Following my booster shot, my menstrual cycle changed significantly. It shortened from 26 days to 21 days and, sorry for the TMI, the blood became pinker and lighter. When I googled what it means when a cycle is shorter and less red, it said it reflects a decrease in estrogen. I think the booster caused my estrogen production to decline. It’s been 8 months since the booster and it hasn’t reversed.

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Is this what "Science" (America's doctor) referred to as "the menstrual thing"? Very sorry to hear this. My wife thought I was crazy when I pleaded with her not to get in line for the shot with her fellow teachers, and was subjected to maltreatment as a result of heeding my warning. Among her coworkers have been stillbirths, a case of early menopause, and all kinds of weird menstrual stuff (though they were mostly given JNJ).

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Friend of mine, 70 yo, had a period and blood vessels broke in both her eyes after 2nd jab. Her doc said " nothing to worry about" 😒

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How old are you?

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Sep 1, 2022
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I was curious about MTH's age because if she's older, could be entering menopause.

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Early 40s. I thought same thing, maybe just menopause. But it was weird how closely it coincided with booster. Also, after my booster, my lymph node got swollen and sore. Then went away. Then next month, it got swollen and sore again right before my period, like part of PMS. I felt like it was all connected.

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Sep 1, 2022
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in the 2.9 years since the Fauci funded whu-flu was lab released in CHINA not ONE person or entity has remotely been held accountable. Not ONE. The absolute # 1 crisis we face is the utter lack or ZERO accountability at almost every level of society, but especially in the SWAMP and the deep end Pharma-Medical-Government industrial complex area of said swamp in particular. Not ONE! Considering what has transpired in that time frame to humanity it's truly astonishing. Here we are simply discussing the aftermath of ongoing crimes against humanity as if it's entertaining and interesting. I mean WTF! Just sayin...

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You're ABSOLUTELY right. And these days, we aren't even holding criminals to account either, what with the appalling number of criminal cases dropped by DAs around the country. Oh, unless you're a prominent Republican, and then the book is thrown at you. It's as if somehow the wheels suddenly fell off of society all at once, and it's truly alarming.

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Right. The ZERO lack of real accountability exist at every level of society. ALL BLUE city and BLUE run states policies. So blatantly OBVIOUS isn't it.

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Miki - Any bleeding after menopause should be brought to your doctor's attention.

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Best to stay far away from Doctors. They did the damage in the first place right?

There we go with the lack of common sense again.

Miki could be dead if she listened to the Doctors.

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C'mon, that's pure paranoia.

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I know for a fact what happened to you has happened to others.



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Are you vaccinated also? Be careful. Bleeding after menopause can be a sign of fibroids or endometrial cancer. Consider a visit to the GYN soon.

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Are you one of the paid Evils?

Best to stay far away from Doctors. They did the damage in the first place right?

There we go with the lack of common sense again.

Miki could be dead if she listened to the Doctors.

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Miki that happened to me too. Had been in menopause a year then out of blue, after being with vaxxed friend, I bled for a few days. Freaked me out but as its never happened again and been over a year it could just have been a random event, but it makes you wonder...

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Makes one WONDER if the non injected are truly purebloods, as so many like to think choosing not to take injections yet perhaps passively getting it anyway. I do know the NIH is actively working now to develop "live vaccine" tech. Maybe it's already amongst us...

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Same - I have also wondered this.

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Sep 1, 2022Edited
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Right! One of the harder aspects of the crimes against humanity to confront for certain.

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Sep 1, 2022
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Whatever problems there might be with MRNA vaccines, you being hugged by someone who took it will not affect you in any way. If you weren't vaccinated, then the vaccine has nothing to do with your problem. There are reasonable doubts about the entire, "warp speed to market" vaccination program, which is what Alex writes about. And then there's ridiculous, unfounded fears. I don't mean to disrespect you, but a mere hug by a vaccinated person will not harm you in any way. There's no mechanism for it to happen.

And as other commenters points out, a visit to your doctor wouldn't be a terrible idea.


Kim G

Roma Sur, Mexico City

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Dr. Seneff has a theory for why we are seeing what appears to be some sort of shedding.


I have been researching the possible link between the mRNA vaccines and prion diseases, and I believe I have hit pay dirt. The vaccine industry was pleased to see that the mRNA vaccines concentrate in the spleen at so-called germinal centers. Antigen-presenting dendritic cells in these centers play a crucial role in inducing a strong antibody response. Unfortunately, those same germinal centers are also a primary source of prion complexes released as exosomes. These exosomes travel along the vagus nerve straight to the brain, causing multiple prion-based neurodegenerative diseases - Dementia, Parkinson's, CKD, ALS, etc.

What I surmise is happening is that vaccinated people are producing prion-protein-containing exosomes that are spreading throughout their bodies along lymph channels, ending up in the brain and in the lungs. The exosomes are then escaping from the lungs into the air, where neighboring unvaccinated people take them up by breathing in the exosomes.


K Lederer et al. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines Foster Potent Antigen-Specific Germinal Center Responses Associated with Neutralizing Antibody Generation. Immunity 53: 1281-1295.


I Al-Dybiat et al. (2019). Prion Strain-dependent Tropism is Maintained between Spleen and Granuloma and Relies on Lymphofollicular Structures. Scientific Reports 9: 14656.


S Liu et al. (2017). Prions on the Run: How Extracellular Vesicles Serve as Delivery Vehicles for Self-templating Protein Aggregates. Prion 11(2): 98-112.


JA Steiner et al. (2011). A Deadly Spread: Cellular Mechanisms of α-Synuclein Transfer. Cell Death and Differentiation 18: 1425-1433.

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Here we go with maybeTMI & a little NMI. 🙂 It may be "random" because something similar happened to me about 12 years ago. I had been-post menopausal for several years, then something very emotionally significant happened in my life (good, but still scary - i.e. a stressor); and I bled for a day. All I could think of was the physical was related to the VERY emotional. Hasn't happened since even though I've been very negatively stressed. No idea really, just throwing spaghetti but wanted to let you know it's happened to someone else.

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What do you mean “no alternative?” A vaccine is a mitigation measure, not a therapeutic. There is ALWAYS an alternative and we as a country should be demanding answers and Philip Morris trials. This is actually Nuremberg trials.

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I agree but I think, if we keep speaking up, it’ll be closer to Nuremberg. If we don’t, those of us being honest and speaking out about the truth will be the ones paying the ultimate price.

A year ago I thought mass formation was a bit out there, yes it had happened, but globally? People giving into stuff this evidently wrong and honestly this stupid? For a cold to 99.99% of the population under 65 that isn’t obese?

Talking with friends who are both total Covidians, but also acknowledge the story keeps changing and there is risk from these shots they give their kids anyway, and harm from all this “mitigation,” are really woken me up that it’s not about the virus. It’s about the “cause” and having something to lay their anxiety on.

I haven’t ever watched Tucker Carlson Today on Fox Nation before today. I didn’t want to pay for a talking head. I was curious enough about professor Mattias Demsment’s work in this area that I paid up watched this morning after dropping the kids at school and it was WELL worth it. He went into some detail on past mass formations - all of which are illogical lunacy. He talked about how some have stopped while others have not. Well worth the listen and Tucker barely said anything.

Basically, we need to keep speaking out no matter what, at every opportunity, telling the truth and asking questions. We also need to accept many simply won’t wake up. If we speak out loudly and don’t give up - no matter what happens in an election or what terrible thing comes next - the masses will wear themselves out and some will destroy their own lives, but not everyone else’s life.

If we don’t, the fact that this crap isn’t working and is causing harm won’t matter. Anyone who doesn’t fall in line will be destroyed. The gulags and the camps and the witch burning and the hangings and the firing squads of the last 120 years are what always follows when the honest distended goes quiet. It’s what unchecked mass formation leads to, but it’s by no means where it starts. It starts where we have been at least the last 2 years, and possibly the last 5.

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I am of the opinion this is spiritual.

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Matt 11:28-30

Agree, and most covidiians are victims, rather than perpetrators of the lie. My wise wife must constantly remind me of this.

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“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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Yes. The context here is where Jesus is refuting the power the Pharisee had over the culture. Evil men, "experts" of their day, who manipulate those who want to be good, into a tangled net of useless rules and prohibitions.

Covidism, with its silly and humiliating rituals, does social and individual harm. The Pharisees, with their pride, uniquely angered Christ. "You hypocrite", was his greeting to them.

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BigE, But they will be the undoing of the whole population if they are not stopped.

Tell your wife that.

Public officials keep the lie alive so they're not held accountable for lying in the first place. People keep the lie alive because they can't process what they've potentially done to themselves and their families

( credit of last 2 sentences goes to someone else)

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I'm not gonna tell her... You tell her. LOL

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Wise man.

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That’s a big point of what the guy was saying. People are looking for something because they are really detached from the natural world in a spiritual way and looking for somewhere to find meaning.

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Yes to some extent, the lack of God in the lives of many in society makes mass formation psychosis more likely.

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FYI I am 65 and obese and it was not even a cold...

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I’m glad it was very mild for you as well. I don’t know any sane human that actually wants others yo be sick or suffering. I also think for the vast majority of every demographic people come through just fine.

For the vast majority of every health risk this thing is and was always pretty mild, though I think the overall risk level for you is a bit higher than the younger crowd, and I think voluntary mitigation to reduce risk when reasonable for the older demographic is fine and humane, it’s the mandates mass child abuse to virtue signal but not actually protect anyone I have the biggest issue with.

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I watched that too. Pretty scary eh?!

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Scary but I’m actually pretty hopeful. Far more than 5% of us held the line with lots of dissent. And we weren’t silent. We also didn’t burn down cities. We have a good 15% at least willing to stand up to this - openly and loudly.

Plus, wokeism is so toxic and has no end game. Look at kiddie vax rates. People said my kids are a bridge too far. Consider the wokest. They are quickly reaching middle age and their lives are empty. Most have no children, no steady relationships, no meaningful community in their actual physical lives, and lots weird sexual fettishes that typically end in drug overdoses because no one actually likes being a living pass around blow up doll by night and masked nobody by day. They are heading quickly towards irrelevance. For the woke who do have kids, the genuine believers, their kids are screwed regardless of what regime takes power.

I’m aware of the risks, but if anything I’m proud of the dissent and more likely to keep refusing to shut up and go away. Wokeism and Covidians are so self destructive I believe we can outlast them and thrive. Plus, Pharma profits aren’t exactly helping their cause. The true believers will get shot 5 and the risk of injury is exponential with each dose. It still has the original spikes in it.

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Keep pushing back.

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I refused the vaccine and I told my wife if she vaccinated the kids, I'd file for divorce. She took one of my kids to the doctor because he was sick and I told her that I do not give consent to have him tested for covid-19. They can test for strep or the common cold but under no circumstances was she to allow a covid test. When these vaccines came out, there was no longitudinal data, the pharma companies were given immunity from liability lawsuits, all dissent was squashed, and the government, big tech, and the mainstream media were trying to coerce everyone into taking the vaccine through shaming (you're being irresponsible), guilting (you're killing old people), threats (you'll lose your job), and incentives (money). None of this felt right to me --- none of it. I didn't feel right about "2 weeks to slow the spread" I wasn't convinced the masks worked, I didn't feel right about PCR testing a perfectly healthy individual, I didn't feel right about quarantining an asymptomatic person for two weeks solely because he was exposed to a sick person. I thought the 6 foot rule was absurd. If I've learned anything over the past 2 years is that most people are incapable of independent thought and they just go along with whatever the mainstream media throws at them. I had always heard about propaganda but I had not seen it in real life -- until now.

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I warned of this risk to fertility back in February 2021, before peak uptake of COVID vaccines in the US and abroad.


Unfortunately, I was later proven correct in my further warning of a year ago, that the COVID vaccines likely rival or exceed the 80-90% effectiveness of the "morning-after pill" in ending a pregnancy: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-may-rival-or-exceed

Now latest estimates are an 87.5% miscarriage risk from COVID vaccines. Dr. Pierre Kory shows that here:


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We have to demand trials now. There is enough correlative data, or circumstantial evidence, to begin imprisoning ANYONE who was involved with approving these and/or mandating them and/or suppressing adverse reactions.

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I agree. Start cranking out lawsuits early and often.

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We’re already winning them. Look up the 10.3 million dollar settlement with hospital staff. I think Alex had a Substack on it.

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Those miscarriage analysis were wrong. Actually the Singapore data should put the nail in the idea of miscarriage rates this high. Cannot be much more than an increase in baseline miscarriage rate by more than ~10%. Possibly as high as 20% if the baseline rate of attempted pregnancies went up 10%. Otherwise we are to believe Singaporean women are miraculously having live births of previously miscarried babies. It’s time to drop the myth of 80%+ miscarriage rates. It simply cannot be true. And I say this as someone who has previously pushed that number. I was wrong about it and so are you. Continuing to push this idea is causing a loss of credibility. The reality is that there is very likely a real drop in fertility but not due to 80+% miscarriage rates.

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Your assertion of wrongness is noted. Your proof is absent. Please refute with linked and verifiable data Dr. Kory's very straightforward arithmetic in the 6th, 7th and 8th paragraphs of his article above derived from screenshot of Pfizer data, here again linked: https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/massive-miscarriage-rates-among-vaccinated

I think your confusion is not distinguishing between women vaccinated before pregnancy and those vaccinated during pregnancy. Also, we know all the Pfizer women in Pfizer's data were vaccinated; we don't know real (versus reported) vaccine uptake among pregnant women in Singapore

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I believe there is a real reduction in fertility. From the uk weekly Covid reports it seems clear that it doesn’t affect 2nd or 3rd trimester vaccinations. There are likely several mechanisms including increase in miscarriage from early 1st trimester vaccinations. When final 2021 numbers are reported by ivf clinics, we should start to see clear evidence of this. I suspect the increase in miscarriage will be elevated but substantially below 80%. Time will tell.

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And we have zero clue what effect will be in the children of these babies?! I

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The unvaxxed will inherit this earth.

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Yep. Looking for a t-shirt to that effect LOL.

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Why "unless they have no alternative."? I would dig ditches rather than keep my job, but risk missing out on the joy of children.

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Don't remember our Public Health officials saying to a 35year old woman that the vaccine could cause fertility issues? I do know that the inserts said you should talk to your doctor, so there is that. You all saw that in the 4 page insert right?

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Common sense. Women who want children must protect their ability to carry them. Most of us don't need to be told this was a bad idea.

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It makes college and business mandates particularly inhumane. Many businesses still have vaccine requirements. It is really bad. I hope there is a reckoning.

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I hope every last college and business that still has mandates with zero accommodations fails and goes under. EVERY LAST ONE. While my stupid employer still has mandates, they are smart enough to grant religious exemptions without questioning us.

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Yes, but they've violated the Nuremberg Principles by *coercing* you to participate in a medical experiment.

They violated all of them with this.

They don't think of themselves as Nazis.

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Well, they TRIED to...but Title VII prevailed. I'll be retiring within 2-3 years anyway. Planning to ride this out until then, then SAYONARA BITCHEZ

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My ignoramus company has kept its mandate also. Luckily for me they granted all religious exemptions I heard of, including mine. But it’s shameful they have held on to this worthless mandate. They really are run by idiots.

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yes, really!

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My daughter was pregnant and her OB told her it was perfectly fine to get the booster. That there were no known issues to having this during pregnancy. Apparently the OB did not do any research into this. My daughter did carry her baby to full term, however baby had some heart issues after being born. Is it related to the booster? We will never know I'm sure. And I did tell my daughter not to get the booster but she trusted her OB.

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My SIL is heavily pregnant and I worry so much about her unborn son, with 2 parents that are jabbed 16 ways to Sunday. Of course, I also worry about their toddler, as she was in the Moderna jab trials as a 1 year old. 😭

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I know two babies born with lung issues when their moms were vaccinated early in their pregnancies. Anecdotal, I know.

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"You all saw that in the 4 page insert right?"

Yeah, as the nurse was holding the filled syringe in her hand, and the line of people waiting to get the shot got longer and longer behind you. So much for "informed consent." It's all designed to pressure people into doing what the Powers That Be want.

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Doesn't matter, because politics...

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This is anecdotal. My wife took the miRNA jab in Feb 2021, she had a couple of weird menstrual cycles. I got the J&J in October of 2021. We both got Covid in December 2021. (Crazy that the J&J didn't even give me 2 months of protection). We started trying for our second baby in January. She got pregnant in Feb 2022, baby girl is due in November. My wife never got a booster so I think that is why it was able to work so quickly for us when we started trying.

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As you say, anecdotal. I know a lot of people that are having babies despite of having being vaxed, don't knw how many times, but many. But, the big picture is that they have a negative effect, not in everybody, of course.

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That's right. It's anectdotal. The vaxx is linked to myocarditis is some people, mainly boys. The vaxx may have reproductive consequences. The vaxx may make you more susceptible to catching covid. The vaxx may help and it may not. The vaxx isn't all that it was made out to be, there's a lot of negative data in the VAERS database, there's a lot of uncertainty but it was pushed onto people as if it was safe and effective for everyone and within 4 or 5 months of the first injections we learned that it isn't safe or effective and has many negative side effects including death -- for some people.

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My jabbed and boosted friend just gave birth to twins--after suffering three miscarriages over the past few years. I was shocked that she accepted the jabs after all that pain and suffering, and cost--since her insurance only paid for two of her three rounds of IVF, at $20K each!

However, she is breastfeeding. God knows what poisons she might be putting into those two beautiful babies.

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oh man...

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A lot of this could be due to the infamous short-term side effects, namely putting people in bed feeling like they have covid. I've christened this elsewhere the "not tonight darling" effect. If both parties of a couple get vaccinated in different months, you lose two chances to conceive, to banal but ultimately nonserious side effects. The proof or otherwise of this will be in what happens in the months following the vax-plus 9 months period. Do things return to normal, or rebound? If so, we have got off lightly. If not, then there are much more serous questions to ask.

Either way, it was exceptionally irresponsible to push these inadequately tested products at everyone with such enthusiasm. Nowhere should have ever gone beyond voluntary vaccine takeup. It's not as if there was any shortage of demand.

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I’ve entertained this explanation as well. Or, people are so freaked out by the state of the world that they don’t want to reproduce.

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Alex, and now. If they keep pushing this shit:

1. They have hidden purposes?

2. What is your explanation? Because you insist that hidden purposes are of the table, but...

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I genuinely think Alex has a cognitive bias he can’t push through on this. Disclaimer: Although I disagree with him on some things (e.g., data on IVM is much less clear cut than he makes it out to be and I lean toward it being relatively effective if dosed properly and early), he is hands down my favorite journalist. You can trust him to accurately report concerning PH data.

BUT I think Alex thinks that if depopulation was a goal, it’d take the form of a bunch of world leaders sitting around in a dark candlelit room wearing hoods deciding to depopulate the world in Darth Vader voices. That’s not how it works. There is a group of well connected influential and powerful people running in various overlapping concentric circles (Fabian’s, Eugenics Society, CFR, Bilderberg, Round Table, Club of Rome, etc) who are pathologically obsessed with controlling the masses and socially engineering every aspect of society. They happen to think that less people would be better for the planet. I can guarantee that in their arrogance and conceit these people GENUINELY think they’re doing the best thing for mankind. And their plans for society are discussed in banal and academic terms in seemingly harmless settings.

@Alex, I understand you don’t want to come off crazy and/or you want to keep your beat to strictly Covid data reporting and not veer off into conspiracy research, but it is nothing short of willful ignorance at this point to definitively close off the possibility that this was all done on purpose with some sort of nefarious end in mind.

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I agree. I have followed Alex since the beginning (before the beginning, when he was "just" a thriller writer) and have agreed with him 95% of the time. What I like is that he explains complex issues in a way I can understand (a non-science person!) and that he's willing to stand up for what he knows is the truth and take the heat. I think he's wrong about IVM but I also think that he would change his mind if shown overwhelming evidence that he can independently verify (my thought is that he doesn't have the time or inclination to do so right now.)

That all said, I don't think the GOAL of these shots was depopulation. I think it's an adverse effect, and the people in power will not acknowledge it because then the house of cards will fall. What I think they are doing now is slowly coming around ONLY because more people are questioning the shots. That's why they issued a report (I forget who -- some committee in Congress??) that says Trump rushed the vaccines. Now, they are setting up the fall-guy. If there is a population decline, or fertility issues, or mass deaths from cancer in 3 years, or whatever adverse effect they really can't ignore, they can just say, "It's Trump and his operation warp speed. OMG, we couldn't have known this would happen!" I adamantly opposed operation warp speed ... you can't rush vaccines without serious problems. Rushing is 5 years of study, not 1. The media and politicians and public health are already re-writing history but we have enough people to hold them accountable. (Though I think there are a lot of people who will think, "Okay, we did the wrong thing, but let's not focus on that, let's just fix it.")

There are of course people like Gates who have publicly advocated for population control. I don't discount that. He would probably think that this is a positive side effect of the vaccine. I just don't think it was planned.

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Yeah definitely think that’s possible! It could just be that: greed with the side effect of some early deaths. The funny thing is that covering up the negative side effects of laundering billions of dollars to yourself by slinging a dangerous and ineffective product would require some sort of low level conspiratorial action. There are obviously efforts to manage the public response to the vaccines and shield the players involved - that requires some sort of planning and it’s essentially a conspiracy (at the very least) to defraud.

Sometimes people do bad things on purpose. It happens. In people’s efforts to be perceived as hyper realists and to deny all possibility of coordinated action, they just end up completely naive.

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Yes, I agree. I tend to think most people are good people. And I keep thinking that good people are going to come out and expose what's been going on -- but then it doesn't happen, or TPTB and the media vilify them (i.e. Dr. McCullough who has been FANTASTIC from the beginning.) ... If we think that this wasn't planned, then the argument might be "We really thought these shots were going to save people and now that we know they don't, we can't let people lose faith in public health because we really had the best intentions at heart." And I think MOST of the people involved had good intentions. Or, "We knew these shots were experimental, we knew the trials were sub-par, but we were willing to take the risk of adverse effects because of the greater good." If it was planned? I don't know what they were thinking or how so many people could be involved. That means it's either money (the primary motivating factor) or ideology (i.e. Gates, "I know best for the world and I will do whatever it takes because I'm better/smarter/wiser than everyone else and they'll thank me for it when I save them.)

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I don’t know how it works. Probably hoods are at some point included. But they keep pushing something that they know is dangerous. They could just stop, but they push it.

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Yes they keep pushing, when they know the jabs don't work. That is what keeps me wondering what this is all about.

I also find it strange that the constant push is in Western countries, the corner stone of Western Civilization.

I think there are elites who are getting filthy rich under the table, and if there is a plan to reduce the population, they believe they are going to be the lords over us serfs.

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Haha well hoods definitely could be involved. It’s well within the realm of physical possibilities. My point was more that WE KNOW about the more banal examples of diabolical (to us, not to them) social engineering and control.

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Over time I’ve come to conclude it’s depopulation. No other explanation fits as well.

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The unwillingness of those in power, to discuss openly and freely our concerns, pushes and drives 'conspiracy theories'. They are reaping what they have sowed.

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Then AB thinks you are stupid+crazy

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I would have said the same 2 years ago. I’ve entertained incompetence and greed, but the reality becomes more clear with every passing day. Case in point: they’ll force the new boosters on us before competing human trials. They’ll force the unvaccinated to get the original shots (now useless), PLUS the boosters to be considered fully vaccinated. The government already paid them for the original shots -- why would they need to force them on us?

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It's mutual.

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What other explanations have you entertained?

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Incompetence. Greed. A combination thereof.

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Control, arrogance.

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Here's why I do not believe in the intentional depopulation theory...If it were me, and I wanted to wipe out a large chunk of humanity for whatever reason, Why would I wipe out the sheep? I'd want to wipe out the WOLVES. The sheep, those that double and quadruple mask, take every booster and worship Faucci like a dwarf god are the ones I'd want to keep around to fluff pillows, peel grapes and whatever the fuck Klaus and his mentally ill buddies want. The wolves, that won't mask, won't jab and would punch Faucii in the face given the chance...those are the ones you want to "de-populate".

A REAL evil plan would be to pull off the Gus Fring move in Breaking Bad -- everyone, including you, drinks the poisoned tequila, but YOU have the antidote. Oh...spoiler alert.

So you'd jab the sheep with the antidote, then spread your evil with chemtrails and activate the bio-weapon with 5G.

Not an evil plan, just incompetency brought to you by govt morons.

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Statistically speaking, it's actually substantially worse than that. Given the lock downs, you would expect pregnancy and birth rates to increase substantially. Increased procreation is a natural human reaction to both being cooped up together and to emergency situations. This was confirmed by the increased pregnancy and birth rates prior to the mass vaccination of the childbearing age group. So really the drop off should be measured from that higher level.

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yes, i have a good friend in the "new baby & child" industry and he and everyone else in similar fields was actively preparing for more work and sales then they could handle for YEARS ... didn't happen.

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ANYONE who is not convinced yet, please see these links:

* Naomi Wolf (Genocide): https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-friends-sorry-to-announce-a

* Naomi Wolf (Pfizer trials and CCP pharmaceuticals): https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/facing-the-beast

* Steve Kirsch (all cause mortality): https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/sharp-increases-in-all-cause-mortality

* Robert Malone (all cause mortality): https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/data-doesnt-lie-mrna-vaccines-and

So much more from so many authors, but these are gasp-worthy starting points.

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What I find interesting is that much of what you have posted has been censored on YT, FB, and Twitter but in the words of Robert Malone: "that does not mean that it does not deserve to be disclosed and discussed" The fact that these big tech social media companies try to censor covid and vaccine data is all I need to know. Big Tech couldn't possibly know if what they are censoring is disinformation and even if it were, I don't need them to "protect" me from false information. I can determine if it's true on my own. Part of the value of the internet is to exchange information and debate scientific results.

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🎯 Exactamundo! 👍

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It looks as if China has outsmarted the West, by mandating their old school vaccine, thus giving them the advantage to just wait a couple of generations before they attack with their 20-million-man army. We know that our (Leaders?) have fired the officer corps and discharged a substantial amount of our enlisted corps, so like the civilian population, where are the defenders coming from. Long range plans are a bitch.

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