It was never about fighting disinformation. It was always about suppressing information.

For more than half a century courts have held that governmental threats can turn private conduct into state action. It is “axiomatic,” the Supreme Court held in Norwood v. Harrison (1973), that the government “may not induce, encourage or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish.”

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What a great outcome and delivered on Independence Day!

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Hey Alex - who appointed that Judge? Oh yeah, president Trump.

Please tell us again why you would vote for fascist Biden against Trump if they were both on the 2024 ballot?

Oh yeah, I forgot. Orange man bad.


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Yeah a Clinton, Obama or Biden appointee would never hand this down. Shit I forgot Bush.

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And then there's Justice David Souter--who was appointed by George HW Bush. He was thought to be conservative.

Look how that turned out.

The point is that every once in awhile, a judge will follow the law--the Constitution.

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Maybe he fears he wouldn't have anything to write about if Trump were in office? I hope he doesn't win the primary, but if it does, I will vote for him.

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That's a fair take. But Alex will write article after article outlining why the Biden family is basically the embodiment of corruption and all that is wrong with government. And then in the next breath say he would still vote for Biden over Trump because...well, just because!

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Unfortunately the derangement is real and tribalism will be the prevailing cause of our country’s demise.

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Since NYT/WaPo/MSNBC/CNN and all the social media sites shut down the Twitter Files story, and any other actual journalism regarding this topic, much of the population has no idea of the mountain of evidence the judge had access to, which resulted in his ruling.

But those of us here aren't surprised.

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Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never give up."

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I often use the example of the government hiring a private company to search your home without a warrant and then using the evidence in a case against you. The action is obviously a violation of the Fourth Amendment, even though the government didn't perform the actual search.

The First Amendment works the same way.

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Let's HOPE it has teeth. Since when has the puppet admin or the deep state for that matter heed what the courts say.

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Agree.. I fear appeals that reach SCOTUS. Look at the nitwit "affirmative action" justices.

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Sparkler-worthy news!! Happy Independent Thought Day!!

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I just came back from the future...11/24, election day. It's Trump vs Brandon and BOTH Alex AND Eva Longoria vote for Brandon. Both violated, both permanently damaged by TDS.

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Why does it take a federal judge to knock some common sense into our esteemed leaders? Every schoolboy/girl knows from Civic Classes that First Amendment is the foundation of the country and it is practiced every day by every citizen in everyday living and has been for two hundred and forty-seven years. It is practiced every day in the courts of the land and should be practiced in the halls of Congress. It is the only way we can survive as a nation, "The respectful debate and disagreements that bring about agreeable consensus to be governed."

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Civic classes? They are long gone...swept away by Critical Race Theory and such nonsense.

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Only because we let them, our fight is now, the future can wait, the voters will speak.

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The road back to sanity is long and progress is slow. But step by step, we’re getting there.

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It fascinates me the national motto is “In God We Trust” simply because the founding fathers knew, from experience, government was not to be trusted.

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Thrilled to hear this - congrats from Down Under!

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In my opinion the best ever was from a great man named Alex Berenson and the truths about drugs and the whole debacle with covid-19 his coverage was spot on and continues everyday.

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I wish he had a better constitutional structure in Canada. Congrats on this victory for free speech (and common sense), my American brethren!

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News to celebrate!! Happy 4th!!

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