It’s going to take someone like Newsom or Psaki to suffer serious consequences of the vaccine to force the truth to the top. But let’s face it they are going to blame the unvaccinated, this is a cult.

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Of course, and the next response is :

“ OMG, thank God I was vaxxed or imagine how much sicker I would have been”

Sir, may I have another ?….

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I reiterate, Colin Powell would have had a far worse fate had he not been fully vaccinated.

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There was a woman on TV several weeks ago whose parents both died from Covid despite being fully jabbed and she actually said that the outcome would have been way worse if her parents didn't get jabbed. What level of crazy is this?

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But they will never get the virus again don't you see????

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Death would in fact confer immunity

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You apparently have the necessary qualifications to work in a senior executive service level of the CDC or the FDA. Congrats. I hear the benefits are more than competitive.

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What seems likely about that "died of COVID" line after being jabbed is that any deaths from the 'vaccine' are being counted as COVID deaths. The jabbed victims aren't counted among the vaxxed for awhile after being jabbed.

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It's worse than that if you go by the whistleblowers accounting. Patients are not asked vaccine status as part of hospital admission so only jabs given within the provider network are part of the patient's hospital record so even double jabbed in their protection window can fall through the cracks. The probable error for under counting is large.

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Oh! I’ve heard many cannot get hospital care if they have not had the “jab”. So only to assume now most admissions are those that have had it or have had it but not past the second jab two weeks out. Of course then you’re not considered vaccinated. Unbelievable!

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And the dead jabbed are not being autopsied.

“The Science!”.

(Because the FDA and CDC don’t WANT to know the results of any autopsies!).

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Same reason most widely used chemicals have never had safety tests to identify risks with their use. Best way to avoid ugly results is never look in the first place. Then the executives and PR campaigns have the gall to boast.. 35 years of use and we have never seen harm. Monsanto glyphosate a prime offender.. https://web.archive.org/web/20120917041002/http://scorecard.goodguide.com/chemical-profiles/chems-profile-descriptions.tcl#safety_assessment

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I’m thinking this might be the right time to start a grave-digging business…or at least invest in one. Seems there will be an overwhelming need soon.

(And if the world ever wants to go back and examine the causes of death, I can charge for un-doing my work, and then re-doing it again…

I will need lots of tools though…for digging in the dirt, and raking in the dough.)

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Correct. For two full weeks.

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Must be some kind of new math. 🙄

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So shady!

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Two words: cognitive dissonance . And I would add "you can't fix stupid."

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Yes, and they were both very overweight.

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Insanity outcrop from fear psychosis

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What level of crazy?

Animal House level !

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I beg to differ. What's far worse than dying?

If they had sent him home with instructions to come back after he got worse, you're right.

If they had treated early with the kind of therapeutics that have been used successfully in other countries, like ivermectin or HCQ, maybe a different outcome.

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I think MOGA was providing us with some sarcasm.

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You may be right. I myself have bombed more than once with lame attempts at irony. And worse, failing to detect it. These days, hard to tell.

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"Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied."

- Wikipedia

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I'm having the same problem. I've begun to believe it's a side effect of the vaccine.

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That's what emojis are for, love! You can just copy & paste them in here from an emoji page. I'm sure substack will get them integrated into the comment section soon. 😁👍🤓

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You hit the nail on the head. The worst thing the public health establishment has done is to effectively forbid early treatment and prophylactics. There is, I hope, a special place in Hell reserved for all (especially Faucj).

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He would be less dead?

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Unless you are one of his attending physicians you have no way of knowing the fine points of his condition nor the vaccine effect. Baseless claims offered in the realm of fact based analysis borders on trolling pharma spam. #my2c

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It's called sarcasm.

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BAM !💥

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Of course they will try but at some point the facts become so obvious that it will be impossible to deny. In my opinion that’s when it will get very dangerous because they created this disaster and this virus is child’s play compared to what the could do.

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Yep. "The jab kept me out of the hospital. Go get yours!"

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I already know a few like that. And I know a lot who did not get jabbed and were barely sick.

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My kids in college both had it last year, and so did most of their friends. My daughter took her graduate level econ final while she was at her "worst" with COVID. She got a 98. 😏

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We had it and it was like a mild flu.

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Or deader I would of been!

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Dead-est must be the WORST!

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BAM ! 💥

Animal House reference is on 🎯

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Nope. If they do suffer - they will be brushed under the carpet. This train is too fast now to stop

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Truth is a funny thing it always makes itself known, but one does have to be open to it and not bury ones head. Let’s hope it can at least open some eyes.

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I knew that we would come to this all the way back in March last year. How did I know this? Well it's because of rats and fleas.

Everybody has been taught that rats and fleas caused the Black Death. Everybody knows it's true. And nobody ever worries about the fact that it is completely ridiculous.

If rats and fleas caused tens of millions of people to die in the 14th century, what were these rats and fleas doing during the 13th or 15th centuries (or any other)?

When you start with questioning this obvious lunacy you soon start to see that the Black Death had nothing to do with rats and fleas - or even a contagious disease. It was caused by mass panic and a catastrophic medical response.

Tens of millions of people did die (we have parish records as reasonably good proxies to demonstrate this) but none of them died because they were bitten by a flea. They died because they were murdered by medicine (or just plain old fashion murdered in some cases). Drinking arsenic, being whipped, eating glass, living in sewers - these killed millions. As did locking people in their homes and starving/burning them if you suspected them of being infected.

The next step after this is to understand that the so-called Spanish Flu was actually caused by a massive experimental vaccine program - first foisted on soldiers, then the general population. That's why the soldiers and other young adults were the worst affected. Nothing to do with a flu virus - or even contagion.

So history's two biggest "pandemics" were actually caused by medicine and had nothing to do with a contagious disease.

Because there is no such thing as contagious disease. If there was, being a doctor would be instantly fatal. Even visiting a doctor would be instantly fatal.

We are the dumbest people in history. Much much dumber than the people in the 14th century - who were indeed very dumb. But as dumb as they were, nobody in the 14th century believed that men could have periods. Our medical industry and our health bureaucracies are filled to the brim with people who believe that men can have periods. Given the level of panic and given our collective stupidity as well as the massive power that the medical industry currently has, it was obvious back in March of last year that the Black Death level of mortality would eventually be dwarfed by this current episode.

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It’s really evil what as been perpetrated on gullible human beings. But every single day I see comments like, “but the polio vaccine saved millions, or the measles jab has saved countless thousands”. It’s pure laziness now not to research everything you’ve understood as gospel in the past and revisit because everything was a lie. 😭 Check out the Amish community as well.

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In addition, if you want to see the very definition of cognitive dissonance, look at people's faces after you tell them that total rates of paralysis have *increased* since the polio vaccine (at least according to reliable data like the US census) and that total disability rates have skyrocketed since the widespread use of vaccination.

First it will be denial ("you don't have this data!"), then it will be strawmen ("that doesn't prove that these vaccines *caused* disability"), then it will be bizarre rationalization ("nobody ever said that these vaccines would bring about a *reduction* in illnesses!")

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Yes. I have read extensively on this and I still believe this is the best article I have ever read - although to be fair I have a bias because it is by a personal friend.

Regardless, once you read it you will be astonished at how much we are lied to.


To summarize:

It is claimed that measles kills millions and millions of people. But this is completely made up and bears no resemblance to any other available (and more reliable) data.

It is also claimed that the vaccine prevents millions and millions of people dying from measles. This too is completely made up and bears no resemblance to any of the other available (and more reliable) data..

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I hope they don't btw. They may be loathsome humans but I do not wish anyone ill health or bad luck.

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You are a good person cause I wish them death for what they are doing.

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Not wishing death...just a full blown stroke, unable to talk or walk...drooling nonstop...that would be better

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We already have that in the White House.

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Or in a wheelchair like 5 of the people who testified at Sen. Johnsons meeting

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I can't wish it on them but the visuals would sure send a message.

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This is why a temporary paralysis would be ideal...if they were willing to admit it. Since they're not, only a permanent disability or death will do--their suffering could save the lives & health of millions.

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They will have died from something else

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They’ll never own up to it if either of them had a serious outcome from the vaccine or COVID. It would break their narrative.

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Those of us who are unvaxxed and remain healthy really F up their narrative. That’s why they hate us.

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Even if either one of them (Newsom or Psaki) were to admit to themselves that the covid vax had sickened / injured them, the media would lie about it. Worse yet, the Covidian Cult would believe the lies.

I have a sister who is a Covid Cult fanatic. She's one of those "very smart" people who has a B.S. in microbiology from Harvard and a master's degree in electrical engineering from MIT. She developed several adverse reactions to the covid vax. She actively denied that there was any connection between the vax and the adverse reactions. refused to admit the connection.

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Reassuring, sadly, to hear this. My sister is an M.D., another of those "very smart" people I'm supposed to defer to. She emails me daily to say I should get vaxxed. I am tired of sending her articles, graphs, and random stats to defend my reasoning for saying no. She literally thinks I'm going to die if I don't get it; I've even asked her why she wasn't ever this worried about me dying of the flu. They're all brainwashed! I honestly wonder if the vax hadn't hijacked their brains somehow...

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They were brainwashed before they got vaxed. I know several people who had adverse reactions and / or health emergencies shortly after getting vaxed, and they all, to a person, refuse to see any connection between their adverse reactions and health emergencies to having been vaxed. One of them died. I wouldn't be surprised if she also denied any connection.

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I’d temporarily block her.

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Really smart people often lack common sense.

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I put "really smart" in quotes because I don't really think she's intelligent in a meaningful way. She's what I call "brainy" - she has a high IQ, (which is just a measurement of how many facts people know, plus how much training they've had in certain specific skills, e.g. math), but she's extraordinarily stupid, or disabled, when it comes to being able to think critically, to feel compassion for others, much less to be aware of higher spiritual realms.

Most of my family members are like this, in varying degrees, but this particular scientistically oriented sister is especially fanatic. She is given to migraines and panic attacks. She's terrified at some deep (unconscious) level, and she expresses her unconscious terror via her Covid Cult fanaticism, and in other ways, as well.

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Joan - I keep thinking aren't there reporters that can dig around and find out what's up with Newsom (and orange lady)?

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There must be. It’s ridiculous to not have any idea where the Governor is for over 10 days. Something’s up and we’ll most likely not know the truth of what has really taken him out of the limelight that he so loves. Or Orange lady!

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I could have sworn he just got the saline tho

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Maybe you should have been paying attention to the past 20 odd years (basically since Andrew Wakefield et al published his paper). 20 years ago the press actually covered vaccine injuries. But, for whatever reason, journalists stopped looking for truth and started actively suppressing those who tried to present it.

Journalists today think that their job is to run interference for pharma companies and the government.

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I tried to read that. The website is being blocked or interfered with in some way. Censored. This is truly terrifying.

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My browser (Bing) had to "check" this link but promised that I would be connected. Then I received "This service is not available". ??? Before everyone tells me how bad Bing is I know. I use a Fire tablet because some glitch on my Samsung tablet prevents me from signing in to the WSJ and no one (including WSJ techs) can fix it.

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The few honest ones are working for small companies. All the rest is bound hand and feet to the BigMoney I am afraid

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Forget about their narrative. What they care about is not being lynched.

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They will #NEVER say it was vaccine related

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Maybe, I think “the people” may indeed force it!

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I believe most of them received a placebo (or nothing) since they are exempt, like Congress and are probably secretly taking Ivermectin, like Congress.

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The question is, we’re our elites really vaxxed?? And why the rumors that 1/2 of Congress is taking Ivermectin? Also, Remember White House staff and Congress are exempt from the mandates.

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Given Joe’s history of strokes and his position, it’d be insane to actually give him the jab, unless they wanted him gone …

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What's more likely true with people like Psaki?

That she's playing 20D chess or that she's a brainwashed imbecile?

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I’ll take brainwashed imbecile for $100

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You may be correct, but I think it will take a more visible example. Unfortunately, I think that example will be a professional athlete forced to vaccinate to play. European soccer players collapsed on the pitch already. I wide receiver collapsing mid-route or a basketball player collapsing while driving to the basket may be what it takes. When thousands or perhaps millions bear witness, there will be no hiding.

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Did that not happen yet? I read of several who were too sick to play. I also read about a tennis player who is out for the season.

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And a Slovak hockey player who died

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I'm aware of two tennis players. One amateur and one pro. I don't believe they collapsed on the court though. Sports are near religion here and highly televised. Our pro leagues made a big deal about their vaccination policies. There will be no hiding someone having some form of cardiac issue while playing.

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Much as I would not wish this on any young man (or his family), one college basketball player dropping dead in the middle of March Madness would probably save a lot of lives in the long run.

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Augmenting Alex's posts here, I recommend a piece in Tablet: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/science/articles/needle-points-vaccinations-chapter-one

It's not a short, snappy read. It's dense, and thorough, although I think there are some areas that could use some further elaboration.

For any lawyer suing the government (or anyone else) over vaccine mandates, I think it's a good roadmap, describing the government's short cuts, oversights, negligence, and conflicts of interests.

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I agree — A thorough and important piece.

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Sadly I am afraid it won't force any truth. The narrative will be preserved by saying they are one of the very, very, very rare cases to either have severe breakthrough covid or suffer severe adverse events from the vaxx. I think the narrative will only be shattered by massive numbers so the truth becomes undeniable.

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I have been worried that that would be the case. Excess deaths *not from COVID* this year appear to be up considerably, but it's the not the sort of thing anyone notices in a country of 300 million. The numbers have to be YUUUUUUGE...or the media not actively suppressing them...for it to be noticed.

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Been hearing that Newsom suffered Bell’s Palsy from his Moderna booster. Saw this on Steve Kirsh’s Substack and he heard it from good sources.

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Again, "service unavailable".

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Hmmm...for this website, it has "service unavailable." hmmm...why I ask?

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Might be too much traffic.

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Well, this would explain why he has not been seen in public. Hard to hide Bell's Palsy tho I"m not a doctor so maybe one can hide it with drugs or some wizardry of technology could cover it up. After all, he is in California where movies are made. 🙄

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Oh, just stop hating (according to Newsone's wife). We'll stop when they do. They are so adapt at the pot calling the kettle "a dark color". 😐

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Hotel Gitmo has a vacancy sign on, Maybe they are vacationing together?

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No. They will never tell the truth. Real puppets.

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Maybe the Anti-Deep State is targeting these loud mouth pieces? Squeaky Wheels get oiled or disappeared? The silence is deafening !

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So rumors here is the Newson had an adverse reaction from the booster shot...

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I do not think either Psaki or Newsom has had the real vax

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You don't think that people like Psaki can be brainwashed?

Think about the pressure that you have felt the past few months to get vaccinated and, unlike Psaki, you have morals and strength of character.

For some people, (eg those of us who have been through similar when it comes to our kids' vaccines) the social pressure is irrelevant (job losses are a different matter of course). But for most people, the social pressure is unbearable. And 99 per cent of Democrats and Democrat voters (including Psaki) are the way they are because of the need to virtue signal and fit in.

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I’m pretty sure Newsom is in for a snake oil change.

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In an abundance of caution, he switches his hair grease over to 10W-40 for winter.

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Newsom was Re-Called ,one way or the other?

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Writes Truthbird’s Newsletter ·just now

I believe the vote count for the California recall election was not just a bit fraudulent, but was wildly fraudulent. The polls around the time of the election showed Newsom to be not assured of even winning at all, much less by a wide margin! Half of Californians are against the vax mandates. That means lots of Democrats must have voted to recall him. (I am one of them.)

There were credible reports of vote-switching by the electronic voting machines (from Yes to No.) There were also credible reports of Republicans being told that they couldn't vote because they'd already voted, which was a lie.

These are exactly the kinds of fraud that the Democrats love to claim are perpetrated by the Republicans. Probably both parties engage in election fraud. But I think the Democrats are worse - more dishonest, I mean.

I see this "vaccine" injury as Newsom's karma. I am very glad to hear that he has been vax injured. I can't help but wonder if the report several weeks ago about Kamala Harris being injured by stealth weapons (aka "Havana Syndrome") was really a way to cover up her having been experiencing adverse reactions to a covid "vaccine." I bet it was.

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That’s hilarious and true!

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Medical community has done irreparable damage to its credibility.

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Yes, that is so very true. I used to be pro-vaccination ( other than Covid). Then this sh*t show of misinformation occurred starting during the Trump administration and now I look at ordinary vaxes with a jaundiced eye.

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Just another marketing lie- real vaccines get credit for eliminating diseases like polio that were already in sharp decline. But unlike this one, they didn’t make things worse.

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I certainly understand how you feel. I haven't change my opinion of vaccinations, but this isn't even a vax. I don't think it is because I am too much of a biologist, but this has been politicized beyond belief. I am having a hard time believing this is happening in this country. What will they fo if the next virus is truly a killer?

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I've got a B.S. in Natural Resource Planning which required a good amount of Life Sciences. I'm no expert by any means but I know enough to agree with you on this being way different than your normal vaccination ....especially a killed virus type that your body knows how to dispose of- or even a live virus. How does it deal with its own hijacked cells that are spike protein factories? Too much of a risk and mystery to me. Also absolutely ZERO humility in the face of the wondrously formed and super complex human body. This whole thing reminds me of the Mad Cow Disease outbreak caused by no humility bovine food scientists thinking it was OK to feed cows cow brains. Many of us know it "wasn't right", but the profit blinded scientists said that it was just another valuable form of protein and fat!

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Christian S you are on the right track but not quite.

Deaths from these diseases had - according to official data - fallen significantly before the vaccines came along. www.childhealthsafety.com/graphs has the data. And it is backed up by other corroborating data like life expectancy rates (the vast majority of the improvements in LE came before mass vaccination).

However, when you show pro-vaxers this data they immediately pivot from saying "vaccines saved millions of lives, ergo you need to get vaccinated" to "well deaths don't matter it is illness that we are trying to prevent and the official data *proves* that vaccines stopped illness".

I think Eugyppius had a good article about "Mottes and Baileys" when it comes to debating. Basically when you are arguing against the hegemony it is *very* important not to give any ground at all. If you say "ok vaccines prevent illness but not deaths", pro-vaxers will say "Aha! You agree vaccines work" and then five minutes later they will turn around and tell other people that "vaccines save lives so you better get vaccinated".

The official data does suggest that vaccines prevent illness. But the official data is wrong. Biased and wrong. Doctors typically refuse to diagnose the condition if the patient is vaccinated. It cannot be emphasized enough how critical this point is. The history of medicine is turned on its head the moment you realize that doctors will diagnose based on their prejudices and this renders trends in diagnoses ("epidemics" or "eradication") meaningless. They are just a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This fact is reinforced by the fact that today, most diagnoses of a so-called vaccine preventable disease require a lab confirmation (so the diagnostic criteria is strengthened).

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There is no arguing with a True Believer. Past weekend I was, and she confidently said the (mRNA) "vaccines" were the best, most thoroughly tested vaccines ever produced. 🙈 Since I want to maintain a reasonably friendly relationship, I took this as a sign to hopefully avoid bringing up the topic ever again. 😞

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Ignoring first principle arguments the only way to determine (statistically) if the vaccines have done any good is to control for the bias that doctors have in diagnosing a condition people are vaxed for (people will note that COVID is the exception because most diagnoses are done by people walking off the street to get a test rather than asking a doctor for a test (which occurs for every other disease).

And to control for the bias you should look at data that is not affected by said bias.

For example, diagnoses of polio are invalid but data on *total* rates of paralysis are instructive (it is unlikely that doctors will miss a case of paralysis but it is highly likely they will blame the wrong thing).

Diagnoses of rubella are invalid but data on *total* rates of congenital defects will tell you what you need to know.

Mumps - you need rates of total sterility.

Meningitis vaccines - you need rates of invasive disease.

Hepatitis B vaccines - you need total rates of liver cancer/disease.


It just so happens that I have looked at the data for this (in multiple countries but mostly US, UK and Australia) and it is clear that there is no valid statistical basis for any vaccine on the schedule.

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You and me both. I feel like I'm starting to earn the pejorative term "anti-vaxxer."

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Not to be outdone by OSHA!

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Psaki's not coming back, but it's got nothing to do with COVID. The new girl is woke, black, and "articulate and bright and clean" as Biden once said of Obama. With her at the lectern, all criticisms of Biden can be cast as racist.

Look for Psaki to start spending more time with her family soon.

Sucks for her family.

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Except she's dumber than dirt

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See how easy that is?

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She's not dumb. She was an astute political analyst. She's fumbling at the podium because she doesn't know how to lie well.

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Poise, competence and organizational skills are white supremacy. You sir, are a racist and shut up.

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She probably didn't realize she was signing up to be POTUS.

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I have some good news for Jen's family, and bad news for the rest of us.

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I demand proof of life!

Seriously, though, if either of them gets palsy from a booster, they def need to hide it until it clears up, otherwise it would be a nightmare for the biotech stocks.

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Lol one of the jab CEO’s has had Bell’s palsy for over a year.

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The instructions is to shift the burden of Covid guidance from CDC to Big Bird.

Covid Cultists will have easier time understanding Big Bird

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I made the mistake of reading the replies to the Big Bird Twitter post about him getting his covid jab. I had no idea that that many people out there still believe so many fallacies, despite evidence to the contrary. Parents posting pictures of their 5-11 year olds getting jabbed and posing with the vaccine cards. It was surprising, if anything is still a surprise in our new mass psychosis world.

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The parents posting pics of their kids getting the jab is horrifying. I feel the same way — shocked I’m still able to be shocked!

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I saw a friend post photos of her 7 yo twins with cartoon band aids on their arms with her proclaiming how excited they were to get jabbed. What in tarnation was she telling them. I'm certain if I had little during this pandemic they would have been shielded from all this nonsense, homeschooling all the way. No way would I have subjected them to 8 hours of masking. NO F*CKING WAY.

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A friend posted their kids literally clicking their heels in the air outside of CVS and holding up their vaxx cards. One can only imagine what they were told. I’m proud that even here in San Francisco my 7 year old goes around saying “don’t worry, kids don’t get sick from Covid!”

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I had to tell my wife.. ALL SHOTS ARE OFF, FOR ANYTHING..... until further notice! That applies to the whole family..

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I’ve unfollowed/snoozed anyone posting pics of their poor kids getting sacrificed at the altar of Pfizer. It’s appalling to me.

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Hope their children sue them in future for child abuse, using those damning photos.

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well at least we all know how nazi germany happened now. history really does repeat itself doesn't it? unbelievable!

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What I'm observing are more and more emerging health issues with my "vaccinated" friends and relatives. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the vaccines, though, because they're awesome!

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Noticing the same thing. The big lie is coming apart. Many of my Vaxxed friends say they will not take a booster.

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Sadly I’m seeing tons of booster selfies. 😢

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I am a based who will not take a booster.

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A repost of one I made earlier- I am aware of two people I care about who had the vaccines (in Feb), and who, within the last couple of months, had strokes. For one of them, his doctor told him it was b/c he took the vaccine.

Suppose they ARE indicators of problems with the vax. Would the government notice, or would it sail under the radar?

How would the government notice? What data is collected that would point to a problem? Who in government is analyzing the data? Are they motivated to point out these problems? Or does their agency benefit from keeping quiet about it?

I sent something about this to my elected officials a few days ago. They ignore it (as they always do).

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The all-cause mortality rate will tell the real story, but they will never admit it's due to the "vaccines" even though the correlation is inescapable.

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Exactly...they keep track of the cause of death but they won't see a trend until year end (VAERS be damned.)

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I have a friend who got a mysterious blood infection, his intestine exploded and he spent a week in the hospital.. took the Fauci ouchie a few months prior... couldn't be that though.. 50 year olds have exploding intestines all the time. Totally normal

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wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute.... you're not implying the Precious could be.....causing these issues? are you? oh no! come on!! that would be just crazy right wing logical think.... do you need to be re educated some more?

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I'm not implying it. I'm flat-out saying it.

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LOL I know ;-)

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The Precious 😂 that gave me a good laugh.

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I can't take credit for it.. borrowed it from The Todd Herman Show podcast.. a must daily listen IMHO.

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It’s too perfect.

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me too

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They quit reporting on Hospitalizations by jab status in late August - very curious indeed. Apparently the data was starting to contradict the 'this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated' narrative.

BTW - we should stop using the term Unvaccinated and start using Purebloods

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I vote for "vaccine injured." I get the Pureblood analogy, but their blood is no longer pure with the spike protein addition.

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Lol, pureblooods. MN is doing a good job of keeping track of what's happening with the vaxxed.

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I have no idea where these people are, but I suspect by the time they re-emerge they will find less members in their party. I official switched my party affiliation this morning and unsubscribed from all their lists -- it was so exhilarating! The Dems were the party of my parents and grandparents -- Hard working middle class citizens who instilled in me a deep love of this country and the essentialness of our constitutional freedoms. My very first political memory is as a child, marching for the freedoms of Soviet Jewry in Washington DC in the 1980s with my mother and grandmother. I don't know what the hell happened here, but I will continue to fight for freedom and truth telling in this country. And I don't wish these politicians any illness or harm; I just hope when they do re-surface, there will be some acknowledgment of truth...I know, I know -- unlikely, but one can hope! Happy Monday everyone!

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Congrats. R party is far from great but at least they are not the Dems who are “actively seeking the destruction of America.” Lara Logan

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The Dems are actively seeking the destruction of America, while the repugs are just quietly being OK with the destruction.

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Freedom and liberty are non-denominational, and non-partisan concepts. Just requires principle and conviction.

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Post of the day, I keep saying this pandemic is gonna be good for the GOP. Welcome!

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Hey, welcome to the R party (I assume that's what you changed to). The motto over here is "we ain't perfect, but we sure ain't that crazy f'd up group over there"

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Works the other way too.

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The Democratic Party has changed quite a bit since Lester Maddox 😎

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Happy Monday!!

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Orange girl bad

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Yep. “Little Red Lying-Hood.”

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Psaki tested positive on Sunday, 10/31/2021. Today is Monday, 11/8/2021 = 8 days.

"People who are severely ill with COVID-19 might need to stay home longer than 10 days and up to 20 days after symptoms first appeared. People with weakened immune systems may require testing to determine when they can be around others." - CDC website

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Yeah that's what I thought. A little over a week, not two weeks. And isn't she supposed to quarantine for ten days? Maybe that's why we haven't seen her? I know we all want the truth exposed, that the vaccines are useless, at best. But c'mon. She's in quarantine. Now if she's gone for more than ten days, that's something to report.

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You make a good point, but in comparison to Aaron Rogers who was doing interviews 48 hours after testing positive, well...

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People want to hear from him. Peppermint Patty talks at people and few but the true believers want to hear her.

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That's the guidance for the unvaccinated. Isn't the vaccine supposed to lessen the severity of infection? Why is it ok for breakthrough infections to be more serious but reinfections among recovered not acceptable?

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Yeah if Aaron were vaccinated, he probably would've been able to play yesterday (insane, if he tests negative who cares if he's vaxxed?)

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and then possibly mid-field with cardiac problems

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The (official) guidance for the unvaccinated is to get vaccinated. If you're reading this, you might wish to be "unofficial" !!! The best arguments for the jabs are that it reduces risk of severe illness or death. I guess that could include "severity of infection." One of the bonus, unexpected side effects is it doesn't prevent (possibly asymptomatic) infection and thus spreading the virus. Finally, I'm sure reinfections of (naturally) obtained immunity are possible, but no one without a glaring conflict of interest has claimed natural is better than the fake immunity from the shot.

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I truly hope her bout with Covid was/is mild. But you can be sure that she has either received mAB or IVM or other therapeutics because that's how The System takes care of its own.

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It's a Big Club and We Ain't in it ! ( From George Carlin)

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And Newsom still MIA- is he sick from jab or is it more plastic surgery?

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It is curious isn't it that someone like Jen Psaki who looks to be both healthy and young and would never have been at risk for serious complications from Covid still hasn't recovered enough to come back to work? The lies coming from the left are horrific. If they are suffering serious adverse events they should come out and tell the public in order to spare our innocent children from similar suffering. What can one expect from the side that defines abortion as health care and believes in a woman's right to kill their unborn child up to and including delivery and birth. Everything is connected. The reason these crimes against humanity are happening is because we as a society no longer believe in the sanctity of human life.

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Where are our intrepid reporters? Years ago someone would "break a story" about Gov. Hairdoo.

You can't do everything, Alex. Keep up all the good work you do.

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My health care system had a press release in which they actually said that health care professionals had a higher responsibility than their own choice with the vax...it was to protect the lives of patients. Yes..protect the lives by taking the vax because them taking the vax we know will keep them from not only getting covid but spreading it to their patients...hmmm...this is what the high ups at one of the countries largest health care systems is using to justify the firing of the staff who did not take the jab...meanwhile the efficacy and the truth of the shot is still being suppressed. SHAMEFUL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and we've only just begun to see the truth of it all...nevermind that research you posted about the damage to DNA that the spike protein does...and who knows what the vaccine is causing...willy nillie...OMG....who knows...oh wait...the hospitalization rates are trying to clue us in...hmm...

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It's time for a serious paradigm shift. Getting "therapies" that are under EUA's are not serious, proven science. Just more guesses and "modeling". The only one getting immunity is the Pharma corporations...How many really know Pfzier's CEO is a Veterinarian.

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