Love your reporting Alex but you are painfully naive and lose credibility if you confidently claim that Covid-19 was NOT an intentional bioweapon.

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Every other flu pandemic burned out by this time. Why hasn't this? It is because its a bioweapon, the mRNA vaccines, both, something else?

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A lot has to do with mass screening coupled with high cycle PCR testing, unreliable rapid tests, and mass formation psychosis.

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In other words..."pick a card, any card...". Everything from the beginning (tests, pcr cycles, symptoms...) to the end "...heart attack at 25, sudden unexplained death, or.....respirator sadly did not survive..." and ongoing "mask the 2-5 year olds!" who have zero death rate. Madness. AKA Mass Formation Psychosis.

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Because it is man made. Proven. Gain of function and I don’t buy the “lab leak”. 100% intentional.

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On a related note: “I can say to you unequivocally there are no offensive biologic weapons in the Ukraine laboratories that the United States has been involved with.” April 1, 2022.

Parse that and look at the weasel words. It looks like they are lying again: https://itstrue.substack.com/p/no-offensive-biologic-weapons-in?s=w

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Why intentional? It might have been but need not have been for what we are experiencing. They clearly were prepared for it, prepared to make to the biggest mountain possible from a mole hill, but they are opportunists. One would eventually come along so why take the risk forcing it?

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My answer to that is, the attempts to "flatten the curve", have kept it from following the natural course. Look at a couple of the countries in the Johns Hopkins Covid website:


Korea - at the top of the list b/c it currently has the most infections/month, had a low flatline for two years. All of a sudden - boom. A sharp, pronounced upward spike, over the last couple of months. New Zealand shows a similar pattern. Australia also, but not as pronounced.

Sweden is a country that more or less allowed nature to take it's course. It had very high rates of infection and deaths in a couple of waves the first year. The most recent peak (Mar 6) showed a significant decline over previous peaks.

Also - and just my opinion based on what I've read- the vaccine, over time, negates natural immunity, and makes reinfections more likely. Heavily-vaccinated Israel, where the recent cases and deaths peaks surpassed previous peaks, is an example.

All these factors combined, IMO, explain why Covid hasn't "burned out."

Put another way, all the proactive measures to try to suppress the virus had the opposite effect. They may have slowed it down, but also dragged it out longer.

After saying all that, I'm not ruling out mRNA as a bioweapon. Seen to many things the last couple of years which cannot be explained except through evil intent.

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The vaccine negates herd immunity because the virus needs to adapt to the population level pressure in order to survive. Nations with high vaccination rates exert more pressure on the virus, not allowing for sufficient herd immunity. Is that how you understand it?

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Because everything we have been forced to do to “mitigate” it actually ensured it hangs around longer.

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According to Geert Vanden Bossche, it is the immune pressure created population wide by the mass vaccination campaign. The virus needs to mutate continuously, or it dies. Like any living thing, survival is paramount, particularly because viruses are unable to live without a host. So it adapts to the host to stay alive.

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TRUE. Interventions (apart from natural much commercialized, and Media. Without either/both we would be on the other side of this Pandemic, last one was 1918, so we are not due until 2120. Where can I cash in my chips....Google cannot tellme this, or where local nature is blooming. We r being manipulated,

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We never had an effective infectious disease surveillance system. This disease was spreading as early as the summer of 2019.

Remember the mysterious vaping illness? That was Covid-19. Satellite photos shows Chinese hospital parking lots full in the spring and summer of 2019.

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Add to the mix the effects of the useless shots which appear to be compounding and prolonging the disease course.

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Actually I think he might be correct. The bioweapon is the jab, not the SARS pathogen. Created in a lab to be highly infectious but not terribly deadly. The jab was created to be deadly.

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Created in a lab by the PLA. Then it escaped or was released. Then the PLA sent us the genetic code for it. Then we made vaccines from that code with a strategy for immunity based on inoculating us with experimental gene therapy that reprograms our cells to produce the most toxic part of the bio weapon. The resulting “immunity” wanes almost immediately and requires re-inoculation of the aforementioned poison on a regular basis. I cannot think of a better way to decimate a society. And of course a military. And our young athletes. NCAA, NFL, NBA, FIFA….fuck.

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I agree with this BUT, in the US we have the curious case of several governors make the strange decisions to place those sick with Covid in nursing homes where it wiped out huge numbers of the at risk communities residing therein.

Then we have the whole world following the exact wrong policies at the same time. To call that highly irregular is to understate it beyond reasonable proportions.

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Yeah, that was malfeasance at best. Add to it, our COVID hospital protocol aka The Fauci Protocol, continues to kill people with remdesivir and vents.

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And economies with the all too predictable responses governments would take.

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Yes, while the regime flys unvaxxed, military age male illegals into the US and seeds them all over the country…

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I'm becoming increasingly disappointed. There seem to be blindspots where someone that can see one thing do clearly is truly blind to others.

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Another theory is that the virus was actually created and intended to be used as a vaccine in a future pandemic outbreak which explains why they had the code available so quickly and why they were able to produce the "vaccine" in "Warp Speed."

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Biological weapons need to be deadly to regular people of military age (which covid substantially isn't). Biological weapons need to spread in a very controlled and predictable way so they don't make it back to whoever released it. Covid spreads extremely easily and unpredictably.

It's more like a careless lab leak than a bioweapon.

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Of course bioweapon! Alex is still stuck in America good, Russia bad. I am certain America + China = very bad. Add Tony Fauci and the depopulation global elites and you get very, very bad.

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Alex’s book/morality opera won’t play well in Peoria if we are villains. Please remove the blinders.

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Its not a bioweapon. If it was, it would be a piss-poor bioweapon. Nevertheless, we DO know SARS-CoV-2 came out of that lab. SARS-CoV-2 is a chimeric virus that was created for the purposes of studying how zoonotic viruses evolve in the first place and to develop effective countermeasures against such viruses. It got out of the lab and onto the streets of Wuhan do to a simple fuckup. These have happened before in China, USSR (as Alex has highlighted) and in the U.S. Reston 1989 is the most well-known lab leak on our side.

The reason why the medical establishment has been so obsessed with preventing the early treatments for covid-19 as well as pushing the vaccines (that don't work) is simply because they were trying to coverup their fuckup AND the fact they already knew the early treatments worked. How did they know this? Because they ran an experiment with bats that failed and infected some of the researchers in the experiment and found the early treatments worked. They suppressed knowledge of the early treatments during 2020 for the simple reason they wanted to keep people from knowing how they knew they worked in the first place. Its the same with the vaccines. No one has ever made an effective coronavirus vaccine and they still haven't made an effective coronavirus vaccine. In short, all of this BS of suppressing early treatments and pushing vaccines that don't work is nothing more than a giant CYA (cover your ass) operation to deflect attention from the fact they created the virus in the first place and then did not take proper precautions to keep it from getting out of the lab.

Karl Denninger did a very thorough write up on this the day after SCOTUS slammed the OSHA vaccine mandate for large employers.

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Alex has also lost credibility because of his refusal to acknowledge Peter Duesberg and the way Fauci Inc. tried to destroy him.

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Pretty crappy bioweapon, right? Requires extended, indoor exposure to infect. Almost impossible to infect outdoors. Only seriously affects those too old and/or sick to do any fighting anyway. Low infection fatality rate. Flu-like symptoms, if any, with many asymptomatic cases.

Yes, I'll agree it was some kind of research, escaped and gone awry. But bio-weapon? There's zero evidence of that.

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If covid-19 were a biological weapon, a weapon to be used at a seat of war, it would be more controllable. Like anthrax, with less capacity to spread from person to person. More like traditional gunshots or explosives that have few secondary effects.

But there is another possibility - something reminding of what may be the plot in some detective stories - a gradual and secret poisoning. The victim's health status slowly degrading and nobody knows why, except for the perpetrator. Death may not be the ultimate goal, it could be an insidious way to get the better of a competitor, like laxatives in a marathon, or to accelerate what would be seen as a natural death.

Could Covid-19, or the ordered medication against it, be used in this way?

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Apr 6, 2022
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Actual covid deaths account for only a small minority of excess deaths in that age group.

Overall covid mortality in groups of military age is not even up to the baseline level of what you would expect from an actual bioweapon engineered for high lethality.

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The idea that covid is not a bioweapon is just ignorant. Covid was created in a lab by Gain of Function research. What is GoF? It is making viruses more lethal to humans. And the difference between GoF and bioweapon research is ....? ... how the two are spelled.

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Not only that, but it has a genetic piece that is identical to a Modern patent from several years prior.

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The difference is that the purpose of GoF is to learn how to fight viruses that don’t yet exist but COULD evolve in the wild. Most by now are likely in the camp that feels this type of research is simply too risky, and it probably is. However, a logical argument does exist for this type of research and it has nothing to do with malicious intent. This is a blind spot I would like to see Alex address, because far too many equate GoF w/ bioweapon development. They are not the same, period.

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Yes, and that is why the NIH paid for others to do it. They are prohibited by US law from doing that kind of research because the US Congress felt it was too dangerous to do. In short, those mother fauciers wanted the research done but wanted to evade responsibility for it, so the subcontracted out. They should be charged and made to public ally defend their their actions in court.

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I’m looking forward to a weaponized Rand Paul.

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That is the only way this ends in a way other than how they wish. Not going to happen. Should have happened years ago. Needed to happen years ago to stop this. Once enough realize it, it will be too late. Probably already is.

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You are right Jeff. It only becomes a bioweapon when you release the virus that you played around with to become more lethal and infectious to humans than it was in its original natural state.

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*Deliberately release, targeting a specified enemy. Can we agree on that? Personally, I don’t believe C19 has to qualify as a Bioweapon to justify condemning the decision to fund GoF research after it had clearly been made off limits by the U.S. government, and labeling it as such likely turns people off, who might otherwise be inclined to take a fresh look at the entire pandemic narrative. It’s unnecessary and short circuits the efforts to snap people out of the mass formation psychosis described by Malone, et al.

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I recommend you read Stephen Kinzer's book The Poisoner in Chief, if you want to understand the reality of our government and biologicial research.

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Nah, it's a coincidence that right after the failed impeachment sent Trump's polling 9 points higher and the world learned that Robert Mueller was an incoherent babbling idiot that suddenly there was a virus nobody could identify leaked a mile from the only lab in the world capable of making it. And anyone suggesting a link was immediately censored/banned/de platformed by the people who had the greatest interest in getting rid of Trump.

Great article Alex but will part two explain why you were so dismissive of Victoria Nuland's bombshell admission that we (Ukraine) had "bio research" labs and she had great concern that Russia would overtake them during their invasion? Why isn't a "bio research lab" the same as a bio weapons lab?

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The same way a construction company’s stock pile of TNT isn’t a terrorist weapons cache.

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The construction company uses the TNT to blow stuff up. What does the bio materials research facility exist for? The same reason we funded the Wuhan lab?

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To develop methods of treatment for potential biological attacks.

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How’d that work out last year for covid?

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That’s not the issue of this side discussion. The purpose of studying potential bioweapons is not only to discover new weapons but also how to defend against them. The fact that the research did not render a good result does not equate to such research to being a bioweapon.

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These labs were outlawed in the US for a reason. We outsourced and funded them in a puppet regime and now they’re under threat of compromise. Nuland unwittingly admitted all that and now we’re not supposed to talk about it. Fuck that.

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Regarding the eradication of smallpox, please read Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries

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It's a biological weapon. The elites are evil people and probably believe overpopulation will ruin the earth, plus the raided pension funds etc etc. Also governments losing control, shit like wikileaks threatening to topple governments. You can only stuff so much shit under the rug for so long, people are waking up. You'd be a complete goofball to think the media didn't cover up for hunter Bidens laptop story. Dude has a Pic of him smoking crack, got a stripper pregnant, is fucking his dead brothers wife. Shady ass jobs where he's getting paid millions, yet the media for 4 years made trumps kids out to be worse. I'm embarrassed I ever voted Democrat and spent my 20s not seeing through the bs.

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There have been many biological weapons, but none had social media like this! Memes vs. banned ugh, thanks Mutiodman84. I hope the people are waking up. My own friends abhor my objective position - YOU ARE FOR US OR AGAINST US. Apologies for placing that on your comment.

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You forgot the interview where the spokesman for Biden says Washington is pretty sure that Hunter Biden did nothing illegal. I can't remember his name and I think it was a fox clip. What a freaking joke this govt. is!

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Can you elaborate on the statement “Not because Sars-Cov-2 is a biological weapon. It’s not.” I really am only curious. Do we actually know that, or are we assuming based on lack of severity?

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That SCV-2 doesn’t kill instantly but accelerates inflammation & the “diseases of old age”, while disrupting economies & crashing infrastructure make it the perfect stealth bioweapon. Alex needs to reassess the real purpose of “bioweapons”.

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Exactly. Or put another way, Ebola is not a "good" virus. Its symptoms are very obvious, it progresses quickly, and kills its host(s) too fast. That is not a "good" virus in the evolutionary sense. It would not be a good biological weapon.

I'm not being sarcastic here.

On the other hand, an airborne respiratory virus that takes a while to show symptoms and yet is highly contagious, well, that IS a good virus. Interesting.

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Bang on. HIV is supposedly a simian virus that was radiated in a university lab to make it stronger. That was a pretty good bioweapon until treatments improved.

SCV-2 is actually a coagulopathy btw, the respiratory symptoms are secondary. So that was evil genius to call it a respiratory virus & use the wrong treatments that killed ppl unnecessarily, when the thrombotic presentation could’ve been treated early at home w aspirin. But no, no treatment until it’s too late. That was on purpose.

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The virus did NOT, dose NOT disrupt economies and crash infrastructure. Our ill advised panicked response to it did and is.

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Figure of speech. Our idiocracy also used the bioweapon against us to consolidate power. But some argue that the CCP helped set us up for the response w manufactured videos & extreme policy measures.

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No, not a figure of speech. The virus is not what caused any of this. It is not all that bad, in fact only a cold for most people. It was just the excuse for all that has transpired since. The virus itself does not warrant any of what we have been forced to do.

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I’m saying I used it that way to contextualize it as a stealth bioweapon, I know it literally was the response that was so damaging. But I also follow the research closely & it’s not “just a cold”. Even HIV infection presents as a cold.

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For most people, it presents as nothing more than a mild cold that resolves itself without any medical intervention. Yes, for certain at risk populations it can continue on to something much worse, but so can the common cold. For MOST people, it is nothing more than a mild cold.

Something, anything, was needed as the precursor to the restrictions and mandates. Covid comes along through whatever avenues, but it does not reach the legal threshold in the US required for a vaccine, thus treatment is banded to creat the false impression that a vaccine is the only way to fight it. How we define a case of a disease is changed to create artificially high numbers of infections while how we attribute cause of death is also changed to raise the death count, both scare most people into accepting whatever they are told. The rest is history.

IMHO, it has never been about the virus. Personally, I believe it exists and that it has killed some but I also believe it is no where as bad as they said it was and that even if it was, what we were forced to do to stop it was bound to fail. In fact, I doubt very much that they are surprised that our attempts to stop it failed. What we did was guaranteed to fail, to make it worse.

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Gotta remember: Alex IS the best. Seriously, the very BEST. He genuinely deserves the following that he has. Sometimes we have to "read between the lines!"

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He hates us lol

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And we love it.

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Apr 5, 2022
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Not everybody gets it, all the time!

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I think I love you!

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Why is Alex so sure this was not a biological weapon? In theory, biological weapons can be accidentally released too.

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Russia lies. Really? US lies. All governments lie. The most political environments I can think of are research labs. They are politically motivated and agenda driven. It is NOT to find cures. The other night read that Omicron most likely was created in a lab. Hmmm. Too many mutations. Came from mouse. Not possible. The US army viral doctor said currently he is not worried about new variants. Happy news. He also said he never saw Omicron coming. Shocked. Did not fit any possible variants they were looking at. So he never said Omicron hatched in lab, but he insisted they were shocked by it. See…just a load of bs. CYA. I am sick of all the lies and coverups.

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It's social manipulation. It is really sad to see our beloved Earth get churned into social media chop shops. Older folks know better. We came of age before this Social Manipulation. Eventually we will die out...

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Omicron is a Festivus miracle. When I read the initial analysis, it didn't make any sense. It appeared older not newer and that it was cooked up in an isolated environment. Then all that discussion just disappeared.

IMHO, it appears Omicron ruined a lot of plans, including from Mengele Fauci.

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Festivus for the rest of us. Agree that Omicron was cooked up and kept on a backburner, until it was necessary. Ever had the feeling you are being manipulated? Not you Horsey - but the good folks arriving here for answers to very deep questions.....

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I am realizing that so called journalists of today just read information on the Internet and re-present or dissect it. Most of us are way ahead of them with actual information based in reality. I remember when journalist actually went out and gathered the details and did the real detailed work. I guess we don’t really need journalists today because we are all in a sense journalist because we can go to the 5th page of google and find something nobody else is seeing and present it in a different way as ours or we can listen to the news and then have a different opinion. Alex’s next “journalist” story in 1....2....3....

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You do remember when journalists actually went out and gathered details? You must be over a century old.

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Yes, there is dangerous chemical and biological research going on in the US. But not in Ukraine! No! Those dozens of labs could not possibly have dangerous biological agent research going on, they were only maintained to protect you, you moronic Putin stooge!

All of you useful idiots should shut up and quit questioning the stories about what's going on in Ukraine and read the really important stuff HERE! Otherwise you're just commie, Ivermectin-loving, Putin supporting conspiracy theorists who couldn't be trusted to walk your dog, let alone make decisions about supporting some political opponent-jailing stooge who is bravely fighting off another political opponent-jailing stooge named Putin! Stay in your lane and keep your mouth shut unless we tell you to say "yes sir, I shall never question your proclamations"!

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Keep researching. Interesting stuff.

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"Not because Sars-Cov-2 is a biological weapon. It’s not"

I wouldn't be so sure. Actually I'm sure it is, just it was picked due to it's not so deadly outcome. They didn't want to kill everybody, just to scare us enough so we submit to anything they desire.

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Or the spike protein is the bioweapon, which would make the virus and the vaccines both bioweapons.

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Rfk talks about a lot of this in his book.

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The one constant: “governments” rarely, if ever, publish or disclose truth. And more often than not, those who run them are responsible for killing far more than they “help.” It’s all about power.

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"And the smallpox vaccine is highly effective." (AB)

Dr. Mack's presentation to the CDC June 19-20, 2002.

"There is a substantial risk from a vaccine, as you'll hear in a moment. It is the single most dangerous live vaccine."

"The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it's honest, would have to say that the dangers would exceed the benefits."

"If people are worried about endemic smallpox, it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that's why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries, and it will not be sustained here, even if there were several importations, I'm sure. It's not from universal vaccination."

The following (above) transcript is very important to save in your documents since the CDC website has removed the transcripts of June 19-20, 2002 meeting. https://www.vaclib.org/news/drmacks.htm

Dr. Thomas Mack was asked to give a presentation because the Bush administration wanted to mandate it for all health care personnel, firemen, police etc and possibly the American people. Dr. Thomas Mack, University of Southern California School of Medicine professor, among the nation’s leading smallpox experts. At the time he said this:

If smallpox was released into the American population, “dissemination from the individual cases would probably be relatively limited,” Dr. Mack informed the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), that had met to set smallpox vaccination guidelines on behalf of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, in June, 2002. “We don’t need vaccination, we need personnel,” Dr. Mack insisted.

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ohhh this is interesting...looking forward to part 2.

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