The problem isn't at all that "we" were "duped" or "hoped for" something we didn't get.

"We" were FORCED, bullied, coerced, threatened, imprisoned, fired. I promise you 90% or more of the people shot up with this shit aren't mentally ill internet fanatics- they just had their jobs, kids, and freedom threatened. (We can argue about whether their capitulation makes them weak).

They weren't excited about "safe and effective." They were forced.

All of this is about the fact that allegedly free nations became fascist states overnight and forced an innocent, 99% safe populace to take a drug at legal gunpoint.

I could give a shit about someone who seeks out and buys heroin and sticks it in our arm.

We had drug dealers come to our house and tell us they'd take the house and our children and lock us in the backs of their cars if we didn't stick it in our arm.

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The "mass formation psychosis" model that Dr Malone popularized last week was like therapy for me. It's not that my over-educated long-term friends have been "mentally ill internet fanatics" over the last 2 years ... but on the Covidland stuff, they sure acted like that.

I was confused about this until I recently watched Dr Malone's interview with Rogan, and then a Tommy Carrigan 3-way interview with Doc Malone, Peter Mc, and the Beligan scientist who is the world expert on "mass formation".

What did I learn? 30% of people -- ESPECIALLY the over-educated -- act like "mentally ill internet fanatics" ... the nicer word is "hypnotized".

Another 30% is us ... the heroes in the Resistance a.k.a. "conspiracy theory nutjobs" according to the former 30%.

The final 40% is caught in the middle. They're not hypnotized, but they lack the cajones to join us in the Resistance with both feet. "[T]hey just had their jobs, kids, and freedom threatened".

It's that 40% that we need to win over. And we can.

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Sorry if the phrase "mentally ill internet fanatics" was uncharitable. How about "batshit cultist brownshirts?"

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Paul the apostle told the basis of what has happened long ago. Those who reject God and live their godless, selfish lives in rebellion to their Creator, are given over to a reprobate mind...a mind void of sound judgment (Romans 1:28). This is a sign of God's judgment upon those people and upon our nation. Most of our leaders have it in govt, education, the media, business, big tech, big pharma, big farm, big food...you name it. They are doing things that are insane and deadly, but are making them rich. Their callousness for human life is palpable. We have mass murderers running this country and so many bow to their every whim as their gods.

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Strange days these are. A little about myself: I'm one winter away from 60. For 60 years, or at least from age 3, I've been a-religious, even though (maybe "because"?) my mother was very devoted.

So for 60 years, I ignored any "religious" language deployed in a "rational" argument.

And then came Covidland. And I joined this Substack and the Doc Malone one. And I find myself thrilled and warmed to read comments like this.

Brothers and sisters, we're coming from wildly different places and world views, but no matter our starting place, we're all converging upon the same, holy, shining hill.

Go, Resistance, go!

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I, too, have reconnected with my lost spirituality over the past year. It started when my dad nearly died from Guillaine-Barre (jury's out as to how he got it, but you can guess...).

Then it continued when I was forced to request either a medical or a religious exemption in order to continue paying for my home and feeding my family. After finding out my doctor has been programmed by Big Medicine to push the vaxes, I opted to pursue the religious exemption. Did all the research, read a bunch of scripture, voraciously consumed many expert opinions--both legal and evangelical--and found myself meaning every single word of my four-page exemption request letter explaining my "sincerely held beliefs" as to why my body should remain free of that poison.

I got my exemption, joined a nice local church, and find time to pray nearly every single day. I have so much to be grateful for, but there are still so many others who need prayers as well. Top of my list right now: SCOTUS.

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While I have been a church goer all my life and raise my children in the church, similar experience for me. Other than the fact that my exemption remains in the system, pending, for 42 days. So I'm guessing denied! God has a plan! And the data gets better every day, showing me that I was absolutely correct in listening to my conscience on this one.

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Dr. Peter McCullough noted recently that the 500 doctors that comprise America's Frontline Doctors (which valiantly fighting the system and allowing people to receive early treatment) are almost all people who regularly attend church and synagogue.

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Yup. If you don't have some kind of spirituality, you have to create it. Thus comes a blind belief in science: not just in the goodness of the process itself, but desperation for more than it can deliver.

Furthermore, it seems very possible that one of the intentions of this gene therapy is to turn off people's "religious gene":


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flu shot is my guess. I'm sorry. Welcome back to your faith!

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That's his doc's theory; he was jabbed for flu last fall and fell ill in January.

Thanks for the welcome! Feels great that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit patiently waited for me all this time!

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SCOTUS is a wicked group of communists whom God Almighty has targeted for destruction. Americans should be calling for their impeachment, every one of them. They have betrayed this country and allow their R v W to continue day after day with thousands murdered each day, and they do nothing. They hate babies and children and are as close to Satan as people can get on this earth. They are the wickedness in high places in our govt.

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It is a place of light and a love for the truth and despising lies. Christ is the light of the world and the truth. Those on the left, the communists, and many lying conservatives (who support them by their actions, though their words try to cover their evil deeds) hate the light and clearly hate Christian morality.

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All truth is Christ's. This is why I think going along with wearing the face diapers is the pinch of incense for Caesar: I know it's a lying gesture of confidence in something that doesn't work and is actually detrimental on so many levels.

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I look at it a little differently. Early on, I found many of the people I was listening to had an underlying religious faith. I thought it was odd until I heard Dr. Malone talking about mass formation and how the prerequisite was social alienation, anxiety and then something that offered a new social bond that could be latched onto. I figure the religious already had a bond that was not undone by the fear of a virus and this enabled them to resist and see through the lure of "the vaccine is the path back to normal".

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Yeah, that was in the 3-way video I mentioned. Religious folks fail the first and third of the four attributes of the "sheep": (1) feeling socially isolated (3) feeling no purpose in life.

That's the analytical way of saying: I'm loving the religious people, even if I'm not one of them.

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We “ religious “ people live by faith not fear, I had a very strong discernment, which comes from the spiritual, that this was a scam on day one. I have Never been fearful. I also think my healthcare background was of some assistance. Hang in there people.

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Well, my friend, I too "had a very strong discernment, which comes from [see below], that this was a scam on day one. I have Never been fearful. I also think my healthcare [passion and knowledge] was of some assistance."

Before the "mass formation psychosis" model, I would have identified "my education" as the source of my "very strong discernment".

But then the experts (Doc Malone and the Belgian dude) explained that it is precisely the over-educated who fall for this scam hook line and sinker.

So what was it in me? Clue is that my two over-educated sisters both line up with us.

My best guess? My sisters and I were raised in a factory town by blue collar parents. We grew up with a vague but profound suspicion of the rich people -- the owners of the factories and their lawyers -- who lived on a hill at the edge of town.

That suspicion has stayed with me, and apparently my sisters, through our migration to the white collar society.

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I think your insight was a good one.

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I have always been part of the "resistance" but I can't be overly vocal because I'm the sole breadwinner in the family and can't risk losing my contract when I have five kids. But ... I haven't given in on anything. I don't wear masks, I won't get my kids vaccinated with this vaccine (polio? measles? Sure!), and I don't lie about it. But I tend to remain silent too much. My oldest is a cop in a major city -- if they mandate the vaccine, the already short-staffed police department will lose a minimum of 20% of their officers. MINIMUM. It's why the city backtracked on the mandate. (Fortunately, our state is fighting the mandates.) I see this happening in many other areas as well, though it's hard to get people to report on it ...

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Yeah ... silence. The day before Christmas, I had a hike with a dear friend I've known for 20 years+. How "dear"? I wrote the forward in his recent book.

At the end of our hike, as were getting in our cars, I asked what he was doing for Christmas.

With chin raised slightly with a certain pride, he said his kids were flying in, and they would go first into the garage where he would test them for omicron.

I think you know what was in my head and on my lips at hearing that. It's less than .1 sigma from any response you all would have provided.

Instead, I bit my lip and said: "Well have fun".

Got in my car, and tried not to shake my head too obviously.

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It is so difficult. I had a friend who went crazy. One night as I was leaving happy hour we ran into one another and walked for a bit together, as we were both headed home on foot.

Immediately he started talking about his booster and how everyone needs to get one and how I should go to the clinic near the Trader Joe's because "they don't ask any questions" (this was before it was approved for under 65) and I just nodded and plotted a way to get away from him. The only thing I responded to was when he said that vaccines were better than natural immunity, and my response was weak "I don't think that's true."

Fast forward a month and we get invited to his house for Christmas Eve. I like him a lot and his wife is one of my best friends so we said yes. A few days later the dreaded text comes: Are you vaccinated?

So I finally had to "come out" as unvaccinated, instead of just dodging questions. It turned out for the best, as the text format allowed me to express myself in an eloquent way. I'm still friends with the wife, not so sure I want to see his weird face ever again.

All in all ... I too wish I was speaking up more often. But honestly we need to find the right time and place, as pushing it at the wrong time can have a negative outcome.

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Man. Seems many of us have poignant and sad stories like this one. For me, it was the about the decline and death of an older man who was a mentor for me in my younger days, and also the same man who officiated my marriage.

I know his son well, and hike with him.

Before the older man died, I asked the son if I could see him one last time.

Answer came: "Nope. You're not vaccinated." I wasn't invited to the funeral either; almost certainly for the same reason.

In my younger days, I would have ended the friendship with the son over this. But I'm old now, and like I've said on these threads, the "mass formation psychosis" model has saved me from anger and from burning all of my 20- and 30-year-old bridges.

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I would like this but I need a sad or a hug button. My mom is 75 and not vaccinated and at first I was on the fence because she's older and in the "at-risk" group, but she's a healthy 75 and now I definitely don't want her to get it. Plus, I think she had it when we all did, just got a mild case (she was coughing and had a fever at the same time my husband and I both had it as well as our teenage son. But we never tested. We knew the symptoms because our daughter, the cop, had it and WAS tested positive.) My mom is worried that she'll be disinvited to a wedding she's going to in California if they ask if she's vaccinated because she won't lie.

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I'm so sorry you experienced that. That is very sad. We need human contact and love right now, and any block to that is just wrong.

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Same type of situation for me. Only the invitee knew we were not vaccinated (but Covid recovered). They also knew my husband was advised by VA doctor not to get the shot because he had anaphylactic reactions to meds in the past. About two days before the party, which was to take place on New Years Day, I got a text from the host saying that we were the only people at the party not vaccinated, and would we mind each taking a Covid tests that Walgreens was selling for 10.00 each before we came to their party? I said that we would not be attending.

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Oh I got that "will you take a test" thing too. I said no and that I'm not going to a party where people are scared of me. I'm not a virus factory, I'm not sick, and I can't make anyone sick and I don't want to feel those negative vibes anyway.

Then I responded to the wife specifically and said that I knew this wasn't coming from her, that she is always a rational person, and I thanked her for being such. She responded well to that and I felt like I made some headway with her.

It's all so disappointing, but there are still subtle ways we can talk to people. Little breadcrumbs to guide them.

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Yes -- right time, right place. We do need to speak up, but from a place of love not anger. I try not to get angry with people because they have been brainwashed. But I think if I can just tell them what I think, and not expect to convert then, maybe later they'll start thinking about it ... or research on their own. Maybe it's up to us to just open them to the possibility.

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It's really not hard to respond in these situations. I have done so many many times, with close friends and less close friends. In a very very blue small town in a blue NE state with lots of PhDs and consultant types, along with the highly educated soccer moms. I don't often start the topic, but if it comes up I never just play along. I just mention some fact that I know that they don't, paper I just read, etc. Most people are actually quite curious and interested. I'm not trying to change their minds, just airing information they haven't heard. Whether I have had an impact or not, sure feels better to me to not be silent. Talked a bunch to a local mom who was involved in the public school opening plan fall 2020 - definitely had an impact. Just facts, and lack of fear goes a long way. Note: I have friends who have super neurotic frightened Karen-friends, and I have to admit I haven't tried talking to that type.

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It's very hard. I have 5 kids. 4 are with me on this, 1 lives in NY and has been brainwashed. She almost cancelled Christmas because of omicron -- I had bought her ticket months ago. I love her to pieces and wanted to see her so badly -- I started to cry. She ended up coming. (Yes, I guilted her into it, I'm sure.) But keeping everyone from talking about COVID to avoid arguments? That was hard. But family is more important than anything. I'm not going to cave on this, but I'm also not going to lose my daughter. So I zipped it. ... Oh, my cousin, who is my age (50) didn't want the vaccine. She is masked all day (a dispatcher for the police/fire in her town, in California.) She wasn't mandated to get it. Her mom basically browbeat her into getting it. She did. Got sick -- with symptoms, etc -- a week after her second shot. REALLY sick, with COVID. (Tested positive.) And her mom doesn't see the correlation. She told my cousin, "Well, if you weren't vaccinated you would have been in the hospital!" (My cousin is super healthy, a runner, a health-nut -- not at risk.)

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I totally understand. Our younger son is living with us for the time being and secretly got the vaccine because he knew we were against it. It was so depressing. He won’t talk about it either. I did get him to take some supplements that I thought might help. He did not have a bad reaction to the shots, but I’m afraid he might get a booster. He’s a young man and could very possible suffer heart problems. Don’t know what to do. My husband and I both had Covid so we don’t worry about ourselves at all. But we are worried sick about him and what he might do. He starts grad school in a few weeks and will be away from home.

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"secretly got the vaccine because he knew we were against it" ... our 16-year-old girl doesn't have her driver's license yet and we home-school her. That reason right there is why I'm urging my wife to "slow walk" her driving training.

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Hate to say it, but his grad school is probably mandating the booster. This is the stuff that gets my blood boiling.

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Maybe your son would be willing to hear this objective evidence of the risk he would be taking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_df67JdhGB8

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I can't tell you how many times I've had friends who now have contracted COVID and then recovered (healthy and in their 50's-60's) say the same thing about isn't it great they got the vaccination or else they may not have made it. I clamp my jaw shut because I haven't yet found a polite way to ask how they came to that conclusion since the data doesn't support it. They most likely would have been fine.

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Yup, just like I was fine when I had "alpha" variant a year ago with NO "vaccines." Didn't need them then, and thanks to alpha, I haven't "needed" them since! Safe and effective natural immunity for the win!

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I know, I don't understand! I just heard someone last week who had had the first 2 shots, got Covid over Christmas (and a pretty bad case of it with 103 degree fever, etc.), and he said he was definitely getting his booster because, "I don't want to get that again!" Whaattt??

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Kudos to you for having the patience to not say anything to your friend. Patience is a virtue which is hard for many of us. Sad, that you couldn't at least have a conversation tho.

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Love the 1 sigma reference, fellow scientist...

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Hey, fellow scientist, don't forget the all-important "." (i.e. .1, not 1) :)

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I missed it! even funnier..

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AB, you had to do what's right for your family. Don't let anyone bully you for being silent, but good for you for not wearing masks etc. I CAN afford to be vocal, and I take great heart when I look over and see somebody unmasked. It speaks volumes!

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I don't bully easily. I was a Republican in California for most of my life until I convinced my husband we had to move ... 3 years ago. Before all this. Happily soaking in the beautiful Arizona winter!

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I think you've got it mostly right here but I don't know that it's a lack of cajones for most of the 40%, I think it's mostly ambivalence combined with at least some brainwashing. If you're ambivalent then you're almost certainly getting most if not all of your information from the propaganda machine because you aren't going to know that you need to make the effort to find better sources if information.... you don't even really know that the situation is bad enough to warrant you making the effort. I would guess that 3/4 of the 40% are vaccinated which gives them an additional incentive to not make the effort to prove they made a mistake.

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My husband is in that 40%. I’m having a hard time convincing him of the importance of resisting. He is passive and more about pragmatism. He’s not convinced about the consequences of compliance, and what is coming next. When I do breakthrough, I get, “So what are you going to do about it?” He believes you might as well comply and enjoy whatever time you have left vs discomfort in internment camp. He would rather die early than resist although so far he has. I wonder how many others are like him?

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My sister-in-law has the same outlook. She said “what if it becomes like the handmaid’s tale or they create internment camps”. So she got the two shots. But now her job wants her to get a third shot and that is making her uncomfortable. She ran into a woman on the elevator at work that told her “what I put in my body is between me & god”. This made a bigger impact on her, hearing this from a stranger. I think it will take time till they see how far the government will go. Or until the majority start fighting back & them not being in the minority.

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Perhaps send your husband to: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/what-if-the-largest-experiment-on/comment/4265867

It's a story about an Indiana insurance CEO raising the alarm bell because since mid-year 2021, his company has been hemorrhaging major money over paying out life insurance benefits (for 18-64 year olds).

The CEO is not speaking out from politics. I suspect the reason he's speaking out is he's looking for a government bail out.

Point is that the data is true. 18-64 year olds covered in their jobs by this life insurance policy are dropping dead at rates so extreme it classifies as a "1 in 200 years" event.

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Interesting that this wasn’t an issue in 2020. Thanks!

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You betcha. "3rd and 4th quarters of 2021" only. Wonder what happened in mid-year 2021? Couldn't have anything to do with the vax rates hitting 50% at that time, could it? Nah ... :)

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Is he so naïve that he believes he only has to comply once by getting vaccinated and everything will be rosy? I think this is about a lot more than Covid19 vaccine mandates. He can probably look forward to lots of complying if there are too many more like him and I hope there aren't any kids involved because their future is essentially being sacrificed for his comfort.

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I have tt him about how it will affect our kids. Yes I agree with you on everything you wrote and made the argument. He’s not convinced of the internment camps and if they’re true and I have to go it’s my decision. He thinks it’s useless and foolish to resist if there is a choice between jab or Covid camp. I pray he changes his mind and that there are not many like him.

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To be fair, I can't imagine that being an easy decision for most people but I just hope he is not making the decision based on a likely false assumption that he gets the jab and everything is then just fine.

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I understand that he has worked hard and sacrificed a lot including family time over 30 years to get where he is at, but at the same time, agreed. Compliance will not equal normalcy. They want the next thing which is a chip in your brain. Klaus Schwab openly talks about it. How far will he and others be willing to go for “peace and security?” It’s in the Bible. They will promise peace and safety. But of course it is not true. He is a believer. He is just not willing to see the big picture despite my attempts. He knows but doesn’t want to acknowledge. Easier to justify that we have no choice and silly to try make a difference bc that’s also in the Bible. I don’t think he would take a chip but my concern is that whatever nanotechnology is in the v can be manipulated to cause a change in thought process. After all, this is not new tech for the powers that be. They have had it and trialed it through DARPA and private labs for years and no doubt used it in false flags. Do I sound crazy? Of course, but when it’s laid out by Davos Group, the WEC, Agenda30, Gates, and those who have investigated what’s in the shot as well as 5G, then what choice do we have but to use our God given ability to reason and trust the Holy Spirit to put on the brakes and say No! We will not comply. Jesus is my Savior and there are some things worse than death, namely facing my Savior having submitted to sociopathic pedophiles and murderers bc I wanted to be comfortable in life.

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That made me throw up my mouth a little.

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Can you post a link for the Tommy Carrigan interview or tell me how I could listen? Thanks.

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I agree with you that most of the people who took the first shots did so innocently. But NOW, it is on all those people to stand up and say "no more". Too many are not doing so. They are going along with vaccine passports and demonizing those who point out the truth. We need the MAJORITY of people to speak up against these vaccines and especially against mandates. We know now that they not only don't prevent the pandemic, they worsen it. The time for being afraid of losing your job is over.

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First step would be for big number of parents to refuse to boost their children, like they did in LA schools.

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Unfortunately, people are still hypnotized. It doesn't matter how much time elapses, what matters is how to shake them out of it so they can think critically.

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The only innocent populace are the babies and the little children. They are being slaughtered and brainwashed daily, and now vaccinated to death.

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When people realize how they targeted children, the people should be willing to string up these "public health authorities" like the people did to Mussolini.

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I think in the future, when millions are dead, most of them the wicked, and God has sent a great awakening, there will be a cry for justice and the Supreme Court will be first to hang.

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Jan 11, 2022
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I think the idea that people allowed their own children to be poisoned and to have to wear masks all day that not only don't allow them to breathe but retard their development so they have lower IQs - permanently - and they cannot read faces, a critical part of being human - this idea that people did this to their own children is so difficult to accept that many people simply cannot ever allow themselves to accept the reality.

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Jan 11, 2022
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I deleted my FB account at the beginning of last year when they blatantly stole our presidential election so I haven't seen the nauseating self-congratulatory posts. Once in awhile though I'll take a peak at one of my parents FB accounts, and the parents that proudly post about jabbing their kids (in some cases triple jabbed) makes me sick. Why do you feel the need to post this picture of your child getting the clot shot unless it is because you are a narcissistic woke POS?

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They would have been the first to offer their two-and-under sons to Herod.

And don't forget the parents who tossed their kids to Moloch.

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Mai Liberty, Love your comment. Ill hit "Like" but I want to make extra sure you know your comment is liked!

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It's the same motivation as a wedding where parents present their children to the public. It's become a rite of passage. Hopefully, some future generation will look at it as similar to genital mutilation.

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I was in a group conversation an got in a short conversation with a grandmother who was so glad that her daughter was vaccinating the grandchildren (5-12). Then they asked about my grandchildren and I said I was 100% against it because COVID is basically no danger to children. Her reply was what if that particular child is the one in a million who dies from COVID. I started in to the vaccine danger but other friends intervened before we continued. The fear they have instilled in people is palpable. I know that her concern is purely for the health of her grandchildren because she has no idea that the vaccines can have any long term effects. To her thinking there is 0 downside to vaccinating so why not. They have been sold a lie.

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My take was that the parents who were on board for vaccinating their children were doing so because they understood their job was to do what they could to facilitate their child's path in society. That's what makes this genetic modification therapy so nefarious. Parents who only want to do what's best by their children saw this as a necessary task to enable their children to play sports, go to sleep overs, get back in school. They trust the authorities because not to do so means being an outcast and failing their children. It's hard to grasp what a horror this is. Psyop.

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I think I love you Diane.

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They have been given over to a reprobate mind. It is part of the judgment of God upon the nation. The insanity you see over the vaccine is a result. People sold their souls long before and worship other gods and now the time has come to pay the piper.

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Hey Guttermouth, I agree with you though I will say I've experienced plenty of judgment from vaccine-happy friends and neighbors who are so happy to announce they've been "boosted" (ugh.. What a hideous expression). Yeah a bunch of people were coerced. Our youngest son in the Army for example, and it makes me frantic to think of the risk to him and other young people. But a whole lot of people ran for the bait without doing any research into it, glad to be free of risk of dying in an ICU. The fear campaign was very effective. Thank Fauci for that, stomping on early treatment and causing so much death.

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He stomped on it alright and caused a lot of death. My prayer is that he is tried for these crimes before he dies.

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It is to be hoped. If you don't already believe in justice coming from the hand of God, Fauci makes a good case for it, because there can never be enough justice for him, for what he's done, on this side of the grave.

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I mean, to "boost" something also to means to steal it...so, just sayin'.

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There were also those who were so terrified by the incessant MSM blathering regarding Covid deaths and risks that they rushed to get their vaccine as soon as they became available. I had several friends and co-workers relate to me how they literally cried in ecstatic relief when they received their shots last Spring. One friend posted the typical 'thumbs-up' selfie on her Facebook feed. Her tears were clearly visible in her photo. "Free at last ... ." Of course, things didn't quite go in that direction.

As you said, the vaccines were sold as "safe and effective," so it made sense for most people - even critical thinkers - to get in line if it meant bringing an end to the pandemic and returning to normal life. Peoples' hesitancy made no sense when it was so easy just to "get the jab".

Now, here we are with governments ignoring basic virology and creating sub-classes of citizens in order to coerce the noncompliant to get their shots. What is happening in places like Australia, Canada and NYC is mind-boggling. What is more mind-boggling is that a significant portion of the population remains in fear and are continuing to follow along with the ever changing narrative.

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Yeah like the idiots in masks, with masked toddlers in tow. I'm starting to think people enjoy being afraid.

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Yes - there is a certain kind of rush from adrenaline and fear. The rollercoaster and the horror movie are such things which stimulate in a world of max stimulus saturation. And now Covid Fear Theater. What's that lyric from Tool...? "Boredom's not a burden/ anyone should bear/constant stimulation numbs me/ but I would not want you/ any other way"

People are too deep across the digital borderline to real world - numbed to physical feeling...

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I am always cautious with any new medications. I didn't let my girls get the HPV vaccine when it first came out because I didn't trust it. I figured they could decide for themselves when they were 18. When the COVID vaccines came out, I was hesitant, particularly because it is a brand new type of vaccine never used at large scale on humans. I figured I'd watch and wait a few months to decide. Then the government started the coercion campaigns and I thought, "Oh h*** no, something is very very wrong" and decided no way was I taking it. If they had not going so fascistic, I may have made a very different decision because I wouldn't have started researching so much.

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This was the same thought I had when these experimental shots first came out. I was the opposite of an anti-vaxxer. I've gotten every single (FDA approved) vax out there. I got the flu vaccine every single year even though I know it's only at best 40% effective because I had never heard of anyone being injured or dying from it. What a difference a year makes! My eyes have been opened by this genocide and I will never let anyone inject me with any vaccine. Call me an anti-vaxxer if you wish. I will never trust anything Big Pharma and the government attempt to inject in my body.

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That gardisil is poison too! Girls have died from that!

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I said "No!" I'm still saying No!"

I read up. And thought. Many didn't.


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So did I. That why I have limited empathy for the people that went along to get along and enabled tyranny.

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Jan 11, 2022
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I said the exact same thing and I am no kid lol I let myself get talked into it but the 2nd shot was really bad for me so I tell my friends that the 3rd shot will surely kill me and I really believe that so they don't ask anymore.

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Jan 11, 2022
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The arrogant evil money hungry always overplay their hand. They just cannot help doing so.

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Jan 11, 2022
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The "wise Latina" needs to correct the record. She lied, perhaps unknowingly because she is a breathtaking idiot. If she lets her "100,000" statement stand, then she's more than just an idiot, she is evil. She or a spokesman needs to quickly send out a press release saying she misspoke or "was taken out of context" (face saver), then give the true number of children in the hospital for Covid. Otherwise she's a bad woman, responsible for a percentage of the vaccine injury in children going forward, especially in the Hispanic community where they might actually listen to the Wise Latina's irresponsible fear mongering. She's pretty dumb but maybe she'll step up and have mercy for the faceless voiceless children staring up with big eyes at the adults in the room. Or maybe she'll just ride on by in her limo.

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Right. Unfortunately she checked the box of Latina but not of wise!

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Jan 11, 2022
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They should sue. Starting with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Whatever happened to medical malpractice? As the daughter of physicians, in the past, it felt like physicians were being wrongfully sued for every little thing. But, now when they have actually performed crimes against humanity, not a single malpractice lawsuit. Where are all the ambulance chasers? I know the PREP act offers them some liability protection but I can't believe some lawyer can't find a loophole around that.

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Doctors, many were complicit.

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I know a woman who is a nurse and her husband a cardiologist. These are good, kind people in general. I don't have FB but my daughter was talking to me and said that this nurse said on FB that she won't treat people with COVID who are unvaccinated because they brought it on themselves. I can't tell you how much that has shaken me up. She truly is someone I would say is a pillar of the community. The fact that medical providers have come to this place so quickly and she would let me die if I came in sick is beyond my comprehension. Germany in the 1940s makes a lot more sense.

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I’ve often thought if I ever take my dad to the hospital for anything and ask me if he’s vaxxed I might tell a little white lie & say yes for better treatment from those who discriminate medically!

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It does violate their oath - wonder if they recall it.

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Alex suggests many of us will become quite angry. Those who follow these S-Stacks certainly are. Wonder if Fauci resigns soon? Jan 2023 and the investigations by the new reigning party will start. If one party had not decided to use this virus as a political weapon we might not seek revenge on the politicos.

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I thought Fauci would have resigned months ago. Nope. And I watched Rand Paul question him today and thought Rand did great, and then I go to Twitter and people who side with Rand thought he did great (i.e. me) and people that hate Rand thought Fauci "won" and I just shake my head. And Fauci is so arrogant and obnoxious he'll never resign. They're already walking back the CDC director's comment that 75% of people who died of COVID had 4 or more co-morbidities. They said it's "out of context" because she was talking about vaccinated deaths only. *bullshit*

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Sometimes I think that Twitter has professional swarms arrive to counter certain people. Readers might think them sincere, but I think they are desperate to destroy truth.

Spin they must but truth is arriving.

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No vaccines until December 2020. What about deaths prior to that date? This walking back makes no sense.

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I am angry, and I have been angry for almost 2 years. I saw through Fauci almost from the very beginning, despite knowing only a little about him (although I did a quick reading of his AIDS resume way back in May 2020). Now, however, having read RFK's book on him...I'm outraged. Resignation and a happy retirement are entirely too good for this man. But if we fail in this world, he will meet God's justice one day.

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Not revenge; justice. These people are behind the killing of thousands which might easily become millions. But don't count the chickens before they hatch. The corrupt election process has not yet been changed and computer switching of votes on the corrupt Dominion machines will continue unless they are thrown out and the manufacturers dealt with and those who caused the stolen election.

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🙏Nov 22 is super important which is why they’re trying to make changes to election law now! They’re in trouble & they know it!

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I am double vaxxed. Not boosted, won't do it. I was not threatened, bullied, coerced. I foolishly believed that I, at age 71 (then), was at high risk (because of my age - my only co-morbidity is slightly high bad cholesterol), and needed the vaccine. Maybe it worked, as I have never had covid. There are many people like me. Lumping all vaccinated as forced is unfair. The forcing began when these tyrants realized they could get away with it. I pray that these shots do not shorten my life, but fear they will.

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Let me suggest you keep looking for ways to mitigate the damage that the vaccine may be causing in your body. Americas Frontline Doctors have some good information and protocols for vaccine injured. It is a difficult situation, but ask God for wisdom what you should do. Seek for help and He will help you find it.

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My parents are just a little older than you and both have developed valve damage, critical in my father's case, in the days and weeks following their injections. Get checked.

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Thank you.

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Thanks. You aren't alone. At 82 with two issues, I got the jabs but refuse the boost. But I don't have a job anymore to constrain me. I evaded Delta and am careful. I expect to get Omicron and hope the nasal stuff will work to minimize any impact.

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Go to the flccc site and find a doctor who will prescribe early treatments such as ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxomine to have on hand just in case. Super important to treat early! Also, make sure you’re taking the recommended vitamins: D, C, zinc, magnesium, quercetin (which acts like Hydroxychloroquine) & I also saw where vitamin A is very effective against Covid, but you don’t hear about that one much!

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My husband got omicron, & was not doing good. I had ivermectin on hand for my 93 year old dad, gave it to my husband and he had a complete turn around in 1 night!

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Am taking the vitamins. Aware of, but haven't pursued flccc or other sites offering telehealth.

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Let me suggest you keep looking for ways to mitigate the damage that the vaccine may be causing in your body. Americas Fronline Doctors have some good information and protocols for vaccine injured. It is a difficult situation, but ask God for wisdom what you should do. Seek for help and He will help you find it.

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The spike protein is multiplied in people’s bodies, & that’s what causes the damage. Like Covid but worse! I would highly recommend ivermectin post jab!

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I heard that, too, but also heard from an Austrian Chemist about another ingredient found in the vaccines: Graphene Hydroxide. He said it is like micro razor blades injected into the body, that cuts whatever it touches and starts the blood clotting and is the main reason so many die so quickly. It takes more time for spike proteins to be made. That doctor was killed within a couple days of releasing that video, beaten to death. That happened late November of last year. His name was Dr. Andreas Noack.

There can be no doubt that the shots are bioweapons. Graphene hydroxide cannot be broken down by the body.

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All of this is so unbelievable. Like out of a sci-fi movie that just couldn’t be real life. Evil does indeed exist!

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I get that totally, you did what you had to do to keep peace, now it’s time to get angry. Legislators write laws forcing big pharma to compensate those who suffered under this coerced medical injection. Start legislation now.

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I agree with you to some extent, but I live in an upscale neighborhood in Brooklyn, NYC. I can tell you that a very high percentage of people here have rushed out to get themselves injected, again and again, were not forced, and would be perfectly content to force others.

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That's the 30% Malone is talking about. But I maintain that at least some of them wouldn't have had the impulse without a coercive climate and are now fanatical to soothe cognitive dissonance.

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Makes sense. Especially since probably a large part of the 30% is located in places like my neighborhood in NYC.

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Yeah there were a lot of people who were forced to take the vax who didn't want to...and I feel terrible for them.

But it wasn't 90%. Most people I know took it willingly. They believed in it without understanding what it was or how it was developed. For many it was out of fear or mental fatigue...just wanting normalcy.

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We all have every right to be furious over the treatment being forced on us by governments around the world. But there is a point to be made as we look at the history of the plandemic: IMO it is important to remember the changes that happen over time in information and its availability, as well as public policy and realize what effects it had on people at that time.

People weren't forced or bullied during the early availability of the jab. In fact it was being doled out by population type. People eagerly took it out of fear and belief the government was honest about medications. Most in those early times were older with other health issues and those in the health profession. As government restrictions grew, many took it to travel. Much depended on the state or country one lived in. It was later that information started coming out broadly about other treatments and the ill effects of the jab.

In the US local and state government forcing and bullying grew, but became full bore Federal when Xiden was installed in January 2021. I see a lot of comments going after various groups: the fat, those who didn't live healthy lives, the terrified Karens and others, yet if any of these groups disappeared, it would not stop government/media lies and actions, for this isn’t and never was about public health. We need to discharge valid anger over the plandemic, but in the end going after other people only serves to facilitate the designs of the Great Reset: to divide people so they can't form an effective resistance---that goes even to keeping people physically apart and restricting communications. That anger should be discharged against government, politicians, media, and other organizations that created and support coup by plandemic.

Recent polls by the Convention of States Action show the majority of Americans do not like the direction of the country. I find this encouraging.

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I understand your argument, but I maintain that it was still absolutely state-driven coercion. Before the vaccines were mandated, they were explicitly sold as "if you want your freedoms back (i.e., end masking, social distancing, and lockdowns), enough of you have to get this."

I strongly disagree with your- no offense- ad nauseum calls for unity in the face of "the bad guys." The "bad guys" are among us and hate you for resisting and wanted you to die. They'd be the shock troops of your Great Reset. I'm utterly bored with the "no regular people are guilty of anything, just the unseen Illuminati villains."

Oh, and those polls about people who "don't like the direction of the country" shouldn't encourage you. About half the people who "disagree with Brandon's handling of the pandemic" want it STRICTER, HARSHER, and more authoritarian, not less. They don't agree with you about anything except that they're not getting their way. But by all means, they're probably just our fellow proletariat that we need to give a hug to for unity to blossom, am I right?

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This is from the Great Reset, which was initiated by the WEF. Governments are responsible for supporting that agenda. So, you think beating up on those who support more authoritarianism is effective? I think not. I do believe informing them as much as possible is effective. And, "no offense," but I reject what I consider to be a decidedly unChristian approach to others that instead, suggests we act like drunks who come home and beat up the family for something someone else started. I am saying, deal with the source.

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1) The source is people put in power by the people you sympathize with so nicely.

2) I'm not Christian and under no obligation to love my enemies. My enemies had better sleep with one eye open. There will be no hugs forthcoming.

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You can fight the symptoms or focus your fight on the disease. I recommend the latter.

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The people you refer to as "symptoms" will be the first ones at your family's door.

By all means, focus on secret masters of evil. And exactly how are you "fighting" against the Invisible Evil in some brave tireless way that I'm not? You're bitching on the internet like everyone else.

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I strongly recommend that both of you (Mouzer and Guttermouth) take an hour to watch this video: https://rumble.com/vrxr3n-tpc-653-dr.-mattias-desmet-dr.-robert-malone-dr.-peter-mccullough-mass-form.html

If this "mass formation psychosis" model that purports to explain what's been going these past 2 years is correct, it means you're both right (partially).

Mouzer is right that this shit-fest is being driven by predatory authorities ... government, media, and pharma.

Guttermouth is right that this shit-fest is working because, under the model, 30% of us people are "hypnotized" and believe every last bullshit lie spouted by the authorities.

The good news is that another 30% of us are US, the Resistance, who sees through the bullshit.

The remaining 40% are the wishy washy middle that we can reach. They're not hypnotized, but they're wary of sticking their necks out to oppose the authorities.

I see it as our mission (we in the Resistance), to reach out to the 40%, and patiently work to covert them.

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One can deal with the symptoms or the origin of the disease. My post clearly acknowledges the fear, which is the main tool of the global predators. I see no good result from blaming others but that doesn't mean we don't try to educate them. I read a book on mass insanity from Covid. But thanks for the link anyway.

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"fear, which is the main tool of the global predators". Let's start there. Everyone in America received these fear messages through print, TV, radio, and web media. But not everyone responded the same.

I'll submit that upwards of 90% of the people on these threads heard those messages, and thought "up yours, you assholes" (or something like that).

The "mass formation psychosis" model says 30% of Americans heard the message and thought "ya volt, herr fuhrer" (or something equivalent).

Does the model suggest we "blame" that 30%?

Hell no! It's a fascinating academic question why we in the Resistance reacted the first way, and many of our families, friends, and colleagues reacted the second way.

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“having let’s say the 4th, 5th, 6th dose”...I'm Keeping Stock Price up at all cost....

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When this dip finally comes, I won't be buying it.

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Not taking Paxlovid or any Pfizer drug ever.

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Half of the Paxlovid combo (Ritonavir) already has a "black box" warning...extremely toxic to Liver and Pancreas .....so once again the "Cure" may/will be worse than the Cold, but highly profitable for Pfizer.

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I heard. But even with no black box warning, I trust nothing from Pfizer, even if it is all supposedly good news.

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Yup, more toxic drugs. Just what we need.

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Exactly! Avoid all of Merck’s and Pfizer’s pills. Both are dangerous.

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And rightly so. IVM is far better in any point.


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Yep, IVM would be my 1st choice. And I stocked up on Pepcid when I read an article about it last year. Recently, I heard Dr. Malone tell Joe Rogan that he used Pepcid in 2020 when he got Covid.

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I even changed the Paracetamol when they gave me Pfizer branded one.

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Wise choice. Paxlovid already showing nasty side effects, especially interactions with common big pharma pills.

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Why anyone would take Paxlovid, when IVM has been on the market for years and is much cheaper and safer is beyond me, especially knowing Pfizer sold a vaccine with short-term efficacy, a dangerous side-effect profile and unknown long-term impacts.

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Well, viagra, lipitor?

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Jan 11, 2022
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Advil? Dammit. It's the only NSAID I've ever used. My occasionally tight back before a round of golf will have to find comfort elsewhere.

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Buy a generic version. Ibuprofen. It’s the only medicine I ever take

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Get into acupuncture, especially cupping. I was hit by a car and cupping saved my back (and wallet) from unnecessary surgery.

Before all this, the only pharma medicine I took was ibuprofen for period pain, but now that I'm totally boycotting pharma, I'm finding herbs that work just as well.

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Jan 11, 2022
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Great point, I hadn't thought of that. 200mg of ibuprofen is 200mg of ibuprofen. Who cares what the label says. I'll see where Walgreens' version comes from.

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How does one find out who makes the store brands?

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Guess we've all heard about David Sassoli by now right?


In other news David Sassoli, the president of the vaccine-mandating European Parliament, died today, Jan. 11, due to “abnormal functioning of his immune system.”

He had been in the hospital since Dec. 26. He was 65.

While correlation does not equal causation only a fool does not consider it.

French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier predicted in May that the vaccines would weaken immune systems via antibody dependent enhancement.


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Life insurance data is now confirming the VAERS data.....hard to deny causality now!

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Wow. Thanks for sharing.

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But he had leukemia long before the jab. This guy's health had been suspect for some time.

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"Vaccination is the leading cause of coincidence!"

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Jan 11, 2022
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Thank you for the link. This event explains so much.

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I guess that Albert Bourla was watching Rogan too and became an anti-vaxxer.

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I think everyone watched Rogan's interviews with Dr. Malone & Dr. McCullough.

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

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Twitter still likes to act like Rogan is a niche thing and not something akin to a modern day Oprah. His audience is probably the best proxy for the actual mainstream position. But in my circles he's fringe. The moderate left PMC. I find myself defending him all the time. I don't think of myself as a stan for Rogan so much as just for genuine conversations.

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Exactly. I don't love or hate Rogan. I like that he asks questions and pushes. And if he thinks something is bullshit, he says so. He's trying to find answers, not tell people what to think.

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Ah, but I've been told he doesn't perfectly curate his guest list to represent every position on the spectrum and sometimes allows his own position to drift based on who he is having a conversation with. He should be cancelled three times over. :) Nevermind all of these are angelic compared to the sins being committed by every other media outlet.

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All his media critics wish for 1\10th of his audience. Try to cancel Rogan? Good luck.

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I would just like those doing the interviewing to shut the f. up and listen. Rogan and also Del patient with their guests. Educate the masses. Ask decent questions. Stop softballimg.

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Jan 11, 2022
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My kids are adults & very healthy, thank god. My focus now is my 91-year-old father, who is frail but relatively healthy. I got him through omicron last week. (He wouldn't take Ivermectin even if I had some.) But lots of Vitamin D seemed to help.

I sat with him for a day, and read him Alex's and Dr. Malone's Substack posts.

My dad is an honest, hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying loyal American. Imagine how bothered he is that his government has been lying to him.

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Maybe he’ll take quercetin & magnesium! Quercetin acts in the same way as Hydroxychloroquine, as Dr Zelenograd discovered when they started attacking Hydroxychloroquine! The magnesium helps with absorption

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And zinc!

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Thanks for your help, tho.

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Dad won't take an "illegal" drug. And he's decided that anything the doctor won't prescribe is "illegal." And my cousin the pharmacist won't fill any of these prescriptions because the state board of pharmacies has threatened that pharmacists will lose their licenses if they fill these prescriptions.

See? Dad is law abiding.

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Tell your dad that quercetin is just an over the counter supplement like zinc!

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CDC the other night was interestingly soft about those that cannot take vaccines. So people like your dad. So they admitted many should not take vaccines.

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Jan 11, 2022
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Me too, Sophia. Vax x2 last year (so I could visit a dear friend in assisted living--I couldn't get in otherwise). I think I, too, had covid in March 2020, right at the beginning, but test results were negative, so I got jabbed. No more!

So far, Dad hasn't had the so-called booster.

His doctor is a Kool-aid drinker: told me to quarantine because I'd been exposed and could get sick. And war a mask. I said, "GOOD! Then I can build antibodies and end this bullshit! And masks are useless."

Yes, let's hope god is watching over us.

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Docs are counting on ignorance. Doctors once believed in having a conversation with patients. Today just run them through.

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BTW, the appointment with Dad's doctor was over the phone. They call it "tele-medicine."

Sure, I didn't want to take Dad to the doctor's office, but "tele-medicine?" As my old boss used to say, "Don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining."

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Jan 11, 2022
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I like the idea of hosts having conversations with all sides. But execution matters. Was it that bad?

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I listened to that podcast and loved Fridman’s intro ENORMOUSLY. I thought Bourla was reasonably within logical bounds for most of it, but veered out the last 10-15 minutes (All people who are not vaccinated are scared, among other things.) Also reminded me that when you are a hammer, you see the world as a nail. He sells drugs. EVERY solution has a pill or a shot or a cream to him. Does not mean that it is the best solution, or that it even works.

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I may have to give it a listen.

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Jan 11, 2022Edited
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I'm sure there would be a line I wouldn't want to cross. There is the question is there even a conversation worth having.

Unrelated matter but where my head is today. Who are the best defenders of the mainstream narrative that people believe are genuine actors?

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I still don’t get the push for a booster especially when so many are getting omicron anyways and getting sweet natural immunity. (I’m in that boat right now, just caught the ‘cron). After doing a dose of J&J (I know I know i shouldn’t have but thankfully no adverse effects) and now having Covid, I have ZERO reason to ever get a booster. I will have strong natural immunity now, to the most current variant. Not that I was going to get a booster after hearing about all the heart issues. But clearly my vaccine didn’t protect me. Sure, people might say I’d have a worse case without one. But my unvaxxed kid is exposed and has zero symptoms. He’s fine. And so are the other 6 unvaxxed people I was in close contact with 2 days before my positive test. None of them have symptoms. Sure, I have it the ‘cron. Body aches, fatigue, hot/cold skin, malaise. But on a scale of 1 to 10 of virus symptoms it’s maybe a 5? I’ve had flus significantly worse than this. Almost all my friends and family who’ve had the Covid recently (unvaxxed or not) no one has had it severe (except for the boosted people who were quite sick… which makes you wonder).

My hope is we shift away from vaccines and focus on treatments. And that places like in WA where I live, vaccine mandates get struck down. We are dealing with massive shortages. Schools closed again cuz we don’t have bus drivers, nurse shortages. Not enough people to drive snow plows causing major freeways to be closed for days. It’s a horrific mess out there. All for vaccine mandates. All for a vaccine that DOES NOT WORK.

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Joe Kent was on War Room today describing how the WA Health Nazis we’re holding a meeting on whether to expand Health/Police power to lock up Vaccine Infidels. More info on his website.

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Yes, I'm a Washington State resident. This crap is getting real.

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Yes it is. Inslee “promised” we would have no shortages of workers after the vaccine mandate and now schools are closing, the mountain passes closed for days, massive nurse shortages. If only we could hold him accountable. We can’t, sadly.

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Joe Kent is the coolest. Glad to be helping his campaign. His future is bright. That stupid meeting is tomorrow, I think they're going to be blown away by The People attending and witnessing

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Yeah I’ve been following all of it through Jim Walsh. Thanks!

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He's amazing, isn't he.

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It would be fantastic if we could get folks other than WA residents to also attend, even for a few minutes, at 2:30 PST on Weds. Thanks! Link toward bottom, here -https://sboh.wa.gov/Portals/7/Doc/Meetings/2022/Jan%2012/WSBOH-Agenda-2022-01-12-Final.pdf?ver=2022-01-05-175008-690

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Lock up and forcibly vaccinate, using the law enforcement arms of both state and local government.

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Great post. Had the same exact experience. Took the J&J in October bc of employer mandate. My wife and I got really sick with the Cron after a wedding in December. I would rate it on a scale of 8 out of 10 for me. Mainly because I had this cramps in my legs that my doctor told me later were minor blood clots. But overall agree with everything you said. I hope people wake up. My son had 0 symptoms and is completely unvaxed. He will never ever take these ineffective vaccines. And if they try to force him at his school because we are in a blue state, well time to move then.

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Great dad!👍

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The dam is breaking. The tide is turning. The house of cards is not falling. It's crumbling.

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I so hope you are correct.

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So much as gone WRONG with this international experiment that I'm nervous about being optimistic.

There's always prayer.

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Jan 11, 2022
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We tend to forget that. Scurrying around like ants on the ground we forget to look up to all our allies and ask their help.

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Life insurance data is now confirming the VAERS data.....hard to deny causality now!

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Bourla, Fauci, Twitter and the rest of them know that Berenson is coming for them. Their days are numbered Tick-tock, Tick-tock…

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Bourla needs to answer for the bullshit he has spread, which has led to severe injury & death from vaccines. He should be eyeing countries that don't extradite.

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Pfuck off, Pfizer.

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That's the spirit! Pfuck Big Pfarma. Boycott all Pfizer & J&J products. Read labels, look at their website. Hundreds of products with competitive alternatives.

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G.D. Searle, division of Pfizer

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, division of Pfizer

Roerig, division of Pfizer

Invicta, division of Pfizer

Parke-Davis, division of Pfizer

Warner Lambert, division of Pfizer

Pharmacia, division of Pfizer




Anbesol (cold sore)

Caltrate (calcium & vitamin D)

Centrum (vitamins)


Cortisporin (wound)

Dimetapp (cough)

Dristan (cold)

Effexor (depression)


Flagyl (intestinal parasites)

Lipitor (blood pressure)

Lo/Ovral (estrogen)

Lomotil (diarrhea)

Neosporin irrogant/ophthalmic solution

Neurontin (gabapentin, seizures, sleep)

Nexium (heartburn)

Nicotrol (nicotine use)

Premarin (estrogen)

Preparation H (hemorrhoids)

Primatine Tablets (asthma)

Robitussin (cold)

Sonata (sleep)

ThermaCare (back pain)



Zithromax & Zmax (azythromycin)

Zoloft (depression)

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Thanks for the list. Many of these drugs are available as generics, so Pfizer doesn't get a red cent. And isn't Zoloft a potential Covid treatment?

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Jan 11, 2022
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Perfect. Just slam some tequila. Works every time.

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Johnson & Johnson products (excerpts):



Acuvue (vision)



Neutrogena (skin)

Aveeno (skin)


Johnson’s (baby skin)

Carefree (feminine pads, liners etc)

Stayfree (feminine pads, liners etc)

O.B. (tampons)

Desitin (diaper rash)

Penaten (diaper rash)

Neosporin (wound care)

Polysporin (wound care)

Dr.Ci:Labo (skin products)

NeoStrata (skin products)

Dabao (skin products)

OGX (shampoo)

Le Petit Marseillais (body hygiene)

Bebe Young Care (skin)

Clean & Clear (skin)

Exuviance (skin)

Labo Labo (skin)

Lubriderm (skin)

Piz Buin (sunburn protection)

Regaine (hair loss)

Rogaine (hair loss)

Sundown (sunburn protection)

Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies


Probably 500 OTC & prescription drugs, including:

Tylenol, Darzalex, Erleada, Imbruvica, Stelara, Tremfya, Imodium, Ketoderm, Levaquin, Nizoral, Ortho, Sinumax

Please check if you use these products and find alternatives, ask the pharmacist etc.

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Jan 11, 2022
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True! And I'm sure there are good alternatives to most of their products.

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As above, many are available as generics.

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Jan 11, 2022
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Ok, well I buy ibuprofen these days but not the name brand Advil.

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Centrum vitamins are worthless, in my opinion. Most of it passes through your system never absorbed.

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And Pfuck off, Jen Pfsaki!

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I'm waiting for reports from more life insurance companies, like the one we heard from the OneAmerica CEO, about the historical increase in deaths of 18 - 64 year olds after the vaccine rollouts. That seemed like the smoking gun to me.

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Keep your eyes out for any bill moving in Congress for more stimulus. That would likely include hush money for insurance companies cached as "COVID bailouts".

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You mean..."we'll cover your losses if you cover up the facts"? It will be interesting to see if death numbers that has been reported by the insurance companies for many years is suddenly no longer available to the public. It's curious that we have not seen comments from any other insurance companies since the OneAmerica CEO's comments reported on January 1.

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I find out via subscription to the CBO feed. Saw 5 today out of the House, all called "Immigration-Relief Legislation". H.R. 187, 680, 681, 739, 785 - each for an individual to "become lawful residents". Does that mean they'll suddenly be subjected to vax mandates?? https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2022-01/hr680.pdf

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Oh Pfuck that. But it would not surprise me.

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That's really the only hope in my book. When insurance companies have to start paying for vax injuries or deaths things will change fast. Look for legislation designed to protect them.

Also, any ambulance chasers on here (no offense), if you can argue a vaccine related death into an "accident", AD&D insurance comes into play. Might be worth your time. "was a loved one injured or killed due to vaccine reaction? You may be owed money...." not by the government or the vax manufactures, but by the insurance companies that had AD&D policies. Who has a full time job with benefits and doesn't get the AD&D?

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Meanwhile, in my state of Washington they are meeting tomorrow to discuss arresting you and placing you/and or family into Quarantine Facilities if you don't obey their health dictates. Also on the docket is discussing mandating the Covid vaccines in all schools and daycares. California is just as bonkers, and Oregon is jumping on the crazy train as well.

1. Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntarily comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, and vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.

2. Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.

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Yes. This is real and probably testing the waters to see what the level of opposition will be.

My husband and I, our kids and my grandchildren just had Covid-19 over Christmas and are all now healthy and symptom free. The fact that we all have natural immunity means nothing if the Washington State Board of Public Health passes these laws to include Covid-19. We could all be rounded up and sent to "quarantine facilities" for refusing the vaccine. God help us all.

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Great post.

Joe Kent was on War Room this morning. It won’t be as secret as they wished.

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I'm in WA too - where can I get information on this?

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Please pray over this it's not good

Just fyi

Here is the full version to pass around to everyone with complete links:

On Jan. 12th at 9:~15-35 AM – 3:30 PM, the WA State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents.

• To voice your concerns, register for the live webinar here for the grass roots webinar response effort to the SBOH:


• You can also dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode: Call in: +1 (253) 215-8782 (not toll-free)

Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216 Passcode: 957396

• Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, Wa. 98501


• Allow local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.

• Include the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.

DETAILS HERE: https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/MeetingInformation/2022/January12Online







Here are the emails for everyone on the Washington State Board of Health:














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To view ICWA's Petition for Rulemaking:


To view the January 12 BOH Agenda:


To access the meeting online and to register:


You can also dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode: Call in:

+1 (253) 215-8782 (not toll-free)

Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216

Passcode: 957396

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I would think the Native American population up there would be seriously up in arms, the kind with bullets, over that.

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I don't know if you're a man of faith, Alex, but God love you for your fearless heart and mind.

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Your optimism is refreshing and I'd like to believe that an awakening is happening, but I just don't see it. The vaccine fanaticism in my own family isn't going away. They don't care that they got Covid despite being triple vaccinated from other fully jabbed people. They don't care that they've seen fully jabbed people still get really sick and die from this. They don't care that they have cancers that were in remission returning with a vengeance or their perfectly healthy hearts are now showing disturbing anomalies or their D-Dimer levels are elevated and no longer normal. It doesn't matter what they see before their own eyes, they will live by one rule and one rule only: Thou shall not criticize the vaccine. Ever.

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Yep, the brainwashing is real and it is very very powerful. I am not seeing anyone who has been brainwashed now have their eyes opened. Those who were already skeptical are more sure of their concerns but those who are part of the mass psychosis are justifying all the contrary evidence they see to continue with their psychosis.

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Mai I concur totally! The ONLY way this changes course is IF real accountability for those "we know" are responsible for all of this is enforced! All we ever get is blah blah blah with information overload for what?

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I have three unvaccinated friends. But one of them is going to "meet ups" like No Agenda meetups, and making new friends who he is introducing us to. It's been great to get out of our circle and see how many like minded people are out there.

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Jan 11, 2022
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Stand strong! There are a lot more of us purebloods than people realize.

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And this is where Trump kind of misses the boat. Keeps bragging about getting the vaccine to market in just a few months. However, I’m waiting for all this bad stuff to publicly come out and then the ludicrous lying left will paint President Trump as the culprit because Covid shots came out under his administration.

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Trump trusted in medicine and science, but not in God. He believes in positive thinking, but doesn't use wisdom and has little to no discernment of many lying scumbags. He started the bandwagon rolling and in history he will not be seen favorably in this matter.

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He deserves NOT to be seen favorably. He gave Fauci an audience, called this "The Plague" and spent trillions of dollars on bullshit. Plus the "vaxx."

DeSantis, or someone like that.

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Trumps greatest flaw is his pride. When he proclaimed his possible slogan for his 2020 campaign, I was stunned, "Keep America Great." He thought he had made America great again by helping with the economy, doing many reasonable and good things, while totally blind to the wickedness being pushed daily by our government, including public schools and colleges pushing communist ideology and immorality, the slaughter of 3000 babies every day while he was president, the continued pushing of homosexuality and transsexualism by our Court and school boards, and so much more.

Right after his proclamation I and other Christian friends, especially my pastor were alarmed. Several of us wrote Pres. Trump about this, but the damage had been done. He took glory upon himself, just as Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon had done, claiming he had done all these great things. We knew the fall was coming, but God began the judgment upon this nation. He brought the pestilence from China, then there were lockdowns, thousands of businesses put under, millions out of work, the riots and large scale attack of communists in hundreds of cities, and the suppression of protocols that cured covid by the govt and many sources, including Big Tech, censorship, cancelling, and the stolen election and a Chinese stooge put in power. The killing and disabling clot shot was pushed through with Trump's help, untested, unproven, deadly.

Now hundreds of thousands are dead and millions will die, not because of Trump, but because of the wickedness of this nation and our government, having turned away from Christ and bowing to the govt and science as god. And the fake pastors will never tell you it is the judgment of God, because they are part of the reason it has come.

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Not very hopeful Hopeful :) Seriously though great thoughts you have for all to think about and discern for themselves!

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There is great hope for those who turn to God in these times and they are the hope for our future. The wicked are burning this nation down around themselves and us with it, they think. But God will protect those who trust in him and abide "under his wing" as noted in Psalm 91. That psalm is about a time of judgment. God is targeting millions of wicked people for destruction. They have had plenty of opportunities to change their ways.

In his judgments, God is exposing truth from lies, good from evil. Those with a reprobate minds (the many crazies you see around you, following the govt mandates like puppies follow their masters) are part of the wicked. There may be hope for some of them, but not most of them.

Only in true repentance will people find hope and peace and safety in Christ. The world cannot give it to anyone. Those same people will be those who cry for justice when the smoke clears and seek to change our wicked laws.

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Jan 11, 2022
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People turning to Christ and repenting of their wicked ways is surely God's intention in his judgments. "He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." But the judgment will get more severe before that happens.

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invisible enemy

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Well stated. Hard to disagree from my perspective on things

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I was saying that the day he announced OWS in May of 2020. Big mistake in my opinion

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Jan 11, 2022
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I understand that is the perspective of many of US who voted for him, but I personally do not buy that. He had a choice...he knows what he is doing. I say that absolutely loving his policies. No man or woman is above critique as you know in America. Just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions lol

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Jan 11, 2022
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If you can cut him slack how do you feel about his even more brazen backing of the injections. Saw him on Levin a few weeks ago and he was giddy about how wonderful they are. Just sayin...

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not sure how he would explain this and be overly zealous on the EUA experimental gene therapy medicine openvaers.com/covid-data

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Jan 11, 2022
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Fauci and the woman physician who always wore scarves: he had a bigger task force than just Mengele Mini Me man.

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That’s exactly what’s going to happen. They will all blame it on trump even though it was not him mandating people to get it or lose your job. I don’t think trump would have supported vaccine mandates.

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He doesn't support them, but he supports the kill shot and it will bite him.

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I think they will try to blame it on Trump, but the stampeding masses will run over Fauci’s body numerous times before turning for Trump or Biden. Both will throw him under the bus. Won’t bother me at all.

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Correct...he would never have mandated or suggested it based on the data. Just being so overly zealous in having to be the champion of the experimental gene therapy medication though more than likely proves to be a HUGE wall for him to break thru going forward and you know the commiecRATS will feast on that with what is happening with the obviously failed injection agenda

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Biggest question for me is what happens to all of his support, if he keeps promoting these ineffective vaccines? Like how can you say these thing work at all at this point. Why even talk about them? Hospitalization are hitting all time highs but deaths are down because of the monoclonal antibody treatment you get once they know you are close to dying. The vaccine literally does nothing.

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Jan 11, 2022
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Momabear...who would you like to see as next President?

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Jan 11, 2022
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We sync in my posed question. I would answer in a similar way!

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"So we understandably focused our anger on the Wall Street tycoons who had crashed our financial system and made hundreds of billions of dollars."

And yet nothing happened to those criminals. No justice was ever served. Watch history repeat itself.

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Corporate media and big banks embraced wokeness to take the steam out of occupy Wall Street. Expect the same misdirection to be sponsored by big pharma. Misdirect, divide and conquer. Like 2020.

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The Tea Party movement and MAGA were spawned by that entire series of events. It also unleashed the Marxist lunatics on the US. Actions do have consequences, even if they take a while to manifest.

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I wish it had just been us here in the US.

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If you haven't listened to Rogan #1756 with John Abramson, you should. He describes how the DOJ and FBI just slapped Pfizer on the wrist for massive fraud. Killed 40-60K and no one person was fined or jailed. They just paid up: gov't got their $, some victims got paid (for their silence no doubt).

"This historic settlement will return nearly $1 billion to Medicare, Medicaid, and other government insurance programs, securing their future for the Americans who depend on these programs,"said Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services"The Department of Health and Human Services will continue to seek opportunities to work with its government partners to prosecute fraud wherever we can find it. But we will also look for new ways to prevent fraud before it happens. Health care is too important to let a single dollar go to waste."

(Another 3 letter acro: HHS.) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history

Abramson's book comes out Feb 8: https://www.amazon.com/Sickening-Pharma-American-Health-Repair/dp/1328957810

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Two non-Wall Street tycoons: Angelo Mozilo was one of the biggest culprits along with the head of the GSE Freddie Mac, Franklin Raines

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If I remember correctly, neither faced consequences and neither will Bourla. He and Pfizer will be the heroes who ended the pandemic with their new wonder drug.

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Franklin Raines was rewarded with a $90M golden parachute

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Only $90 million? The poor guy has been punished enough.

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Alex, you would be a really great expert witness against these vaccine mandates. I'm getting worried that the Supreme Court might let the HCW vaccine mandate stand. Being a HCW shouldn't mean that one has to give up bodily autonomy. HCWs have had a hell of a 2 years. And those that don't want the vaccine may have to give up their livelihoods and their passions. I feel really sad for them. These mandates are not based in science. They are morally reprehensible.

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