Have you seen Senator Johnson’s panel on vaccine injuries??

Every American should see this...

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The Highwire carried it as well.

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The Highwire was the one to watch. CHD's audio was verplunkt.

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HealthImpactNews on Rumble has all of it by guest and Sen. Johnson. Pfizer, NIH, HHS, NIAID have provided zero assistance to those people. An Ag pilot was told he was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. Tests proved he had brain swelling and bleeding. The medical industrial complex is complicit in genocide. God save the children and wake up parents to those murdering Menghele worshipping cretins. 25K pediatricians have taken 30 pieces of silver to deliver a toxin to the our children. Purging our military soldiers? Need to purge the medical system of the corrupt money lusting psychopaths pushing death.

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Check out the work of aaronsiri.substack.com

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This video was a bit clearer.. https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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That's just a blurb. I looked but didn't find the video. Do you have a link?

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Del doesn't have it up anymore sorry about that. I did find this with brief video clips of the different speakers. Maybe it will work to cover the highlights... https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/doctors-and-covid-19-vaccine-injured-testify-in-washington-d-c-to-crimes-against-humanity-cdc-fda-nih-fauci-are-no-shows/

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I haven't watched it yet but independent journalist Ivory Hecker had a video about the vaccine injuries on her instagram the past couple days.

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You can Duck Duck Go Senator Ron Johnson early treatment and a number of links will come up, including the C-Span videos

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Here it is in full on YouTube, hopefully it will stay up:


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Thank you! I watched it live and now I can share it.

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Thank you Alex for getting the truth to the people. You are the one source we can believe and learn. We can't trust anyone anymore. Sad.

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Geez no pressure lol

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You just keep doing what you do, Alex. That's what brought us all here. So for rEALZ...nO pressure. We'll patiently wait for your next piece uncovered.

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Not true. El gato has an excellent substack, anonymous because he is a medical professional protecting his job (I'm guessing an epidemiologist or researcher). Dr Michael Yeadon checks in there as time permits. Gab has several high profile professionals posting, including Dr Martin Kulldorf (author of the Great Barrington Resolution).

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And none of them directly insult their fans.

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Troll alert…

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I can't hear you, I'm too busy ruining social institutions with estrogen and emotion.

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Let me amend that to:”Mental illness alert”

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Bitches be crazy, amirite?

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Good one! Lol

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Alex Jones at Infowars has been telling the truth about pharma, vaxxes and COVID plandemic from day one.

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Try Thehighwire.com and Children's Health Defense, too.

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Total agree. Keep digging foe the truth, please!! Thank you!

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I will pray for you Alex! "If we do not all hang together, we shall all hang separately" Thomas Paine.

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the duty of the patriot is to protect the country from his government... t paine

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Love that guy!

If I were able to sit down with and pick a man's mind. It would be Tom's!

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Well it took 200 years before Paine, Franklin, and Jefferson were able to put Roger Williams and My 6th Great Grandfather Samuel Hubbard of Newport RI. Ideas into practical and demonstrable form.

Realizing that God indeed guided us To Providence.

But not without being exiled.

We should be so lucky for things to become so bad that our day comes, to stand up and fight for the righteous cause of Truth, LIBERTY and Peace.

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My brother has texted me several times this year, "para bellum".

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I am inclined to quote a man who achieved much success in battle.

"The best way to make war is to first; call to mind all mistakes made in former wars."

King David

First you must identify the enemy. And right now I am surrounded.

So Art of War rule number one states

"You should be first to the field. " Sun Tsu

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Rejoice and be exceeding glad!

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I'm very grateful for intelligent, motivated folks like yourself to take the time and energy to get through the BS being dumped on the world and turn it into sensible dialogue. Thanks for your work and keep on doing it. You make a difference. Thank you.

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Thank you for taking one for the team! I have been curious about this book but didn’t really want to put another dollar in his pocket. I look forward to your analysis.

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I like Alex. Give him a break. We can educate him on election fraud and he can add his narrative on the pandemic. We shouldn’t give up on each other because Nothing will ever change if we do.

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He doesnt need to be a condescending jerk. He doesn’t believe their is fraud etc, ok. But don’t be an ass about that. We came here to get away from that. I cancelled my sub. Not bc of his opinion on the election, but bc i don’t need to be insulted.

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The information he has provided on the pandemic has been spot on. I guess accurate information is less important than your ego or feelings. Sounds like the sore loser kid that takes their marbles and goes home, pouting all the way.

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No i’m fine with his opinion, he just doesn’t need to be an asshole and insult us. I’m not paying to be insulted.

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I appreciate the info bc i trust him. You don’t know jack shit about me.

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You're reacting Instead of responding (like a liberal).

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Is there a reason you’re being a db? Yeah i react when i get insulted. GFY

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Explain how you were insulted? Because he did not believe election fraud was happening in Virginia? People that actually live there have confirmed he is probably right and that they have a pretty good system. Or was it the comment about "trumpsters"? If so thats pretty weak. The name calling you are indulging in is far worse. If you don't agree with him, or Anne for that matter who posted about the system in Virginia, then explain why. Meanwhile I am enjoying my lefty friends on Facebook melting down over the Republican win in Virginia.

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And..there you have it.

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I think he’s teachable. Don’t prove me wrong Alex .

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You aren't going to make it against the evil out there thats going to get worse, if you can't handle Alex making a general statement about whining

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I like Alex too. Appreciate all his hard work in telling the truth about Covid. Just wish he wouldn't be condescending to lots of us and would open his eyes to election fraud. Not giving up on him though.

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I still have my subscription.

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Scott Gottlieb (now w/Pfizer) & Stephen Hahn (now w/Moderna via FlagshipPioneering) are the proof that the FDA is captured by Big Pharma. News was out back in June/2021. I worked hard on many social platforms to make the public aware. Thankfully Dr. Robert Malone retweeted, it helped let the #TruthBeTold. WE as a society cannot trust the FDA, CDC as long as the revolving doors exist and policy is driven by profits. https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/six-months-after-granting-moderna-covid-19-eua-ex-fda-commish-joins-biotech-s-founding

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I've watched the CDC and fauci lie on TV unchallenged. Nothing surprises me anymore. Listened to the CDC yesterday talk about the experimental gene therapies for kids. I couldn't believe my ears. That is why I follow every doctor and expert that has been banned and censored.

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Scott sold his soul to the devil...hopped from Government to the arms of Big Pharma. Even if some of what he says is true, he has a conflict of interest. S. Monroe, MD

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Well these days Government & Big Pharma are one & the same.

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If you think they are not....govt. paying Big Pharma billions of $ for vax. The govt. uses our tax money to pay for all these vaxes. Majority of govt. owns stock in the companies making billions of dollars. Force it on majority of people. Sell lots of vaxes and now boosters. Its like a big ponzi scheme.

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Ha, thanks for taking one for the team. I'd much rather read your analysis than that boob's own words any day.

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I’m listening to all the Covid books as well. Uncontrollable Spread is awful. The Truth About Covid 19 by Joseph Mercola is currently the best I’ve read/heard.

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I will be looking that up. Thank you!

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One lie per page sounds like an easy pace for a COVID propagandist.

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Good luck getting through that book without throwing it in the fireplace. Save it though because when you can’t afford to heat your house this winter it will be fuel for your fireplace.

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That's one way to turn foolishness into fuelishness!

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It sounds as if it’s one of those books that Dorothy Parker would have described as “suitable for throwing purposes.”

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Alex, I can't imagine what more he has to say. Pfizer's own studies of their own shots were seriously flawed, as I explain in the paper I wrote in July (which I sent you via email). They have no justification for pushing these shots as having any effectiveness whatsoever. There is zero scientific evidence showing these shots do anything but harm.

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In case you missed it, here's a link to the paper I wrote on the shots which focuses primarily on Pfizer's studies (Dr Hotze published it on one of his sites):


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Thanks for reading it for me, us dumb Trumpsters kan't reed

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Thank you for taking one for the team and saving us the abuse.

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I lasted 2 pages with that book and my Bullshit meter hit the roof! Glad it was a kindle library rental! He’s a hack!🦠🤣

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Prayers Up - you are a good man Charlie Brown - now save Snoopy from Dr. Fauci!

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Thank you for reading this for me. I trust your reporting.

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Attawoochie. I am sure as heck not going to give Gottlieb any (more) of my money.

(I've probably been damaged by Pfizer meds in the past. 🤣)

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And thank you for typing what I was thinking! :)

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Wait until you read Scott Gottlieb's book about voting fraud.

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Or Scott Gottlieb's book about Killing Kids !

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I will continue to pray for you, Alex.

With much respect and gratitude 🙏🏻

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Alex - seriously, you should do a read along every night at 7 on the Tube. It would be great!

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Will you please meticulously point out every lie or erroneous Piece of information. I will read along too.

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All patriots and truth warriors are in my daily prayers...you're on a Grace autopilot my friend.

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We appreciate you, Alex, and what you are doing for humanity! Your children will be proud one day when they know the role you played in trying to save us all!! Much love 💕 💗 to you and your family, from Blue (boo!) CT

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I think he's referring to the uncontrolled spread of his butt cheeks. Big Pharma is, well, big down there; and they like to shove it all the way in.

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Thanks for suffering through that tome of lies for us. I won't dignify it with one cent towards its cost.

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Not kidding, some of us do pray for you.

May God bless you and keep you, may He make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May God turn His face towards you and give you peace.

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Did you see the recent EU member press conference where the Romanian member shares the secret Pfizer contract that governments are held to -- watch the press conference and see You Tube link for full conference https://www.bitchute.com/video/wIVeiiPhoW4/

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Alex, you should stop whining about how your work is work. That's something losers do.

I understand this is how you encourage people you respect, so I hope you appreciate it.

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Well-played! I just posted a rebuttal to that "losers" column a few minutes ago.

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As difficult, cynical and pessimistic I write here, Mr Berenson, I genuinely and wholeheartedly appreciate your efforts and drive.

That said, beware of naïveté and unsupported hope. I truly know, if the people who relentlessly demand Civility Acquiescence and Tolerance were in charge of this country in the 1940’s, yes, we’d all be speaking German and Japanese today.

You cannot negotiate nor exist around evil, but, I guess it all depends on when people finally realize, enough was too much…

Again sir, thank you very much for all your time effort and energy, be safe and well to yourself and family, and most importantly, don’t underestimate the enemy! I doubt you do but, watch out, the green goblin said it perfectly (paraphrased)in the first Spider-Man, crush the heart, the body is easy to destroy after that…

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Similar to what I posted also. There are not enough resources to expose all the lies that permeate society in the present state of affairs. While efforts do need to be undertaken to expose some of them, as examples, we would deplete our resource base to focus solely on exposing the lies (as most of us -- including Alex, I'm sure -- well know).

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There certainly aren’t enough resources. Investigative media died many years ago, replaced by activist propagandists. Cops would rather go after low hanging fruit, and the FBI are Deep State partisan jacks as well.

Democrat thieves get book deals, not prison (Comey, McCabe, Clapper, et all)

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Which is why next year's "election" will not happen as what we saw yesterday...

The Left will double down and either make 2020 look like a kindergarten festival, or, will just have their mob of Antifa, Black Hate Matters, and their factions in Blue States fan out and terrorize the country...

Sociopaths don't lose, they either are relentless in crushing hope and faith, or, are finally refuted in the fashion they deserve: flee or be buried...

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I was a respiratory therapist. Spent most of my time in adult medical-surgical ICU taking care of ventilator patients. When I first read about putting two patients on one ventilator I was aghast. So many technical problems with that I can’t imagine how anyone with a functioning brain cell would even consider it.

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I also have been amazed and shocked at the stupidity of our leaders, having a law degree doesn't mean they have a brain.

Latest example...Walinsky...she only says what she is told to say no matter how rediculous it may be.

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Gottlieb is not only a board member on Pfizer but also Illumina. They make the technology possible for DNA readers/coders, etc. China is a major purchaser of Illumina's most expensive, and most sophisticated machines. It is well-known that CCP has long been taking the DNA of every single Chinese citizen.

Gottlieb is also on the board of the New Enterprise Associates, a venture capitalist firm.

Gottlieb is not a fan of Fauci (according to the book Alex is reading), but make no mistake...he is a central figure in this mess.

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Gottlieb has an undergrad in Economics from Wesleyan. Seems like not many M.D.’s start out in Economics...

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I've been saying all along, if the virus was so bad , why does the democrat aligned media and democrats have to fabricate scary stories about it?

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Gottlieb lives by Beltway Bandit adage ~ An ounce of facade is worth a pound of substance.

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Thank you for subjecting yourself to all this for the sake of Humanity.

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Remind me again, how many ventilators did the "Luv Guv" demand? 40,000? Did he ever need them? He got several thousand, and never needed them.

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will it change anyone's mind about the poverty of critical thought in usa' public experts?

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See, I thought that was Kamala Harris' autobiography.

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get your red pen handy. maybe get a box...

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Your dedication is most important. A 330 million thanks. A seemingly minor issue: CDC has banned all dogs from entering the USA. Another edict negatively affecting regular citizens. My family lives in USA and South America. Any dog lover knows we cannot travel to SA without our pet. How to dispose of Rochelle Walensky?

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Oh, a book on the covid comedy show. sponsored by pfizer and pfauci

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We needed a point man on recon patrol. Good luck Alex. Were all behind you! 😉

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Occasionally, we each need to dig into the lies to expose them. If we're not careful, however, we can fall into traps designed to ensnare us and deplete our resources. It takes little effort to conceive and propagate lies, but a great deal of effort to expose them -- and even once fully exposed, often, those who oppose the truth will just move on to the next batch of lies to start the cycle over again, ad infinitum. I know Alex understands this, but the lies have overtaken truth and common sense, so the task becomes monumental.

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If Alex Berenson was not monitoring government officials for truth and accuracy, who would be? Very likely, the answer is no one. What other popular delusions are being perpetrated on the public?

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Gottlieb is lying sack if shit

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Knew he was a fat liar when he sad vaccine immunity was better than God given natural immunity . Pos

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Thank you for your research and hard work. I recently recovered from Covid as did my husband. I was getting vaccinated but was in no rush. Generally healthy, exercising for years and no reason. We are retired and mostly enjoy evenings at home. However I love to travel internationally. That was my one real reason to get vaccinated. So that’s the plan, but no trips on immediate horizon and no vaccine for us on horizon either, now that we have authentic antibodies created by our immune system so it’s all good. My husband will never be vaccinated and has talked me out of it in the near future. So your research and articles are important to us.

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Alex, you are amazing! My wife and I so admire your courage, wisdom and commitment to the cause. We wish we could help you some how. I would read 200 pages for you!!! Take care my friend and know that you have hundreds of fans that are voting your victory! Bless you!

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