You had me at “kiss my unvaccinated ass,Joe” 🥰

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Nope. He can kiss my ass too. I won’t forget the pathetic politicians who caved, those who were okay with marginalizing and gaslighting anyone who dared even question the shots or lack of treatment. I have an intense distrust of many doctors now and other scientists who gave up logic and thinking and traded it in for propaganda and feelings. Fuck them.

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He can go piaa up a rope. I have permanently left the Democrats over him (I didn't vote for him or Hilary, but I will vote Republican for the first time this November).

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 2, 2022

I will never forget that Biden forced my employer to compel my religious speech in order to not be fired for refusing a Federally mandated medical treatment. Never before in my life has my employer or my government attempted to direct my medical care in this way. I REALLY disliked it, and will never forget their attempted battery to my body and their clear violation of my civil liberties.

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Totally agree.

If anyone thinks this is faintly over, you have some truly awful shocks coming.

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Uncle Joe also said that you can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine so there’s that 😂

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Never forget.

What desperation.

November going to be punishing at the polls.

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2 misinformation statements from tonight's State of the Union that the AP fact checkers need to jump on (but they won't):

1. The president, again, said vaccine will stop the spread of the virus

2. The president also said gun manufacturers are the only business that can not be sued for the harm inflicted: not true. Vaccine manufacturers are protected against liability for harms their products cause.

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My new bumper sticker. Kiss my unvaccinated ass, Brandon. 😂 amen.

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Its a long time to November people. DO NOT FORGET what these un-elected public health officials and the puppet did to America since he was placed into the WH by his puppeteers! NEVER FORGET what was done to the children and those people who passed away who did not have too IF they had had full access to early safe, effective treatment options for the whu-flu. Both Risch and McCullough both feel 80% + did not have to die! NEVER FORGET PEOPLE when you vote in November!

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Take this jab and shove it!

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FJB & Fauci

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The only science these louts use is Political Science.

Medical Science has been done away with.

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He even said tonight that the vaccines "stop the spread." They should rename the Five Pinocchios to Five Sleepy Joes.

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Well, guess what Alex, if people would stop this polite bullshit with the “let’s go Brandon” and go back to the original line, “fuck you Biden”, frankly I would update it to “eat shit and die Joe blow!“…

The man’s a scumbag, he needs to be harassed until he finally has a stroke and dies, and I don’t care who’s insulted or outraged by my comment, the man is a danger to societies across the globe…

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I remember he told me that his patience was wearing thin with me for not getting jabbed.

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Like I said...he has zero ability to feel remorse having been 50 year swamp fermented. The puppet will say ANYthing. The perfect puppet...

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My 14 year old was assaulted at Berkeley High School today by an 18 year old in his Robotics class. The Kid has been bullying my son all year for being unvaccinated. This is the climate that Berkeley, CA, you know the super tolerant city, birthplace of the free speech movement… has created over this stupid fucking useless vaccine. Yeah, I’m not going to forget Joe. I’ll spend the rest of my life working hard against you corporate shills. Anyone that was for the division of the country over this science experiment I will work as hard as I can to help whoever is running against you.

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My liberal friends: hey, glad this thing is finally over, wanna get a beer?

Me: go fuck yourself.

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I couldn’t get through five minutes of that shit. His eyes were almost swollen shut. I guess the usual squinting is worse after his bedtime. He said Iran instead of Ukraine and all the liars, thieves and psycho started to clap. They were so confused. I am not a fundamentalist but I swear some of them are straight from the Devil. Pelosi and Harris sitting behind him. One in her one button dress suit looked like she smelled something bad and the other completely relaxed and satisfied into the latest version of her face. I saw the China spy-shagger waving an Ukraine flag like he was at a parade. That did it for me. Painful.

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I cannot believe how he was able to get through the speech without more shouts! Kudos to the “THIRTEEN!!” Shout by Boebert, but there should have been more! Cowards in that room. I was throwing pillows at my tv.

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I think these little appeals and concessions will work on a lot of people, but it won't for me. I've been fooled once and it won't happen again.

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Amen, Alex. Kiss my freakin' ass. I won't forget any politician, expert, media figure or "friend" who betrayed common decency for a political agenda. Payback time.

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He had the vaxxed pitted against the unvaxxed and now he wants peace

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Will never forget and we will give it to all these bastards good and hard for the rest of their lives. Done with them all. Get a damn paper route to pay the bills. That another dime or an iota of interest to any of these scummy divisive losers ever.

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It's unbelievable how they think they can just change or fix a narrative without any semblance of truth. Unreal.

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Alex, thank you so much for this post! 🤩 I so enjoyed reading it to my husband—your words gave us such great laughs tonight! 😂👏

But even more, your post helps me feel SO justified/vindicated in my family's unvaccinated/unmasked stance. Thank you for that because it's been a really rough year standing strong against a society who shames us for our choices, and wrongly (insanely) blames us for COVID variants! It's been absolutely maddening! 😖

Granted, we will stay strong and FOREVER remain unmasked/unvaccinated against COVID-19 regardless of who's on our side. That said, I greatly appreciate what you have created here on Substack! Keep up your fabulous truth-telling work! 🌟 Never ever give up! 😁

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The bottom line - The Criminal US government together with the rest of the world's criminal governments used it's citizens as LAB RATS for Big Pharma under Criminal mandates. The proof of Criminal intent is hidden in plain sight in their own documents, people need to print and send to their prostitutes selected officials

1. Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-michael-yeadon-this-must-stop

2. Premeditated GENOCIDE The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines. BioNTech SEC Filing: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/premeditated-genocide-pfizer-mrna

3. "safe and effective" Human Experiment European Medicines Agency's Document https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-safety-of-mrna-vaccines

4. Hidden in Plain Sight on NIH Website: The mRNA-LNP Platform’s Lipid Nanoparticle Component Used in Preclinical Vaccine Studies Is Highly Inflammatory


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I had to turn it -infuriating & nauseating to see the lies spew in his gibberish spiel

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When I vote, I will always remember what these politicians did to us and that they're capable of doing it again at the drop of a hat. They were mostly Democrats, but some Republicans. All of the politicians responsible for the draconian, over-the-top response to Covid need to be voted out.

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Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that it is your duty as a citizen and good memory of society that you should take the initial 2 dose series and the booster. Then you will either die or develop life long VAIDS. As a good citizen it is your duty to sacrifice your life and destroy your innate immunity because I want it. Temper tantrum, foot stomp, and meltdown. Don’t you know that your voluntary global depopulation will be good for the remaining 0.01% , we will not have to deal with you useless eaters, or the elderly. We will destroy your children’s future reproductive future. This is all for the greater good. Our greatest good. We know best, just take our slurry of our non disclosed ingredient bio weapon. It’s your duty .

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Don't forget any liberal piece of shit who made you feel bad for being unjabbed and standing up for your rights. They can straight up get fucked in my book. If I saw some of them in real life they would catch hands

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I reposted this on Facebook and this was my intro to it: "I won't forget, either. I'M the one who sat next to my husband's bed when he was on the cardiac floor watching him listen to his own heartbeat in his ear wondering if it was going to suddenly stop. I'M the one who sat there going over our finances in my head and talking about final wishes. I'M the one who demanded his reactions be recorded formally as a direct result of his inoculations and ended up reporting to VAERS myself because our primary physician wouldn't accept the fact that that's what happened and the hospitalists and cardiologists would wink-wink, nod-nod that I was right. I'm not an idiot. I don't need letters after my name to put 2&2 together and comprehend science papers. It isn't just Biden that can kiss my ass."

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Saw the White House disabled comments on youtube. It’s BAD. Let’s go Brandon!

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A little too late to call of the dogs after coercing half the nation to be poisoned

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Kiss mine as well. We are witnessing the total demise of the Democratic party and they are too myopic to see it. Keep putting old Joe out there front and center.

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moderna whistleblower from dec 2020 proven correct.

infertility issue is a major one besides the rest known issues with these mRNA vaxx.


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How's everyone's "winter of illness and death" working out? Our unvaccinated household has enjoyed a festival of great food, red wine, and classic films on our new TV. The data say it was not a great winter for the vaccinated and boosted. Bummer.

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Yep, FJB. I remember it well too. Vilifying unvaccinated, trying to cleave families and groups assuming that unvaccinated are opposition, enemies and uneducated.

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Lying sack of Democrat.

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His angry NPC minions ate it up like more slop at the trough. For the duration of his illegitimate regime, it will continue to be FJB!!

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How about “our patience is wearing thin”…. I remember that one, too

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i also remember being made to look like a fool for reading

and repeating your reporting on covid. my retort at the end of

any conversation was always, I bet anything alex will be right when its all said and done about what he shares with us on the virus and the vaccines....

and i was right because alex berenson was right on almost 100% of what he was reporting.

history will have to look back and will be forever indebted to the work done by people

like A. Berenson. and lets be honest, we dont even know what the future holds for all those

who took these vaccines blindly believing they hold no permenant damage to one's body.

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He can kiss my unvaccinated ass as well! The Commander Corpse & his dead on arrival state of the union speech🥺

What a pathetic human being!

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Exactly! They think we’re stupid 😠

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ABSOLUTELY accurate.

We will never forget the TWO years of misery bestowed upon our children, especially the most vulnerable living in urban cities.

Here in NJ, every Democrat run city went fully “virtual” for 2020 and then continued the 2021 school year the same way. These children (who are STILL masked and treated like lepers) deserve an apology. We had a teen suicide in our leafy town just a month ago, followed by a suicide by a dad just this week. Alcoholism is running rampant. I haven’t been to neighboring NYC in two years due to obscene vax card requirements.

And they think we’ll forget?


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Wow, imagine what a lame duck Brandon administration will look like, it's already so bad, what a damp squib it'll be on the other end of the midterms.

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Nobody offered to compensate me $5K for the time and annoyance so I didn't watch Biden babble. Didn't miss much, right?

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I especially loved the part about freedom over tyranny, spoken by the tyrant in the room we are all looking at. And his professing support for Ukraine while continuing to do nothing. We turned it into a drinking game. Every time Biden lied, we had to drink. Unfortunately nobody remembers anything he said after the first 20 minutes as a result.

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Or when he said he was “losing our patience” with the unvaccinated (autonomous individuals). He can kiss my ass too.

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