We shouldn't have to trust Pfizer. We hire government to keep them honest. The underlying failure is FDA and other authorities gross failure to accomplish that. And we elevate journalists to Constitutional protection so they can keep government honest. The ultimate failure is their gross failure to accomplish that. The few honest journalists remaining must be supported and defended to enable that to continue, and eventually motivate the weaklings to improve.
Maybe we should revisit what Pfizer actually does. They create medications for specific uses. Their principal goal is to find something that pays like Viagra, an accidental discovery while looking for something to use for angina (chest pain)in place of nitroglycerin. Even patients with heart disease quickly noticed their newfound tent pole holding up the bed sheets. Pfizer is in the money business.
They certainly prefer that their meds are helpful and don’t want to kill too many people. But they are playing a numbers game. More pills, more shots, more money.
Americans pay the tab for almost all R&D in the world, and of course we pay much higher prices per pill/shot.
I won’t say that they routinely lie to us, but the truth usually arrives long after it’s been bent battered and beaten beyond recognition.
The Biden administration was fearful of how real docs, not Fauci and his media minions, might guide their patients about the vaccines. They were so frightened by what we might say that they intentionally kept us from being ‘acceptable’ vaccination sites. In a less than subtle nod to socialism we were collectively disempowered and marginalized.
Pfizer is a known fraud to the government. The DOJ sued them for healthcare fraud concerning claims they made about Bextra and some other meds. In 2009, they ended up settling for $2.3B instead of going to court. I might add- that’s the largest settlement to date.
Pharma learned from that experience. They didn't pay her enough. Since then, pharma has increased their payola to the regulators. It's a very corrupt government, very corrupt system. If media was doing its job, they would investigate it and disclose it. The release of corrupt fauxi's financials last week would have initiated a frenzy of investigation in Frances' day. Now the press is as corrupt as the government.
It seems we’re spinning in circles these days. My family is healthy, decently fit, take supplements,no obesity, have had covid and recovered. Not vaxxed. Now my hubby has a cough that won’t go away. ugh. Worried that he may get pneumonia. Want to avoid ER at all costs so he may go try to get a zpak today.
Nebulizing very diluted H2O2 plus two drops iodine 3x’s a day REALLY helped us. Go to Deep Roots at Home website. She’s got excellent info. on what to do.
Take Zinc supplements. Suck on a lemon wedge every day, should be plenty of vitamin C. I’m not the type to recommend vitamin D supplements, but I haven’t seen the sun in weeks in my neck of the woods so a vitamin D supplement may do you well. Gargle mouthwash repeatedly, get the back of the throat clean, & rinsing the sinuses will do you well. Stay well hydrated and keep it humid while you sleep to help the mucus in your lungs wash out the pathogen. Maybe you SHOULD have been vaccinated, I don’t pretend to know all the answers like some people do. My approach to this entire pandemic has been to wait & see. Maybe that’s a stupid approach. But to paraphrase the Reddit investing bro apes, I can remain retarded for longer than they can remain solvent. 🤷🏻♂️
There is a LOT of info out there and I feel like I've read it all! Doing all that you recommended already. I got over my "cold" quickly, and thought the povidone iodine swabbing and rinsing made a big difference. My hubs hasn't done as well. Upping the Vitamin C dosage and using the liposomal kind. It's the nights that it comes back hard, so the humidity suggestion is a good one. A big no to vaccination though. :) Haven't done the nebulizing which someone else mentioned, so I'm going to get one.
Add doxycycline 100 mg/bid. Will block the inflammation, and will also block the upregulation of degradative enzymes that inflame/break down lung tissue.
I'd also get a pulse oximeter you can get one from amazon for about $30.00 this way you'll know if your O2 saturation drops below an acceptable level. Consider adding Black seed oil supplement , no sugar ! Sugar increases inflammation ! We both had covid 6.5 weeks ago followed the FLCCC protocol, with ivermectin all good now. Except the taste and smell is still not fully back but getting there!
Just imagine if something similar happens to our children who have taken these experimental Vaccine trials and when they decided to have children. Does anyone have that answer does anyone think of what these downsides could be down the road? Way to many unanswered questions and not worth the chance to find out with our future and if you are Planning on having a family. Will this get Passed on to your child? Fauci and Collins need to be asked serious questions. The fun and games have been over for me in March 2020.
Alex, why do you still trust Pfizer with childhood va$$ines? ALL va$$ines are POISON and NOT needed. I am 64 years old, only had 2 unnecessary va$$ines as a child. I had measles, mumps, chickpox as a child and so did all my friends, these are normal childhood illness. NATURAL IMMUNITY for the WIN!!!
I'm 66 years old. I had a few childhood vaccines, and I believe I was injured by one or more of them. I have good reason to believe this, but I can't prove it. I didn't suddenly develop seizures or other dramatic illness. But something did cause me to change in negative ways, for sure. I have my mother's observations and my own memories to support this fact. Few people knew about vaccine injury back then, so I never suspected this until fairly recently.
I think both of my sisters were also vaccine injured as young children. One sister developed severe migraine headaches when she was quite young, and another sister had asthma, which was severe enough to require repeated hospitalization. I think both of these conditions were caused by childhood vaccines.
As my retired health practitioner sister says, “We are all vaccine-injured”. Would be good if the current disaster would wake more people up to this fact.
THANK GOD, my 4 grand children are NOT va$$ed!! They are super kind, healthy and smart. and Yes, we ARE ALL VA$$INE INJURED !!!! many different injuries, minor and very major injuries. Its because they are filled with POISONs and POISONs injure and kill us.
So true, part of the big scam of the exploding vaccine schedule is how they’ve conditioned the public to fear these, for the most part, harmless diseases. Sounds a lot like Covid vax, huh?
I saw someone ask this somewhere and I thought it was a good question. They're constantly telling us that the vax doesn't have long-term consequences - but if they didn't know that the vax would lose efficacy long-term, how do they know that there won't be long-term side effects?
More to the point, how can the long-term effects of a brand-new drug be known at all? If it's only existed for <18 months, how can they claim to know what effects it may have after 10 years?
Maybe the long-term risk is acceptable for those 60+ who are most at risk and who may not live to suffer long-term damage anyway, but what teenager or 20-something would risk crippling themselves for life by taking a drug for a disease that poses almost no risk to them?
I think they sidestep the question of long-term consequences of the jab because they just don't know. This stuff didn't go through all stages of animal trials and was never injected into humans before approximately 2 years ago. The human trial, I believe we're in phase 3 right now, is playing out before our very eyes, with initial reports coming in 2023. Hundreds of millions of people are lab rats and don't even realize it :(
How many pregnant women took the vax and the babies have complications? I know one who died 3 weeks after birth from a platelet disorder. Doctors couldn’t figure out the source of the issue. Sounds a lot like the calves. Is this being researched?
A short time before the mRNA vaccines were released, I saw a video about them that explained how they work. Long story short, they don’t work, they never have, they’re not vaccines and they mess up your immune system so you are vulnerable to other diseases and it is possible they can be programmed to react to another man made virus. I didn’t understand everything in the video but understood enough that no way in hell I would get one. Everything she said is happening except the new virus.
I mentioned thalidomide to my sister-in-law who works at a pharmaceutical company and she told me that it was never used in the United States...? I was under the impression that it was used worldwide including the US and that there were several birth defects due specifically to that drug.
I'm still under that impression and haven't seen/heard anything to the contrary other than what she told me.
It *was* used in the US, but it was never FDA-approved for general use in the US.
"The US FDA refused to approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution. However, the drug was distributed in large quantities for testing purposes, after the American distributor and manufacturer Richardson-Merrell had applied for its approval in September 1960. The official in charge of the FDA review, Frances Oldham Kelsey, did not rely on information from the company, which did not include any test results. Richardson-Merrell was called on to perform tests and report the results. The company demanded approval six times, and was refused each time. Nevertheless, a total of 17 children with thalidomide-induced malformations were born in the US. Oldham Kelsey was given a Presidential award for distinguished service from the federal government for not allowing thalidomide to be approved for sale in the US." ~ per Wiki, FWTW
Nevertheless, it took five years for Thalidomide's side effects to be sufficient to pull it from the market for pregnant women. We're barely one year into the Chinese virus vaxxes, AND, I would argue the FDA is far less trustworthy now than perhaps they've ever been.
Do you also remember a drug in the late 60's I think DES? that was causing all sorts of problems for women and it took law suits to get off the market, I seem to remember if the mother took it it could affect her female child, I remember seeing stuff on the news about it but can't remember the whole story to look it up
Yes, DES I believe was given to women in the 1940's or 50's perhaps to prevent miscarriages and it seemed to affect the fertility of the child. I have a friend who was actually part of a class action lawsuit whose mother took DES and she had difficulty conceiving. She actually was awarded compensation, even though in reality there is no equal compensation.
I had a friend whose mother took it, and she had some effects, though I don't recall what they were. You simplycan't know the longterm effects in the short term.
That's bull-s***. I personally saw children born without arms and/or legs when I was a little kid visiting my sibling at a children's hospital. Gas lighting in the highest form. I'm still traumatized by what I witnessed.
Totally agree with you! I told my husband what my sister-in-law said and he looked at me like I had five heads and said "well my mom was a nurse and she personally saw kids injured by that drug so..." Perhaps she is splitting the baby since it wasn't officially FDA approved...? In all honesty I didn't really care what she said because I knew what I had read and she can sit there and spin it all she wanted to but a lot of these drugs are bad news!
Your SIL is either an idiot or a liar. In the 90s I worked with a woman inTN who's mother had been given thalidomide. She herself had health issues and was sterile because of it.
Yes, and I've heard tons of stories very much like what you described in your post. Sadly though my sister-in-law is quite liberal and claims she refuses to watch the news because she's sick of it but she also enthusiastically is signing up her teenage kids for boosters claiming the vaccines are 100% safe..."I'd never give anything to my kids that isn't safe..."
She's obviously demented. Teenagers...boosters? I'm sorry you have this within your sphere, but y'all do your best to chronicle, with compassion, and if you have children? Hold them dear and teach them well.
Yes, thank you! And I can tell you my two teenagers will not get that vaccine! I think too she's one of those that will comply just so her and her family aren't limited in what they can do in society... Like international travel or restaurants or entertainment venues. I'm personally not willing to sell out my health or the health of my family for any of those things... But her teenage daughter is going to Spain with the school club in just a month so all power to them and I hope everything works out for her.
you know it's funny, people were asking why I was risking losing my job over a vaccine. And they would say all snotty "because of your freedom?" like it was a dirty word.
How many people have gotten the vax or made their kids get it so they would have the "freedom" to live their life like we used to?
Exactly! I totally agree with you...like freedom isn't worth it?
I think though they look at it like you're giving up your freedom because now you can't go to every restaurant you want to, or you can't go to a music concert, or you can fly overseas, etc. I look at it like I don't need to get injected with a substance that they don't know much about it all to "live". There is no where I want to go or no music band or sporting event or theater event I want to see or restaurant I want to eat in that I would sell my health out for, or worse the health of my children, to just comply "to live". You give them this and they won't stop... It won't be just a jab next time ... they'll just keep going stripping away your freedoms step by step.
Hypocrites! They’re reasoning is justified and righteous. They’re sacrificing they’re child’s future in order for them to have ‘freedom’, but it still isn’t happening. The colleges are still implementing barbaric restrictions. Why?
Thalidiomide occurs a an cis-trans isomerism, which means that a part of the molecules in the compound is a mirror of the other part. Like a left-hand glove is to a right-hand one.
This cis-trans discovery was rather new, and the common opinion was that chemical and biological reactions must be the same for the different shapes, if they was concerned about it at all.
There was a difference between the substance synthesized in a lab for testing, and the industrial product that was distributed to the customers. The latter had a high part of the harmful variant. The lab variant had not.
The approvals round the world was based on the harmless version. But it was rejected in the USA. The reason was a certain FDA pharmacologist Frances Oldham Kelsey, who stopped it and later was rewarded for it by the President Kennedy, in 1962. (Wikipedia).
Wikipedia says nothing about the cis-trans isomerism, though.
Very interesting... thank you for that! Now I'm no chemist but if the opinion was that the reactions would be the same for different shapes it sounds like someone needed to go back and rethink that. And shame on not using the same substance for the lab and general population use. Totally sloppy and harmful.
"In April 1962, the FDA finally revealed that thalidomide had been distributed widely as samples in a clinical trial. Even then, the information was treated as a minor event in American newspapers, apparently because the FDA said no women who took the medication had so far delivered a baby with birth defects. They were wrong."
Yes!!! This is one I came across! Thank you. I was just amazed at her comment. Of course then two sentences later she was boasting about how her 16-year-old daughter was getting her booster shot in just 4 days 😳🤦😳. Since this was on Christmas Day, I just nodded and walked away, internally shaking my head.
I had an Epiphany this week. I finally realized that 1/3 of the commercials (I watch limited TV) are for prescription drugs. I guess people living with HIV play a lot of tennis as the drug for that condition is heavily advertised on the Tennis Channel.
Funny I don’t remember this much drug advertising before Obamacare. You name the condition, there’s a drug. Go run to your prescription slip provider and get happy.
Do you notice that the drugs so heavily advertised on TV are never cures? Drug companies want customers dependent for life. The drugs 'manage' the condition, or 'relieve symptoms' of chronic illness, but they do not resolve the problem. Big Pharma was hoping the boosters for life would become another cash cow.
They make up "conditions" a lot of the time also. Only the US and NZ allow pharma to advertise directly to the public. Those commercials are insidious attempts at mind control.
And half of the commercial is listing all of the side effects while the actors are looking so happy to have them.
One good thing, there was a commercial for something that every time it came on, I would ask why in the world would anyone ever take this crap with a list of side effects this bad? Then my doctor prescribed me something to help lower my cholesterol because it was just a little high. After a month it felt like all of the cartilage in my body had dissolved and I couldn't work out because of the joint pain. It even felt like I had gotten shorter so I quit taking it. It turns out it was the generic version of that same medicine in the commercial. After that, no matter how great they say a med is I always look it up first and just assume I will get the side effects, because usually I will.
I'm sorry you had that experience. The same goes with bone drugs. They are devastating. My mom's best friend couldn't come see her at the end of her life because her femur snapped while walking across her kitchen. After speaking with women in assisted living, no one uses them after about 6 months to a year and many have permanent digestive issues. It doesn't take but a quick search to see how devastating they are...all just to "reduce your risk" for a hip fracture. No mention from my endocrinologist about diet and balance exercise...just pill, pill, pill. I'm not saying that drugs don't have their place, but I think alot are not being tracked at all and people are being harmed.
Statins- the number one money- maker for big Pharma. It causes brain fog, lethargy, joint pain, ED, etc. Cardiologist Rx it like candy, knowing all the side effects. They don’t inform the patients.
Do you listen to the list of conditions and side effects that can develop with those drugs. We don’t hear any thing about side effects and possible death. Wonder why not?
Look in magazines. Same thing; mostly pharma ads. In a non-election year, 70% of ads on TV are for pharma. Network news is not gonna kill the golden goose by telling the truth about these drugs....
How ironic they deem Ivermectin "Horse Medicine" and we have a Veterinarian leading our public health crisis- and make no mistake, he has been leading this effort.
Bourla Is a doctor of veterinary medicine,I been telling people the vaccine was originally prescribed for animals because it worked long enough to get the animal to the culling cycle.That is why repeat doses will be needed forever,because it only works for a short period of time.Bourla is the evil overlord of Animal Farm.
I heard a stat last night unlike any other currently in the (independent) news; that Pfizer is sued more than any other corporation. So I decided to check and Google’d “most sued company in the world”. Not only is Pfizer first in line but holds the distinction of “record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice”. Naturally that case pre-dates covid and Pfizer’s new-found BFF status..
So here is the issue. Who else other than subscribers will get this info? Which media outlet will carry it? It used to be that this would gave been front page news. But i don't see it anywhere. If someone posts this does it get “banned” “deleted” “censored”
You're absolutely right! And I would wager that if Donald Trump was still in office we would know every single adverse reaction to these vaccines. They would have probably already impeached him and tried to bring him up under charges for crimes against humanity even though Pfizer's the one that holds all accountability.
When they finally run up the flag on the inoculations, they’ll find / invent a narrative that its Trump’s fault that they failed and killed or maimed people.
Maybe Trump should run in 2024, so the MSM will finally report the vaccine deaths and damage. It's always about Politics, not the welfare of the people.
And who are the geniuses that approved the "no liability" clause in the first place? If Pharma didn't have enough confidence to issue the jab without it, maybe they should have done more testing. OH right! The jab was needed to oust Trump. I would demand an investigation but that would be thru congress and they can't investigate anything but school board meetings.
If you were to try to post it in the comments section of the New York Times it would simply not be posted. I've tried to post stuff like this there and they've blocked my posts.
It would be helpful to have a reminder of how big pharma and their sponsored media were able to convince the world that the shots were going to be safe long term as long as it didn't kill you within the first few weeks. In the history of failed vaccine attempts, how many times did problems pop up years later? If it happened many times, what was their explanation?
Project mockingbird. But I can't remember their story since I don't follow regime media. What was their basis for declaring them safe over the long-term? Did they just claim that never happens?
There was and is no absolutely basis for declaring the "vaccines" safe over the long-term. They never talk about long-term injuries from vaccines of any kind. That topic is verboten.
The "Vaccine Church" as Alex likes to refer to them believes they're safe and isn't interested in hearing otherwise, and anyone who says different is a filthy dirty crazy antivaxer and public enemy.
Just finished watching Dopesick on Hulu about the opioid crisis, the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharma. I’m sure some of the mini series is embellished at times but the greed of these companies and the blind eye the government takes with them is abhorrent. The parallels that I’m seeing with the current situation are striking. To be able to increase the dose of OxyContin for unsuspecting people they create a term called “Breakthrough Pain” and I couldn’t help but think of Breakthrough Cases. To know that people from the FDA and DOJ just go and work for these companies should be illegal. Conflict of interest perhaps???? Also just started Rogans pod with John Abramson. Another tale of Pharma crime.
Too bad that virtually all scientific institutions and universities in Germany are now incapable of investigating anything. There has been an absolutely unprecedented change in the last two years: revered institutions such as the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences) writes pro-lockdown reports on demand of the government, which the government then uses to justify the lockdowns. We have a federal, theoretically independent ethical review panel that rubber-stamps anything the government desires including population wide vaccine mandates (although there has been a bit of a sea change in the last weeks, due to the huge weekly protests all across the country). I could go on.
😡😡😡This is not coincidence what is going on w/the clot shots - this is purposeful, malintent and pharmaceutical malpractice. Bourla is clearly as guilty as Fauci and Gates and all the rest hiding in the shadows of this evil scheme. These are crimes against humanity on a scale that makes Hitler look like a novice. The excellent reporting and exposure is so vital to bringing this crime syndicate to justice.
Who in their right mind would trust Bourla with their children's lives? I wouldn't give my dog one of Pfizer's products.
We shouldn't have to trust Pfizer. We hire government to keep them honest. The underlying failure is FDA and other authorities gross failure to accomplish that. And we elevate journalists to Constitutional protection so they can keep government honest. The ultimate failure is their gross failure to accomplish that. The few honest journalists remaining must be supported and defended to enable that to continue, and eventually motivate the weaklings to improve.
Maybe we should revisit what Pfizer actually does. They create medications for specific uses. Their principal goal is to find something that pays like Viagra, an accidental discovery while looking for something to use for angina (chest pain)in place of nitroglycerin. Even patients with heart disease quickly noticed their newfound tent pole holding up the bed sheets. Pfizer is in the money business.
They certainly prefer that their meds are helpful and don’t want to kill too many people. But they are playing a numbers game. More pills, more shots, more money.
Americans pay the tab for almost all R&D in the world, and of course we pay much higher prices per pill/shot.
I won’t say that they routinely lie to us, but the truth usually arrives long after it’s been bent battered and beaten beyond recognition.
The Biden administration was fearful of how real docs, not Fauci and his media minions, might guide their patients about the vaccines. They were so frightened by what we might say that they intentionally kept us from being ‘acceptable’ vaccination sites. In a less than subtle nod to socialism we were collectively disempowered and marginalized.
Real doc
This a really good point. Quite astounding. Were this clearly and widely pointed out to the citizenry surely many eyes would be opened.
Pfizer is a known fraud to the government. The DOJ sued them for healthcare fraud concerning claims they made about Bextra and some other meds. In 2009, they ended up settling for $2.3B instead of going to court. I might add- that’s the largest settlement to date.
And they’re all corrupted
Public Health used to mean people like Frances Oldham Kelsey. Now, not so much.
Pharma learned from that experience. They didn't pay her enough. Since then, pharma has increased their payola to the regulators. It's a very corrupt government, very corrupt system. If media was doing its job, they would investigate it and disclose it. The release of corrupt fauxi's financials last week would have initiated a frenzy of investigation in Frances' day. Now the press is as corrupt as the government.
I wouldn't let Pfizer's CEO anywhere near my PET Rock.....The guy is Evil !!
Millions have Look at the Bag of bones in the white house he want your Pet rock to be fully vaccinated and boosters.
Its amazing that he was promoted after what happened to cows!
Pfizer has CNN MSNBC Fauci Collins Twitter Facebook Google and The Atlantic Pushing these vaccines trials like a Pimp on every street corner.
Dr. Zelensky is right. This is WWIII.
The problem is that this isn’t common knowledge and the powers at be are complicit.
I hear you, but that jackal convinced my parents it was the right thing to do.
And BTW, my dog now has higher standing in my house and my heart than my Covidian brother.
Pfizer has been in Germany before Hitler was and to answer your question. Fauci and Collins trusted them.
Those two PO S Commie Dems are owned by Pfizer.
and I didn't when they recommended an anti depressant for my over anxious dog. .We did more training
Y'know what cures Covid?
It seems we’re spinning in circles these days. My family is healthy, decently fit, take supplements,no obesity, have had covid and recovered. Not vaxxed. Now my hubby has a cough that won’t go away. ugh. Worried that he may get pneumonia. Want to avoid ER at all costs so he may go try to get a zpak today.
Nebulizing very diluted H2O2 plus two drops iodine 3x’s a day REALLY helped us. Go to Deep Roots at Home website. She’s got excellent info. on what to do.
Excellent.... decontamination of upper airways seems to be key.
Take Zinc supplements. Suck on a lemon wedge every day, should be plenty of vitamin C. I’m not the type to recommend vitamin D supplements, but I haven’t seen the sun in weeks in my neck of the woods so a vitamin D supplement may do you well. Gargle mouthwash repeatedly, get the back of the throat clean, & rinsing the sinuses will do you well. Stay well hydrated and keep it humid while you sleep to help the mucus in your lungs wash out the pathogen. Maybe you SHOULD have been vaccinated, I don’t pretend to know all the answers like some people do. My approach to this entire pandemic has been to wait & see. Maybe that’s a stupid approach. But to paraphrase the Reddit investing bro apes, I can remain retarded for longer than they can remain solvent. 🤷🏻♂️
There is a LOT of info out there and I feel like I've read it all! Doing all that you recommended already. I got over my "cold" quickly, and thought the povidone iodine swabbing and rinsing made a big difference. My hubs hasn't done as well. Upping the Vitamin C dosage and using the liposomal kind. It's the nights that it comes back hard, so the humidity suggestion is a good one. A big no to vaccination though. :) Haven't done the nebulizing which someone else mentioned, so I'm going to get one.
Add doxycycline 100 mg/bid. Will block the inflammation, and will also block the upregulation of degradative enzymes that inflame/break down lung tissue.
Doxy in addition to a zpak?
I'd also get a pulse oximeter you can get one from amazon for about $30.00 this way you'll know if your O2 saturation drops below an acceptable level. Consider adding Black seed oil supplement , no sugar ! Sugar increases inflammation ! We both had covid 6.5 weeks ago followed the FLCCC protocol, with ivermectin all good now. Except the taste and smell is still not fully back but getting there!
Yes, we have had one since August, thanks.
Not just children. Everyone!
Don't forget the splendid job Pfizer did testing its Covid "vaccine." Posting this video is what got Robt Malone booted off twitter:
I hear Viagra is fun at parties. Never personally had the need though.
Just imagine if something similar happens to our children who have taken these experimental Vaccine trials and when they decided to have children. Does anyone have that answer does anyone think of what these downsides could be down the road? Way to many unanswered questions and not worth the chance to find out with our future and if you are Planning on having a family. Will this get Passed on to your child? Fauci and Collins need to be asked serious questions. The fun and games have been over for me in March 2020.
Alex, why do you still trust Pfizer with childhood va$$ines? ALL va$$ines are POISON and NOT needed. I am 64 years old, only had 2 unnecessary va$$ines as a child. I had measles, mumps, chickpox as a child and so did all my friends, these are normal childhood illness. NATURAL IMMUNITY for the WIN!!!
I'm 66 years old. I had a few childhood vaccines, and I believe I was injured by one or more of them. I have good reason to believe this, but I can't prove it. I didn't suddenly develop seizures or other dramatic illness. But something did cause me to change in negative ways, for sure. I have my mother's observations and my own memories to support this fact. Few people knew about vaccine injury back then, so I never suspected this until fairly recently.
I think both of my sisters were also vaccine injured as young children. One sister developed severe migraine headaches when she was quite young, and another sister had asthma, which was severe enough to require repeated hospitalization. I think both of these conditions were caused by childhood vaccines.
As my retired health practitioner sister says, “We are all vaccine-injured”. Would be good if the current disaster would wake more people up to this fact.
Yes! I hope it does!
THANK GOD, my 4 grand children are NOT va$$ed!! They are super kind, healthy and smart. and Yes, we ARE ALL VA$$INE INJURED !!!! many different injuries, minor and very major injuries. Its because they are filled with POISONs and POISONs injure and kill us.
Check out Forrest Maready for insights on vaccine injury before anyone else was talking about it:
So true, part of the big scam of the exploding vaccine schedule is how they’ve conditioned the public to fear these, for the most part, harmless diseases. Sounds a lot like Covid vax, huh?
I saw someone ask this somewhere and I thought it was a good question. They're constantly telling us that the vax doesn't have long-term consequences - but if they didn't know that the vax would lose efficacy long-term, how do they know that there won't be long-term side effects?
More to the point, how can the long-term effects of a brand-new drug be known at all? If it's only existed for <18 months, how can they claim to know what effects it may have after 10 years?
Maybe the long-term risk is acceptable for those 60+ who are most at risk and who may not live to suffer long-term damage anyway, but what teenager or 20-something would risk crippling themselves for life by taking a drug for a disease that poses almost no risk to them?
I think they sidestep the question of long-term consequences of the jab because they just don't know. This stuff didn't go through all stages of animal trials and was never injected into humans before approximately 2 years ago. The human trial, I believe we're in phase 3 right now, is playing out before our very eyes, with initial reports coming in 2023. Hundreds of millions of people are lab rats and don't even realize it :(
I think I'd rather just trust the geniuses who run occupy democrats than question that statement lol
How many pregnant women took the vax and the babies have complications? I know one who died 3 weeks after birth from a platelet disorder. Doctors couldn’t figure out the source of the issue. Sounds a lot like the calves. Is this being researched?
A short time before the mRNA vaccines were released, I saw a video about them that explained how they work. Long story short, they don’t work, they never have, they’re not vaccines and they mess up your immune system so you are vulnerable to other diseases and it is possible they can be programmed to react to another man made virus. I didn’t understand everything in the video but understood enough that no way in hell I would get one. Everything she said is happening except the new virus.
We've known that since Thalidomide... albeit, back in those days the authorities were quick(er) to react.
Of course, the mid-wit response to that, if they are aware at all is "The $cience is better now".
No it isn't, it's just more corrupt.
Quicker to react...and yet it still took FIVE YEARS for Thalidomide to be pulled. We're barely one year into these Chinese virus experimental drugs.
sorry I didn't read far enough to see you already posted about the 5 years it took to get thalidomide off the market.
LOL no worries! We're flooding the zone!
It took almost 5 years before they acknowledged Thalidomide was causing the birth defects
I mentioned thalidomide to my sister-in-law who works at a pharmaceutical company and she told me that it was never used in the United States...? I was under the impression that it was used worldwide including the US and that there were several birth defects due specifically to that drug.
I'm still under that impression and haven't seen/heard anything to the contrary other than what she told me.
It *was* used in the US, but it was never FDA-approved for general use in the US.
"The US FDA refused to approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution. However, the drug was distributed in large quantities for testing purposes, after the American distributor and manufacturer Richardson-Merrell had applied for its approval in September 1960. The official in charge of the FDA review, Frances Oldham Kelsey, did not rely on information from the company, which did not include any test results. Richardson-Merrell was called on to perform tests and report the results. The company demanded approval six times, and was refused each time. Nevertheless, a total of 17 children with thalidomide-induced malformations were born in the US. Oldham Kelsey was given a Presidential award for distinguished service from the federal government for not allowing thalidomide to be approved for sale in the US." ~ per Wiki, FWTW
Nevertheless, it took five years for Thalidomide's side effects to be sufficient to pull it from the market for pregnant women. We're barely one year into the Chinese virus vaxxes, AND, I would argue the FDA is far less trustworthy now than perhaps they've ever been.
Interesting.. thank you! I honestly feel the comment's section is equally informative as Alex's posts!
Do you also remember a drug in the late 60's I think DES? that was causing all sorts of problems for women and it took law suits to get off the market, I seem to remember if the mother took it it could affect her female child, I remember seeing stuff on the news about it but can't remember the whole story to look it up
Yes, DES I believe was given to women in the 1940's or 50's perhaps to prevent miscarriages and it seemed to affect the fertility of the child. I have a friend who was actually part of a class action lawsuit whose mother took DES and she had difficulty conceiving. She actually was awarded compensation, even though in reality there is no equal compensation.
How about Premarin? How many women developed cancer and died from it?
I had a friend whose mother took it, and she had some effects, though I don't recall what they were. You simplycan't know the longterm effects in the short term.
That's bull-s***. I personally saw children born without arms and/or legs when I was a little kid visiting my sibling at a children's hospital. Gas lighting in the highest form. I'm still traumatized by what I witnessed.
Totally agree with you! I told my husband what my sister-in-law said and he looked at me like I had five heads and said "well my mom was a nurse and she personally saw kids injured by that drug so..." Perhaps she is splitting the baby since it wasn't officially FDA approved...? In all honesty I didn't really care what she said because I knew what I had read and she can sit there and spin it all she wanted to but a lot of these drugs are bad news!
Your SIL is either an idiot or a liar. In the 90s I worked with a woman inTN who's mother had been given thalidomide. She herself had health issues and was sterile because of it.
Yes, and I've heard tons of stories very much like what you described in your post. Sadly though my sister-in-law is quite liberal and claims she refuses to watch the news because she's sick of it but she also enthusiastically is signing up her teenage kids for boosters claiming the vaccines are 100% safe..."I'd never give anything to my kids that isn't safe..."
She's obviously demented. Teenagers...boosters? I'm sorry you have this within your sphere, but y'all do your best to chronicle, with compassion, and if you have children? Hold them dear and teach them well.
Yes, thank you! And I can tell you my two teenagers will not get that vaccine! I think too she's one of those that will comply just so her and her family aren't limited in what they can do in society... Like international travel or restaurants or entertainment venues. I'm personally not willing to sell out my health or the health of my family for any of those things... But her teenage daughter is going to Spain with the school club in just a month so all power to them and I hope everything works out for her.
you know it's funny, people were asking why I was risking losing my job over a vaccine. And they would say all snotty "because of your freedom?" like it was a dirty word.
How many people have gotten the vax or made their kids get it so they would have the "freedom" to live their life like we used to?
Exactly! I totally agree with you...like freedom isn't worth it?
I think though they look at it like you're giving up your freedom because now you can't go to every restaurant you want to, or you can't go to a music concert, or you can fly overseas, etc. I look at it like I don't need to get injected with a substance that they don't know much about it all to "live". There is no where I want to go or no music band or sporting event or theater event I want to see or restaurant I want to eat in that I would sell my health out for, or worse the health of my children, to just comply "to live". You give them this and they won't stop... It won't be just a jab next time ... they'll just keep going stripping away your freedoms step by step.
Hypocrites! They’re reasoning is justified and righteous. They’re sacrificing they’re child’s future in order for them to have ‘freedom’, but it still isn’t happening. The colleges are still implementing barbaric restrictions. Why?
It's part of their indoctrination and submission plan...control control control
Has anyone looked at the obesity in teenagers? Now, ask yourselves how intelligent and informed the parents of these children are?
Very good point!
Maddie's mother was enthusiastic about enrolling her kids in the clinical trials...
I saw some of the testimony... absolutely devastating. And no one seems to care... totally disgusting
Thalidiomide occurs a an cis-trans isomerism, which means that a part of the molecules in the compound is a mirror of the other part. Like a left-hand glove is to a right-hand one.
This cis-trans discovery was rather new, and the common opinion was that chemical and biological reactions must be the same for the different shapes, if they was concerned about it at all.
There was a difference between the substance synthesized in a lab for testing, and the industrial product that was distributed to the customers. The latter had a high part of the harmful variant. The lab variant had not.
The approvals round the world was based on the harmless version. But it was rejected in the USA. The reason was a certain FDA pharmacologist Frances Oldham Kelsey, who stopped it and later was rewarded for it by the President Kennedy, in 1962. (Wikipedia).
Wikipedia says nothing about the cis-trans isomerism, though.
Excellent information! Yes, much obliged.
Very interesting... thank you for that! Now I'm no chemist but if the opinion was that the reactions would be the same for different shapes it sounds like someone needed to go back and rethink that. And shame on not using the same substance for the lab and general population use. Totally sloppy and harmful.
Here you go. From:
"In April 1962, the FDA finally revealed that thalidomide had been distributed widely as samples in a clinical trial. Even then, the information was treated as a minor event in American newspapers, apparently because the FDA said no women who took the medication had so far delivered a baby with birth defects. They were wrong."
Yes!!! This is one I came across! Thank you. I was just amazed at her comment. Of course then two sentences later she was boasting about how her 16-year-old daughter was getting her booster shot in just 4 days 😳🤦😳. Since this was on Christmas Day, I just nodded and walked away, internally shaking my head.
It was- my aunt took it.
Oh I'm sorry...I hope she wasn't injured or if she had children they were okay
I had an Epiphany this week. I finally realized that 1/3 of the commercials (I watch limited TV) are for prescription drugs. I guess people living with HIV play a lot of tennis as the drug for that condition is heavily advertised on the Tennis Channel.
Funny I don’t remember this much drug advertising before Obamacare. You name the condition, there’s a drug. Go run to your prescription slip provider and get happy.
Do you notice that the drugs so heavily advertised on TV are never cures? Drug companies want customers dependent for life. The drugs 'manage' the condition, or 'relieve symptoms' of chronic illness, but they do not resolve the problem. Big Pharma was hoping the boosters for life would become another cash cow.
They make up "conditions" a lot of the time also. Only the US and NZ allow pharma to advertise directly to the public. Those commercials are insidious attempts at mind control.
And half of the commercial is listing all of the side effects while the actors are looking so happy to have them.
One good thing, there was a commercial for something that every time it came on, I would ask why in the world would anyone ever take this crap with a list of side effects this bad? Then my doctor prescribed me something to help lower my cholesterol because it was just a little high. After a month it felt like all of the cartilage in my body had dissolved and I couldn't work out because of the joint pain. It even felt like I had gotten shorter so I quit taking it. It turns out it was the generic version of that same medicine in the commercial. After that, no matter how great they say a med is I always look it up first and just assume I will get the side effects, because usually I will.
I'm sorry you had that experience. The same goes with bone drugs. They are devastating. My mom's best friend couldn't come see her at the end of her life because her femur snapped while walking across her kitchen. After speaking with women in assisted living, no one uses them after about 6 months to a year and many have permanent digestive issues. It doesn't take but a quick search to see how devastating they are...all just to "reduce your risk" for a hip fracture. No mention from my endocrinologist about diet and balance exercise...just pill, pill, pill. I'm not saying that drugs don't have their place, but I think alot are not being tracked at all and people are being harmed.
Statins- the number one money- maker for big Pharma. It causes brain fog, lethargy, joint pain, ED, etc. Cardiologist Rx it like candy, knowing all the side effects. They don’t inform the patients.
Do you listen to the list of conditions and side effects that can develop with those drugs. We don’t hear any thing about side effects and possible death. Wonder why not?
Look in magazines. Same thing; mostly pharma ads. In a non-election year, 70% of ads on TV are for pharma. Network news is not gonna kill the golden goose by telling the truth about these drugs....
Which is why the news won't report anything. Look at magazines, same shit.
We and New Zealand are the only ones that allow drug commercials, would bet Fauci was a part of that decision
How ironic they deem Ivermectin "Horse Medicine" and we have a Veterinarian leading our public health crisis- and make no mistake, he has been leading this effort.
Bourla Is a doctor of veterinary medicine,I been telling people the vaccine was originally prescribed for animals because it worked long enough to get the animal to the culling cycle.That is why repeat doses will be needed forever,because it only works for a short period of time.Bourla is the evil overlord of Animal Farm.
I just read Animal Farm last night. It made me very sad.
Interesting! Some argue that they have done NO studies on animals: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/conspiracy-theorist-asks-4-doctors-whats-in-the-clotshot/
Horrifying beyond belief.
I heard a stat last night unlike any other currently in the (independent) news; that Pfizer is sued more than any other corporation. So I decided to check and Google’d “most sued company in the world”. Not only is Pfizer first in line but holds the distinction of “record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice”. Naturally that case pre-dates covid and Pfizer’s new-found BFF status..
Not just fines, felonies, too.
So here is the issue. Who else other than subscribers will get this info? Which media outlet will carry it? It used to be that this would gave been front page news. But i don't see it anywhere. If someone posts this does it get “banned” “deleted” “censored”
You're absolutely right! And I would wager that if Donald Trump was still in office we would know every single adverse reaction to these vaccines. They would have probably already impeached him and tried to bring him up under charges for crimes against humanity even though Pfizer's the one that holds all accountability.
When they finally run up the flag on the inoculations, they’ll find / invent a narrative that its Trump’s fault that they failed and killed or maimed people.
Maybe Trump should run in 2024, so the MSM will finally report the vaccine deaths and damage. It's always about Politics, not the welfare of the people.
The problem here is under Emergency Approvals there is no liability. Where are the lawyers?
And who are the geniuses that approved the "no liability" clause in the first place? If Pharma didn't have enough confidence to issue the jab without it, maybe they should have done more testing. OH right! The jab was needed to oust Trump. I would demand an investigation but that would be thru congress and they can't investigate anything but school board meetings.
Didn't Congress approve the no liability clause? They are in the pocket of Big Pharma, remember. Why be surprised?
Read this a while back. I'm not a lawyer but thought it was a good overview of the evolution of vaccine liability protection
Interesting read.. thank you for this link!
Yes, that is the problem! Maybe because there's no liability, there's no money to be made hence no lawyers speaking up.
If you were to try to post it in the comments section of the New York Times it would simply not be posted. I've tried to post stuff like this there and they've blocked my posts.
It would be helpful to have a reminder of how big pharma and their sponsored media were able to convince the world that the shots were going to be safe long term as long as it didn't kill you within the first few weeks. In the history of failed vaccine attempts, how many times did problems pop up years later? If it happened many times, what was their explanation?
It's called state-controlled media, a.k.a. propaganda. Continual, overwhelming, constant, endless, shameless propaganda.
"They all lied in perfect unison." (That's a quote from George Orwell's novel Burmese Days.)
The Daily Talking Points are Emailed / Faxed in unison to all the Propaganda MSM Talking Heads.
Project mockingbird. But I can't remember their story since I don't follow regime media. What was their basis for declaring them safe over the long-term? Did they just claim that never happens?
There was and is no absolutely basis for declaring the "vaccines" safe over the long-term. They never talk about long-term injuries from vaccines of any kind. That topic is verboten.
Anything deaths or injuries before 2 weeks after last shot in caused by the Covid Virus, not the Vaccine. How Convenient to the narrative!
True. Very fraudulent. But Nomad was asking about long-term injuries. Those are simply ignored and denied.
The "Vaccine Church" as Alex likes to refer to them believes they're safe and isn't interested in hearing otherwise, and anyone who says different is a filthy dirty crazy antivaxer and public enemy.
Just finished watching Dopesick on Hulu about the opioid crisis, the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharma. I’m sure some of the mini series is embellished at times but the greed of these companies and the blind eye the government takes with them is abhorrent. The parallels that I’m seeing with the current situation are striking. To be able to increase the dose of OxyContin for unsuspecting people they create a term called “Breakthrough Pain” and I couldn’t help but think of Breakthrough Cases. To know that people from the FDA and DOJ just go and work for these companies should be illegal. Conflict of interest perhaps???? Also just started Rogans pod with John Abramson. Another tale of Pharma crime.
If anything, they underplayed the seriousness.
Too bad that virtually all scientific institutions and universities in Germany are now incapable of investigating anything. There has been an absolutely unprecedented change in the last two years: revered institutions such as the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences) writes pro-lockdown reports on demand of the government, which the government then uses to justify the lockdowns. We have a federal, theoretically independent ethical review panel that rubber-stamps anything the government desires including population wide vaccine mandates (although there has been a bit of a sea change in the last weeks, due to the huge weekly protests all across the country). I could go on.
A huge pharmaceutical company lacks ethics? Shocking!!!
😡😡😡This is not coincidence what is going on w/the clot shots - this is purposeful, malintent and pharmaceutical malpractice. Bourla is clearly as guilty as Fauci and Gates and all the rest hiding in the shadows of this evil scheme. These are crimes against humanity on a scale that makes Hitler look like a novice. The excellent reporting and exposure is so vital to bringing this crime syndicate to justice.