If doctors know about extensive vaccine injuries but aren't telling people about them, we have an ethics crisis that will be profoundly destructive of the trust people have in the medical profession. Cowardice costs.

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I wish I could be as kind as you but this is not a crisis of ethics, these are crimes against humanity. What these physicians are doing are in the same vein as Dr. Joseph Mengele. Willful ignorance is not an excuse. Why are these physicians pushing the deadly jab on children, healthy adults, pregnant women and the naturally immune? You can believe in the vaccine but why would you push it on populations we have never pushed a jab on before? Their outright blocking of early treatments have killed millions of people. Their enthusiastic pushing of the deadly and very expensive Remdesevir and ventilators is forced euthanasia. We need to come to the realization that many of our physicians and healthcare workers are just plain evil. We need to protect ourselves and our children from their sinister actions.

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If these cover-up scenarios play out, American MDs will be one of the great examples in history of The Banality Of Evil.

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In pre-WW2 Germany doctors made up the largest faction of professionals who comprised the Nazi Party.

They were not simply willing participants or unwitting accomplices, which would be bad enough, but they were instrumental in the formation of the Nazi Party.

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Early last year, 94-year-old Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski gave a speech during the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the camp’s liberation. 

The Polish Holocaust survivor reminded the audience that the Holocaust didn’t’ start with death camps.

Instead, it began with propaganda, scaremongering, scapegoating, segregation, and exclusion. Then, it was an easy next step to strip further rights, dehumanize, and brutally extinguish that minority.

Hopefully, we're far from that happening again at that level of horror and cruelty.

Still, in my opinion, based on what 18 MiL Romanians and I have personally experienced for over 20 years under dynastic communism, now the road is paving to a hybrid version of the Natzy times, one of the most horrific mass formation psychosis.

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The “holocaust” started and ended as propaganda.

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Excellent comment, Ocean Claire

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Read "The Myth of German Villany" by Benton Bradbury.

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Unfortunately, holocaust deniers, as well as other antisemites, have infiltrated Alex's substack. Alex is Jewish by the way. Their garbage is disgusting.

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Your language is the same as the vaccine propaganda pushers. Smear others as anti/deniers implying malice afore thought. Call it disgusting, to the prevent engaging in debate. 6 million Jews died they say, even after Auschwitz lowered their death toll from 4 to 1.1-1.5 million. Inability to revise numbers suggests its driven by dogma rather than data

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Yes, Alex is Jewish. No one here is targeting him or criticizing him for that.

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There are several examples citing anti-Jewish revisionist history right on this thread and there are even more blatant ones on Steve Kirsch's substack.

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This must be a misunderstanding.

I just wanted to correct the phrase ‘’Polish Holoucast’’ which sounded that was done by Poles.

Similar like often quoted’’Polish concentration camps’’

Holocaust wast carried out by Germans, that’s all

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What are you referring to?

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There was German Holocaust NOT Polish

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LOL! The Germans persecuted and executed the Polish Jews too. Please read a book and educate yourself.

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In a recent poll over half of democrats said adults who refuse the jabs should be put away and one third said their kids should be taken away! Very nazi like indeed.

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Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning...Great book. Seemingly normal people will do the most evil things.

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Jordan Peterson put me onto that book. Frightening. Reminds me of the quote, “those who can get you to believe an absurdity can make you commit an atrocity. “

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Or to put it another way ... more truthful way. THOSE THAT BELIEVE absurdity can commit an atrocity.. But blaming some other than the PERPETRATORS is always cooler ... because MOST people are part of the BELIEVING group .

F most people

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Book: "Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning"

I was about to type the same comment

Dead nutz on.

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when Fauci is your boss

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Without full support from doctors and nurses, Holocausts can’t happen – Hitler’s Killer Nurses


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This video is terrifying, and I'm trying not to see my nurses and MD colleagues in this situation down the road.

Most of them are so Brainwashed, obedient, and ignorant to the ‘outside world’!

People are dying because they're being deprived of highly effective, cheap, widely-available drugs that do not present obscene profits to The pharmaceutical companies!

And my healthcare colleagues refuse to ‘see’ it(: and keep telling me to “get up to date.”


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Absolutely. For those of you who are not familiar with this, read the book the Nazi Doctors for more (appalling) background

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Not will be--are and have been. There's absolutely no excuse for refusing to give early treatment, at least addressing inflammatory symptoms.

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Exactly. If I go in with an asthma attack, they don't wait until I can no longer breathe, they give steroids, breathing treatments, etc. Address the issue before it gets out of control. Why even bother getting tested if they don't do anything for you anyway? Oh, to track you!!

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That is a keeper.

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Tell me about it saw the GASTRO's PA, not him. She wanted more Useless Fecal tests 4 of them, when SIBO is a Breathe test. I've had these attacks for 13 yrs, I know what they are, Classic, I'm ready for a IV, Phenergan and Diluded. Had to settle on 3 fingers of Scotch and very little water. See you in a month. Last Breath test read High. Thank goodness he heard me say the Fecal test would all come back contaminated and expedited the breath test to the 13th. I need a IV, and Anti Puke pill with Pain MED. Not an 1 month more of the already to long wait time PAIN and Dehydration. Thank Medicare/Tricare Life regs, which is Socialized gov controlled medicine. BTW FJB is going with the poorly tested Alzheimer's drug for Medicare.

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I think Canada will offer a tough competition; the doctors are not far behind and may even keep playing this game for longer.

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BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE BY ROBERT YOHO, I've been tortured, butchered, misdiagnosed, given wrong meds, so they can make a buck, or sell a high priced drug, or sheer incompetence. I've had SIBO bouts for 13 yrs, they are classic, getting them treated fast doesn't exist. Billing might understand Medicare/Tricare Life, docs don't. World of difference in gov controlled healthcare and private ins. 20 yrs hub served in the Military for every growing crap healthcare. And don't step out of the system it voids it, to high cost private O'care.

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I think many doctors just do what their bosses tell them, but after a certain period, it should be plain to the vast majority that something horrible is happening to their patients, and job or no job, they made an oath to do no harm and have failed to keep it.

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Many doctors have said off the record that they either go along, or get fired. Most o our doctors now work for corporations, so the oath is pretty useless. They have no independence at all. I always get an independent doctor when I can....I dread having to be hospitalized for any reason.

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Every person with a job has the same responsibility to not harm his fellow workers on the job site. A doctor, however, has an oath to do no harm. He is independently licensed and expected to keep his oath and to do good for his patients.

There is no excuse for selling out your soul for money...none. Each will stand before God to give account of their actions and be without excuse. These doctors are not being threatened with death, but their patients are when they go along with the death shots. Keeping their job pales in comparison.

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Below is the letter that an oncologist forwarded me when I initially asked her about Tracy Hoeg's early myocarditis meta-analysis. They are boxed into a corner to deviate from the message.

Stop and think for a second. To be an MD in the US you literally have to do everything that you are told from the time you start Kindergarten. You are, by definition, the person most likely to follow the rules and do as you are told, and since you have a high cultural status you feel obligated to boss people around with the rules that you are told exist. If you weren't that kind of person you'd be doing something else. They are literally the last group of people you want to take advice from in a rapidly evolving pandemic. The vast majority of them lack the ability to think creatively.

If you want to know who to prosecute for crimes against humanity look no further than the 3 people that signed this letter.

Important: Joint Statement from ABFM, ABIM & ABP on Dissemination of Misinformation

Dear Dr. G,

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), which supports its member state medical licensing boards, has recently issued a statement saying that providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians' ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license. We at the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), and the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) support FSMB's position. We also want all physicians certified by our boards to know that such unethical or unprofessional conduct may prompt their respective board to take action that could put their certification at risk.

Expertise matters, and board certified physicians have demonstrated that they have stayed current in their field. Spreading misinformation or falsehoods to the public during a time of a public health emergency goes against everything our boards and our community of board certified physicians stand for. The evidence that we have safe, effective and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming. We are particularly concerned about physicians who use their authority to denigrate vaccination at a time when vaccines continue to demonstrate excellent effectiveness against severe illness, hospitalization and death.

We all look to board certified physicians to provide outstanding care and guidance; providing misinformation about a lethal disease is unethical, unprofessional and dangerous. In times of medical emergency, the community of expert physicians committed to science and evidence collectively shares a responsibility for giving the public the most accurate and timely health information available, so they can make decisions that work best for themselves and their families.

Warren Newton, MD, MPH

President and CEO

American Board of Family Medicine

Richard J. Baron, MD

President and CEO

American Board of Internal Medicine

David G. Nichols, MD, MBA

President and CEO

American Board of Pediatrics

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Agree they will rot in hell.

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Yes, but at least your physician had the integrity to tell you the score. Were every physician to respond like this to an inquiry things may start to change.

Months ago my PCP office called me and some perky person let me know how lucky they were to have gotten some Moderna vaccine and when do I want to come in and get it.

I will never be returning.

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“ The evidence that we have safe, effective and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming.”

These people are either incompetent or malevolent.

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The government has done a trial run getting doctors to comply. Ask any chronic pain patient. Our lives became hell in 2016 when our regular family doc could no longer treat our pain with anything more than ibuprofen. Threats to strip licenses became an effective cudgel for compliance. Weirdly it didn’t solve the “opioid crisis” because od deaths (more than 95%) are from illegally obtained prescription and street drugs. Patients are a doctors care were only 5% of those od deaths. But the whole community suffers because of the epidemic of street drug usage. Chronic pain patients suffer as they are un or under treated by “pain specialists”. A fancy name for a clinic run by nurses but owned by a “pain specialist” that treats them like they are addicts and dispenses one size fits all care. Which is really one size doesnt fit anyone, but jumps through the government regulation hoops and essentially gives patients a baby aspirin for cancer pain and tells them to be grateful. Bring up your chronic pain history to any other doc and they freeze like a deer in the headlights, because they worry just an association with a pain patient might be enough to get their license pulled. The government and the licensing boards perfected the tactics for the last 6 years They know the docs will fall in line.

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I’m very delighted they do not want to engage in misinformation that might do harm to patients. How delightfully refreshing of them to be so supportive of early treatment, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, generally good health such as weight control, sugar intake (ok ok my conscience is smarting on that one ..... ) , sleep, intake of vitamin d, c, zinc, etc and exercise in lieu of other drugs like Lipitor (oh was I supposed to stay silent on statins! Whoops silly me).

“Providing misinformation about a lethal disease IS unethical, unprofessional and dangerous.” How very smart and accurate for them to say so.

Again, delighted they would chime in on our side.

Something tells me I missed their point. My, my, my, am I glad I did......

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Dan, thanks for sharing this. I copied this portion of the letter: "providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians' ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license." Is it not true that when you state that vaccines are safe and effective that have never been fully tested or certified or proven to be such, that this group of doctors is violating the same principle they are pushing against others with whom they disagree? The hypocrisy, the blindness, the reprobate minds are all too telling what these doctors have become.

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this is exactly what i’m talking about. 3 academic idiots who are using their status to threaten docs with their board certification and licensure. Most of the docs i work with don’t give a fuck what they think or say. I’m fighting every day with pharmacies to dispense ivermectin and HCQ and high dose steroids. I’ve saved hundreds in the last 2 years from a bioweapon funded by our own NIH and completely bungled by our once venerate CDC

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Reading this letter it's not hard to see why doctors go along to get along. On a tangential note: misinformation has become the most vile word in the english language

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And what price will these board members pay if they are wrong?

The accountability only seems to run in one direction.

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Keep those names around. When the time comes, they will be made accountable.

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Wow !!

This is a perfect example of exactly:

**unethical or unprofessional conduct **

by all signatories.

I hope they are brought in front of a real court soon.

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This is an abomination. I bet if you look, their biggest funders are Pharma.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

My docs (see earlier post here) are their own bosses in one of the two free-est states in USA. I.e. THEY DO NOT HAVE to do this. Yet they do. They still drink the cool aid and still had their administrator put out emails “booster time” (literally, yesterday). I am required to test, the only 2 of us that didn’t drink the juice are required to test. And right now, the covid positive are walking into the office after 5 days. THaT I THINK IS FUNNY if it didn’t endanger my 91 yr old parents.

So no, don’t give them an out.

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That is awful...just awful to hear. I have one Dr. in my state been with im 30 years he has been in trouble more times than I can remember...for helping us chronic Lyme sufferers...If he retires I do NOT know what I will do or where I can go....

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You are lucky testing is an option. I had to resign because that wasn’t available to me. I’ve been resigned since 12/3 (my deadline for the vax was 12/5…but the hospital conveniently kept bumping the date back and I could have still been working)…but anyways since I’ve been gone…SO many vaccinated coworkers getting Covid.

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Well, you are very brave. I wish I was, but my two cats still need to be fed, and I still have a mortgage.

Do you know what they started doing this week at the testing center? It used to be you could only have a PCR test if you DIDN:T have symptoms. Now, you have to have BOTH TESTS...rapid antigen and PCR. I am so ANNOYED IT IS JUST A MONEY MAKING GET RICH QUICK SCHEME....I am mandated to have only the PCR....I wish I had the balls to write to the state government or even the people mandating this as we KNOW the rapid antigen does not work for people without symptoms. I am so angry about everything, and it is building up....

Do you know what I am doing now? I am eating chocolate for breakfast every day. I am smoking like a chimney. AND, last week, I started tootling around town WITHOUT MY SEAT BELT ON.

I think the 7 year old in me is in open revolt, and is trying to vent against all this authoritarianism....

I wonder if next week I just take the stick, refuse to put it in my nose, and pop it back into the vial. There, there is your rapid antigen test.

What do you think they will do?

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Haha! I love you! But I’m not brave…if I could have tested I would still be employed and for the record….it was a HUGE loss to my unit when I left. If I was brave I would have been vaccinated and stuck around. But I’ve always been more afraid of this vaccine than I ever was of Covid. And take care of yourself…but I can absolutely relate to the burn out and the feelings that you are alone in this. The testing has never been accurate and never made sense…and changes all the time. Praying this Omicron peak starts to turn down and we can adjust our protocols yet again.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Read the book: Book: "Ordinary Men" by Christopher Browning

Run of the mill ordinary men, following orders and consumed by propaganda, Mass Psychosis, have done the worst things imaginable (Holocaust), are now, and will do so in the future too.

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In similar fashion, ordinary people who love God and are committed to follow and obey him have done extraordinary things that have changed the course of history for the better.

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thank you or this reminder ...our desire to do the right thing and be good to our fellow citizens is also incredibly powerful.

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Remdesivir -- the nurses call it "Run, death is near!"

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Why are so many covid "patients dying of kidney failure and lung destruction?"

Remdesivir and vents? Nah! And the fact the virus only causes such damage to hospitalized patients is meaningless.

The virus can't hurt you much outside hospital* but once you are admitted it destroys your lungs and kidneys!

*I'm not saying covid can't ever cause these issues. I'm concerned about the rates

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I'm convinced my double jabbed Uncle was killed by Remdesevir, early venting, and lack of early treatment. If you want to survive Covid-19, avoid the hospital at all costs. They are literally financially incentivized to murder you.

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I believe the official classification is Euthanized For Billing Purposes.

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I'm sorry about your uncle. Sadly, it's becoming increasingly clear how poorly these early cases were handled. It's hard for us all to believe and take in and process and not feel angry about--and even harder still for family members. Be kind to yourself, and give yourself the space you here to heal. We are all going to need it.

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I would be more understanding if it happened in the beginning of the pandemic when no one knew anything but sadly he passed away just a month ago. They are still pushing these dangerous protocols today.

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You're a journalist? You didn't make "The Truth About..." series dealing with cancer and vaxines? I'm sure the couple who made it were called Bollinger. The guy had an unusually short first name like Ty.

If you are then good job! I loved that series! If you aren't then just ignore me :p

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Dr Brian Ardis has spoken well on Remdesivirs risks. He has a website.

Which substack, was it Kory’s? recently had a graph of all the meds (non nutraceuticals) used to date against covid. The graph also showed dollar costs and percent effective. If I recall remdesivir was 58% effective. I know it was under 60% . Awesome right? Wrong. High risks and very high cost. In fact ALL FDA approved ones were either hundreds or thousands per dose except a few steroids. Ivermectin in study trials is a minimum of 65% to 85% effective and in Zelenkos and Korys and Mariks and Grellners and many many other docs personal observational “studies” were 85 to 90 plus percent effective. With the true refrain of Safe and over 20 years of evidence to back the “safe” up.

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Another one of Fauci's poisons. Similar to his killing of thousands with his HIV poison.

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Back in the day the medical click - it was a discovered in a famous patent case over the drug eluding stents - anyway - there was a stent on the market the nurses nick named - the "widow maker".

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

I will never blindly accept a doctor's recommendation ever again. Trust has been broken.

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I believe my doctor, but he doesn't take insurance. It appears doctors in the grips of larger organizations may be the real problem.

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My new GP also doesn’t take insurance.

What a refreshing experience.

He acts like a Doctor should.

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They're threatened they'll lose their medical license.

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I have heard the same from many people. This is the result of the people in the medical establishment not behaving ethically.

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Many doctors don't know anything more about things like the vaccines, Hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin than what they've heard on TV from the fake news media. Dr.Kelly Victory is one of the few doctors I trust.

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My Primary physician took great care of my very sick wife for more than 8 years before she eventually succumbed to everything but COVID in 2020. I am signed up with him, and he claims to be vaccinated, but doesn’t press me on the subject. I remain wary of his advice, and have told him I will go to great lengths to stay fit, but won’t be signing up for any meds.

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Me, either.

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As grotesque and evil as Mengele was, he was trying to learn stuff. In contrast, our doctors are trying to protect their incomes which arguably makes them —worse— than Mengele.

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Liability. Liability. I keep wondering why my docs (employer) are doing this. Private company, under 60 employees. Most of them are truly decent guys. I’ve been with them over 15 years. But if they follow CDC they probably think they are limiting liability if anyone gets infected. In fact I think that’s coming from TMA and local medical societies (that’ll advise y’all which state I’m in....) despite our govnr being against mandates.

So it’s this idea if They go with the flow, follow SOP and keep nose clean, they'll come out of this ok.

It’s a major ethical compromise for them. And something of a lemming move for “independent” doctors. Liability. Which, in essence, is not just about money, but it is about fear.

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I couldn’t agree more. You almost posted verbatim what I have been saying all along. We have discussed with friends and family how we have lost all trust in the medical profession.

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You just summed up what has been happening in the last two years beautifully

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i’m going to disagree. It isn’t as simple as this. many docs were being forced to utilize therapeutics without questioning and asking the obvious questions, “why is everyone on a ventilator dying?” Doctors are not deep thinkers sorry to say and many trained in the last 10-15 years have not been trained to question authority like us older guys. Also most docs are now employees so if they speak out, question authority or deviate, they get fired. Most aren’t strong enough to stand up for their principles if it means losing their livelihood and potentially being blackballed. I’m glad i’m at the tail end of my career than at the beginning. Furthermore, have you seen or heard any major University put forth any treatment algorithms?? Harvard, Stanford, UCLA?? NONE Any treatment protocols came from private docs on the front lines sharing information as best we could through social media which fucking blocked us, detweeted us and dropped us from fakebook. Sorry to say….

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If what you say is true doc, and i think it is, than what we have is an entire medical system populated by individuals who've lost their ability to discern between right and wrong. Good and evil. And given a choice between keeping a golf club membership and privileges at fancy hospitals the docs of today chose to willfully stand by and or actively participated in the murder of patients they likely could have saved with proper treatment. My God there have been hospitals that have gone to court to fight against treating patients! There needs to be a list kept off these individuals and institutions that did this. Then a time will come when there will be a reckoning!

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exactly. these are my honest observations and unfortunately doctors behave like sheep. Just look around and see what the leaders in academic medicine have contributed to covid…virtually nothing other than following Fauci and the competent CDC.

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Everybody is scared these days--celebrities, athletes, professors etc. Why would doctors be any different? I believe that many people in all lines of work will realize sooner than later that material goods cannot compensate for a life of fear and lies. Doctors (all of us) were caught off guard. they will push back sooner than later. Many already are..

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Indeed. I've run into this crap dealing with the VA primary care doc I have. Despite providing mounds of evidence this liberal ass kissing pos refuses to acknowledge HCQ, Ivermectin as curative and prescribe it to me. Thank God for docs that stood up like Dr. Zelenko, Kory, and others giving us alternative remedies like Quercetin, zinc, vitamin C & D which I took and have been pushing around. Additionally, even if I could get a prescription the pharmacies refuse to fill it if it's for covid. That comes straight from my pharmacist's mouth ro my ears when I confronted him! These people are accessories to murder! Governors dictating to pharmacy boards not to fill drugs! Are you fucking kidding me!

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I get what you are saying and that all those reasons are why doctors have been acting so insanely and I’m glad that there are still a few physicians like yourself that recognize what’s happening and doing the right thing. But, their willful ignorance is no excuse particularly since their actions result in such deadly consequences.

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“Just plain evil”. Bingo.

I and many other Bible readers have for 2000 years pondered and discussed who or what the First Horseman of the Apocalypse might be. None of the hypotheses I’ve read about have seemed satisfactory to me. When this kind of prophecy, the vision kind, the kind that’s like a cinematic short film, finally occurs, it is with a precision and detail that make it unmistakable—that’s why Alexander spared Jerusalem: the priests pointed out that he was described some 300 years prior as his own emblem defeating the emblem of the Medo-Persian Empire. It was that blatant in Daniel 8 (Josephus, GH Lang).

The First Horseman has a bow and a crown. “Crown virus” (corona means crown, of course) is what we’re dealing with. It is a weapon. The vaccine has the highly toxic element of the corona, the spike protein. “Bow”, in Greek, is “toxon”—where we get the word “toxin”, because arrows were very commonly tipped with toxins.

Another element of the vision is the rider’s the white horse. Conquering generals used to ride a white horse into the city they had conquered and so establish their dominion there. This rider is said to go forth “conquering and to conquer”, probably pointing to notable, even peculiar success.

That will account for our consternation that this jab campaign just keeps going. And the toxin from the crown will be doing its work while we witness the campaigns of the ensuing Riders.

Stalin, Mao, and Hitler were mere trial runs for the extermination campaign we are seeing, I fear. Could be wrong. But I don’t yet see any evidence that would make me change my mind.

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I've started wondering the same thing about the trial runs

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I had a friend killed by the “approved” treatment protocol. His girlfriend fought long and hard for alternative treatments, right to try, etc., but the Remdesivir and ventilator killed him after the maximum revuenue from the government was secured. If that sounds like a callous analysis, read this and its linked stories about the poor guy:


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I've lost 6 to the jab. Sadly your friend is one of many! The medical community are accessories to murder, period full stop! There must be a reckoning! If those charged to protect us refuse then we must take it upon ourselves to exact justice.

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Even testing is risky Biden Regime Announces Unvaxxed Federal Workers Must Take Weekly Covid Tests

Swab contains a bad drug COVID-19 nasal swabs sterilized with ethylene oxide exposure can cause cancer in humans.

Ethylene oxide (EO) is an environmental pollutant and is toxic to humans. Congress classified it as a “hazardous air pollutant,” according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


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Sadly, I agree with you that some physicians are not motivated by saving a life.

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The virus is a vaccine! They've been trying to use viruses as a vector for vaccine delivery. Read the documents. https://rumble.com/vsc9dk-military-documents-about-gain-of-function-contradict-fauci-testimony-under-.html

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Truly spectacular conspiracy theory. Just when you thought they couldn't kick the conspiracy ideation up a notch. Just goes to show, never underestimate the crazy.

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God bless your truth and you

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I love it when some one tells the truth. Its so refreshing.

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The ethics crisis is already here, and the trust is long gone. Why would anyone still trust ANY doctor who has told his/her patients to get an untested, unnecessary vax??

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My doc sent emails advising ALL patients to get jabbed. Even if they were inclined to believe the spin about the jab, surely not every one of your patients would be okay to be jabbed. Haven’t been back since.

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I don't disagree. But coming clean is the only honorable move they have left.

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If they come clean, They will be out a their profession. No job, and no one would ever trust them again. I think the honorable ones have already left, or spoken out. I fear it is too late for any thinking person, to ever trust a corporation run doctor again.They have established Codes, established Protocols (i.e. treatment, drugs, etc.) and they CANNOT veer outside the lines or use their own judgemen, because they will be fired or have internal affairs going after them.

The entire Hospital /Corporation/affiliated Doctor model has proved it has not, is not, and will NEVER be patient centered.

Anytime you see "Standard of Care" in their marketing, RUN.

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I don’t know. Too many people trust them (the ones I work for).

Unfortunately, I am afraid if we all just let this die down (which it may) .... I’m going to digress for a moment. I was discussing this in the parking lot with two of my male collegues after work. Both of them were pretty blasé about how this was looking right now. Even the idea of getting a booster seemed more like an intellectual exercise than a “I’m risking my life” discussion. I’ve explained to BOTH of them. One is listening. The other is really nice but blew off my concerns FOR HIM. I was describing the 1000 studies listing all the proven risks (great compiled list:


And I mentioned the UK one proving huge cardio risks. But he just dismissed it saying “I never have trouble with shots”.

Anyway, we should never just let this one die down. Many committed murder or ACTIVELY allowed it.

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Wow. How did you keep your thoughts from showing on your face as they were blowing off the possibility of adverse events? You must have a LOT of savoir-faire...

You are right...probably wishful thinking on my part. My sister is a "the white coats are always right we must do everything they say" type...She literally does not want to hear or see anything to the contrary. Okay I will leave her alone..I suspect she has doubts but if the doctor trust is destroyed, her entire world comes falling down and crashing apart, and that would have repercussions on the decisions we all make in life...Not easy to deal with..and many cannot.

But yes, we should not let this one die down (no pun intended)...not that many committed murder or actively allowed it, but they pushed something on people with NO INFORMED consent, and no qualms. That is kinda horrifying in itself, isn't it?

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I’ve had too many react much worse. I’ve had Three close friends.... ones I deeply care about just say they didn’t want to hear it! Many of us have had same experience. These are adults. I care about them. But at the end of day, they make their own choices. On the other hand It’s the kids.... you know? The kids!!!! Really. Stop killing your children!!!!!!!!! I want to scream it to them. I was soooo delighted to find out most people in my church have seen the evil, don’t mask their kids, believe in freedom, believe in natural immunity.

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Mine told me to get the 2nd after I reported to him that I had had bad side effects that lasted for a month with the first. Had horrible side effects with the 2nd, too.

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So if your doctor tells you to get the booster shot, you'll do that too???

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No way. I didn't want any vaccines at all but my husband begged and pleaded so that I'd get them. Now, he's sorry that he got them, too. Plus, our first shots came from a bad batch so I guess we are lucky to be breathing.

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Oh dear. But you will never make that mistake again, with ANYTHING..not a shot, not a medication, nothing..right? You have learned that you cannot trust any doctor, health care, insurance , new medicine, etc etc. etc. without a great deal of research using Duck Duck Go,......right?

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Well, I actually knew before that I didn't want permanent changes to my DNA but in a moment of weakness, I capitulated. Now I am a veritable vaccine and COVID-19 font of (mostly) useless information. Let's hope that all continues to be well but I'm not betting on that. Taking recommended supplements so I guess we will see.

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Good, I'm glad to hear that. I hope you both are ok.

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Unbelievable! There is NO excuse for this!

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My personal doc is an MD, PhD and has a few other “little” degrees thrown in. Phd is in this whole field (probably has more in his little finger than some.....). He finished school and internship but was never able to finish residency or licensure due to covid hitting shortly thereafter. He’s written papers himself on this stuff. He’s awesome. But he’s definitely not common.

I’m just saying. I’ve said it before on several substacks. Don’t throw them all out. Remember McCullough and Malone snd many other MDs who are laying all on the line for us.

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Oh I already don't trust them. I will never get another vaccine for myself or my kids

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You are wise. In my county even private Christian schools require making and recommend vax. The child not vax’d will not be often called to play on team, or other activities. The local physicians sit on this board. Pathetic. I recommend to get a religious freedom forms authentication for no masks. We are SC. Not a mandate for State.

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Smart thinking.

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I always used to get a flu shot. Never again!

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My boys (now teenagers) had all their shots etc. I spaced out 1 or 2 but basically had no qualms and didn't question the standard pediatric regimen. Now I question ALL OF IT!

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It turns out that the flu shot was likely priming you to get Covid!!!!!

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Well, if you look at vaccines, most are leaky, do not stop transmission...like flu, DTP, measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc....I think most vaccines are worthless...and even the good one you have to constanly keep up with the ingredients as they change them constantly....

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Add total mistrust of doctors and hospitals!

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I live near a very large and respected university/hospital. On the sidewalk about 1/2 mile away there was a huge "60,000 vax injuries covered up" written on the path. Medical and other local people walk that path daily. You know it was washed off within a day. We all know what they were talking about. We just can't prove it. Yet.

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There’s already so many, they are just holding their hands over their eyes if they cant see it.

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It might impact their professional liability Insurance. (even if provided by their regulatory bodies) It would be interesting to see what has changed if anything in what they have to disclose to the Insurers. Insurance companies don't look fondly on lack of full disclosure. Given the revelations in the life insurance industry about the 40% increase in deaths of 18-64? yr. olds-- it would be an interesting investigation.

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It will definitely impact their liability insurance if a jury of their peers finds them liable. Which I hope they do by the end of 2022.

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Wishful thinking. Because of a declared emergency and/or the drugs being under Emergency Use Authorization, the entire system has no liability. Zero, zip, nada. From the vaccine maker on down to the doctor, nurse or drone who injects you.

Google "Prep act" if curious.

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No I don't agree with that-- EUA doesnt absolve them from fraud (like the liability free Pharma). If fraud can be determined (ie purposeful non-disclosure) or in Pharma's case oops did we not give you that study result?-- won't protect them.

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Google 🤣

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There has to be genuine belief in the protocol and I would assume some sort of genuine study of what they were offering. Perhaps in the first few months they might have been able to get away with 'we truly believed...', but not after abut June or July of 2021.

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One very large planned effort in USA, was prohibiting early treatment. Remember, early days.. go home, sweat it out. They knew, Dr. Zelenko, NY , Frontline doctors knew hydrochlorine and ivermectin.. though no money for pharma.. could be used to save their patients before vaccine came out. THEN, our CDC and NIH falsely claimed they do not work. Anyone that travels to the rainforest or Africa needs malaria drug.. and autoimmune patients take HCQ daily.

It was a lie, it was bad for heart. IVM.. other countries could and did use and had much fewer deaths. The Frontline doctors are still called “fringe”. They are real doctors and many lives could have been saved.

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I have a question: if the manufacturer has no liability, what about the government itself? Especially with all it's messaging of "safe and effective"? Could we hold our government liable?

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There has to be genuine innocence. If they knew and covered it up, there is no protection and no innocence.

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I think that if you look at the agreement between the US government and Pharma...you will see that they have agreed that even if it is the Vax makers faullt, our government and we cannot sue them...including for negligence or just outright evil.

Check out the Pfizer secret agreement with I think Israel and Brazil, if you can find it now...

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very interesting angle tgat i hadn't yet thought about; to be a lawyer in the post covid era!

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

In my area, you can find pictures of maskless doctors golfing and hugging their buddies in Florida on social media, but back here at home they act like terrified Karens. 🙄

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Dude that’s not even a question. I really wish it were. I work for docs. They aren’t in a specialty that typically sees much covid itself. But now..... they may start seeing vac effects..... I will report more as I see it..... They bought the cool ade a long time ago (someone sing the zombie chant “safe and effective.... safe and effective.... safe and effective....” and I got a “booster time” email literally YESTERDAY. (Literally “booster time” it said. )

Even non covid docs are complicit. Most are still forcing their staffs to “vax or test” and, even worse, supporting the general narrative by their inaction. Which is causing murders of children and adults.

And if you’ve seen my prior posts you’ll know I like my docs a lot. Our senior is a guy with great integrity. I’ve spoken to him. He’s willing to listen but hasn’t agreed. Still drinking the cool aid.

I sent him McCullough a while back. He even watched it, the hour plus video on “NIHilism”, His speech to AAPS.

Please pray for him if you are praying people. Just call him Dr P. For now.

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My vaccine-injured friends and family are basically told to piss up a rope when they tell doctors they got hurt by the vaccines. VAERS underreported absolutely. This is a nightmare.

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The doctors are doing this because they are getting PAID. I got this directly from a doctor who told me in confidence that they are being offered big money to make sure all their patients take the shots. And they are being told to keep very very quiet. If they keep quiet and push the shots, they get big money and great careers. If they speak out, they are ruined.

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The coding is assurance of government funds for that code which I’m surmising is why so many are mislabeled. Motorcycle accident? Check Covid. 💰

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So you're saying they're whores.

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We have had an ethics crisis in medicine for the last 40 years.

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Have been thinking along those lines as I read the history of the opioid crisis.

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We are going to have to do truth and reconciliation for the frontline or it will go into the memory hole — and the public (all of us) need to look at our civic expectations because our cynicism or indifference to our fellows matters. We cannot give the media a pass either. Dr Malone is trying to help heal the mass psychosis ( which I think started seeding well before the pandemic). The NWO has to come to the bar of Justice and the AI schizoid schemers need serious rehumanizing.

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Mind the Mass Formation Psychosis needs a period of seeding before the craziness. Need years of meaninglessness and lonelyness.

Hell, a couple years having to argue about allowing boys to have access to the girlsroom should be enough to drive any society crazy!

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In the rush to blame someone for the opioid crisis the Sacklers took most of the blame, even more than Pig Pharma companies who produced way more drugs than Purdue did.

Without DOCTORS the opioids would never have gotten into peoples hands.

Since the advent of the vaccines, I have heard enough garbage from too many doctors to ever trust another GP, especially from the big networks

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Blame Obama, he preferred NORCO over expensive treatments. Add in he Mandated Retired Military to use the Military base Pharmacies, not all are the size of Pensacola, so you get to use Express Scripts. All your doc needs to do is write a script for baby aspirin, D3, generic Tylenol, 325 mg. Big on generics. The 1 med they made Name Brand only is Synthroid, the generic REALLY, REALLY SUCKS hormone specific the generic is 30% less hormone. What do you do with a patient who can't take that OA, OP, RA/LUPUS, BOTOX for Migraines, you put them on low dose pain meds, some work better than others. Then you blame the patient for the Opioid OD Crisis, when it's a Illicit fen laced crisis. Shame the user like they shame the unvaxed. Create family issues, unneeded Spine stimulators...Medtronic's is the leader there. Stop Calling it an Opioid Crisis--It's a Heroin and Fentanyl Crisis | Cato @ Liberty https://www.cato.org/blog/stop-calling-it-opioid-crisis-its-heroin-fentanyl-crisis

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They also know about treatments they've either withheld or acquiesced to withhold for patients that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths! https://rumble.com/vsc9dk-military-documents-about-gain-of-function-contradict-fauci-testimony-under-.html

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Just following orders:

"Do no harm...to the shareholder!!"

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It's equally upsetting that churches are not protesting this. The prayers for "the poor and the marginalized" are everywhere but I've yet to hear any for the vaccine-injured, and if THEY aren't marginalized, no one is.

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They don't believe these vaccines cause injury, or death. 1 by 1 they leaked out, when MSM, DR'S, HOSPITALS, AND GOVERNMENT ALL COLLUDE TO CENSOR THE TRUTH, YOU KNOW THEY ARE UP TO NO GOOD. Heart, HIV, HEREPES, SHINGLES, GI, NEUROLOGICAL, GULLIANE BARRE, MISCARRIAGES, STILL BORNS. STERILIZATION IN YOUNG. MALE STERILITY, Night sweats, Deep Vein Thrombosis, vision changes, SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES EFFECT MAMO'S, COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Change in Menstrual Cycles: Study, Broken Heart stress cardiomyopathy.

I have a heart issue, react to the flu shot, and a host of Gastro issues, along with Neuropathic issues, and my med reaction sheet is a full page, in reduced font. image https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.3634c34294cd0753b5f68205f74b8f69?rik=lS6rpth47y3gQQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.organichawaii.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f01%2fIMG_0063.jpg&ehk=KdFocKjHBd8DL3YbwtLKExaijAqi%2fAh3eX45lYbCAIM%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 image look at what is unmissably in a flu shot. As a Born Again Christian I object to human fetal cells being in a med or vaccine, image https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.s8HjNryjuwmX2Ab7pBQgcgEsDI?pid=ImgDet&rs=1

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Formaldehyde is a strong-smelling, colorless gas used in making building materials and many household products. It is used in pressed-wood products, such as particleboard, plywood, and fiberboard; glues and adhesives; permanent-press fabrics; paper product coatings; and certain insulation materials. The National Toxicology Program classifies formaldehyde as a known carcinogen . Short-term exposure is associated with eye, nose, and throat irritation, shortness of breath and wheezing. Formaldehyde is a potent sensitizer and is thought to increase the risk of asthma for some groups.

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And causes CANCER, the US will see a 20% increase in various Cancers. Why put it on the market? To Pharma a Cured Patient is Lost Money, get Congress to change the range factors you create the need for more patients, more drugs sold. Pharma doesn't want you cured.

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And Asthma is 1 of the reasons kids go to the ER/ED. I grew up calling it a ER.

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You may not be able to file a civil claim against big Pharm due to the government exemptions, but all these employers, organizations, business, medical facilities, doctors, etc. that promoted or mandated these shots are going to be held responsible and pay big time when this is all said and done.

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That cow’s long out of the barn.

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Alex is too thorough and fact based to ever be allowed back on Twitter.

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☝🏼 Definitely

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Thank you Alex berenson for being a true crusader for truth. You do your profession proud at a time when it is rotting from the inside out and remind us of what a noble pression it is when done.with integrity.

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Tru' dat (a Wire reference)

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Here here. Well said. Ditto from me. Thank you VERY MUCH ALEX BERENSON. We all owe you a big debt. This is what Journalism is supposed to be.

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Alex, you are doing incredibly important work. Thank you SO much for continuing to ferret out the "unreported truth" in all of these obscure corners and down these dark alleyways. This is indeed what journalism is supposed to be.

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As always integrety

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I had a strange feeling this was going to happen. Background: F/55/excellent health, workout everyday which I now feel has worse effect for vax recipients- I had the JNJ and immediately felt like my heart was going to explode and a vice was crushing my head upon administration. Scared the crap out of me. Thankfully it subsided within a few minutes but it made me get an EKG and complete blood work up after. I thought it was just my own body’s response but nonetheless that’s all I needed to steer clear from any further vax. My doc dismissed my reaction to anxiety. I know my own body- this did not feel normal. Never had this kind of reaction from vax. After that I started perusing adverse reactions and needless to say, I feel like I dodged a huge bullet bc I’m still here.. and now I’m completely afraid of vaccines.

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many of the vax injured going into emergency room for treatment are being told "you just have anxiety" and asked "have you thought of taking an antidepressant"? Unbelievably disconnected to reality.

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Young girls paralyzed after gardasil were told they were all suffering mass delusions. It was all in their head. Psychosematic injury.

She can't walk or sleep or eat? Can't bear a few seconds of direct sunlight on her skin?

Sounds like these girls are nuts! Maybe they need to take some Ssri's?

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Just take some more meds. 🤦‍♀️

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my neighbors 20 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with a bizarre named auto-immune disease, after 2 years in/out of hospital with 100's of tests! She had gaurdisil 4 years ago. Her current doctor said SHE ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BE VACCINATED WITH MRNA or she will self destruct. I'm wondering if my friends 2 sons both diagnosed with lymes recently were from vaccines. They are 19 and 24 and had EVERY vaccine known to man including annual flu and tons of high $ allergy treatments. You just can't outsmart God and the beauty he built into our perfectly functioning bodies.

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Would not be surprised about the Lyme diagnosis

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GATES' Work. Granddaughter now has RA and Fibromyalgia. Went from a ribbon gymnast to a couch potato, not even sexually active, her mom kept a strict control over activities, but is a Libtard where vaccines are concerned.

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gardasil recepients are already vaxx injured.

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Same here - after the 2 Pfizer shots last winter, I felt I'd suddenly taken a giant leap into old age -- I was plagued by fatigue, nausea, even occasional dysphagia. It lasted 6+ weeks and at that time there was little info available about vaccine side effects - certainly nothing that explained my symptoms, My primary care doc doesn't seem to care and keeps trying to persuade me to get a booster. What's laughable is that my boosted husband and I are currently recovering from Covid that began last week (it's been basically like common cold symptoms). The fact that the booster didn't protect my husband seems lost on my physician. He called today to check on me and once again urged me to get a booster! SO, he's made it clear he's not someone who's courageous enough to think and act outside of the box. Far too many physicians are more worried about losing professional standing and/or jeopardizing the standing of the groups in which they practice, etc., rather than being willing to stand up for their patients' well-being. Knowing what I know now about clots, etc., I'm lucky I've survived so far but it's truly sad and disillusioning to be up against a brick wall of ignorance or worse - malfeasance.

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Get a new doctor fast.

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Why? Who?

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Most doctors in the US today can't make a living in private practice and work for giant health conglomerates (Kaiser, Banner, etc.) that force them to see "X" number of patients per day in 15 minute intervals and force them to limit what is perceived as unnecessary tests/procedures to manage costs.

Prepare in advance by doing some research, bring notes with you to your appointment, write everything the doc says down (they hate that), be polite but assertive and don't back down. If your talking points are reasonable, they'll give in just to save time.

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Great advice and so true!

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I’m sorry. Total malfeasance IMO! At least by the time I did a tele w my PCP in October ( after I had a “breakthrough” btw) he did not try and talk me into a booster. I think he knew better. I would have fired him right then and there ( been going to him for 25+ yrs!) I still may. He seems to be seeing the light at least. It takes awhile for a lot of these docs unfortunately. It’s just not right though.

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They probably won't change until the FDA/CDC give them different marching orders. My doc scolded me about the booster saying that Covid was THE health crisis of our lifetime, but if so, it seems he's uncurious or worse, dismissive, about the ever-increasing data available that refute medical establishment narratives and directives.

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So true. It’s all so disheartening and eye opening.

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Anectdotal story here: A truly respected and GREATLY LOVED Doctor here in TX just died from Alzheimer's/Dimentia at 84. You've heard they named Alzheimer as "type 3" diabetes. He was a strong christian and honest as the day is long and a jogger/fit and active and vibrant man. Judging from the outside I honestly believe he killed himself with vaccines and medications and bad medical advice over the years. IT IS NOW KNOW THAT YOU CAN STOP AND REVERSE TYPE 2 DIABETES SIMPLY WITH DIET AND LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION and getting off of killer medications! Anyway, he obviously bought into the medical/pharma program whcih he gave to his patients all of those years and it effectively killed him too. My sister nurse and her MD husband both pop pills/antibiotics like crazy, both vax'd. they roll their eyes when I talk about neti-pot for colds and oregano oil or IVM for covid, they think I'm a nut, but I have never had a flu vax or taken any medication in 30 years. My doc did convince me to take a TDAP(tetanus diptheria) in 2013 and I think it made me mildly sick for a year! My point is, these medical/pharma ppl who are seriously blinded by their own self-interest will unfortunately succumb to their own ignorance as Karma. The ONLY help and true wisdom any of us have comes from our daily walk with God, staying in humility where we can actually hear the truth in the middle of this Mass Psychosis Society.

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And docs say that chemo brain isn't real and your diet doesn't matter. These people personify arrogance in the face of ignorance. It's not anxiety. It's malpractice.

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Brenda, I felt a surge of anger reading this, all of it, but particularly the part about the doc dismissing it as anxiety. The hubris of the medical community was always kind of a running (bad) joke, but now it's evident in ways we've never seen or could have imagined in our lifetime.

I'm grateful that you are self-aware and that you dodged a bullet, and I appreciate your being honest and telling your story.

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Actually I experienced it ~35 years ago at Harvard Health. Symptoms: weight dropped from 110 to 80-84 in matter of weeks, despite eating everything in sight & forcing protein drinks down my throat, night sweats, sever insomnia with vibration waves coursing through my body, (lucky to sleep 6 hours in a week), recurring lump under 1 arm, blurred vision in the afternoon so bad I had to lay down ay nurses office before I could drive home. Dr. told me it was all on my head, prescribed sleeping pills & sent me to hmo counselor. Wouldn't run a single test Counselor took 1 look at me in doorway & said OMG you are seriously ill.

Dentist appt w/x-rays showed 3 severely impacted wisdom teeth. Sometimes instead of face swelling up, infections get in bloodstream. Iow, septicemia. And septic. As in, I could have died at any time. My dentist saved my life. Couldn't diagnose but immediately knew how sick I was. Antibiotics for a month. It took me years to recover my strength. Never really as strong as I once was.

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Wow. I’m so sorry

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Thank you ❤️ I still worry 😩 Check my BP regularly and get labs done. Really scared me.

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Treatment options if you have been vaccine Injured

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Americas Frontline Docs and Peter McCullough’s protocol have been lifesavers. Sailed through my breakthrough because of them ( yes them and not bc of this damn vax… it was 8 mos old by then and we all know the efficacy of these things)

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I started on their vitamin protocol before I even had a breakthrough ( Vit D, C Zinc, quercetin, nasal irrigation) so thankfully never needed anything else. Get outside and exercise and get your ☀️ too. Very important!

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Thanks, I'm forwarding to friends.

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Look at doing a COVD jab "detox" which is really a heavy metals purge and protocols/therapeutics to strengthen your immune system and to bring better oxygenation into your circulatory system. Make sure you get a d-dimer test to detect any mini blood clots (which can grow) as well.

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The metals in traditional vaccines are either Thimerosal (preservative) and/or Aluminum salts (adjuvants). Neither of these are in any of the covid-19 vaccines. So heavy metal chelation is unlikely to work here.

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Sounds like each jab has its own concoction. Some different then others depending on the batch

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Thank you

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🥰 We all have to help each other.

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Do you have irrefutable evidence that metals exist in the vaccines? I might but need something more convincing before going public.

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I trust my source, my girlfriends brother is a skeptical well respected Dr in a small KY town. He has been right from day one, regarding COVID, vaccines, and so much more. I am also and was skeptical of some of his theories. But he did tons of serious research and has been personally affected. He has lost loved ones, he has a huge heredity family, and his family and children have had the virus. I was skeptical when my girlfriend sent me photos of magnets on the arms of people who are just been inoculated by the vaccines. They were literally stuck to their arms in the area of the shot. I didn’t believe it, until I read some discussions about metals in the vaccines. If this is some circus trick somebody let me know.

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Microcircuitry in the vaxx isn't a circus trick- it's a planned vehicle to digitally activate desired results in the carrier.

It's being injected all over the world.

This nanotechnology is activated by 5 G- (your phone).

If you go to the Orwell.city site I listed above there are many articles that explains this field and it's goals.

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This is truly frightening.

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