You had me at “kiss my unvaccinated ass,Joe” 🥰

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Can still see him screaming "its a problem of the un-injected" Yeah right Brandon...you never lie and are always honest. Has to be the worst sitting puppet president ever!

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Alex, you missed the most important one, which you may not be old enough to remember: Democrat politburo member Rahm Emanuel in US Oligarch Jeff Bezos’ WaPo March 25, 2020, advocating that the Democrats politicize covid like the 2008 crisis: “Let’s make sure this crisis doesn’t go to waste”. Crickets from everyone in DC except Trump who then had his words twisted to attempt to say he claimed covid wasn’t real.

(See https://rights.com/2020/03/27/democrat-party-operative-advocates-politicizing-covid/)

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Let me preface this.. I voted for Trump twice. I Had been researching Covid plot since March 2020 when the pencil prick liar stood on the Dias next to Trump. I kept praying Trump would turn around and shutoff warp speed before Jan 20th. Not leave us to hang when he bragged of the miracle he wrought of the “vaccines”

To board the helicopter. I dropped to my knees as I saw him depart and screamed at the set with tears. Why do you keep this up that Soros, Fauci, Gates etc put out their poison and you began to distribute? As interviews and rallies followed Trump told people the poisons were safe, he was the father of them. When the booster came out there went his thumbs up.

NOW I must hastily add should I have voted for FJB? Of course not.

What next? Will any politician

Come out against the poison except the 1 handful of opponents of this mass murder?

I pray so.

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Trump's handling of the Plandemic disqualifies him from ever being President again. He made the decision to shut the country down. He blindly followed FauXi and Birks and handed them the keys to the country for at least 6 months. He was too afraid to fire FauXi because of how the press would react. He will never understand that his "vaccines" are a disaster. He still brags about his ventilators and how he saved millions of lives.

Everyone is ready to provide excuses for him, the main one being that the people around him gave him bad advice. First, don't take the bad advice. Second, fire the people giving you the bad advice. Third, hire better people. Since he was unable to do all three, he does not deserve another term.

DeSantis 2024!

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Based on the CPAC poll ( just another poll granted) T was 10 points less than last CPAC gathering so who knows. What get's me is how T still champions OWS even now. Is it his EGO which does not allow him to say he was wrong about it? Hard to argue DeSantis is not a legit and formidable force to move America to a better place based on what he has done the past few years

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What does the Bible say about ego?

51 Bible results for “pride” from

New King James Version.


Proverbs 16:18

Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.

See all scripture here:




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We voted for Trump twice, the first time reluctantly. The second time based on his positive measurable improvements for our country.

But truth be told, he comes with a lot of controversy and "baggage."

Time for a fresh, new strong leader.

Trump would best serve us by stepping aside and endorsing Ron DeSantis.

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I agree on Trump stepping aside and DeSantis running I think he could win and with much less pain and controversy from the useful idiots on the Left

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The Constitution does not require the Speaker of the House to be a member of the House. If the Republicans take the House in November and make Trump Speaker, that might be enough to satisfy Trump, and allow the Republicans to run somebody else for President.

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We supported Dr Ben Carson initially.

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Thinking that sentiment was reflected in the recent CPAC poll. Showed T down 10 points

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100% WRONG. I live in Florida. Have lived here for 34 years. I KNOW Governor DeSantis and support him. We were so close to getting the corrupt druggie Gillum. DeSantis does NOT have experience with NATIONAL politics. DeSantis, like Cruz, would be reliant on donors for money. Sounds as if a few of you got your little feelings hurt by a "mean" Trump tweet. Too bad for you. I wanted Trump to counter pump HARDER, just like I'm doing right here. Trump handled the Plandemic as well as he could have. I played sports through college. I am NOT an armchair quarterback with my 20/20 vision. My wife, kids, friends, and I are voting for TRUMP and Trump-supported candidates who hopefully are clones of MTG. DeSantis needs to learn how to fight the swamp...IN THE SWAMP and show me that he doesn't need THEIR money to win office. NO one knows media, the swamp, and the elite class better than Trump. They loved him until they hated him for defending US. TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hear, hear, MDP. Same. Our adult kids, friends, extended family, etc. All Trump. I want to keep DeSantis in FL while we can, as another moron like Andrew Gillum is sure to be lurking in the weeds.

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I agree with you the entire swamp and most of his "supposed" closes allies were standing him in the back and continue to to this day he was under constant attack from media, democrats, the entirety of the swamp of both parties, the Intel services were lying about him trying to set him up and any other patriot the was actually on his team I'm not blind he had a few faults but who asking us doesn't he may not have made the perfect decision but it's easy for people to judge after the fact and who knows what liars were giving him what bad advice both parties have been selling us out to China since Bush 1 enriching their families and that isn't a Democrat only problem is both parties including the current GOP leadership McCarthy and the turtle 🐢 even Rand Paul is corrupt with his wife's investments in various pharmaceutical companies right at the beginning of the pandemic they are all selling out the futures of our children and grandchildren and it's time we get rid of all of them we need a complete change of our lineup all rookies and term limits for all offices in government if you can't accomplish what you need to in two terms then you were a lame anyway and it's time to be put out to pasture. I only replied to your post because for some reason it would not let me click on the heart to like your post and I thought they was odd

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Wasn’t that the rap on Trump he never held office. Let alone on the National level.

Folks right now DeSantis looks to be a better choice. But who knows if he is even OK? Is anyone else gun shy by now?

Of course I would absolutely never vote for a demon rat.

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Hindsight is 20/20, Prof. President Trump was receiving a pounding in 2020 thanks to the Democrats, RINOs, DC bureaucrats and alphabet agencies, NWO globalist phonies, and complicit media hacks. I think he did the best he could while under constant and pervasive attack. I don’t blame Trump, but I definitely blame those who undermined him and the will of the people at every turn.

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No offense taken but if you don’t call what he told Debbie Dingle “that her husband might be looking up” unnecessarily offensive then we have different standards. You are correct about the media x 10 but it does not change the fact that Trump is his own worse enemy providing the media ammo. Don’t get me wrong I would rather have Trump than Joe but he has significant personal flaws.

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Yes so much blame to go around. How Trump made it through his term a mystery. The blame he must own is to continue to push the poison.

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My theory is that Trump did exactly what his deep state handlers ordered him to do (as they do with all their puppets that sit in the Oval).

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But why is he still following their orders?

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anything is possible it seems now. I mean one would have to be the "fly" on the wall to TRULY know

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I would comment further TJ but the majority here even may not have researched Trump’s background.

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When I brought up similar points to a friend, he pointed out that politically Trump was in a very weak place. He was being impeached and Republicans had largely turned their backs. No one was willing to stand with him if he did anything against the narrative and he just didn't have the power; otherwise the impeachment would have been successful.

So they are just as much to blame. I don't think Trump ever would have shut things down without pressure. Howeve r, we'll never know what might have been. I suspect countless lives would have been saved, not necessarily because Trump knew what to do, but because he would have avoided many of the harms if he could have followed his instincts. There would have been no mandates.

However the blind spot about the vaccines because his ego gets in the way of seeing, that's maddening.

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Will ALWAYS wonder "what if" in April of 2020 when Trump's instincts were telling him to talk about the great benefits of the Zelenko protocol of early intervention with HCQ, ZN and Zythro. This was really before we knew the great benefits of other early interventions as well. What IF the mongers of suppression and censorship would have HEEDED Trump and allowed "we the people" access to such early treatment "options". We knew later as well from the likes of Risch and McCullough etc saying they believed 80-85% of those who died did NOT have too. Think about what that % represents in LIVES lost! Look what happened from April of 2020 to present day with what the mongers like Fauci, Gates, WHO, CDC and worst of all big Pharma DID to not allow "options" How are these not considered a form of pre meditated murder or crimes against humanity? I wonder what IF....

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Yes maddening.

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Multi millions have died and overtime there will be billions.

Folks read the Bible.

Check out Jeremiah, Daniel, Isaiah, The Gospel Olivet Discourse and Revelation.

Where are we in linear time according to the trajectory? Compare with WEF and UN Agenda 21/30

Solution? The Great Almighty GOD I AM.

Get busy people do the Great Commission’s mandate.

The time is NOW!

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Very true...the world is a lost cause don't let your soul be lost as well.

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Yes, it is!

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Spot on!

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Well said!

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Very true factually. On a more emotional level, I will never forget him saying " I will never desert you", "The best is yet to come" and "America will never become a Socialist nation"-and then turned and walked away, never using the EOs he put into place to stop election fraud.

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On the having to walk…

Trump could not complete the EO plan as Obama et al had dirty bombs in large metropolitan areas they would have set off had he not left.

Trump’s forces located all but one by the Eve of Jan 20th.

“They” wouldn’t have batted an eye to kill millions.

Obviously still don’t.

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Here's to hoping that Trump 2.0 is a major upgrade in this respect.

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MS here here! What an upward battle remains. I pray God confront Trump to mea culpa and work to reverse this…

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My guess is it will be Trump 100.0, taking no prisoners (so to speak).

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As Steve Bannon said “Trump is an imperfect vessel”, as Anthony Scaramucci said “Trump is not a racist he’s just an asshole”, I agree Trump owns the rush to a useless vaccine and the denial of anti viral treatments. I did not vote for him in 2016 but knew Joe to well in 2020. The real threat is neither Trump or Joe but our bureaucratic millions who have discovered their power and the self serving politicians who are afraid of them.

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But also Joe

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It goes much deeper than those who we can see.

“They” March to the orders of their father.

Spiritual warfare.

This time is coming when we reap what we sow.

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After the State of the Union address he goes Biden visits a nursing home. He goes over to an elderly woman and asks, "Do you know who I am?" She replies, "No, but if you go to the front desk, they'll tell you."

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I totally get what you wrote and understand your sentiments completely. I too was very badly disillusioned by Trump's actions surrounding the poison shots. However, I do think it's possible that he knew this evil plan was in action, that the evil cabal could not be stopped and the best he could do would be to diminish the duration of the attack against us and work behind the scenes with the army labs to develop and release the real cure...OMICRON! Omicron was very mild and spread like wildfire. Meanwhile it was announced that the Fort Detrick/Army lab released a universal vax for all things covid (which probably really was Omicron). It took the army lab 2 years to get this all done...and that was very fast in the complex world of pathogen research and development. Trump pushed the evil vax at 'warp speed' so that they could not shut down the global and US economy for 5 or 10 years, at which point we would have all been at the complete mercy of the deep state. Trump HAD to push warp speed and the vax or millions more would have died than already have. I admit, I could be wrong, and this could all be 'hopium', but I believe Trump IS working behind the scenes with 'white hat' military and they are countering much of the evil that was planned as best they can. If you knew that the deep state was engaging in a decades long plan to kill millions and take total control of the globe, you would also know that any solution would no doubt result in many casualties. These are unfortunate casualties of the silent war that is being waged behind the scenes. Trump has not stood down and abandoned us, he has come out publicly against the puppet regime and seems to be gathering strength. Durham's recent court filings reveal Killary's team behind it all....it's only a matter of time before Durham's work destroy's much of the deepstate or at least disables a big chunk of it. In war, people are going to be hurt, but you forge ahead with what you hope is a plan which will minimize casualties. Trump had to step aside to allow the puppet regime to step in so that people could see how horrible it truly would be. WE ALL SEE HOW HORRIBLE THAT IS NOW! Now Trump has to seize control of the media and restore his communication channel with the people....hence... TRUTH SOCIAL now starting up. Trump will soon have his old bull horn back in operation....on a platform that cannot be censored by the big tech traitors to America! Then Trump and Durham will be in a position to RELEASE THE KRAKEN ! Killary and her gang of hellish demons are fighting like hell to stop all this. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! WE ARE all going to rise up and help Trump destroy the deep state! RISE UP FELLOW AMERICANS AND GIRD YOUR LOINS FOR BATTLE! IT IS COMING! SEE THE DISTANT SMOKE RISING ON THE HORIZON! MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!

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Very heartfelt but speculative justification of Trumps failure on COVID. His ego is and will be his challenge. I like some of his policies but hate his self destructive mean spirit. I can live with the occasional asshole behavior but he must recognize it’s counter productive and offers fodder for his enemies. It’s why he lost in 2020 against one of the most corrupt and inept candidates ever except Hillary. I believe the election was rigged but people voted against him not for Joe just like why Trump won in 2016 was because people voted against Hillary. Trump could be great if he could stop being an asshole when it wasn’t necessary and I pray he learns to sharpen his attacks to those who truly deserve it.

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I think you might be a tad “delusional” with that thinking. No offense, but this “self destructive mean spirit” you reference is a product created by the media. Trump is no more mean spirited than the rest of us, except we haven’t been under a microscope for the past 40 years. And we don’t pose a threat to the global power structure.

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All a nice fairy tale. There is no rationalizing the warp speed injections that have killed at least 200000(a very conservative estimate). He supports them and states so at his rallies. Neither side is your friend. There is NO virus therefore any shot is nothing but a poisonous injection. Since there is NO virus, there can be NO variant such as Omicron. All are creations in software. They don't really exist. To date, Christine Massey has asked for proof of covid isolation/purification and received none from 177 health/science institutions. All has been used to control you, distract you, make you surrender your constitutional rights. Trump is not your savior and Brandon is a marionette.

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What I find personally disturbing is when I read Babylon the Great and realize I live there.

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You lost me on the 'however' part ... drop the koolaide free yourself from the cult

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To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men...'

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Trump's biggest mistake...by far...#2 was keeping Fauci and Birx on The Team...but both mistakes go hand in hand...

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True, but he had to put Fauci and Birx up front in Plandemic....so we could all see just exactly how evil they are and the forces were behind the plandemic. Imagine if Trump had just come out and said something like "I have been told by reliable white hat military that an evil cabal is planning to release a bioweapon on the world and so I'm going to arrest all those involved right away and stop it!". No, they would have removed Trump with the 25th ammendment, declaring him insane! He had to let Faucci and Birx go ahead with their evil plans and be seen running it all. Birx is already disgraced and Fauci if about to be arrested and imprisoned (we all hope!)

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Where does it stand on that pencil prick Fauci? Haven’t heard from him. I guess he has been too busy fleshing out the bats did it myth for CNN and NYT.

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I too get the gist of what you're saying. To what degree have you considered THIS angle? Remember candidate-Trump railing about the FAKE stock market, that it was propped up by insane Fed QE (aka "simply irresponsibly printing more money")? Once President, Trump celebrated the ascending stock market as his accomplishment? Chances are, you know this example. Based on what you've said re: the "shots," you probably believe Trump simply pivoted to take credit for the stock market as he touted and celebrated "warp speed." The Fed didn't stop its INSANE printing, did it? Do you recall how "they" attacked Trump for shutting down flights to/from China, closing borders? On cue, "they" attacked him for "fearmongering," "xenophobia," and of course "racism." I believe Trump believed that YOU were/are smart enough to make informed health decisions, that he was NOT going to convince our ENEMIES (yes, I firmly believe people who are not Populists today are my enemy, whether they call themselves D's or R's). This is yet another reason I respond strongly to people who attack Marjorie Taylor Greene with name-calling. She reflects 100% my kind of Republican. I would clone her if I could. I would not change ONE thing about her fighting spirit against RINOS or Democrats. My point if you're still scratching your head is that people like me didn't need Trump to tell us to NOT take the "shot" or believe Fauci/Birx/Collins. We KNOW how to read, how to find experts like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCollough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Pierre Kory, et al, who present the science to us, contrasting the other side's positions. People like me already have a disbelieving nature from YEARS/DECADES of propaganda presented as news. Trump simply pulled the curtain back on a more putrid swamp than even I'd imagined. People like me saw through the Bushes as war mongers who wrapped themselves in the US flag. We saw through Democrats all the way back to NAFTA in 1993. I read NAFTA. I couldn't believe then as a naive college kid that any US politician who support it or that any American was stupid enough to lap up that BS. Not only did NAFTA pass but its cousin on steroids, GATT, passed as well shortly thereafter. Chances are, YOU supported both while still voting "R" like a patriotic American. Today, we have too many one-issue voters in the Republican Party. They see abortion as their waterloo. I don't. I believe abortion is NOT a political issue. I believe it's between a woman and her God or stuffed animal (deity). Trump gave people who wanted the jab the jab...in warp speed. I believe he knew people like me wouldn't genuflect to their Scientism, regardless of how many "experts" preached it or threatened us. I'd like to say to STOP seeking a politician who espouses 100% of your beliefs/wants. GOD is not going to descend from the Heavens in the shape of a politician.

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Well said, well said! Love what you wrote! I too knew how to read and use the internet to find the great doctor McCullough and others....and despite intense pressure from my work supervisors.... I did NOT get the clot shot while everybody else around me did! I appealed to local scientists and Professors...and all were in a deep state trance and got the experimental clot shots....and still they mandate them at the local college for all students and employees. I REFUSED AND LOST MY JOB OF 40 YEARS! I WAS A TENURED PROFESSOR FOR 40 YEARS, but they forced me out because I refused the shots. I taught IN PERSON spring term 2021, masked by mandate, but not injected. I taught in person on campus when 98% of the faculty were too frightened to leave their homes. My students got the full 100% college experience in my classes.... in person...with the real college facilities.... but in August of 2021 I was told I had 3 weeks to get a double mRNA shot or I would be fired. I WALKED AWAY. I'm not taking any experimental injections from anybody, I don't care who wants me to do it. I studied the benefit vs. the risk and realized it was all much much too dangerous! I chose LIFE....with NO JOB over DEATH with a job! Even I'm a Trump fan today, and even Trump was pushing the shot, I CAN THINK for myself, and did, and did not get the dangerous shot. Trump knew that many people were SO SCARED that the only way to get the country/world going again was to quickly push the warp speed 'products' (of course he knew the military were working on their own solutions outside of the deadly big pharma shots). If Trump had not taken the actions he did, many tens of millions more would die than are going to die now from the clot shots. If you knew the deep state was going to release this bioweapon, what action could you take? To arrest Faucci or Birx in the middle of the pandemic would have resulted in a real civil war in this country. Trump had to find a way to keep the peace and still work for the benefit of the country and world. If you think arresting Faucci/Birx at the start would have worked, you don't understand the likely results of that action....total chaos and violence that would make the summer of 2020 riots look like childsplay.

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I'm really sorry to hear competent, caring people like YOU lost their jobs over a mandate that had ZERO basis on health or science. It's not enough to be proven right as we are every day...and as corrupt agencies and individuals in ALL fields are proven wrong. Too many people felt they had no choice but to get fully jabbed, even if they'd contracted covid and enjoy durable, long-lasting natural immunity, even if they weren't in a risk category, even if they simply said "NO." This is why I am NOT a "forget and forgive" person. NOPE! NO longer. They want to destroy us, our jobs, our careers, our kids/grandkids. I want NOTHING to do with people who supported the last 2 years. I don't care if you call yourself a Republican or Democrat. If you supported any aspect of the last 2 years, you are my enemy. The last 2 years has gone well beyond politics when YOU showed up to my doorstep, frothing at the mouth for my wife's, my kids', my friends', and my heads. I have no interest in reconciling with the enemy. On this point, Alex Berenson can't understand that people like me are not "all in" with anything or anyone. Alex mistakenly thinks that his positions on Covid make me all in on his views on everything or that my support of President Trump is all in on his every policy. We can think for ourselves. I hope if you still want to teach that you create an opportunity for yourself. Strength is contagious. You demonstrated strength among so much weakness.

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VP 2022 Thank you for this great comment, I agree with every word that you wrote.

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I get your drift.

I have a tertiary background also.

Now retired.

And I am sorry you had to leave. Thank the Lord you could do so with retirement.

I would had to quit also should I still have been an instructor.

Sorry but I will not give Trump a pass.

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To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men...'

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The more you speak the more pitiful your blind allegiance to Trump spills out all over the page. So blind are you you have convinced yourself Trump was just this tricked guy not his fault

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MDP-> cold.

I will pray for you on this.. “Trump gave people who wanted the jab the jab...in warp speed. “ <-

Unfortunately some people cannot discern. It has been a process for me. Still I struggle and you should be humble in this also.

I was born with a language gift and God has honed it sharper as my life has progressed. Research is second nature to me. I take absolutely no credit in the least.

Not everyone can reason as some of us here can to make the distinction between fact and deception.

I certainly will not condemn the 9 people I know and love who got the jabs. 5 of which the booster.

I tried with facts, prayers, and weeping to get their attention but they would not heed.

If I don’t die first I will most likely see them die.

GOD forbid! Praying God have mercy on us all.

On this we agree GOD definitely NOT come in the form of a politician.

Wouldn’t hurt for you to read with understanding to the last sentence of The Book just how He will come. Maranatha!

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I’ve known both parties are drunk on campaign money and will sell their souls to keep their jobs and power. I was naive about the jab, and I own that. I have always voted Libertarian and been accused of throwing my vote away only know some are waking up to the reality that there is no difference between Dems and RepubS. You are right about the abortion issue but both sides use that and gun control, health care, racism, to whip up emotions while screwing us in the you know where. Ignorance and the Fat, Dumb and Happy syndrome is our challenge and it won’t take as long as Rome for us to fall if our useful idiots don’t wake up.

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You are all over the map take a breathe refocus

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There's a huge giant difference between some Dems and Repubs, just watch any of Reagan's SOTUs and Biden's last night. Giant massive difference and it's naive to think otherwise. The differences dwindle between others, sure, but Biden left unchecked would probably end America, and there are a few Dems worse than him because they are aware of the damage they do. There are Republicans that damage the country as well, but not nearly as many, and with less zeal.

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Impossible to vote our way out.

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Yes as I have been saying.

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The problem is that the bar is set do low for an emergency authorization use. Even though the Vaccine companies knew of the problems, the standard was to do more good than harm. Pretty simple to attain that especially given all the lying. So we’re left with a corrupt government trying to mandate that every person take the jabs. To translate “they’re trying to kill as many as possible”..

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Got it JK! “they’re trying to kill as many as possible”..

I think I read that somewhere.

The death count specified.

Oh I remember the Bible.

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Lean, I hear you, and as you know Trump was under fire from more people, swamp dwellers, RINOS, Dems, and deep staters than any president in my lifetime, with every word he said twisted, every action decried, any utterance mocked, and every move was "the end of civilization", then there was massive election fraud (I managed to ignore the New York Times' assurances to the contrary) to replace him with this barely walking train wreck. I have no idea how one man could survive such an onslaught, and I am awestruck by his will and smarts. However I wish he didn't stand by "his" vaccines, he's too smart to not know they don't work and that something sociopathic is going on. But I'm still awestruck by the unflagging focus he had on Americans who had been written off decades ago; I often wonder if he had had even a brief respite from the hurricanes of abject hatred and hysteria he endured, would he see Warp Speed - and all that it spawned - differently.

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My sentiments exactly.

Amazing the odds.

Pray that GOD confronts him.

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Trump didn't make he vaccine. Without warp speed we would have been shut down much longer. The intention was to give those afraid peace of mind that they wouldn't catch the "flu". Not everyone was harmed by the vaccine. Deaths, and cases were politicized and the cdc,FDA big pharmacy were to blame. Oh yeah, everyone who was forcing,mandating it too. LGB

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Trump haters should fess up and recall what Trump's plan always was: vaccines for the over 65 and vulnerable; and widespread repurposed early treatment drugs like hydroxy. They absolutely crucified him for hydroxy

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Remember that Fauci was already a liar and a criminal BEFORE Covid. Read RFK Jr's book.

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Great post you hit a home run here nailed it point by point.. was great to hear DeSantis's disdain for the Covid theater he would make a great POTUS

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Not to mention “fellow Americans”. Illegal aliens are not fellow Americans or if he wasn't including them, why is he being racist?

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Anyone who partakes of the unholy sacrament of injection is a full fledged member of the cult of the Vax Covidians...er..."fellow American"...according to the Brandon administration...

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Vax Covidians ..🤣

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Covid isn't real. It is completely fake. Only uneducated rubes fell for that whopper. Nothing stopping you from doing your own homework...you don't have to default reality to the MSM, politicians, etc. That's how you guys got fooled to begin with.

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Mar 4, 2022
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They're a corporation. Not one but two corporations. Foreign owned, bankrupt and operating under color of Law and without a Lawful Contract(Constitution). And both have State-of-State/STATE-OF-STATE franchises. Our Lawful American government has been out of action since 1861. That's what reconstruction was about. We didn't do this and our subcontractors, the British Crown and the Holy See substituted their system(Democracy) and their corporations for our Lawful unincorporated government. Which was a republican form of governance. self-governance. Not a mob rule 51% majority democracy. That again was Rome and Britain's system...Not ours. The parties/politicians work for Rome and Britain. They're incorporated. Not a dejure government. Imposters. And Statutory Law is not Public Law. It's Private. Corporate by-laws that require your consent. All kinds of fraud they're guilty of...A fake virus is just another hat trick. No real science behind virology. Half baked opinions that have never been proven. They are liars. Criminals. And We the People need to put an end to it. They are private men and women. They have no immunity from Public Law. They are acting as inland pirates. Undeclared foreign agents...all of them.

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Mar 2, 2022
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Oh that Rahm and his bestest buddy going to the male perversion pits together?

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Mar 2, 2022
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CB THANK YOU for reminding us.

People may ask just why does this Mabel keep bringing up the Bible?

The priests and priestesses are demoniacs wanting us dead.

The solutions to all of this written.

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Mar 2, 2022
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2 brave Republican Reps stoog up and challenged FJB during the SOTU

I didn’t watch the speech. Couldn’t chance blood pressure skyrocket. Vomit

And throw my shoe through the TV screen

Greene (R-Ga.) made faces and muttered throughout Biden’s roughly one hour speech, particularly when he spoke about administering COVID-19 vaccines to children

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Yeah… for me .. I can’t stand watching the Hill Hag and the Cackler behind him. Ugh. Definitely a “shoe at tv” event. 😂😂😂

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Hill Hag and the Cackler ? Love your descriptions, Spot on,

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Gargoyles perched on the Puppet’s shoulders

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They opened once for Procol Harum.

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Mar 2, 2022
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😂😂😂… 👍🏻👍🏻

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Did any brave Republican think to tear up their copy of his speech for the camera?

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I was hoping WWE character Kane would do a cameo and tombstone pile drive this idiot thru his podium. Fade to black… https://youtu.be/TU2-ruLprtI

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Good question DC! :=D

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I had more fun then I've ever had for a SotU speech. I watched Timcast IRL live stream the speech, only they turned it into a drinking game party, with home made bingo cards, of their predictions of how Brandon would lie, and screw up!

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Same with Louder with Crowder—Steven Crowder and co. fact-checked him and rang the Drink! bell everytime Brandon mumbled. 😂 Then Fake Joe closed with “Go get him.” The earpiece guy forgot to turn off his mic. 🤡

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Ha-ha! I wasn't watching-but that's funny!!

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Oh I so wish I knew about that. Sounds like a blast! I wouldn't watch otherwise.

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Greene is a nut case.

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She's one of the few Republicans (with Louis Gohmert, I believe) that has stood up for the Jan. 6 defendants who are being treated worse than terrorists. She's actually visited them and tried to let people know their horrific treatment. How this can happen in the United States of America I don't know, but the vast majority of Republicans are complicit with the Democrats in violating our rights and decimating our Constitution.

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I’m an independent—the worst thing about the Trump

Administration in my mind was watching how our institutions were perverted in order to “get” him. We can survive Trump or any President as long as we have a rule of law and faith in our government to apply those laws fairly. So yes-why haven’t Republicans of stature spoken out about the treatment of these people?

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Too many Republicans are cowards.

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Too many Republicans are globalist luciferians along all Democrats. The others timid cowards protecting themselves.

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Trump was also subverting the constitution. The office was a cash cow for him. I don't support either party. Both are corrupt. But this all started in our country right after the first president was appointed. It's man's nature to seek power and then abuse it.

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Not saying you are wrong or right but, can you explain how being President was a cash cow for Trump?

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And one of the Jan 6 defendants committed suicide the other day upon hearing about his potential sentencing. So sad. 😪

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Biden and his cabinet would turn the US into Iran if left to roll. They don't even need mullahs, they used a virus to terrorize people.

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To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men...'

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They are F’ing terrorists. Fixed it for you. You’re a disgrace.

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Why are you even on this thread? There are plenty of blue check threads you can be posting your drivel on.

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I’d say she’s posting for comic relief. NOT

Reminds us afresh who loves evil?

Run along child of your father.

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They are human beings and not below the benefit of the law. As St. Thomas More said in “Man for All Seasons”: “I’d give the devil himself benefit of the law for my own safety’s sake.” The worm turns. Those in power not always be those we favor. In a republic like ours, we should always be assured we will be treated equally under the law no matter who’s in power.

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I love it when naughty women use the f word

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If you think the Jan 6 peeps are terrorists, I would like you to go live in Kabul for a day.

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@Susan- please explain

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How so?

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Ad hominem is a very weak-minded person’s response. You obviously don’t agree with Greene’s strong MAGA, Populist positions. She is a fighter. If only I could clone Marjorie Taylor Greene into every Republican….

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Amen MDP

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The only 2 that spoke up were the ones without 2 official balls at the SOTU.

Where were the eunuchs?

We have only 2 others that have a set of 2.

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We need gutsy people like her right now. The rest of the opposition is getting rolled over. Enjoying the Uniparty?

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BSR absolutely. To allow innocent people being held without bail certainly goes against what Jesus says.

Where are the followers of I AM? To say nothing, do nothing is a sin!

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'To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men...'

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Excellent thank you RL

Folks it’s called a sin of omission.

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Agree completely LM!

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Well, I'm convinced! Don't waste your time supporting your assertion.

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To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men...'

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We need more nut cases then. Perhaps if you actually listened to her instead of MSM talking points, you'd learn a bit of reality.

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Agree 💯

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To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men...'

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Tell us what you've done to serve your country. We'll wait.

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Is that the same Greene who owns stock in Moderna Pfizer and Astra Zennaca?

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Two treasonous Ameticans, you mean.

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How so?

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She's a miserable leftist, they don't have answers, just hate!

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Alex, you have a gift with words. Keep up the good work!

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Brandon is not wrong: "Let's start seeing each other as what we are: Americans". Under Brandon's regime if you disagree with the government you're not an "American", you're a "terrorist". So get with the program, comrade, or it's the gulag for you, you "un-American".

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And if you're classified as a "terrorist", no gun ownership for you, Comrade! That was also in the speech...

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So we seem to be back to the 9/11 days: “Watch what you say and watch what you do. If you’re not with us you are with the terrorists.”

Who has actually been “terrorizing” the American people for two years, including all the little ones?

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I hope anyone who actually pulled the lever for Brandon is happy, we got war, skyrocketing inflation, and a nation more divided against each other than ever. But at least those men are winning all the women's swimming events, so there's that

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Those men are "reaching their potential," Brandon said tonight.

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I never imagined that I'd be living out my sunset years under a POTUS who is less a statesman than the Russian President. And to be ostracized by my whiteness and my male-ness. This cannot end too soon. For the Grandkids' sake.

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Smirk on the trans… I wonder if they still have 2?

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On the one hand we have the Govt./Media terrorist cell, and then on the other the Pharma/Media cell. And somewhere amidst or atop, the tri-acronymic agencies/Media cell. Such hijacked cells make up a truly diseased body. We must throw off this corpse weighing us down.

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Hand how to throw off the putrid corporate? This is too large a weight for us mortals. Pray that I AM will come soon. Only He can set this world right side up. Meanwhile go forth to spread the news of Jesus Christ our Savior the only supplier of eternal


John 17

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Yes if you show up at your kid's school board meeting and dare say I want my kids to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic rather than have them apologize all day if they are white skinned you are automatically a terrorist!

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Going to prison if need be our duty to defend the children. In this we shall be eternally blest.

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its an insincere appeal for unity. requesting a 'reset' after covid is pure trolling. and continuing to attempt to foment anger against the unvaccinated is simply sinful.

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*Sorry, it’s “Brandon”. My brain is slipping faster than ol’ Joe’s 😳

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Has anyone figured out what was near Beau’s hooch, that had him so agitated? Or maybe he meant Hunter?

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Nothing. He used his son’s death once again for self serving purposes. His son was an attorney for a General in the army (National Guard Judge Advocate General is an attorney for a General) . He was nowhere near a fire pit.

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Maybe it was Hunter's crack pipe.

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Me too!

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COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best COVID Biden/Brandon Memes


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😂Brandon! He’s President Brandon from this day forward.

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Is this the first time he came out as un-jabbed? YAY!

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Oh no. He’s Covid recovered, I believe.

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We need a microphone we can lean into to whisper it to Brandon! Maybe then he understands the message...

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Me too.

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Nope. He can kiss my ass too. I won’t forget the pathetic politicians who caved, those who were okay with marginalizing and gaslighting anyone who dared even question the shots or lack of treatment. I have an intense distrust of many doctors now and other scientists who gave up logic and thinking and traded it in for propaganda and feelings. Fuck them.

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I will have a tough time believing any doctor ever again or even undergoing common medical procedures.

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I fired my primary care and her practice. I found a direct primary care doc who is out of corporate medicine. I love her.

Ironically early on I was potentially going to get the shots. It was my partner who has worked the entirety of his career in Pharma who told me I REALLY needed to get more information to have true informed consent. He was greatly disturbed by these shots and still is.

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I'm also an ex-pharma slave. The whole time they talked about these vaccines, I was going, "What??? They're going to develop, test, and release a vaccine in 6 months? You can't do that! That's a joke!" I stand by that statement, except it's a tragedy, not a joke.

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I said the same thing and was told by family members to”follow the science.” When I asked them “how many boosters are you going to have to get?” no one would answer.

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I'm sick of people telling me "to follow the science". My question is follow it where? (Off a cliff maybe?)

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It became a religious cult. Welcome to Iran.

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It's just the scales were lifted from your eyes. The modern medical establishment has been a religious cult since the Rockefellers took control of it. Like Dupont says, "modern living through chemistry. But it's all lies. A priesthood of doctors in their white vestments with the stethoscope dangling from their neck like a tippet. Who is their pope? Fauci? The surgeon general? All worshiping at the alter of pharma.

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I feel the same way! My Doctor hounded me at every visit to get the Jab😡 I’ve had the Plague, survived it, recovered perfectly, and will never trust the medical community that supported it without knowing the science, again!

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Any doc who'd pressure you to get vaxxed after having natural immunity is a total Pharma tool and too dumb to trust with an ingrown toenail.

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Doctors who hid behind organizational compliance are guilty of individual complicity. Make way for the injury lawyers!

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My thought exactly! I am actively searching for a new medical provider!

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My doctor too....he's my ex-doctor now!

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I received a notice last week via mail from my doctor (who I’ve avoided since the beginning of the pandemic) advising me that I was due for a DT booster. Absolutely no way would I trust my doctor to give me any shots from now till my dying day. Who knows what they would slip in that shot.

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I've had that same thought!

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I got my first of those in 2017, and it was so painful, I will never get another shot. I think they put something in it.

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I'm sticking with vitamins, diet, exercise...and maybe I'll sacrifice a chicken.

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Better than the generation of kids Brandon demanded be sacrificed………

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Hey, 15 years ago, I was struck with carpal tunnel. Doctor advised surgery. Instead a friend recommended bee venom. I thought it was nonsense, but tried it anyway. A week later, no more pain in my hand. Carpel tunnel disappeared--and has never returned.

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I had the same — doctors either suggested pain killers or surgery. Lucky to have found a physiotherapist, who enlightened me, that the reason for pain in my hands was muscle tension in my shoulders and neck… so after massage and heat therapy to loosen up my upper back muscles, I had all pain gone. Took me almost 3 months of excrusiating pain 24/7 to get to the core of the problem and 3 weeks to solve it))

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How does one take bee venom? Does it sting? Or involve a flyswatter?

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It's a tiny white pellet. Dissolve under the tongue.

I bought from an online homeopathic medicine site. I only know it worked for me.

No fly swatter needed.

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Thanks. Seems easy enough. Catching a buzz?

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Yep. That's the stuff.

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I wonder if that would have any effect on trigger finger? My thumb is getting to the point I can't bend it. And when it locks up, wow, it's painful to unbend it

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It might be worth a try.

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You catch them in flowers with your hands. The bee will then acknowledge and accommodate your desire for venom.

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That's one form of 'clap' to which I'm not submitting. But gracias for the concept.

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That's funny. Our youngest son used to do that at the age of two. He was fascinated by bees and didn't seem to mind getting stung.

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There's an "old husband's tale" that beekeepers have low incidents of arthritis due to being stung often. Tell that to a doctor and they dismiss it entirely.

Like I said: Bee venom (apis) worked for me, and I didn't expect that.

Good luck all!

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RioRosie, I believe I will give that a try. Every medication has side effects that don't agree at all with me.

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Have you noticed that the most recent meds are the utter worst for side effects?

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Yes! After a major surgery they gave me the "just released and newest" muscle relaxant. Those do nothing for me anyway but I tried it. Shortly after taking it I wanted to literally put my hands around every single person's neck and choke them. Massive rage. When I told the pharmacist about it he immediately told me to stop taking it. Duh. That whole experience told me alot about big pharma, besides the death shots.

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Go to askapatient.com and search on any med and you'll see some hair raising reports on things like that muscle relaxant. I have a list of meds about a block long I don't tolerate with all kinds of side effects. I find others have the same. Example: Nasacort, nasal spray for allergies. Causes terrible insomnia and palpitations! The fancy muscle relaxants make me cranky and/or catatonic. Had a doctor give me amytriptiline for muscle spasm... Caused severe arrythmia. The bastard never told me it's a tricyclic type antidepressant that's very dangerous. So now, nothing goes down the hatch except old known meds. And very few of those.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if everything was now contaminated.

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My wife and I will never trust govt health info and Big Pharm again. This damn sure includes so-called flu shots. They must have tanker trucks of Mystery Goo still sitting around.

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No flu shots needed as everything is now labeled covid or a variant thereof. Flu is now non-existent. Let's see how they explain the need for those poisonous jabs now.

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LOL @ "Mystery Goo".

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Yes, western medicine including pharmacies, deservedly so, are taking a huge hit for siding with greed and not having the courage to stand up to the machine. There were only a handful (or perhaps they were silenced?) that staunchly questioned what was happening. We now see clearly how the money machine works since they’ve shown their cards. Clearly it’s money versus taking care of people. Watch Dopesick anyone? That said, many people are now seeking out functional medicine which serves to solve the root of the problem versus masking symptoms with drugs—which as we know, only makes Pig Pharma richer. They all can suck it.

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And also, why in the world did the lab tech doing my mammogram and my optometrist need to know if I was vaccinated or not?? Do my breasts or eyeballs harbor the f**king spike protein?

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You might want to read about mammograms too…. Great book by Peter Goetzsxhe out there. No low risk woman under 50 should ever have one. Ultrasounds are better at detecting and no radiation. The amount of fear that is put on women to use them as cash cow is abysmal. The whole medical system is sick and rotten to the bones.

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Just looked it up, thanks for the recommendation!

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Even better is thermography!

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The last time a doctor's office asked me a question that seemed irrelevant, I asked the nurse in a curious tone, "Why do you guys ask that?" She gave me an answer that made sense, but I can't wait to hear what they'll come up with about the vax! Because if they ask about it, I will be challenging them.

Also, everyone should watch Dopesick if they haven't already! It's excellent - and such an indictment of the FDA that I'm surprised the show was even made.

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So weird. I had the same thing happen for a mammogram. But not with other docs and other appointments.

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It's not too weird they're asking. I've read of many women who got the shot and then developed swollen lymph nodes that were never there before.

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Had to laugh! The absurdity, the phrasing!

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I looked into the functional medicine thing and they seem to want a lot of money up-front. And there seem to be tons of tests they want you to take. Or maybe that’s just in my area. I am so put off the medical community right now. What happened to the simple old-fashioned doctor who cared?

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Yes, you WILL go down a rabbit hole. And, it will not be cheap. My husband, who has Parkinson's, has tried 4 different FM docs. It's a process. And, not always rewarding. I also went through a program about 15 years ago. Wasn't called FM at the time. It was worth every penny. You never know. Agree on the "old-fashioned' doc.

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Free advice re Parkinson’s: I’ve kept my symptoms down to almost zilch with nutritional supplements for about 9 years now. Get on the web and search for the ingredients and amounts of each for a vet product called Senilife for Dogs. I think you have to access the company’s website for vets to find these details. Get the figures for the formula appropriate for a 60 pound dog. Calculate equivalent doses of ingredients per day based on your husband’s weight as a multiple of 60 pounds. You can buy all the ingredients at a good health food store or online. You and husband should take the list and doses to a functional medicine doc and ask “Do you see any problem with a trial of this supplement program?” Ask the doc to follow husband during a trial of these supplements for, say, 3 months. I can tell you for sure that some FM docs are using protocols like this to treat dementia, with good results. If I was in your husband’s position, it would be my goal to very slowly and carefully get off the Parkinson’s drug and use these supplements plus perhaps additional appropriate ones instead of any drug. I hope what I’ve written is helpful.

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Thanks - I will check out.

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KayG, has your husband looks into mercury chelation? Parkinson's is one of the many neurological issues linked to heavy metal toxicity. You may already know all this.

I used Andy Cutler's chelation protocol with much success (didn't have Parkinson's, but a boatload of other issues). Other than buying a book and carefully measured alpha lipoid acid supplements, it's something he can do for "free." Unless he still has silver amalgam dental fillings...cause paying a holistic dentist to remove all that ain't cheap either. (But also, worth every penny!)

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Thanks for your comment! I will check our your Andy Cutler suggestion.

The first FM doctor recommended my husband do chelation. However, the doc left this practice mid-stream of his treatment. No one else in the practice was knowledgeable on treating PD. The chelation was VERY EXPENSIVE and was going to require a drive from Louisville KY to Carmel IN 2x a week for several weeks. My husband had already had a hard time with just doing glutathione infusions locally. At the end of the day, I think he wound up taking pills which definitely were not as beneficial. I could write a book on everything he has tried. He finally resigned himself to a regular Movement Disorder Specialist who is WONDERFUL. But he does have to take the main PD drug. However, I still look for things that might help him.

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Check out NutritionFacts.org for some well covered real science on ways foods can provide what we need.

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Thanks, Ellen!

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Right on! I have basically fired the entire medical mafia and only use vits and mins and herbs to battle any ailments. Also healthier eating practices.

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Ditto. I will never don one of those weird patient robes again either. WHY do they insist people strip naked and put those creepy things on anyway. And I will not answer their stupid intrusive questions anymore either. Good riddance.

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I'm in the same state of mind. Actually wondering if I ever want to see another one.

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I found a good Witch Doctor outside Albuquerque. Won't take cash; seems to prefer bones, dried plants and roadkill. I'm open to a new, healing science.

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Holistic medicine?

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I do not trust the doctors anymore either. Now I know the CDC, FDA, etc are just frontman for Big Pharma.

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Malone actually had an interesting article on his substack recently where he " reviews" an article from pubmed, one discussing vaccine results in kids. He actually shows the flaws in the article the way an actual reviewer should approach it (I've reviewed papers in my areas of physics so I know how it's done.) I wish his method were being used on these crappy papers being put out on the virus/vaxxes.

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Amen, Stacy Hill! I’m with you on all of your points! And I’ll echo you closing sentiment - fuck them!

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He can go piaa up a rope. I have permanently left the Democrats over him (I didn't vote for him or Hilary, but I will vote Republican for the first time this November).

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Welcome home

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Yes! No Dem will get my vote unless they unequivocally denounce Covidstan (and no one who's been instrumental in it no matter they say).

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No Dems or RINOS ever again. Only America First candidates from now on. I really wished I hadn't seen Cruz, Graham, McConnell, and McCarthy at the SOTU tonight.

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You didn't already know that Lindsey Grahamnesty and Bitch McConnell were 2 of the 5 or so biggest RINOs in the senate?? And that McCarthy is not much better??

Cruz is far better than those 3, but still has made a number of really stupid comments over the past 14 months.

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Yes I knew. It was just disappointing seeing them offering themselves as an audience for Bidet.

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Yes. It's like in a science fiction war story I read; enemy soldier pops up and fires missile at protagonist's tank. It misses and enemy throws up hands, yelling "Exchange!" meaning surrender. The tank commander instantly mows him down with automatic weapon.

Yeah, you do not get to do certain things and then say "oopsie."

I go by the notion of The Rubicon Moment. Once certain things are said or done it's a one way trip.

These people threatened our jobs and in some cases opined that we should be put into camps. They called us "enemy".

There's always the foundational point - as strong as any stone if not more so - that it's not just things that got to the "done" status. It is that they thought such things and wanted them.

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Wow! This is what I’ve been saying lately: The vax pass and whether one supports it isn’t just a matter of opinion; it’s foundational. And it isn’t that the people who supported it necessarily did anything to make it happen, but they are okay with segregation and didn’t say a word against it. I am not angry at those friends any more but would would a friendship be like when I know what they’re thinking? Is it even workable to go back and be friends?

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No. I would never want to be friends again with hollow people.

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And the WEF

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Choose carefully. A lot of them suck, too.

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Mitch McConnell comes to mind...also John Cornyn.

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Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Kevin McCarthy, my own congressional rep (Chris Jacobs), Dan Crenshaw. They're all the same and they're all RINO. It would be easier to name the few who are worth something.

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Indeed. Bitch McConnell sucks big time. Cornyn has less influence but is also mostly RINO to RINO Lite.

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Yes, people need to carefully vet any Rs that are running for office. In KY we have a R supermajority in both our House and Senate. We can't even get legislation passed to eliminate the vaccine mandate for employers. These people are despicable. You need to find out if any of these wimps are taking pharma money because evidently some are in KY.

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My husband and myself Dems our whole lived (69and 78)voting Republican now

I don’t know that I trust them and I don’t agree with them on some issues but as long as we have our freedoms we can work towards solutions.The Dems lost us when they took our freedoms and constitutional rights away

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My mom, 70, left the Democrat party after 52 years when Biden destroyed Women’s sports and eliminated bodily safety by eliminating sex specifics private spaces. Biden talks like he’s moderate but the actual policies he implements are very leftists and he’s running the government like an authoritarian - who calls a mom that doesn’t want their 7 year old sexualized a ‘domestic terrorist’? Biden’s DOJ

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We knew. LOL

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I like to say Flagpole instead of Rope. lol

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You can edit your comments after the fact.

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Rs are no picnic, either, but it's all we've got right now!

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If you’re tired of getting screwed, there’s always abstinence.

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Many of us realized our mistake and walked away too. Welcome.

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Don't get too cozy with the repubs...many of them are RINOS and in bed with the commie dems.

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Primaries matter, local elections matter, and keeping war mongering neocons out matters.

Reps like Florida Adam are an embarrassment to the country. The same dude who got taken by an evident fake meme has no business demanding Americans die.

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You are far from alone. I lost my virginity last year.

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I will never forget that Biden forced my employer to compel my religious speech in order to not be fired for refusing a Federally mandated medical treatment. Never before in my life has my employer or my government attempted to direct my medical care in this way. I REALLY disliked it, and will never forget their attempted battery to my body and their clear violation of my civil liberties.

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I've also been forced to request a religious exemption which was DENIED. Now I will have to explain to my boss & co-workers why I cannot join them for in-person meetings. Violation of medical privacy, religious discrimination, etc...

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That’s the issue I’m facing. Vaxx mandate hanging over my head since December 6. Pushed to the end of April. I work in higher education, and I’ve had months to think about how it’s none of my employer’s (the government’s) business what my religious beliefs are. That is private! I NEVER talk about religion at work. Now I’m being compelled to.

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It is a huge and constant violation at privacy. At work. With friends. In volunteer roles. In external professional roles. Most people in my life didn't know (before this) that I walk around with an autoimmune disease; now they all do, because I feel compelled to explain. And I quote scripture (which I fully believe and rely on) constantly to justify that I have put my faith in God and not the wisdom [science] of man - which is not something I have ever done before. Now, on the other hand, this has put me in the situation where I must rely on God, I must find comfort in His words, so that has been a good thing for my faith life. Good luck with your path. You are not alone on it, though it often feels very lonely.

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But you are keeping your job!!! I have to explain violate my privacy, explain why I applied, explain that I believe God told me to rely on natural immunity and my doctor told me it wasn't appropriate for me and still lose my job!!!! It is all pain, though. And it sucks. I hope I can find another job soon, now that there is a pivot toward not being divisive (but not following actual science).

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File a claim with EEOC because of violation of your religious rights. Contact your state's AG.

Check out:


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Thank you for the resource. EEOC needs to be filed six months (technically 180 days) after the last act; I suspect I will wait because I believe that the case law and science will be even more favorable in six months. My file is fully documented and will be more documented on the way out the door. Yes, I got that question also (about the Pope's statements) in my interview; it was all obnoxious. We live in a crazy crazy world, where what is true is false and what is false is true.

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Peggy's site has a lot of good free info...videos, etc. You can also pay to have a consult with her and her husband. Her site has been helpful for many people that I know.

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Most major corporations (Ford, Intel, etc.) currently have job applications that state all new hires need to be fully vaccinated. They say "unless you have an approved medical or religious exemption" - must be a joke as HR has to be dumping unvaccinated applicants into the circular file.......

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Technically, legally, they cannot discriminate in hiring. Every time I see one of those, I think of rights being violated. I am on a narrow path of interviews with a remote job for a company without a mandate except where required by law....but the office where I will need to visit intermittently requires it by law...so will need some sort of exemption. For now, I ask God to reveal His plan and I thank Him for His blessings. Right now, His plan is clear that my for the second employer is no longer part of His plan for me, and that I can fully accept. Alice, I have taken a brief spin around the site and added some verbiage to my outgoing letter and will watch some of the videos. Thank you.

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Good luck! Companies need to step up and hire based on qualifications. Sad that it's not going this way in many cases.

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Wow! That is so wrong. You are 100% right.

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It's "unsat" that they denied your religious exemption. No one should be allowed to question the sincerity of someone's religious beliefs. Your walk with God is YOUR walk with God. I know someone that is Catholic. Their RE was denied by their employer because they were told at a review board that the Pope and Catholic Church supports the covid shots. Well, Biden is a Catholic and he states that the Pope told him he's a good Catholic and can take Communion....even though he supports late term abortion. So, to me that shows that you don't have to agree with everything your church, pastor, priest or religious leader states. Your walk with God is YOURS.

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Sure and then she got a fake shot, you can count on it. And she's probably secretly taking HCQ and IVM.

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"rules for thee but not for me": Congress and staffers have all been treated w/ivermectin - https://www.worldtribune.com/report-ivermectin-used-by-100-members-of-congress-and-their-staff/

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Speaking of fake shots, the shots Trudeau and his wife got look suspicious:

Certified nurse confirms justin trudeau and wife sophie faked vaccination on live tv:


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Half of congress has been getting care from AFLD. Hypocrites.

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It's criminal and a crime against humanity that the government forced people to comply to a shot that doesn't work in order to keep their livelihoods. Most especially when they knew it was gain of function, lied from the get go and know the trial data was fraudulent and the pages of adverse reactions. Sickening!

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Totally agree.

If anyone thinks this is faintly over, you have some truly awful shocks coming.

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Dr. Yeadon! Thank you for all the great research you have done!

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Thank you 😊

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You are a true hero! What would we have done without you? You spoke to the feeling in my gut that said, “Don’t do this”. I was a normal volunteer (human guinea pig) for Fauci at NIH in the mid-70s. I thought the moon hung on him until he started pushing this jab. Thank goodness I woke up!

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Yes, notice he promised more, perpetual vaccines, and the passports are not off the table. Some of the lawsuits contesting federal authorities are still pending—hopefully won’t meanwhile be dismissed as “moot”.

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I hope you're wrong on that one, but I sure as hell won't bet money you're wrong.

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Mar 2, 2022
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People are being prepped for a pandemic of hemorrhagic illness, also. Plus there's the agricultural collapse coming this summer because Russia, Belarus, and China are withholding their usual exports of chemical fertilizers. What I don't quite get is why the people "pulling the strings" think they're immune to the disastrous cascades of consequences they're setting in motion. The continuation of their comfortable lives will not be as simple as stepping over dead bodies in the streets.

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Just surveying our broken landscape is a hemorrhagic experience. At what circle of Hell does our "leadership" land us? I think it's actually a Mass Deformation that has grasped once less radical minds. A new category of Anxiety will have to be invented. Probably a task falling to later historians; the Post-Apocalyptic scriveners.

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I doubt supplies will go to zero, but sufficiently reduced that it will cause we ordinary people huge problems. Those with money & a “WEF PASS” will continue to get all the luxuries they want. Just like in previous wars.

I agree they’ve no idea, most of them, of the psycho social impact on themselves as would be survivors.

The clearing up of bodies must be planned for WW2 fashion. As part of their plans, that detail will surely have been determined.

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The U.S. situation is forcing me to grapple with practical, psychological, and spiritual issues that I never thought I’d have to face, or at least I’d never have to face alone. But almost everyone I know is vaccinated and oblivious.

I wonder whether the people orchestrating the depopulation are thinking about the spiritual consequences of what they’re doing. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, referring to the “life review” process a human soul goes through after death, said “We make our own Heaven, or our own Hell, by the way we live.”

I’m not really thinking there will be bodies in the streets; I’m sure the killing process has been carefully “war-gamed” and planned out so that there won’t be. But I am terribly afraid that if I live much longer, I’ll end up praying over the bodies of almost everyone I love. Maybe the last unvaccinated people left alive will die of broken hearts.

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You have manged to embody in this post what I have been feeling since this all began. Will I watch my grown children who took the vax die? All of my family and friends who took it-will i watch their health crumble? I am simply amazed at the arrogance and evil of those who have planned this. Instead of using their resources and intellect to come up with solutions to empower humanity they seek to destroy it. They are full of fear and cowardice at the basest level.

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I'm sorry about your situation. There are "alternative" doctors developing treatments for people who've taken the vaccine. I'm not sure how successful the treatments will be, in the end, but some people are reporting at least some good results.

If you're interested in looking into this, here's a website you'll find helpful. A couple of things I wrote about the vaccine effects, giving several resources for detailed information on treatment protocols, can be found if you scroll *way down* the center column on the website (last I knew, my material was the last thing in that column).


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I said the same to my wife yesterday on our walk.

I don’t think most of those with Golden Tickets will survive the psycho social assault when they realise with what they’re complicit.

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Only if they decide to throw themselves wholeheartedly into helping humankind and coming clean will they have a chance at some kind of peace.

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I wondered this years ago. Back in 2020 there was so much out there to enjoy, especially with the access to money that they enjoy. By the end, it will be a sad and sterile wasteland. But then again, It seems Gates hasn’t left home in 2 years.

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Entirely possible & that’ll be made as well.

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Cyberpolygon comin' right up ! It seems like things are about to go sideways, six ways to Sunday.

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Let's hope it isn't Cyberpogrom. The schizoid, NWO techies are a vulnerable group.

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How are you preparing (if indeed you are)? A friend advised getting off D now. I feel it’s premature.

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What’s D?

I’m not bothering to prepare for I don’t know what.

We all die eventually & I will live free. As was said, rightly “Death is not the worst of evils”.

Easier to say at 61 than at 30, like my older daughter (with two babies).

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Vitamin D. Good answer, and so true. I have this notion I need to always be prepared, which of course is ridiculous. Thanks.

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No, that’s a good one. I do take better care of nutrition with added D & B complex, though we were pretty ok on that, as my wife likes natural food & always shunned factory / synthetic food.

I wondered if you meant something prepper about it.

I used to chuckle but now it’s not so oddball.

It’s impossible to prepare adequately for unknown hazards.

I think another virus is possible but I actually think they won’t release a real & aggressive pathogen because it might kill them! They might tell us it’s loose.

More likely cyber collapse then supply chains down so rationing & martial law?

Either way, I don’t really see how I can prepare adequately. Better to invest energy in trying to wake people up?

Good luck & May God look over you & your family 😊

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They have been taking their sweet old time but things might begin to move faster. I got red pilled in April 2020 and didn't expect to see 2022 back then. So the unexpected time has been a blessing.

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Uncle Joe also said that you can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine so there’s that 😂

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That was a brain blood flow issue at that moment he spewed that

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I think that's what he really meant to say--like, "You people might as well submit, because we're coming for you with our death syringes!"

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and that they "stop the spread of these diseases." Whatever.

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Joe at the height of his game. Good stuff.

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Never forget.

What desperation.

November going to be punishing at the polls.

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Election dreamer et al

Would everyone quit beating our gorilla chests saying conservatives will stomp democrats and rhinos butts.

NOT going to happen. Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Communist Chinese. Enabled by our black hat CIA using satellites overseas.

Punished? Yes punished us.

Establishing poll workers that will corrupt the count and allow undocumented voters. Multiple votes. Repeat paper scans. Absentee ballots etc.


“Joseph Stalin, sorry meant to say Joseph Biden echoed a famous quote attributed to former Russian dictator Joseph Stalin when he admitted that the struggle going into the 2022 midterms is about "who gets to count the vote.". "The struggle is no longer just who gets to vote, or making it easier for eligible people to vote - it's who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all!".

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If NJ and VA are any indicator, November will be a bloodbath.

They know this, thus the gaslighting and faux “unity” pandering.

Stinks of panic. They’d never have backed off the masks and mandates of the public weren’t so violently against them and waking up in groups.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and pessimistic, but we must continue to hope and keep exposing this evil. Do not give in to despair.


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Have you forgotten

Election 2020?

Nothing has changed

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2021 was a bloodbath

20 year Blue veterans were thrown to the curb

Complete unknowns won elections by landslides when they had no business winning

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Just how many does it take to be a bloodbath?

Do not expect a pushover.

Leftist Soros / tech / globalist oligarchs money and the luciferians will prevail IF we do nothing to dismantle their machine.

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One thing that should give us all hope are the community members coming out - even in San Francisco - to take over school boards.


People are fed up with needles and human feces on sidewalks, the indoctrination (or coerced injection) of their children, tent cities, destruction of their savings and earning power, lack of safety in their cities and schools.

Slowly the sleeping lions are awakening. 2021 was an off-year election cycle, but a huge red flag (no pun intended) to the left: they got creamed at the polls.

Will the 2022 elections be easier to cheat because of higher states and more important positions being polled? We'll see.

Will the public get more involved and vigilant? We'll see.

The sudden rollback of tyrannical mandates may lull people into a sense of false security, and who knows what next tyrannical mandates are lined up next? We already know about the plans for Digital Passports, State Sponsored - Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), more injections, needleless "vaccines" and talk of more bioweapon labs scattered around the world.

Stay vigilant and pray.

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Just like in the stock market or real estate, change happens at the margins.

Where I live there were so many ultra-libs who'd be in office for years just cruising to another victory. An old friend of mine with NO experience in politics beat a 20 year vet in the D party machinery, not because he had better politics (from my point of view, he did), but because people just voted red down the line. It was a washout in NY and NJ.

Murphy only "won" by... guess? A midnight dump of ballots, 13,000 or so in the middle of the night to push him across the line. NJ tried to steal another position that way but backed off: too many watchers.

Virginia flipped hard. Too many people watching and the left (many are dear old friends) still have Trump living rent-free in their heads.

Cheaters will still try to cheat both on the left and the right, but angry mama-bears and an awakening public are on the prowl. The risk-reward ratio is flipping.

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You are partly right. The game’s rigged but now its out in the open so every election is a colonoscopy procedure. Its not easy feeling comfortable cheating under these circumstances. Mike Lindell, Patrick Byrne et al have lots of money. They will make all allegations famous, and fund the attorneys to take it to court. Plus, with the success of Project Veritas, and other whistleblowers in the past 2 years, people who would otherwise have felt like they’d have no recourse but to do as they are told or else, could easily don a secret camera and get a windfall for their trouble, not to mention be hailed a hero, from grateful citizens. In my lifetime- not short- of 52 years- THIS is the best time to be a hero. Like PV says, “Be Brave. Do Something.”

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maybe think about getting involved, volunteering at your local polling station or as a precinct member - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/precinct-project-team-dedicated-making-republican-party-party-conservative-maga-loving-americans/

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I am doing something. Researching and well. I’ve made inroads to many I share.

We must pat our town on the backs when NO demo rats are elected.

Our poll members are exemplar!

All you say is true of the past and present efforts. It’s NOT enough!

Let us remember ALL the sorry globalist uniparty owned by the Communist Chinese who own Dominion Voting Systems. And that apparatus is run by the UN/WEF by our own black hat CIA.

Research the Italy German luciferian held countries where the Internet votes were tabulated. The apparatus is still there.

So unless and until the parties you mention crush the demoniac network be realistic.

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we're on the sme side, but putting boots on the floor would help too.

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Oh I do agree. ML

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yes, election integrity unfortunately is still a major issue. perhaps try to get involved as a volunteer in your local polling station, or as a precinct member - https://precinctstrategy.com/

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I like the sound of Brandon Stalin. But the imbeciles wouldn't understand.

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not unless we're actively involved (transparency; checks and balances), at the polling station or as a precinct member - https://precinctstrategy.com/


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2 misinformation statements from tonight's State of the Union that the AP fact checkers need to jump on (but they won't):

1. The president, again, said vaccine will stop the spread of the virus

2. The president also said gun manufacturers are the only business that can not be sued for the harm inflicted: not true. Vaccine manufacturers are protected against liability for harms their products cause.

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He also said the Iranians when he meant Ukrainians.

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perhaps he didn't mean Ukrainians.

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This president is in the late stages of dementia. What he says is something composed by Obama.

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My new bumper sticker. Kiss my unvaccinated ass, Brandon. 😂 amen.

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Perfect 👍😂

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Its a long time to November people. DO NOT FORGET what these un-elected public health officials and the puppet did to America since he was placed into the WH by his puppeteers! NEVER FORGET what was done to the children and those people who passed away who did not have too IF they had had full access to early safe, effective treatment options for the whu-flu. Both Risch and McCullough both feel 80% + did not have to die! NEVER FORGET PEOPLE when you vote in November!

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My sister in law was one of those! Killed by politically driven lack of access to early treatment! China Joe had just taken the monocolonals off the market because “ they didnt work well on Omicron” well Joe , the other variants are still out there.

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That was such a BS reason. Their damn vaccines clearly don't work on Omicron, either, but those they will force on you. A treatment that actually works, they will withhold. I don't think memories will be quite as short as some believe...and as Biden hopes. Very sorry that your SIL was murdered by our gov't. 😢😢

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The 'vaccines' are, still, about 5 variants out of date. But the clearance sale continues.

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Thank you ! I hold Joe Biden fully responsible for her death. First he removed Trumps cap in insulin prices and caused her insulin to skyrocket forcing her onto the wal mart stuff. Then supressing treatments that would have saved her from covid!

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Yep, and tonight said HE was going to cap insulin and meds prices. Then why did he undo Trump's med cap which took effect 1-1-21? We have a prick for a president.

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Cap prices. Create shortages. Don't we ever learn?

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I bought a pile of ivermectin pills from India and among my brainwashed relatives it's still a touchy subject. They know we used horse paste successfully to treat covid in my household, so I bought pills to make it easier for them if they got sick, but there's still awkward silence when I offer them.

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NEVER! I can’t wait!

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Take this jab and shove it!

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FJB & Fauci

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Mar 2, 2022
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He turned back into a bat and flew to his castle.

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I was thinking more like Dr. Frankenstein and Igor(played by Daszak or Baric)….

On a darker note, there really needs to be a serious investigation into Fauci’s “gain of function “ research and the origins of covid along with a full investigation into the “vaccines”. We need t find out if it is voluntary manslaughter or murder.

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We will not let them off the hook for this crime against humanity; I want to know The Where, when , and all who are responsible…brought to justice.

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There has been. The spineless repubs need to move out on prosecuting him.

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he turned into his own face diaper and got discarded somewhere at the side of the road.

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He must be hiding in his bunker. He made himself the most hated man in America.

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Hate to say Biden is less popular. Ok, I don't hate it. They both are evil, but a sizable chunk of brainwashed America still loves Fauci. No one loves Brandon.

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Speak for yourself. I still like Joe. He mishandled the vax crap, but that’s not my biggest worry. I never got one. People who are sheep are a bigger problem.

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Wow. Just wow. I have been wondering who the brain-dead are...

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Joe's terrible handling of Covid only intensified my dislike of him. Anyone who uses the deaths of family members the way he does for politics is a deeply-flawed person. That alone earns him my disgust.

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I guess you have a soft spot for old pro aborts in late stage dementia. But I shouldn't mind read. His list of accomplishments is so long.... Umm... Let's see... Having some trouble here finding any...

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I’m having trouble with the like buttons on this thread…..***like***

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You're mistaken. Every DC metro inhabitant thinks he's awesome. Little creep still has standing among too many Americans. Just say HIV doesn't cause AIDS and you'll find out this little monster's influence is still strong.

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I think that's the biggest sign that they know about all the vaccine effects and are just trying to slide it under the rug. If they really believed Covid was conquered by the vax, Tony would have been front and center last night to get his medal of honor or greatest human ever award!

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Witness protection program.

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Maybe he's a plotting for the next pandemic.

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He's reorganizing all his historical lies & deceptions. Seems his wife ran the car through the garage into his office. Ten thousand poker chips to be sorted...

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You wish. That little demon is not going to disappear.

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he inflated and might lie around now somewhere as a dirty and worn face diaper at the side of the road.

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The only science these louts use is Political Science.

Medical Science has been done away with.

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He even said tonight that the vaccines "stop the spread." They should rename the Five Pinocchios to Five Sleepy Joes.

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I was thinking the same thing! What a liar 🤥

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Yeah, that was a Dagwood Whopper. Wonder when the vaxxed will wonder why they have been masking and quarantine if they can't spread it? Distancing too. And why are passports needed if vax works and stops spread as Dr. Jill's patient says.

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It is the happy myth that facilitates cognitive dissonance. Or in this case, oatmeal encapsulation.

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Well, guess what Alex, if people would stop this polite bullshit with the “let’s go Brandon” and go back to the original line, “fuck you Biden”, frankly I would update it to “eat shit and die Joe blow!“…

The man’s a scumbag, he needs to be harassed until he finally has a stroke and dies, and I don’t care who’s insulted or outraged by my comment, the man is a danger to societies across the globe…

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I agree 100%

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I remember he told me that his patience was wearing thin with me for not getting jabbed.

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The height of arrogance usually coincides with the height of stupidity (or total lack of awareness).

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Like I said...he has zero ability to feel remorse having been 50 year swamp fermented. The puppet will say ANYthing. The perfect puppet...

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The Manchurian Candidate

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Exactly right. Zero shame. Not fully human.

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My 14 year old was assaulted at Berkeley High School today by an 18 year old in his Robotics class. The Kid has been bullying my son all year for being unvaccinated. This is the climate that Berkeley, CA, you know the super tolerant city, birthplace of the free speech movement… has created over this stupid fucking useless vaccine. Yeah, I’m not going to forget Joe. I’ll spend the rest of my life working hard against you corporate shills. Anyone that was for the division of the country over this science experiment I will work as hard as I can to help whoever is running against you.

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My liberal friends: hey, glad this thing is finally over, wanna get a beer?

Me: go fuck yourself.

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I couldn’t get through five minutes of that shit. His eyes were almost swollen shut. I guess the usual squinting is worse after his bedtime. He said Iran instead of Ukraine and all the liars, thieves and psycho started to clap. They were so confused. I am not a fundamentalist but I swear some of them are straight from the Devil. Pelosi and Harris sitting behind him. One in her one button dress suit looked like she smelled something bad and the other completely relaxed and satisfied into the latest version of her face. I saw the China spy-shagger waving an Ukraine flag like he was at a parade. That did it for me. Painful.

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On the eyes, yes! He was squinting so hard to read that teleprompter, it was giving *me* a headache... 🤣🤣🤣

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Our President is a surplus-yard robot; rusty and rodent-ridden.

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I cannot believe how he was able to get through the speech without more shouts! Kudos to the “THIRTEEN!!” Shout by Boebert, but there should have been more! Cowards in that room. I was throwing pillows at my tv.

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I think these little appeals and concessions will work on a lot of people, but it won't for me. I've been fooled once and it won't happen again.

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Sadly I agree. November is far away in CoVID land. People will forget and the mainstream will help them.

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Only because nearly all dissent is scrubbed from metafacecrack, Twatter & redirected by Google.

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Amen, Alex. Kiss my freakin' ass. I won't forget any politician, expert, media figure or "friend" who betrayed common decency for a political agenda. Payback time.

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He had the vaxxed pitted against the unvaxxed and now he wants peace

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Will never forget and we will give it to all these bastards good and hard for the rest of their lives. Done with them all. Get a damn paper route to pay the bills. That another dime or an iota of interest to any of these scummy divisive losers ever.

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It's unbelievable how they think they can just change or fix a narrative without any semblance of truth. Unreal.

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They assume that control of the media is control of all our minds. A very amateur mistake in the realm of morons.

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Alex, thank you so much for this post! 🤩 I so enjoyed reading it to my husband—your words gave us such great laughs tonight! 😂👏

But even more, your post helps me feel SO justified/vindicated in my family's unvaccinated/unmasked stance. Thank you for that because it's been a really rough year standing strong against a society who shames us for our choices, and wrongly (insanely) blames us for COVID variants! It's been absolutely maddening! 😖

Granted, we will stay strong and FOREVER remain unmasked/unvaccinated against COVID-19 regardless of who's on our side. That said, I greatly appreciate what you have created here on Substack! Keep up your fabulous truth-telling work! 🌟 Never ever give up! 😁

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The bottom line - The Criminal US government together with the rest of the world's criminal governments used it's citizens as LAB RATS for Big Pharma under Criminal mandates. The proof of Criminal intent is hidden in plain sight in their own documents, people need to print and send to their prostitutes selected officials

1. Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-michael-yeadon-this-must-stop

2. Premeditated GENOCIDE The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines. BioNTech SEC Filing: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/premeditated-genocide-pfizer-mrna

3. "safe and effective" Human Experiment European Medicines Agency's Document https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-safety-of-mrna-vaccines

4. Hidden in Plain Sight on NIH Website: The mRNA-LNP Platform’s Lipid Nanoparticle Component Used in Preclinical Vaccine Studies Is Highly Inflammatory


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I had to turn it -infuriating & nauseating to see the lies spew in his gibberish spiel

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I kept watching it because I was hoping the Republicans would all stand up and file out at the same time, but it didn't happen. 😥

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Most of them are tools, too. Sad.

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When I vote, I will always remember what these politicians did to us and that they're capable of doing it again at the drop of a hat. They were mostly Democrats, but some Republicans. All of the politicians responsible for the draconian, over-the-top response to Covid need to be voted out.

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Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that it is your duty as a citizen and good memory of society that you should take the initial 2 dose series and the booster. Then you will either die or develop life long VAIDS. As a good citizen it is your duty to sacrifice your life and destroy your innate immunity because I want it. Temper tantrum, foot stomp, and meltdown. Don’t you know that your voluntary global depopulation will be good for the remaining 0.01% , we will not have to deal with you useless eaters, or the elderly. We will destroy your children’s future reproductive future. This is all for the greater good. Our greatest good. We know best, just take our slurry of our non disclosed ingredient bio weapon. It’s your duty .

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this text could be coming from the CCP.

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Exactly the pile they have been shoveling us since the bio weapon was introduced, except they are intentionally omitting the fact that it will either kill you or destroy your innate immune system.

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Don't forget any liberal piece of shit who made you feel bad for being unjabbed and standing up for your rights. They can straight up get fucked in my book. If I saw some of them in real life they would catch hands

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I reposted this on Facebook and this was my intro to it: "I won't forget, either. I'M the one who sat next to my husband's bed when he was on the cardiac floor watching him listen to his own heartbeat in his ear wondering if it was going to suddenly stop. I'M the one who sat there going over our finances in my head and talking about final wishes. I'M the one who demanded his reactions be recorded formally as a direct result of his inoculations and ended up reporting to VAERS myself because our primary physician wouldn't accept the fact that that's what happened and the hospitalists and cardiologists would wink-wink, nod-nod that I was right. I'm not an idiot. I don't need letters after my name to put 2&2 together and comprehend science papers. It isn't just Biden that can kiss my ass."

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I am so very sorry for your experience.

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TY. Still can't regulate his heart rate (sees the cardiologist tomorrow. Had to put it off because, to add insult to injury, he got hit with Covid as hard as I did).

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Saw the White House disabled comments on youtube. It’s BAD. Let’s go Brandon!

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A little too late to call of the dogs after coercing half the nation to be poisoned

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Kiss mine as well. We are witnessing the total demise of the Democratic party and they are too myopic to see it. Keep putting old Joe out there front and center.

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moderna whistleblower from dec 2020 proven correct.

infertility issue is a major one besides the rest known issues with these mRNA vaxx.


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I have 9 loved ones (aka people I can pick up the phone and call or meet for lunch) who are suffering from significant and life changing health issues due to the shots. 5 cardiac, 3 neurological and 1 repro/menstrual.

This doesn’t count the “sudden deaths” in my circle who ranged in age from 38-55.

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PLEASE encourage them to report their adverse events. So many people are suffering or are dead from these awful shots. We cannot keep silent.

For those that have had an adverse reaction to covid shots (including getting covid after fully vaccinated):

Please ask them to file a Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) if one wasn't filed on their behalf. Do not have to be a Healthcare worker to file it: vaers.hhs.gov

If had severe reaction to shot, ask them to also share their story (if deceased family member or friend can share) with nomoresilence.world and/or with realnotrare.com

Also notify your state and federal representatives.

Sue whoever told you safe and effective or employer if coerced you to do it.

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How's everyone's "winter of illness and death" working out? Our unvaccinated household has enjoyed a festival of great food, red wine, and classic films on our new TV. The data say it was not a great winter for the vaccinated and boosted. Bummer.

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The sick thing is that he really was hoping we would all get really sick and die.

When he made that speech I knew the unvaxxed were going to be OK because Biden gets everything wrong.

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We were sick right before Christmas and managed to recover in a few days somehow with nothing more than rest, fluids and some essential oils. No jabs or even testing, nothing else! Weird it’s like our bodies knew how to handle illness, so strange!!

Shortly thereafter we resumed our frequent outdoor hikes in actual winter weather, working on completing 100 miles by Mar 31, like we did last year too.

Also made a couple visits to Amish country in our state where they have the lowest jab rate and lowest “case” rate too! Who woulda thunk it?!

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Yep, FJB. I remember it well too. Vilifying unvaccinated, trying to cleave families and groups assuming that unvaccinated are opposition, enemies and uneducated.

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Lying sack of Democrat.

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His angry NPC minions ate it up like more slop at the trough. For the duration of his illegitimate regime, it will continue to be FJB!!

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How about “our patience is wearing thin”…. I remember that one, too

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i also remember being made to look like a fool for reading

and repeating your reporting on covid. my retort at the end of

any conversation was always, I bet anything alex will be right when its all said and done about what he shares with us on the virus and the vaccines....

and i was right because alex berenson was right on almost 100% of what he was reporting.

history will have to look back and will be forever indebted to the work done by people

like A. Berenson. and lets be honest, we dont even know what the future holds for all those

who took these vaccines blindly believing they hold no permenant damage to one's body.

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The sad thing is, many who took the jab weren't necessarily "blindly believing". They took it under duress (which isn't that illegal?) to keep their jobs, children in school, or personal freedoms. That is not a choice.

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He can kiss my unvaccinated ass as well! The Commander Corpse & his dead on arrival state of the union speech🥺

What a pathetic human being!

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Exactly! They think we’re stupid 😠

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And treat us as such

Never let them forget

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They mistake exceptional tolerance for stupidity, with no imagination for its inevitable limit...and deeply-angered reversal.

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In other words: Unbridled greed and ambition will lead to the downfall of many.

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ABSOLUTELY accurate.

We will never forget the TWO years of misery bestowed upon our children, especially the most vulnerable living in urban cities.

Here in NJ, every Democrat run city went fully “virtual” for 2020 and then continued the 2021 school year the same way. These children (who are STILL masked and treated like lepers) deserve an apology. We had a teen suicide in our leafy town just a month ago, followed by a suicide by a dad just this week. Alcoholism is running rampant. I haven’t been to neighboring NYC in two years due to obscene vax card requirements.

And they think we’ll forget?


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NEVER NEVER NEVER. I lost my job in NYC bc I wouldn't capitulate. There were so many reasons we already hated the city but the fact that it would have been quite impossible for us to participate in life there at all - we escaped finally to PA. I fucking HATE NEW YORK

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Wow, imagine what a lame duck Brandon administration will look like, it's already so bad, what a damp squib it'll be on the other end of the midterms.

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It is slightly under 35 months until a new administration. I fear the damage he will do. A little over 13 months has elapsed since he took the oath of office. It seems like five years.

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The globalist agenda is to bring down the U.S. Maybe they'll be generous and let the U.S. be one of the five or six countries cooperating in running the new world order. It's all planned out, step by step, I'm sure. Biden's just a puppet, a convenient grandfatherly guy to go along with grandfatherly Fauci.

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Well, plans don't equal results. Look at the massive error in judgement in relying on Antny Fauci to produce a GoFer virus. Don't retain a Jesuit when you need a diabolical Russian. In their attempt to defy human nature, they will also vastly underestimate it, especially its subterranean inspiration when pressed to the wall of egregious injustice.

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And I can’t wait! 👍

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Nobody offered to compensate me $5K for the time and annoyance so I didn't watch Biden babble. Didn't miss much, right?

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Just lies and the liars stooges jumping up and down.

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Stooges included many RINOs. AOC looked pissed tonight; I am thinking she was nauseous watching Pelosi jumping up and down.

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I especially loved the part about freedom over tyranny, spoken by the tyrant in the room we are all looking at. And his professing support for Ukraine while continuing to do nothing. We turned it into a drinking game. Every time Biden lied, we had to drink. Unfortunately nobody remembers anything he said after the first 20 minutes as a result.

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Or when he said he was “losing our patience” with the unvaccinated (autonomous individuals). He can kiss my ass too.

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