I offer this as EXHIBIT A to those of you who accuse AB of wanting to get “back in with the elites” or “return to the NYT” whenever he writes something with which you disagree. Umm…that would be a “no.”

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"a disease that poses approximately to them, are now sure to let you know that MANDATES AN..." (I think you meant, "poses approximately zero risk to them").

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As this new tsunami of Monkeypox (COVID 2.0) propaganda unfolds, keep in mind that most of what we hear about these events is filtered through this fourth estate crew:


These hollow, shameless, news-media cretins that have doused their credibility in jet-fuel and set it on fire. Investigative journalism and truth are dead in the mainstream media, and yet their incessant wall-to-wall lies and blatant propaganda get broadcasted relentlessly, blanketing the world like an evil curse.

A nun caught doing pushups in a cucumber field is more credible in her stated motivations than any of these loathsome, miscreant, false witness "journalists".

As far as Monkeypox goes, Billy Gates did warn of the "next one" getting our "attention, this time", with that smug, knowing smile of his.


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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

there was a guy named fauci or something like that who tried to fix aids years ago

maybe he's available to help


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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Moneypox…. call it what it is

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My concern is the vaccines the U.S. has ordered for it, and they better not push these on us or the children!

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I wouldn’t get too worked up about Alex Jones. He’s actually predicted much of this accurately, but just so far in advance he gets labeled a nut job.

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I was at the Phoenix zoo over the weekend. Went to see the monkey enclosure. All the monkeys were holding signs that said: F**k off with your humanpox crap..

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I don't mean to sound like Alex Jones, but doesn't the timing of this strike anyone else as even a little bit suspicious?

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Testing, contact tracing, quarantining, quasi-lockdowns and behavior modification were ‘civic duties’ and ways to prove your unselfish love for the collective during Covid. Asking the same from the LGBTQ+ community would be a violation of civil rights, now wouldn’t it?

Civil Rights for the depraved and nobody else. I see where this is headed.

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Remember when saying:"monkeypox", they K is silent.

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As the saying goes, "Bi now gay later" or is that "Buy now pay later"...not that there is anything wrong with that.

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So gay men behaving badly = negative outcomes. Who could have guessed? Maybe there is something to living a decent, normal life with one partner. I don't personally care what your choices or inclinations run to, however living a decent life goes a long way to physical and mental health. But what do I know ...

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This post is so amazingly politically incorrect.... and I just love it! All Hail Alex!

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Are they going to issue a lockdown order and tell gay men to stay home alone?

You know there's that munkey pox thing that can kill us all. Don't they care about granny?

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It’s already been fun watching the media try to dance around this issue.

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