I'm making as many of these people eat shit as possible. Don't let them forget how fucking stupid they are.

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Why is it so difficult for people to admit they were wrong?

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Did Dr Slotkin also get a doctorate in Gaslighting when he got medical degree??

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Yep. Scott Adams has already been beating this horse (now, nearly dead). Essentially, he implicitly concedes that he was wrong by getting vaccinated, but anyone who wisely chose to avoid the shots did it simply by “guessing right.” It’s a form of cognitive dissonance, although I acknowledge his larger point that everyone was to some extent making an informed guess.

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Watched a good portion of Dr. Robert Malone's interview with Joe Rogan. What an eye opener. I'll watch the rest later as it's a 3 hour long interview.

Unfortunately, the meme/2 minutes and under crowd won't tolerate the time needed to hear or process what this renown scientist has to say. Nor will those who depend on the internet "fact checkers" for their initial go to analysis of a person or subject.

But let me tell you, it's a great interview and Joe Rogan is a good listener and interviewer.

This is the video Malone referenced as to what he believes got him booted from Twitter.


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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

Trying to fly today has been a nightmare so I’m driving 12 hours instead. We are witnessing the absolute collapse of society and I believe the war between individuals, corporations, and politicians over Covid. I feel like the airlines are trying to make a point that if you want us to follow your guidelines then welcome to the world you’re going to live in.

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That was the worst written tweet ever.

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"Hey just cause you guys were right doesn't mean that you were right."

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Love how he takes the swipe and runs behind an "only followers can reply" wall. Cowardice and infantilism rolled into one.

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I’m ok with people changing things based on actual more information. I’m not ok with censoring those with a differing opinion that doesn’t fit the narrative. Nor am I ok with changing treatment/protocol based on politics and then pretending that we have new information.

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I am also reading the kennedy book on fauci and unbelievable how fauci and gates are not arrested and hung in a public square. Murderers without a doubt.

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Bring on the prosecutors and lawsuits! Can’t be soon enough for these criminals!

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They were right then but get no credit for being right because I disagreed with them at the time?

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The old "even though you were right and we were wrong, we were still right and you were wrong." Classic move.

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Do you “trust the “Science””

Trust the government

Trust Fauci

Trust actor’s, rock stars, athletes

The WEF, the WHO, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The media?

If so then you are the problem. Your gullibility is going to sink us.

Power corrupts and they've been corrupted.


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There was a lady in the airport trying to get to Europe flying on American. Since her flights were delayed, her Covid test was going to expire and she was not going to be able to leave the country until she gets a new Covid test so they can approve her on a flight. What a bunch of dumbasses.

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I am not vaccinated because I made a very calculated decision. I have 20+ years as an Autism Dad combined with 20+ years growing up with a prominent Infectious Disease Doctor Dad. My Dad was instrumental in bringing the Polio Vaccine to Philadelphia.

I KNOW that my son with Autism's DNA was triggered by the DPT Vaccine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPT_vaccine. The "Vaccine Schedule" has grown and grown since the 1986 Vaccine Act - https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546 Pharma has no liability, so I focused on building my son's life. It has brought purpose to my life, and I simply buried the vaccine issue in the dark web of my psyche.

I knew it was bad, but had no idea how bad it really was until the Dr. Robert Malone interview on Rogan.

Today is our Pearl Harbor Day.

"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition." Chaplain Howell Forgy - Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.

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Everyone who had rational and evidence based / Bayesian objections at the beginning are now being called lucky guessers lol. These are not good people.

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Reminds me of Scott adams trying to argue people that avoided the shot made the right choice by interpreting the information incorrectly.

It’s a huge step for these people to admit they made any mistake in the first place. To admit deplorables are included in the people that made the smarter decision, and they might have done irreparable harm to themselves, that’s beyond the pale.

But the honest ones are headed toward that realization with each new day of data.

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Great comment in the thread: @arenb Dec 30, 2021

This is varsity-level cope right here. I mean, bravo man. You're really proving your stalwart devotion to the nonsense regime here. I'm sure they'll eat you last.

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Nice how he restricts replies to only his echo chamber.

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I just sneezed, pray for me

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It's that "purposely contrarian" part that is the problem with his statement. He's ascribing bad motives, bad faith to people who got it right early on. That is the defense of cowards and fools, no matter how 'educated' they may be.

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Well, SOME doctors were on top of this thing almost from the start. They have been vilified, deplatformed, censored, and threatened with the loss of their medical licenses. You aren't slithering out of this so easily. ALL you freaking had to do was L8STEN to them and analyze with critical thinking what they had said and why they believed what they did. But all that Pfizer money turned your heads, didn't it? To hell with the people.

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Fauci in March 2021: "Blah, blah, blah, blah."

Me (a rube with Doritos dust on belly) in March 2021: "That's bullshit."

Fauci in December 2021: "Actually, it's not so much blah, blah, blah as it is yada, yada."

Me: "Yep."

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What an idiot. He's basically saying, for example, "if you happened to say a year ago that 'vaccinated can still spread the virus', you can't consider that a 'win' just because people are now saying it's true."

This is 100% a CYA exercise in order to NEVER admit that they were wrong, and that they demonized any contrarian position for 2 full years. It makes me sick.

How could a contrary opinion/statement be dangerous at the time if it was CORRECT??? The only way is that it would have made fools of the authoritarians who needed as much fear as possible in order to assert full control.

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Is this pig Latin?

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All by design goes way back. I remember when I heard this ,allot younger knew then this was the fight.

Since the people running our corporations the Googles of the world and our own so called leaders from city to federal from our education systems.

It is a worthwhile reminder that our History teachers are no longer teaching.

We are living through this today and I can only pray people will wakeup!!


THIS WAS HIS ENTIRE QUOTE: (A sobering reminder. It has been almost 62 years since Russia’s Khrushchev delivered this.)

"Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Do you remember what Russia's Khrushchev said in 1959?

Remember, socialism leads to Communism.

So, how do you create a Socialist State?

There are 8 levels of control. Read the following recipe:

1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.

3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability of people to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from government and schools because the people need to believe that ONLY the government knows what is best.

8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor.

You should also take note that during the Kennedy administration Nikita Khrushchev told our ambassador at a United Nations conference “You won’t need Russia to destroy you. You will destroy yourself from within.”


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Didn’t Biden proclaim this Christmas and winter would be mass death and hospitalizations of the unvaccinated. The great unifier. What a fucking incontinent corpse.

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What the hell does that even mean? MD = Moron Detected! We used to respect doctors, no more. I know there are some good ones left, but the bad ones are really bad!

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Translation… Call me. 1-800-ASS-HOLE.

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"I always strongly opposed the use of mRNA COVID vaccines and I was relentless in warning the public of the dangers of these deadly, experimental drugs. And I have only met Bill Gates in social settings and have never had business dealings with him or his foundation."

--Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, testimony before the House Pandemic Crimes Committee, November 13, 2022--

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Off topic, but a good sequel to Pandemia is The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. It shows some of the root motivation behind the fear mongering. Bring anti-nausea meds because what that sly little man has done will MAKE YOU SICK. Like Alex, RFK been mocked and censored, but not sued. There is no walk back for Tony, unless handcuffs are involved.

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I read the spike proteins invade the brain. I'll go out on a limb and say I think Slotkin has been boosted, maybe twice.

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PS it was never happenstance. The data has always been there. The Diamond Princess told us everything we needed to know.

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In other words the virus just happened to veer into the path, of what Alex and many were saying, by happenstance.

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I think a case could be made for abolition of the CDC and most of the federal “public health” infrastructure, because they have a long track record of corruption, abuse of the public, incompetence, and (often successful) avoidance of any accountability at any level. Same case for FDA - I could see a case for FDA certifying safety, but not having the ability to block substances from being used - but Underwriters Laboratories does this for household appliances, and does a very good job of it, so perhaps that approach could be taken. In any case, major changes have to be made and wrongdoers held accountable. We don't need CDC, and they have a long record of abuse and wrongdoing - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study and https://www.spin.com/2015/10/aids-and-the-azt-scandal-spin-1989-feature-sins-of-omission/ for a few examples. They've killed millions, and there's never been accountability for their bad acts. We're talking about 90 years of abuse and death without accountability, millions of lives ruined, with bad actors raking in millions, potentially billions of profits. The part of CDC in Atlanta not utterly demolished should be made into a museum, like the Holocaust Museum, which chronicles its deeds, and memorializes its innocent, trusting victims.https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/really-interesting-parallels-with

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Translation: Even though you were correct from the start, you are an asshole if you if you point that out.

Hey Doc: messsge for you. KMA. And please make sure you get your booster.

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Blah blah Covfefe?? It's no wonder these people don't see what's going on. They can't even say what they are thinking coherently. The mental gymnastics here get a -1 in execution. He did not stick this landing. Maybe the ruling class are picking octogenarian leaders to normalize gibberish.

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But yet regardless of variant, ALL their takes have proven deadly. Everything they do is completely useless or dangerous. While on the flip side, early treatment protocols using ivermectin and HCQ and other off label drugs have been successful with each variant. That sounds like a win to me.

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"Who can reply" is win enough Mr slotkinjr

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1. We had reasons, which turned out to be true. 2. Corona viruses mutate constantly. That's why vaccines will never work on every new variation. Again, we knew that. 3. Your vaccines are dangerous, not our opinions. 4. It wasn't 'happenstance'. 5. Being accurate is not being contrarian. And, last: You misused contrarian, purposefully, happenstance. Take a remedial English course before you post again.

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

My head is exploding. That is one vile word salad. If run-on sentences were a crime he would be on death row.

Here is my analysis: I hate to be caught lying but now I am trying to keep on lying despite the fact that the pandemic is over. I especially hate looking back and seeing that real scientists and any person with common sense were right all along.

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Sounds more like an elitist saying that regardless of what happens his tribe is always right, even when they’re wrong.

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This guy is an idiot … My definition of “idiot” is someone who repeatedly gets it wrong . I don’t care what level of education you’ve achieved I’ve known lots of well educated idiots .

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As if the virus was never going to mutate? As if they don't tend to always mutate in the direction of more infectious, and less lethal? Further, you d*ckhead, why are you still pushing the vaccines on people, especially children, for an entirely different variant that the vaccines do not work against (and seem to make spread more)? Finish the sentence you condescending a-hole "vaccines should no longer be necessary!"

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I'm waiting for some kind of universally adopted phrase like "we made these difficult decisions in good faith, with all the available truth at the time."

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What does that even mean? I read something about us being in what is called the "limited hangout" stage of the narrative.

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This panic over Covid-19 has caused an unbelievable number of failures, deaths, lost incomes, careers and freedoms, so it's hard to say "the worst part of this is..." However, at least ONE of the worst results of this is the general public's tremendous loss of respect for our Doctors.

I don't mind the loss of respect for our politicians or the health insurance companies (both lost my respect a long, long time ago) but distrusting our doctors and the healthcare system in general seems to have reached nearly catastrophic levels. That distrust and loss of respect is now widespread and deep.

Will enough Doctors step up with the truth and attempt to regain some of that? I'm not sure they can.

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