Your lawsuit against the federal government for violating your constitutional rights is for ALL of us. It's to protect everyone from future violations of this kind. I don't wish you good luck. I wish you Godspeed.

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What Vee just said times 10

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...times 10 to the 13th power!

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Very good!

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Cancelled NY Times a couple years ago. Who wants to pay to be lied to? I would rather support substack journalists that are pursuing truth and NOT peddling propaganda to brain wash US citizens

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same here, cancelled my ny times subscription in dec 2021 after my comments that were even slightly critical of the liability protection for eua products were mysteriously removed. been a paid subscriber for almost 9 years. now i instead support independent writers on substack

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AND my membership in the ACLU after they came out in support of vaccine mandates

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I'll never forgive them. I have supported the ACLU for almost 30 years.

I'm done with them.

I hope another organization fills that void and marginalizes them.

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When I cancelled more than a year ago they wrote me a completely lame response using circular logic trying to make an argument that supporting vaccine mandates was actually supporting FREEDOM. Very very disillusioning

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I received the same notice. My wife and I spat on it and threw it away.

We're done with them; VaxStabbers!

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There is! New Civil Liberties Alliance. They rock!

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Support FIRE instead.

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Thanks for the tip!

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Also if you're curious if NYT actually did publish some particular nonsense, you can go to archive.is, paste the NYT link to find archives & read paywall free. :)

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My sentiment exactly & I did the same.

The NYT and their ilk can blow smoke up somebody else's dress.

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Agree 100%.

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A lot of people still like The NY Times a lot, esp the Sunday edition, where the can see who was married and what the bride wore; mostly.... I look forward to testing my tenacity against the Sunday Crossword, in which I only fill in the "Across" answers, and force myself to visualize and remember the "Downers", until it's eventually filled both ways.

Even if it's a packed of lies/Damned lies, it helps to fill all of our humble lies....um, lives.

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Just remember what you are supporting when you purchase the NYT and media which intentionally harms humanity with their fraud messaging. Just sayin.

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Yellow journalism will always with us be and for that matter, deeply grey journalism and terrible journalism as long as we're talking journalism. If we get rid of all of our newspapers, how would we be able to see the box scores of all of yesterday's games , all on one page?! And then flip to the page where they show you what kind of dress the bride wore;...mostly?

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well I get the typical reasoning, but when you get to the heart of the matter when you "buy and support" an entity that has done what we have all seen and know is complicit in it's the wrong thing to do. Just sayin. I "get" the "I want" my comforts etc, but just where is the line drawn is the question each of us must ask ourselves. There some very solid media options developing over past 5-10 years which excellent.

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Okay, okay; I'll just have to ditch the NYT and start reading The Weekly World News: NJ Man Who Gave Birth To Litter of Pitbull Puppies Captures Alien In His Garage (photo of man pointing behind himself at closed garage door).

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LOL....well just know there are options :)

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I had no NYT subscription but I had it for NYT cooking. I wish I kept my cancellation note. Aah, all the fucks and shits 😂.

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Right NYT is so EXPOSED

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Get back on Tucker more often; he's sniffing this out. He's your biggest platform regardless of ideological proclivities.

I think Tucker can be a change agent. I saw you the other night on Fox (he's the only show I watch on Fox); it was good to see you again speaking truth to power.

Your battle is imperative, NOW, with Twitter. If I were you I would propose a docu-series with Tucker, based on 1A, PHA captured by Big Pharma AND solutions to effectuate change with 230 - or just get the eff rid of it. ,etc., etc.

They are promoting the shit out of that. That's your target audience. Virtually everyone there (including 30% of his audience being D's.) are outraged by the censorship.

Censorship is much more of an enemy than a forced vaccine imo.

Either way; keep exposing this shit.

Hats off.

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Tucker Carlson doesn’t need a self-described “liberal” like Alex for an audience. We conservatives have been watching and cheering Tucker from the get go because our values are rock solid: “faith, family and country.” When I was a naïve youngster I thought I too was a “liberal.” My guess is most people like Alex Berenson have no idea what conservatives really believe in. My guess is he lives his life as a conservative but makes his money as a so-called “liberal.“

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I don't know "what" he is, but he led me to the Stacks'. I had never participated in social media before that.

I view 1A as the most important issue right now. Alex is fighting the good fight.

Hate to be cliché, but I live by this motto:

“I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

- Voltaire

That quote is no longer axiomatic in America. That is the danger.

Here's where we're headed and Alex is a person of visibility that can help battle this:

“Lenin developed a special way of writing that made it possible to establish the ‘formula-slogan’ in the mind of the reader or listener . . . Then, as the most important compositional element, there is the use of repetition, by means of which a rectangle is formed which concentrates the attention, narrows the field of possibilities, and squeezes thought into a tight ring from which there is only one exit . . .

Total power over the Word gives the Master of the Word a magical power over all communications. Soviet speech is always a monologue because there is no other party to talk to. On the other side is the enemy. In the Soviet language there are no neutral words – every word carries an ideological burden . . . That is why in Soviet language the same words are repeated over and over again, until they become a signal that acts without any effort of thought. The effect of set phrases and slogans is also assured by their always being repeated in absolutely the same form . . .

The Soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the state wished . . . Soviet speech lost its freedom. The language was put together out of slogans and quotations from the Leader [Stalin] . . . The crushing, unquestioned authority of the Leader’s word is the result to a large extent of his right and power to name the Enemy . . . The word that signifies the enemy must be striking, easy to remember, implying condemnation by its very sound, and always imprecise, so that everyone who at a given moment does not please the Leader can be included under it rubric . . ."

- Mikhail Heller (Cogs in the Wheel: The Formation of Soviet Man)

I'm going to put aside ideological differences until shit gets straightened out.

Otherwise, based on several other comments you've posted, we are simpatico.

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I salute you for appreciating the fact that much of communist/totalitarian power has to with manipulation of language whether it be through repetition or what some have called “Communese.“ I grew up in the era where are the USSR was a mortal threat to the United States. I was a psychological operations army officer in Vietnam attached to combat units. I’ve studied communism since about the age of 13 years as my father was involved in countering the Soviet threat. in Vietnam we would leave the combat base in the evening and spend the night in Vietnamese hamlets interviewing hamlet Chiefs and others in order to gain intelligence. We also interviewed defectors. We saw a side of the war that the New York Times and the Washington Post did not know about or did not care to know about. Having grown up in Fairfax County I asked my father to get me a subscription to the Washington post while I was in Country. Once a month I would get a duffel bag full of Washington Post papers. It was then I realized how little these leftist publications knew or cared to know what was really going on and how vicious the communist were. It’s a bit outdated but if you can find the book “A Communese-English Dictionary” by Roy Colby you will see what was meant by the term “Doublespeak.” Doublespeak is still the language methodology of the “progressive” left (read “communist”) today. A new dictionary should be written to assist in exposing what the left is up to today inside and outside our country.

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Michael Knowles (a podcaster on Daily Wire to whom I listen daily) wrote a book last year called "Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds". Everything is facilitated through language.

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Heh, Voltaire probably didn't say that. But the statement has intrinsic value. And left-leaning college students used to say it but not these days!


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Hi Jim!

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Labels can hurt. Judge by actions. Alan Dershowitz, a liberal of the old school has been cast out of that circle simply for standing for liberty. I suspect Alex is in the same boat.

Doing the right thing is a good thing.

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Exactly. Dershowitz, who represented Trump during the impeachment show, was on one of the Fox shows this weekend and said while he didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 and looks forward to another opportunity to vote against him, Trump's rights were WELL worth defending. Talk about putting your differences aside to fight the most important fight of all!! Mad respect for the professor.

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What people call liberals are really leftists/fascists. Most conservatives are like the classical liberal.

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"What people call liberals are really leftists/fascists". MSNBC comes to mind.

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Like your comment.

I think you called me hysterical at one point.

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I’m not entirely sure what your problem is with Berenson, but it appears that your objection to him is that he can’t pass your purity test as a true “conservative.” Since he’s never claimed to be a conservative, I don’t know why that would bother you. What I do know is that he’s done factual, meticulous reporting (that used to be called “journalism”), that no one else was doing, and he was willing to take some real risks and pay a real price to do so. That makes him someone worth listening to, on this issue, if no other. As a long-time conservative, I will pay attention to anyone who tells me the truth, even if I disagree with nearly everything about their politics. I follow Alec Berenson’s reporting on coronavirus, and his actions aimed at protecting free speech. I could not care less about his other political or social opinions.

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If Alex hadn't been on Tucker, I wouldn't have found him. I think most of Tucker's audience appreciate the fact that a "self-described liberal" can see Truth and call it out. I have no doubt whatsover that if Alex had not been a semi-insider at NYT, twatter would have smacked him down immediately. They wouldn't have been able to throw him in the basket of insurrectionists.

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don't live in an echo chamber

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Clue #1 is he thinks Jesse Jackson's line is Everything is racist.😒.

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Totally agree. Tucker needs a vaccine segment every day. There is enough dirt to expose every day.

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I watched Tucker tonight and LOVED his no-holds-barred thrashing of that Quack Fauci.

You are absolutely correct: The Daily Covid Review, dealing with vax hazards; Fauci's Lies, the Menace of Big Pharma.

I'd LOVE to see a round-table discussion with the Covid Heretics Who Were Correct All Along.

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Also Joe Rogan. You need another visit with him.

How about Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro?

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One more...Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse Podcast.

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O.K. I’ve read this twice, and can’t help but wonder, why, in the face of empirical indisputable evidence that the White House knowingly willfully and deliberately stomped all over your first amendment rights, why has no lawmaker seen fit to draft articles of impeachment against POTUS?

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The way that the Brandon Administration works is that this bunch does whatever it wants...and waits for someone to have the gumption and/or money to pay lawyers to mount a challenge. Look at the covid rent moratorium. Look at the EPA making rules.

The border is wide open until someone figures out how challenge it. In the meantime hundreds of thousands of people cross the border.

No one can put the genie back in the bottle.

So Alex was silenced LAST year? OK. So his messages lose their timeliness.

When the Brandon Administration is overruled, the administration shrugs it off.

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You nailed it, Truth. They think time is the enemy but the Sh.

starts to get deeper and deeper until hopefully one day there is NO WAY OUT.

Get ‘‘em Alex. Most important fight going on today.

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We no longer have Mutual Assured Destruction.

Bureaucracy is captured by ballots.

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Because this hasn't been MSM- reported

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Because impeaching Joe will bring Kamala and impeaching her is even worse, bringing the CRIPTKEEPER

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VP Giggling Dipshit no longer frightens me. She can't be worse than Demented Joe.

And Demented Joe does not need to be impeached. He needs to be declared unfit, cognitively impaired. I want him forced to publicly admit he's lost his marbles.

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And his Dr wife too ashamed to stand beside him.

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WEAK...very very weak cowardly servants we have

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maybe because President Harris would worse

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Great question!

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Don’t forget, which I am certain you won’t (and hopefully many interrogatories and deposition questions will focus here) that the US government has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in direct payments to media outlets (and likely to Big Tech) to drive the narrative and deny dissenting voices a platform. The Prohibition against this type of malfeasance by the govt had been in place since 1948 when the Smith Mundt Act was overwhelmingly passed by Congress, a bipartisan bill to say to the American people that what happened in Nazi Germany could never happen here.

Obummer gutted the law, snuck the new rules (which allowed the govt to use and pay the media to deliver propaganda directly to US citizens) into the 2012 Defense Authorization Act. It was a clever ploy, given that the DAA is always 1000s of pages, filled with massive grift, and rarely openly debated and usually passes on a voice vote. And then, to ensure the bill became law before anyone started digging too deep, he signed it in early January 2013 while on vacation with Big Mike in Hawaii.

They have been planning this for a long, long time. Eliminating the prohibitions contained in the Smith Mundt Act was a small piece of the puzzle. But it was a very important piece. Because for the first time since 1948 (and probably in the nations history) the government could fill the airwaves and print media with the same type and style of propaganda once reserved for citizens of our enemies, and they could use that same media to stifle dissent.

If you struggle with trying to understand or determine when we became full blown enemies of our own government, January 2013 is as good a place to start as any.

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Thank you for this information, MoodyP.

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Most welcome. Not widely known. For obvious reasons. A 1948 Act, passed in the shadow of WW2, that (if you look at the positives) sat on the books as a ‘silent sentry’ for 75 years to protect us from a government that might one day want to weaponize the media against its own citizens. Certainly zero surprise that it was the Obummer regime that hid the dirty bomb that blew it up.

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Seconded...I had no idea!

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This is WAY better than a lawsuit against twitter! Take it all the way to the house! Time to Shine a light on the real criminals here - the US government and how it enabled Phizer to defraud the American people out of their health and trillions of taxpayer dollars.

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How the average run of the mill dem voter is not seeing this for what it is...is what exactly?

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I don’t live in America, but what goes on there will impact us here eventually, especially in a subservient state like the uk. I will subscribe to your stack as of now because of what you intend to do with regards to Biden and show my support.

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Bravo to Mark Steyn at GBS for having an episode of his show dedicated to Vax-injured.

And I love me some Neil Oliver.

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I sure miss Mark on American TV! You guys are lucky to have such a gem on the air there. Plus, he's very funny!

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We lucked out as the latest Covid variant is very contagious, but mostly causing upper respiratory infections., not like Alpha that caused lower respiratory infections as well killing many especially the elderly. Had the lower infections continued, they would have jailed the unvaccinated. They may have physically forced the jab. There would have been unvaccinated camps erected or unvaccinated banned from entering grocery stores etc. We came dangerously close to gestapo tactics. I am saying many on the left would have been fine with slaughtering the unvaccinated due to fear of getting virus. Insanity would have prevailed. As it is, they did terrible things to the unvaccinated and now are ignoring those medically damaged by vaccines. There will be millions suffering long term from the jab.

Looking back at measures taken to stop a virus that was unstoppable is extremely painful to acknowledge. So embarrassing. So vile. So morally corrupt. Humans showed how nasty they can get when feeling power slipping from their greedy hands.

Alex, your lawsuit is extremely important. Silencing, banning, hating, censorship, politically punishing opposition needs to be reined in, acknowledged it happened, and a serious come to Jesus about pain caused so it never happens again. Our governments are corrupt and frankly inhumane. Frankensteins. We need purging at all levels in government, academia, corporate world, and give the power back to the people. Embrace debate.

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Or: had the vax worked…

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Never had a chance. And they knew that, see birx's book/interviews...

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Agreed, Graygirl, agreed completely.

I spent many a night time hour pondering the roof timbers in my bedroom which, while beautiful to look at, remained utterly mute and offered no respite from the alarm at the realisation of how close we were getting to the brink.

I'm still not convinced we're safe, however, noting how the WHO are still beavering away in the background to get their proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations accepted around the world.

The various campaigns for the upcoming elections in Italy have seen several mentions of a return to the GreenPass conditions so we still have a way to go.

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Agree with you. It was terrifyingly close to having camps but unfortunately most of the population would have agreed with that and even applauded it. I am not sure only gov, media, academia are rotten, i think the whole western civilisation is rotting. Alex is good but he still thinks abortion is a good thing.. how killing babies can be a good thing?

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I am a conservative always have been...not always in full lock step agreement with things but mostly. I follow people like you only because you seem to crave truth, provide great data, and you are fighting for free speech which should be the most unalienable right we have. It blows my mind that people on the left are seemingly ok with silencing speech when I always thought orgs like the ACLU wanted to protect it at all costs? How can they NOT see this silencing might and very much will apply to them someday and not just stop at conservatives speech or folks like you who report observations against the narrative?

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I submit that the overwhelming majority of so-called “liberal“ people have no idea what true conservatives believe in. They’re too comfortable with calling us “racist“, “Nazis“, “misogynist“ etc. I continually have to remind people that Nazis and communist are on the left, not the right of the political spectrum. Stalin and Hitler got along just fine …

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Their hubris prevents them from seeing that they are only useful idiots.

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Ah, I remember the good old days when the ACLU was... well, the old school ACLU, not what they currently are, which is essentially the opposite. My mind boggles at what has happened to that institution, and indeed, so much of the left.

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As the competitive winds blow, priorities and messaging changes.

If you're inntested in a unique perspective, subscribe to fundraising email lists for both parties. You'll find that they say the EXACT SAME THING, based on where they are on the power continuum.

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What do you mean by "It blows my mind that people on the left are seemingly ok with silencing speech"?

Hitler's party was leftist party, same for all parties in the Eastern Europe before the fall of the Berlin wall.

Back then, silencing was normal and REQUIRED

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I, too, wish you the best of luck in this suit, Alex--it is SO justified. Both you and the country deserve to right this wrong to our 1st Amendment.

Secondly, just a thought about how the country has changed regarding how those in politics and the press have started to see themselves as "the governors." Back in 1971, there was only 4 national TV networks and dozens of powerful regional TV & radio stations (and newspapers, but I digress). What's changed the playing field in the past 50 years, is the consolidation of the media across the board--and how it's further empowered the effects of advertising dollars. It used to be national advertisers had to place spots all over the country. Ad campaigns that did well in New York City might not do so well in the small, rural towns that make up the majority of the country. Today, they invest with only about 6 holding corporations (that control nearly every TV, radio station and have wiped out small town local papers throughout the country). As a bonus, advertisers use that money to dictate that "programming" must not be detrimental to sales, no matter what the TRUTH is. Throw in the advances of cable TV, then the web, then streaming services--it becomes easier and easier for criminal enterprises like Pfizer to dictate what "truth" people are able to see.

Wokeness and political correctness have completely taken over film/tv programming--even much of new production that is streaming. Independent films/documentaries that expose the truth have ZERO chance of picking up traditional distribution avenues. We see this with films like "Capitol Punishment." Just look what Dinesh D'Souza had to do to get "2000 Mules" released--and actually seen. Larry Elder is going through it now with his sequel to "Uncle Tom" as they've had to drop the price 3 times already.

Compound that with the Supreme Court's allowing unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns--while people are limited. It was simply a matter of time until nearly every politician at the national level (and many statewide) became mouthpieces/representatives of their DONORS, not their constituents. Just look at how accomplished China Joe's policies have been for the CCP, but not for Americans. And yet the media sat on the proof from Hunter's laptop--along w/ a pattern of payoffs from Ukraine, Russia and others.

Having worked in broadcast advertising for decades, I have witnessed this shift first hand. For the first time in my life, America has become overrun with pure PROPAGANDA. And they have worked tirelessly to come up with ways to shorten the average American's attention span; it makes propaganda easier to swallow. "Reading" at an 8th grade level has tanked over the past few decades.

In fact, many older readers who make it through this whole comment would probably agree and may not have considered this massive shift. (And it probably won't get a ton of likes because it's more than a quick line or two making a pithy, smart-assed remark. On that front, I irk a lot of folks, myself!)

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Who the f.$&k are these people, whether they be pronoun obsessed pink haired Twitter dweebs, or useless government hacks to talk about “misinformation”? None of them are authorities on anything useful to mankind. This especially applies to the highly complex subject of vaccine development, the subsequent approval process and the even more obtuse issue of efficacy. The astonishing arrogance accompanied by the equally stunning lack of self-awareness seems to be the defining character of these utterly useless but very dangerous people.

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Keep fighting, Alex. Yeah, you drive a lot of people crazy, but this is so important. With you 1000 percent.

To any MSM journalist reading this. READ THIS AGAIN: Justice Hugo Black proclaimed the importance of the First Amendment and a free media in ringing tones:

The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government… Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government.

If that did not bring a journalistic tear to your eye, please take a moment and reflect on your role here. You CAN make a difference. YOU CAN change your allegiance. You NEED to do what is right. If you choose not to, you'll be the one future generations will wonder about. How could they? How did they not know they were nothing more than the propaganda arm of a failed parasitic "elite" group of (sub) humans?

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In New Zealand we have just had a wealthy individual fund an entirely new media outlet -


And so far it has been brilliant https://theplatform.kiwi/

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Good luck! This is why I subscribed, renewed, and donated to the Twitter case. Please keep up the good work and don’t let the first amendment and our country die.

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Being a conservative means preserving individual liberties and the values of the enlightenment. Face it, man: you're a conservative. It's ok. We don't bite.

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