Go Alex, file that lawsuit...Oh, wait...I think I just set myself up for an IRS audit!!!

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Name all of them personally. Biden, Fauci, Birx, et. Al. Bring in Birx Book as evidence.

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So little bird did share government correspondence after all. Nicely revealed without violating your NDA.

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We admire your courage, Alex, which is short supply among out state and national elected officials.

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You anticipated my question. Thank you. Glad for it.

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Let's go Brandon!

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Make the mother f**kers pay

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After you extract your pound of flesh from the idiocracy, I’m sure you will find evidence of collusion between US Gov & Pfizer. Pfizer needs to be ripped into tiny pieces, which every dollar distributed to their victims & families.

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The FBI and IRS surely have files on you, and yet you persist. That’s heroism.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

There is no other option. Imagine what might be learned during THAT discovery.

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Great news Alex! Yes, the Biden regime needs to be held to account for so much damage done. My daughters are very much behind in school. I am one parent of many.

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I generally don’t believe in suing people. Heck, I didn’t even sue when I broke both of my ankles earlier this year by stepping on an incorrectly installed water meter. But suing these evil lunatics is the only way. Sue them all, Alex, for as much as you can. For all of us. Thank you!

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It's not just Alex. Read the emails from Fauci and his top lieutenants where they talk about the necessity of getting a hit piece done to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration people. They did the same thing with their efforts to nip the "lab leak" theory in the bud. These campaigns often work. How do they know they can do this? One answer: They know they have key allies in key newsrooms and boardrooms who will do their bidding.

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Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

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In the words of Big, “absofuckinglutely.”

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Thank you!!!!! -- The people who perpetrated these crimes against humanity need to be held accountable.

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How in the world did we get to this place? I think of the last 20+ years and we actually gave up our freedoms to keep "safe". We didn't listen to whistle blowers like Edward Snowden. We didn't listen when Muslims said the feds were making up evidence. We didn't pay attention to even Ruby Ridge. Go watch those documentaries on Frontline - PBS, not exactly right wing media. I am talking pre Trump. The admin state is now in charge and they are not elected not a one.

"Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of free People." Make freedom cool again.

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In the light of the corruption within the FBI and with what we're about to see in the IRS along with the other beauocracies, it should be clearly evident we are living under a Marxist regime. these people need to go!!! All Americans need to get thier ass out and vote against these bastards. Any democrate and any rhino republican who goes along with them should be put on notice that even if they are not up for election this time around we will not forget. Our freedoms are at stake.

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So, are we all in for Trump 2024 then, Alex?

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Excellent. The folks who thought the settlement meant you wouldn’t get at the truth of government/corporate collusion against free speech rights can simmer down now.

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I agree with you and feel that freedom of speech is paramount. We also need to support speech we may not agree with to be on the right side of this issue.

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Alex, You referred to yourself as a "mRNA skeptic" in your previous substack. That is incorrect. You are an mRNA truth teller.

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I love you :)

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That would be awesome

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The next obvious question. Did the Biden administration push corporate companies into adopting rules around firing individuals for passing on the shot? That would be a whole new layer that would show how crazy the current regime has become.

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Excellent! The damage that has been done to US citizens can not be understated. Behind you 100%

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That's exactly what I'm doing, and the lawsuit is moving forward. Way back in February 2021, I warned of lethal COVID vaccines, quoting an infectious diseases professor on that, which Twitter said is why they permanently suspended me. Biden encouraged this censorship, and is therefore in violation of the First Amendment.

Anybody who completed medical school had plenty of reason and adequate knowledge to caution against these highly risky vaccines, and many, many smart laypeople had it figured out early on as well.

How many lives were lost because Biden / Twitter didn't let us warn the others? Most Americans had not yet taken even one COVID shot back in February 2021.

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We disagree on so many things such as Cannabis which you think is a a terrible substance. Regardless I will always support your right to free speech. And the fact that the Biden administration pushed Twitter to silence you is especially problematic. Yes, sue the Biden administration to expose this globalist tyrant who is really trying to destroy our republic.


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Go get 'em! I've never seen such blatant unconstitutional actions from anyone as much as this administration. The daily tyranny coming out of the WH is astounding, and yet they get away with their dictatorial behaviors because we have spineless Republican leaders in D.C. Biden has usurped every constitutional right we have. He also has blood on his hands with the endless criminal invasion at the border where people are getting killed or dying from overdoses with all deadly drugs coming into the country. He's deprived people of their constitutional rights by creating vaccine mandates, many losing their jobs. Then they pass ungodly spending bills, destroying the middle class and stealing more money from hardworking Americans while they use our taxpayer dollars for money laundering back into their own pockets (Biden, Hunter, Pelosi and her son, Schumer, all of them - don't have enough room to list them all). He tells corporations how they are going to run their companies. And to top it off, he is rounding up his SS Troops with IRS agents willing to use deadly force to come after Christians and Conservatives in Nazi Germany 2.0. Unbelievable that people called Trump Hitler when the real Hitler is sitting in D.C. as we comment. The list is long and our constitution is at stake. At least people like Alex are pushing back and bringing their actions into the forefront. We need a total overhaul.

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To all you doubters on Berenson, go find another substack to vulture on, glad I donated.

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87,000 new employees is the IRS' diversity/equity/inclusion program...to hire more people like The Admiral...and "non-binary" people with pink hair and nose rings...who can't read and can't use a calculator.

This is the federal government's extortion plan: claim you "owe" another $25K and then "settle" for $10K.

And audit list starts HERE.

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Drag them through the mud.

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Now don't go getting "depressed" as they say. 😐

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

I’m already being audited—that started 2 years ago both fed AND state. And we are retired seniors on very modest income. They found 2 errors I made on turbo tax. I think I need a good tax guy now. Keep at it Alex!

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Thank God, I was hoping you would take this route. Go Alex!!

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Yes! Go Alex,go!

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Is this going to work out like the Twitter one though? If Twitter was too leviathan to fight I doubt Joe's legal machine is a hittable target.

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so you can settle again?

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By all means we should support your first amendment rights, Mr. Berenson. Jus as you should support Alex Jones’s.

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Ivermectin works

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Robert Malone should sue you first though.

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I knew there was a reason I never gave up on you and why I told others not to.

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If you're not fighting like a wolf, you'll be eaten like a lamb.

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don't just sue them; humiliate them loudly from the tree tops!

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John Cleese once said that the Scots have exactly two political opinions: "Yeah, awright..." and "Get the bastard!"

I think I must be Scottish. Go get 'em, Alex.

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Do it!! Should we wonder if those new 87K new agents will have to be Jabbed???

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I mean, had you just forced Twitter to admit in court that they acted upon the demands of the Whitehouse, you'd actually have a case.

Unfortunately, now you just have a hearsay argument based on extra-judicial documents that will be criticized in the court of public opinion. The WH will claim these are individuals voicing their own 1A rights, and not acting in their official capacity.

I'm sure you did Twitter a huge favor by agreeing to settle before they had to go before a judge and testify about the pressure from the Whitehouse.

Good luck, I guess.

At least you got back on Twitter tho. They were probably super pleased with you for agreeing to settle.

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Let's go Brandon!

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Take some personal responsibility jack …. YOU voted this admin into office.

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