I hear Tony Fauci and Friends have asked OJ Simpson to help find the animal host...

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Great analogy. We aren't still looking for Nicole Brown Simpson's "real murderer" and analyzing Johnny Cochran's defense points. We know who killed Nicole. We also know that covid did not come from the wet market but did come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology nearby that was in fact doing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses that was funded by Fauci and the NIH. Saying that we still don't know that covid was created in a lab is like saying we don't really know who killed OJs wife. Other gaslighting includes: BLM did mostly peaceful protests, Jan 6th was an insurrection, Antifa is just an idea, Trump colluded with the Russians, and the police are systemically racist and should be defunded. Let's not forget that covid-19 is "a disease of the unvaccinated" and if you get vaccinated you won't get sick.

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Right on all accounts- And I am insinuating that Fauci and friends are not looking for the bat or pangolin or unicorn that transmitted COVID-19 to a human. And if someone does find one, the animal probably caught it from a human at this point.

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I actually heard that gorillas can get covid-19 symptoms. Imagine trying to get a mask on a gorilla.


"13 of the 20 gorillas at the zoo have shown symptoms of covid-19"

What, like the gorillas couldn't smell or taste? How would the zoo know? I guess I'm supposed to believe the zookeepers speak gorilla now?

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It was on the golf course.

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Maybe it is O. J.?

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Funny that you mention that- I googled Wuhan Golf Course to see if maybe we could put OJ in Wuhan and there are a few courses there apparently. Then I googled Wuhan Institute of Virology and selected maps to see if they were any nearby and it gave me a map of NIH in Bethesda, MD! To quote the president, "not joking, really!" So I went back to the golf course map, picked a course (Wuhan California Huong Son) and did "directions" and put in "Wuhan Institute of Virology" and it did show that the lab is by Dong Lake but 24 minutes and 19.2 KM from the golf course. So probably no OJ connection.

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Didn't need to post this. You've left me with the image of OJ in the sealed lab suit with a big knife since yesterday.

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I'm way past the lab leak theory which has been documented for a long time and is SO OBVIOUS in the first place. Need to veer off course to describe an actual conversation with just the sort of person who will NOT believe the lab leak theory or anything else that makes sense even when presented with OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE.

I'm stuck on dealing with daily insanity coming from people who are well educated. Anyone else sick of people with doctorates in toxicology saying dumb stuff of the non sequitor variety at cocktail parties?


Yeah I got my 4th shot then got covid but wasn't too sick thanks to taking 4 shots or it could have been so much worse and can't wait to take the new Omicron booster when it comes out even tho I just had Omicron which was kind of like a cold (me interjecting but by the time you get the Omicron shot Omicron will be long gone) followed by: thank God for Pfizer they are so wonderful (after I expressed concern about everything now being 'brought to you by Pfizer' which could possibly have caused regulatory capture...) with all this followed by a great big eye roll - after saying all this illogical and idiotic unscientific stuff with a straight face

Try to appreciate my 'vomiting on the page' writing style - it is intended to express the level of incredulousness behind describing the experience I had with an actual toxicologist at an actual cocktail party

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I know several folks like that also--our community hosts the largest medical provider in this part of the state. We're overrun with CDC/FDA talking point parrots spewing that same nonsense! (Also now advertising heavily to get your 5-11 year olds vaccinated at the county health department!) On a more encouraging note, I also know about 3 dozen people who've left the medical "profession" all together, because they could no longer stand the lies. What they saw with their own eyes completely negated what they were being told.

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And I can see medical professionals like that starting their own industry to get away from the lunacy that is becoming our health care industry now. I fear that is what is going to need to happen in part to restore trust and faith in our medical community.

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thank you for this - especially the part about the people you know who left the medical profession because they couldn't stand the lies - that is reassuring

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I have started a page on Substack for similar reasons (georgemallory.substack.com) and I invite readers to access.

I am a retired physician with no axe to grind except to pursue the truth. There are a lot of my fellow readers/commentators who have lost respect for my profession. Physicians have had no forum for independent discussion. We have had to defer to "our leaders". Leaders happen to be CDC, FDA, NIH, certain other experts and medical school deans/presidents. All of these individuals are expert in their own areas but have agendas and some (med school leaders) have an interest in not disagreeing with granting agencies like the NIH. Our professional organizations like the AMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics have gone totally woke and are disinterested in actually reflecting what their members might think.

One vital theme of the pandemic is that our expert leaders have shown great arrogance and have embraced censorship, as Alex Berenson has exemplified.

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Dr Mallory I was pleased reading this post there was a (retired) physician expressing deep concern about what I would call 'regulatory capture' related to funding. I checked your site and you must just be starting so I am hoping you will be addressing some of the topics and issues that are relevant and related to what I found on my own as a person with no medical background.

My long history of distressing reactions to medication is why I chose not to be vaccinated. This caused me to research other options to help protect myself, all the while being vilified by Fauci, Biden, mainstream media and bandwagon Americans who so quickly and terrifyingly believed this was a 'virus of the unvaxxinated'.

Now there is documented evidence the NIH (Fauci) funded gain of function activities via the Ecohealthalliance (Peter Dzak) while Paul Baric of UNC Chapel Hill trained the Wuhan 'Bat Lady' (sorry I can't recall her name) on how to splice but hide the life threatening alterations made in the Wuhan Lab to a virus that would otherwise have been harmless to humans.

That Wuhan lab is known to be a Chinese military bio weapon lab. China is our enemy. Yet this same 'cabal' of powerful unelected beaurocrats were also put in charge of 'managing' the viral bioweapon pandemic that was unleashed on the world. Now we are surrounded by the epic carnage they created, but they are still in charge.

Meanwhile treating physicians trying to use repurposed drugs to help sick people were vilified and had their careers and reputations destroyed. Thanks to the information offered by doctors Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and Zev Zelendo in particular I found on-line, I successfully supported my immune system with simple inexpensive supplements including Vit D, Vit C, Zinc and Quercetin and used Providone Iodine nasal and oral rinses as barriers whenever I was in public.

This was all inexpensive and easily available but none of this information was offered by public health authorities who stated all sick people could do was wait to turn blue, go to the hospital to be put on remdesivir that destroyed their kidneys and a respirator that damaged their lungs. All the while, the doctors I followed were clear there were common and safe medicines that if timed properly could reduce viral replication, keep blood clotting at bay and if a patient's body caused a later cytokine storm, cortical steroids could help with that.

I live in MA and lived through this mania surrounded by vaccine enthusiasts who tried as hard as they could to beat me into submission. To this day they try to defend the 'authorities' because they didn't know or they were doing the best they could etc. The cognitive disonance involved in all of this is what fuels my drilling down further and further on what actually happened. Everyone around me seems happy to simply move on and let the perpetrators go on their merry way - or worse - keep the farce going, with their power and reputations intact.

Other important voices (medical and other) I follow: Scott Atlas, Jay Battycharia, Martin Kuldorf, Ryan Cole, Peter Breggin, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Alex Berenson (of course!) and many many more.

I will hope to learn more from you as a retired physician.

Best regards, KFH

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I have never understood the logic behind 'well, if I didn’t get the shot, my bout with CV would have been so much worse!' How can you possibly know this? It is not like you get a do-over to compare the two.

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I actually say out loud when I hear that How can you possibly know this? etc Makes people furious because they can't come up with an answer and their irrational thinking is exposed...

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that's a great link article

Fauci Biden Rachel Maddow Leana Wen take the shot you won't get sick won't spread the virus the unvaxxed should be locked in their houses and not allowed out til they take the shot - CCP style

On April 30 2021 CDC stopped recording breakthrough cases (NYTimes May 5) because they were so 'rare' - only 10,000 they new of supposedly only 4 months after first shots given - but what that really meant was the CDC didn't have to REPORT on breakthrough cases because right around then all talking heads all at once targeted the unvaccinated as evildoers public enemies the vaxxed should shun and marginalize and attack and scream at

Then oops all vaxxed on cruise ships (every single person) breakout cases all over the place, all those vaxxed democrats on an airplane, a huge percentage of vaxxed in Provincetown, etc etc Didn't matter: Take the shot you won't get sick and won't spread, its those awful unvaxxed's fault making everyone sick

Then all of a sudden it all stopped. No more loud voices at the check in for a doctors appointment HAVE YOU HAD YOUR SHOT so everyone would turn and glare at you. No more nightly drum beat bashing unvaxxed on nightly news. New shiny thing - look over here - a war is breaking out. Its over but MANDATES were still being imposed. People still losing jobs and pensions

All untrue and they knew it all along

To the unvaxxed it felt like wearing an ugly symbol that meant it was ok to mistreat you. Scary. But I don't recall receiving a SINGLE apology. Instead the lies continue and small children are now in their clutches.

TV ads every ten minutes with smiling people getting their SHOTS

I'll stop

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Yes. No apologies. You don't have to "stop" because I enjoy hearing about all the lies and gaslighting that went on. We should never forget the depth of dishonesty we saw from the CDC, Biden, State Governors like Cuomo and other people that were part of the propaganda.

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Thanks, KFH. Totally true--and common--story.

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No shots for me. My vaxxed friends (fewer friends than before Covid) are still lining up to get boosters. I still can't go to a certain restaurant because they require vaccination passports to get in! I think after the elections, if the same people are elected, NM will go back to mandates and lock downs. A lot of the people here LOVE that. I guess it gives their lives some meaning.

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Don't go to those restaurants. You can vote against them with the dollars in your wallet.

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The absolute worst thing you can do is “LIE TO YOURSELF “

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Their answers to me have been "I read it in the NY Times," "I saw it on PBS," "I heard it on NPR." And the best, "I trust Dr. Fauci to tell me the truth, not Tucker Carlson or Majorie Taylor Greene."

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It's fantasy trumping gullibility.

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It's the same silly mentality that says that masks work when I tell people that there's no empirical evidence that masks work. They'll say things like, "it just makes sense that masks work at least 25% of the time" I'm like, "where'd you come up with 25% of the time?" The data says that, in aggregate, masks don't work at all but because it makes sense that the mask could block a droplet or two, they might work sometimes so we should continue using them. Idiots. Cases up: "We have to use masks to stop the spread." Cases down: "it's a good thing we're wearing masks!" Sick with mild symptoms: "good thing I was vaccinated" Sick and needed to be hospitalized: "If I wasn't vaccinated, I could have died."

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Yes. I retired from a National Laboratory. The town where it's located has more Ph.D.s per capita than any other place, including Ithaca and other university towns. Yet, most of the inhabitants firmly stand by their insanity, as you put it, in spite of evidence. They're ready to go back to mask mandates in a minute. A lot of them still wear masks. They certainly still get boosters. I don't have a Ph.D., but have managed to engage in some critical thinking. They certainly don't want to hear anything I have to say or to show them. They should be ashamed of the specious arguments they make when presented with actual evidence, eek!, that they were wrong. Makes you wonder about "the science."

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I am so appreciative of all the thoughtful and confirming responses I am receiving about what I described - please accept my thanks for yours.

he lack of logical thinking all by itself is disconcerting. I confirm in return for you that these people do not want to hear anything we have to say or show them and its time we get beyond wondering about 'the science' - none of this is scientific. Its nuts.

Hope you saw that Pfizer exec respond they did not do any studies on something or other because they were too busy 'operating at the speed of science' - whatever that means. We are living in an aliceinwonderlandsalemwitchtrialstulipomaniaandthemadnessofcrowds era and I hope it will be over soon. Hope you are laughing by now but I think you can catch my drift.....

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I appreciate your sense of humor. It's about the only way to get through the madness. I saw the Pfizer exec and the EU member of parliament from the Netherlands who asked the question. Eu members from Ireland, Italy, and Romania also speak out.

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PHD's have huge egos many times because they have PHD's. EGOs and science mix like oil and water.

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That's true in many cases. My deceased husband had a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. He could have an ego all right. But he was so knowledgeable about so much and was modest most stuff. Besides, he must have had good taste. He married me. HAHAHA. He would say that I was a pit bull when it came to sussing out pertinent information and he respected that. This is turning into a memorial. He didn't get his Ph.D. until he was 39. Before that he was a truck driver and bartender.

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Not all Ph.D.s have out of control egos. Having gone through engineering school in the late 60s I encountered few that did. However many in today's world have problematic egos.

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Well educated? In what? Degrees mean nothing anymore even in the STEM fields. Socialism invaded our campuses decades ago with Frat Files of past tests and Team Projects where one or two did the work and the other 5-7 road coattails and got the same grade. No wonder IBM disregarded college degrees typical of white collar workers eight years ago and hires people based on their skill level with or without a degree. The call them "New Collar" jobs instead of "white or blue" collar jobs. Microsoft has done the same. Hence, well educated with one or more degrees may very well mean LOW SKILL LEVELS and inability to critically think thereby susceptible to any fraud that comes along. BTW I am not anti college degrees. I have two degrees and all three sons have two degrees. (And my wife of 52 years gives all of us the third degree. i. e. "What were you thinking?" LOL) But better yet all of us have some common sense and the ability to critically think.

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Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this personal experience!

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About 5 days ago, I saw a guy eating a bowl of food with a mask on. He was at an outdoor cafe eating with 2 other people (unmasked). He would pull down his mask, put food in his mouth, and then pull his mask back up while he chewed and swallowed his food. Then he would repeat this over and over. I had to creepily peek at him while I hid behind a bush because it was just too ludicrous not to watch. If I were one of the two unmasked people eating at his table, I would have said, "what in hell are you doing? you look ridiculous!"

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Spot on!!

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Great post, KFH!

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Got a good chuckle at the Eugyppius caveat. I actually headed over to his stack at first based on your recommendation. I think your assessment is right on that a lot of us are more closely aligned with his politics. Being against foreign intervention and public health authoritarianism strikes me as what you would expect to be most common, being philosophically consistent and all.

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The left does not have principles - they have beliefs. Very, very different.

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"Beliefs" have a curious way of leading to dogma...and manipulation.

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Beliefs come from the head space (ego)… while faith come from the heart space ( love / compassion)

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He is also german, living in Germany, and directly exposed and affected by the conflict.

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Oct 23, 2022
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one of these deeply corrupt countries is relying on (literal!) nazi forces, has officially outlawed all opposing political parties & has seized all national media so that only government propaganda is available to those outside the country to base their (informed?) opinions on.

i don't live there so it's all theoretical to me if every single u dies so that z can stand victorious in front of his green screen, but i do find it odd that in the only supposedly serious peace negotiations, the u murdered their own negotiator & walked away from the table.


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eugyppius lives in germany & would rather have both sides sign a truce than freeze to death while bracing for nuclear fallout & i think that is also my politics

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Occam’s Razor: When presented with two competing theories, the one with the most simple explanation is usually correct.

Also, complacency kills.


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You are right!

Complacency and the fear of social tyranny, by the public, was the foundation of the PHA'S tower of lies and mental brutality.

Complacency is always the end of any civilization. History bats 1000% on this.

The safety net became a hammock. Which given enough time can lead to bondage.

I hope people wake up from their slumber or something like this, or worse, will happen again.

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Well said!

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"Circumstantial evidence is occasionally very convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk"

- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I guess it can't hurt to have studies that prove the obvious.

You have to suspend disbelief to think there isn't a reason that governments across the world don't seem curious about the origins of c19.

Maybe it's for the same reason that most countries in the world employed all the same policies and censorship at the same time.

That doesn't sound like a coincidence.

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Off topic, but since you aren't on Twitter... Sucharit Bhadki, MD (immunologist, medical microbiologist) discussing spike protein found in brain AND heart of man that died. No evidence of viral infection, so definitive that it was from the vaccine.

Published Oct 1 in Vaccines. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651


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The question is what lab, Wuhan or elsewhere?

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We're closer to his politics on Ukraine, because he's on the right side of history. The list of why it's wrong for the United States to fund this war is interminable. Let's start with our funding kills both Russians and Ukrainians. Then there's the matters of the money being needed for our Southern border, preventing 100K plus being murdered by Chinese fentanyl each year, Feeding Americans living below the poverty line, stopping murder and mayhem in our cities, and as I said it's an interminable list. Remind us again why you support the murderous war? Because it's virtuous? Because Ukrainian borders are more important than ours? Because you're big mad at Putin, like you were at El Hombre Naranga? Or is it that you want to please your East coast liberal friends? Honesty, I forget. Do tell us the reason.

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perhaps the better question of Kristian would be, after the past three years, would he be qualified to teach that kindergarten molecular biology course?

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Alex is compelled to qualify his praise of eugyppius, suggesting he is mistaken about Ukraine. I don't know that eugyppius has taken a strong position on Ukraine other than to reject the "binary" US narrative, Ukraine good, Russia bad. In any case, I detect a softening here. Alex notes that his audience is more likely to have a view like eugyppius on Ukraine. And last week he seemed to acknowledge that there may be some cause to reject other vaccines beyond the mRNA products.

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I have my semi annual with my physician in a few days. I am going to quiz him about vaccine damage and why so many doctors were so spineless! The medical community has lost immense credibility by "going along to get along". Now they stand silent! Disgusting!

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You are right. I didn't need any. Logic and common sense was sufficient.

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Considering the number of maimed/dead left in the wake of the so-called "vaccine protection"--ironically patented years before the leak made it in OR out of the lab--implies the animal host IS none other Fauci himself. Without his research funding, we'd have never learned his affinity for bats. Or the desire to find a strain just strong enough to sicken so many without killing immediately, so that they could induce panic and mandates for the jabs. The three years since--combined with reminders of his involvement in developing/profiting off AZT to kill off AIDS patients in the name of "treatment"--have proven just how accurate the "Dr. Death" moniker fits him. He truly is nothing but an animal.

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EcoHealth whistleblower Dr Andrew Huff’s interview last week exposes the fraud and coverup. He reveals how he has been harassed and spied in by multiple federal and even state Intel and “law enforcement” agencies. Worth listening, especially after the first 20 minutes.


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Indeed. A toxic tort lawsuit has been filed by Renz Law and Make Americans Free Again against EcoHealth Alliance, and includes Peter Daszak and his wife and Ralph Baric (and others I can’t recall right off the top of my head) personally. The lawsuit incorporates statements made under penalty of perjury by Dr Huff substantiating the claim of lab creation.

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2 things I believe also seem opposite:

- it comes from a lab

- it is a mild disease

Don’t you think so?

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Whether from a lab, or not, the minute the virus interacts with its first host it once again acts as all living things act. It begins to mutate and transform and do everything possible to survive. Coronaviruses have incredible “flight” response - they do not desire to kill their host they desire to replicate and spread as quickly as possible. That’s true of all coronaviruses and whether manipulated in a lab or not that fundamental trait does not change once replication begins in the wild.

It is also imperative that people realize that what we’ve called “covid” for the last three years is EVERY coronavirus. We have not even attempted to differentiate between classes, much less sub classes. So we are mixing non-lab manipulated coronaviruses and the same basic cold/flu virus that are constantly circulating and always will be and grouping them all together under the guise of selling more tests and pushing more vaccines to give more people power and more people money.

One strand of coronavirus can absolutely be created in a lab AND be mild AND we are mixing millions of unique strands under the same “covid” umbrella for the sake of making the “emergency” greater.

So basically it’s “climate change”. Or “terrorism”. Or any other moral panic used to control….

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Is this true for lateral flow tests? Or just PCR?

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This is more similar to the "with" covid vs "from" covid conversation. Can a lateral flow test tell the difference? It likely could ... but are they attempting to differentiate? Of course not.

PCR tests are a joke and can barely even tell if you have any coronavirus in you, much less make any differentiate whatsoever between strands/classes of the virus.

Global scientific capabilities are not what's at question in these discussions. We can do all sorts of absolutely amazing things - what's at question is the motivations to do them/vs check the box, make the powers that be happy, and move on. And we are all very very very well aware of what path was taken...

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Excellent point and why more people aren't saying it is quite unbelievable.

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