy this evil ppl they are just pawns used by devil he destroy and laugh at them when theyre use is up, they fooled blind/ bound by love of $ pride power lust. They have their reward here now, our reward in universe/ eternal mansions in heavens
I reminded her that she had told me in 2020 and 2021 that Covid wasn't a threat to children. She "the-science-changed" me: She said that we know now that children are at grave risk. She didn't say why, she just said that we know something different now. Truly a fascinating performance.
Amazing. I know more than I did in 2020 and 2021 thanks to Alex. It's strange she didn't know about young men and pro athletes developing myocarditis after getting the vaccine. If the vaccine caused problems for that group, I can't see how she could recommend it for children.
For the record, this has been the method used since 1986 and earlier to push ALL childhood vaccines.
When I was very little, chicken pox was just part of life. Virtually no one died from it, except for the odd super immune compromised child (which is tragic, but a kiddo with cancer can die from a cold- not a good basis for public health policy). Then the CP vax was created, ostensibly to lower the ECONOMIC cost of CP, since it kept a parent from working for a couple weeks while kiddo was infectious. Within a few years, propaganda about chicken pox was everywhere. It became a deadly childhood disease that had to be stopped, and all *good* parents should get their kids vaccinated against it.
My parents' generation tells the same story about measles (and other typical childhood illnesses). The mortality rate of measles was already near zero for many years before the MMR hit the scene, due to improving medical care (antibiotics, antivirals, etc.) and improved hygiene (indoor plumbing being the biggest one). The rate of complications from these childhood diseases was already tiny by this point. The historical charts tell the tale. Then the vaccines came out, and the propaganda war began.
This is just a continuation of the same big pharma playbook, but everyone is actually seeing how the sausage is made this time.
I was born in the 1950s. I don't know which vaccines were available at the time. My mother told me that I had bad reactions to my first couple of vaccines so the doctor gave me half doses. I have heard that half doses are as effective as no doses. I found my vax card in a box of my childhood mementos after my mother had passed away. I saw that I only received the polio vax, and 2 half doses of measles vax. I don't have the indented mark on my upper arm so I don't think I had the smallpox vaccine. I never had measles, mumps, or chickenpox. I had German measles at age 19. Every time I get an annual physical, my various doctors badger me to get the shingles vaccine. I always tell them I've never had chickenpox so I can't get shingles. They all say the same thing, you should get it anyway. My husband had shingles and I took care of him. I still did not contract shingles. They also tell me I should get a flu shot every year. I've only had one in my 60+ years and that was because I was going to take care of my 7th month old granddaughter and my daughter insisted on it because the baby hadn't had all her shots yet. I attribute my good health to the fact that I didn't get overvaxxed.
The number of childhood vaccines is now in the 70s, if I remember right.
Smart of you to turn down the shingles jab! My grandmother had CP as a kid, but never had shingles. She got the shot, and had shingles 2 weeks later. 😐
The doctor never explained why someone who never had chickenpox needed a vaccine to prevent shingles. The virus has to be present in order to get shingles.
Agreed! My siblings and I contracted several of these childhood diseases in the early ‘60s. I’ve never had any of them again. And when my four daughters had chickenpox in early childhood, I nursed them and cared for them never worried that I would come down with it again.
They ran out of easy adult marks. They can't give the stuff away, and the poor Moderna CEO is big mad they have to throw away millions of doses. Can I get an "AWWWWWWW"
The medical professionals unknowingly entered into a conspiracy to kill and maim, and now they know it, and their fear of civil and criminal liability seems quite high. "Just doing my job" doesn't excuse murder.
Compromise: how about "Violating your ethical vows as a physician and advancing an agenda you know to be harmful and questionable, regardless of its danger to your patients' health, out of fear of loss of job security" is cowardice?
Kind of like studying the tips of your shoes while kids you're sworn to protect are getting shot.
Yes, Alex! I am glad you looking into this. There is plenty of data to support the harm these products are (and will) causing. This story is far from over, unfortunately.
Feel like the next step in your investigative journalism is vaccine injury. Or in somebody's investigative journalism. This is obviously why these docs are switching suddenly.
Btw, saw my doc in March. Nurse told me she'd never seen so many heart, stroke, and cancer patients in her time there. She thinks it's the vax. Doc says no way, can't be. Doc is very pro mask and vax.
Carrie is dead on. While some docs might be pushing these jabs for the money, most are true believers. They can't accept that the vaccines are harming people, because that would mean THEY harmed people, and helped push propaganda to harm even more people.
I was very reluctant to take my 16yo son to pediatrician because I didn’t want to be pressured, luckily he asked if he was vaccinated, I said “no”, he asked “by choice”, I said “yes”, end of discussion. I was relieved.
My healthy 15 yr old daughter from my first marriage recieved the first dose at school!! without my notification or consent living out of state! When i found out and attempted to talk to my daughter about putting off the second dose, she refused and got very closed/ angry. Her mother is a staunch flu shot / cov vax mask nazi, as is my current wife. After my daughters second dose she has lost her taste and dislikes the taste of chocolate now. She has gotten cov 3 times and luckily she is coming around to the idea of saying No to her mom and the boosters... I'm concerned for the long term affects. "Eyes to see and ears to hear". Apparently the luxiferian elites want to kill off all the blind followers and reduce the pop. by vac. My wifes entire family and some of mine are staunch cdc followers and all have gotten cov and very sick affer the booster. One lost vision in one eye but luckily it returned. One had their stomach/ intestines sudenly tie up in a knot for no reason. Very healthy, luckily emergency surgery fixed it in time. Drs had no explanation for it.. johnson johnson. I have been extremely hounded by dr and family for refusing the cov/ vac propoganda machine. Thought it was going to cost me my marriage. Told my wife, the holy spirit told me not to take the vax when i was offered it early as an essential worker.. told her there is nothing in this world that will get me to willingly take the vax. She acused me of being selfish etc.. every argument and coercion trick in the book, even blaming me if we lose our 3 yr old with leukemia.. she finally told me that she would not talk about it anymore.. turn off the TV and wake up ppl. The luciferian elites are in control of all/ most world media, gov/ law/ law enforcement/ military/ edu etc. They are hell bent on destroying everything holy. and put subliminal messaging content and satan in everything! Especially the children shows, toys, games, clothes.. Put down the guns and grab your Bible/ Scriptures. Learn of christ and follow him. There is nothing of this earth for us. We are not of this world. Only with god can we defeat this evil. The time is short, all things prophesied thousands of yrs ago are coming. Be prepared to head for the hills and don't look back. The city's will be beyond nightmare.. already getting there. My guess is they will not relinquish this control.. prepping for more bio warfare.. what will they release next, who will they blame it on, they will introduce/ force more jabs and digital vax id/ wallet/ implants and continue to crash the world economy's. Dan Andrews said it.. this is the nwo, we will lock you down and lock you out if you so not compy. I will never comply. God speed
I joined and file a report every month about my previous month's health condition(s).
Vax Control Group's data base is going to be significant for those of us who are (or have become) Jab Skeptics. It will do what the CDC, NIH and other three-letter agencies failed to do: Show everyone the truth.
I just joined it today, but I'm not sure what more I can offer since I'm in the control group and haven't been sick since I had C19 back in February 2021. Why report my consistently great health every month? I don't get it.
Statistics are needed concerning people who have not been jabbed to compare against the widely-available figures for those who have been injected.
If you are unjabbed and become part of the Vax Control Group, your monthly health report goes in to the data base. One might contract the flu, omicron, be diagnosed with cancer (!!) or who knows what? in the previous month. One reports the condition including details about it.
Most of my unjabbed friends (five come immediately to mind) sickened with Covid had mild cases. They recovered quickly.
Two friends had bad cases, including a retired physician (in his 70s) who, after researching information about the injections, decided NO WAY would he take it. (No fool he!)
The other friend, age 92, used Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine plus lots of nutrients. Her case was bad, but she recovered just fine, thank you very much.
By comparing these figures, we are more likely to learn how "effective" the Jabs actually are. We will also get a better sense of just how serious Covid really is.
Most agree: Even a bad case of Covid is no worse than a bad flu. And, yes, one can die from Covid -- and every year people, especially the elderly with comorbidities, likewise die from the plain, ordinary, always-been-with-us flu.
BUT we need more information.
Those of us who are not jabbed will prove to be a gold mine of meaningful information.
I joined the Vax Control Group to help provide that information. Even if I contract Covid -- and how knows? I might -- THAT is useful information plus, should I succumb, its seriousness likewise be useful information.
Last week I called to make an appointment with a specialist I have not seen before. The front office person asked me if I was vaccinated. I said no, she said, “not a problem”. Not a problem? That was a pleasant surprise. Last year, after my dentist office asked me that question, she tersely said, I’ll note that in your file”. In January, after checking in for an appointment at the doctors office, I was asked to wait outside until they called me. I was not allowed to sit in the waiting room with the “good patients”. Maybe things are changing.
Pre-covid, my first visit to my new dermatologist they asked if I had had the flu jab. I answered no and they said nothing more. I never understood the relevance of that either - its not like they could then follow up by offering me a jab. They have never asked about covid jabs or requested we mask up and seem to have done away with the flu jab question now too.
I was told the doctor wouldn't see me if I did not wear a mask, I went to the appointment anyway without a mask and made them refuse to see me to my face. You have to make them do it. So they are not let off the hook by us canceling our own appointments, let them live with kicking us out. Someday there will be a reckoning.
My daughter's OB/GYN was pushing the covid vaccine hard to all his pregnant patients and then between Tuesday, May 24 and Thursday, May 26 all the vaccine information /propaganda was taken down from everywhere in his office including the dozens of individual patient rooms.
I have visited 2 of my Drs where the official “network” rhetoric is get the shot but they are not enforcing the wearing of masks and in one office they even had a notice that masks were optional. One tech discussed the shot with me and we agreed there was “no way” we were taking it.
During an interview to promote his new book, Bill Gates said that COVID is just like the flu, hurts the elderly more, and that the vaccines are imperfect.
Gates explained, “We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate & that it’s a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu is, although a bit different than that.”
Regarding the vaccines, Gates said, “once Omicron comes along, the vaccine is not reducing transmission, hardly at all, particularly about three or four months after you take the vaccine.”
I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2020. I knew I had found the right oncologist when she advised me to absolutely NOT get the vaccine, stating that she would throw her body across mine if anyone threatened me with the jab.
Keep that doctor close!!!
I’ll second that!
Clearly, this doctor was trained in another country and not a AMA pharma robot.
Not every American trained doctor is an AMA pharma robot.
There is one doc I know who came up through American medical school and US Army residency and fellowship. He has always been a very independent thinker, keeps right up to the leading edge in his field, pulmonary and critical care, but with a very open mind for what works. Always thinking of patient care best practices.
Long before corona virus, he was already on board with Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The stories of wondrous recoveries were chilling to me because, even back then, big pharma would always stand in the way of a simple therapy like the vitamin C protocol. Foreshadows of the simple efficacy of hydroxy and ivermectin. And the other ICU doc was against it, total lackey for big pharma.
When the coronacrisis hit our town, he was on the front line in the ICU 7 days a week for three months straight.
This physician has always been on board with the FLCC and open to hydroxy and ivermectin as soon as he heard of it from Dr Marik. The patients in our ICU received ivermectin and the FLCC protocol when this physician was their doc. And they recovered. Even from ventilators.
He was the only doc on staff who fought for nurses at his icu who were resisting the jab. Very much American medicine trained, but thinks for himself. Very proud of him. And there must be many others like him.
Gd Bless Him; Kol Hakavod to this doctor! He has all my respect and pray there are many others that follow his lead!
God bless the healers, and clearly this doctor is one of them. I too heard about the protocols for sepsis. It reminds me of the scourge of scurvy, the insanity of ulcers, or even the fight to get doctors to was between patients. Humans simply do not really change over time as a group, all change seems to be individual. God Bless you also.
God bless your doctor. One of my friends with pancreatic cancer was talked into getting the vaccine. The next day her doctor did her bloodwork and her tumor markers had shot through the roof. So sad. So senseless.
I cannot reply with a "like" ...this kind of damage is totally avoidable and everyone harmed should seek legal recourse against the perpetrators.
Totally agree. And since they are finding the trials we not reported honestly, the freedom from lawsuits these pharmaceutical companies have should be bull and void.
Bull and void. Agree completely. Love the Freudian slip.
Alex should organize a tort case to include all post-mRNA shot damage
So far, 2 friends whose C had been in remission are dead, too many more whose cancers have returned, from a 30 year old’s brain C to multiple breast cancer patients who had been doing well and now-aren’t. It makes me nauseous & nervous about who’s next. None of them have said a word about why the turn around…it’s C…Drs know they can just say you’re time was up.
yes we know what patterns to look, honest stats. would reveal this. I would like this info advertised for all to see. we hear ca is off the charts. So much illness, I'm concerned with staff and resource shortages; we will suffer all the more.
just lost a friend of mine, who was cancer free, after getting jabed & boosted.
If you want to kill people for profit, hypnotize them first.
Denial. These people don't want to believe they made a bad choice, especially on behalf of a loved one. Even if the choice was to comply for practical reasons. It's going to take a massively tragedy so large someone can't lie to themselves and they start screaming.
Do you know that's it's been written denial is your strongest emotion? I too agree no one is going to admit and or face the facts until it becomes so omnipresent they'll eventually be another ME TOO movement
all one has to do is read your local obituaries every day to see the average age and how many died suddenly and or from cancer (that I guarantee returned)
One small town doctor near where we live has said the number of heart, cancer & other illnesses he’s seeing is frightening. He’s refusing to give boosters to those coming in demanding them. And you’re right, obituaries galore…unexpected death…hard to read.
I have written about it elsewhere but it is worth repeating. I had a friend who battled lung cancer for many years (even though he was a non-smoker.). His cancer was considered stable enough to suspend all treatment. Even though there were still tumors present, they weren't growing. He got the "vaccine" as soon as it was available, thinking he needed it because of his lung cancer. He got the second shot at the end of April 2021 and he was dead by early June. The cancer came back with a vengeance right after he got the shots. He didn't stand a chance.
I am a stage 4 lung cancer patient. Refused all vaccines (pneumonia update, flu, COVID). My oncologist, great guy in all other respects, insists that I should get all the vaccines. He got COVID in spite of the vaxx; I don't think he has changed his position. I haven't either.
Right there with you! 10 years stage 4, no vaxx, flu, pneumonia shots and still NED!
Glad your critical thinking was stronger than your doctor’s irresponsible reaction offering advice without real knowledge about C and the content of the experimental injections!!
Have you heard of NaCLO2 and Immunocal?? Two amazing substances I wished I had known when my mother was told at a “top” hospital in Germany she had a terminal cancer, 20 yrs ago. You have to see amazing testimonials.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out. Apparently the anti-parasiticals are being tried for effectiveness in cancer control -- used in conjunction with chemo.
Stay strong Margaret
God bless you Margaret. May you outlive us all.
This also happened to a friend of mine with stage 4 cancer. She was desperate to get the shot when it came out and died a few weeks later at age 41. So sad.
Also so sorry for your loss
Happened to a friend of mine. Abruptly passed after was stable for a number of years shortly after the second vaccine. He was 51. :(
I knew someone in a very similar situation. She actually mentioned that she felt it was the vax that caused the left turn in her condition.
F..king BS...I cannot reply with a "like" ...this kind of damage is totally avoidable and everyone harmed should seek legal recourse against the perpetrators.
One of my uncles developed a strange fast acting pancreatic cancer along with leukemia. Last summer. Went into ER with stomach ache, never left hospital. Died a few days later. Seventies. Pretty sure he'd had both shots offered as of 6/21.
So sorry for your loss.
A close loved one’s lymphoma was in remission. Got the jabs. Six months later, lymphoma returned aggressively and he had to do a stronger chemo. Now back in remission and I’m hoping that’s it. Good news is I’ve talked him out of boosters. But he still insists the jab was not responsible. How can we ever prove it?
Part of the trouble is people don't report these events to vaers. I count among neighbors, friends and family, as of today, about fifteen dead or injured, with the onset not long after the shots. Only one, a sister, reported it to vaers. Tells you what's reported on vaers is the tip of the iceberg.
Yup, many don't report to VAERS, either because they don't believe it is the jabs, or they don't know how.
My dad, a disabled veteran, has been in excellent cardiac health for years. He takes a medication that causes chest pain, so he had regular checkups on his heart to make sure the pain was from his meds. So he had more cardiac checks than most. Always perfect.
My mom is a doctor that fell headfirst into the shot propaganda, so they both got 2 shots and a booster (and regularly asked me to get one, which I didn't). They still got CV, btw. Caught it from my vaxxed, boosted, mask-wearing sister in law, the same way we got it. All of us were fine, and it was less severe for my unvaxxed family... Anyway, a few months back, Dad had a small heart attack, followed by a massive Widowmaker heart attack while on nitro in the hospital from the first, which the doc said was highly unusual.
How does one go from perfect cardiac health to 100% blockage in no time flat? Take multiple experimental shots for a disease that has a very low mortality rate, apparently. But report it to VAERS? No way, they can't believe that it was the shot. That would rock their world too much. 😬
Alex reported on this case, some mans Lymphoma seen rapid progression after his booster was case study.
Thanks. My friend would say- “oh that’s a different type of lymphoma, so it’s not relevant.” No helping these people!
Thankful you were able to talk him out of boosters. Sadly, I could never have attempted it.
What helped is a neighbor who got jabbed then had 8 mini strokes and blamed the jab. It helped to have a fellow Jab-ee talk about it rather than anti-jab me trying to convince him.
Omg…bless their heart!
So tragic. I’m sorry.
This also happened to a friend of mine, who dutifully took both shots and two boosters and is now facing removal of part of her lung due to a return of the cancer that had been in remission.
I hear you 😢
My father needs your oncologist. Except he believes everything NBC news says, so there's no hope really.
If it was me, I would reprogram his tv, to skip those MSM channels! Whether it's cable or over the air, you can block certain channels. Start with NBC, then every other day, block a new channel 😁👍
I've found (to my ire) that nosy neighbors and relatives and other Karens call senior citizens and pressure them. They did that to my Dad.
Wow! I hadn’t heard of this behavior. I have a 78 year old aunt who refused the jab and was completely dropped by her social groups as a result. It’s sad for her. (I say, “Screw those harpies.”)
You have to find a whole new set of friends in this day and age. Hard, but not impossible to do.
My mom, 89, was excluded from a lunch gathering for not being vaxxed. So sad.
Yes! This has been a huge thing for two of my friends' senior moms. Horrible peer pressure and badgering, one of my friends told their mom to lie and said she'd had it because they live in San Francisco and she was fearful at some point they would be turned in in the mandates became worse.
My mum lies too. She said people will kill her when they find out! Isn’t that so sad one has to lie about their choices at old age?!
The Bay area is awful. They've all been overcome with fear.
I am dealing with that now here in Georgia. My brother in law lives in Berkeley and is about to get his 6 year old boosted. They are coming here in a couple of weeks and insist that we wear N95 masks until he can test us with a rapid PCR test. My in laws are vaxxed and have had Covid twice, my wife and oldest daughter are too and we all had Covid in December. My oldest daughter refuses to get boosted but she was forced to get the vax because she was going to visit them last year in Berkeley and that was a condition of her visiting. My youngest daughter and I (neither of us vaxxed) had symptoms for two days while my wife couldn't shake the symptoms for a couple of weeks. I have just about made up my mind that I'm not going to be subjected to the madness that they want to impose on us. They are going to have a hard time here in Georgia since no one wears a mask (except for the young wokes in Atlanta).
I used to get monstered by a doctor relative (still might, this one is obsessive compulsive), but I just try to out pro vax them. So the argument turns into who is the ,most pro vax. It works 😂
Thanks, I hadn't considered that, on account of my wife & I didn't get the shots, and neither did our son, his wife, & kids who are under 5 yrs old. But, my wife's mother did, and had an adverse reaction after her third shot. She's 89 yrs old, and pretty tight lipped about health issues. My mistake, is not finding out untill after the fact. I've since clued her in on many pertinent issues.
that's why my mom, 89, hasn't had any! She has mild heart disease already-didn't want to lose her to death by vax!
How infuriating.
Sad thing is that even F news pretty much pushes the jab. TC is the only one who is even questioning the effectiveness these days.
I've stopped watching Cavuto (always admired his work ethics but ) because he's talking about masks and quoting the dreaded Birx (may she burn in hell). You'd think he'd finally realize his obedience to Big Pharma is killing him but on he goes!
So sorry!
So sad!!
I have a friend who got an aggressive form of bladder cancer after the 3rd shot. He is also so blind to it possibly being connected to the shots. Another mutual friend had cervical cancer in remission for a couple of years which returned with a vengeance after the second shot. It’s so incredibly sad! I keep my opinion about it to myself. It’s too late now anyway
Oh and these people are in their 50s. Not even elderly
My next door neighbor co worker lost vision in one eye never recovered from that loss in one eye and had perfect vision .. another. Friend of mine lost their vision in one eye as well….. 😢
It’s crazy. I realize it’s anecdotal so far, but it’s all so very suspicious. I appreciate Alex trying to verify with doctors. I’m reading RFK Jr’s book about Fauci right now though, and the corruption and cover ups run deep
Everyone should buy this book !! The truth exposed will blow your mind !
Oh how I wish my mom and dad had your Oncologist. Mom died November 8, 2021 after contracting covid 5 months after her jabs, which rapidly progressed her lymphoma. She went on a clinical trial and the cancer was regressing when she caught covid, was hospitalized and put on Remdesivir and a vent. She came home briefly for about 2 weeks, then back in ICU with "shredded lungs from the covid" and died a month later. Dad who was perfectly healthy his whole life, now has Merkle Cell Carcinoma and has decided not to treat so he can "go be with his wife." She was 66 years old when she died. He is 67. Way too young to die. They only got to enjoy 5 years of retirement. I am looking for an attorney who will take my case and do a class action against the hospital system where they've both been jabbed and treated. Please pray for this.
Stunning. Best wishes finding an attorney to take this on. You and your family deserve justice. Beyond criminal.
My sincere sympathies for your losses. Praying that you’ll find a lawyer to represent you in this. Too many doctors have pushed for too long and too many good people have passed unnecessarily.
Oh my goodness. You're not the only ones and therefore you are correct to file a class action lawsuit. Prayers and the best of good vibes your way.
the ventilator shredded her lungs!
Right? It's a common problem. Very difficult to get the pressure right at all times. Marty McCarry (sp?) wrote about how dangerous it is years before this plandemic
I'm so so sorry this happened. so wrong.
I would think "shredded lungs" would come from the vent
Wow. What a brave and awesome doctor. We need more!
Glad you are still with us!! Please kiss your onc on the cheek for all of us...
Kudos to your doctor!!!!!
She's a saint
Great doctor and I hope you are doing well
That doc must not work for a corporate institution
God bless her! She's a keeper for sure. Wishing you the very best of health! Cheers
My friend’s oncologist also told her not to get the jab, because this doctor is seeing enough of her jabbed patients come out of remission. Also seeing many new, advanced cancers. Can you believe the doc is in trouble with her clinic management for protecting her patients?!
You are blessed with such a wise oncologist who put you first, and not politics or big pharma!
first, I hope you kicked cancer's ass. Your story warmed my heart. I have been wondering about doctors and teachers ...
🙏 for you Mscacaphony
I’m an oncologist,and My wife and I both had Covid in early 2020.While I was going through it,I read John Ioannidis’s paper in STAT,an online publication,saw his DIAMOND PRINCESS analysis,and realized that what we were hearing in the media was dead wrong,so I was a Covid skeptic early on.The mRNA template was unproven,so I was skeptical of it early,too.I did graduate work in immunology,so I understood the importance of T cell mediated immunity,and believed I would have lasting immunity from the infection,and that proved to be the case.I never encouraged anyone from vaccination in 2020(I work for a moderate size nonprofit hospital corporation),but I stopped wearing a mask in March 2021,and have been discouraging patients from vaccination since,particularly if they have had Covid.In my hospital system,I could certainly be disciplined or fired for my actions,and our ‘medical director’ is as big a CovidNazi as you will find,but we are short staffed,and they need me in the call schedule,so,so far,so good.Don’t get me started on the unusual clotting disorders I’ve seen in vaccinated patients with alarming frequency…
Was talking to a sales trader at one of the largest banks. That company fired employees who didn’t get jabbed. The ST told me they lost an institutional client over the bank’s stance of firing employees. But the ST added, they were pressured by the govt, and losing a client is insignificant compared to losing out on govt deals. Not surprising, but it confirmed my suspicions.
My husband worked for a big insurance company (investments division and they think their peers are big investment banks) who at first said they would not mandate the jabs, this was America, etc... And then about face right around the time they tried to do the OSHA thing. I think they would have given my husband a religious exemption (it looks like they approved them all) but he said heck with it, and went to another company that never mandated it and offered him a work from him job. Something obviously happened for such an about face because they were mandating it right as it became clear even to regular people that the vaccine didn't stop transmission.
Very interesting information, Pepperwood. Government's YUGE thumb has been everywhere around us.
Word IS getting out. Can lawsuits be far behind?
Terminated following application for religious exemption. Knowledgeable. Fully informed. While I do need to find a qualified attorney, I have time. Per the EEOC, I have 180 days after the last date of discrimination (discharge) to file my charge. It will be filed and lawsuit will follow. They have begun. I would prefer to put this behind me and settle, but I will protect my rights. And my former employer has been fully informed of this. I am of the view that time (and data) is on my side. Oh, I did ask my former employer whether or not they received financial incentives - one of the many questions I asked, none of which were answered.
Tucker Carlsons interview of guest, Ingo Rademaker mentioned the names of attorneys and law firm repressing him in his suit against ABC for fired over not getting the vax.
Perhaps someone for you to contact for your lawsuit. Good Luck
Thank you!
The pretrial discovery process will have a big impact on that silence.
My daughter works for a famous record company as a director. She put in her religious exemption and they denied it, she hired an attorney and they are still working through it the company threatened she would have to resign and she will not so now we'll be heading to court
I couldn't take the hostility anymore and accepted the termination while reserving rights. God give her strength. Unless you are going through it, you cannot imagine how difficult the hostility is, the rejection from former friends and colleagues. I support her in her stand for freedom.
I'm sorry you went through that and admire you for sticking to what you knew was right.
Thank you we have faith in God where ever He leads
Three cheers for your daughter's guts!!
I predict glory.
Sorry you're daughter is going through this! Look forward to her winning the suit!
Cheering her on! Would that they would be smart enough to realize how they need her. But with Fauci's wife (FDA ethics) recently giving instructions to employers on how to painfully pressure people to get the jab, more of this is no doubt going on.
Terrible business must be held accountable. Thank you for your bravery and perseverance! It’s exactly what is needed.
We're all cheering you on!!!
Let us know how you do! We're all cheering you on!
I’ve felt from the very beginning of this charade that the smart tort lawyers have been patiently waiting on the sidelines while the government and the entire medical profession (and many other sectors of the economy) slowly construct their own gallows. If my children weren’t already established in their respective careers as engineers, I’d definitely be pointing them towards law school. There’s gold in dem der hills!
And opportunity for the bar to step up and do their jobs. Right now, the bulk of lawyers seem to be hiding in the hills along with true medical professionals. There are a few doing the right thing, but the bulk seem to be living in fear, whether it is political/social retribution or otherwise. I do believe that the legal tide will turn soon also. I have patience.
It’s important to patiently wait for the dim-witted public (from which a civil jury would be selected) to overcome their collective deception. In California, I need 9/12 or 75% to prevail against my employer. Based on my recent shopping trip to Costco and the number of Kool-aid mask wearing, I’m not sure we’re quite there yet here on the left coast.
I hope the tide is turning but I’m not holding my breath. My son has a friend who’s unvaccinated 12 year old child went to a birthday party and the mom at the house wouldn’t let him eat out of the same potato chip bowl as the others. Talk about insanity!
I live in a more tolerant area, but I work in a profession which requires me to have national/international interaction. I have found tolerance nationally, even on the left coast. I have been surprised by humanity - aside from the small group who just operate out of fear and who have labeled anyone not compliant with the slur "anti-vaxxer," many who are jabbed respect the right to choose. I have many examples, including a woman in California who was incensed when she learned what was happening to me. Best of luck.
Nevada is so different from CA. Left last fall. It's like a breath of fresh air here, literally!
Sussman, Hillary's lawyer, just got off scot free because he's with the "correct" party. Do you think anyone connected to the Democrat party will be held accountable for this vax fraud? Fauci?
If only they were real gallows!
If the immunity starts getting breached, the personal injury lawyers will finally get their chance to be the heroes of the general population. It would be glorious 😉
"If you, or your loved one, were injured or killed by the cooties19 vaccine, you could be entitled..."
Just wait. It's coming.
But they can't sue
Either the US representative democracy reel is all played out, or lawyers will find a way. I don't know which it'll be yet, but we're gonna find out soon enough, I guess.
We can only hope 😊
So essentially the bank viewed the government as their client, not their depositors or borrowers. Hmm . . . Do I detect a problem? Does it extend to hospital systems and a lot of othe protected industries? If a consumer is no longer the client or customer . . .
I do believe we live in a fascist state. More evidence as far as I'm concerned.
indeed... 🤔
Our governor here in WA, Jay Inslee, stated publicly that the reason he refused to cancel our state-of-emergency and his related powers is that the state would lose a lot of federal money. It's ALL about the money.
I’m in WA too. Inslee is an evil dimwit. He didn’t even need that federal money as he had a $14B surplus. Which he then used to give state employees bonuses and expand government programs.
Meanwhile in FL, our governor used the year's budget surplus to give us a gas tax holiday.
The man needs to run for President, and I wish it could be this year.
I couldn’t agree more!!
You are indeed blessed with a wonderful governor in Florida. I wish I lived there.
Evil dimwit, indeed. The description couldn't be any more accurate.
Inslee is a graduate of the WEF!!!
I didn’t know this, but I’m not surprised. He’s the perfect student for Klaus Schwab, not having an original thought in his head. I think he thinks he’s going to run for president again. He never paid back WA taxpayers for his first run.
Newsome too!
Doesn't it just figure.
i suspected as much. i've worked seasonally for a famous international arts festival as their costume supervisor since 1980. i am the longest running employee in the history of the festival and have a stellar reputation. they dumped me without even a goodbye because i wouldn't take the vaxx even though they had never cared all the much about my health before.
they've also gotten very woke, social justicey, etc and my guess is that government grants are driving this bus. they insisted that all audience members be double vaccinated and boosted, show photo ID and be masked. this is SC and that crap doesn't fly here. by late april, the governor had made such medical Jim Crow policies illegal and now they begrudgingly have to let the lepers in. except the lepers hold a grudge and ticket sales have been pathetic.
i would so love to sue them but worry about the expense. i need a lawyer who'd love to go after a world famous arts festival
I thought photo ID was racist? Or is that only at the polls?
My large, TBTF financial company did the same, though they did grant my religious exemption—but, this was just to be able to remain employed. I had to work remotely, while the vaxed had to go in the office. Within a month of everyone being back, the vast majority in the office got Covid. When it was booster time, the same folks either got very sick from their boosters and/or got Covid again. A few weeks ago, a fifty something coworker dropped dead while waiting for the elevator. Slowly, they’re starting to wake up.
Out of curiosity, I checked to see if my husband's old employer is still requiring the vaccine and yup they are. I think the head guy is just dug in at this point. My husband's old job is still open and it says it in the job description.
Is it a company I can boycott?
yikes! It will be Long Covid's fault though...
Just curious, if this person was married did the spouse have an autopsy performed to your knowledge?
He was not married. Had a longtime partner- office talk is “heart attack”, but that is an assumption. Doubtful there was an autopsy. I have two close friends whose brothers died within 4-6 months of dose two. Both in their early fifties, both in good shape. One PE diagnosis, one heart attack. Neither reported as possibly related. Just awful.
Colleges mandating for young low risk people obviously for the federal money.
Would you mind telling me which client they lost? I really need to know which companies I want to support besides just the ones I'm not.
Totally get it if you don't want to tell me
My husband’s place of work in higher ed was basically all CoVid Nazis, pushing the vax on CoVid recovered teens and young 20 somethings. It was absolutely unconscionable. And no one really had the contrary view point other than him until the mandated boosters arrived after most of their double vaxxed kids and staff ALL HAD OMICRON! Then people realized that complying with the first two shots was complying with ALL the shots the lunatics in public health decided they needed. My husband tried to explain to a coworker who wanted the initial series that he should still turn in an exemption so to keep him place of employment out of his medical decisions. That co-worker didn’t get what the big deal was with complying until he had his initial series, got pretty sick from the 2nd shot, then got CoVid and had a hard time with it. Asked his doctor about the booster and his doctor flew off the handle a little “NO YOU DON’T NEED A BOOSTER! YOU GOT OMICRON! THAT’S YOUR BOOSTER” but the place of employment still made him get a booster 2 weeks after he recovered from CoVid, putting him at high risk of adverse outcome. You cannot give these people an inch. Protect your exemptions. Exercise them even if you are going to comply. 🤷🏻♀️
And get your license to carry, even if don't want a gun.
The governor here in Georgia just signed Constitutional Carry a few weeks ago so no more license to carry for us! Of course, the leftists are calling it "Criminal Carry," basically making all legal gun owners criminals (in their minds anyway).
Buckhead in Atlanta is experiencing more crime since BLM protests a few years ago. Atlanta eventually wants another Chicago I guess.
Our federal government, unfortunately, is strong and untrustworthy. We need to break up the federal government, its share of our economy, and its unconstitutionally seized authority, and send it back to the states and localities where it belongs.
I'd be happy if we just dismantled CDC and NIH oh and FDA. Then close the state universities for a few years.
That’s actually a BRILLIANT idea. Especially the universities. Put kids to work in the real world for a few years while their brains are still developing.
wouldn't that save us so much money and grief?
Study up on firearms; decide if you are looking to defend your property (defensive shot gun ) or if you want to be able to defend yourself against random violence (concealed carry handgun). Take a safety class and practice with your firearm. Welcome to the world of understanding that law abiding gun owners are not the problem in America.
Both! +rifles for hunting, if meat gets scarce or if longer range self-defense is needed. Invest in precious metals--steel, brass, and lead!
Panem is the goal. Sadly, the Hunger Games and 1984 were not supposed to be an instruction manuals.
I say that all the time about the Hunger Games. :(
Don't forget "Brave New World." Legalized Soma coming to a state near you!
Right there with you Carrie. As I've tried to tell my ultra liberal friend, 2A isn't about hunting and self defense! It's for protection from tyranny.
Our entire system is based on the premise that we have the power, not the government. If they're treating us this way WITH the 2A, think of what they'd happily do to us without it.
I would suggest you & husband take a qualified firearms course, it will be more comforting, knowing best handling and use practices. Also, a good membership in a firearms association, will fill you in on all the legal aspects, of your rights & responsibility.
Don't wait. It can take a while. MKe sure to take a firearms safety class even before you get your piece(s).
Find a gun safety course in your area. It's a really good first step, doesn't cost a lot, and will help you make a better decision about whether or not you want to become a gun owner. If you do, it'll help you be a more responsible gun owner. It might also help you find out where you can go in your area to try out different firearms and see what, if anything, would suit your needs.
Applying for an exemption grants that a business has the right to know the status of your health, blood, genes, etc. Refuse to report any status at all, ever. Not their business. There are enough purebloods remaining and, I think useful idiots who are now waking up, to refuse to report IF they have had a shot, how many shots, when the last shot was taken, if and when the next shot will be taken, etc. Exemptions are weaseling out of the issue. Refuse to disclose ANYTHING about your health status, ever. It is none of their business and you must jealously guard against further encroachment into your personal space/business. Actually you must push back and reclaim that which has been encroached thus far.
My husband and eldest son took religious exemption based on the revolting use of fetal cells in these shots. That's not telling the boss anything except "no".
I concur, Zade. The best exemption is the word “no”. Religious exemption? Medical exemption? I go with the “no I don’t want it” exemption. Also the “my company and boss and HR department don’t get to stand above me and pass judgment on what I’m allowed to believe or choose” exemption 😏
What do you think of this approach to religious exemption? Say your religion forbids you to lie, which is what you’d have to do when signing the informed consent form? No health or religious info disclosed. Details at
Way too soon post COVID to get a shot. 90 days in minimum if you're forced to get it. You have to delay in the hope that it gets overturned in the meantime
Hospital in Texas made my friend get the shot two weeks after he recovered. He argued that he had just had covid and should have more time and they said no, two weeks was fine.
That is SO infuriatingly insane. None of this is even remotely about health it has to be about money.
And world takeover by the WEF. They want all the control. One digital currency. Democratic freedoms will all be gone and only one world leadership calling all the shots.
You’re not being forced.
Gunsite 250 in Paulden AZ. An investment in self protection
Thanks for having courage/cojones to go against the edicts. Wish more docs would take a stand & push back.
Thank you for your perseverance on this matter. I was fired by a huge medical facility for refusing the jab based on my own research and the lack of transparency from big pharma. As a licensed physician assistant I was taught critical thinking and to do my own investigation into what is best for my patients. Sadly I fear for who is caring for them at this time
Thanks for your courage. So happy there are doctors willing to stand up to this. Of course we would never hear about it in the MSM.
You (and Dr Ioannides) have saved lives. Bravo.
Thank you for your courage.
Thank you Dr.Theo for sharing this info with us. Coming from an oncologist, i trust and believe you. I’m 70 and had “weird things” happen to me ten days after the second shot. Best described as a migrating blurbing bubble, then mild radiating pains in my shoulders and left jaw. I declined any boosters. My 45 year old doctor ignored my recorded symptoms with “ well, you don’t want Covid.” To which I said, I’ll take Covid over an aneurysm.” I’m hoping more doctors become less adamant in pushing the shots. Thank you again! Martha
Thank you for your courage , so many will not speak up in fear that they will lose they're medical license.
I’m a nurse and sure wish I could work with a doctor like you. I’m speak my mind often and I refuse to administer all EUA medications or any vaccine’s for that matter. The docs I work with know how I feel about their lack of informed consent, too. We are severely short staffed but I come to work thinking it’s probably my last day today🤷♀️
Keep working as long as you can. Thank God for nurses like you. I’ve met a few and it’s refreshing. I have to say I have not met a doctor yet except for ones online.
My son has T Cell ALL that’s in remission 2 years out. His oncologist was pushing. Last summer he got one shot of the Moderna and had such a migraine that he refused any further. I’m so thankful for that as I’ve heard of all the relapses and other things that these vaccines have caused. He has not had any issues with just that one dose so far.
Courage that few Doctors are displaying. Thank You for speaking up.
Thank you for hanging in there for your patients.
I can't believe you weren't mandated to get vaxxed!
I filed a religious exemption request,and last December was notified that it was approved.
I unfortunately got the first 2 dec2020/jan2021, got violently sick after the second. Quickly realized my graven mistake. Turned in a religious exemption, it was accepted then denied. I got a lawyer and I’m still working. I’m in the Bay Area, north of SF….surrounded by blue zombies.
I’m a proud anti vaxxer and am utterly ashamed that I never looked into vaccines before. I didn’t buy into taking all of them but I trusted/respected our doctors…but, no more. All trust is gone! Working in the medical field is so depressing now that I know that docs are standard of care robots.
Thanks for sharing about your change of heart. It is encouraging that there are people more committed to the truth than to maintaining denial of past mistakes.
you are brave. We need more of you. I had it too (2/2020) and seem to still be immune. Been hugging lots of people (some testing positive the next day)
I pray you continue to be a healthy inspiring beacon for us all!
Many thanks.I’m hanging in there😄
This response deserves a pin!
I'm getting a kidney transplant eventually and the donor program told me you don't need the vaccine anymore. This was about six weeks ago. I also took a job as a prison nurse for the state of Pennsylvania about six weeks ago, they dropped their vaccine requirement and this wasn't something that was publicized in media. I didn't see it listed anywhere in the job postings like they usually had so when I was called to interview the first thing I asked was what's the current Vax policy, guy said there wasn't one anymore.
Gosh I remember all the brouhaha about people getting cut from transplant lists. Sickening.
Wonder how many un-vaxed people died in that time because they were crossed off the transplant list... another statistic we will never know.
It’s sickening how a human being could do that to another human being. Even children…pure evil.
DJ in Boston got kicked off the heart transplant list, I hope he gets a heart now!
Oh thank god for that. I can only speculate how many ppl suffered or had injuries on top of needing a transplant OR would not be able to get one because they didn't take this EXPERIMENTAL drug! So sickening to me this was allowed to happen.
This is such good news. My daughter may get listed for 2nd heart transplant and we were being pressured heavily for her and us to get it - to lessen spread and protect her. What garbage. I fought hours with them to the point where we told them we would choose to not transplant if they required it. They have finally decided to compromise with Evusheld (protective MABs) if we go forward but not requiring vax although still recommending but not pushing me like before. This is a children's hospital but she is adult. The Drs. in the lung program just recently told me they still require the vax though.
Watch out for transfusions. Bank your own blood preop.
Not always an option.
It had BETTER be an option! If I cannot bank my own pure blood in advance of a procedure, I will find another hospital / surgicenter / surgeon!
If you are already anemic you can't donate and then you have a procedure and bleed out you really have no choice. That is where we were at. Plus no way to bank as much as she needed.
Would transfusions with spike proteins from someone else’s covid/spike protein blood duplicate in recipient’s body as much as the jab does???
I think it would depend on whether the blood contained the mRNA. I don't think spike protein itself would increase but you could certainly get some. Not an expert.
Tragically, the only person I personally know who died from covid was a prison chaplain - unvaxed, and I’m sure got covid from the fully vaccinated prison population.
Tragically probably didn’t get early treatment
I played golf with a gentlemen a few weeks ago, who has spent his entire career in the pharmaceutical sales business. Over a beer I asked him what he thought of the mRNA shots. He asked me if I took it, I said no. He then said excellent. They are experimental and have not been tested for long-term effects and we are now clearly seeing they do not work at all.
They definitely "work", just not doing things we want.
They do the things that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab want, depopulation.
Exactly. They are working precisely as designed. The purpose they were designed for has little in common with the cover story, which is a ruse to get the payload delivered.
Safe and effective for the earth and climate change. That's the real emergency we all face, remember?
A friend is in the process of admitting her father to a nursing home. She asked if she needs the shots to visit him. They told her no and they’re not even giving boosters to the patients and staff.
I visit my dad’s friend (I’m his POA. He had no kids) in a nursing home and he’s currently Covid positive. I just have to wear a N 95 mask. He’s 91, unvaccinated, and just got a runny nose. When I enter the facility they ask a bunch of questions & have a machine take my temp to enter. I always answer, “I wish to not disclose” whether or not I’m jabbed
NYFB... None of Your F**king Business.
Yeah, I'm tired of being considerate. Their turn to defend their position.
Ditto with masks. Tired of being considerate.
For months the only places I have deigned to wear a surgical mask has been in hospitals. Tomorrow I go again for cancer treatment. I will wear a mask, but now "Why?" Is printed on it in magic marker. When I am done with it I intend to send it to the hospital's administrator with a stamped return envelope.
Great idea! He or she should have access to the medical waste bins for biohazard materials for these worthless diapers.
I have a friend who wrote PLACEBO across his mask from the get-go. And he lives in S. CA. Not surprisingly his parents fled Cuba, back in the day.
Awesome. I bought one that said, "you're being lied to", early on in 2020.
🙏prayers & best wishes for your cancer treatment it! Wishing you success in your treatment.
No need to be considerate....I just said No, and never wore one.
I am receiving injections in my left eye for bleeding..macular degeneration. I have one of the best retina specialist in a large group of docs. You must be masked up to enter the building. Two of the docs require that your mask be taped to your face on the upper part of the mask before they will work on you. It hurts like hell too tear that masking tape off but I cannot change docs. I know this doc will keep me from going blind. I actually like him a lot. But these injections could go on ....forever. Sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I am also not vaccinated. Wonder if that has anything to do with it but again...nothing I can do.
Emotional & physical abuse. Sorry
I'm not sure if you have to use masking tape but if not you could try easy release painters tape.
No… it’s bc the eye physicians are in close proximity with you and they really believe it’s protective .
Ha!🤣The computer doesn’t offer that as an option or I might just pick that!
We have a machine (normalizing AI) at our facility entrance too.
wow!! great news.
I was pleasantly surprised this year at my child's well check that the dr did ask if we were wanting a Covid shot for her, she made no attempt to push it. Then said when I said no, we aren't interested, "She likely already had it anyways" and just moved on. Complete change from a year prior when she tried to talk me into it and I informed I work in the Research space so I definitely not getting it for my 12 YO...and she kept saying the risks were minimal and I had to inform her that is also minimal if she actually had COVID so no thanks.
And of course she had no idea of what the real risks were or are, but she didn't even know that. That so much of the medical establishment is happy to simply parrot what they're told, having no idea of the information on which it's based and whether the information is reliable scares the heck out of me. My own physician is a bit older than I am, and I hope he either wants to practice a really long time or that I can find a replacement who can study and think. I think they're pretty scarce anymore; they just mindlessly follow 'protocols.'
Exactly. That is the ONE thing I have learned in the last two years, is doctors really have no idea on these Pharm drugs...they literally just parrot what the Pharm company tells them and don't do any work to find out if it is true or anything on side effects, etc. Completely undermined my faith in the industry. I know there are some good ones out there but made me question even more what/how I deal with my own doctor and what they really know.
I asked my Doc if we could have a risk benefit discussion on the CoVid vaccines and she said “I have no data to have that discussion honestly with anyone. There isn’t any information published about these shots for me to even read.”
Yes. She rules. Yes. She is based and unvaxxed.
It's not even just the Pharma info, but the acceptance of the conclusions of papers they haven't read and couldn't analyze for validity even if they did, the recommendations of various specialty societies, which have shocked me in the last few years (pediatrics especially), and of organizations like the CDC, which are highly political and not unbiased.
I have questioned them since I was 12 years old. I check their diplomas on the wall ask about their education and experience, the same as if I hire any other service provider. The good news is that I have been to doctors mainly to assist friends or relatives. For me a massage therapist, ozone sauna, stretching, and a visit to a natural health store with brands I know very well replace the visit to a “doctor”.
As someone who has apparently been unusual in a medical sense since birth, I have learned through a number of close calls to be wary of accepting any treatment derived solely from following protocols. Sometimes it even required signing out of an ER AMA. Finding a physician I can trusthas been my saving grace. They may be hard to find and folks may have to ditch ones they don't trust, but hang in there. There are some out there and they are worth their weight in gold.
This is great, but... maybe you should re-think the whole “child’s well check” concept. I’m a healthy 68-year-old, and as a child I only went to the doctor for a broken arm. We’ve been scammed into thinking that our health is something to “be checked” even when nothing is wrong.
I agree! My daughter gives me a hard time because I usually stay away from Dr’s unless absolutely necessary!
Totally agree. We've all been scammed. I call it Big Medical these days. We used to have one small doctor's office to go to when I was a kid. Now every city and town has big medical complexes. It's really tragic.
DRC- I concur. If you really think of it, our US society (the only one I know) is based on the profit motive. For everything. Love friendship health among others. There’s a great spin given for all of it under the umbrella of “concern”
PS my dirty little secret is that I DON’T throw pills out after a year. There’s no timer!! 🤣🤣🤣
I agree to be honest - but schools don't allow you play after school sports unless you have a physical. Probably a liability issue.
I had to get a physical for sports forty years ago. BP 140/85 - "a little high but okay" then. My BP is still the same, but doctors have a fit because I won't take statins or anything else for it. The billion dollar statin industry got the standards lowered such that over half of the population has "abnormally high" blood pressure. Insanity, but I have to admit, that's some brilliant marketing.
Same for us at my daughter's physical last month. I had skipped the last two years because of the relentless vax pushing; this year, not a word about it. Its like it never happened...
Great response
I've mentioned this before and it is still fresh. If I am repeating myself here I apologize.
A discussion with a friend who knows a soldier of an Army base in Colorado, a large base. He is dating his daughter. He told him that in his combat group (this is where I don't know what is meant by group and am hoping for more feedback soon) 26 soldiers, infantry soldiers, young men in their 20s and 30s, 26 of them have had heart attacks in the last year. And, the commander of his group has to have a new heart, he's on the transplant list.
This just does not happen! I am thinking the group means around 1000 give or take 100 knowing the base. 26 out of 10,000 would be unheard of, this is a calamity if true, which I have no reason to doubt it.
Huge chunks of the military may be unfit to fight because of a shot.
I will post once I find out what a group is.
In my Army career, we were told that loyalty goes both up and *down* the chain of command. This vaccine episode in particular, but also the Afghanistan debacle (not just the withdrawal, but the lying about success there for 20 years) and the pushing of CRT all break that faith. It's disappointing and also scary for what it means for national defense and current "leadership."
There is no current leadership. Only current wokership in the military.
I'm afraid you're right. The Obama years were effectively a political purge in the military ranks.
Please do. You know the military has to have a much more accurate picture of the true damage of these vaccines.
It’s definitely a BIO-WEAPON. The CCP did not put the mRNA/spike protein in their jabs, from what I understand. What a plan, to take over a country and make it weaker from within. And our own government is guilty. That’s a very frightening realization.
You think China runs Pfizer, Moderna or JNJ?
I think something is all interconnected. Our own politicians give Chyna a free ride! They’re a brutal, Communist country. I’m so sick of looking at MADE IN CHINA. I want nothing from that hell hole (good luck with that).
CHYna owns the US government and pretty much does its bidding at this point.
You bet! McConnell’s wife’s parents are connected with the CCP, Feinstein’s “driver” was connected, one politician was sleeping with a “spy”. The universities are full of questionable employees/students…the list is endless. CHYna has infiltrated the USA everywhere!
Chinese man owns the LA Times.
Soon-Shiong…and he became a billionaire by selling two drug companies. Hmmmmm…interesting. I didn’t know that.
My friend is a retired anesthesiologist. He always reminds me that statistically the numerator means nothing conclusively without the denominator.
True, but some numerators are big enough to have meaning without doing a statistical test (in fact, that's what a lot of the docs, whose changes in behavior and advice are being described in this thread, have done - seen very unusual numerators, numerators outside their previous clinical experience). My career was in Army medicine, and this number falls in that category, to me.
the site
has some info, though still hard to interpret.
"In 2020 there was a recorded population of 14,951 residents. "
there are many units hosted there:
The populations served at this base include:
4th Infantry Division
1st Space Brigade
1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4ID
2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4ID
3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4ID
4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4ID
4th Division Artillery, 4ID
4th Engineer Battalion
4th Sustainment Brigade, 4ID
4th Security Force Assistance Brigade
10th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
13th Air Support Operations Squadron
71st Ordnance Group
627th Hospital Center
759th Military Police Battalion
Army Field Support Battalion Carson
Dental Health Activity
Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4ID
U.S Army Garrison Fort Carson
Medical Department Activity
World Class Athlete Program
My regular NPA whom I rely on for everything was initially pushing the shots energetically. My last physical 3 weeks ago, not a peep. When we discussed a pneumonia vaccine, she stressed it was a "traditional" vaccine and did recommend it due to my age and I agreed. The assistant who administered the shot quietly congratulated me for not taking the Covid shots. Something has changed in their office in the last year or so. Big time. Anecdotal but it's what I'm seeing. Thanks.
Please reconsider taking all the vaccines they are pushing on seniors. My Mother is suffering with vertigo after taking flu and pneumonia shots. My Mother is 81 and was extremely healthy, the vertigo is really debilitating.
Flu shots are a dangerous waste of time and money.
A neighbor told me she knows someone who got Guillane Barre from a flu shot
My friend 2 weeks after flu shot
I’m so sorry for your poor Mom! I definitely take all vaccine advice with a grain of salt.
No vaccines for me ever again. Nobody stands behind them.
Yes. When I visited my cardiologist in 2021 he went apoplectic when I told him I wasn’t getting ‘vaccinated’ under any circumstances. Had my 2022 visit, not a mention of it.
Our health insurance company sent out a statement and one of the pages was the entire vaccine schedule from birth. Nothing stating why that page was in there but reading between the lines......Health officials are freaked out that future parents who are going through this hoax will have big time vaccine hesitancy as they should. This is a shit show!!
My youngest was just the age when we usually start our (delayed) vax schedule, and middle kid was getting close-ish to finishing his series, when the lockdowns started. Made it such a pain in the tuckus to go to the health department, with suddenly no walk-ins, make an appointment a week ahead, no extra kids in tow, wear masks, blah blah blah. So we were like "how long can this last, really?" we were just gonna wait until it was over, and then start. A little delay, no big deal. I mean, we're uninsured, those shots cost $$$ at the pediatrician's office, but they're free at the HD, so that's how we do it.
Coming up on that kiddo's third birthday now. Still no shots. After seeing what the manufacturers for all those routine shots have been up to the last two years... you bet I'm "hesitant." Clearly we can't trust them on the current fashionable shots. Can we trust them on the old ones? I'm not sure anymore. Maybe we wait a little longer and see if they're held responsible. If not, I'm inclined to just not get any more immunizations for the kids. Maybe that's a decision they can/should make for themselves when they are adults.
I completely agree.....once they added the yearly flu shot (that didn't seem to work) I started getting suspicious about all these shots. I think the only one I'd be looking at giving my kids is the one for polio. My uncle had it and he could barely walk, his legs were very disfigured.
Our pediatrician kind of said the same thing: "If you only get ONE vaccine for them, get the polio shot" because he's from outside the US and has seen polio cases. I'm still thinking about that. When/if the vax craziness dies down, maybe we'll go get that one. We'll see. Right now it's hard to trust any of it. Like, what *else* have they not been telling us?
Yes, it is surprising any of us lived at all, eh?
Absolutely!!! We are a miracle. But 50 years ago babies had 8 shots by the age of 6. Now they have received 72 at that age!!!!! Look at our pets. Annual shots is the norm now and they get cancer younger and younger!!!!
We have a lot of pets. We stopped vaccinating except for rabies, started using a non toxic tic and flea preventative (Buck’s Mountain Gold) and feed the highest quality food we can. Our pets are healthier and their lives much longer. Also we had fleas and got rid of them with zero harmful chemicals or even any baths for them. Easy. Cheap. Healthy. And it worked.
Also, there is a rabies three year shot and a one year shot. They are EXACTLY THE SAME SHOT. If the vet writes down one year, you need it again in one year (though immunity lasts for like 7 I think). If they write 3 years…it lasts three. It makes no sense but that is what every vet has told me and I keep asking.
Just lost a cat 3 days after her rabies! That was my final straw! I no longer trust any of these medical brews!
72? Wow! That is insanity.
Similar experience . . . my doc was pushing shingles vax which I am considering.
I Would not get any of these ‘senior vaccines’ that these docs incessantly push. I am about to turn 70, have never had a ‘vaccine’ in my adult life with the exception of the ‘tetanus’ booster a few years ago when I had a bad cut from a knife (which I regret now). I just went through two weeks of having a ‘flu like’ sickness (fever, headache, body ache, loss of smell and taste) which then morphed into ‘cold like’ symptoms. Where was I exposed to this ‘flu like virus’? From my niece’s Gramma, who is twice vaxxed and twice boosted!
I’m not afraid of getting pneumonia or shingles…I have a healthy immune system that hasn’t been tainted or messed with from any of these so called ‘preventative vaccines’. It’s all about the FEAR my older friends…these docs want you to be afraid of getting all these ‘diseases or conditions’!
I wouldn't trust any of these vaccines any longer. The Covid "vaccine" lies and tyranny have turned me into a full on anti-vaxxer.
Re: shingles vaccine, my doc said something about my RLS issue and nerve damage. But then she mentioned protecting the “community” which is where she lost me. Of course it’s great to protect “the community” when you can reasonably do so - but not to take on excessive risk for yourself. There’s a limit. I have a neurological condition that docs generally don’t understand so I’m not rolling the dice unless there’s a clear reason to do so.
FYI there is NEVER a “clear reason” to take ANY of these ‘shots’. When has any medical provider given you information, as why they would be of benefit to you? Whether one has an underlying ‘medical condition’ or not! I have an ‘auto-immune’ disease that I have under control with a ‘natural’ form (from animals) of medication. Why would I want to mess with that, for a Shot or Shots, that there is no guaranty that you will be 100% “protected” from getting the thing you are getting the shot for. This goes for ALL adult and childhood vaccines!
Also, by lowering immunity, the covid shots greatly increased shingles incidence, so protecting the community is clearly something they don't really care about.
You’re wise. See my earlier comment.
Yes, and you may know this by now, but the so-called tetanus booster is NOT the same as the ones we used to get. It is now a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis shot, and you cannot, to my knowledge, get tetanus alone. (Not that I would even get that, at this point.) Before the Covid insanity began I was going along on the normal medical bandwagon, and when my doc recommended I get the "tetanus booster," I said sure, okay, not realizing it was a new shot unlike the previous ones I'd had in my life. Like you, I now regret it intensely and keep wondering if that has been part of what triggered the intense muscle soreness I now experience as part of daily life, which as a thin, fit runner I never had before (and I'm 63). It's impossible to know, but one thing I am grateful to Covid for is having my eyes opened about the absolute insanity of what is happening to our medical system and these drugs we're told to take to "protect" us. I never want to accept another injection of anything ever again. But it's the control over that which worries me -- I mean, if I'm in a car accident or break my leg or need emergency surgery for something, it scares me to think what a hospital might decide I need when I'm not conscious or able to forbid consent.
I took that dtap vaccine. Soon after me and my vaxxed kids caught pertussis. My husband, not vaccinated for many many years, did not. We got it because a doctor told my friend her kids with terrible terrible coughs were not contagious. Doctors in the area did not know to even look for pertussis and I was the one diagnosing friend’s kids. Also no one got severely ill and obviously it was all over our community.
Yeah, same here. My doc wanted me to get shingles vax. Seems they have a check list of vaxs for one to take without even looking at the patient's history.
My GP did same reg shingles vax. I asked him how new it was... out for 6 months at the time. I then asked if he thought my medical history warranted the risk of a new vaccine with no long term safety record. He replied using the general age criteria. So I pointed out I'm not in the middle of the broad statistics for medical history. Asked if he recalled how many prescriptions he's seen in my history. He paused, then said none. Going back how far? Decades.
So you think I might have same risk as all these people around me that are in 4-5 drugs that come see you 3-4 times a year? Me having BMI of 23?
He replied, `So no to the shingles vaccine."
He didn't look at me to see my smirk...
At this point, I'm wondering what the difference between a doctor and Nurse Practitioner in training is...
I agree with you. Once you point out the facts to the GP, he backs off but never ever says "wow, you are right. You have done your research. I like having patients like you that are proactive & well read. " Nope, as this concedes that he isn't more knowledgeable about issues than you are. The god complex is strong in doctors which is so annoying. I am so heartened to read stories such as yours where patients pushback. We are not & never will be sheeple which scares the crap outta of the doctors.
Since Obama care we aren't getting the same caliber of medical students.
Tell us more, Kat.
And what about the difference between a doctor and no doctor at all?
You get to keep your money and probably your life.
or a doctor and a drug dealer🙄
get the shingles vax. I got the 2nd one just before the bottom dropped out in March 2020. you want no part of shingles as you are older.
I still believe that the most important way to fight any disease is to build up your own immune system. I take a product called GSH which enables your body to make Glutathione. (Made in Canada but available in the States)
I have read in so many articles about the importance of Glutathione as it is referred to as the Master Antioxidant. I also take plenty of Vitamin D3, Vitamin C throughout the day, for a total of at least 8000mg., Quercitin, and Zinc.
My husband is 80 and I’m 79. We have NEVER gotten a Flu shot, and surprise, surprise…never had the Flu. We also eat healthily and do not consider us to be more susceptible to Covid, and thankfully have always been smart enough to just say NO.
We have always loved travelling, but our communist dictator Trudeau won’t let anyone travel in or out of the country if not vaccinated, so no travelling for us, but I know many people who got jabbed just so they can travel, in spite of all the warnings of side effects and early deaths. Go figure that kind of thinking! When is the mainstream media ever going to stop Fauci and Gates from scaring the H*** out of everyone, fear mongering at its best! They can’t stand losing control, so now they are going to start expanding the Monkeypox scare!!! We have to keep fighting these evil vaccine/drug pushers, for our sake and the sake of our precious children.
Thank you for telling us about GSH. I'm ordering!!
I take everything else you mentioned. I even use (for Vitamin D) a Sperti light box:
Bravo!!!!!! That is exactly the right attitude. Learn your body, basic biology, great nutrition with whole foods and include supplements of top natural brands. Key to add vitamin D if not taking the sun one hour every day or in winter, real vitsmin C not synthetic ascorbic acid. Have a live blood analysis at least every five years, check the level if all nutrients in your blood and supplement those showing low levels. You are your best health practitioner. Get a profesional to address certain situations. And a good MD for accidents or surgeries if not avoidable.
May I ask what brand of GSH you prefer? Thank you for sharing.
I buy my GSH from a great Canadian company called CYMCORP. The price is about half the price of another Company called IMMUNOTEC. You can call CYMCORP directly and a person will actually talk to you. I, as well as my family, will never be without my GSH and it is safe even for babies! You cannot buy it in stores, but that is a good thing. Most salespeople, even in health food stores have no idea what Glutathione is, and neither do most doctors or nurses! It’s astounding! But they will push vaccines that are doing irreparable harm to our natural immune system, because Big Pharma’s agenda is just to keep giving you vaccines for the rest of your life, which will be much shorter if you keep getting jabbed! The closest thing to GSH is mother’s breast milk, because it has cysteine in it. The body actually “makes” glutathione. You cannot buy glutathione in a pill, so don’t be fooled by supplements that say “Glutathione”. There is an artificial glutathione called NAC, which is N-Acetyl-Cysteine, but I will only take the natural source, because NAC can be toxic over time. Natural GSH is the best way to keep your immune system strong.
However, we know why Gates or Fauci will never promote building up your immune system naturally because there is no money in it for them. Remember that our bodies do not suffer from “vaccine deficiency”!!!
Thank you for your thorough reply. I emailed the company via their website. I hope I can somehow purchase from them. After looking online most GSH supplements are in supplement form that’s offered here in the states. There are several in liposomal form so that may be the direction Ill have to go after investigating further.
You can blame pharma for the shingles debacle as well. There has been an explosion of shingles in older adults since the chicken pox vaccine was made mandatory for children to attend school. Before the vaccine, older folks who had already had chicken pox would routinely come into contact with children who were extremely contagious before they broke out in pox. This would boost the older person’s immunity to shingles (which lies dormant in the body after initial chicken pox infection) and ward off a shingles outbreak. With no more children getting chicken pox, us folks who had it are sitting ducks now. They vaccinated children against a very innocuous childhood disease and harmed the older population by doing so. Be careful of the shingles vaccine. There are many, many lawsuits going on at this moment for injuries sustained after taking them. I’ve had shingles so I know the pain but I’d rather go through that than take a vaccine. Some are even saying the vaccine causes shingles later on down the road. Build your immunity instead!
So why did kids need a chickenpox vax in the first place? I and others in my age group survived it so why a vax? Another way for big pharma to get money? Or has the virus mutated so much over the decades that a vax is vital? I don't get it.
Money. Period. There is and never was a need for a chicken pox vaccine.
Growing up before all these childhood vaccines I had chicken pox, mumps, and measles, as did every kid I knew. Not fun, but we all did just fine. I am still in the camp that believes the HUGE rise in autism in children stems from the massive amount of vaxxes that are pushed into these kids. And now I’m questioning what other health issues crop up later in life may have been caused by, or possibly made more susceptible too, by taking all these jabs?
A few months after 2nd shingles shot (the "new" one), a family member suddenly had extreme back pain and was falling down with no warning. Spinal surgery followed and this person never had a history of "falling down" before...........Lots of unexplained "junk" found by the surgeon in the spine as well.
Meh! I'd rather deal with pain and discomfort than to risk any of these stupid shots. This is the second iteration of the shingles shot. They found the first one did not work. Does the second one actually work?
I am of the mind that if it doesn't kill me, I'm not putting any pharmaceuticals in my body.
shingle shots are far and away safer and tons of sample sizes for years of data. minimal issues for getting it. no MRNA ever for me however.
I disagree. Most who get the shingles shot have a bad time afterwards..,pain, feel they’ve been hit with a Mack truck, scared to get the second dose, and many get shingles anyway. Saw a death with shingles post shingles shot and it looked like she suffered. I wasn’t an antivaxxer but I was 💯 % not getting that series, I’d rather just get shingles.
It was my horrible response to the 2nd Pfizer dose that convinced me all vaccines are poison. No more poison injections for me. Really all medicine is poison but require proper dosing to eliminate symptoms….but even the best balance will still have side effects.
I work in a nursing home and was a hospice nurse for 9 years.
No, please!!!! No injections unless you can confirm there is no graphene if checked under the microscope!!!!!
At this point. Do NOT take ANY shots. According to research done by La Quinta Columna in Spain and other parts of the world, ALL injections have graphene that is a main actor in this madness. All “vaccines”, Insulin, anesthesia even at the dentist, and also antibiotics have graphene, the cool substance associated to AI , transhumanism and the crazy agenda
I have a neighbor who was doing well, despite having had a bad bout of Lymes disease. After his 3rd jab, he returned to a full on return to Lymes, actually worse than before. His physician attributed it directly to the jab. Another life-long friend had cancer and was doing well. She had 3 jabs....she's dead. Cancer could have come calling I suppose, but after the jabs, she went downhill so fast it was surreal.
Friend's sister's cancer returned after 37 years of remission. Do I dare ask?
It seems anyone who has any type of autoimmune disease fairs very poorly after the shots.
Of course they did. It was all part of the plan.
My neighbor has RA and runs to get each booster that come out. She seems to be fine so far, but I wonder. She's definitely a true believer in the jabs.
Be sure to let us know if/when that changes.
A close friend from high school is a top cardiologist in my area. I mean he was trained at institutions most average people know by name and would consider traveling to if they had the money and the need. In a text exchange with me he said the following:
"Btw, I read all the stuff you post on FB. Agree with all of it. Just can't come out like my job too much. The jab is bad news. Don't you dare give it to your kids!"
That was August of last year. Then in January of this year, he said:
"Can't tell you how much how much heart attack, stroke, unchecked cancer and opportunistic infection I'm seeing."
I find it so incredibly disheartening to know he might be recommending the jab to patients yet secretly telling people not to get this. I say this as a mom of a heart transplant patient who has been under immense pressure to get it for her and us to the point of almost denying 2nd transplant. We are seen at a top children's transplant center.
Knowing my friend, he's not recommending it to anyone. He just can't speak publicly about his views. In his practice, I'm sure he's telling patients to be cautious. He himself had to get a religious exception to the healthcare worker mandate and nobody in his family was jabbed (they all got immunity the old fashioned way).
I am saddened your friend doesn’t do the right thing and speak out. A person of integrity does the right thing even if it brings negative consequences to themselves. You’re not courageous if the only times you act are if you are in no way at risk.
I'm saddened that we have a system in which doctors can't speak out without endangering their careers.
That is frustrating
A GYN said the exact same thing to me. He said he had multiple patients who were years into menopause who started getting their period again. I asked if he would suggest that I get the Covid vax for my young daughters and he said “HECK NO! But if you ask me out in the hall in front of my colleagues, I’ll say ‘Absolutely, and you go get your booster asap!’“ Regrettably most doctors with doubts cannot speak their minds due to fear of reprisal from medical boards, peers, etc.
Trust me. Doctors want this whole COVID thing to just go away! It's made a complete laughing stock of the medical community, and breached the trust that people once had for their doctor, or any doctor going forward.
Doctors were hoodwinked, bought off, or both. Now that little $40 a jab they were receiving from the COVID fund seems much less. Because many of these doctors are going to lose patients that will NEVER return. The whole, "Don't believe your lying eyes" bit only goes so far. There comes a point where antidotal evidence becomes the truth, that's where we are now.
Doctors have a responsibility to do the right thing for their patients no matter what. I dropped my doctor when he tried to push the shots on me.
Our doctor didn't push the vaccine, and didn't even care about masks either. He's older though. I think that the older docs knew that this was BS from the start.
Doctors are paid not to be hoodwinked. I treat them as accomplices, or, at the least as aiding and abetting this manmade disaster. Hoodwinked?!? They don't get to play the confused old bitty card.
No they can't play the confused old bitty card, but they are backed up by all of the fake science coming from the FDA and the CDC. Remember until that judge in Texas ordered the FDA EUA docs be made public, there was no proof.
But the FDA and CDC knew this stuff was bad all along!
Yah, they were so hoodwinked that they just want to get back to fake germ theory, fake viruses and making a fake living.
They were probably looking for a way to pay off their debts. Most people are out to get "theirs" if you know what I mean...
Late September 2021, I took my then 9-year-old daughter to her annual physical. We live in a small rural community and her pediatrician is in a neighboring town that is even more rural. I asked him about his thoughts on the shot (as I do for all childhood vaccines) and everything he said could have come from a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services PSA. He accepts tons and tons of Medicaid patients, so I assumed this was because he had to - under some sort of threat. (As an aside, I tried to get a mask exemption for my daughter because her face would turn colors when wearing a mask and he told me the State of Michigan said no exemptions except for things like Autism or other mental health issues. He apologized and said his hands were tied).
While he told me the shot was safe and all that B.S., he did tell me that he had 13-year-old boy in his practice that had myocarditis shortly after taking the vaccine. This is a SUPER SMALL PRACTICE in a SUPER SMALL TOWN. I wonder if this was his way of telling me something.
Since the shots have become available for my daughter's age group, I have NOT received one call letting me know they had them available or I could get them there, not even some sort of robocall.
WOW on the myocarditis. I bet that opened his eyes.
I hope so!
Those poor children whose parents still believe in the CDC. My sister-in-law is a physician assistant who was among the first to be vaccinated. She loves the CDC and quotes them religiously. We've gotten along GREAT for the past 12 years. We NEVER talk about politics. However, when she was going to vaccinate my 8 and 10 year old nephews, I knew I had to ask her questions. I cited a lot of the things Alex talks about (been following since April 2020) and just asked her about contradictions so she could help me understand things since she is an expert. Unbelievably, she was shocked what was coming out of other countries and decided NOT to vaccinate her kids. Now that the "rare breakthrough cases" are so rampant, she will never vaccinate them.
I was involved in a committee convened by the CDC to give a recommendation about a medical device for which I had done one of the pivotal trials and was invited by one of the main CDC folks involved in doing research on the device. It was the weirdest experience, since the other CDC folks there were aggressively one-sided in favor of the device (I thought the data didn't support that level of enthusiasm), to the extent that I wondered if they had been offered stock options by the developers. I've never looked at the CDC the same way since, and that was in the late '90s.
Wow! That is odd! Did the device ever make it to market? Did it ever get recalled?
It's marketed. I don't think that decision is wrong, exactly, but I think the description of the operating characteristics of the test and of how to interpret the results is too optimistic, based on the data that were available at the time.
Good for you questioning your s-i-law. Undoubtedly, you saved the lives of her children. So sad that all critical thinking has evaporated from the medical community and we haven't yet reached the quota of deaths the overlords deem necessary (one assumes given how yet another pandemic is hiding behind the curtain). Pure evil.
Good for you! Sounds like you handled it well and your bravery paid off!
So glad she was willing to listen and look at other opinions and data. Most have their eyes closed tight and refuse to see anything other than what their CDC/gov told them.
How much longer do we have to wait for a retiring doctor to tell us why their lips were zipped! The military tossed out highly trained and experienced pilots for not taking a stupid vax. If they were willing to give up careers and retirements, where are their equivalents in the medical field?? I don't get the silence (other than Frontline docs, etc).
Exactly! Why isn’t anyone coming forward who has first hand knowledge of all this? Get a Class action lawsuit going. I don’t get it.
Your 9-year-old daughter needs an annual physical...? You might want to re-think that. I’m of the belief, now, that I will only go to a doctor is something is wrong. That’s how it was when I was a child (I’m 68 now)... I wondering when it all changed.
I agree with your point, but I still make darn sure my kids get their annual well checks. I never want to be accused of "medical neglect" because I turn down shots. I found a great practice that is pro-parent choice when it comes to those decisions and I have solid records if I ever need to prove my kids are cared for.
This has been the most optimistic substack piece I've read all day. Alex, I think this needs to be a story…if not a book. They can't just memory hole all the shit they put us through and change uniforms. Sending good vibes to all those about to undergo procedures. ❤️
I could not agree more. The people who pushed the mandates and the segregation need to feel some heat. If they don’t, they will do it again.
That first story is exactly what happened to my father in law. He had low-lying bone cancer for over a decade but it wasn't causing him any particular problems. A couple months after getting the Pfizer jab, he suddenly had a fast acting leukemia. He was dead a couple of months later.
Oh my.. So sorry. My ex husband and children's father. Same. 3 momths from Cancer Diagnosis to his death. Several aggressive cancers. In heart, lungs and spine. He had no history and had shortness of breath which lead him to hospitals. A couple Major ones at that. They had never seen these types before. Couldn't even identify what types. We are still reeling from this and my children are grown. Hurts no less.
There's no "care button," I don't love what you're saying, just sad.
Thank you. The heart can mean you care. I don't prefer it either. Very kind.
So sorry to read this AND I know that being grown is no shield for the sorrow of a loss.
I still miss one particular friend, dead over a decade. I am now "down" to thinking about him only, say, once or twice a week (compared to constantly in the first year after his passing).
Someone special in one's life is always special. And if the special person is a parent.....
I'll say no more.
Thank you for the kind words! So uplifting.
Such kindness
Thank you.
May memories of your f-in-law bring you comfort. So sorry to read this.
So very sorry.
I’m so sorry. Just awful.
Quietly the wheel turns it seems: my quack who a year ago literally berated me for not participating in the Great Experiment, now does not even mention it. My brother in law is a cardiologist in PA and is fully boosted (and got Covid - duh!!) used to tell me "Just get it and you travel south to visit - from Canada". Now, never mentions it. As Alex says something is happening but as this is purely political and NOT scientific, the wrong people are still calling the shots.
"...the wrong people are still calling the shots."
My wife, an acupuncturist, was treating a ling time patient, an NHS nurse. Asked her how she was, and how it was at work - her husband an MHS consultant. They were fine, but SIX of their colleagues had recently retired with cardiac/stroke problems.
Well, well, well.
After reading the comments, I want to add that while we should be thankful former pushers are no longer pushing, it doesn't mean they should be let off the hook for the damage they've done. Stopping pushing is not the same as admission of guilt and repentance. The evidence was there for them to see long ago and they either ignored it or were too lazy to seek it out. Earning back lost respect will require more than we're seeing
Their blind acquiescence made/makes it more difficult for the rest of us. Had more people flatly refused this crap, it would have gone away. Companies and hospitals often folded eventually when they couldn't function without so many people. Especially pissed at people taking shots so they can travel and attend parties and performances. How Vichy. Disgusting. "Not pushing" ain't enough.
I found it incredible that people were essentially saying, "I don't want this, but the government says I won't be able to travel unless I do, so I'm going to do it".
The correct response was, and is, "I'm not getting it and you are going to stand back and let me get on with life, or else..."
Eric Bolling, he said he got it because he wanted to go to restaurants!
So true. I was screaming that last year. If more people stand up more of us won’t have to stand up. If people want the vaccine that’s great - but to mandate to keep your job? No way that should have ever happened, barring a very few fields and even then I think it was wrong.
No need to mandate, if it worked and proved safe we would want it, if someone still didn't want it, their choice.
I am astounded that only 18% of us refused any shot. I thought it was more like 30 or 40%. People are just sheep.
I think that 18% depends is that 18 and up, 12 and up, 5 and up?
What I don’t understand is the lack of curiosity among doctors for a monumental event in their industry. I’m not a doc but I read everything I could on actual studies, not fake govt (money laundering?) PR. When such a big event happened in my industry of wall st in 2008 (06 up to 08) I knew in advance of the general public, I questioned the talking heads, were skeptical of the regulators, and knew which companies got a pass from regulators over others. I didn’t do this alone. On trading desks, and over drinks we were all talking about it, in advance, as in this-won’t-end-well. I’m not special - it’s my career field. So WTH have doctors been doing????
I've been absolutely amazed by the lack of curiosity shown by people in the medical profession.
Indeed, a friend told me that her doctor said he doesn't have time to keep up with everything (his reason for not reading widely on the Jabs, side-effects and etc.,, etc.)!!!
My Gawd!!!!
And, yes, Mary Ann has taken three jabs AND has newly developed tinnitus AND been briefly (two nights) hospitalized with Covid.
There are still some places that are pushing the vaccines! It's crazy at this point.
We know that the whole thing went down like a psyop, mass formation psychosis. But now, not even the media is pushing it. So, why are some businesses still onboard?
At any rate, this whole thing has been surreal for me. I didn't get the jab, and made sure that my wife didn't have to either. She worked at a local hospital and they were requiring it. I made arrangements to pull money out of my retirement to pay off our house, and make it so that my wife didn't have to work anymore!
That was a good move, because even though we had to pay a large tax penalty, NONE of us are jabbed, and the stock market is tanking, so my 401k would have been largely hit.
The world is completely up in the air at this point, and I'm not sure where we are going from here.
What a great spouse you are! It’s nice to hear about showing real love.
He is!!!!
But you never saw a billboard saying "get down to a healthy weight!" or "Get your diabetes under control!"
Taxpayers paid for the gain of function research, the development of the shots, advertising of the shots including those commercials and billboards, and the shots themselves (including all the unwanted expiring shots getting thrown away or sent abroad). Big pharma pushed all liability and any damage payments back to the taxpayers, and collects billions in profits while complaining about politicians not doing enough to mandate compliance.
The pharma lobbyists who achieved this should be world famous.
Some of the contracts for foreign nations were even worse! I'm just surprised that ANYONE went along with this BS anywhere. Only because Big Pharma assumed ZERO liability anywhere. That should be the first red flag, but for some reason they all went along with it. I think it was all of the WEF partner nations that ushered in the first contracts, because they knew it would further their goals.
Keep in mind, the WEF are the same people complaining about the human population, and the need to lessen it.
This whole thing has been so amazingly bad, I can't really think of anything to compare it to.
I just don't see at this point, how anyone can still keep falling for this BS. Everyone that was going to get COVID has gotten it. That includes all of the jabbed individuals.
Everything on the vaccines has been a giant walk back. They will do everything (in the beginning) by the end, they might have made symptoms lessened for some people... But we know that even that is a crock, because the vaccines cause a TON of other ailments on their own.
It's mind boggling!
Shots, pot and strippers...I94 billboard corridor.
I still see lots of ads, and hear seemingly normal people with 3 jabs and covid, talk about how great they work, because they were not that ill.
Wow, because they were not "that ill." See, that's what gets me. I had a coworker who got the jab, and he had to take a few days off, because it made him very sick.
I'm 42 years old. Everyone in my household had COVID-19. It was like a mild cold. A little achy a low grade fever for a few days, then we lost taste and smell for a few days. The strangest thing was the loss of taste came after we all had no other symptoms. Then a few days later, taste and smell were back and we were fine.
I don't buy any of the numbers, because my experience was like nothing they are describing. Of course you could say, "You're only one person." That's fair enough, but my two boys and my wife had it as well, we all had it around the same time and we all had the same symptoms.
My experience with COVID-19 was such that I can't see anyone requiring hospitalization. If it wasn't for the COVID-19 scare, I would have taken Tylenol and showed up for work.
There's absolutely no way in hell I would get the vaccine!
Three in my family (all unvaxxed) had similar symptoms. Yet my friends are all touting the effectiveness of their shots as the reason for their mild cases. SMH.
I am a 58 year old man diagnosed with persistent atrial fibrillation about 6 weeks ago. The only symptom was my Apple watch alerting me; I am otherwise hale and healthy with no other symptoms, all tests and vitals normal and still trying to get to the bottom of it. I have had appointments with a new PCP and a cardioversion with a new Cardiologist and any number of nurses and ED docs and told all that I was unvaccinated. None recommended the vax to me. I had Covid in December but that didn't seem relevant to any of the medical people I spoke/met with.
Before you consider any prescriptions that they may recommend, read up on magnesium and potassium deficiency.
One has to do this on one's own. Remember: Nature has no lobby.
My wife is a supplement hawk, pushing magnesium all the time, will ask her about potassium. They have me on Eliquis to prevent clotting, my goal is no meds and sinus rhythm, have an appt on Thursday with Cardiologist.
A former co-worker has A-fib but he always converts to normal rhythm on his own after at most one day. A few months ago he had a stroke (CVT) which doctors removed successfully. It was attributed to the Afib. He is "fully" boosted.
My cardioversion worked for 3 days and have been back in Afib in the three weeks since. I called the Cardiologist’s office (huge practice) when Afib restarted and got a PA who told me that my cardiologist was on vacation and just to wait till this upcoming follow up visit for the next steps, I am nonplused.
CoQ10. Ask your wife about that. Vital for heart health.
I am a 63-year-old male Army veteran. Prior history of lymphoma. Doctors have told me I have 3 co-morbidities for Covid: (1) Damaged heart valves due to radiation treatments to the chest. (2) Injured lungs with diminished capacity due to Chemotherapy (Bleomycin) side effects. (3) Cancer survivor with an immune system that never fully rebounded after the chemotherapy was completed. Noting that I am physically fit and not obese.
Semi-annual appointment with my PCP three weeks ago. He told me I am eligible for the 2nd booster, but he recommended against it even though I am over age 60 and have multiple co-morbidity risk factors for an adverse Covid outcome. He has seen too many incidents of rapid disease progression, such as prostate cancer quickly metastasizing, amongst the RNAi vaccinated that he has never before seen in his career.
Good for you to have a wise, truthful PCP.
Anecdotal but I have noticed a huge shift. Went for routine yearly medical appts this year, and not ONE question/point about covid vaccines, whereas last year it was usually at the top of the list.
My own physician said 'yeah, I should encourage you to get the vaccine, but at this point if you haven't had it and don't have any antibodies, I don't know what to tell you.' My spouse was hospitalized with covid and I took care of spouse for at least a week beforehand when we didn't realize it was covid. Still no antibodies whatsoever, and I've had multiple tests (antibody, antigen, PCR) in the last year and a half.
IMHO there has definitely been a shift on this in the medical community.
Wish it was same for me. I went for my checkup and the doc asked about the jab. I replied no I had not participated. I was expected a lecture and shaming session but was relieved when none followed. However to my surprise the doc must have reported my status to the state of Illinois. Two days after my appointment I receive a txt message from the Illinois department of health informing me that I or somebody in my household might be in need of a jab. The txt included a helpful .gov weblink for me to click. Needless to say I was disturbed and creeped out by such commie behavior. No more visiting that doc for me anymore.
I do believe I would report that doctor for sharing my medical information without authorization. HIPAA violation, anyone?
Antibodies are part of the adaptive immune system. You have an innate immune system too. It is documented science that humans can develop an innate immune resistance to a pathogen which is likely your case.
Agree. There's a very interesting paper in Nature Journal about CMV antibodies possibly being protective against Covid; I have high CMV antibodies for some reason (no symptoms that I know of).
Interestingly, neither of my adult kids got Covid either (and one lives with us so was here when spouse had it).
Interesting. I'm one of those people who can't seem to catch COVID despite multiple significant exposures, no vax and lots of interactions. I'm also CMV negative, though - which I know because I donate blood and they use CMV negative for infants.
Thanks for donating! My daughter has needed a lot of blood over the years so I appreciate it. I try to but it really wipes me out. She is cmv negative too.
what is your blood type if you don't mind me asking?
That's the theory: O and AB appear to be more resistant.,%E2%80%930.91)%20(P%20%3D%20.
I’m 67 and in the very high risk group. Had the Delta variant. Wasn’t fun, but I’ve had flu that was MUCH worse. It’s possible it was so mild you simply didn’t notice it.
Very curious about this. I’ve been tested for antibodies three times and never had them. Never had Covid. Have kids who have been in daycare and school since May of 2020.
None of my family is vaccinated. One of my daughters had Covid 18 months ago and just had bloodwork done - she still has very high antibody levels. Out of the rest of us, we have all tested positive for Covid within the last three months. (Clearly the vaccinated are spreading this). I had a headache for 24 hours and was left wondering - is THIS what we ran from for two and a half years??
I would be happy to participate in a study so long as I never had to have anything injected/ingested; would be fine giving blood. There are lots of people out there like us!
Haven't taken the Jab? Good!
I had the same experience~~had my yearly "telemed" appointment (my choice...I despise going to the doctor's office...mostly the waiting) and not once was I asked about the jab. I've been exposed to Covid multiple times (never took precautions) and have had my antibodies tested twice and I have zero antibodies thus far. I know that genetically there are some people who have an innate resistance and perhaps that is us.
Thats good news, re: shift. And assume your spouse has recovered fine
Yes. Sheepishly we were in the crowd that thought Covid mainly affects elderly and obese (and I'm sure it does, sadly). It was shocking how sick spouse got though (and spouse is in probably the top .01% of age range for ideal health/weight).
My husband also very healthy, normal bmi and got pretty sick with covid last Nov. He went into inflammatory phase but we found a good doc to treat him. I also was sick for 12 days but have recovered as well.
I think that's what happened to spouse - it's like the inflammatory response took over and everything just went haywire. Had monoclonal, too, before going to hospital (this was last spring of 2021) but it was too late probably. Also had Remdesivir but luckily didn't go on a vent. I'm thankful that your husband made it and that you're ok too.
They are having a harder time supporting the lies about covid, the mRNA injections and the worthless PCR test. Come the next pandemic, the silly money-pox, they will all be back on the big pharma, FDA,CDC,and AMA bandwagon.
My father had a stroke (7) years ago and has had trouble breathing since. Damage to the vocal cord area. He had Kidney Stones and needed to get them removed.
He went to the hospital where they tested him for COVID, he was negative. He goes through the procedure and has trouble coming off the anesthesia.
He was having breathing difficulties. So, they test him for COVID, as part of the their protocol, and say that he’s POSITIVE! He was tested (5) hours earlier and he was negative. You can’t become ill with COVID in (5) hours!
I was out of state at the time. I told him to get the hell out of the hospital! Because they were going to blame his breathing trouble on COVID. He had a stroke (7) years ago, and has had trouble since. Anyway he got out and is doing fine now.
I'm convinced that the hospital was going to try and put him on a vent, so they could cash in. This whole thing has been amazingly bad! EVERYTHING from the top down about COVID and the vaccines has been 100% lies.
I am just curious, what are people going to do if it turns out that my suspicions that the mRNA shots are just enhancing prior illnesses if not minimizing responsible immunity from Covid?
All these doctors screaming we should get shots, and then the evidence turns out that they’re killing people, well, if I were a physician shrieking “get the shot or get the fuck out of my office!“, I would genuinely be worried about the safety of my life and my family’s lives…
Addendum to what I just wrote a minute ago:
Really, I think physicians have totally fucked up the profession by either being horrifically absent from responsible dialogue, or just shrieking political agendas.
And frankly, I think there should be serious consequences for it, I truly believe in the adage, “bad things should happen to bad people”…
Clueless, or complicit, neither is an excuse to say, “I didn’t know better, give me a break“…
My response would be, “what appendage, you diseased despicable motherfucker!?“
That's my theory also. Whatever ails you, it enhances it. I had mild high blood pressure before the jab but it spiked right after the 2nd shot and I had to up my dosage. I had mild tinnitus for about 10 years but it got way worse for about a month after the 2nd shot and still flares up from time to time after never flaring up like this before. I NEVER bruised, but now I suddenly bruise fairly easily. I went for blood tests for the bruising, but they came back normal. Still something changed. God only knows what else it did. I'm convinced it's basically poison.
At the very least, MDs who pushed the shots or simply and unquestioningly parroted the administrative line need to have their medical licenses put on 5-year probation. The worst offenders (e.g. docs who went on TV or very publicly promoted the biologics) should lose their licenses permanently. With enough grassroots support and pressure at the right points, this could gain traction. My brother-in-law, an anesthesiologist (triple-jabbed, got COVID after, of course) invited my family out to his beach home, with the one small caveat that we get our injections! This after we all got COVID! An MD who refuses to acknowledge natural immunity. This is not science, but superstition. His license needs to be probationary.
I would argue for them all to LOSE their licenses, their privileges, their snobbery, but that would leave the nation with very few MDs, so probation it must be except for the worst offenders.
These doctors are already practicing in compromised positions, doing telehealth, making patients wear masks when you need to see their faces if not examine their mouths, and worst of all, inferring they have bad judgment totally kills the patient-physician alliance!
This is abandonment neglect and malpractice, and unfortunately, only when they see their own go down, will some of them wake the fuck up…
Arrogant MDs are a problem and source of great suffering for many because of how they practice. Naturopathic Doctors, NDs are a much better choice.
"I am just curious, what are people going to do if it turns out that my suspicions that the mRNA shots are just enhancing prior illnesses if not minimizing responsible immunity from Covid?"
yes - the mRNA shots seem to be enhancing other illnesses. See elgatomalo substack for numbers and potential theories , e.g.
Physicians have been going down the rathole, (mostly against their will) ever since they essentially became government/hospital employees, when Medicare was adopted, and health care became a job benefit, and not something you bought and paid for independently.
Private practices have almost become extinct. What they can and cannot do, according to government dictates/guidelines, is almost untenable.
Count on 'physician assisted events' that keep you locked up around every major election.
If you want a real treat, to drive you mad, read the AMA policy position paper on 'wokeness' and CRT.
It really is this simple: if you as a physician can't realize what you do as a person impacts on your community in ways beyond just seeing people in the office, then, why the fuck did you go into this line of work these past 20 years at least.
There was a brief vignette in the MCATS (Med School Board Exam) back in the 1980s showing a comparison to one going to med school and becoming a doctor vs one taking a plumber apprenticeship, and in the end, how each invested and spent money, the plumber was equally as "lucrative" as the doctor.
So, if you are a doctor because you wanted to heal and restore hope, then what the fuck have most of theses assholes I pathetically call colleagues been doing the past 2 years?
Sucking political prick and being butt fucked by bureaucratic bastards.
The AMA: yeah, look who belongs to that soulless shameless shithole of political hacks and cocksuckers...
What did Groucho Marx say: why would I want to belong to a group that has me as a member? Well, update it, why would I want to belong to a group that has me by the member?...
Oh, and if you don't like my language, tough shit!
They went into Med under the belief it was financially lucrative. Teachers, doctors, surgeons, clergy should never go into those fields for the money. It should be (and used to be) a vocation. Who knew plumbers would be the better financial path? See how we have been manipulated?
You're right. These are very salient points. The pressures they must face lead to self-censorship, and it must be terrible. Conform or be outcast and risk losing their livelihoods. I do, however, take exception to an MD in the family who maintains this BS. I'm not a patient who might report you to the administrative authorities or medical board. His superstitious take on the jabs vs. natural immunity is troubling and shows he has not yet unwashed his brain.
If you are truly on the side of helping get out of this mess, stop posting like a Pfizer sponsored Ray Epps. This post glows as brightly as "We need to go INTO the capital!"
The only hill you pathetic cowardly clueless cowering-in-your-homes losers are going to die on is the mound of dirt next to the grave that you’re going to roll into after they shoot/ stab/ bludgeon you…
Idiots, and buffoons, and worst of all, aconfrontationalists who keep telling us to vote November 8 like that’s going to make a fucking difference when the “Republicans” are going to stab us in the back anyway…
The Republicans are going to help the Democrats take away your guns, and all you’re gonna do is, “oh, woe is us, what can we do…“
Again, fucking idiots.
yep,it does sound like Ray Epps.
Yep, chorus of Neville Chamberlain’s…
Picture them as a row of squawking parrots:
“Squawk, Ray Epps, squawk, Ray Epps…”
have you not seen what the system did to Jan 6 trespassers ? and how much good did it do to their cause ? so who will benefit from following your provocation ? no need to answer, we all know.
Caw Caw Caw….
Squawk “Epps is the man, Epps is the man…”
Taxpayers funding gain of function research and the clotshot is awful. The likelihood taxpayer money is going to you like it did Ray Epps is icing on the cake.
Oh yeah, I write like a bureaucrat…
You dishonest disingenuous disdainful dumbass.
You write like Ray Epps
I am with whomever that guy is. They need to pay. Ignorance is no excuse. Just like the MoFo's in Uvalde that stood outside while children died.
Are you saying there should be no serious consequences for people pushing all these anti-humane stuff ? (by serious consequences I do not mean any illegal stuff. but trials ? license suspending ? some sort of consequences ? )
I would be fully in support of license suspensions and even fines and prison. But people mentioning anything physical have crossed a line and should be banned.
If you were around 80 years ago, you’d be giving us lessons how to speak German and Japanese, right?…
Reading this again this morning, I won’t edit it, I’ll just add to it:
People here saying that I am advocating for violence, no, I’m advocating for accountability!
At the end of the day, you want to keep giving people who are despicably inappropriate uncaring and in fact at times just plain evil a pass.
That’s just aids and abets horrific and vile behavior.
I truly believe that when a group of people see those in their group having deserved yet painful consequences, some will flee and perhaps even change their behavior for the better.
Civility acquiescence tolerance and politeness only gets you a slap on both sides of the face if not just a downright punch in the nose.
My partner has leukemia. His oncologist almost would not accept him as a patient initially as he didn’t want vaccines: pneumonia, shingles etc. Very stressful situation. I pretended to be the conciliatory partner who would gradually bring him around. Then came Covid. He started to push vaccines less and less. He literally never mentions the Covid vaccines. A while back I remember my partner turning to me after a visit saying, he doesn’t seem to push vaccines anymore. This doc is at a major cancer hospital in Manhattan.
Remember this vaccination requirement?:
"Verein Sterbehilfe, the association for euthanasia, updated its Code of Ethics on Nov. 19 to inform those seeking assisted suicide that they must be vaccinated against the coronavirus or they will be turned away. "
In the words of Carrie Fisher, "If it wasn't funny, it would just be true"
Well, gotta get rid of the jab somehow, right? "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life here."
Wow, how did I miss this doozey?
I am about to turn 70 in the fall. At my requisite Medicare/Supplemental Medicare “Wellness” visit a month ago my PCP (who is actually a physician’s assistant), he never mentioned the Covid V or asked if I was vaccinated, or if I had had Covid. (He knows better because I told him years ago(way before Covid was on the horizon), I would be declining any and all “vaccinations” that are recommended for us ‘seniors’.)
He also noted in my chart (at my request) for the practice to not ask me any longer about any vaccinations, or diagnostic testing like a Dexa bone density scan, mammograms, or colonoscopy. Requisite blood work is all I want.
Then after two years of being around people in all manner of ‘gatherings’ (small and hundreds of people, who were not vaxxed), not wearing masks, two weeks ago I contracted a “flu like virus” that gave me serious body aches, headaches, fever, loss of smell and taste, then morphed into ‘cold like symptoms’. I was exposed to this ‘virus’ when I had lunch with my niece and her Gramma. The Gramma is vaxxed and boosted and tested ‘positive’ the day after our lunch, after having ‘symptoms of something’. So within two days of exposure I fell ill.
So basically I was ‘infected’ by a vaxxed and boosted person! It’s been 16 days and I’m feeling better after using the ‘FLCCC protocols’ (Ivermectin and supplements) and a couple of IV Drip Ozone and Vitamin C Therapy treatments to help me recover and get my energy back.
Glad you are feeling better. I followed FLCCC too back in Dec. The one thing I wish I knew then, that I have since learned, is to keep your protein intake up. Covid really attacks your muscles. HTHs
Well fortunately I am not a vegan and eat of lot of protein…both plant & animal. And I was taking all the supplements and then some that are on the FLCCC protocols for a couple of years now…so who knows what I might have experienced. The only thing new is the Ivermectin. I wish I had been using It prophylactically all this time too. I have an American friend who lives in Mexico who takes a weekly prophylactic dose of Ivermectin and she’s never been sick. (She’s not vaxxed but all her expat friends are!)
I’m a huge fan of the FLCCC and used ivermectin for everyone in our family when we were sick with delta for a few days(none of us had the shot) and I in my fully non medical opinion I don’t think it’s a great idea to take it all the time. Viruses live within us all the time, even the good ones and I wouldn’t want to completely change that dynamic. I find it in some ways equivalent to taking antibiotics all the time. I think we will learn more as time goes on. We did take it preventative Ly for major international trips, just didn’t want to deal with the hassle of a positive test coming back.
My Dr is no longer encouraging the shots. He was an early adopter of them, said he trusted "the science" behind them. A full year went by before I saw him again for my annual physical and after I told him that I never got jabbed, he told me that he never got the booster and doesn't want one. He's also had covid twice himself now. I told him that to the best of my knowledge that I never had it.
Alex, I applaud you, again, for your work. This current effort of yours may save some (more) lives, but it’s probably too late to save the medical profession.
Given what they've done in recent decades, let's hope for some creative destruction.
As a hematologist who is also a microbiologist, I was certain in March of 2020 that we were all being had and told whomever would listen. Especially early on when the vents and the improper care were killing most admissions, I have advised elderly (75+) patients that the shot would likely help them avoid some severe disease. At their age they are unlikely to suffer long term sequelae. But I also told them that adequate levels of Vitamin D would likely be generally protective anyway. One way or the other, have not lost any to Covid.
I have never advised anyone under 60 to get the spikeshot and have gotten very strident with the parents of those under 20 that this was almost certainly more likely to cause harm than good. I have advised against the shot to those in the throes of their malignancy (like the MM patient Alex mentioned) because screwing with their immune systems at that sensitive time with a complete unknown just seemed (and still seems) too risky.
I have never worn a mask (except in the OR where I have been noting for years that it is just theater) -- that was known to be ridiculous from the get-go. I have never had my patients wear one in my offices either -- and none have minded. I have pointed out many times that lying about the efficacy of masks, which is where all the lies began (together with lies about the efficacy of lockdowns) would do nothing but convince everyone that public health (for sure) and medicine (sadly) could not be trusted. And that has come to pass.
I have certainly heard anecdotal reports from other docs about malign occurrences that have happened after spikeshots, but am generally relieved that my patients have either avoided them, or have recovered (as far as we know today) without getting them when they chose/were forced to get the spikeshot anyway.
This is all going to go down as one of the darkest periods in medicine. As Alex notes, the medical societies/associations (especially the AAP which should be disbanded) have not figured this out yet. With luck their membership will give them hell when they do...but most of these things just seem to go unpunished and often unrecognized.
Nice to see you again, doc.
I never asked you on my stack- have you suffered any consequences for your position to your patients? Anyone snitched on you to the board, or given you any stern warnings?
Not really. Lots of rolling eyes. Many agree with me but are too afraid to say so -- but they will not screw me, either. I have been around a long time and lots of folks owe me, so there is that. But really the best thing is that the patients are fine with it. (I suppose anyone who wasn't would/could go elsewhere and perhaps they did, but certainly no fall-off in It is why the loss of mutual trust between physician and patient is the greatest tragedy of this whole debacle. :(
I'm still hoping to find a PCP as grounded as you. I live in a very red area where public sentiment is largely on my side, but local healthcare is under big conglomerates like Northwell, Wellspan, etc. with corporate top-down edicts about things like mandatory masking and vaccine "education" on patient contact.
🙌Thank you Dr. K for standing up to the tyranny and setting an example!
Yes! Last year at my physical - my Dr was totally pushing the shot. I said no thanks - and asked if he had seen data coming out of Israel that they were failing…he said - yeah - could be an outlier. He tried to bully me by telling me about ‘healthy’ patients that died. I still said NO - I’ll keep taking my vitamins, eat right and exercise.
One year later - NOT ONE PEEP about covid at all. I told him that I got Covid in April (natural immunity for the win)- and he ignored it completely!!! I didn’t want to start a fight …I was irritated enough that I had to mask….but that was a huge shift my Dr went thru. He’s part of a huge INOVA system here in VA.
Why do you still go to him?
My overseas doctor (cardiologist but also does my yearly physicals) was upset with me for having taken JJ shot (coerced fed employee). I now have a note in my patient record to not get any more shots (of any kind mRNA, adeno, whatever else they come up with) due to my existing blood clotting issues. He was definitely not mincing words that no one under 65 should be getting the shots if they don’t have comorbidities like diabetes, obesity and similar.
May ask who your doctor is? My 20 year old healthy daughter is (still) being forced to take it in Australia to finish an on campus class and graduate. She’s been virtual to date.
Only tangentially related but I just want to mention hippie dippie Omega Institute in Rhinebeck—which I used to like —is requiring Covid shots for all their summer programs, no exceptions. F those ex flower children. The craziest part is that Radical Remission, an organization that promotes non traditional views of cancer healing, is holding their summer retreat there. Pretty pathetic and contradictory in my opinion. I don’t understand how an organization that supposedly supports oncology patients on their own unique paths can require these vaccines. Omega is also showing zero integrity.
That reminds me of all the "organic only" rich soccer moms in Whole Foods who happily and proudly got their GMO jabs and boosters without questioning.
I just don't get that one, trying to eat healthy etc....meanwhile let me try some gene therapy??? And I saw a Naturopath and her staff showing off their jab??? Wtf!
Wow! From the website of a hippie dippie Zen mountain meditation community in Vermont that my friend's son is attending: "Please join us online (or in person if fully vaccinated)".
They also state under "Our Values" the first precept of a Zen peacemaker: "First, do no harm: I vow not to harm others or myself, and to live in not knowing as the source of all manifestations." Hmm....something here is slightly amiss.
What bothers me are these supposedly spiritual organizations that have no problem discriminating. You can partake of our marvelous spirituality/wisdom as long as you yield your body autonomy to corporate profit. Even a cursory study of this issue will not support mandates to attend programs. So basically those making these policies chose to obey without question or study. Not a great recommendation. Fauci has admitted on national television that the vaccines do not stop transmission. So these people are either virtue signaling morons or smoked too much weed.
These people are like most of my family members and friends/acquaintances here in MA: brainwashed by two years of fear propaganda with some moronic, virtue signaling "have to be part of the club" thrown in for good measure.
I think it's hard for these "fully vaccinated" folks to hear their beloved and trusted authorities like Fauci and Walensky admitting that the shots do not stop transmission. When I try to point out this important information, I get oddly blank faces.
Many in the yoga community, to my dismay, also bought into the agenda. Yoga teachers, who are supposed to honor their bodies as a temple. A Harvard PhD I studied yoga philosophy with for 10 years, was encouraging his large following to take the shots. I sent him many articles and he basically told me “vaccines work.” Shocking!
I really don’t understand this phenomenon of intelligent people who apparently have no interest in exploring facts or thinking independently. Very puzzling.
Exactly! I don’t know what to think of it, except that they are intellectually arrogant by training and blindly follow what someone tells them is the science. Same with my former husband, a very intelligent attorney.
the city of Charlotte was telling citizens (ATTENTION CITIZENS) about delays for trash pickup etc and other services were behind due lack of staff. Local reporters reinforce thus. I tweet a screenshot about the city STILL saying on its employment site a vax is required and I bet if the city dropped it they fill those roles and the citizens are taken care of. I checked the other day and the requirements are gone. Go figure...
Federal gov doles out money to hospitals,cities,schools ect...that follow their narrative
NYC still requires private sector vax!
I naively got the first two shots and came to regret it. Over the next six months I had some adverse reactions, clearly caused by the vaccines (seem to be OK now). I tried to report them to my primary care doctor, who blew me off. His office (big corporate practice) is fanatical about useless masks and other nonsense. No more vaccines for me. Last November I saw him for my annual "wellness check." He asked me if I had gotten the booster and I said no, fully expecting him to harangue me about getting it. To my surprise, he impassively said nothing and just moved on. Now he has really moved on, leaving the practice for reasons unknown. I now have zero trust in the public health system and most of the medical profession.
Welcome to the club. Lot of us are members.
In early 2021, I recommended for people at high risk. Once I started seeing vaccinated people with delta in summer 2021, I have not recommended it for anyone. Never recommended boosters or covid shots for kids. Now, I wish I had never recommended them for anyone. Still unvaxed. Still immune.
You have integrity and rolled with your best instincts. The fact that you can change your opinion faced with negative efficacy proves you are a REAL doctor.
My husband and I have a good friend who is a physician/epidemiologist and a pharma industry veteran working with drug safety (including for another company using the mRNA platform for non-vaccine purposes). He had major qualms about those from the beginning, refused to take them himself, and is not letting them anywhere near his children. He told us one of the first things that made him realize something was off in a big way was when the media was trying to paint HCQ as some sort of poison, despite the fact that it has a better safety record than nearly all other prescription drugs and many OTC meds.
Same for me. I am a nurse.
I knew something was wrong when they started claiming HCQ causes arrhythmias. I’ve been on HCQ for over a decade. No one ever asked me to do a baseline EKG which they would have if they were worried about QT prolongation on my EKG. I asked my rheumatologist about it and she told me that in her 20 years of practice at a large, well known academic medical center, she had never known a patient who developed that problem.
So when they came out with the vaccines, I was very skeptical.
Our pediatrician retired early (she has not offered the vax), researched new offices. Closer office was, "so excited to offer vaxxines and Paxlovid to our younger patients!" The next had a one star review from frustrated teen who posted angrily that this office "refused to vaxxinate me or prescribe birth control pills without parental consent!" I knew I'd found our new home. Nobody there has even mentioned getting injected.
"so excited to offer to our younger patients, who don't need them, these rushed-to-market products that had virtually no reliable trials and for which we know exactly zero about their long-term side-effects, consequences, and negative outcomes. SO EXCITED!!!"
I’m fortunate in that my PCP has always been vehemently against the vaccine. Early on she was losing patients as a result. She’s not only been completely vindicated but now has more referrals than she can handle. She predicts more vaccine-related deaths than from Covid alone, IE the instances without comorbidities. Unfortunately we’ll never hear if she’s right as Big Pharma sponsored Corp Media will no doubt bury those reports.
my mom is 93 years young, she was resistant on getting the shot, I made her. She is mobile watches jeopardy every night, and drives faster than me in the slow lane. lol She recently went in for blood work, and he Dr. of 20 years, said your all good no second booster needed.
She has gotten 3 shots, and since then she has complained of more aches and pains in her legs. Hmmm I wonder.......she basically said to me the other day, no more shots I am done! we all are, as I said so sorry I got it, and I got J and J, which two days later, said it caused blood clots, and put the vax on hold. Ugh just eat well, keep your weight down, get mental and physical excersie.
Her cousin btw 85 years young , youthful , full of life, (same DNA I guess ) got the shot in Feb of 21 , was on her couch one week later, put her head back, fell into a coma, went to hospital died a week later, we all wondered if it was the vax......... but we were like no , we wonder now, I think it was............
This relates to my belief that every decision like this must be made at the individual level. Only the individual can best balance their own values and needs for themselves, and it is the individual who will suffer the consequences of the decision. Telling someone what you think you know about a subject, or referring them to sources of information, is fine. But if people pressure others, even believing they're doing the right thing, I think it's an error they can come to regret and that could cause the pressured person to resent the 'pusher,' possibly breaking a close relationship.
I don't recommend anything for vaccines, but if they ask my opinion they get it all.
Do you feel guilty for forcing her ?
Mate ... don't be twitter
Are you gonna make her next time?
Absolutely not! I did it because I thought they worked! My Aunt is vaxed a boosted she just go it for the third time..........considering all that is out there, in hindsight I am sorry she did it and so am I!
Our daughter's pediatrician changed her attitude in the other direction: She told us in 2020 and 2021 not to worry about Covid, which wasn't a significant threat to children, then told us in 2022 that Covid is deadly to children and we absolutely must get the safe and effective Pfizer vaccine to save our daughter's life. It was one of the strangest conversations I've ever had.
Assuming you have a new pediatrician...
We're searching.
She's a snake.
Time for a new pediatrician.
I asked my dr what she thought about the world shutting down over a cold.. she said, it's just a flu.. I saw early on what was going on, did my own research and found the truly disturbing evil elite rich ppl/ rockerfeller found. behind this. Perfect storm of mass phychosis/ communist demoralization/ desensitization, disinformation combined with the pre meditated, planned bio attack by the elite devil worship ppl. Planned vax, The media hype, everyone follow the subliminal programing, post pics/ vids of your vaxism... I've been baptised already and have holy spirit to discern no need worldly vaxism. Even most religious leaders blind leading the blind.. crazy to see this all unfold. Gov payout for hosp murder. 50% + population sleep walking into the goulags. Neuremburg 2.0 hitler got nothing on these ppl. Georgia stoners, kill off 80% pop. take babies for their sacrifices or sex slaves/ control pop/ only rich elite evil ppl get to make babies/ raise children, Digital id implant, force to live in smart citys, behead christians.. nwo reset digital $ nanotech implant track/ monitor everything/ man w/ computer implant.. Bible/ God = true. Give your life to Jesus. He is the only power that can destroy this evil ppl they are just pawns used by devil he destroy and laugh at them when theyre use is up, they fooled blind/ bound by love of $ pride power lust. They have their reward here now, our reward in universe/ eternal mansions in heavens
Did you ask why covid is "deadly" to children now? Is it because the vaccine makers are trying to push it on Kids under 5?
I reminded her that she had told me in 2020 and 2021 that Covid wasn't a threat to children. She "the-science-changed" me: She said that we know now that children are at grave risk. She didn't say why, she just said that we know something different now. Truly a fascinating performance.
I wouldn’t have been able to keep my mouth shut to that response of hers!
Amazing. I know more than I did in 2020 and 2021 thanks to Alex. It's strange she didn't know about young men and pro athletes developing myocarditis after getting the vaccine. If the vaccine caused problems for that group, I can't see how she could recommend it for children.
Fixed it for her: "We know now that Big Pharma will wire money to our offshore accounts if we agree to push the jabs on children."
For the record, this has been the method used since 1986 and earlier to push ALL childhood vaccines.
When I was very little, chicken pox was just part of life. Virtually no one died from it, except for the odd super immune compromised child (which is tragic, but a kiddo with cancer can die from a cold- not a good basis for public health policy). Then the CP vax was created, ostensibly to lower the ECONOMIC cost of CP, since it kept a parent from working for a couple weeks while kiddo was infectious. Within a few years, propaganda about chicken pox was everywhere. It became a deadly childhood disease that had to be stopped, and all *good* parents should get their kids vaccinated against it.
My parents' generation tells the same story about measles (and other typical childhood illnesses). The mortality rate of measles was already near zero for many years before the MMR hit the scene, due to improving medical care (antibiotics, antivirals, etc.) and improved hygiene (indoor plumbing being the biggest one). The rate of complications from these childhood diseases was already tiny by this point. The historical charts tell the tale. Then the vaccines came out, and the propaganda war began.
This is just a continuation of the same big pharma playbook, but everyone is actually seeing how the sausage is made this time.
I was born in the 1950s. I don't know which vaccines were available at the time. My mother told me that I had bad reactions to my first couple of vaccines so the doctor gave me half doses. I have heard that half doses are as effective as no doses. I found my vax card in a box of my childhood mementos after my mother had passed away. I saw that I only received the polio vax, and 2 half doses of measles vax. I don't have the indented mark on my upper arm so I don't think I had the smallpox vaccine. I never had measles, mumps, or chickenpox. I had German measles at age 19. Every time I get an annual physical, my various doctors badger me to get the shingles vaccine. I always tell them I've never had chickenpox so I can't get shingles. They all say the same thing, you should get it anyway. My husband had shingles and I took care of him. I still did not contract shingles. They also tell me I should get a flu shot every year. I've only had one in my 60+ years and that was because I was going to take care of my 7th month old granddaughter and my daughter insisted on it because the baby hadn't had all her shots yet. I attribute my good health to the fact that I didn't get overvaxxed.
The number of childhood vaccines is now in the 70s, if I remember right.
Smart of you to turn down the shingles jab! My grandmother had CP as a kid, but never had shingles. She got the shot, and had shingles 2 weeks later. 😐
The doctor never explained why someone who never had chickenpox needed a vaccine to prevent shingles. The virus has to be present in order to get shingles.
Agreed! My siblings and I contracted several of these childhood diseases in the early ‘60s. I’ve never had any of them again. And when my four daughters had chickenpox in early childhood, I nursed them and cared for them never worried that I would come down with it again.
They ran out of easy adult marks. They can't give the stuff away, and the poor Moderna CEO is big mad they have to throw away millions of doses. Can I get an "AWWWWWWW"
"Taking a public anti-vaccine stance is risky for physicians."
Cowardice is not an excuse to kill people, especially children.
It is complicity, and cowardice.
The medical professionals unknowingly entered into a conspiracy to kill and maim, and now they know it, and their fear of civil and criminal liability seems quite high. "Just doing my job" doesn't excuse murder.
*Not* "taking a public anti-vaccine stance" isn't the same as killing people, and it's not necessarily cowardice.
Do you take medical advice from total-stranger doctors who offer advice publicly and who don't know you and whom you don't know from Adam?
However, not doing so privately to one's own patients, that's where the problem exists.
Compromise: how about "Violating your ethical vows as a physician and advancing an agenda you know to be harmful and questionable, regardless of its danger to your patients' health, out of fear of loss of job security" is cowardice?
Kind of like studying the tips of your shoes while kids you're sworn to protect are getting shot.
Yes, Alex! I am glad you looking into this. There is plenty of data to support the harm these products are (and will) causing. This story is far from over, unfortunately.
My physician told me she was unvaccinated and planned to stay that way as she’d had covid. That was all I needed to know she’s a good doctor.
I recently took my granddaughter (10 years old) for an annual checkup. Doctor asked if she had had the vaccine. When we said no, she responded “good”…
Feel like the next step in your investigative journalism is vaccine injury. Or in somebody's investigative journalism. This is obviously why these docs are switching suddenly.
Btw, saw my doc in March. Nurse told me she'd never seen so many heart, stroke, and cancer patients in her time there. She thinks it's the vax. Doc says no way, can't be. Doc is very pro mask and vax.
Carrie is dead on. While some docs might be pushing these jabs for the money, most are true believers. They can't accept that the vaccines are harming people, because that would mean THEY harmed people, and helped push propaganda to harm even more people.
I was very reluctant to take my 16yo son to pediatrician because I didn’t want to be pressured, luckily he asked if he was vaccinated, I said “no”, he asked “by choice”, I said “yes”, end of discussion. I was relieved.
My healthy 15 yr old daughter from my first marriage recieved the first dose at school!! without my notification or consent living out of state! When i found out and attempted to talk to my daughter about putting off the second dose, she refused and got very closed/ angry. Her mother is a staunch flu shot / cov vax mask nazi, as is my current wife. After my daughters second dose she has lost her taste and dislikes the taste of chocolate now. She has gotten cov 3 times and luckily she is coming around to the idea of saying No to her mom and the boosters... I'm concerned for the long term affects. "Eyes to see and ears to hear". Apparently the luxiferian elites want to kill off all the blind followers and reduce the pop. by vac. My wifes entire family and some of mine are staunch cdc followers and all have gotten cov and very sick affer the booster. One lost vision in one eye but luckily it returned. One had their stomach/ intestines sudenly tie up in a knot for no reason. Very healthy, luckily emergency surgery fixed it in time. Drs had no explanation for it.. johnson johnson. I have been extremely hounded by dr and family for refusing the cov/ vac propoganda machine. Thought it was going to cost me my marriage. Told my wife, the holy spirit told me not to take the vax when i was offered it early as an essential worker.. told her there is nothing in this world that will get me to willingly take the vax. She acused me of being selfish etc.. every argument and coercion trick in the book, even blaming me if we lose our 3 yr old with leukemia.. she finally told me that she would not talk about it anymore.. turn off the TV and wake up ppl. The luciferian elites are in control of all/ most world media, gov/ law/ law enforcement/ military/ edu etc. They are hell bent on destroying everything holy. and put subliminal messaging content and satan in everything! Especially the children shows, toys, games, clothes.. Put down the guns and grab your Bible/ Scriptures. Learn of christ and follow him. There is nothing of this earth for us. We are not of this world. Only with god can we defeat this evil. The time is short, all things prophesied thousands of yrs ago are coming. Be prepared to head for the hills and don't look back. The city's will be beyond nightmare.. already getting there. My guess is they will not relinquish this control.. prepping for more bio warfare.. what will they release next, who will they blame it on, they will introduce/ force more jabs and digital vax id/ wallet/ implants and continue to crash the world economy's. Dan Andrews said it.. this is the nwo, we will lock you down and lock you out if you so not compy. I will never comply. God speed
Those of us who are not jabbed should consider joining this:
I joined and file a report every month about my previous month's health condition(s).
Vax Control Group's data base is going to be significant for those of us who are (or have become) Jab Skeptics. It will do what the CDC, NIH and other three-letter agencies failed to do: Show everyone the truth.
I just joined it today, but I'm not sure what more I can offer since I'm in the control group and haven't been sick since I had C19 back in February 2021. Why report my consistently great health every month? I don't get it.
Statistics are needed concerning people who have not been jabbed to compare against the widely-available figures for those who have been injected.
If you are unjabbed and become part of the Vax Control Group, your monthly health report goes in to the data base. One might contract the flu, omicron, be diagnosed with cancer (!!) or who knows what? in the previous month. One reports the condition including details about it.
Most of my unjabbed friends (five come immediately to mind) sickened with Covid had mild cases. They recovered quickly.
Two friends had bad cases, including a retired physician (in his 70s) who, after researching information about the injections, decided NO WAY would he take it. (No fool he!)
The other friend, age 92, used Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine plus lots of nutrients. Her case was bad, but she recovered just fine, thank you very much.
By comparing these figures, we are more likely to learn how "effective" the Jabs actually are. We will also get a better sense of just how serious Covid really is.
Most agree: Even a bad case of Covid is no worse than a bad flu. And, yes, one can die from Covid -- and every year people, especially the elderly with comorbidities, likewise die from the plain, ordinary, always-been-with-us flu.
BUT we need more information.
Those of us who are not jabbed will prove to be a gold mine of meaningful information.
I joined the Vax Control Group to help provide that information. Even if I contract Covid -- and how knows? I might -- THAT is useful information plus, should I succumb, its seriousness likewise be useful information.
I hope this helps. If not, let me know.
Last week I called to make an appointment with a specialist I have not seen before. The front office person asked me if I was vaccinated. I said no, she said, “not a problem”. Not a problem? That was a pleasant surprise. Last year, after my dentist office asked me that question, she tersely said, I’ll note that in your file”. In January, after checking in for an appointment at the doctors office, I was asked to wait outside until they called me. I was not allowed to sit in the waiting room with the “good patients”. Maybe things are changing.
I do wonder why they bothered to ask.
Pre-covid, my first visit to my new dermatologist they asked if I had had the flu jab. I answered no and they said nothing more. I never understood the relevance of that either - its not like they could then follow up by offering me a jab. They have never asked about covid jabs or requested we mask up and seem to have done away with the flu jab question now too.
I was told the doctor wouldn't see me if I did not wear a mask, I went to the appointment anyway without a mask and made them refuse to see me to my face. You have to make them do it. So they are not let off the hook by us canceling our own appointments, let them live with kicking us out. Someday there will be a reckoning.
So true....just keep saying NO, it is your right to do so.
I would really like to know!
My daughter's OB/GYN was pushing the covid vaccine hard to all his pregnant patients and then between Tuesday, May 24 and Thursday, May 26 all the vaccine information /propaganda was taken down from everywhere in his office including the dozens of individual patient rooms.
I have visited 2 of my Drs where the official “network” rhetoric is get the shot but they are not enforcing the wearing of masks and in one office they even had a notice that masks were optional. One tech discussed the shot with me and we agreed there was “no way” we were taking it.
he's not an doctor, but i know this one expert guy who was really in favor of them & seems to be distancing from them now
During an interview to promote his new book, Bill Gates said that COVID is just like the flu, hurts the elderly more, and that the vaccines are imperfect.
Gates explained, “We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate & that it’s a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu is, although a bit different than that.”
Regarding the vaccines, Gates said, “once Omicron comes along, the vaccine is not reducing transmission, hardly at all, particularly about three or four months after you take the vaccine.”
Time Gates was ... put to one side, shall we say?
Gates = ☠ or 👺😈
The therapy never reduced any variants' transmission.