I went to sleep in American last night. I woke up in Bolivia or some other banana republic. What has happened to our justice system when every prosecutor and judge that was "picked" to bring charges against Trump visited the White House and/or DOJ before the circus started.

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Yup. We turned into 3rd world country, overnight, with thousands of nuclear weapons.

I hope everyone stocks up on blow torches and pliers.

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Judge Merchan was born in Columbia. Maybe that's where we are.

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My faith in the jury (people in general) no longer exists. And to think there were two lawyers on the jury. Just a crime all the way around. What a damn shame.

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We've been going down the banana republic road for the past few years, unfortunately. At least when I shop at Banana Republic the clothes are nice.

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The last Democrat nail in the coffin of a once great nation. What is even more disgusting is the proximity of this show trial verdict to Memorial Day.

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Where have you been for the last mmmmm…12-16 years?

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And just like that, our judicial system, at least the one in NYC, has lost all credibility. Just like Big Pharma, the CDC NIH, WHO, etc. due to their scamdemic skullduggery.

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I wouldn't say just like that. NYC has been trending steadily downward ever since commie DeBlasio became mayor. It's hard to believe that this crumbling 90% democrat city elected a Republican mayor, Rudy Guliani, back in the 90's, who cleaned it up. Now, tourists would be crazy to go there.

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It won't be long before NY looks like Haiti without the palm trees.

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I am ashamed of my country.

New York is a joke.

Anyone celebrating this "verdict" is unworthy of their American citizenship.


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A 2024 Gallup poll showed 65% of Americans are proud of their country. I'd say that percentage has just plummeted.

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This is the worst day for America since Valley Forge. If Merchan’s sentence in any way impedes Trump’s ability to campaign— and it surely will — the Attorney General of every red state like Wyoming and Missouri should indict Merchan for election interference. Let’s see Merchan spend the rest of his days in state prisons.

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Biden is guilty of election interference for repeating that he inherited 9.5% inflation…. We have a government of thugs.

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It's a bunch of sociopaths leading a bunch of approval seekers looking for meaning in their lives.

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Exactly. That is quotable.

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This won't impede his ability to campaign - every day in court is a campaign appearance for him and he keeps going up and up.

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Unless they make it illegal to run for president as a felon

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The GOPe will refuse to nominate him as they continue their role to assist the Dem party in ruining the nation.

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I thought congress wasn't allowed to add qualifications to being president other than those we already have.

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That's my question. Is the only thing standing behind that the lower house?

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Scary. The whole thing is beyond appalling. I'm still in shock. Thank God I was having dinner with the sister who sees what's going on and not the one who thinks I've lost my ability to think when I heard the verdict.

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Bless you fellow freedom fighter

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That would alter the constitutional requirements for the presidency and so require an amendment.

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Could this really work?

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Still, I 'd hoped against hope. How can a judge get away with this during a trial? I'm neither a Trump supporter nor a Biden supporter. I'm a citizen of the United States of America.

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Shari - here is the view from a non-U.S. citizen far across the sea.

For as long as I can remember, the business contracts governing any non-U.S. company or person (say an importer of U.S. products), that sought to enter into a commercial arrangement with a U.S. entity have required that any disputed matter that arose was to be decided in the U.S. court system. In years gone by this was never considered a problem because most non-Americans trusted that justice would be applied impartially in the U.S. jurisprudential system – that is, the belief of non-Americans was that U.S. justice was fair and free of corrupting influence.

The events leading up to and surrounding the way this New York court has convicted Donald Trump have dramatically changed this perception. The result is that trust in U.S. justice has evaporated. It has become obvious to all but the blind that the U.S. system of law is deeply compromised and that judicial process is controlled by interest groups that have political power.

Outsiders do not differentiate between the actions of a New York court or one from Snake Gully County – they are all considered to be ‘American’ - so the judicially compromised actions of one smears the whole system. It is disturbing to see trust in the system of law of a once-great country such as the U.S. reduced to the same stinking level of that of a totalitarian state. For foreigners, it raises the question - why would anyone want to do business with America?

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I agree with you. This affects the US's standing on the world stage.

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So well said

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And why would Germany still do business with the US after the Biden regime blew up its pipeline with Russia?

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They aren't even warmed up yet, they can get away with much worse. When you have the activist media conspiring with the govt, you can get away with almost anything. Right now, there are millions of people watching and reading hundreds of mainstream media outlets looking for validation of their belief that the trial was fair and just and finding exactly what they're looking for.

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After this mock verdict, if the Republican party don't go after Biden's corruption like a Doberman or a Pit Bull instead of a puppy dog as they have, then they deserve to watch the possibility that Trump goes to jail, Biden wins, and real New Revolution begins. The Contitution states that when the government fails to follow the Constitution and instead follow their own rules, the people have the right to act. Every Republican Congressman, Senator and legal scholar (Turley, Garrett, Dershowitz, etc. should go to New York on sentencing day July 11 and fill the courtroom behind Donald Trump to show solidarity against corruption.

And it's time for SCOTUS to intervene and do their job in upholding the Constitution by staying this verdict and showing it for the complete sham it was.

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The Republican Party talks a good fuck but they never deliver. They are one-half of the Uniparty. They play their part.

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As much as I don't want to believe this, you're correct.

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“How I helped murder America’s judicial system” by Juror #9

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I'm far from team MAGA, but Trump calling shots like a crime boss from prison as President of the USA would actually be pretty cool. I can picture International leaders having to use those old prison phones in order to speak with him.

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😂😂😂. Best comment so far.

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So a notation on a check the public would never see is election interference, but lying about and suppressing news of Hunter's laptop, admittedly because of the upcoming election, isn't? Got it. Outrageous.

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And there's also Brandon's campaign promise of never mandating vaccines. Fraudulent lie which likely impacted the election.

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Biden will certainly withdraw from the debate now as he won’t be able, in good conscience, to be on the same stage with a “convicted felon.”

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That's what I was thinking since he agreed to debate. There was no way he would get on stage with Trump and make a fool of himself. This guilty verdict gives him an easy out.

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Because Biden can now refuse to debate a "convicted felon", and that's what they desperately wanted. Biden was never going to debate because he's unable to articulate an original thought on a stage without a teleprompter and they all knew that. I just have to hope the public reaction to this verdict (other than from the cackling lefties) is massive outrage that boomerangs back on the Democrats.

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And Carville is insisting Trump simply won't show up. How utterly irrelevant he is, thinking he still has something to offer.

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Likely. There was no way Biden could handle more than a 5 minute unedited live appearance in front of cameras.

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Now he has a conscience? How convenient for him if he goes this road.

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Good call

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Or debate from prison

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The Justice system in this country is toast. Frightening. I’m appalled, disgusted and frightened.

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Not toast. Road kill.

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This whole trial was travesty of justice. I could write a book but I will not. My only question is did anyone ever say or testify to what the payments to Cohen should have been characterized as? In other words, OK, if they are not legal, what should they have been called? This whole thing is so contrived- he didn't use campaign money to repay Cohen so it is not that. The non-disclosure agreements are not illegal but it would defeat the purpose to require they be disclosed, right? This is not "lawfare," it is corruption and abuse of power. It is Soviet.

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At least the Soviets had to charge someone with a crime

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My understanding is that it was a "heads I win, tails you lose" trap. The payment was for "legal services" and that was a lie, the prosecution says. But if the payment had been listed as a campaign expense instead (as the prosecution says it should have been), then the accusation would have been that it should have been listed as a legal expense. IOW, it didn't matter how the payment was accounted for--there was no right answer.

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Have no doubt there are now 12 new book deals signed.

AND Democrats will make it illegal to run for office as a felon.

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Fortunately, the Constitution has only two requirements to run for President: You must be at least 35 years old and a natural born US citizen. Only an amendment can change this.

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So the only thing stopping that is the lower house?

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No. An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress and then ratified by three quarters of the states.

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Today I learned. Thanks Bob!

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The GOPe won't need their help - they'll just refuse to make Trump the nominee.

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Who will the nominee be? To be sure not NH? Oh my

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Yup. She’s the most establishment “Republican.” Probably Scott as VP to show the DEI cred of the GOP - just as colleges and corporations are throwing out all DEI bullshit.

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Even though I was certain this would be the result, I am deeply saddened tonight. I don't know if our justice system can recover from this. I tend to doubt it, as the system is built on precedent, and this certainly sets a shameful and frightening one. Sure, the case is riddled with reversible error, but all an appellate court has to do is fail to recognize it. If justice in America can be so easily cast aside because the powerful don't like the defendant, is America a country worth preserving, at least in her present form?

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Legal precedent is based on appellate court decisions. This verdict will likely be overturned but by then the damage will have been done.

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You're right. Trial court decisions aren't precedential/binding on other courts. I agree that this verdict should be overturned at the appellate level, but am starting to believe that it very well may not be.

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Last straw....

I'm officially cancelling the 4th of July.

This country has nothing to celebrate this year.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves for letting it get to this.

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We will celebrate history, long-gone, now dead beautiful ideals buried under the venal atrophy of these stupid, stupid people who now run the government.

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Time for the large jury of American Citizens to vote! Never New York! Pull any investment in stocks of companies that have operations in New York. Don't fly through New York! Don't visit New York. Never set foot there. CEOS of companies in New YorK....now is the time to move out! Buy nothing made or sold in New York. Turn off CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. Time for us to take action.

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Boycotting works in most cases, I wonder how that would play out in the case.

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