I like that Alex is spending some of his well-earned Substack earnings to sue Twitter. Please don't settle, Alex! No matter what. Once you crush those assholes, hopefully, they'll all (FB, Google, etc.) be cowering.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

Yes! Make them all sit in the witness chair and answer questions under oath.

Perjury is a beeyatch.

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This is quite a test case from a legal perspective on a number of fronts. Settling would not be the objective. Pushing the legal theories forward to conclusion is a primary objective based on the cause of actions delineated. Big hat tip to those behind the complaint. - Horsey Legal

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BY THE WAY: "if the government tells us it's false we're going to delete it and potentially ban you"

Not exactly sure what this means for Twit, but they’re explicitly stating that the govt is interfering with free speech.

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Words mean things but apparently not to twit or maybe in whatever universe twit lives in, certainly not mine.

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The universe we were born in no longer exists.

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Let's go Berensonism!

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Paypal is no longer taking donations for Organic Consumer Association, National Vaccine Info, and probably other organisations. I wonder how legal that is ? Curious to see the outcome of your case. Where is the freedom of speach? And why are people not allowed to donate to whom they want?

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So would that mean venmo too? Venmo is owned by paypal. Controlling who we can and can't give money too is yet another new disturbing trend to lise sleep over.

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Plenty of people have had their personal and business accounts forced closed by banks for merely political reasons. How on earth could THAT be legal? PayPal "canceling" people is bad enough. Nation-wide banks on the other hand is devastating.

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I have heard to put your $ in local banks

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Chase Bank cancelled credit card with perfect credit over political issues.

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Scary to say the least

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Just heard that if you are donor to a gp/org. that Paypal doesn't approve, then you account will be terminated. Comply maggot!

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People used to laugh when I stressed that bitcoin was permissionless. Not as much any longer.

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Can anyone recommend a similar service to PayPal so I can switch.

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This site lists recommendations for replacing virtually any popular fascist media.

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Thanks a lot. Will check it out.

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Thank you Alex for taking them to task.

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Did I read that Jack has been banned on Twitter? I just have to share this. Sorry, off topic, but just imagine this. So woman, yes a Karen, comes into cafe to have lunch. She has one cloth mask on, and the huge plastic shield. She has many food issues. She inquires how much dairy the soup has. Chef tries to assure her she will be fine. She is worried about episode. Chef knows her. So she sits and eats soup. How? So cloth mask comes down, but shield stays up. She must navigate a spoon of soup under that shield. Think about this. A year ago, this woman was seemingly normal. I do not believe she will ever come back to where she was before pandemic. I stand by my belief we have lost about 1/4 of population to insanity. I figure I know few people and I know several like this woman. I mean people I thought I knew well. What disease is this?

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You'll have to visit a dactar on planet IMaAnus. The 11th and furthest planet from reality.

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Graygirl, Im so glad you posted this, Ive been noticing the same thing and Ive been researching the heck out of it.

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Thanks Alex! You're the one who brought me over to Substack, and it's like a breath of fresh air in the middle of a social media dumpster fire.

Here's the project I'm working on in my little corner of the world.


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Section 230 of the Communications Decency act says, in part,

"No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—

"(A)any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected..."

Big Tech relies on the "otherwise objectionable" phrase to support their ability to censor. If THEY object, to them, it's objectionable.

When a law is constructed with a list of characteristics, and finishes the list with a phrase like "or otherwise objectionable", the thing they claim is otherwise objectionable must be like the items on the preceding list. "Otherwise objectionable" is not a blank check to do whatever they feel like.

if Twitter wants to rely on this construct to censor Alex, they need to show that his tweet shares characteristics with things that are obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, or harassing.

Twitter can censor to their discretion... if they are a publisher, not a platform. If they are a publisher, they lose the special indemnities provided by the government to platforms.

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Please take a look at the recent UK data. Vast majority of deaths continue to be among the vaccinated: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1043608/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_51.pdf

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

Also check out this ONS survey regarding likelihood of testing positive for Omicron if you receive a covid diagnosis. Seems the more jabs you receive, the more likely you'll have Omicron. Why might this be? https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/adhocs/14107coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyukcharacteristicsrelatedtohavinganomicroncompatibleresultinthosewhotestpositiveforcovid19

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All of the science out there so easy to find and see but yet in commie Ca. I just saw for next year the purchase of contact tracing covid tests and of course many vaccines. Ok if you want to vax fine go ahead as some high risk might need it but contact tracing?

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Could you point out the page number you are referring too? Not sure I'm seeing what you mention.

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The graphs on page 38 and 39 show deaths by age and vaccination status.

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Thank you!

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Wow man , you are sharp and cutting with your words and intellect . This is good, they will have their arguments publicly scrutinised and brought to light to illustrate how corrupt amd illegitimate they truly are . I hope you crush them in court , the Truth is strong enough here and you cannot be muzzled .

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Discovery is one of the hallmarks of our judicial system. Can’t wait to see what you are able to uncover in Twitter internal communications.

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If twitter is free to make up and enforce their own policies why does it matter what the government tells them is true or false?

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High Authoritarians 😉 propaganda enforcers Your fact checkers are opinions and not based on facts.

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Nothing personal here at all. :-)

A huge Sandmann-ish settlement will do, right? But make sure you can disclose the amount and there must be changes for anyone else affected.

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Please no settlement. Open court with a judgement is needed to really effect change. A class action would even be better, but a judgement affirms the injury to Alex.

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I just want Alex to get through the depositions before he settles. This way he can gleefully reveal selected video depo clips all the way through. Drip, drip, drip, torturing both the government and twitter all at the same time. Might help the settlement process too. And it would both horrify and entertain all of us.

I'd be curious to know - are his lawyers working on contingency? That would be a good sign if so.

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021

As much fun as you’re undoubtedly having, most would recommend not discussing the case publicly. In the simplest scenario, informing the defense of their weaknesses gives them the opportunity to correct them.

In any event you’ll be less happy when the attorney’s bills start showing up.

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