CPA here. Team reality. If you need anyone with accounting skill set, will work for free.

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I'll kick in as well. Excellent ideer. Thank you for being such a fun shit disturber! We're all with you, the Alex Army for Truth, Justice and The American Way.

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Fun shit disturber...wish I would have come up with that! 😉

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That's the best!

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I love that idea! Dr. Mercola had to take all his stuff down because of the harassment which is a pity because he did have some good info.

I will certainly be willing to chip in for this. I love your posts. You & only a handful of others are the only ones keeping me sane these days.

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I am. Uncoverdc is about to put out a pdf with 18 months of solid reporting on COVID

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I’m in. I just retired and I’ll work for free if it helps the cause. Gotta do something productive. PM me and I’ll send you my resume. Sounds like there’s enough of us right here now to be useful!

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I'm in - Harvard Med Grad

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Excellent idea as Covid related claims will clog up the courts for decades.

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Massive litigation database with OCR and Boolean search would be swell. Lexis-nexis: covid edition.

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Would be ideal because the litigation avalanche is going to be real.

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No, they won't. There's complete immunity from civil liability for makers and providers - including medical malpractice - resulting from federal legislation last year, see: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10443

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But there's not complete immunity from fraud or coersion, so perhaps there might be other routes to justice. https://standforhealthfreedom.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1-07122021-Formal-Grand-Jury-Petition.pdf

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Fraud is theft by deception - the deception may have occurred, but where's the theft? These vaccines are, from what I've heard, free of charge. As for coercion, everyone who gets one of these vaccines signs a voluntary consent form, which records the legal and admissible fact that consent was informed and voluntary. Those forms are designed so that when they get admitted into evidence, the case is over. Documentary evidence beats hearsay.

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fraud. n. the intentional use of deceit, a trick or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property or a legal right. The CDC, FDA, and other federal government creatures manipulated and continute to manipulate covid information in such a way as to permit government and corporate entities to deprive people of legal rights.

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Theft of people’s health?

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The only people who get 100% immunity are Big Pharma and the MedicalIndustrial Complex, and they got it in every country they're pushing these drugs in, before they sold a single dose.

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Sounds like you're saying don't bother to push back.

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President Bush signed the PREP Act in 2005

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First maybe take advantage of some free options.

1. Put a copy of the archive on IPFS ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System) and

2. Zeronet ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZeroNet ).

They will be uncensorable and won't be lost then no matter what. Unless the entire internet is shut down, they can't be removed.

3. If you also put them online on a traditional web site and then get some of the archive sites to archive them (archive.org, archive.today etc) they'll do a reasonable job of keeping them.

Those are easy and free - it is easy to find a web site for #3 to put them on and then get them archived. Ask if you need one that has been around since 1993 or 1994.

After that, I think that the non-profit and the rest is fine. For that, maybe just use a host that is outside the US (e.g. Panama web hosting) with a non-.com, .net, .org etc domain (since they are managed by companies that are subject to US jurisdiction so domains can be seized.) Likewise consider a .bit, .crypto, TOR etc non-censorable domain as a backup.

If there were better mobile clients, the Twister distributed non-censorable twitter would be a good option.

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And this isn't expensive. An offshore host maybe $100/year plus $10-$20 for a domain. Plus if you aren't technical, someone to keep an eye on it. Or use a managed host with WordPress or something which might run $50-$100/month.

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Be careful with WordPress; they’ve kicked off everyone I read prior to 2018.

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WordPress is open source so while perhaps hosts running wordpress (e.g. wordpress.com) might have done so, anyone can run it.

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Is Wikipedia truly a "safe" place to put anything conservative or Christian or that bucks the "deep-state"??

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No, definitely not. I didn't mention putting anything on Wikipedia. I did link to Wikipedia so that people weren't familiar with IPFS etc could read what they are.

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C Riley - thanks for correcting my misreading. You're right.

See? I really am not 13 years old anymore!

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lol. :-) I am no longer 13 any more either.

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Wikipedia has become an unreliable source for unbiased information. There has been a rolling "purge" there since 2019/20, with countless contributors dumped because... wrongthink.

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I don’t trust Wikipedia. Not safe.

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Yeah, who has suggested using it?

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Wikipedia is totally woke

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Or worse, which is why I didn’t suggest using it.

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Search indexing and document interlink (like by author, subject, date...) is the interesting part. Doing that right would require some engineering.

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wow thanks

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I’m a software engineer and systems architect. Happy to volunteer my skills however needed!

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Great idea. You might want to talk to the Gab people or otherwise decentralize it. This last year has shown us how ISPs will take valid information down. This might even be worth storing on blockchain

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It must be done before more of this information is erased from public record.

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It will be useful for the tribunals😁👍

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Count me in too!

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I’m in. Money and expertise. I’ve been working on the web since the last millennium!

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If you need a retired RN with 35 years of experience, cradle to grave ,to decipher med terminologies etc please let me know ....

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GREAT ideer... Graphics guy here. Happy to help!

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