I know this first hand. A friend who’d been in remission for over 15 years died of leukemia which came back with a vengeance after the jab! He was gone in 6 weeks. His doctor reported it to VAERS but as you well know, nothing came of the report. Faucci needs to be jailed for murder! And NOW these morons are getting ready to roll out the 10th booster????

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I’m very sorry to hear this… can you email me? I’d like to ask some details

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I tried to email you but it bounced back. What email should I use?

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alexberensonauthor at gmail.com

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Please forgive me for tailgating on your top comment & for going off topic BUT many readers here are also fans of Dr V Prasad who is urging folks to sign a petition on behalf of Martin Kulldorff, recently fired from Harvard for being right about Covid health policy. Support the persecuted! Thanks.


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One wonders about the timing of this — did Harvard feel it had to take someone out “from the other side” after the Pres Gay fiasco?

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Sorry for your loss. It must be very maddening. And I am sure there are many stories like yours that are just not reported.

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I have you topped. A friend's mother got the first Pfizer shot and started feeling unwell a week or so later. She was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and within 2 weeks she was dead. She was in her upper 80's and other than having Lupus, she was very healthy and spry. I lost another friend to brain cancer a year later. I could literally go on all day.

Anecdotal or not, these are real people. I pray that one day, someone will actually collect the data on these death shots and the people who pushed them will be culpable for their crimes. Fauci had a chance to update the VAERS system and make it user friendly, but he refused (per "The Real Anthony Fauci"). I wonder why.

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As far as I’m concerned Fauci should be jailed or at the VERY MINIMUM loose his government pension!

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At least Japan is trying to figure out things. However, our government leaders might shut them down for further studies.

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I realize this info is anecdotal, but I know of six individuals - close family or friends - who have been diagnosed with different forms of cancer since the vaccine rollout. One being my 45 year old Sis who died within a month of being diagnosed with an aggressive melanoma, and two who now have leukemia. The remaining three have lung, prostate, and cancer originating in the hip. It seems like an onslaught when it happens to those who you know closely. Studies like this give me extra concern. Keep digging for the truth, Alex!

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Call it anecdotal, but I had two more "died suddenly"s this week, including a 27 year old mother of a two week old who stood up and dropped dead. She was younger than my vaxxed daughter. I just don't know how to stop being afraid all the time.

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I share your worry…my kids & grandkids.

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1st day of spring 2024, and STILL not ONE person responsible for the entire planned, executed and executing plandemic has remotely been held accountable. Not ONE on the entire planet EARTH. Will we still be reading pieces like this 1, 3 and 10 years beyond? Does anyone find the redundancy just deafening at this point considering what is KNOWN, and those we KNOW who brought this upon humanity and or were complicit? Just sayin, but hey it's always FUN to read more of the same redundancy right...WTF! Not ONE.

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it's because every single politician with the exception of DeSantis is complicit.

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DeSantis and also Ron Johnson. Sen. Johnson has been a Godsend with the information he’s helped get out there.

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True. Forgot about him. He's a hero

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It's like chasing your tail with the redundancy of it all at this point lol. Meanwhile, gain of function research is still being "allowed", and all the same players who brought 2020 plandemic upon humanity are busy planning the next and the most infuriating aspect of it all is WE THE PEOPLE get to pay the elf fraud Fauci a generous pension until he dies. Justice in America at it's finest

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THIS is what scares me most.

We're just begging for it to happen again.

If there's a second go around the sheep are so conditioned there will be no need for three times a charm.

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WHY wouldn't it when those who brought it in 2020 KNOW they will not be held accountable. I've said for a long time now zero accountability is the greatest existential crisis we face on most every level of society now, but especially within the great Government-Pharma-Medical-Media cabal. All of this redundancy has made me quite redundant :)

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Hahaha....redundant. that's actually what we need to be.

But it's not just the lack of accountability with the Medical Cartel....it's everything....

The greatest trick ever played has been to change the meaning of transparency into traitor.

The American public loves the government so much now The Truth would be one part shocking and one part unsettling ....so much so; it would be ignored.

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The SHEEP portion of the America public yes because as you know once aware one cannot be made unaware

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YES...great point on how they accuse YOU of what they are doing in reference to transparent being re-directed in traitor narrative

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How many "died suddenly"s have to happen before people start screaming for blood?? I just can't listen sympathetically anymore. If the truth ever comes out it will only be because Trump is ahead in the polls in October.

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May be on to something DTTS if you are insinuating Trumps championing of OWS. That is ONE pit of explosives yet to be lit. My only legit BEEF with 45 and it's a big BEEF

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Yes. I can barely bring myself to read about it anymore. I know I commented years ago that those of us who didn't fall for it cared the most about it all and were the most furious. I think that has changed a little, but not enough. I can still hardly talk to my sister because of her blowing off my concern and jabbing her kids anyway. I know she doesn't understand why, still...

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I hope you, like me, take great satisfaction from the decision we made to pass on the jab. We endured a lot but it was worth it. The fact that I never masked created additional annoyances for me but that too was worth it.

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The crimes "allowed" to be done with humanity is so vast isn't it...especially what it did to the minds of people and division it caused in families and friendships. The physical effects and side effects are one thing, but what these criminals did with this agenda to the minds of people is tragic and yet not ONE person has remotely been held to account on the entire planet

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Couple weeks ago, I was with a group and one guy stated he just got over Covid. His friend inquired how recently he had been jabbed....2 weeks! And of course they said, "Yeah but it would have been worse if I didn't get the booster." Brain washed imbeciles.

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Yes...probably the most common delusional rationalization from the get go in defense of taking injections. Not surprising sheep are continuing to use it since after all they "follow the science" :)

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It's infuriating. No one mentions the shot anymore much less the repercussions from it.

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1/24/24 You tweet about “turbo cancers” not being a thing & US cancer death increase is monotonic. Is it possible that CDC is mis-assigning cancer as they did “COVID deaths” to support a narrative? Your 2/24/24 suspicions w/Dr. Drew re: Pfizer spending $14m on a Super Bowl ad about cancer and CDC lockstep w/pharma tell me perhaps yes.

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It is still pretty amazing that the so-called expert health authorities (oxymorons galore there!) are whistling their usual Nothing To See Here. Exhibit A are the Japanese, as you say, who have absolutely no intention of peering under that medical disaster hood. But then again very few do, with exceptions like Croatia for example.

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Were these new diagnoses of leukemias and breast cancers? Or were they previously diagnosed and treated only to relapse aggressively post the shots?

Another possible mechanism of action from the shots is the small DNA fragment contaminants( that shouldn’t have been in the mass produced batches but were);may integrate into the recipients’ DNA near a promoter gene and “ activate” it. This is apparently being investigated by the cancer cell biologists who found and verified the presence of plasmid DNA fragments in the discarded vials of the MRNA shots.

The test batches that the FDA “ approved “ were manufactured using a different process. When they revived the approval they switched the manufacturing process and didn’t bother to tell the FDA( who knows if that agency would have done anything about it anyway )

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I have been waiting on this article for a while. I really would like to know the overall association of Leukemia, SLL, CLL (same disease essentially) and not just the vaccine but also with getting actual Covid 19. I did not get the jab but I did get Covid pretty badly - I have CLL now.

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Julie, So sorry to hear about your CLL. I also have been wondering about whether the disease itself might be causing certain cancers. I wish you luck in your treatment!

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More anecdotal information here as well. Know a half dozen parents of friends whose cancers returned with a vengeance, not to mention the elderly who got sudden onset dementia. Because these were older folks, it was shrugged off as normal aging. One has to wonder.

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Remember when I said my wife noticed a sharp increase of woman employees coming to her in tears taking time off to have a lump in their breasts checked out after the MRNA jabs? This was years ago. Guess she was right. Why the fuck did it take all this time for science to catch up to simple observation? Yeah science!!!!!

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As someone who got 2 phizer jabs and subsequently got diagnosed with ALL type B, I'm extraordinarily curious about the time span ave. between shots and diagnosis of ALL type B in this report. While I certainly would never again willingly get an mRNA shot, I have until now, dismissed the likelihood of my leukemia diagnosis being caused by mRNA, due to the rather lengthy time frame involved(2 years from 2nd jab to diagnosis). Is this something ascertainable from the report?

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So these are deaths, not new cases. At this point I don't think ANY country has reliable cancer incidence data for 2022, much less 2023. I am trying to find out.

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Healing prayers for you. The very sad part is that so many in the population got vaxxed that those of us who didn’t can only think that’s the cause. I know it’s not always the case….but when so many of our friends, acquaintances have had strokes, cancer upticks after remission, heart attacks (so young), problems with childbirth/periods, while our unvaxxed friends/family all seem to be doing well…it’s hard to not blame it.

I hope you’re doing well & will be healed. When you’re able, look for spike protein cleansing.

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Ty, I had a bone marrow transplant in October and am now clear of abnormal blasts, aka cured. The BMT means my old immune system is gone, all old allergies, innoculations, mRNA "vaccinations", all immune memory cells gone. I get to deal with new allergies and at the one year mark of the transplant, I will get new innoculations. I will never willingly receive mRNA shots. I will happily get old style vaccines(dead/weakened virus or dead dna strands).

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That's the problem. Who knows?

They certainly don't seem eager to find out.

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Who knows indeed. Billion people jabbed with no long-term safety studies. No one has any idea how wide-ranging the side-effects are or how long they persist post-jab.

But there is one place that can figure it out. The data is all there at hospitals...who got the jab, who died, how they died, who got cancer, etc, etc. The CDC is the one entity with the resources and power to collect and study that data. They could solve this in a few months and either establish a black and white link to the jabs, or put all these "conspiracy theories" to bed and us nut jobs in our place. But they don't. You tell me why....

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First of all, thank you for not giving up on the important topic of Covid-19 vaccines. Especially important is the issue of cancer links to the vaccine. Here are some more data related to cancer and the vaccines:

1. Pfizer’s own confidential documents show a number of blood disorders that they document. Leukemia is not listed likely because many of the references are to early stage symptoms or disorders that eventually lead to Leukemia. Example would be “Myleocytosis”. See also references to “breast cancer” and other symptom entries that could also indicate breast cancer such as “breast scan abnormal” among many others. Source: https://www.conservativereview.com/horowitz-confidential-pfizer-document-shows-the-company-observed-1-6-million-adverse-events-covering-nearly-every-organ-system-2661316948.html – pfizer pdf is linked in the article

2. “In sum, this article aims to highlight the pressing need to study and compare the incidence of cancer complications after COVID-19 vaccination with the incidence of similar events after SARS-CoV-2 infection (in the unvaccinated population).” Source: https://www.cureus.com/articles/209584-sars-cov-2-vaccination-and-the-multi-hit-hypothesis-of-oncogenesis#!/

Related Article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/covid-19-vaccines-can-potentially-worsen-cancer-review-5552341?utm_medium=app&c=share_pos3&pid=iOS_app_share&utm_source=iOS_app_share - behind paywall

3. “On March 30, Mr. Wiseman and four other experts submitted a 27-page document to the National Academies Committee, an ad hoc committee tasked with reviewing relevant adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines. Using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)—a database co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FDA used for reporting vaccine adverse events—Mr. Wiseman and his coauthors found an excess of cancer signals for COVID-19 vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 24, compared to all other vaccines for all years beginning in 1990.“ Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369755622_National_Academies_Committee_on_Review_of_Relevant_Literature_Regarding_Adverse_Events_Associated_with_Vaccines_March_30_2023_Written_material_accompanying_oral_remarks?channel=doi&linkId=642b53cd609c170a13f04264&showFulltext=true#pf15

Related Article (for the quote): https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/mrna-covid-vaccines-may-be-triggering-aggressive-turbo-cancers-in-young-people-experts-5375766?utm_source=open&utm_medium=search - behind paywall

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And still there are corporations requiring it for new hires, like health insurer Humana, for example. Criminal!

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And to legally immigrate to the US.

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More anecdotes but - We have some married family friends where both mothers were diagnosed with extremely low platelet counts around the same time and shortly after one of the boosters and both had to be hospitalized. They were both older so this may have just been a coincidence but two in just one family around the same time is deeply suspicious, if not concerning. The friends are both in the medical field, one a neurologist who told us the platelet issue was most likely vaccine induced but that can also happen (rarely) with other vaccines.

One of the mothers then developed an illness that was tested for cancer early on but the samples all contained necrotic tissue and the results were inconclusive. They then determined she had a latent form of tuberculosis and put her on TB meds which have heavy side effects. She ended up going off the meds because of the side effects. Then, shortly after she was finally diagnosed with what would have been a very treatable form of cancer in the early stages but by this time had spread. They rushed her into chemo but by then she was too far along and ended up dying two days later.

I think our friends wanted to pursue an autopsy to determine if the cancer and platelet issue might have been vaccine induced but the husband was already exhausted emotionally by that point and didn’t want to pursue anything further.

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Omgawd…I’m so sorry. So many strange, unexplained illness/physical maladies that didn’t make sense….except they did 😢

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Seems breast cancers could have increased due to people not going in for annual wellness exams or mammograms during lockdowns (and/or people's fear of going out in public)?

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I can tell you of 4 friends/acquaintances that were in bc remission…who are now dead. I’m stage 4 (since 2012), I researched. I’m still here.

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Were all 4 of them jabbed?

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Mammograms don't prevent breast cancers; at best, they help catch it early. A year without mammograms can lead to increased deaths from cancers that weren't caught in time, but it wouldn't lead to an increase in cancers.

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