Fuck them. Bleed them dry. Fuck them like Gibson Bakery fucked Oberlin University. The only thing these people understand is money.

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And I thought that I had a pithy response. Good on you.

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Can you believe you're involved in perhaps the most consequential lawsuit in the 21st century?!

I always thought you'd be a helluva wingman...until you uttered "higgledy-piggledy"...that just might be grounds for disqualification!...i think you might want to take mulligan and start over with a cocktail...:)

Seriously AB we're with you in spirit. Best $/month value ever.

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I subscribed because I think you do important things. The content is a bonus. Your fight is for all of us. Thank you.

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How do existing subscribers add to your funding of this critical suit.

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I already subscrib but would like to send a donation. I might as well pay for both sides of this lawsuit as it is our tax dollars paying for the government. I am 100% on your side

Please send info where I can send you my donation. I know I saw it in a previous email but wasn’t able to send at that time

Keep up the great work

Ps I don’t do Venmo but do have Apple Pay

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Subscribed from across the pond, don’t let the bastards win

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You got it. Blessings and energy for this important effort. Thank you for all the work you have done and continues to do.

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Alex, if you have a gofundme type option you should give us the link again

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Please NOT gofundme. They are evil.

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Give Send Go

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Take all the time you need! We’re all behind you and in support of your valiant fight!

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Love your Substack.

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Give us the name and address at your lawyer's firm where we can send checks in support of the cause.

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Ever since subscribed my gas millage has improved 7.35%. Not saying this will happen to you, but give it a shot.

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I don't always agree with you but I agree with this fight, good luck!

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I wish you luck. You get an A+ for working the term "higgledy-piggledy" into your essay. The people in your suit are responsible for lots of harm and you need to hurt em in the only way they understand and that is in their pocketbook.

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I hope you eviscerate them.

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Despite the length of the defense motions, the standard remains the same. All that is required for the complaint to stand are facts that state a plausible claim.

When presented with a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, the

key inquiry is whether the complaint is “sufficient to provide the defendant with ‘fair notice’ of

the plaintiff’s claim and its basis.” Indep. Tr. Corp. v. Stewart Info. Servs. Corp., 665 F.3d 930,

934 (7th Cir. 2012) (quoting Erickson v. Pardus, 551 U.S. 89, 93 (2007)). While “detailed

factual allegations are unnecessary, the complaint must have ‘enough facts to state a claim to

relief that is plausible on its face.’” Pierce v. Zoetis, Inc., 818 F.3d 274, 277 (7th Cir. 2016)

(quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007)).

Best of luck to you and your counsel. Even if you don't post as much, this subscription is still well worth the price.

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