That's a fascinating set of observations: we prove that mask-theater raises fear, because (by observation) the elimination of mask-theater lowers fear in exactly the same manner. We've all been subjects in a global psychological experiment.

Along those same lines, Tucker Carlson did a fantastic job of flipping the script: "if the vaccines work, why do they have to wear masks? What are they afraid of?" After just a week of that, the Admin changed the policy. Because - "Science!"

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Not quite gone in Seattle. We are experiencing the hottest most miserable weather in our history and "experts" are still pushing masks. I saw at least 10 children under age 6 wearing masks today in 100 degree weather. It took all my self control to not rip them off. My daughter, a child psychologist, seriously wondered aloud if she needed to put in a call to CPS as she is a mandatory reporter. When will this madness stop??? https://komonews.com/news/local/health-experts-urge-continued-use-of-masks-even-as-extreme-heat-rolls-into-region

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Heartbreaking. Münchausen syndrome by proxy is the real pandemic

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Kind of a wierd version of MSP though. The masked kids in my area emerge from houses that display colorful yard signs proclaiming what good people they are. The masked child seems to be an extension of this and the syndrome presents in a way that the parent seems to want to be part of a "club" rather than the classic attention seeking in MSP. Either way, I call it abuse.

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But how will we be able to tell the good people from the bad people?

They're already keying up the scariant panic porn for the summer. Turns out, the Delta is a bust...stupid Public Health England and their stupid data...so now on to the super extra double scary Delta variant plus.

Meanwhile, someone keeps tweeting in Chinese (with tidbits in English) that the CCP is gonna launch a much more dangerous virus in the late summer/ early fall.

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Just subscribed, I'm writing from the Czech Republic. It ain't over here, I'm afraid. A lot of people are indeed 'done with it' in their own minds, in that they've either taken the damn jab or (like me) are trying to ride it out in the hope that the magical "herd immunity" is reached and the Gov will finally piss off and let us live in peace. Unfortunately for the government goons, (voluntary) vaccine uptake has plateaued and the coercion is being upped a notch. They are literally planning on writing INTO LAW that you will not be allowed entrance to all sorts of activities (post office, restaurant, theater, cinema, etc.) unless either vaccinated, show proof of illness in the past 6 months, or freshly tested by PCR fraud. And this is IRRESPECTIVE of the current epidemiological situation; which, by the way, is 'normal' as no public health office in any of the country's 14 states/regions has actually declared an epidemic of a respiratory illness, defined as 1600 per 100,000 people with clinical symptoms. Funny that, isn't it? The one hope we have is the elections in October, in which it looks like the gobshites in power at the moment will be given the boot. They could be replaced by an even worse bunch of Leftie clowns called the Pirates (yes, there is actually a Pirate party here!) who are basically the hip office worker's party. One of the least-worst options is to vote for the SPD party, led by a kinda mini Le Pen/Vilders/Salvini, but he's one of the few who's been talking sense throughout all of this. Oh, and they decided to stick with mandatory n95 respirators indoors/in public transport all through the summer. Mostly on the basis of incorrect data from last Wednesday that showed a high number of new positive 'cases' - 2 days later it was reduced by 1/3. Fucking hell...

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"If you think you are too small to make an impact, try spending the night in a room with a mosquito." ~African proverb

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Willing to chop off the old and embrace the new. Nice ending. Stay in truth and follow that AB.

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Not quite gone in SF and East Bay area either. Went to market several days ago, about 85 percent wearing masks, including little kids. Store help still masked. Even some people outdoors wearing masks. A year of terror mongering worked...people are afraid to shed their magic ju-ju cloth to ward off the evil spirits of Covid. Sad...

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Hi ! Great work! I signed up to get more specific data about the masks effectiveness to convince my work place to drop them. Can I please have the links to your research data base? Thanks!

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