The problem Moderna and others are creating is the hesitancy now of parents to get any vaccines for the children... which may not be a good thing. Trust has been obliterated.

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Yes, and I have wondered when vaccine advocates would figure this out - but for the most part they have not.

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yep. my whole family is vaxxed (two kids). I'm the most vaxxed person I know because I've traveled around the world to countries where I needed it (HCL was always in my bag). But new daughter due in a month won't be receiving ANYTHING for many years. we'll do a delayed schedule, like my other kids, but even wait longer this time, and choose the ones we believe we only need based on where we are, not the spectrum the CDC demands. Trust is completely gone.

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good idea, don't trust anything getting "approved" by this criminal FDA right now. I am a healthcare worker and will use my religious exemption for even the flu shots now!

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Mar 23, 2022
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Thanks so much for your kind words. I’ve been fortunate and feel terrible for the pressure our military are going through. I hope they find a way through this, maybe a class action lawsuit. I certainly would be happy to donate to something like that!

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It has been proposed to utilize the Mnra in the annual flu shots. Must object. Say no. Pray.

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Yes, I read the same. That’s why no more flu shots for me and my family!

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That's exactly what we did in my family 28 years ago. I had all manner of vaccinations, being both a military brat and a military member myself, but when we started having children, we were super selective about what vaccinations we received. We had the blessing of a strong Christian pediatrician who was very well-known and well-reputed in our community who advocated that stance (he himself had eight children).

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Speaking of traveling, according to the Wall Street Journal China has only suffered 5000 deaths from Covid so far(versus close to 1,000,000 in the USA). Maybe they’ve got much better vaccines or maybe….? Can anybody explain?

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I don't trust any numbers coming out of a country that is committing genocide against the Uyghur Muslims (and most of the world doesn't seem to care or people don't know- I had to explain it to my leftist father who was dumbstruck about it). I have good friends who live in China, and I only hear from them when they travel outside of China and use foreign based emails or call from a foreign country. It's frightening what they do to their citizens, the fear they have of their government. Due to the pandemic I haven't heard from them in almost 2 years. I'm very worried. I hope they are okay.

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I agree! They have no freedoms there.. China lies.. don’t believe anything they say…we are losing ours too slowly… freedom of speech and choices like to about the Jab….

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You could have just stopped at "I don't trust any numbers coming out of a country"

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Or maybe WE are being lied to???

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Count on it.

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It’s hard for me to believe the Biden administration would like that kind of news, true or false, to get to many Americans. In either case it would seem they’d be refuting it. Haven’t seen that yet.

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Maybe they didn’t hyperinflate their death count...

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That is certainly one possibility.

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They sent upwards of 40,000 bodies to be cremated in Wuhan after that first lockdown. (this contributed to the panic around COVID at the beginning.)

So--no--you can't trust their numbers.

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They're lying.

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Maybe they just don't want to tell the truth. Remember where this all started....

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Also, in the wake of the Wuhan lockdown, 1 million phone numbers in China ceased to be in service. Now; not all of those phones were in Wuhan, and it's important to keep in mind that there was also a large number of semi-illegal immigrants working in border cities in China, many of them having come from Vietnam, Cambodia, and other Southeast Asian countries. Many people left China and didn't return.

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Not that you will need it, in v Ac are healthier. Just in case, most DRs don’t know the practical ways to treat childhood diseases. The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers https://www.amazon.com/dp/0999516523/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_WBSiBb4YY31D5

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This is exactly what happened to me 20 yrs ago with the chicken pox vax that was mandatory for kids born after 2000. My third child fell into that category and I was concerned bc chicken pox wasn't a disease that caused much risk to healthy kids. My doctor blew me off pretty quick with: what are you worried about? There's 10 yr studies!

I replied: I expect her to live to be 100, puberty and having children all happens after age 10. I started researching, finding out it was so much about profit. Sickening. Now 20 yrs later their seeing vax wear off and chicken pox is more dangerous in adults than children. Govt/big pharma does not care about our health. Period.

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It hasn't completely gone though if you choose to get them eventually.

Doctors typically refuse to diagnose/test for the condition if the patient is vaccinated so the diseases have been renamed not reduced.

None of them work.

Research the following:

Total liver cancer rates since hepatitis b vaccine.

Total congenital defect rates since rubella vaccine.

Total sterility rates since mumps vaccine.

Total invasive disease rates since the various meningitis vaccines.

Prepare to be shocked.

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For those who want an (admittedly somewhat dry) historical look at vaccines, complete with first person accounts and stunning data, pick up "Dissolving Illusions". The measles mortality chart alone is worth the price.

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Mar 23, 2022
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The pediatricians get bonus’ for every patient fully vaccinated. I’ve also heard they receive additional payments if their whole practice is fully vaccinated. Chiropractors or integrative medicine docs in your area can probably refer her to a reasonable pediatrician who isn’t all about the money.

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In most part because there’s been questionable calls and additions to the schedule already (eg why more doses or dtap and pneumonia than for European kids? Transparency has never been their forte (we vaccinate on alternate schedule after we already had many severe adverse events). We have a good doctor now that’s actually helpful, but the majority before berated us and didn’t want to admit negative reactions. One told me admitting that would mean the one size dies all program isn’t perfect and it could hamper other parents from following it. Thing is all medications need to be tailored to the individual 🤷‍♀️. When you head to the ER with your 3 months old and have ti stay for days it’s clear your kiddo doesn’t handle the meds like most abs needs an alternate schedule.

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This is what baffles me. We know medications effect people differently, be it allergic reaction or other complications. Yet, to say the same thing about a vaccine is sacrilege.

Hell, look how long it took to get it recognized that oxy was addictive and dangerous.

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Now 100,000 a year are dying because of that mistake...trusting big pharma.

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Pure guess, but after a career in business, they are focused on this quarter/year revenue. It is rare businesses think much further out.

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And Moderna is desperate. They had nothing before this, and this is all they have. Pretty odd if you ask me, but all of this nonsense over the past two years has been full blown insanity.

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True, and one would be forgiven for thinking that the regulators would able to think about the longer term perception of not just these vax but all vax. Except we have ample evidence that most of the people that will approve it will in a few years find themselves in the employ of the very people they are regulating. Also, they probably bask in the comfort of knowing that the childhood vaccine schedule is mandatory and it’s existence is virtually sacrosanct.

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I read somewhere (maybe in one of Alex's columns) that in order to get full legal immunity, a vaccine had to be fully approved (not under EUA) for children under 5. I remember finding this ironic, and I can't recall what the reasoning was, but if true, that would explain why the big push for vax approval for infants -- not revenue, but insulation from legal liability.

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It is Robert Kennedy's discussion on the subject. They have no chance of profitability without a liability shield (no legal and financial consequences from their mass murdering products). It is monstrous!!!

Ian in vancouver

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That's true actually. I totally forgot about that. Once these vaccines get approval for children under 5, they're fully protected. They all shoot for that goal. Good point!

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Thank you! Where the heck did I read this, and what are the details? I seem to recall that the rule has its basis in other 'mandatory' vaccines given at an early age.

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You are correct. I have read (same situation as you I can’t remember where now) that their liability protection is void of fraud is proven, I can’t remember if that’s the EUA or the full childhood, but I think that is why Pfizer/FDA were pushing for slow drip of approval docs.

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Yes; that’s the reason.

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Vax Mandates Are Not Over Yet....This is a push for the Childhood Vaccine Schedule.

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RFK Jr. argues the push for vaxxing kids for covid is solely for big pharma to get immunity from liability once the EUA is dropped. That would explain the strong push regardless of how ineffective or unnecessary it is for kids.

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"You're a far-right, extremist, Putin-science denier."

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"unacceptable fringe minority" is my preferred pronoun

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Like button not working. Like. Your preferred pronoun ismine.

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Yes exactly. I’m confused why Berenson doesn’t address this point? Perhaps he has another take on this??

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I don’t think he has another think. I read his book “Pandemia.” His focus was more on media coverage and censorship, not science.

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Yes. That’s the reason.

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I am 52 and my mother(who was a nurse) limited our vaccinations for only things like tetanus, etc. of the early 70's - she put us near the kids with chicken pox so we would get it. We did the same for our kids. Our first grandson arrived in May '21 and my daughter didn't vaccinate him for anything and I was like "what?". She had just her finished biomed degree and laid out the case while we were simultaneously listening to Alex among others around the world show how ineffective they really are. Then the mandates came and I will not trust ALL of our institutions for a very long time.

An aside, my doctor was issuing Ivermectin if asked until Nov 2021 where his medical board started to threaten his license if prescribed for 'Covid'. Sealed my total distrust of medical anything above the ground level. Thanks again, Alex, you have earned your subscriptions here!

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Dr Robert Malone said that big pharma and our government has destroyed trust in the medical community. I agree, as my hubby and I quit trusting our own docs yrs ago after experiencing the influence of pharma via doctors. I'm also a May 21 baby, almost 72 yrs ago!

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Mar 23, 2022
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Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY as of 2 days ago!

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it will be interesting to see if autism and other chronic conditions go down as a result

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yep. It needs confirmation, but Substacker Igor Chudov is noticing a decrease in infant mortality which may be due to vaccine hesitancy: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/florida-vaccine-hesitancy-reduced?s=r

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Sure will..

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The vaccine advocates will never figure that out because in order to remain a vaccine advocate and not get lumped in with the "anti-vaxxers" you are required to maintain the position that the vaccine risk itself is zero. To admit there is risk associated with the vaccines is heresy in the vaccine advocate (see fanatic) world. And since there's no risk, getting vaxxed is always and only the right choice to make for yourself and others.

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There also seems to be extremely poor quality control with vaccine manufacturing as the majority of Covid vaccine injuries can be traced back to specific lots. Years ago my sister was injured by a vaccine that was in a "hot lot" from Wyeth (now Pfizer). In response, Wyeth implemented a policy to disperse their lots around the country instead of sending a single lot to only one state.

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I read through this entire comment string and I think you Alex have the kernel for Pandemia Two: The Fallout. How the CDC, WHO, BIG PHARMA, AMA, and FAUCI Agencies of Health destroyed trust in medicine and government.

The impacts, the reputational costs to CDC-compliant physicians, the buckets of money wasted and the obvious collusion/corruption, the failure of complicit agencies and institutions to understand how many citizens see what is being foisted upon them. Like selling 4th boosters (Moderna), jabs for 6 month olds, and ultimately the future health of our citizenry. If as a result of this jabbing fiasco, your commenters are not accepting established, traditional vaccines for kids, in addition to choosing privatized health services for themselves, where are we going to be in five years with child health…better or worse?

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i'm guessing better

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I'd say those vac advocates must go along with the government agenda. Since all this started, I often think of that movie, The Constant Gardener.

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Check out Bourne Legacy too. Haunting. Rachel Weiss “I was there for the SCIENCE!!!!” 🤦‍♀️

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Are you sure you didn't mean Chauncey Gardiner from "Being There"?


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I like to watch...

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Even more disturbing... what could possibly deter from responding... This underbelly is so dark!

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Alex, do you know WHERE these clinical trials on infants and very young children are being conducted? If previous vaccine development is any indication, it's likely to be done in developing countries. In other words, the trials are NOT being conducted on white babies and toddlers in affluent, western nations.

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Have a look at this page on clinicaltrials.gov. I just did a search on Covid-19 Moderna for Children, and quite a list showed up. As you can see, studies seem to be ongoing worldwide regarding many aspects of the virus.

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My brother and sister in law took part in this Moderna trial with their barely 1 year old. 🤮 In Florida.

Guess who still got Omicron in January?

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I personally know of parents (mostly doctors) that offering up their children for trials. It breaks my heart!

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I see a market opportunity for "vaccine consultants" for parents of young children to help them understand which ones would be best for their individual children based on things like family history, various health parameters, genetics, geographic location, etc. But I feel sure they would be arrested.

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Trust in vaccines gone? This has totally destroyed the trust in all of our healthcare institutions. Thanks to the CDC, FDA and the NIH.

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Gotta go with shj on this one. My PCP lied to me, so now I pay out of pocket for a Naturopathic MD. I am 66, on Medicare with parts B, C and D coverage, but I'll gladly pay out of pocket to get a real doctor to treat me for my day to day needs.

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I have seen so many patients treated poorly. Not given the facts. The compassion and caring needs to come back in medicine.

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Saw my regular doc yesterday. Routine. Took an empty cough syrup bottle to get Rx. refill. I had just used the last of it a month ago and I first got it 2 years ago. She did not want to refill Rx. this time because, she said, it had narcotics. She has been my doc for over 20 years and knows I am not an addict. But she danced all around the issue and would not admit that her fear is really that she will be vulnerable to Big Brother for prescribing that medicine. Gutless. A month ago my spouse and I were a little sick so we drove to her office to be tested for COVID. The nurse came out to our car and stuck the big Q-tips up our nose and next day we were told we had IT. I asked if we would get the antibodies but was told just take tylenol and if we get really sick to go to hospital. I said, "Oh, so they can kill us?" I'm going to get a new doc.

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When you spend $300K+ on your education you darn well don’t want to lose your license. Of course that’s what she was worried about - it’s not your best interest it’s hers.

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Wow your comment makes me wonder if that is why I'm not getting my meds for anxiety refilled. It's been like pulling teeth and been taking for years, same doctor. Had to cut back drastically bc almost out.

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At 70 I got lots of stories. My Kaiser stories alone would take hours. Do everything you can to keep yourself healthy so you don't have to pay money to be made worse. First do no harm? Please...

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Agree about Kaiser. They are not life giving.

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shj, it's worse than "Not given the facts"...many are outright lying to us. Many do not listen. Many are "practicing computer", not medicine, spending more time on their computers than listening to patients (the computer thing is not their fault).

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Way worse. Big healthcare is about revenue generation and nothing else. When you see the "best guy" at a medical institution, its the guy that makes the most cash. Its a medical mafia. Nothing more.

Good healthcare is actually cheap - and cost effective, no rewards in the system for those people.

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And every year, my PCP nurse asks the same questions regarding my family history. Like that has changed. I present a complete list of meds and they have to repeat the whole thing so they can make their little check marks. Complete waste of time.

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How funny; they used to pull that crap on me as well. More than a little annoying.

Thanks for sending me down history lane:


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That ain't gonna happen. It's all business. All about codes, satisfying insurance needs, following approved protocols that have nothing to do with health, writing fast prescriptions to bury symptoms and keeping you as a permanent customer of big pharma. Avoid all doctors as your best path to staying alive. It's not that trust has been lost but that your eyes have been opened.

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🤯 “Bury symptoms” & “keeping you as a permanent customer”

so true

I heard that the base for our pharmaceutical drugs is petroleum. Burying the symptoms, while your health at the cellular level continues to decline

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I have to give credit to a young md who treated me with a steroid and abx at an urgent care center after I had chest congestion and nasty cough and getting no better after a week. I thought for sure they would want to test me (I would have refused) for Covid-19. It never came up. She told me to stay home, rest and go back to work when I felt better (I work in healthcare). Just thought it was interesting.

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Steroids + abx saved my life. Remdesivir protocol and I’d be dead.

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Glad to hear you are ok

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Agree, Gdog. I learned a long time ago that no one cares about my health more than I do and it’s worth searching out really good docs.

When we moved back here, the best physicians’ group in town had a statement on their website - “We follow WHO guidelines.” Good ever lovin’ grief! No way would I Ever trust that because those docs aren’t being given latitude to practice medicine the way they see fit. And that’s a lot of what’s gone on during covid. Some docs just follow but there are others who have been threatened, as we all know, with losing medical licenses if they don’t follow certain protocols. So congrats on being proactive and finding a good doc. We eventually did too.

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As a libertarian minded individual, I have been telling people for years that licensing by the state, whether medical, law, etc. is eventually going to end up where one can lose their license to practice if they don’t tow the state’s line. Well, this now seems to be happening, at least the threat of.

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Certainly been happening in CA with the laws re: childrens vax mandates for public school

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Same boat. I've moved to a "wholistic health" chiropractor who has provided better treatment and has a better understanding of what goes on in my body, pushing me to make wholistic changes that have had more of an impact than 10 years on a pharmaceutical product. And he didn't tell me that my symptoms were just in my head! It burns me that I have to maintain "full" insurance when now my policy is really just there for catastrophic illness or accident, since I am paying OOP for the routine care.

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I watched as things changed in our former doctor's office. Had already seen pharma being pushed more & more. My husband and I stood up against that.

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PCPs push vaccines on the elderly. I left a PCP because every year she would tell me to get the shingles vaccine. I never had chickenpox so I didn't see the need. she said i should get it anyway. My husband had a case of shingles and I made sure I didn't touch the rash. I was fine, no shingles.

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My grandma was bullied into the Shingles vax when it first came out. She had CP as a kid, and was exposed to kids and grandkids with CP over the years (natural boosters). She had never had shingles in her life.

Two weeks after taking the shingles vaccine, she contracted shingles. My pharma brainwashed family responded with "Thank goodness she had the vaccine, or it would have been so much worse!" 🙄

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The first shingles vaccine was a live attenuated virus, Zostavax. It was made with aborted human fetal lung tissue culture and didn't work very well. It is similar to what all children are recommended to get. The new shingles vaccine is shingrix which works much better, is not alive and is not made with a morally repugnant process. It is what type the children should be getting if they are going to get a vaccine for chicken pox. Since they don't have it for kids we know the people making the recommendations are evil in many ways.

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Years ago my PCP repeatedly pushed for me to get the Zostavax shot. I have a bit of a wonky immune system, and I finally told her that the shot wasn't happening because that was a live vaccine and was a bad idea for me. I'll never forget her startled look when I said that, as she had no idea. How on earth can an MD be more ignorant about these things than a lay person??? No, don't answer that, I think we know the answer now!

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I don't understand that thinking at all. How do they know it would have been worse?

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If you get a case of shingles you may wish you took the vaccine. The new vaccine, shingrix is made from hamster cells and e. coli. The former vaccine, Zostavax was made using human fetal tissue culture and that is morally repugnant.

That being said, if you get a weird feeling on one side of a part of your body, and then a rash shows up, there is a treatment that really helps, if you get it early in the course but doesn't really help much after 48 hours.

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I finally heard a Dr say there are more cases of shingles now due to the shots which lowered people’s immune systems- happened to my mom

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My 37 year old friend got it

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There may be more cases, not because of the shots, but because the adults are no longer "boosted" naturally by their children and grandchildren who in times past would have cases in their houses. IN a sense the shingles are caused the shots of the younger generation since there is less chickenpox in children.

I worry that this generation of chicken pox vaccine recipients will suffer greatly due to the latency of the virus combined with the inclusion of fetal DNA fragments in the varivax given to children over the past 20+ years. Chicken pox in adults is usually more severe.

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I don't have the virus in my system. You would have to have had chickenpox to get shingles.

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Mar 23, 2022
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I never got it either. My kids school had two school years in a row that it went through, my kids caught it but I didn't. Even my sister's kids caught it, I was exposed but never caught it. My kids pediatrician said at the time I probably developed immunity to it via exposure from my 3 siblings who got it at different times and my mother who passed it along because she had it as a child.

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Wow, amazing

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I'm with you. I also have comprehensive Medicare coverage and pay every penny myself for care from my ND. All things considered, I feel it's money well spent.

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That's the direction I'm headed, I think. An ND that I pay for myself. Can I ask what you do about routine diagnostic tests (e.g., bloodwork, urinalysis, mammogram, Cologuard, etc.?). Does your ND order them for you?

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You can get a routine screening mammogram by just calling and scheduling yourself. You should not need a referral but will probably be asked to list a physician that results can be sent to. You will separately get results yourself also.

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My ND orders more comprehensive tests on me than my PCP ever did, and I feel I have a much better assessment of my health status. She can also order things like Cologuard, but for that I still visit my PCP just for the cost savings. My Medicare insurance requires that referrals come from MDs in their system, so I also see the PCP for annual referrals for things like Dermatologist and Opthamologist. When I visit the PCP (usually annually) I take along a copy of all my test results, so she feels informed and has actually been very cooperative with this arrangement, fortunately. Also in this state (WA) the NDs can write prescriptions for drugs, so that is not an issue.

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Great information, thank you!

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we have (good) insurance but I paid out of pocket to have a homebirth with a direct entry midwife

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I need to find me one of those doctors!

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Good luck. Try to make sure they're actual MDs, so they can prescribe meds like ivermectin. I keep a stash of ivermectin on hand, just in case.

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Licensing differs by state, but here in WA an ND can write prescriptions, and in fact my ND has been writing them for ivermectin for the past 2 years.

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Hey Paula R.

Thanks. I think that's also true just south of you, in my home state of the Socialist Republic of Oregon.

Here's a blurb from my ND's website:

"Naturopathic physicians are trained primary care doctors. We have gone through 4 years of medical school followed by state licensing exams. Many of us also do residencies; I completed 2 years of residency after graduation."

Also, for further clarity (or confusion?):


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The thing is not ONE of those people in those corrupt institutions has been held to account...not ONE!

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"Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'

You gotta have somethin' if you wanna".... me to be JABBED !

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Yep. I have lost all trust in any "health care" people. I'd rather take my chances with living healthy and never going to a doctor after my doctor tried to force me to put that poison into my body.

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Same. Add AMA and ACOG and co.

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Less than 20% of doctors are AMA members anyway. Sad that so many doctors denied early, safe, and effective treatments and went along with the untested, unproven, mRNA treatments. Who can we trust?

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I would think this is a very good thing. It's time parents actually questioned the insane vaccine schedule of the CDC. Most if not all shots are unnecessary, unproven and harmful.

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Opened my eyes and confirmed what I always suspected but was ridiculed about. My kids will never get another vaccine of any kind. Staying away from all pharmaceuticals in general for that matter.

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Same. Our boys are 7 and 8. I will never get them another flu shot and we'll skip HPV as well. Thankfully I think that's it for them.

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Funny, as easily as I caved against my intuition about all childhood vaccines initially, we've never gotten flu shots--they made no sense to me. They don't seem to work and we rarely get the "flu." If we do, it lasts a few days tops. Why do I need an injection for that.

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Same for me. I got a ton of shots in the past and never questioned their safety or usefulness. But the flu shot seemed useless even when I didn't doubt the industry at all. Now I question it all. These idiots torched all institutional credibility at the altar of covid and their clotshot.

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The CDC added two meningitis vaccines to the childhood schedule last year. One at 12/13 and another at 15/16. For more than 15 years there's only been a college dose on the schedule and an opt-out waiver for all college students. That's gone too.

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Thanks for that info! People don’t know what is happening quietly and not advertised on the “news”

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Agree, flu shots are completely out of the question anymore.

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Agree. My kids will never get another shot. Makes me sick to think of all the ones they DID get because I trusted the doctors and CDC. I always thought it was odd that they developed eczema and reflux issues when they were babies shortly after getting shots. Pretty sure I can see now what caused them!

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Absolutely! No reason on earth babies should have either. It's absolute nonsense. They are literally being poisoned.

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I’m upset about what my kids already got (they’re 6, 4, and 2). I really hope I haven’t damaged them. 😢

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I feel the same way. It’s my biggest regret, but we have to move forward and not dwell on that. It’s hard.

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My little terrier developed terrible rashes after every routine innoculation. I finally did some research and found a homeopathic remedy of two little pellets that I gave him as soon as we got home from the vet. Worked like a charm, he never had another problem. Gave me new respect for homeopathy.

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We subscribe to the “one and done” vaccine schedule for our two youngest dogs. We worked with breeder and adopted the poodles w/o vaccines and waited until each was 16 weeks old so mother’s immunity from milk was out of their system and then WE vaxxed them for parvo and distemper 8 weeks apart from each other. We used “lyssin” as a homeopathic preventive before rabies vaccine at 6 months. We won’t vaccinate again but will get titers on the white one since he’s only a year to ensure everything ‘took’. The black poodle is all good with her protection as proven through titers.

Hopefully people wake up to the over vaccination in our pets as well.

One Vaccine can last their ENTIRE life, there’s absolutely no need to repeatedly vaccinate them.

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I have a beautiful tuxedo blue was only vaxxed when a kitten. She is on her 21st year and can still get on the couch.

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Absolutely. This experience with the the COVID vaccines woke me up. At this point,.I trust very little coming out of Big Pharma. Look at the vaccine schedule today compared to what it was when I was a child...it's nauseating. It's all about $$.

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Agree. I had a conversation years ago with a farmer. She told me: "in the old days, when a calf was born, the vet came and put one injection to it, you wouldn't see the vet again unless it got sick. Now, they come every year with new shots".

The same is happening with humans.

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Yep. I would agree that veterinarians are no different. Constantly sending you reminders to give your animal shot after shot. All about the $$.

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Just like Bill Gates requires you to get frequent Windows updates.....that's the model for Big Pharma. And if Big Pharma gets Big Gov (CDC) to mandate this, so much the better, but for whom?

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It may not be a good thing. Then again, maybe it is a good thing. Who knows? Igor has a very interesting article here:


"In 2021, vaccination of infants massively decreased in Florida due to “vaccine hesitancy”. Along with decrease in childhood vaccinations, all cause infant mortality ALSO MASSIVELY DECREASED, in a perfect lockstep!

The changes are very significant and can be considered an unintended experiment."

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Parents like myself who were paying attention and hesitant BEFORE this nonsense were the ones who saw the lies early on. Do you think the lies and manipulation of data on vaccines started in 2020?

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Good for you! I did trust the medical community. The sharp rise in autism caught my attention, but then this... They're simply untrustworthy.

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Don't trust plastic either. Plastics have certain chemical compounds (BPA, BPH, etc) that are known to disrupt the endocrine system. This is why disorders on the spectrum are much more prevalent in males.

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Agree. I would be one of those parents. I am now to the point where I will not continue to vaccinate my children with ANY vaccines, not to mention my fear to actually go to the doctor for anything anymore. Trust has been compromised and I am not sure how doctors will ever get that back.

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Yes. I'm at this point too. I'm at an age where I'm now eligible for the shingles shot and soon the Pneumovax. I won't be taking them. I don't trust that they actually went through any kind of safety trials.

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Shingles shot is nothing more than an enhanced Chicken Pox vaccine. My uncle got the Shingles shot, pressured by his Dr because he was in his 80's. Within days developed shingles and his health went downhill from there. Became so ill he had to be moved to a nursing facility and died within a couple of years, spent the last 18 months in a wheelchair & bed. This was a man that drove a church bus several times a week, went to the gym & walked a mile every other day-still drove his own car. For a man his age he was healthy.

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One of my co-workers had the new shingles shot just before Covid and his reaction was quite severe. I remember thinking at the time, "I'm not sure I'm going to get this new shot." I am sorry to hear about your uncle. There are too many stories like his to simply dismiss them all as coincidence.

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Same here

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All I can say is if I were having my five kids NOW, I would be questioning every single vaccine pushed by the pediatrician. I have completely lost faith in healthcare as currently practiced today. And I say that as a nurse.

I've been watching the Hulu series "Dopesick" and the whole time I'm watching, I'm thinking "just replace Purdue with Pfizer and OxyContin with Covid shots and you have the same story." Replace it with any drug, to be honest, and you have the same story.

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Yeah seriously. And contrary to the conventional wisdom that pharma doesn’t “make money on pediatric vaccines” - they make lots of (liability free) profit off the vast majority of kids in the US.

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I’m five months pregnant and really struggling with this. My alarm over the way Covid vaccines have been handled by our regulatory bodies led me to read more about vaccines in general and I’ve seen some alarming studies about the HepB vaccine given at birth, in particular. Published in reputable medical journals, not CrunchyMamasRUs. And now I’m wondering if I should look more into all the other vaccines. Contrast to when my daughter was born a few years ago and I just implicitly trusted the medical system.

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Same--I did vaccinate my kids fully--my 9 year old is just missing his last boosters (which he will not get) and of course, we won't be getting the HPV vax or any others. I read books and talked to doctors, but there was little online that didn't dispel hesitancy as stupidity. So I gave in--it is my biggest regret ever. I do think my kids have some suspected effects --such as RSV/asthma in my younger one which came out of nowhere but fast and hard at 18 mos. We'll never know. But what I do know is that 1) pharma has been conducting experiments from day 1 through these vaccines 2) we have no idea what is really in these shots and 3) there is no realistic need for any of them---not only have all of these diseases come and GONE, but they also had a 99%+ recovery rate when they were here. Doctors will tell you that we have to keep vaccinating to keep diseases like measles and mumps away--that's garbage.

I discovered a ton of friends whose kids are secretly unvaccinated. I wish I had taken that route. Be brave, be strong, just say no. You will be pressured and criticized by the doctors and nurses--and worse, they will try to scare the living daylights out of you when you are at your most vulnerable---be prepared. And make sure you have unequivocal orders in your paperwork ahead of the birth and mention it again to your doctor when your baby is born so there is no "mistake."

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HepB at birth is an American thing and utterly unnecessary if you don’t have hepB. You get tested for it in pregnancy. Most of us of childbearing age are vaccinated ourselves. I’ve always skipped this abs many parents do. They never had issues with that.

It’s nice cause I can compare my euro country to the USA and schedules are vastly different. Same with pregnancy care and birth. We always had midwives on staff, birth tubs in every hospital. Eye ointment isn’t routine unless you have a history of std. vitamin k is given orally. Babies aren’t bathed in the hospital. Everything pregnancy and birth in the USA is to max profits abs minimize liabilities. Not with you or baby in mind. (Many providers of course care for their patients but the system marginalizes them)

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So true. And it isn't just the vaccines. We moved several times back and forth between Europe (Germany) and the US and our children were born within just a few years in either side of the Atlantic. It is actually rather funny to compare the recommendations and procedures doctors in the two countries insisted upon: There were tests that were standard in Germany no one had ever heard about in the US and vice versa, and even the basics such as advice how and when to start solids foods were different. Considering that both countries claim to subscribe to "evidence-based medicine" and there are few significant differences between these two countries as far as standard of living is concerned, seeing these differences first hand does not really inspire trust in our modern medical system.

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All my kids nursed past their second birthday. The immunity there is unparalleled and I recommend you do that. One son of mine had perfect skin until after his first shots and then he got terrible eczema that he still has over 30 years later. I am not sure that was the cause but am very suspicious.

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Yes! I forgot to mention that. I breastfed both of my kids exclusively (no formula ever) but probably not long enough (14 months). I am sure that helped.

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It helps in ways known and yet to be discovered. Breast feeding includes unparalleled total nutrition, immunity, maturational effects, comfort, learning and more.

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Be ready to stand strong . Doctors will try to bully you. -someone who caved (to everything but covid) but no more

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I trusted them with my children, to my regret - but I was lucky. My kids problems were small by comparison to others. Mine were worse, but still I was compliant until I dug in.

Every one of 39 childhood vaccines tested independently a few years ago were contaminated with a variety of animal viruses, chemicals, and metallic nanoparticle of unknown origin. Every one! There are reports of 'bad batches' every so often that killed and maimed. Pharma has no liability and simply does its best to spread the batches around so the evidence of harm isn't so obvious in one community. Don't even have to debate the 'science' of vaccines when the quality is so bad.




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So true--unforgivable.

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Look at risk. What's the risk of a new born and HepB? Great books to read, The Moth in the Iron Lung and How to End the Autism Epidemic. Also, medical journals are great but the last year has really shown how compromised those can be as well ie mask studies from before 2020 being "updated".

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Make sure you talk to the hospital & fill out the necessary forms and have them on you at delivery because hospitals want that money for giving so many newborn shots and when the child is out of your sight, they will inject. There was a recent article about this. Hospital will fight you on it but you have to know your rights. If feasible, have an attorney you can call of needed but make you decision known.

Parents outraged after newborn son vaccinated against their wishes


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Yes, and you never know what laws or "policies" are on the books creating loopholes for the medical profession to do whatever they please. Be an annoying fly in their ear. Make sure you trust your OB/Gyn implicitly. Consider homebirth? Learn abut everything they do to your baby once it's born--no one ever talks about the eye ointments, the Vit. K shots etc.--it's just DONE.

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This was stated a long time ago. The only reason they give newborns HepB is because they cannot get enough adults to take it. Newborns have ZERO risk of HepB.

CDC’s Recommendation for Hepatitis B Vaccination in Infants. Are There More Risks Than Benefits? 3 Part series.


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For most people there's no need, especially if you aren't into the needles and drug scene. Or if you don't have it yourself.

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May not be a good thing? Skepticism is almost always a good thing in my experience.

Take a look at what has happened to the childhood vax schedule over time at this link below, the increase is shocking. There is nothing new under the sun, Pharma has been playing this game for decades.


So after all these additional shots, are kids actually healthier today? Hopefully parents are finally waking up. Pharma does not care about your kids bests interests.

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awakening up is the ONLY good thing this Covid experience has brought to us.

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Awakening is one thing. Holding the known perps to real accountability is another...WE know who they are too Great to be awake and see what is going on, but until REAL accountability is enforced none of this ends regardless of how awake one is.

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But will it be enough? I fear for what the future holds, mainly for our children.

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you have good reason to be concerned. unfortunately, not much we can do. lots of change coming our way. stay away from these vaxx at any costs.

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It's not just a lack of trust when it comes to vaccines. I have avoided the pediatrician altogether for the last year. My oldest is 6 months overdue for a well child visit and I keep avoiding the docs calls. My youngest had a birthday last month and I'm not scheduling her either. They have sent me several emails about their Covid vax clinics. Last February when I went in for my youngest's well child visit, I noticed the Covid jab was already on her vax schedule. She was just turning 5. It wasn't even approved for her yet. That told me all I needed to know. So this year, we just haven't gone. And probably won't.

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I can relate. Putting a moratorium on all vaccines here.

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Paediatricians are the most indoctrinated when it comes to vaccines. Wise to stay clear of them. They just do as they're told and then are aggressive salespeople. Worse than ACME knives and vacuum salespeople.

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Pediatricians need the money. I was told they are at the lowest end of the pay scale in terms of specialties. Vaccines are profitable for their practice. Insurance companies & the states incentivize giving vaccines. Here's a old booklet from BC/BS that gives how much Dr make for giving shots. This booklet is old so I'm sure the profit margin has gone up. BC/BS still puts this booklet online, they just removed any mention of vaccines. Look at page 15. If a Dr maintained a 63% vaccine level, to each child that get the full, they receive $400 per child. The higher the percentage they receive more. Dr have been know to kick kids out of their practice if the parent refuse shots. Kids not getting shots lowers their percentage. That messes with their money.


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Mar 23, 2022Edited
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Don’t blame your mom, if possible! She did what she thought was best for you out of ❤️.

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Maybe this is how vaccines have been approved all along, which freaks me out! I thought there was much more rigorous testing and proof of efficacy and safety.

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We all did--blind trust. This is America. The red pilling has been painful, but at the same time, everything finally makes sense.

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Very painful. I think I can speak for every parent...it is one thing to do something to our bodies of our own choice, but to trust and then have it done to your children...this is terrible.

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Check out the new film Vaxxed - you would be shocked to find out many of the shady things around these vaccines have been done similarly for all other vaccines. You can watch it here on episode 259 of the Highwire: The Movement that Inspired a Movement


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Thanks, Katie!

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One of the most shocking and disturbing things I’ve read about is what happened to Maddie DeGaray, the twelve year old who participated in the Pfizer trial and ended up in a wheelchair on a feeding tube shortly after her second dose. Perfectly healthy before. Pfizer reported her injury as “functional abdominal pain” and the FDA wouldn’t give her mom - who was so pro-vax she enrolled her three children in a vaccine trial - the time of day. Like… WTF was the point of having the trial??! If you’re just going to ignore any negative safety data. Is this how they conduct safety trials normally and we just don’t find out about it. They only network that covered this story was Fox, a tiny bit. It’s mind-blowing.

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It is. What seems different now than ever before, is that all of these horrifying things are happening out in the open, through federal agencies, and the thing that is preventing most people from awareness is a trillion dollar media campaign/censorship. It's very effective. They're all in now--there's no going back, so I would expect things to get way worse from here.

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This is exactly how I feel too.

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The WHO was discussing the idea of annual booster shots of a 3 in 1 nature. So flu, covid mRNA and some other standard one in a single shot. So soon the flu shot might have mRNA in it. So it seems they've completely given up any care for creating hesitancy

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flu vaxx last year was already mRNA. the thing about mRNA is that it might create problems into your body that will not be necessary connected to the vaxx.

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Do you have a source on this, please? I know they want to go there, but wasn't aware that it has happened yet.

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i am pretty sure it was last year, was told by people getting vaxxed. next year bourla, CEO of pfizer already said it will be one in all mRNA vaxx for flu, covid and whatever ... amount of bs they sell us. you could search it, but thats the plan for next year.

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Notice the paternal tone in getting "underserved" to take Covid shots. Basically advocates for tricking them into it.

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It's probably a good thing to be hesitant about a medicine that the company has no liability for. They've never cared to do the things vaccine hesitant people have been asking for, more studies, increased liability, acknowledgment of side effects, informed consent, etc. And that has always disturbed me.

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I think the medical establishment will be so discredited that it will be many decades before trust is re-established, if it is even possible to do so at all.

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Not just medical establishment. The media too (or especially), and the government. So many lies from so many people for such a long time.

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If my understanding is correct, Moderna must get the vaccine on the children's vaccine schedule, so that Moderna can sell an FDA-approved version in the US free from liability for all ages.

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It’s about getting it on the childhood vaccine schedule, so that they can have liability immunity permanently.

Robert F. Kennedy, quoted here:


“They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.

So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine.

That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, PL 99-660, gave manufacturers immunity for liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines on childhood immunization schedule.

2005 PREP Act, Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, gave manufacturers immunity from liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization.

2020 CARES Act, expanded PREP Act provisions, by expanding the number of people allowed to administer injections without facing liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines under EUA, except for ‘willful misconduct.’


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not if they obtained the authorization by fraud. if they knew smt and did not disclose it, they do not have the legal shield. thats the reason moderna and pfizer, and FDA are so hesitant in disclosing their trial documents.

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That is it!!! Everything on the SHOT SCHEDULE. Then we can go back to hating those parents who are “anti vax”. Remember Before Covid we shamed parents for not vaxing. THEY KNEW!!!

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Agreed. My eyes have been opened.

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Yeah we did know.

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Yes we did, but many of us learned the hard way unfortunately.

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Pfizer too

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Mar 23, 2022
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California politicians are a very sick breed.

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Yes and funded by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Gilda & Moderna!

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totalitarians on parade

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I know. I live in CA. Moving.

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I wish I could. Can’t take kids without ex agreeing so stuck. Thinking about euro travel this summer to obtain Novavax as alternative.

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Three Novavax adverse reaction cases in Australia have similarities, as propaganda centers around convincing “anti-vaxxers” that Novavax is different from the others


WHO approves Novavax and COVAXIN


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Novavax approved in other countries I believe for 18 and above . Still based on spike proteins but the caveat is you aren’t the spike protein factory

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15 things everyone needs to know about COVID and how to treat it


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That is a bummer. Will CA accept Novavax?

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Hideous, evil policy. Home-school. Or move. Or both!

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It’s infuriating . I called my assemblyman but if these bills pass, all sane parents need to pull their kids out of public and private schools asap

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What is really scary is they found 6700 parents that would put there kids into this clinical trial.

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6700 (kids) x 2 (parents)!!!

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The money must be really good or the feeling of doing something good for society....NOT!

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These demons should all have their dopamine receptors removed

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Good yet incredibly depressing point.

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Who's to say these kids have parents? There are thousands of kids that are abandoned

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I bet the children of doctors have a decent representation. Not that they based their confidence in their own research and understanding, but they were most willing to blindly accept whatever the public health authorities declared.

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That blows my mind as mother. Absolutely shocking. I would like rather die.

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My sister's sister-in-law is all about getting everyone vaccinated and has been waiting for the vaccination for her infant daughter. My sister's mother- and father-in-law won't go to birthday parties or events because they worry about getting sick. In some ways, I feel sorry for my sister's in-laws because their problem isn't covid-19, their problem is obsessive compulsive disorder and being Joe Biden supporters (all three of the in-laws hate Trump and hate DeSantis). These people won't go near my sister because she's not vaccinated and they can't believe DeSantis isn't requiring people to be vaccinated to get on a cruise ship. Worse part of all of this is that my sister's father-in-law is a doctor, so he should know better. What I've learned through all of this is that even some intelligent people, some of them M.D.s, lack the capacity to question the mainstream narrative. They were told that covid was contagious and deadly and that's all they know and all they have known since March 2020. They've learned nothing new in 2 years.

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No surprise at all her father is a doctor. The kindly, wise Marcus Welby MD type of doctor is long gone, like the record player and dial phone. Most doctors today have been trained with rote memorization to mindlessly follow algorithms. Unfortunately the pharmaceutical industry wrote those algorithms.

I'm happy to stay acquainted with agree-to-disagree type folks where we can have differences of opinions but still be friendly. In fact, I welcome it. I have no patience for these obsessed, militant nutcases and don't have them in my family's life (and in case people haven't noticed most are women for some reason). These people exhibit signs of mental illness and I don't want them around my kids. Plus life is too short to deal with nutjobs.

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Something to consider about most doctors today is that they commonly work for a hospital or a large health system. Very, very few have a private practice. Working for a hospital or health system is basically being in corporate America. For most of us out there working in corporate America, we know that in corporate America, you need to drink the Kool-Aid. You work for Exxon, you believe in oil. You work for Apple, you use an iphone and mac. You work for Walmart, you chant about low prices. And if you work for a hospital, you say whatever they want you to say and you don't dissent. If the hospital is against ivermectin, you are against it. If the hospital is putting down that someone who died from an overdose is a covid death, you go with it. If the hospital says that masks save lives, you wear your mask and dare not speak out. There's a Dr. Boden in Houston that spoke out and she of course was in private practice and as a result of her words that didn't meet the covid mainstream narrative, she was banned from working at a major TX hospital network. That's why so many MDs don't speak out and after drinking too much Kool-Aid and toeing the company line and regurgitating Fauci-CDC-CNN talking points for long enough, these doctors eventually start believing the BS. That's why so many doctors believe in the masks, believe in the vaccines, and think that the PCR test is almost 100% accurate (all three are false). I'm not saying these doctors are not intelligent, they are probably smarter than I am. I'm saying that these doctors lack the capacity (not the intelligence) to question, probe, and voice a dissenting professional opinion. Ditto everything I said about MDs and hospital systems to MDs and the pharmaceutical industry. Remember when doctors were convinced by Purdue Pharma that giving opiate-based pharmaceuticals wasn't addictive? That worked out real well.

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It’s so sad how mentally ill some people have become throughout this scamdemic. I couldn’t imagine injecting my newborn baby with the covid “vaccine,” it makes me sick just thinking about it.

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It really makes me wonder about all of the "smart" kids growing up. Seems like to be a doctor all you really need is a good memory and the money for medical school. As long as you can memorize a set of symptoms someone else figured out and regurgitate a treatment on demand and put in your hours, you can become a doctor. No actual need for deductive reasoning.

If that's all it takes, show me the kiosk and let me punch in my own symptoms.

No offense to all of the good doctors, you are the ones figuring it out for the rest.

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Hey Sylvan, how are you?

About your "...even some intelligent people..." comment; I know many. Too bad they're "too smart for their own good". These people lack common sense, and common sense is what matters most to get along well in life.

My thoughts about Biden voters: Anyone stupid or ignorant enough to vote for Biden is so intellectually compromised they ought not be allowed to vote. Yeah, I know, as we've discussed before, I can be rather harsh. I am lousy at being middle of the road.

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Gdog, how you doing man! Yeah, you're a bit harsh but honestly, I am too. I can't even comment on how I really feel about Biden or Pelosi or Fauci or Kamala because it would be too lewd. What I've learned over the past 2 years is the depth of stupid and ignorance we have in this country. The BLM "peaceful protests" were actually violent riots, looting, and arson. The Jan 6th "insurrection" that was meant to "overthrow the election and subvert democracy" was actually a peaceful protest comprised of unarmed people and the only death was a 110 lb female veteran by the hands of the Capitol Police. Parents believe CNN that we must mask children even though there's no evidence masks work for anyone and children are the lowest risk group. MSNBC says there's no evidence of election fraud, then there must be none. Fauci says we shouldn't get together for Chrismas, so we should stay home. Rochelle Wallenski says we should get a booster because the vaxx that was given 6 months ago doesn't work anymore. What I learned from 2020 and 2021 (and beyond) is that people are so supremely stupid. It's like the movie Idiocracy is prophecy.

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Yep....once again we're in agreement. Often complete agreement. Seems funny since we started out rather rocky.

I am well. Thanks for asking. "I dig my gig."

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Fear has replaced critical thinking in too many people.

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Fear always trumps critical thinking. That's why when you feel rushed to make a decision or you are under tremendous distress, depression, or anxiety, you are more likely to be conned, connived, and tricked into making poor decisions. One thing I've learned is that if you are mourning the loss of a loved one, going through a divorce, dealing with depression/anxiety, etc, don't make any big decisions (like injecting an experimental mRNA vaccine in your arm that can't be taken out and has no longitudinal data). Think fast and slow. Some decisions you can make quickly (like what to have for breakfast this morning), others you take more slowly (like injecting you and your children with an unproven vaccine). My children and I are still purebloods -- never vaccinated and not-even-once PCR tested. I do not fear covid for me or my children because the only one that can take me or my children out of this world is my lord and provider and creator of all things. Let's not forget that.

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Same here. Pureblood and I have had only one PCR test because I needed a medical procedure, but that's it. I think a lot of people are fearful because they don't know where they are going after they die. I have 100% confidence that I will join Jesus and my loved ones that have gone before me. So I don't fear death. Actually, I was open to the argument in favor of the vaccines, but instead of reliable data, we were subjected to lotteries and pressure campaigns and even worse, vaccine passports and mandates. I was very careful of my elderly family members and even strangers. Then Biden insults the unvaccinated. I have never experienced a president speaking about me and to me in that manner. It was shocking and quite insulting and I am not remotely susceptible to such tactics as I know that I am a thoughtful and responsible member of society. The propaganda from our politicians and public health officials has made me question all of the previous vaccines I have taken and even whether I should take an Advil. So congratulations to them, I now have zero trust in the FDA, the NIH, the CDC or US public health in general.

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I am not "careful" of anything as you say. This implies that we can control the virus with our actions and as Alex says, "virus gonna virus." That's not to say that I don't stay home when I'm sick, I surely do and always have, far before corona. It's just that I don't avoid strangers or the elderly because they might get sick or might get me sick. This covid is just another flu. There's no evidence that it is more deadly than pneumonia -- none. Most of the deaths given in the most common death stat: "deaths involving covid-19" are people who died with a positive test result (not necessarily FROM covid-19 or actively sick with covid). Think about how we would look differently at asthma if everyone who was diagnosed with it and subsequently died was deemed a "death involving asthma." Even that would be more legitimate because at least an asthma diagnosis is likely legitimate. A positive covid-19 PCR test result is perhaps a false positive (which can be as high as 98% false positives) and I know many people who got a positive result and had not one single symptom. Furthermore, I've heard of several people who went to the testing site at the beginning of the hysteria, waited in line for hours and filled out the paperwork, didn't take the test because they had to go, and later were contacted saying they tested positive. They were contacted via the paperwork they filled out but had NEVER given a sample at the test site. We're being conned here. And lest anyone think I'm BS'ing about the pneumonia being about the same risk as covid, here's the data: https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-by-Sex-and-Age/9bhg-hcku/data

Even with the overcounting and the false positive PCRs for covid, pneumonia and covid deaths are roughly the same; particularly when you consider the number is out of a population of 330M Americans.

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Exactly, by careful I meant that I avoid people when I am sick. And I can't imagine going to a mass testing site. I took the test at the hospital because it was required regardless of vaccination status before my surgery. I cancelled a Hawaii vacation because Hawaii required vaccination or testing and I wasn't going to submit to being "othered" to go on vacation. And of course, I know the PCR games. The most depressing realization for me has been the public's blind acceptance of the narrative without educating themselves and most of all the submission to tyranny.

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It's been said the that false positive rate is 0.8% to 4% of all tests administered. So if 10,000 people are tested, you'd expect 100 false positives. Fauci says the false positive rate is "less than 1 in 100" which is at the low end of the range, but we can accept this as true because no test is 100%. Thus, if 10,000 people are tested, and 110 people test positive, that means that 100 are false positives and 10 people are true positives. Fauci will insinuate that of the 110 people that tested positive, about 1 person is a false positive. This is intellectually dishonest because it's not 1% of the positive results, it's 1% of the entire testing population. Therefore, in the scenario above, the false positive rate based solely on the positive result population is 100/110 or about 91%. It's been estimated that the PCR testing we have been doing on healthy asymptomatic people has a false positive rate on the positive result population of up to 98%. This math is lost on most people though.

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"The company did not report any details on side effects except for the fever data"

There's more side effects they're not reporting. I guarantee it.

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And those side effects will show up as soon as there's more vaccinations. By then it's too late. These little kids and babies are the clinical trials.

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But what did this fda goon say? We won’t know how safe it is until we start shooting up all the kids! And then we pretend nothing happened and ignore it. 😡

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Sorry, but what is f*ing wrong with parents that they know they could market these with approval?

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They're part of a cult. Full stop.

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I am a parent of young children (who won't be getting the COVID vaccine). I can't tell you how many fellow parents out in public I've come across that have it stuck in their head that they absolutely can't take a sigh of relief or lighten up their family's interventions (mask wearing etc) until a COVID vaccine is inside the body of their child. It's clear from our conversations they're not considering side effects, effectiveness, the fact that COVID is still just as transmissible after being vaccinated, or anything else that requires nuanced thinking. It's all purely emotional and it makes me really sad for them but also made that they've been made into agorophobics over something that's unlikely to help them -- which will effect their families for years to come.

I do wonder what these type of parents will fixate on once the vaccine is in their kids arm. They've got to have something else, at this point -- after two years of being so emotionally invested in this, one does not just "relax" and "go back to real life."

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These type of parents will fixate on the kids who do not get the mRNA gene therapies.

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Fear and mass formation psychosis are powerful tools

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Maybe it's a good thing ... natural selection will do it's work

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It’s the bs now in the NYT etc. I have three kids. I’m not one bit concerned. The data clearly shows they’re not at risk at all from Covid. They’re the 3% unmasked at their California school.

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These people lie constantly. It will only end when we ignore them and refuse this crap in mass. While I’m normally hesitant to judge other parents, I will gladly judge abusive parents. Any parent who gives their baby this crap is a piece of 💩parent who cares more about their own ego and “fitting in” than their actual child. They own that. Their kid dies from the jab, or is permanently injured, or is sick with a high fever, it’s on their parents.

It is sick and unnatural to inject babies with drugs that do cause harm and don’t treat any disease prophilactically or otherwise, particularly a disease so unlikely to harm your child that the tub at bath time is literally a higher risk. There is no excuse at this point for “not knowing” these jabs do zero good and cause harm. Zero. None. Zip. Nada.

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Since these companies are pushing a needless and harmful "vaccine" how safe are the other vaccines that they push on our babies and young children? Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me!

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It’s had me looking closer!!! My kids got normal childhood vaccines but more spread out. No more. We are done. We’ve learned more. A few I don’t regret because we travel a lot, particularly to the Caribbean, where weird stuff can still pop up, and I always preferred a chicken pox party but never found an infected friend so we got them vaccinated because it’s dangerous to get as an adult.

After learning more we are DONE. They go to a private Christian school that accepts religious exemptions without question (which is actually the law in NC), and we are already setting the legal groundwork for a life long religious exemption if they so choose.

You have to go get a tetanus shot if you get stabbed or step on a rusty nail even if up to date in the “vaccine” so that’s our approach now. Treat what happens, no more big pharma subscription plans for diseases they don’t have, many of which are not very dangerous anymore anyway.

Healthy bodies will continue to be our focus.

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We went on the path due to severe reactions. Instead of a second mmr we did titers. As for chickenpox. I never caught it. I had the vaccine four times and not a single antibody. The kids had two shots and nada. It isn’t working for us.

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You might enjoy the work of Dr. Suzanne Humphries. She talks about the *real* history of vaccines and why people respond as you do. She used to vax her patients w/o thinking about it. Then she woke up and left medicine.

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A daycare in NC told me that they don’t have to accept unvaccinated kids because they are a “private business” and the exemption law does not apply to them. Is this true or just BS? Fortunately we will have no problems in the future because we will be moving to Florida and putting them in a private Christian school that accepts religious exemptions, but I found the stance of the daycare curious.

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Would it be their right to say they don't want to serve African Americans or gays because they're a "private business"? hmmmm.... This is a slippery slope.

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Well, that’s exactly the argument. NC has very high bars for overcoming religious freedom. If a medical exemption is possible, then a religious one must be made too. We were one of the very first places the mask mandates fell for religious services despite a very woke majority of judges (that will hopefully flip in Nov this year). Our now idiot Governor, who was a very good attorney general for NC in the past, didn’t even bother to fight it.

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From everything I have heard it’s very grey in NC. We never dealt with it personally. There are daycares, private schools, and increasingly pediatricians that assert it’s their right as “private businesses,” but the state law doesn’t seem to say that, so ultimately it will be decided by the courts at some point.

The ones our kids went to gave us the paragraph to write to put one on file because we were really spreading them out after our son had a bad reaction at 9 months. They had several genuinely unvaccinated kids and several others who, like us, just ignored the schedule or were picking and choosing. The daycare didn’t care at all and it’s easier to just file an exemption for compliance purposes.

Our kids are in a large private Christian school, which is one of the top private schools in the state, that said from the first approval no vaccine mandates ever, always accepted religious exemptions, and stated in no uncertain terms it’s none of the parents business so no asking teachers/ staff under any circumstances about their vaccination status for Covid or anything else.

The public school kids, particularly in high school, are being coerced, but not required.

The daycares and some private schools, particularly but not exclusively secular, have been the absolute worst about masking, so I have no doubt some are also playing vaccine Nazi enforcer. It’s sad. Best wishes to you in FL. We have several friends who have moved there with no regrets beyond the housing prices they quickly adjusted to dealing with.

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Thanks for your reply! We are really excited about our move. My thought is that the daycares and schools are trying to get away with skirting the law as long as they can. I guess until people start suing they think they can do what they want. Fortunately we found another one that didn’t have any issue. My son is completely unvaccinated and I hope to keep him that way. I did a lot of research before he was born and it just seems like vaccines almost always do more harm than good.

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Glad you found a different one and props for doing your own research. I depended too heavily on Dr Sears and I kinda regret that now. My pediatrician doesn’t force vaccines, he’s more of a risk/ benefit and how many poor places do you travel to..... He is fully supportive of our decision for no more, and we are playing chicken with the big medical group he works for that recently started mandating in schedule vaccines. Do they hate our values or like our money more? 😂

Enjoy the warm weather!!! And the people. And the lifestyle. It’s icky and rainy today and I’m daydreaming about sunshine and warm days. 😂

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And this is what I hope is the silver lining of all this, that people will start questioning vaccines in general.

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For sure! With all of there lies and mis/disinformation they have started a whole new kind of vaccine hesitancy.

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What about the doctors/nurses/other medical professionals that recommend or administer this stuff that's essentially untested?

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I hold them accountable too. If I ran international courts for crimes against humanity they should be charged. I feel the same about the activists sexualizing 6 year olds and encouraging 14 year olds to have their bodies sterilized and their genitals mutilated with false promises of happinesses and friends in exchange for mutilating the only body they will ever have........ I mean the degree of harmful medical, and destructive psychological, experimentation being done to this generation of western kids will likely go down in history as the most widespread and harmful period of mass child abuse in at least the last couple thousand years that any society knowingly and willingly inflicted on their own children.

As parents it’s still primarily our responsibility to make these decisions. That includes which medical professionals to trust. We trust ours because he has proven to see kids as individuals and not treat patients on the basis of some government flow chart. There are many, many out there like him telling parents he wouldn’t, and hasn’t, gotten his own children vaccinated. That the only reason he got vaccinated was to keep his job and that he was not surprised to get Covid a couple months later because these things don’t really stop the spread.

I think it’s a cop out, at this point, to trust doctors pushing needless and potentially harmful treatments on babies. Literally everyone knows tons of vaccinated and boosted people who got Covid anyway, and most know at least a few unvaccinated people, or at least children, like my family that all got very mild cases of Covid despite not getting jabbed. The easily accessible data shows the vaccines had zero positive impact on per capita deaths for even a single year time span. I have also found in my personal experience the parents who vaccinated their little kids, usually already immune, at the urging of their pediatrician couldn’t even muster a simple “why are we doing this” on behalf of their kids!!!

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You would probably like Disaffected Podcast. Josh Slocum had an abusive mother and he really calls out these "munchie" (Munchausen by Proxy) parents that are destroying their children as a method to gain attention.

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Another needless shot for the least likely to get Covid. This sickens me

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Evil in action.

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as it should.

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Your baby has had a stroke, along with a cardiac arrhythmia. This is normal these days because of pandemic stress in utero. Be sure to get your QR code imprinted on his forehead before you go home as it's required to leave the hospital. I'm allowed to say "his" because I studied biology.

Oh! And make sure you tell everyone your son is grateful for the protection the vaccine provides and to get vaxxed and boosted if they haven't already. We have his gender reassignment surgery scheduled for next week, toodle-oo!

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I laughed cynically at this comment

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My town had an outbreak of over 50 kids in the middle school last week. Based on the state’s raw vaxx data, it looks like over 95% of children that age are vaxxed in that school. Of course, they probably received their injection before the school year began in August or September and it has waned, but what really is the point? That’s a rhetorical question. Meanwhile, I have to have test to prove I don’t have Covid to get into venues. I think it’s time to just stop testing as everyone is susceptible. Just ask Jen Psaki.

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All Covid tests are pure BS. Completely meaningless. Had we eliminated the PCR in the beginning, the pandemic would disappear overnight. Case loads based upon a false test.

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There is a school in your area with a 95% vac rate?????? Are you kidding???? Those kids are screwed in life

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According to mass.gov, kids in my town are >95%. Then when you look at the age brackets with the actual number of kids, it’s basically 100%. The few that aren’t are probably home schooled.

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That’s terrifying!!! I live in a woke county (like 68% for Biden) but our 12-17 is right around 50%.

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In one of the age brackets, sorry it’s not in front of me at the moment, but I believe it’s mostly HS aged, the number of vaccines given exceeds the number of kids, so I guess they are also boosted.

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Wow. I know I’ve looked at that data in some states and it definitely says that and I’m just kind of dumbfounded. I can’t imagine these same people saying yes if someone asked in 2919 “Will you give your child an experimental shot from novel technology with unknowable long term consequences that has a very slight risk based on in vitro studies that it might permanently alter their DNA, has a terrible known short range side effect profile, does not prevent getting or spreading any virus, and is targeted at a virus that has no statistical chance of killing or severely injuring your, and actually they have most likely already had this virus?”

I just can’t imagine people jumping to a “yes” on an insane question like this 2 years ago, which makes me shocked at the number today who on behalf of their children scream “thank you sir, can you give them another.”

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Asked them in *2019*

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How to Get Covid: Get vaxxed! Get boosted! There ya go!

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It’s worked for many I know!!!!!

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January here in the Bay Area schools were obliterated. Our middle school boasts 95% as well, elementary 70%. My unvaccinated kids didn’t get sick but all their friends and teachers did….

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My brain has trouble grasping that. I think people are nuts here, but little kid vaccination in NC is barely over 25%, and 12-17 has hovered just under 50% since last August. Some of the parents that I know who ran out to get their teen or tween vaccinated now feel terrible about it. I am so amazed by areas that so willingly believe whatever some government official or talking head tells them to do after years of never ending lying. I can accept it’s real but my brain can’t fully process the reality that so many are just kind of blindly sleeping through life under the command of whomever has a microphone telling them what to do. 😩

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Meanwhile their ceo is a multimillionaire. But according to the Karen’s, he has the kids best interest at heart

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He’s a billionaire

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Mar 23, 2022
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psychopaths come in all colors, nationalities and religions.

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Don’t hold back. How do you Really feel? 🤣🤣🤣

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I feel you. I have to share mine with Lauterbach 😆

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These people are mentally ill. I find no other rational explanation.

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The ones at the top are evil. The rest are just sheep.

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Hey Doohmax...I almost added ",...either that, or they're evil", to my first sentence. Then I thought to myself 'one has to be mentally ill to be evil', so I left it alone.

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That's the problem of being trapped in the Big Lie. You can't say no at this point, it would be a clear admission of guilt. Just remember our best weapon is the truth. Keep up the good fight Team Reality. Stay strong and free.

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I would like to know if parents willingly enrolled their children in the trial or if it was largely made up of orphans and children in foster care without an adult to appropriately advocate for them.

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I'll bet there is a LOT of the latter. Have you read RFK Jr's book?

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Bought it, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

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Every parent I've tried to talk to about this has "done their research", yet they can never cite a source.

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Nothing makes me angrier than grandparents who won't see the little kids unless the kids are masked and vaxxed. When did grandparents stop caring about the kids? May they rot in hell for imposing their own psychoses upon the grandkids.

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Or parents that won’t let the grandparents see the grandkids unless the grandparents are vaxxed. I hadn’t heard about people wanting the KIDS to be vaxxed before visiting, that is just so insane and evil!

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Both are awful but the former is far worse. Grandparents have had 60 or 70 years on this Earth but their "golden years" are more important than kids who have their whole lives in front of them? We have gone way off the rails as a society. Seriously, screw these people.

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That's boomers for you

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I agree.

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I was told research is for scientists. Us normal people must obey what the white coats say. We too dumb for research. 🤦‍♀️

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Right - I was told that too - that all the reading, learning and studying I do isn't "research" because I don't have a degree in "the science". Meanwhile Dr. Evil hasn't stepped foot in a lab in 30 years (except maybe to drop off a cheque).

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"Perhaps Moderna believes regulators will not feel they can say no this late in the game."

More likely, Moderna and Pfizer know approval is in the bag...

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The regulators are probably waiting for their checks to clear.

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It seems with animals and humans we are vaccinating based on a remote possibility of getting a virus. About 3 years ago, I began looking into cases involving rabies, rhino, west Niles, etc for my horses that frequently had bad reactions to shots. I realized cases were extremely small. Hmmm. On top of that shots once were given individually now there is a 5 way shot. I talked with my vet. She did not like combining so many shots. About a year ago my neighbor with an older horse vaccinated him and he died. Her horse was in very good shape. Beautiful animal. Makes me sick to know those shots killed him. The pro vaccine folks like with humans push the notion that the more people and animals get vaccinated that is what keeps down cases. I know of a few people with many animals that have never vaccinated and they have never had any cases. Some of these animals are routinely out and about with many other animals. I once was a barn manager when rhino went through our barn. The only horse that did not get sickness at all was an older horse that was never vaccinated.

All the people I know that have gotten vaccines have all gotten virus as well. I do know a family where daughter, father, mother all got virus and were unvaccinated. What is weird there is the dad is in very good shape and got very sick. His wife has been sick multiple times with various illnesses which he says is why he got sick to begin with. So she is the sickly one, but never gets very sick. He is fit and gets really sick. Our ecosystems sure are complex.

I went to a community meeting the other night. The presenter, a county worker, at some point spoke about Covid, and said “you know the virus that was suppose to kill is all”, as she rolled her eyes. I of course smiled, but realized the room was quiet. I then realized I was with a bunch of people that still believed Covid is a huge threat. The speaker realized her error. Most uncomfortable meeting I have ever been to. People very defensive.

I see many politicians acting very crazy these days. Calling for assassinations which no country should do publicly. It is like they have lost their filter. Have these vaccines caused frontal lobe damage? Seriously, I have seen huge differences with people I know that have been vaccinated. They seem easily triggered. Make little sense. Decision making seems very altered.

Ramblings for a rainy Wednesday.

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I know a man whose beloved dog died shortly after getting vaxed, was never the same after a shot. Another's dog developed an autoimmune conditition,requiring regular purchases of expensive medication. As your post makes clear, these shots are not about health. They're about profit. Good for you for investigating for yourself.

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injecting healthy children with experimental drugs is a crime

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The regulators will approve this rubbish because they want golden parachute jobs with Moderna when they tire of being government bureaucrats. Moderna doesn't care if parents don't get their kids vaxed, because idiot government politicians looking for campaign donations (read: "kickbacks") will give Moderna contracts that guarantee them sales whether the doses are used or not. Just another example of how corrupt the whole process is.

The way to become wealthy in this life is to sell a product to governments, and donate a portion of the sales proceeds to the largest two or three political parties in each country.

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Why would the pharma developers care? Since they can never be sued; there is no incentive for them to do the right thing. They have a hard enough time doing the right thing when they can be sued.

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Billboards all over my State citing "I did the research and got the vaccine" safe and effective BS paid for with your borrowed taxpayer dollars. WTF ????

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I saw a commercial yesterday that STILL implied the vax stops transmission. And unlike other drug ads that are half side effects, this was 100% rainbows and sunshine.

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As each day passes and stories like this emerge, I am so happy I didn't give into the hysteria and manipulation to take one of these shots!

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U ok surviving the winter of death and hospitalization?

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I am. Not even sniffles this winter. No Winter Vagina, no heart attack or stroke from shoveling snow. Winter of Death was a disappointment...for the Branch Covidians.

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Substack comboxes have save my sanity (and preserved my admittedly dark sense of humor).

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Winter has passed and Spring has sprung where I live. And yes, we survived!

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Welcome to the Spring of disease and death, you dirty unvaxxed piece of shit. (joking)

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Who puts their baby in a drug trial? Especially now

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Why anyone under the age of 65 would have ever taken this so called vaccine is beyond me. Those that would inject their children are beyond help.

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Even OVER the age of 65!

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My son-in-law's brother has twins who are 4. His brother is an engineer and his brother's wife is an MD, (Pediatric allergist). They are going to get their kids vaccinated as soon as it becomes available for young children. I can't understand why highly educated people, especially one in the medical field, would vaccinate their young children.

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Pediatricians are in$entivized to vaccinate. They get paid more by insurance companies the greater the % of their patients are vaxed (varies from state to state):


Pediatricians are taught that vaccines are necessary, period, so a covid vaccine on top of all the others wouldn't seem out of place to a (brainwashed) pediatrician. Here's the schedule:


Forrest Maready has written a number of books that provide more information about vaccine history:


Unfortunately, sometimes the most highly educated are the most highly indebted/brainwashed, especially if they feel entitled to knowledge that others don't have.

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I've noticed that the highly educated feel they know more than the average Joe.

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About the regular childhood vaccines: Growing up in the 1970's in a mid-sized (300,000 people) city, there was not a single instance of someone dying or being messed up due to childhood diseases. This mean the vaccine schedule of, say 1975, was sufficient to eliminate the scourge of childhood diseases such as those in the history books. There was never any medical reason to add any additional vaccines to the childhood schedule from that point on. It has all been about profits ever since.

As someone who's childhood was compromised by what, in retrospect, turned out to be medical Mercury, I lost trust in the medical establishment well over a decade ago. That the medical establishment still refuses to own up to the problems of medical Mercury has done nothing to restore any trust on my part in the medical establishment.

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Thimerosal - mercury based preservation in vaccines …. has been reduced…

Meaning, STILL in vaccines 😔


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Alex, you wrote (Recall that) "the major adult trials from Moderna and Pfizer showed a 95 percent reduction in infections against the original coronavirus variant."

No, they did not. The 95% number repeated endlessly by the CDC employees and the main stream media was the relative risk reduction (RRR) which meant very little and means very little to this day. It's all explained here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG7n1ZbDTww

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I am having a hard time determining who is a bigger threat to the U. S citizens. Is it Putin and his nukes or Moderna and Pfizer with their affiliates at the FDA, NIH and CDC.

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Ask yourself this: Who wants to force medical treatment on you against your will and to force you to carry documentation indicating that you have undergone such medical treatment? Who wants to regulate what you drive, where you can drive, and how much you can fly? Who wants to regulate what you can say on the internet and threatens to take your money if you say something they do not like? The questions go on and on.

Putin is a bad guy, no doubt. But at the end of the day, his ambitions are domestic/regional. There is another group of people who want to regulate your life as above and who's ambitions are world-wide.

Anyone with room temperature and above IQ should clearly see which is the greater threat to the liberty of Americans.

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Some questions are posed to challenge people to think. Thinking is such a rare thing in the U. S. today. Universities are programming our young to not think but become puppets for their propaganda. As I walk, unmasked and unvaxed at 74, through stores like Home Depot and Walmart, I see the people still wearing masks as the young adults or the older people mostly obese. Not the brightest lights on the block. Thanks for your response!

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But their survival rate will go from 99.99999999% to 99.99999999%. We must get them the jab to save lives!

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"if it saves one life...!"

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15% had fevers....wonder how many of them could potentially be Maddie de Garay "fevers". Like paralyzed & on a feeding tube = stomachache

I can already bet big money this gets approved. Heartbreaking

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Worst thing they won’t know for years. Delays abs allergies can take years to manifest.

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The regulators will approve, the government will purchase massive stocks, no one will subject their children to it, and a year from now we'll be hearing about all the unused "vaccine" being destroyed.

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I hope you're right!

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‘The government’ purchasing massive stocks, means WE will be paying for it. Ugh.

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Oh, given the number of preschoolers and toddlers I see in the grocery store with masks, there will be SOME brainwashed parents that will subject their babies to this. Sickens me.

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I hope hope hope so. I fear most peeps here in San Francisco will shoot their babies up with glee.

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Nothing short of an overthrow of the current system and structures will end the Democide.

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You keep acting like the MRNA vaccines are over and done with, but they aren’t. You think that just because the scientific evidence says that they don’t work well and probably do more harm than good means that they will go away. They aren’t.

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They do what they do because they can. The #1 crisis we face is ZERO accountability. Why would any rational mind believe things would change with the very same people who have been orchestrating all of this are in place...especially in the Pharma space.

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Worth a bumper sticker: The #1 crisis we face is ZERO accountability

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The CDC, FDA, FEMA, DHS- even NASA- are as much a part of the Deep State as the CIA.

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Just finished listening to the four hour interview that Megyn Kelly did with Robert Kennedy Jr. ~ I will never feel the same about vaccines again. I agree with Rob, trust has been completely obliterated.

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I have family member that stated as soon as the jab is “approved” for under 5 they are getting the jab for their child to protect the child from severe illness, even though the child is healthy and has no pre-existing comorbidities. You can’t change that mind set no matter what proof, data or real world examples you show.

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" it believes the shots might reduce the risk of severe Covid in young children"

What severe Covid? I've never heard of severe Covid in young children. This is criminal and must be prosecuted!

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They are moving ahead because they are sociopaths. They are moving ahead because the FDA is filled to the brim with sociopaths. They are moving ahead because no small fraction of parents are sociopathic virtue signallers.

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You are correct: http://ponerology.com/

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Moderna is a one trick pony when it comes to profits. Thus, the need to push their one trick on as many humans as possible.

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Shots for this age group are absurd. I know of kids under the age of 12 in my neighborhood who received this jab and also had the Vid a couple months afterwards. Absolutely useless and risky. Makes me sad for the children and angry at these crooks.

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There's indication the spike protein settles in the ovaries. It won't be clear for decades what effect this has on reproduction. We already know it affects the DNA of human liver cells in vitro.


Do these parents understand this? Maybe an information packet is in order....

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I actually fear a Handmaid's Tale type future for my 13 year old daughter

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Doesn’t it have to do with getting it on the childhood vaccine schedule, so that they can have liability immunity permanently?

Robert F. Kennedy, quoted here:


“They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.

So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine.

That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, PL 99-660, gave manufacturers immunity for liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines on childhood immunization schedule.

2005 PREP Act, Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, gave manufacturers immunity from liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization.

2020 CARES Act, expanded PREP Act provisions, by expanding the number of people allowed to administer injections without facing liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines under EUA, except for ‘willful misconduct.’


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THIS!!!! ^^^^^^^

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My wife drives the ship medically for our Vaxx injured 24 year old son. This is her go to book -https://www.medicalmedium.com/book And yes we have had "Autism Drs" say to us, "but he (the author) is not even a MD". Yes, we dropped that MD.

I now live the same life as my son from a dietary view - at least 97%. It works!!

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Who were the13,400 parents that put their kids in this study?

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Can you imagine putting your toddler into an experiment and having him end up with a 105 degree fever in the hospital?

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I can't imagine putting my otherwise healthy kid in any medical experiment.

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This won't end until these people are ended. Out of a job, out on the street, whatever you want "ended" to mean.

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"it is not entirely clear why Moderna would try to convince regulators to move ahead." Is this satire??

Like most I'm starting to realize many of what I thought were conspiracy theories have a lot of truth to them. Like general vaccine hesitancy, not just for Covid, when I read that in 2021 childhood vaccination in Florida fell 14% and all cause mortality also fell by 9%. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/florida-vaccine-hesitancy-reduced?s=r

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Alex - check out this quote,

"Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner, says testing should end outside of specific high-risk circumstances like nursing homes. Covid could “fade from consciousness” this summer …"

Any idea why he wants to stop testing now?

Hmmm.....Maybe because its showing his vaccines dont work? Nah, couldn't be!

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Covid cases and covid deaths are up up up in nearly every state, eg


and country:


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“ it is not entirely clear why Moderna would try to convince regulators to move ahead”

Pretty sure we have covered fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder return here there and everywhere… that’s all this can be

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