COVID has helped me re-evaluate the entire "vaccine" narrative, and for the first time in years, I did not get a flu shot this winter. (I did not get the COVID shot either.) Now I feel guilty for past discussions with some of my children and a sibling about how they needed to get the flu shot. I believe that Robert Malone, in one of his interviews, stated that the flu shot is a lot more controversial among vaccine experts than anyone would ever know.

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A lot of people who never thought much about vaccines are now questioning the whole vaccine regime, and whether we really should subject our kids to it. Myself included.

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I thought seriously about the vaccine issue once I got pregnant. I wanted to hear the other side. I've been down a rabbit hole every since and I saw Fauci coming a mile away. I was so dismayed when Trump held a meeting with RFK Jr and then ghosted him. Then drank Fauci's koolaid and started the lockdowns. He totally went the wrong way on this and now I think a LOT of people are re-evaluating a lot of things about vaccines that were once taken for granted. Thank god. This whole industry has been degrading steadily since 1986. And that was Reagan's fault. You'd think with all these Republicans to blame it would be the LEFT that has the most vaccine hesitancy.

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Mengele Fauci is the biggest pollutant in a corrupt government medical system. He happens to be a Democrat which he made clear by taking every possible action he could to undermine President Trump.

The reason Fauci is hanging on is to avoid being subjected to arrest and keep covering up his role in the ChiCom Virus criminality which officially totals one million US victims.

It's Fauci who has blocked all discussion, research and scientific methodology in examining and offering a healthy regimen and the key effective, inexpensive treatments like HCQ therapies and Ivermectin cocktail applications.

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Right?! Reagan was an awesome president in so many ways. But the errors he made were mammoth!

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I had not heard about a meeting between Trump and RFK, Jr. When was that, and what happened?

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Sadly, Trump initially enlisted Dr. Scott Atlas to work with the administration and Fauchi on Covid protocol then also dismissed him because his advise and inside knowledge ran counter to Fauchi. Dr. Atlas ACTUALLY works in infectious diseases with patients and provided actual scientific evidence as to the harm that Fauchi’s lockdowns and medical protocols would cause. Fauchi has NEVER treated a patient. I am still angry at trump (voted for him twice) for hehe absolute devastation that he allowed. I really hope he does not run again.

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You're not wrong. I voted for him the second time. Don't regret it. This is worse than anything Trump would or could do. I truly don't think Trump would go so far as to mandate.

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Agreed, we would have never had mandates, as I do believe that he values the constitution too much. But he did publicly disparage the Georgia Governor for opening up his state earlier than Trump wanted, and he publicly criticized Sweden for never shutting down their country. That’s not American in my opinion and only displayed his ignorance of American history. I am still sorely disappointed in him for ignoring good advise and instead trusting “the swamp” (which he swore to drain) to dictate policy with little to no pushback. And the way he continues to tout “his” vaccine as being very very safe is more than I can handle. Clearly he is incapable of engaging in honest dialogue, likely because his ego has a veracious appetite and unfortunately it contributed greatly to opening of Pandora’s Box and helped to usher in the evil agenda of the left. Now, We The People are paying the ultimate price…

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Dr. Atlas has a book out, it's also on Audio. It's worth listening to. I liked Trump (I still do) but he made a lot of mistakes, we are still living large with one of them, Chris Wray (FB*)

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Maybe the point is that Republicans analyze issues more dispassionately than partisan (TDS, etc) Dems?

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Maybe people are just better at seeing flaws in others than they are in themselves. Tribalism doesn't make people dispassionate--that's for sure.

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I’m interested in more info on the Reagan - 1986 what happened - vaccine industry topic if you have any

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In 1984 there were 3 recommended childhood vaccines: DTP, Polio, MMR

In 1985 they introduced a new one: HiB

in 1986, they introduced legislation called the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which Reagan could have (and should have vetoed)

This bill essentially removes your ability to sue the vaccine companies for vaccine injuries in court & have to go to a special court with special rules & are have to prove your case against government lawyers & are awarded part of a special fund.

Fast forward a few decades with essentially zero liability the number of vaccines & the number of doses/per vaccine have both doubled with no studies for the compounded effects.


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Excellent. Thank you

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Look up Childrens Health Defense and Del Bigtree's The Highwire.

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We so aggressively vaccinate newborns through toddlers, and I think the schedule needs to be reassessed, slowed down, paced out so fewer at once. I believe there are links to the onset of autism, despite what the CDC, NIH and FDA have told me.

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Not just autism but a whole host of autoimmune problems. Allergies, etc. Allergies are a big deal, life threatening. Peanut allergies used to be rare. I think they are culturing vaccines in peanut proteins and some kids' naive immune systems treat peanut proteins the same way they treat the pathogen they are being immunized against. Its a whole rabbit hole. Wait until you dig into how increased adult shingles cases is related to the chicken pox vaccine.

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I listened to RFK Jr interview done on Mikhaila Peterson’s podcast where he explained increase in adult shingles cases correlation to the chicken pox vaccine uptake.

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Which when you think about it, makes sense. OF COURSE, kids who received CP vax will eventually develop shingles as adults - the vax doesn't give lifetime protection. And now we have a whole new market for the shingles shot. Bastards.

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He actually stated that adults having mild exposure to kids with CP boosts immunity helping to prevent shingles.

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so many food allergies!!!

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I think its because of how vaccines are cultured and how early we vaccinate. Before babies are exposed to normal food items, they are vaccinated with vaccines made with ingredients in our food. Eggs, nuts, wheat... who knows. And some immune systems will react to everything that vaccine tells them to react to. I delayed vaccines until my boys had been exposed to normal food. Especially peanuts. Peanut butter asap, THEN vaccines. That way the immune system recognizes it as benign. Otherwise its allll foreign.

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Do you have a link to the chicken pox vax--shingles connection?

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"Writing in the journal Vaccine, they called for a re-evaluation of the policy of mass chickenpox vaccination that has been introduced already in the United States and is imminent in many other countries. In 1995, the chickenpox vaccine was approved for use in children over 1 year of age in the US and is now required for school entry. After a bout of naturally-occuring chickenpox, the varicella zoster virus remains dormant in the body and may reactivate decades later to cause shingles, a painful rash that typically strikes chickenpox veterans after the age of 60.

Marc Brisson and his team say their research shows that adults living with children have more exposure to the virus that causes chickenpox and enjoy high levels of protection against shingles. Being close to children means that adults are exposed to the virus, which acts like a booster vaccine against shingles, they believe. But if all children were vaccinated, adults who have had chickenpox would no longer be protected against developing shingles."

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There’s no research to even show if/how they interact, I forgot the technical term. Adjuvants are toxic too. But like mRna it was never about preventing disease (which were already in decline before vaxxes) & they’ve manipulated data for decades.

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Vaxxed II The Peoples Truth 2019 Documentary - this was so eye opening. (Amazing that YouTube has not removed) Now Candace Owens series on Parler. Need to see that too.


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Never let anyone tell you that the COVID vaxxes were a total waste of taxpayer money. There is a silver lining here for all of us.

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also, a lot of ugly people are wearing masks

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What would that silver lining be? I don't see it.

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Hopefully she means people questioning all the other vaccines

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Well, dumb me. Of course, you are correct :)

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Read my above post from Ethical Skeptic

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Robert Malone wrote, that an important reason for giving annual flu shots is keeping the production facilities ready for production should a pandemic flu come around. I guess no public health person has ever communicated this to the public.

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This is interesting and I had no idea. It makes sense if you are looking for a justifiable answer.

Thank you.

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But is that a justifiable answer?

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It starts with Santa. Eventually we all learn that Santa isn't real, but most of us never stop believing in the myth of The Noble Lie. This is why I never lied to my kid about Santa or anything else. It's absurd--kid's love to pretend! You can just pretend Santa and it's MORE fun because you aren't abusing your kids' innocence. The Santa lie doesn't just teach us to believe in noble lies. It teaches us that we ought to delight in duping even those who love us. It teaches us that to trust even those who love us the most anyone ever could--our own PARENTS--is to be foolish, and to be powerful is to be undeserving of trust and incapable of true intimacy. I've been told throughout my life that the way Santa affected me was abnormal, unhealthy, etc but I think my consciously painful experience of that bunch of lies and betrayals made me better off than all the people out there who don't want to know what their husbands do in Vegas, what's in their vaccines, or why they have to get drunk or high to enjoy themselves.

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@hoohoo I completely agree with you about Santa. As a kid, when I learned the truth, I was traumatized, not by the loss of Santa, but by my parents' lie. I've told my own children the truth from the beginning. It's wrong to lie to children like that.

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Hoohoo, my guilty conscience can only take so much. First the whole vaccine issue and now I have to carry the guilt of Santa? ;)

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I love this. My grands also know the truth about jolly old St. Nick, and we still have fun watching Santa movies and now no one has to feel guilty about telling lies. Ditto the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy!!

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You’re right. Justifiable was a poor word choice. Noble lie? Unformed belief? I meant the type of decision taken where the foundation was not malevolence and deception.

Words failed me.

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Same here. I've gotten the flu vaccine every year for as long as I can remember and last year was the first time I didn't. Amazing that it's almost April and I am flu free.

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I didn't get the flu shot either. Or the one they give to 65+ folks.

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Same with me...no flu vaccine for me any more (nor COVID) and I now won't do the ones the recommend for old people (shingles, pneumonia). I'd rather take my chances.

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Now do mammograms - I'm not kidding. They are not great for women, shooting xrays at boob tissue! In all honesty we ALL should be questioning not just vaccines, but ALL medical "tests" and "interventions".


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Absolutely! My sister-in-law had a mammo, came out normal. One month later she felt a lump. Did a year of poisoning with chemo and died at 43.

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That's terrible. I'm sorry.

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I agree. No more shots. I have a friend (vaxxed) who ended up in hospital with blood clots after the shingles vax.

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for shingles look into B12 injections. was an old time treatment but you can't make money on these. used to be a good talk on this from a older doc on youtube. gone now.

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When I was in seminary in Kentucky, my wife and I went to an "old country doctor" in town for illnesses (sinus infections, etc.). His answer to most things was a B-12 shot! We thought he was kinda cooky at the time (in an endearing way), but he was definitely on to something!

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b12 is one of those cheap, difficult to OD, no downside things. good interneters can get the stuff and inject themselves. i have maybe 30 times. but like many harmless cheap things it's falling out of fashion (profit). old time remedies should not be dismissed so fast. they come from a time when money was twisting medicine less.

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Yes…our country dr (who ended up my father-in-law ❤️) used to prescribe B12 shots to all the “older” gals in the 1960-70s! It was hilarious to see my mom & aunt give each other the shots in their bums! We also thought they were kooky…how I wish those kooky Drs were still around!

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sublingual B12 is great, cheap, under the tongue. Jarrow is a great brand. you want methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin. (adenosylcobalamin and hydroxycobalamin are good forms of B12 too.)

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Yeah it's probably one of those things everyone should be taking. But on the shingles thing... I would look into injecting it. Pernicious anemia is when the body can't readily absorb B12 from diet. And those people inject regularly. It's not a given that you can load up on B12 from diet. I belonged to a pernicious anemia group for about a year. They completely banned me for talking about vaccines. And all I was doing was posting the Vaers and CDC and FDA information. Someone in the group had gotten the vaccine and was having pain in their lungs and wondered if it could be connected. Sheesh.

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I've never had a flu shot or covid shot. And everything I read makes me stronger and more informed about the reasons to continue not getting them.

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Same 👆

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on the nose. the more you know the more you (or i do at least) realize the vaccine program needs an overhaul. check out the hep B vaccine at day 1 of life. or the HPV vaccine injuries. buyer beware.

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Our grandaughter developed a rash on both hands, up to her wrists, not long after the hpv shot at 14. She saw the dr & she said lotion up & put gloves on at night. No mention of how/why there was this strange rash (no, she doesn’t do dishes). I was too nervous about mentioning where I thought it came from. I should have though…when we talked to her parents about doing research before considering the vaxx, their response was they trust their dr. So sad.

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This fringe Robert Malone wants all future children injected with these mRNA shots. He claims they will be the greatest threat to covid and others.

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The Robert Malone I know is fighting COVID shots for kids! He says, like Bobby Kennedy, Jr., that it's a hill to die on.

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NO, the Fringe Robert Malone is pushing these mRNA shots on the children that come now into the future date.

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evidence? source??

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So, the discussion concerning vaccinating our children against Covid begins around 25:04. Malone, in NO WAY, advocates for vaccinating with mRNA technology. He draws distinctions between this new technology and traditional vaccines. He says this is the hill he has chosen to die on and further says he mostly agrees with RFK's statement that this is the first time in history that we are asking children to assume the risk and protect older people. He encourages parents, doctors to look up the true adverse effects now known to be associated with the mRNA jabs and to make a fully informed decision.

Anthony, you might be mischaracterizing his views. I haven't listened all the way to the end yet, so maybe he says something more controversial and I haven't heard it yet.

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Nobody in the comments picked up on it- something that crazy deserves a time-stamp. I’ll watch it later & update

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But it makes since since he’s in the vax biz, a lot of ppl have been bracing for it if true (controlled op)

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Ok I don't have an hour to devote to this video. Furthermore, if he were pushing vaxs for kids, someone would have mentioned it in the youtube comments...

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but but would have been 18 million times worse without that ineffective flu vaccine.

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I think that the sudden increase in the number of fatal car accidents might have been noticed, even by MSM. Nothing to see here folks, just a bad year for driving.

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The increase in terribly reckless driving is undeniable. It began around the time of lockdowns and of the George Floyd riots. We have experienced so much despair and civil unrest in the past two years---along with a decline in traffic policing---that IMO people have a "f-it-all" attitude combined with knowledge that they will not be caught by police. The disruption to our civil society is made concretely visible during every trip I take.

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Actually, I definitely noticed the driving craziness even at the 1st lockdown. Working at a hospital, I was still 'permitted' to work. So when I was driving on fairly empty throughways, I noted drivers acting like they were at the Daytona 500! It was actually frightening. So along with all the other societal damage done by lockdowns alone, safe driving was also sacrificed!

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I think the Oscars beatdown is a good indication of how far we’ve fallen as a society

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We are seeing an unbelievable increase in head on fatality collisions due to wrong way drivers. Weed or mRNA??

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I think weed is the new SOMA and it explains why so many are STILL ASLEEP

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So many prescient writers, Orwell, Huxley et al.

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True that. The most sensitive, passionate, and intelligent friends I had in young adulthood generally took a strong liking to weed and became daily users. And the ones who were daily users then are daily users now in their late 40's (many of them while pregnant and breastfeeding). That's addiction. I don't care if whoever wants to craft a definition of "addiction" that lets marijuana off the hook. Weed is a tension-release valve for these people, and without that artificial release, they would have to actually deal with reality and work to make their actual lives better in order to FEEL better. I think weed pacifies/disarms people who, in times past, would have tried to help keep society headed in the direction of goodness.

And then there are a huge number of people who are made psychotic by weed. Every patient I've ever had with psychosis was a marijuana user before they started having psychosis, and they all continued to have psychosis at least as long as they kept using it.

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My half brother was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and he smoked weed daily since he was 13. There's a family history there but I definitely think the weed brought it out sooner and more aggressive

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That's awful. I am so sorry for you, your family, and him. There is a history in my family too, and I had marijuana-induced psychosis myself. Fortunately I quit it after 2 years because I was such a wreck all I wanted to do was garden, and things got better. The psychosis never returned in the 3 decades since but any time I had marijuana I felt paranoid, terrified, and confused. But my poor brother in law...he was a total goody two shoes, very religious...but started smoking weed in his late 30's and within a couple of years had a severe psychotic break. He was in and out of jails and hospitals, diagnosed eventually with schizophrenia, and continued using it for I think about 10 years...despite my telling him and the rest of the family (who enjoy it themselves, so no one liked my idea) repeatedly from the get-go that there was likely a connection with marijuana. I found out recently that his psychosis is under control, and by asking specifically I learned that he now abstains from marijuana and accepts that it is related to marijuana use. It seems like this information isn't getting out there. Psychosis is hell for the individual and for everyone within 3 degrees of that person. Everyone needs to know *before* trying marijuana that it can trigger psychosis so they can stop using it as soon as they notice something like that--before it wrecks their life and their family's lives.

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I have seen it too

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Alex, I can't wait for the day you realize that it's not just the flu and Covid shots. Literally every shot you have either taken yourself or given to your children is either dangerous, unnecessary, or ineffective (and in some cases, all three). Even the chicken pox vaccine, which seems harmless, has caused a serious problem -- namely, an epidemic of shingles.

The entire industry is a racket.

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you really have to wonder what the world would be like if vaccines stayed a minor player in health and instead we talked about nutrition, safe established drugs like HDQ, and other methods.

i'm on the page that vaccines are now causing far more harm than good. there are other things you can point at (GMO foods, EMFs, social media) as causes for the decline of children's health these days. but vaccines are the only product specifically designed to change immune response in a permanent way. and what do we have an epidemic of? autoimmune disease in kids: autism, asthma, eczema, food allergies. huge list of common autoimmune problems in kids that was not around then i grew up. then there are the few studies of vaxxed vs unvaxxed kids. few because the CDC won't do them. pharma won't do them. no money in the truth. and these independent studies conclude unvaxxed kids are overall healthier. so maybe a vaccine isn't the solution to everything.

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Totally not understanding how the same people who avoid GMO foods are first in line for covid shots.

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Add to that, dead soil, environmental toxins & antibiotics that destroy the gut bacteria. Most disease starts with nutritional deficiencies causing an inflammatory cascade that results in leaky gut/absorption problems & hyperinflammation.

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I wonder if he's reading RFK, Jr.'s book?

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I seriously doubt it. He sounds surprised that the flu shot doesn't work. Anyone who has read RFK, Jr.'s book would not be at all surprised to learn that the flu shot doesn't work.

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.... mammograms... type 0 breast cancer ... certain (maybe all) chemotherapies ...

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All True.

The Flu vaccine also does a spectacular job at preventing deaths by elephant stampede.

Though the numbers haven't changed in 30 years (still at zero), one shudders to think about the carnage there would have been without 200M jabs

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Maybe some immunocompromised people were saved but Alex's point is that the virus wasn't stopped

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The problem with that measurement is you are assuming a performance level. Especially after immune compromised were given the vax after being informed they originally had placebo.

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I was talking about flu vaccines (sorry it wasn't that clear)

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Now do the other vaccines ;).

But start looking 10+ years before the vaccines came out.

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Oh, Mike. I wish I had wised up so much sooner!

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Watch "A Shot in the Dark" series on Parler.

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In 2008, the Captured Regulators participated in the collapse of the housing/financial markets.

In 2016 et seq, Captured Intel (Incel) Agencies participated in the spying on a presidential candidate, the President and theft of an election.

WuFlu….Captured Agencies…..this time there is a body count.

Now the statists - already malevolent- have a taste for blood.

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Welp… that’s one vaccine I used to make the whole family get religiously every October that we won’t be getting anymore.

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My kids were so happy when we skipped that trip last fall!

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My dad was a physician from 1950-1992. He would go on a rampage through our house every autumn, syringe in hand, vaccinating me and my siblings. He and my older sister would literally get into fist fights over it. It was traumatic.

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I’m sorry, that sounds awful. 😥

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If my dad had tried that I would’ve made the news

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LOL! It was worthy of a Jerry Springer episode.

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Worse…no security!

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and as you were writing this, the fda approved shot #4.

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zero accountability

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And still no Novavax approval. The one vax with no side effects. Comical.

The FDA is a criminal enterprise. Look into the bank and brokerage accounts of each and ever FDA employee working this scam.

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no. no-vax, not novavax is the one vax with no side effects.

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I doubt that one will be any more effective. CT subjects were only followed for a week! (Didn’t look deeper to see what was their control - hopefully real placebo saline vs. comparator vaccine). And something about adjuvant made out of moth and tree bark makes me question it.

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Exactly. I do NOT trust the mad scientists creating these Frankenspecies at all.

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He was making a joke. "No-vax"

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Not a like for the reality, but a like to make people read your comment. FFS.

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Dr. Paul Offit, a committee member, criticized the drug regulator for moving forward without holding an open meeting where the American public can hear experts weigh the data and make a recommendation to the FDA about the best path forward. The vaccine advisory committee’s recommendations are nonbinding, but they help provide transparency for the public.

“It’s just sort of fait accompli,” Offit said of the FDA authorization. “So is this the way it works? We talk endlessly about how we follow the science — it doesn’t seem to work out that way.


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Interesting, as Offit has always been a total shill for the vax industry. Maybe even he has a conscious when it comes down to killing children in droves rather than just occasionally.

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Offit recently said on cnn the covid jabs should be on the childhood schedule and only politics is preventing it. So he supports killing children.

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Yes. Shocking.

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Not surprised - it's biannual feeding time for the big pharmabeast.

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And the sheeple will dutifully lineup for #4.

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14 days to flatten the curve!

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Ugh. Did they really?

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Every year, my now ex, my mother, stepfather, friends got the flu shot. I have never had a flu shot. Every year, they got the flu and I didn’t, even with exposure to them. Natural immunity rocks! That’s all there is to it! I say expose yourself to as much as possible. Just as people who are allergic to peanuts and animals. Small doses ingested and exposure over a period of time eventually creates an immune response and the allergy goes away!

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Please don’t tell President Brandon to expose himself as much as possible 😊

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Not worried about him. He’s already sold his soul to the devil 👿 🔥

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Extra heated tapioca pudding awaits him sometime in the future.

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So the flu shots are essentially a money making Cash Cow for pharmaceuticals. But for Covid and the “vax” for same, this would have stayed mostly hush hush. That is, pharmaceutical companies got greedy and looked to co-opt governments and businesses to be their sales pimps.

The only good thing to come from these past two years is the clarity for those whose eyes are open. Thanks AB for the post.

(Edited last paragraph to make it a bit clearer)

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Not JUST the flu shots - virtually everything on the vax schedule the CDC recommends. Look at how many shots you got in 1965 and how many today (https://www.flipsnack.com/tx4vaxchoice/history-of-vaccine-schedules-from-1965-to-ncvia-to-today.html)?

If you are over 50, how many kids to you remember in school with asthma.....how many autistic....how many with autoimmune diseases? If you are new to questioning vaccines welcome to the party.

What IF everything you believed about Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine was a lie? Start here (https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1005127713848463361.html) to open up your mind. There has not been a case of "polio" in the US since 1959. WHY would they still be giving it if not for money. Once they stop that....tipping point....what others do we no longer need? Do you really think the CDC has just been lying about the Covid Vaccines, ivermectin, HCQ............

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Watch "A Shot in the Dark" on parler.

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also VAXXED - Robert Dinero's nephew is autistic, he was going to debut the movie at his Tribeca Film Festival but chickened out after the backlash from the libs

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What I have particularly noticed in young people (those born from the late 80s on when the vaccine schedule exploded) is their shocking level of anxiety. This is above and beyond the large numbers with autism, ADD, learning disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc.. The fear of Covid among those under 30 and at virtually no risk from the disease was over the top.

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Whoa. I never consciously noted that before. Yes, the people I know born after 1980 are much more anxious, rigid, and conformist than the people I know born before that. It could be vaccines and it could also be the ever-worsening way we raise our children--like factory farmed livestock in daycares with plastic nipples, an iPad as soon as they can use their neck muscles, in polyester blankets and clothes, with polyester toys, crawling on vinyl floors sprayed with pesticides to keep nature out of the house, and even when they are outside (on a playground) bouncing on a rubber surface and climbing on tupperware jungle gyms. In Brazil and the Thunderdome and Delicatessen and all that, dystopia is kind of sexy. Our real dystopia is like a sickly Barney and Friends.

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Very true - so compliant - see how many girls from 18 - 30 are still wearing masks. See how they whine about the new FL bill about not letting them teach genders etc from K - 3rd grade and say it is a bill that does not let you say the word gay in the entire state.

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I have dutifully taken my flu vaccine (I work at a health facility), even after they were forced by lawsuits that they cannot mandate flu vaccines. I simply believed the FDA et al. Not so much now. I am reevaluating my prior habit of automatically getting the flu vaccine. BTW.... totally anecdotal, but my wife NEVER gets the flu vaccine and we've pretty well had the same number of influenzas each over the years, although not always at the same times.

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And a newly released Pfizer document shows Immunosuppression in first 7 days and Natural Immunity exists


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Yep, you're not considered "vaccinated" until 5 weeks after the first shot. All other injuries/deaths are in the unvaxxed until that point. Insanity!

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After reading Robert Kennedy's book about Fauci and the nature of vaccines. My husband and I made the decision last year that we would not get flu shots anymore.

We recently read several reports about how the flu shots have not made a difference in older individuals dying or not dying from the flu.

I also believe that when it's my time to leave this earth, it's up to GOD not man.

Based on everything we've witnessed over the last few years, man and his wisdom can not be trusted.

When hospital protocols are being investigated as being a bigger cause of deaths than covid.....I rest my case.

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Medical errors have been the third or fourth leading cause of deaths in US for years.

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The truth hurts. Sadly cannot trust the medical community. Just to underscore that point, the FDA approved a forth jab today.

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And i do not trust any institution.

Individual persons - YES

Institutions, NOPE

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They actually have been underreporting flu deaths since Obama was president his first year and the swine flu hit. Someone decided they needed to protect wonder boy. Some experts think that 10-20 times more people died from swine flu than the actually CDC numbers. The test they used in 2009 worked about as well as the test worked in 2020. Except they decided since it didn't work well, they would stop testing people. Oh, and one last thing, 80% of the dead from swine flu were younger than 60 years old and it hit children especially hard.

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"They actually have been underreporting flu deaths since Obama was president his first year and the swine flu hit. Someone decided they needed to protect wonder MAN."

I fixed it for you. You just never know who's watching from woke world.

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It's all about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY - MONEY! The FDA has sold us out for decades.

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[This is what happens when process - taxpayer-funded process - gets separated from outcome]

Let's restate that more accurately....

This is what happens with EVERY taxpayer-funded process that reaches critical mass.

There is no off button. There are no brakes.

"Ask not what your country can do for your country" takes on new meaning in this light, doesn't it?

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The difference between a ditch and a grave is the ditch has the ends kicked out of it. We are actually in a grave and it is time that we all kick the ends out of it and turn it back into a ditch. I can live in a ditch.

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The nice thing about being stuck in a grave is that a flood may raise you out of it.

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Sad humor is good stuff

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Years ago when I was newly married, my husband was convinced at his work place to get the flu shot. He was a healthy 24 year old. 2 months later, he was sicker with the flu than I have ever seen anyone. For 5 days, he had a fever around 104 and couldn't get out of bed. Eventually, he got better but he vowed never to get the flu shot ever again. Maybe it was just coincidence but one thing is for sure, the flu shot didn't prevent him getting the flu. He had never even gotten the flu prior to that.

The good news is that as a result of seeing that, I never got the flu shot, even when "medical professionals" have tried to convince me. I kept seeing my young husband's worried face. No flu shot for me.

Despite that experience, I was always "pro-vaccine". But something about the quick roll out of the Covid vax caused me a bit of hesitation. I didn't like the idea of causing my body to produce the spike protein. That wasn't how other vaccines worked. I decided that I would just wait and see. I was lucky enough not to be pressured to get the shots for work so I waited.

Now you can count me in the "anti-vax" category. I will never get another jab for anything. They lied so much that I have lost ALL trust in any medical professionals. I don't even want to get my pets vaccinated now.

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Agreed 100% about not getting anything again.

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