The other potential aspect of this story is it could be revealing the difference in the general health of the vaccinated and unvaccinated population. The latter would tend to score worse on many general health statistics, so it could be that they are overrepresented in the hospital due to that. The fact that they look to be "overrepresented" in both non-Covid and Covid patients equally still would point to poor efficacy of vaccine.

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True - I just didn’t want to make the story even more technical by talking about healthy vaccine user bias.

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This is not necessarily true at all. I am unvaxxed and know (have learned) much more about how to pay attention to my own health than the vast majority of folks I know (who are almost universally vaxxed). Many of the unvaxxed are healthy people who pay attention to their health, take ownership of it and do not leave their healthcare to the system docs and hospitals. It is precisely because they are healthy and mindful of their health that they refused the shots. It is exactly because I pay attention to my own health that I hardly ever get sick from anything. So, I am not at all convinced that the premise above, that the unvaxxed would score worse on many general health statistics. Speaking for myself, this mess has been a rude awakening which has led me to take control of my health. In the last three years, I have lost 60 pounds, learned how to eat right, and generally moved myself to a much healthier position than I was pre-covid.

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YES! Thank you, Control Group. Totally agree. Exactly the case for me and the very few friends and family who held out. We have always put health first and did not see Vaccines fitting in "healthy choice" for us.

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Absolutely, l agree! My husband and l pay close attention to our health and we are both 70 years old and very healthy. Would never get the jab!

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In theory, I agree... but when your daughter is having her first child and you get told, “no vaccine, no visiting..” and that is something that emotionally and physically tore a lot of families apart. The propaganda by the media was overwhelmingly biased.

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It may tug at your heart strings but better to be there for your grandchildren in 10 years when they appreciate you more than to get jabbed and see them as infants only to risk early death and not being there for them at all in those wonderful pre teen years.

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I think he speaks of mostly very elderly that can’t take the jabs as “healthy user bias”. It’s not a reflection on every persons actual health. I do agree with you 100% however. As a pure blood myself I concern myself more with diet, supplements and staying active and outside, as opposed to the 5X jabbed that are fat slobs still walking around with a filthy mask on there face.

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Ditto, CG.

"The latter (unvaxxed pop.) would tend to score worse on many general health statistics..." ~ maybe I'm an outlier, but in my family, I'm the healthiest (of 3) and I'm the only pureblood.

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Yes! Wasn’t it astounding how the people who wouldn’t dare eat broccoli that wasn’t organic had no problem injecting themselves with an experimental jab?

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Soooo TRUE :)

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Such a good point. What is seemingly so lost in the drama-indoctrination of the era we live in is that nature always trumps the EGO of man, and to live well is not rocket science but intentional and putting to use of ones innate GOD given critical thought. Staying healthy is a very simple equation. Of course there are exceptions, but just sayin

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The thought of being locked up in one of these hospitals with no family members able to visit you, no one to advocate for you when the medical pros want to intubate you and fill you up on Remdesivir is frightening. I've read stories by families who had to hire an attorney to bust people out of these hospital/prisons, when their loved one is paroled they find conditions easy to solve, like dehydration.

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Inspired to check stats on healthy user bias with regards to boosters.


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Pretty much what Bill Maher said on his show awhile back. It’s a pandemic of the unhealthy. Peoples’ heads exploded.

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I've been saying it's a pandemic of the unhealthy for almost 3 years. I'm unvaccinated, very healthy, and never had Covid, and I've tested for antibodies 3 times already just to make sure.

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In 25 years, I’ve gotten a flu shot twice, the first at 48, the second at 66 to get surgical clearance for orthopedic surgery. The rest of the time, I just lie when asked. I think they’re pretty much worthless.

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Maybe I'm missing something but it seems like it would be impossible to know the general health of the vaccinated vs unvaccinated until you first label them as either vaccinated or unvaccinated in which case you have to go back to the substack we're commenting on...

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Alex wrote: "The United States does not have a national immunization registry or single database for health-care records."


The government already knows more about me than it has any business knowing.

BTW, this fact alone means the "vax card" is total bullshit.

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May they never have one!!

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Not for the people who pay to get a vaxxed card even though they are unvaxxed. They get to live longer and have all the freedoms of the vaxxed.

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And they’re cowards!

In fact, I had an argument with my bf the other night. We both lost our jobs (me, of 23 years and him, of 17 years). Yet, a few he worked with all got fake jab cards 3 years ago. Another person’s gf got a fake jab card, yet the restaurant they went to banned US!

It’s people like this that piss me off! Maybe if the world didn’t have so many cowards, NONE OF US WOULD BE IN THIS POSITION!!!!

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The enormous number of fake vaccine cards out there is seriously underreported. It's massive. I know for a fact that many people at the hospital where I work have fake cards. A nurse in the vaccine clinic was handing them out like candy to employees who wanted them! I was offered one, which I declined. College students, there are tens of thousands of fakes out there...

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It is a sad situation that this Covid scam is being forced on us by the government. I am bad as I am too busy with my job to protest. I drove to Ottawa last February to do some inspections but didn't have an hour to spare to go to the protest. It was amazing to see the thousands of people who lined the bridges over the 401 supporting the truckers travelling from Windsor to Ottawa that day. I did send money to support some of the vaccine protests but I really need to spend some time supporting protests at government buildings. That gets the government's attention the best. A million people on Parliment Hill would be an effective protest.

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I don’t understand how people’s “friends” who are being discriminated against think this is alright? At least stand is solidarity. I’m not going to give my money or business to those that discriminate! To me, it’s a NO BRAINER! If people can’t stand up NOW, when will they? Talk about seeing people’s TRUE character!

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Yes, most people thought anti Covid Vaccine protesters were Conspiracy nuts.

Its villager mentality. "I'm vaccinated so everyone should be". Now that vaccinated people are dying of heart attacks they are slowly changing their thinking. The sheep realize that maybe that big building they are being herded into is not a good place to be. It is a big subject that I can't cover here but people like Alex and Governor DeSantis, etc have covered very well. The death rate will climb and you can feel comfortable that dying from the vaccine is not a problem you have to worry about. If you can support the protest movement then find a large movement and help the protest. Oh and help vote the liberal government out of office. The pushed this on us.

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The worst coward of the bunch by far is that Turd Turdeau. When the freedom convoy got to Ottawa he bravely ran out of there as fast as he could go. What a cretin.

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Then WE push BACK! I did! My great-grandparents didn’t come from Czechoslovakia over 100 years ago for THIS tyranny!

Governments have no idea the WRATH they have inherited.

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Your prime minister is a lunatic.

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If he was a lunatic then getting rid of him would be easy! Regrettably he is sane but his motives are not in his citizen's best interests, that is for sure.

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He’s a psychopath. You’re being way too kind!

He has way too much power and money behind him to get rid of. He is what Lenin would call, “a useful idiot”.

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Remember Fred that reportedly 90% of the protesting reporters had been vaccinated. The protest was about government mandate for vaccination. There are many people on Substack who are irrationally opposed to COVID vaccines. The data is clear that they worked quite well for the alpha variant. Clinical studies have shown that new variants no longer are so well connected with vaccines. That changes the calculations of the risk-benefit ratio for most young healthy people but the decision-making for many elderly individuals still leads to vaccination. The data on the bivalent booster awaits quality follow-up studies.

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Thanks for the comments to help flesh out the landscape. Yes the convoy was about the mandate but it is a small step further to protest the deadly side effects and ineffectiveness of the same covid vaccine. I agree that the original vaccine was formulated for the Alpha version however by the time it was released we were into Delta and like a flu vaccine the covid vaccine was now tailored to the wrong version so its efficacy diminished against the new variants. If the pharmaceutical companies can't work fast enough to get an effective AND SAFE vaccine out then their efforts are useless. They can shut down their Covid production today. Until the veil of secrecy is lifted to reveal how the pharmaceutical Industry is working on the Covid vaccine and can ensure true safety , I have no respect for them, the government officials pushing the jab and the doctors pushing the jab. My wife and I are unvaxxed and never had covid while her doctor is vaxxed to the hilt and has had covid 3 times.

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Renee, I agree with you, but you I assume that you don't have kids, or a mortgage. When faced with losing you job you stood tall, but what if you had two kids, a dog, and a mortgage. You might have taken the fake vax card.

Also, understand that is a form of resistance to tyranny. Not as powerful as other forms of resistance, but in the end it protected one's health and life to fight another day.

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This is a fair comment, and I sympathize with people who felt compelled to get a fake vax card to support their families. I won't feel sympathy, though, should it come out at some point that various actors, athletes, politicians, and others have fake vax cards. There are athletes who stood tall and took their hits, and I have a lot of respect for that. Tim Robbins has stated that he knows people in the film industry with fake vax cards. We know in Spain thousands who could afford it paid good money for fake cards. There was a story recently about a tennis player and others suspected of having fake vax cards. I remember reading it was a problem in France as well. Some of theses people are sniveling cowards, but not the everyday people trying to make a living. I support those people unequivocally.

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I understand. That doesn’t mean I agree.

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Counterfeiting can be an art form.

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I'm not so sure they'll live longer.

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3 hr ago

Alex wrote: "The United States does not have a national immunization registry or single database for health-care records."

Are we totally sure about that? My state has had one for more years than I thought. Our gov't. is not honest in any way, shape or form so how do we know the states (especially blue ones) are not handing over that info.? (Something I have been wondering about since talk of those damn vaxx cards.)

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Is there some sort of central registry that matches the vax number with the Social Security number given when the shot was administered? Probably.

But there's no magnetic strip on that vax card--like swiping a credit card.

I know NO ONE who's ever had their vax card checked by any government authority--like Customs or TSA--even a restaurant back when diners had to provide "proof of vaccination" in order to eat there.

I'm counting on the general incompetence of most state employees.

Plus I've heard of some people "fudging" their Social Security number when they got the shot. You know? Screwing up a couple digits in the Social Security card?

Some people just aren't honest...right?

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I've seen registries on vaccinations online. My daughter and husbands info was easily found.

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Most of us have known this for over a year. We knew they were manipulating the hospital data somehow and this was the only logical explanation. During the peak of omicron, all of my vaccinated friends and for workers were getting Covid, yet my state continued to report that something like 75% of cases and hospitalizations were unvaxxed. It was so obvious this wasn’t true.

On Twitter last year, a nurse at a local hospital tweeted to my governors communications director about how the software is set up to default to unvaccinated unless the hospital manually changed the status. This was of course swept under the rug.

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One of my favorites (I think Alex noticed it) was when someone died within 2 weeks of getting the jab, hospitals were classifying it as a COVID death of an "unvaccinated" patient because they were technically not 'vaccinated' until the mRNA therapy had time to work, yet the patient would test positive for the spike protein due to its introduction from, you guessed it, the vaccine!

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Yep. This is how you end up with a fake 100% VE -- you only count the successes as 'vaxxed' and dump the failures into 'unvaxxed'.

OF COURSE you get 100% VE when you do that!

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The slick trick to classify the immuno-compromised window from 1st jab to 2 weeks post 2nd jab (4 to 6 weeks for most) as unvaxxed. It was always BS.

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The following happened to me in June of 22.

I was at a club event and was talking to another member who moaned that he had gotten 3 vaccine shots and had had Covid 3 times. I told him that I was unvaccinated and have never had Covid. Then there is my wife's doctor who volunteered to be one of the first jabbed. He implored my wife to get jabbed. He cited horror stories of patients in the hospital with Covid. The results: Her doctor has had Covid 3 times. My unjabbed wife - zero covid.

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Such a common story across the world. Yet it continues

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So the authorities have gone from demanding vaccination IDs to insisting that it's impossible to verify.

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Another important category is unvaccinated but had a previous infection. Without a separate category those patients belong in the vaccinated group. Naturally vaccinated!

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I am a Dupage County resident, I am over 65, and I am NOT vaccinated. I can't believe that 98% of my compatriots are. The number seems fake. I also have personal experience with Edward Elmhurst as being complete covidiots who continue to demand a negative Covid test before they will undergo any medical procedure. At this point that is like testing for the common cold. There is no longer any rational scientific basis for doing this.

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Further: it should be ACTIONABLE MALPRACTICE to compel any individual to get this vaccine, or to even recommend one absent extraordinary circumstances, and it should be ACTIONABLE MALPRACTICE to refuse the delivery of medical services based on vaccination or Covid status. When large hospital corporations have to start paying damages to the patients and employees they have negligently injured, this will stop, right quick.

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I live in DuPage County also. I an invaded. Antidotally I would say at least 90% of our friends/acquaintances are vaxxed. And the majority of our children’s friends are vaccinated too. In fact at our grade school an 11 girl died last year after the vaccine.

Edward Elmhurst Hospital Naperville is an especially horrible horrible hospital. The worst ever and made even worse by their response to Covid. One example. I thought the key months ago my friend 18 year old down syndrome daughter was diagnosed with Covid and needed to be admitted to the hospital. She needed her mother with her at all times. And they weren’t going to allow it. They finally agreed that her mother could stay with her at the hospital. But if mom left the hospital room even for ten minutes she would not be readmitted. They kept threatening her. So my friend, the good mother that she is, spent 10 days in the hospital sleeping on the chair. People rallied and dropped off food and clothes etc. But at least 30% of the time they never made it to her room. Isn’t that absolutely inhumane? They held her prisoner there so she could be with her very sick, very fragile special-needs daughter.

I have at least four more stories that are just as horrible. Unless I am literally on the verge of dying I will never go to the hospital. 

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Because they’re probably getting Federal money. They’re selfish and greedy.

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For comparison, my wifes doctor works out of a clinic that closed its doors in 2020 to all but the most serious cases, everyone had to have the jab to get in, all others were video conference only.

On the other hand I was pleasantly surprised when I called my doctor in October 2020 and the receptionist told me their were no changes to their schedule so come on in. I went with a mask and had my routine physical. Bless my Doctor.

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They're doing this in Washington, and the datacrime is just as bad as you say. Let's run some numbers with a quick example using a jab with literally zero efficacy.

Actual numbers:

1000 vaxxed, 10 in hospital (1 in 100)

100 unvaxxed, 1 in hospital (1 in 100)

Look what happens when you can't 'confirm' 30% of the vaxxed but don't change the denominator to account for their unconfirmed status:

1000 vaxxed, 7 confirmed in the hospital (.7 in 100)

100 unvaxxed, 4 in the hospital (4 in 100)

With that one stupid little trick, we've made the vax seem over 5x 'more effective' than it really is.

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"Public health really is magic!"

And we all learned in childhood, "magic tricks" are merely illusions--much like "public health stats" in America today. They exist only to herd people into believing bureaucratic directives. The lesson? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!

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The vaccine was an experiment not a cure (not even a vaccine). We ought to have done a better experiment.

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New Year's Resolution:

Stop calling the covid shot a "vaccine." It's an injection.

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Or as Dr. Scott Atlas has suggested, at best, it can only be called a therapeutic.

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Perhaps “poison”? That seems to be the closest description

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Failed and unsafe "therapeutic". Therefore expect the definition of therapeutic to change. Also, it may not remain an injection as other means of infecting victims with this stuff are being cooked up.

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Yeah, but this drug could NEVER have made it to market based on its curative aspects.

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These shots can trigger or even create the predisposition toward infections and illnesses of many kinds. It is another weapon against good health. We swim in a sea of them.

My guess is that the stats on uptake of the shots is almost entirely fictional. Doesn't matter because the governments are paying for the garbage -0 or for the "effort" --regardless of uptake. As horrible as the shots have been, these have served as yet another layer of distraction from the totalitarian takeover of our societies - our civilization. The irrational narrative is a dead giveaway.

The scheme is like one of those many-geared tower clocks of old. The bells are chiming and its face has multiple versions, depending on the vantage from which one might view it. Each chime is another distraction but serves to regulate most of society now.

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Even that's generous.




Having or exhibiting healing powers, curative.

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Or as that Russian pharma-whistleblower-ish lady calls it — “military countermeasure”

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Bret Weinstein calls it a Transfection Agent.

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Dr. Weinstein & Dr. Heying are brilliant, courageous people.

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Yes they are! They were my daughters' professors at Evergreen for 1 year I'm very proud to say.

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No, it’s a “countermeasure” bioweapon.

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The #1 CON of the entire scamdemic was calling it a vaccine

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There are anecdotes and evidence of such events where "presumptive positive" was the diagnoses after negative test result for SARS-CoV-2. Color me not surprised that data is being manipulated elsewhere.

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My 92-year-old father was in the hospital in early December. His tests showed NOT covid--plain old flu.

The doctor seemed disappointed.

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So was the Hospital... no COVID, no checkie. 🤬🤬🤬

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The $$$ incentive over the past 3 years can NEVER be underestimated in why things played out as they have

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Your are lucky. Here is a story about a friend of my wife's who died one year ago this month.

Here is how Covid Death counts get boosted. This is a true story. A friend of my wife's was in a bad relationship. One day she fell on the floor and was knocked unconscious. Her boyfriend didn't bother to help. Luckily a few minutes after, her daughter happened to walk in and immediately called 911. The friend was tested for Covid and it was negative. When she arrived at the hospital she was given oxygen. The next day she tested negative for Covid. She was responding better with the Oxygen. Later a doctor walked in and looked at her and declared she had Covid. He put her on Remdesivir and intubated her. She died a day later.

The pissed off daughter of my wife's friend is in the medical field and hired a retired doctor to review the case and he concluded that since it was a concussion all the hospital needed to do was to provide oxygen.

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Yup, story of my “Uncle Jimmy.” 94 fell in his kitchen on Dec 24 2021, had a bad gash on his forehead. His kids took him to the ER ( this is in Metro NYC NJ). He was stitched up and kept overnight in the ER for observation. The next day, scans were ordered. Kept overnight in a regular room. Morning of discharge, tested positive for COVID. They moved him into an isolation wing. No visitors, no treatment... died three weeks later never seeing his wife or family ever again. It’s criminal.

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My grandfather lost his years-long battle with cancer, and was too sick to get vaccinated. Therefore, when he caught covid in the hospital (was negative on admission), he was marked as an unvaxxed covid death.

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My sympathy to you and his family. Some people tried to get their relatives out of nursing homes when seniors were dying daily in the larger poorer run homes. Couldn't get their loved ones out of the homes during the lockdowns!

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DO NOT get me started about "The Admiral."

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That is just so wrong and so horrific. And really sad.

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See my comment above about why hospitals look forward to Covid Patients. Yes, they get lots of money when they take care of a Covid Patient.

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The truest sign of a zealot. There's almost a joy in testing positive, whether themselves or someone they know.

Have we reached peak victimhood yet?

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I’m never a victim.

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Here's one of them:


It's important to note that even during the craziest time in the craziest place, (March 2020, NYC) only 25% of tests were coming back positive -- and testing was limited to people who were very sick WITH SYMPTOMS OF COVID.

Still, 3 out of 4 didn't have covid. Then they decided to just count people with symptoms anyway.

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Each and every C19 test produces a presumption, because none of the tests actually test for infection, infectiousness, nor illness. They "test" for proxies, at best. The proxies are based on conjecture or even speculation but not on hard scientific evidence of a proxy-relationship with either infection, infectiousness, or illness. At this point the infrastructure that is now in place, and the extremely high level of [irrational] compliance has become so expensive to upkeep that shortcuts will continue to whittle it down until all that remains is the "presumptive" C19 "case". This destruction of evidence is criminal - was at the start of the clinical trials, which, not coincidentally will be phased out as unnecessary for this, and other "novel", technologies. That will be so with or without the pretense of "public health emergency". Society has been under attack and most people are very reluctant to catch-up with the facts that are scattered all around them. They remain mired in masking, testing, vaxxing, and other lockdown nonsense and are entirely distracted from the attack and the takeover of society.

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You said "Edward-Elmhurst and other hospitals that classify their data this way are not deliberately doing anything wrong."

That assertion is unsupported. You don't know their reasons for not having an additional category for the unknown vax status. They may very well be doing this deliberately, or even at the behest of Fauci or some other outside individual. All you can say is that they aren't doing anything illegal. Without proof of their motivation you can't say it's not deliberate. It's a moral question whether they are doing anything wrong.

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If they are using EPIC, they cannot create a new category. The most they can do is document in a note during some other visit, which makes it nearly impossible to find. For some reason EPIC will not allow a vaccination to be entered into their system so that it shows up on the screen where vaccinations are recorded if the vaccination didn't happen during a visit that was documented in EPIC. That is phenomenally stupid, so that I get notifications for vaccinations that are overdue although I received them years ago. I can tell my provider, but they can't enter it so it will show up with any other vaccines that were received during a visit at that hospital. EPIC is notoriously inflexible, wore so than many other EMRs. But since the company owners were involved in writing the rules for "meaningful use" that got legislated by Obama in the American Recovery Act, it isn't too surprising that many hospitals opted for EPIC over their competitors since that system dealt with the new regulations so well. What a surprise.

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Governments lie about statistics? No way!

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None of the data from this "pandemic" has been reliable. Before January, 2021 the criteria for a positive test was that only one of the two probes tested had to be positive in order to be deemed a positive test. After January, 2021 both probes needed to be positive in order for a positive test to be reported. Not to mention the cycle thresholds used to deem a test positive. Goal posts have continued to be moved to illicit a narrative and push these dangerous jabs. The corruption surrounding Covid and the willingness of so many to unquestioningly comply with masks, jabs, and the persecution of people questioning the narrative has been and is disheartening.

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“There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics”

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Mark Twain

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Alex, I work at the Edward Elmhurst health system. I noticed long ago this major data reporting discrepancy. I am not vaccinated and throughout the last year and a half. I’ve been curious about the numbers that the health system reports on its dashboard. I notice when I look through my patients electronic health records, their vaccination status, either indicates vaccinated, which indicates that they have had their primary series as well as all recommended boosters, or it says unknown, which categorically refers to unvaccinated or has not had all recommended dosages. Therefore, if an individual patient has had their primary series, and either one or no boosters. They are categorized together with unvaccinated patients and that is how the hospital system reports to the department of health and therefore the CDC.

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It's amazing how you were obliged in many places to reveal your vaccination status to enter your local gym or restaurant, but this is information hospitals simply have no way of knowing when they accept patients.

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