I’ve gotten 3 calls from the state of NC reminding me that vaccines are available for my 8 and 11 yo children. My pediatrician isn’t pushing them and is open his wife and 3 kids haven’t and won’t get them. My “yay I’m getting my kids experimental medical treatments” friends have all gone silent on Covid now asserting it’s time to move on. 🙄

No one in our house has or will be getting these stupid big pharmacy subscription plans. No one alive is unaware they are available. My husband and I added to our will it won’t happen even over our dead bodies for good measure. It does give me an excuse to write the state a nasty email each time they call. In 10 years I’m going to FOIA myself for entertainment. 😂

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This is why they'll resort to force. (via mandate)

"We tried to do this the easy way."

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“Our patience is wearing thin.” Second most obnoxious speech Biden has ever given.

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Yes! Im guessing the winner is his recent red hell backdrop O Fortuna 88 Red Dawn movie trailer speech?

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I liked Gutfeld calling it Lucifer’s lament.

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I hadn't heard that, but it's hysterical.

At least comedians on the Right are still funny!

Thanks for sharing!

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Yes...very funny. But also sad and potentially scary since it is also literally true.

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Probably tied with about 50 others.

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It’s hard to force anything on the majority (not that the attempts won’t happen). In preparation for the next attempt to control I’ve started paying cash everywhere I can. That is the next push and, like vaccines, it’ll only fail if enough of us simply say no and pay in cash as much as possible.

It’s really weird to walk around with a ton of cash, but it’s worth it for the reactions alone. I have a love/ hate relationship with Lululemon. Hate the company but can’t help but love the products (same with Alo 😏). Anywho I’m taking my daughter to pick up more shorts and a hoody tomorrow and I’m counting on a great reaction. It’ll almost be disappointing if they act normal at checkout.

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Hey if you want to buy Lulu or Athleta with a clearer conscience, try "thrifting." Luv ya, NCmom.

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Cash only for me too.

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Its what most people keep forgetting. The same people who tried this before are the same people in the very same positions receiving "we the people" funded pay raises for what was done to us, and intentionally. I mean WTF! Until these people who are KNOWN actually feel some real accountability why would this end. Sure slow for now, but seriously? There is an absolute crisis in ACCOUNTABILITY and it's beyond measure at this point. Look what was done to humanity and intentionally the past 3 years and not ONE person has remotely been held accountable. Not ONE. Just sayin...AGAIN

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Oh, plenty of people got fired for what they said and did.......only it was for speaking out against the narrative or refusing to get a jab.

That tells you a lot about where we're at. :(

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The medical establishment has sown the seeds of distrust among the public. Any more mandates, whether over Covid shots or something new, will be met with hostile resistance.

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At this point they might be hoping for hostile resistance as an excuse for further crackdowns.

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Some of those who think they'll benefit from authoritarianism may have that hope. But that's some damn risky business.

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Ask Sri Lanka.

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Next, after the IRS, the feds will be arming the NIH and CDC. Better buy that extra ammo now!

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I really hope so!!!!

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Someone really high up literally said something ~a year ago like, "The optional phase of the vaccination program is over." Absolutely mindblowing.

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Nice to be reassured our tax monies keep funding all the PSA's pushing injections again and again and again as if they are safe and effective. How do they get away with it...STILL!

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Don't those PSAs piss you off? Every time I see one, I want to scream.

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Big Pharma & their lobbyists most likely pay for production & initial talent costs--the only real costs to PSA's. See, the airtime is not charged for. And talent unions give waivers on standard residuals. ("If" they're union--more a rarity now in commercials, but that's a whole 'nother thread.)

There's a convenient little government propaganda perk built into licensing broadcasters: they are required to run a certain number of PSA's per day/week to retain the license. And the top "paying" advertisers are all Pharma-related. (Just look how much Pfizer sponsors!) Pharma commercial media buys are most likely negotiated with a certain number of "push the vax" PSA's aired as a bonus for the paid commercials also pushing their products. The more paid advertising they get, the more the stations/networks push their "public services."(Monetizing specific PSA's as ad buy bonuses is how they can run them more frequently than for non-profits that actually perform useful services to enhance communities.)

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This is interesting to me as it is actually quite hard to contact me.

I have not had a fixed line phone since '16. If someone calls my cell phone and I do not recognize the number and they do not leave a message, I put it in the "block" life. If they leave a message and it is not something I'm interested in, I also put it in the block list. Even coming to my front door does not work. My wife and I don't answer the door because of too many solicitors and proselytizers. Email? I delete what I consider spam. These actually have no way to contact me.

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I didn’t answer, nor did I block. It was a pre-recording calling from different numbers and it did leave a message each time. Novant calls with actual humans on repeat - I get a monthly call from an actual human for vaccines, well child, anything else that can make them money. I respond if I have a question I’ll call or email their doctor.

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"10 years I’m going to FOIA myself for entertainment. 😂"

Classic 😂🤣🤣🤣!!!

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Thats a great idea! Your will. Way to think of that NC mom. Bc when your kids are young. You never know. Bravo!!!

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Next up: New vaccine mandates for kids to go to school! Because government will control everything it can, right up until they are forced to stop.

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They tried it in California at the start of last school year. We basically moved because of it (and the remote work revolution). When only about 30% of parents, even in CA, went for it, they abandoned ship and headed for the hills...for now. Like all truly evil people, Richard Pan will never give up.

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That was the OLD jab! This one is TOTALLY better, we pinky swear!

As you say, they will never give up.

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Commander, believe California made two attempts at mandating kids be jabbed. It didn't work earlier so they said it would be "delayed."

They came back again and the gross mandate to experiment on kids failed again.

Hope some of these parents know how to vote in November. 🥳

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I hope that their vote still matters. It's all mail-in down in CA, isn't it?

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It is. But we are coming together to have the largest Election Day vote in person in decades. Election Integrity Project of CA has been giving presentations up and down the state to inform voters how elections are stolen…what comprises election fraud. We’re having drop box tailgate parties beginning when the ballots are mailed out. No mail in ballots for those of us informed. No drop boxes. Gavin Newsom did not win the recall. I’m convinced they cheated. I worked the recall tables and my tables had as many Dems as republicans signing recall petitions.

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Im surprised people when they see these unattended ballot boxes dont just dump a gallon of dog shit into it.

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Hahaha, that would be a crime. The Bad Guys only get to shit on us, not us on them.

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In Cali you gotta search hard for dog shit, it gets lost in all the homeless shit.

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It didn't matter before the mail-in, LA County has always had interesting amounts of eligible voters vs actual voters and they aren't the only county here who likes to cheat.

Check it out, 2017 story below. The 2020 PANDEMIC just allowed the counties to cheat more.


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I was highly suspicious at the results of the Newsom recall, and I can't imagine I was the only one.

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Glad you got yourself and your kids out over this. Mine are grown but I would have done the same thing or homeschooled. Gavin Newsom has pushed the vaccine mandate back to the fall of 2023. I believe they are waiting to see the outcome of the midterm, and if the Dems hold power in the House and Senate, the mandates will be back full force.

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DC still has the mandate in place 🤬

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Pan and his vaccine work group didn’t see a lot of success this year, but you’re right, he never gives up, he’ll be back to gut and amend some new bills next legislative season.

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The blessing is what Alex is reporting. Because so few have chosen to vaccinate, they can’t mandate it. Had more parents lined their kids up, then yes, mandates certainly would be happening, starting with public schools. A big THANK YOU for all the parents who woke up.

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this isn't so much about jabbing all the kids as it is about getting the vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule itself

once that happens, Comirnaty will enjoy all the legal protections of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

that is to say, Comirnaty will magically be approved (as opposed to authorized) and we will get to enjoy the real pharma commercials with happy, paranoid people frolicking in fields and the background murmuring "...may cause strokes, blood clots, myocarditis & it seems dimentia and diabetes somehow"

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Ok Doctors - you got some splainin’ to do.

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And the worst part is that mandates disproportionately harm impoverished and minority students. In many school districts, including DC, nearly half of all black students are unvaccinated.


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So true! If anybody's looking for pure actual racism, they just need to look at any politician who defunds the police, is soft on sentencing, closes public schools cuz "Covid", wants open borders near your town not theirs, pushes No-ID voting so POC's aren't helplessly "disenfranchised", and drives a Tesla with a bumper sticker: "Keep Private Schools White, Vote No on School Choice", or might as well if they vote no on School Choice.

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You just reminded me why I ran from DC 30 years ago.

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It isn’t going to happen because they would lose a huge number of kids. They are now sticking mRNA in all kinds of jabs. How about a mRNA cov/flu/rsv to spice things up?? Lol. The only mRNA going into me or mine is what we were born with. The only way to stop this is to outright reject them in all forms.

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California already requires the full vaccine schedule to attend school. Another motivation for home schooling.

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50 years of Joe Biden. Decades as a Senator, 8 years as Vice President and now President and he's solved absolutely nothing, but has created a crisis after crisis and lied repeatedly to further his political agenda and maintain his power and control over the American people.

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But the adults are back in charge! No more mean tweets! Unless you count the ones that say Biden's political adversaries are clear and present dangers to America.

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...only to become an embarrassment to his political handlers. Covid over? Apparently Uncle Joe only speaks for himself in national interviews.

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There's way too much cash being thrown around for covid to be 'over'. We've built up multi-million-dollar industries that only exist because of the way that government has distorted the incentives around the virus. TEST TEST TEST!

On the bright side, now I can buy a gallon of hand sanitizer for 99 cents.

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Yes, the covid industrial complex is very real, as is the medical cartel. Never let a good pandemic go to waste!

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This is the most Fraudulent

Administration ever. Please name 3 areas

they are proficient at?

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Inflation, crime, and the weaponization of the DOJ.

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Racism, Bullying and Fraud.

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"I've got nothing" -- as the press sec is wont to respond.

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Indeed he has and does. I will not march into an oven.

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At what point will they realize? Clearly never.

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Well, look at what the malo gato dragged in! Nice to see you slumming with us here, Steve.

Any Congressional critter staff ever get back to you?

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With uptake that low, the pediatricians have also recognized the risk reward is so in favor of not getting the Vax. If the pediatricians really pushed them hard there would be more uptake but they would lose patients.

The experiments that led to the approval for children, restarted, terrible confidence intervals also would lead the pediatricians to have no enthusiasm

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A common theme in this pandemic: The price of moral certitude shouldered by those least equipped to pay it. That kids were used as pawns is reprehensible.

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There is an untold story and likely little research about the rise of antivaxxers, in response to how governments and health agencies handled the Covid theraeutic.

The facts that:

1. my doctor was forbidden to tell me his true thoughts (or risk losing his license),

2. the fact that they lied about the data,

3. The fact that unrelated professions (speech therapy, chiropractors, etc...) were all forced by their colleges to not say anything that might disparage uptake.

4. they hid adverse effects,

5. they lied/bluffed about it being safe for pregnant women (despite the fact they don't even recommend cold medicine for pregnant women),

6. most politicians turned cloak on their word and enforced mandates (regardless of what we were seeing the rest of the world).

7. The fact they censored all opposition, got highly qualified doctors silenced from society...

I'm a highly educated reasonable person, who now doesn't trust our institutions anymore. My children will not be receiving their next routine shots - and it's not because I don't trust the older vaccines, I no longer trust the authorities that are delivering them. I don't trust informed consent anymore, and therefore wouldn't put it passed them to mix the covid vaccine in with routine shots.

Lying and coersion destroy public trust. We often expect this from our politicians but certainly not from scientific bodies, and in 2 years they've struck a massive confidence blow that took a century to build.

A quick google search indicates I'm not alone - https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/how-distrust-childhood-vaccines-could-lead-more-breakouts-preventable-diseases - they really really sh#t the bed, and there's likely a serious story here that the medical community needs to learn from.

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Yes, having a medical license at this point makes you suspect. Having lost it, is badge of honor and bravery.

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Thank you for this!

"My children will not be receiving their next routine shots - and it's not because I don't trust the older vaccines, I no longer trust the authorities that are delivering them. I don't trust informed consent anymore, and therefore wouldn't put it passed them to mix the covid vaccine in with routine shots."

This is exactly what I would think any rational person might think (Alex and MD wife?) after the 7 points listed above. Our newly elected - for a very brief term - representative called me for my vote while campaigning, and I asked her where she stood on injection mandates and she hemmed and hawed. I told her I felt like I've been living in a bad science fiction horror movie with untested injectables being pushed into children. She got off the phone quickly.

She did not get my vote.

And the actual research on older vaccines is damning as well if you look into them with half a brain. I am newly horrified by this revelation as well.........

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Meant to say, the actual research on older vaccines is damning too if anyone looks into them with half a brain. I am newly horrified by this revelation as well.........

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My HS freshman just wrote an essay against vaccine mandates. And targeted all mandates. He argued Child Vaccine Schedule points, conflicts of interest and past got fails (eugenics). So proud! I don't care what grade he gets (you know, grading bias) - yes he had listened to me but he did his own research also.

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Those here in this household are proud of him too! That is awesome!

We raised 5 children and our oldest son has told us about his research into vaccines for over a decade. We thought he was exaggerating and being a little too emphatic.

I have apologized to him SO many times in the past 20 months after actually studying this dark art myself. If anything, he had tried to gently inform us these past 10 years.

I was instinctively cautious "vaccinating" our children, they only got the minimum, which were very few back then and as late as possible, all past the age of 5. I never understood on any level vaccinating an infant, knowing their immune systems were not developed yet.

When the hep. A and B and newer shots became mandated for our two youngest in high school, I called the CDC to get reassurances about safety and the doctor they had me talk to told me - EXACT QUOTE - "If I were you, I would not get these shots for my sons". (!) This was after telling me there is NO long term safety data on any vaccine. (!) Our son's friend and our next door neighbor had seizures from his new vaccines 3 weeks later........

Please tell your son thank you for us - for his work on this subject.

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Well said!!

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Someone should study the 325K who got the shot for long term complications!

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That Elmo ad was actually very helpful at convincing my kids (age 7 and 10 at the time) that they did NOT want the “vaccine.” I eagerly showed it to them on my iPad and asked them to watch it and ask themselves the question, “are these people talking to me with respect and treating me like an intelligent child?” They were totally disturbed and annoyed by Elmo and co, and I never heard another complaint about feeling social pressure from their vaxxed friends.

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Good job there Mom!!!!

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It's extraordinary that you have dug so deep into covid but not into the other vaccines on the schedule.

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I’ve been busy

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Fair. But you do have children so imagine it would be worth it.

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Thank you for “being busy” !

The minds that have been opened to questioning one “vaccine”, may be opened to questioning all vaccines, and pharmaceuticals, and treatments.

Nothing wrong with more questioning

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So...your children’s health isn’t worth your time?? Come on, Alex. The simple fact that not ONE TRUE DOUBLE BLIND RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL has been done on ANY childhood vaccine should make you stop and think! Not ONE. Most all of them used other vaccines as the “placebo”. That is NOT science, but it’s the truth. Do some digging - it’s all there if you look for it.

One more thing...this is off topic but I had to mention it. Saw your recent Joe Rogan appearance. You are dead wrong about Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. There have been 65 cases (last I checked) among those vaccinated and the majority of them happened within 1-2 months of the jab. And those are only the reported ones. We already know that vax AEs are grossly underreported. This is an EXCEEDINGLY rare disease, so the fact that there have been that many cases post-vax is alarming. Not only that, but a paper was published in February 2021 in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases regarding the possibility that the vax contains proteins KNOWN to cause prion mis-folding, which is what causes CJD and several other neurodegenerative diseases. As a nurse practitioner myself, I was alarmed at this, but it only served to reinforce my stance on the subject. TPTB can trash J. Bart Classen all they want, but that doesn’t change the science- and it’s not new. Check it out - enlighten yourself!



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The TX Children's Hospital in Houston vaccine promotion has almost been as relentless as the "we are experts at treating children's heart conditions" is now.

Funny that, as I have raised 3 kids in the past 20 years in this town and I don't remember TX Children's ever promoting itself as a "heart center."

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I fear that after they've ridden the covid horse into the ground, the "heart center" will become a "gender clinic."

I'm not kidding. These people frighten me.

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I remember a Houston ER doc on Newsmax every single morning of ‘21 promoting this poison. It was absolutely disgusting the way he spoke about the unvaxxed.

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Parents are continuing to protect the world at large. Government! Keep your mits off our kids!

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My two girls are 13 and 19 (sophomore in college). Neither one is COVID vaxxed, and they never will be. I even declined the HPV vax for my youngest and I’m now angry I was talked into it for my oldest. Despite ALL the pressure her university threw at her (no mandate, thankfully) including tuition reimbursement (partial), cash, and athletic tickets, she stayed strong.

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Agreed, Katie. We have a neighbor (who is very senior at Merck) who insisted to all of us - YEARS AGO- that the HPV Vaxx was a “no-brainer.” So two of my daughters received. I’m so angry with myself now. Stupid and blind, to listen to that pharma BS.

My youngest daughter and son will be spared, thankfully.

But I feel guilty for not being more attentive to the vaccine pushers.

Re: the COVID vax? I don’t feel an ounce of guilt if some of the docs submitted for the college mandates may be....inaccurate?

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This covid crap, woke us up. We know now.

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You can be so proud of her. What a life lesson and strength she's earned.

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The risk-reward ratio is horrendous.

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The entire 'vax the kids' movement should have been shut down the very minute Big Pharma said "Kids aren't really at risk from covid, so we're measuring antibodies to determine effectiveness."

If kids are at no risk from covid, there's obviously no reward to the jab -- only actual risk.

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Most of this scandalously bad response (including lockdowns, masks in schools, vaccines for people at low risk) would have been impossible if officials had been obligated to justify each of the actions taken with a risk-reward/cost-benefit analysis.

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I think 325,000 is criminal.

Also: "Even the HPV vaccine, which is more controversial because it is designed against a virus that is generally transmitted sexually, is now taken by about two-thirds of all adolescents."

It isn't just controversial because of how the virus is transmitted. It is because the side effects were hidden deliberately. Guardasil was playing games with the 'placebo'.

It is controversial because Drs are not being honest and presenting the benefit/risk tradeoff.

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There is a rise in leukemia in young women and it correlates to the HPV vaccine.... no one is talking about this. One should NEVER get that vaccine either.

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Yes! There’s a number of lawsuits active against Merck for the H P V jab, as their pre clinical trial data shows they knew that the v increased the chances of cervical cancer (and other types im sure), and they committed fraud to get the v approved. Check out Children’s Health Defense for more info on the lawsuits

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I was so mad when I read the Dr saying it is controversial because the virus is spread sexually. She knows exactly what she's doing. My own wife took my girls to get HPV because it is a woman-thing. All three girls refused it. Just didn't feel right to them. They lie about the risks of cervical cancer from this virus, they lie about how you can prevent it and they lie about the side-effects. Other than that, trust your Doctor?

I went to dermatologist. Each exam room has a large screen tv running ads from CVS for getting HPV. So that is coercion from CVS, and my dermatologist with a creepy propaganda slot. Remember how they used to list side-effects on tv? Apparently, they don't do that anymore.

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those parents who got their kids vaccinated with mRNA vaccines would probably agree with their kids getting sex change operations.

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Agree? More like suggest.

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The State of California has sent out mass emails to medical providers several times since June or July now. These emails are asking medical providers to give the covid vaccine to the under 5's. They have even offered an incentive of $25,000 as a 'set up fee' to the medical providers, to help doctors set up their clinics for this vaccination program, and to get trained on how to vaccinate babies and young children. Doctors who see newborns and up are already giving the regular childhood vaccines to this age group, and do not need any training or 'set up' from the State, yet they still could get the $25K just for giving the Covid vaccine. My workplace has gotten at least three of the emails identifying us as the perfect candidate for this program, even though we are already seeing newborns, and do not need any training in how to vaccinate babies, or help from the state in setting up the clinic to provide vaccination. Most doctors are not giving the Covid vaccine to kids in their offices in California, though a $25K incentive will attract certain types I am sorry to say.

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This is awful! Do you have one of these emails or know where I can view one? Thanks!

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It's a grant and you can read it here. The deadline to sign up has passed.


Here is a section of the email:

VFC Providers: We Need Your Help in Vaccinating Against COVID-19!

COVID-19 vaccines for infants and toddlers are here! After extensive clinical trials, the vaccines are proven to be safe and effective in protecting children ages 6 months and up against COVID-19. Infants and toddlers receive a smaller dose of the vaccine, and it is recommended that they are vaccinated against COVID-19 along with their other regular immunizations. Your ability to properly store vaccine, immunize young children, and serve as the medical home for infants and toddlers makes you ideal for the California COVID-19 Vaccine Program. Most pharmacies in California cannot vaccinate patients younger than 3 years old, so it is critical that your younger patients receive their vaccine at their medical home. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has also recently shared a message (see attached) with VFC Providers on the importance of your role and continued service to our nation’s children.

Since COVID-19 vaccines cannot be ordered through the VFC Program, all providers interested in ordering and administering COVID vaccines will need to enroll in the California COVID-19 Vaccination Program. Vaccines will then be available to request through the myCAvax system once your location is enrolled and approved. Please consider enrolling if you have not already.

Apply now for the KidsVaxGrant before the 7/15/22 deadline!

The KidsVaxGrant can reimburse practices up to $25,000. This grant is available exclusively to VFC Providers through Friday, July 15, 2022.

Allowable expenses may include staffing, training, technology, infrastructure, supplies and equipment, and administrative overhead.

VFC providers enrolling in myCAvax (from 12/17/21 through 7/15/22) could receive $10K to support enrollment and launching a vaccination center!

Enrolled providers could also receive $15K for expanding operations a minimum of 15 hours to provide additional options for working families!

Funding is limited! Visit the KidsVaxGrant page for additional details.

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I'm a politically homeless (actual) liberal, but I must say that California is a complete shitshow for kids/doctors at this point.

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