Following my booster shot, my menstrual cycle changed significantly. It shortened from 26 days to 21 days and, sorry for the TMI, the blood became pinker and lighter. When I googled what it means when a cycle is shorter and less red, it said it reflects a decrease in estrogen. I think the booster caused my estrogen production to decline. It’s been 8 months since the booster and it hasn’t reversed.

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What do you mean “no alternative?” A vaccine is a mitigation measure, not a therapeutic. There is ALWAYS an alternative and we as a country should be demanding answers and Philip Morris trials. This is actually Nuremberg trials.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I refused the vaccine and I told my wife if she vaccinated the kids, I'd file for divorce. She took one of my kids to the doctor because he was sick and I told her that I do not give consent to have him tested for covid-19. They can test for strep or the common cold but under no circumstances was she to allow a covid test. When these vaccines came out, there was no longitudinal data, the pharma companies were given immunity from liability lawsuits, all dissent was squashed, and the government, big tech, and the mainstream media were trying to coerce everyone into taking the vaccine through shaming (you're being irresponsible), guilting (you're killing old people), threats (you'll lose your job), and incentives (money). None of this felt right to me --- none of it. I didn't feel right about "2 weeks to slow the spread" I wasn't convinced the masks worked, I didn't feel right about PCR testing a perfectly healthy individual, I didn't feel right about quarantining an asymptomatic person for two weeks solely because he was exposed to a sick person. I thought the 6 foot rule was absurd. If I've learned anything over the past 2 years is that most people are incapable of independent thought and they just go along with whatever the mainstream media throws at them. I had always heard about propaganda but I had not seen it in real life -- until now.

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I warned of this risk to fertility back in February 2021, before peak uptake of COVID vaccines in the US and abroad.


Unfortunately, I was later proven correct in my further warning of a year ago, that the COVID vaccines likely rival or exceed the 80-90% effectiveness of the "morning-after pill" in ending a pregnancy: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-may-rival-or-exceed

Now latest estimates are an 87.5% miscarriage risk from COVID vaccines. Dr. Pierre Kory shows that here:


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And we have zero clue what effect will be in the children of these babies?! I

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The unvaxxed will inherit this earth.

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Why "unless they have no alternative."? I would dig ditches rather than keep my job, but risk missing out on the joy of children.

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Don't remember our Public Health officials saying to a 35year old woman that the vaccine could cause fertility issues? I do know that the inserts said you should talk to your doctor, so there is that. You all saw that in the 4 page insert right?

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This is anecdotal. My wife took the miRNA jab in Feb 2021, she had a couple of weird menstrual cycles. I got the J&J in October of 2021. We both got Covid in December 2021. (Crazy that the J&J didn't even give me 2 months of protection). We started trying for our second baby in January. She got pregnant in Feb 2022, baby girl is due in November. My wife never got a booster so I think that is why it was able to work so quickly for us when we started trying.

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A lot of this could be due to the infamous short-term side effects, namely putting people in bed feeling like they have covid. I've christened this elsewhere the "not tonight darling" effect. If both parties of a couple get vaccinated in different months, you lose two chances to conceive, to banal but ultimately nonserious side effects. The proof or otherwise of this will be in what happens in the months following the vax-plus 9 months period. Do things return to normal, or rebound? If so, we have got off lightly. If not, then there are much more serous questions to ask.

Either way, it was exceptionally irresponsible to push these inadequately tested products at everyone with such enthusiasm. Nowhere should have ever gone beyond voluntary vaccine takeup. It's not as if there was any shortage of demand.

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Alex, and now. If they keep pushing this shit:

1. They have hidden purposes?

2. What is your explanation? Because you insist that hidden purposes are of the table, but...

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Statistically speaking, it's actually substantially worse than that. Given the lock downs, you would expect pregnancy and birth rates to increase substantially. Increased procreation is a natural human reaction to both being cooped up together and to emergency situations. This was confirmed by the increased pregnancy and birth rates prior to the mass vaccination of the childbearing age group. So really the drop off should be measured from that higher level.

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ANYONE who is not convinced yet, please see these links:

* Naomi Wolf (Genocide): https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-friends-sorry-to-announce-a

* Naomi Wolf (Pfizer trials and CCP pharmaceuticals): https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/facing-the-beast

* Steve Kirsch (all cause mortality): https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/sharp-increases-in-all-cause-mortality

* Robert Malone (all cause mortality): https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/data-doesnt-lie-mrna-vaccines-and

So much more from so many authors, but these are gasp-worthy starting points.

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It looks as if China has outsmarted the West, by mandating their old school vaccine, thus giving them the advantage to just wait a couple of generations before they attack with their 20-million-man army. We know that our (Leaders?) have fired the officer corps and discharged a substantial amount of our enlisted corps, so like the civilian population, where are the defenders coming from. Long range plans are a bitch.

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