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Strange days these are. A little about myself: I'm one winter away from 60. For 60 years, or at least from age 3, I've been a-religious, even though (maybe "because"?) my mother was very devoted.

So for 60 years, I ignored any "religious" language deployed in a "rational" argument.

And then came Covidland. And I joined this Substack and the Doc Malone one. And I find myself thrilled and warmed to read comments like this.

Brothers and sisters, we're coming from wildly different places and world views, but no matter our starting place, we're all converging upon the same, holy, shining hill.

Go, Resistance, go!

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I, too, have reconnected with my lost spirituality over the past year. It started when my dad nearly died from Guillaine-Barre (jury's out as to how he got it, but you can guess...).

Then it continued when I was forced to request either a medical or a religious exemption in order to continue paying for my home and feeding my family. After finding out my doctor has been programmed by Big Medicine to push the vaxes, I opted to pursue the religious exemption. Did all the research, read a bunch of scripture, voraciously consumed many expert opinions--both legal and evangelical--and found myself meaning every single word of my four-page exemption request letter explaining my "sincerely held beliefs" as to why my body should remain free of that poison.

I got my exemption, joined a nice local church, and find time to pray nearly every single day. I have so much to be grateful for, but there are still so many others who need prayers as well. Top of my list right now: SCOTUS.

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While I have been a church goer all my life and raise my children in the church, similar experience for me. Other than the fact that my exemption remains in the system, pending, for 42 days. So I'm guessing denied! God has a plan! And the data gets better every day, showing me that I was absolutely correct in listening to my conscience on this one.

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Dr. Peter McCullough noted recently that the 500 doctors that comprise America's Frontline Doctors (which valiantly fighting the system and allowing people to receive early treatment) are almost all people who regularly attend church and synagogue.

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Yup. If you don't have some kind of spirituality, you have to create it. Thus comes a blind belief in science: not just in the goodness of the process itself, but desperation for more than it can deliver.

Furthermore, it seems very possible that one of the intentions of this gene therapy is to turn off people's "religious gene":


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flu shot is my guess. I'm sorry. Welcome back to your faith!

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That's his doc's theory; he was jabbed for flu last fall and fell ill in January.

Thanks for the welcome! Feels great that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit patiently waited for me all this time!

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In dark times, my faith is fortress. My gratitude to find my tribe to is like minded.. the the Lord is always Bigger to me since I am amazed at the nature and minds created to use to edify or destruct. He always is there. Thank heavens.

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SCOTUS is a wicked group of communists whom God Almighty has targeted for destruction. Americans should be calling for their impeachment, every one of them. They have betrayed this country and allow their R v W to continue day after day with thousands murdered each day, and they do nothing. They hate babies and children and are as close to Satan as people can get on this earth. They are the wickedness in high places in our govt.

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It is a place of light and a love for the truth and despising lies. Christ is the light of the world and the truth. Those on the left, the communists, and many lying conservatives (who support them by their actions, though their words try to cover their evil deeds) hate the light and clearly hate Christian morality.

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All truth is Christ's. This is why I think going along with wearing the face diapers is the pinch of incense for Caesar: I know it's a lying gesture of confidence in something that doesn't work and is actually detrimental on so many levels.

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