Alex - thanks for the detailed explanation of the data. Nothing you have shared is surprising because many of us lived this during the Christmas break. Covid hit many families I know that are double and triple jabbed. They caught Covid from other jabbed individuals. One couple I know that caught the Ro, husband was triple jabbed, wife was a pureblood. Guess which one of them ended up in the hospital? To be transparent, both were relatively healthy 75 year olds, no comorbidities, skinny and not obese. Aside from vaccination status, the difference between the 2 is the wife followed the FLCCC protocol and took the medicine whose name cannot be said in the public square and was better within a week and the other followed his daughter's (a doctor) advice and stayed home and did nothing until his pulsox dropped and needed to be hospitalized.

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That’s s very interesting story! I wonder how the doctor daughter is going to try and rationalize this?

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My own SIL is a Physician and when I begged her and my brother to consider the FLCCC protocol they were offended. They said I need to get jabbed and they are confident that if she hadn't been triple jabbed, it would have been worse. Although the symptoms have been mild for her (coughing, extreme fatigue, sore throat, etc.), she still has symptoms 2 weeks later. She is young (early thirties), healthy, no co-morbidities. Covid should have felt like nothing to her. So, I'm not convinced the jabs helped her in any possible way. Yet, I, dirty unvaxxed that I am have been exposed to a Covid positive person (unmasked during a 90 min conversation) and I (knock on wood) have managed to evade the Ro for almost 2 years. But, what do I know right?

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I'm the same, two years, no covid knock on wood for me too. I am a nurse, I worked per-diem in the hospital, and teach nursing students full time in person. I had my mom on the FLCCC protocol when she got COVID, I won't lie and say she had an easy time (her symptoms were mostly GI which led to dehydration and reduced mobility, which led to a blood clot in her leg). I cared for her while she was ill. She is doing great now, no residual symptoms. My college age son just got over what I am assuming is Omicron without any issues except for loss of taste and smell. My biggest pet peeve is the mantra, "due to the vax, the symptoms were less or it prevented their death." My response remains the same, "prove it!"

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I hear that excuse even when the jabbed person dies of Covid. They say, "It could have been worse." What sheer lunacy!

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Can you imagine if a Dr would prescribe a medication for his patient, and the patient didn’t do well, & the Dr would say, “well it would have been worse!”

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How many people have to collapse ON camera to stop the madness?

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The media here in Queensland Australia have run story's about how people were saved from the worst of Covid (Omicron) yet they announced hospital figures the other day and 80% were vaxxed in a 86% vaccinated population lol.

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same. I'm "old" had both original and delta variants. No big deal. thin, exercise, followed FLCCC protocal. My husband got it, I took him in for DeSantis monoclonals, as my husband has COPD. He was fine in 1 day. Took him in on the 2nd day, didn't mess around. My 87 year old parents got the Delta, took monoclonals 2nd day, were fine.

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Unlikely your son had Omicron then - almost no reports of it affecting taste/smell

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Just because there are no reports doesn’t make it so. His symptoms were mild, cold like, his nose ran like a sieve for several days, he improved rapidly and lost taste and smell at the tail end of being symptomatic. I cannot prove one way or another which variant he had, and quite frankly I don’t care. I just hope he gets his taste and smell back!

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Tell him to try niacin, my husband lost his sense of smell for three months and the niacin seemed to work. Take the flush version. It may make him feel weird, like he has a sunburn for 30 minutes but it goes away.

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My doc had me use Flonase daily…. It reduces swelling in the nose as it has a steroid. It worked great my smell came back very quickly a little bit at a time.

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Wish I had known about Flonase earlier. It's been about 2 months since I had covid and still have issues with smell and taste.

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Three out of the five in my family who are just getting over it have lost our taste and smell.

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Thank you for stepping up and being a nurse. That could not have been easy during the early stages. Greatly appreciated.

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Please don’t give me credit where it’s not due. Like I said I teach nursing students full time. I continued to work per-diem on my off schedule from the university. At least I did until I was “exited” as Northwell likes to put it. I transitioned to academia right before COVID. However my 33 years of experience have been cast aside. This is one of those times of the year I typically work bedside, during winter break, but instead of my healthy unvaxxed body willing to work, I’m home while COVID + nurses are asked to go back to work! It’s disgusting. I appreciate your kind words.

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The BS going around these days is amazing. You could be a schoolteacher in Chicago off work for no reason and be treated with more respect. Stand by your principals as long as you can and you will sleep well. I will double down on my thank you as so few will stand up and say anything.

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The problem is that they can't prove it. This event happens once. It can't be duplicated or repeated.

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My son's coworker and his wife got the Ro. He was a pureblood, she was vaxxed and boosted. The wife got very sick, he not so much. I realize this is anecdotal, but the notion that the jabs help make the symptoms less is pure, unadulterated horse hockey.

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I suspect often you have been exposed just that virus activity was low and thus you have been able to train your immune system. Most understand now that if you have symptoms, you are quite contagious. So more viral load as I understand it. So people in hospital sick with virus much viral load. Two people in last day that I know have persons close to them that have virus. A clerk at a big auto shop told my husband last week, he was only employee there. Everybody sick. Pretty creepy.

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Full disclosure - I've been taking IVM prophylactically since May of last year.

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I’ve been taking Vitamin D only and not consistently.

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Vitamin D is so important to surviving Covid and other diseases. It took me 18 months of taking a daily D3 dose of 10,000 IU to get my previously very low (deficient) Vitamin D level to the optimal number it is now. There are Vitamin D studies that have concluded that if you can get your level to > 50 ng/ml, your mortality risk from Covid goes to zero.

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Where can I purchase IVM?

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You need to consult with a telemed doctor. I use this company: https://text2md.com/. They are very good and follow the FLCCC protocols. They will recommend pharmacies that will fill your prescription.

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seven cells pharmacy (florida and also online), according to Daniel Horowitz

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Similar story…but I finally got it—from the jabbed. The FLCCC protocol works!

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That's a lot worse than any of my unjabbed family had, and it sure didn't last two weeks!

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Definitely gonna ignore the quick recovery and say wow, without the vax he would've died

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Ding Ding Ding! You win a prize! That's exactly what they say. It would have been worse for him if he wasn't triple jabbed

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Same thing for my FIL. Promptly told him of three of my relatives who took the horse paste and came out unscathed. He was speechless.

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All three of those people being over 70 I might add.

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And it happens the other way... We had a late 40's CharlieSheenEsque friend who got Lung clots then organ failure within 48 hours. R.I.P. my friends are adamant it was his lifestyle despite the fact he was in the gym several times the fortnight preceding.

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Sorry about your friend!

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They're just regurgitating what they've been told. Medical schools don't teach independent thinking much anymore. Use the expert systems, follow the procedures, fill out the paperwork...

Additionally, there's little incentive for doctors to buck the system and a lot of incentive not to.

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Sadly that is very true. I come from a family of physicians and the only one not captured by big pharma is my mother a retired Physician. I think it’s because she was a solo practitioner so she was not beholden to a big group or hospital It also helps that she is a devout Catholic. People of faith recognize the evil of men and only worship God not government.

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or he needed a fourth

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But the push for everybody is on the logic "It would have been worse for him if his neighbor wasn't vaccinated".

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My office is fully jabbed & boostered. All have the new virus or whatever the government buzzword is “variant.” I’m the only one who is not jabbed…warned by very smart physicians not to take it. I also followed FLCCC protocol. Came down with virus 1/5, the night was not particularly comfortable, as well as most of today, 1/6. But the protocol works. I’m on the mend in less than 48 hours. The jabbed are all sick, going on two plus weeks now. I hear similar stories all over the US.

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Thank you for using the correct past tense of "booster", i.e. "boostered". Even Alex won't use the correct form and he is a writer. It just reinforces how people see a word and just repeat it without thinking about its definition. Just like using "issues" instead of "problems".

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I have omicron now. On Tuesday I woke up with fever. Started the flccc protocol immediately. Tuesday I was acutely sick and by Wednesday night my fever was still around 102 even with ibuprofen. I took melatonin and woke up today really sweaty and feeling much better. I've done the nasal flush with dilute iodide and mouthwash gargle religiously in addition to all the recommended meds. Unless I take a turn for the worse then it looks like it was only bad for a couple days. I'm unvaxed. I knew about the flccc stuff because my sister was interested in that topic and prepared for when she had delta in October. She had a mild course of illness and is also unvaxed.

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Glad you are doing better! It's interesting because there seems to be a more diverse set of symptoms this go around. Some have fevers. Others have just the cough, runny, nose and lower back pain. Some have sore throats or extreme fatigue. Others complain of night sweats. I ask everyone I know what symptoms they have so I can recognize if it happens to me. Interestingly, I have a friend and he and his wife just developed high fevers and coughing yet tested negative for Covid multiple times. It turns out they both had bacterial pneumonia. Ironically, they were exposed to an entire family of Covid during Thanksgiving and didn't get Covid by using the FLCCC protocols.

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I'm almost certain I caught it from my coworker who tested positive a day before me. His symptoms were less intense than mine but it seems hed been fighting mild symptoms for about a week before getting tested I've since found out. He said he thought he had omicron when he got night sweats. Prior to that I guess he just suspected it to be a cold. We are both unvaxed.

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Very interesting.

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They are shielding the fact that this is vaccine-injury by calling it COVID. I've deeply researched this topic and am vaccine-injured myself as were my babies in the 1970s.

I am an investigative journalist and have more than enough experience [being 70-years-old] to look at this mess that started some fifty years ago.

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What I keep remembering is the fact that the original virus was and is 98% survivable for healthy people, even older people. Getting treatment early is the key no matter your status. But the powers that be are not interested in treating people nor saving lives. One has to wonder why? I'm still grateful I didn't take the shot. I knew the minute they said lockdown this wasn't about a virus or our health. We can no longer trust the medical professionals, hospitals and especially the CDC. I'm not changing my mind no matter how much they bully or threaten. And I'm not staying quiet about it either.

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Pierre Kory claims that nursing homes have easy access to ivermectin which is why the nursing home death rate has flattened. He mentioned this in the most recent flccc update video.

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Glad to hear, excellent news.

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Preach. Truth is almost all the blood is on medical establishment and public health denying people the off label treatments and anything else that could work. And we all know why. $ if there were a treatment no emergency use auth. And further, now the monoclonal was doing an amazing job on both original and alpha and delta. But shortage thanks to Biden policies is intentional. Crimes against humanity. But let’s keep blaming the unvaccinated.

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I use 99.84% (In first year of pandemic, about 0.16% of a total population officially died of (includes "with") Covid-19, for a certain Florida county.

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Me either: no shots, and I am speaking up.

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You are spot on about not trusting the "medical professionals, hospitals and especially the CDC." Obamacare has driven our medical system to ruin. Our healthcare is being run topdown as if it were 100% socialized. Doctors are not independent they are beholden to large medical groups as employes. We must demand the repeal of Obamacare, or lives depend upon it.

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I'm going to buy Geert Vanden Bossche a t-shirt that says "I Told You So!"

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Yup. What A,ex writes is exactly what Geert predicted.

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But it seems to me Alex refuses to allow himself to become aware of the intentional evil, the pure malevolence, the bigger picture, behind the gain-of-function coronavirus and the "vaccines."

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Alex has done terrific reporting and was a voice in the wilderness for a long time. But now there are many voices. Alex worked at The NY Times for 15 years. At the risk of repeating myself; working for 15 years at The NY Times is analogous to working 15 years at the CIA. Hotel California. You can check out, but you can never leave. Despite the evidence he can’t bring himself to acknowledge the election fraud. And he can’t seem to get over the hump that our own government is part of a nefarious plot (mostly driven by Marxists, all of them Democrats, with Republican complicit) to enslave its own people once and for all. Doing so would mean he has to come fully over to the dark side. So far, that hasn’t happened. Let’s pray it does before time runs out. The clock is ticking

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IMHO, the toxic twins of "public choice theory" and "regulatory capture" explains almost all of it. Evil as a motive is not needed. Fauci on the other hand ... I wouldn't ascribe evil, but certainly an ego manic with a God complex.

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On the question of whether Fauci is evil, I know a number of beagles and monkeys that would like a word.

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Touché! Ouch, that's indefensible. Certainly unbelivalby cruel. Evil? Yeah, you got me.

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Haha! "Like a word", and Ill be standing right behind them!

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Is there a difference?

Evil is as evil does.

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Good point. It's certainly evil (or just criminally uninformed) what they are doing with the kids and the mRNA jabs. Here, play russian roulette, so i might feel safer, because i'm uninformed and afraid. Yeah, that's evil. You know the last time the 'scientific progressives' were in charge SCOTUS was ruling that forced sterilization - three generation of idiots is enough- was the law of the land. Let's see what SCOTUS does with the forced drug trial mandates.

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In Alex's defense, the "explanations" behind all of this, if intentional, are pretty insane. I completely agree that none of them can be taken off the table yet because of the behavior of the government and how they've continued to push these forced injections despite what's happening. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to go full Alex Jones quite yet, and I think we can all agree it would be best if those explanations remain in the crazy & untrue category.

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Just a year ago, I thought Alex Jones was a crazy person. Not anymore, most of what he's said has come true. Once you get past that bombastic personality, the man sees what most can't. He's actually a very smart guy. It's hard to accept that our fellow humans are this evil, but once you do, everything makes sense.

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Yep. The war on treatment is what really makes the whole thing undeniable. If any of the goals here had anything to do with saving human lives then early treatment would be encouraged. Instead, it is just the opposite. They will revoke the licenses of doctors who treat Covid early. There is no benevolent explanation.

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Absolutely. I remember being shocked listening to McCullough talking about this in a Rumble video many months ago, about the Lancet / Surgisphere fraud that involved Harvard University and the resultant demonization of HCQ and stores of it literally being destroyed.

The people perpetrating this plandemic want people to die.

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It's Alex's one Covid blind spot. He doesn't talk about early treatment and the war against generic, repurposed drugs. He doesn't seem to recognize that this is probably an even greater crime against humanity than the vaxx mandates.

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Yep! My mother was a war refugee. She read us Grimm's Fairy Tales -- the real version (Cinderella was the ugly one, the sisters' mutilated their feet to get into the shoes, and the birds plucked their eyes out).

I grew up learning how evil the world can be. I've been full Alex jones for months.

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"Those explanations" from which you seemingly instinctively recoil seem insane to you because you are naive. This is not meant as an insult, just a statement of fact.

If you were to read this book from cover to cover (a significant project, but worth every bit of the time and effort it takes) you'd understand why I say this:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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At one time I thought Jones was a kook. Not anymore.

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I think a reasonable person has to consider the concept that if all else is true about this virus and the vaccines you have to entertain the possibility of nefarious motives should there be evidence of them.

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So back in 2008, I signed up for email alerts from Clinton, McCain and Obama. When I write to friends and family, I use my nickname. Otherwise my proper name to those I do not know. So one day I get an alert from Obama camp addressed to my nickname. I was shocked. It really bothered me. About 2 days later, I got an email from the Brady group addressed to my nickname. So clearly Obama found out my nickname, passed it on to the Brady group. At that point, I realized Obama would sell his mother which he did along with his grandmother and uncle. Dad the loser was everything. He hated the others. I guess they were jamookes as well. Alex and Dr Malone thought they had friends at their workplace. I too learned the hard way that progressives are never friends. It is very sobering. I feel for Alex and Dr Malone and frankly Geert that too found out he has no friends. Well add Eric Clapton. He nearly dies from vaccine and his family and friends hate on him. 🙁

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Who's the Brady group?

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I like that. Its important to check his stuff as much as possible. His information has been spot on and sobering.

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That blue line looks like a 2AM Biden vote dump.

Just a reminder that Alex is smart enough to read this sort of data, but still accepts the mainstream narrative that Trump lost.

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Brings so much into question.

Still, operation warp speed was Trump's glory, and lockdowns started on his watch so no heroes there.

Is there any politician that can stand up to this NWO shadow?

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Cthulu 2024. Why settle for the lesser evil?

It is possible to simultaneously disdain Trump for his glaring deficiencies while also recognizing that the election was shady AF. The whole thing stinks on ice.

Trump is a massive putz. However, in his defense, the lockdowns happened at the state level, and every single red state governor got suckered into that crap, even DeSantis for a brief period until he reversed course. IIRC the only one that didn't lock down was Noem. I think that's the only thing I actually like about her.

IMO Trump panicked way too easily and he spooked the herd. He also should have fired Fauci when he started going TV and undermining the administration. And the whole "two weeks to stop the spread" nonsense -- that was useless, and that was all on Trump.

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I agree with your opinions, but I'm liking your comment for the Lovecraft reference

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I wouldn’t be so sure he “accepts” it, just is he is smart enough not to go off half-cocked. He is putting himself out there over the fire with his stance on the pandemic, and he has the time, knowledge, and data to back it up in that arena. To expect him to also be expert in the 2020 election is asking too much, in my opinion.

I believe that there are things that happened that during the 2020 election that have been ignored by most media, which now blithely calls any challenge to it’s outcome as a “LIE”. Very hard to get traction…

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This is obviously man made. They will release a variant eventually that will kill in much greater numbers. People aren't wising up. Two years into this and I know many people who are still morbidly obese. They refuse to lose weight, they would rather live in a fantasy land thinking the shot is going to save them.

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Obesity is complex. I have an autoimmune disease. I hate my weight (180) and would love to be 130. I gain weight with hormonal events (5 pregnancies, 2 live births). I got super active and super focused on my diet during COVID. My weight did not change. I talked to my doctor and was told - you won't lose weight because of your thyroid disease. Be careful about judgy statements. Metabolically, I am healthy. But I am obese. And lucky that I don't regularly gain. (And not vaxxed and naturally immune, no hospitalization).

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p.s. Not sure people mean to be judgmental. Lots of people do not try at all and rely on drugs. And the problem is you don't here anyone emphasizing good health. And they need to. That doesn't mean it will work for everyone.

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hear, gees.

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Thank you. Yes, good diet and vitamins are so very important. Vitamin D and Zinc, among othets.

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Jennifer, I'm the same way--autoimmune hypothyroid. My weight has a mind of its own, and despite fighting it off as a young person with tortuous amounts of exercise, after having kids and later, hitting menopause, I have no ability to control it without drugs. I resent the "just lose weight already" minions who've never had a serious issue with it themselves.

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Keep trying. I have Hashimotos and had more trouble when I was younger. There is probably a diet that agrees with you. Carnivore worked for me. Here is why, I think. Auto-immune people have all kinds of trouble with plants. It's like an elimination diet. Much more than animal products. I do ok with dairy, so I eat all meat, cheese, seafood, chicken, liver, eggs. Some people have trouble with dairy. I never gave up coffee. :) Then you add back in plants and maybe a few carbs. Trial and error. Give it a try. I think we have more reactions to things. The people who rave the most about carnivore have auto-immune problems. Even if you do it a month or two and then start adding back in food, you might be very surprised.

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p.s. I always had a theory that fat really was inflammation more than from calories. Or at least that is a factor. So if you are eating things you are essentially "allergic" to, you have a lot of side effects, one of which is the propensity to gain weight. I'm more sure I'm right when you hear about the virus causing inflammation of the fat cells. And I'm more sure I'm right after experimenting with diet for 40 some years! Hang in there!

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I have Hashimotos thyroid and am 66 and not heavy. Weigh 125 (well maybe up just a couple from the holidays). Have you tried keto or carnivore even for a while? Regular moderate exercise, of course. Maybe you've tried those.

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Yes. Tried it all. Recently gluten and dairy free and have lost a tiny bit. But the point of post is obesity is complex and it is far more than calories in and calories out. And again gain has been with material hormonal events, not every day (unfortunately more with pregnancy losses that no one knows about). But yes on exercise etc. Metabolically healthy.

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You did try carnivore? Yes, you are right it's very complex. Hormones do make it harder which is why I'm sure it got easier as I aged instead of harder. Maybe it will for you, too! But if you haven't actually tried carnivore, do because plants are a big problem for auto-immune folks. So keto can still be problematic.

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I suspect cardiovascular fitness is more important than body weight when you get it.

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Well, they did some studies that showed the virus actually attacked the cells in heavy people and increased overall inflammation which is why they do poorer. But they often also have diabetes or cardio problems as well. High blood pressure

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Same with my husband. He is overweight but metabolically everything is good. Covid was mild for him. We found our son has a bacteria in his gut that they have found causes mice to gain weight easily (my son is stick thin) so it makes me wonder if my husband has the same thing. He's being tested for it.

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This like isn’t on losing weight. But that “they” will release something more dangerous again. Remember, Bill Gates predicted a small pox outbreak soon. 🤨🤔

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Mutoidman84, Not only a more lethal virus is coming. They will poison the food more openly. They will poison the potable water. They will alter the weather to provoke never seen tornados and earthquakes. So, dude, being lean, eating healthy and exercising will not significantly increase your survival chances in 10 years from now.

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Let them.

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Why? Because this is the pandemic of people who can't admit that they were wrong. Not to mention the absolute gushers of money vaxmania has produced.

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They also insist on mask mandates when we know both cloth and surgical masks are WORTHLESS. Can't fix stupid.

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CNN's Leana Wen: 'Cloth Masks Are Little More Than Facial Decorations.' 😳

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It must've been devastating for all of them when she actually said what we've all been saying for the last 2 years. Or else, that was how they planned it, so they can now insist on triple-masking with N95...

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LOL - triple masking with N95... that will last about 15 minutes and you will pass out from lack of oxygen. It's hard enough to breathe with ONE N95 mask on.

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They are like using a chain link fence to protect against mosqitoes

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She is PO S Commie Dem. Next step N95 Masks!

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actually was Born in Shanghai

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Her dad contracted for CCP

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No 💩. Now she tells us

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She is PO S Commie Dem. Next step N95 Masks!

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In France - and the EU more generally - the drive to vaccinate everyone has nothing to do with public health but is being used to get us all on the pass sanitaire - now the pass vaccinal - and force us to earn our right to participate in society through endless mandatory boosters, i.e., every 4 months, or we lose our privileges. A social credit system.

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Only 35% have had the booster. If booster acceptance doesn't increase, the pandemic is over. Lack of booster acceptance is our ticket out of this insanity.

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Thank you. I keep saying that subtly but no one hears me. Even the countries keeping and publishing honest data are not backing down the controls. The only reason US is not Austria or Australia or even Europe in general is that pesky 2nd amendment. They just aren’t yet prepared for what to do with that whole thing. 🤷‍♀️

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Don't forget the protests! Germany, a country where protesting is mostly not part of the national character, is having bigger and bigger protests every week. In over 1500 cities and towns. Especially, on Monday evenings so the police can't be everywhere at once. In the grand tradition that made the DDR collapse.

The main stream media hardly report on this, but you can tell the politicians are definitely noticing.

In my region, where people were practically the last ones to get off the couch, we suddenly have protests in every mid-sized town and even some villages, ranging from 100s to 1000s of people. And they are growing every week.

Protesting is also really good for your mental health.

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yet western leaders as predicted e.g. Macron, Trudeau, etal continue to scapegoat the unvaccinated, even at 80,90 or higher % of the population vaccinated, likely among other things as a red herring to distract from vaccine failure. What an outrage. It's become OK to revile a minority who have done absolutely nothing wrong but exercise judgement in the acceptance of a pharmaceutical product—as it turns out good judgement because it's not only next to useless but harmful. When does this shit end?

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I think these politicians just have diarrhea of the mouth. They are so amoral and empty they can think of nothing else to speak about. Who even listens to them anymore? I was once told that politician translates into latin as “human lice”. Sounds about right

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there are some reports life insurance companies are seeing 40% increased mortality in the 20-60 age group, and adjusting their rates. I hope some die-hard journalists look into that. if anyone has interest in accurate numbers, it would be life insurance companies.

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And the weirdest part of that story is that same insurance company is mandating the shots on its own employees 🤔

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well, it's the woke CEOs, that fear getting canceled.

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I wonder if there are some CEOs, who have inplemented vax mandates months ago and now are scared of being sued for vax injuries?

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Man, the woke CEOs, that makes it easier to be fired. I am valued and huge contributor, so I don't know if they will come to me on March 1. So I have a huge dilemma - do I push ot (and negotiate to train replacement - which they need, but may not know) or do I wait for them. The policy gives wiggle room on actual termination date. I am the major breadwinner so while I want to force the conversation, I don't know how long I will be unemployed and I owe it to my family.... (my husband is amazing and supports any choice I make). As I think about it, maybe I don't force the conversation because I have 6 months to file with EEOC and there may be some governance changes and new data...so goal is to have the latest date of the ultimate act of hostility from which my six month clock will run. Another substack.

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Make them fire you and don't train your replacement! That's my plan if my company decides to go that way, but I'm hoping they won't. I'm sorry, but I will inflict at least as much pain on them as they have on me, if they make that choice.

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I will train for appropriate compensation. I have a figure. I will not train without that. I will also not sign a release without appropriate compensation. Not sure which is more valuable to the company.

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People are saying to is because of complications due to COVID and Long COVID --- they go ballistic when you even suggest that maybe, just maybe it is the vaccines

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I agree. When private companies start having to pay for vax injuries - either by lawsuit or life insurance etc - then there may be coverage and fight for who gets the $$. Although I've read articles that describe the excess deaths "due to co-morbidities being triggered by Covid-19".....

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It’s disgusting really . Not based on any science . I ask people why are we boosting with shots based on the alpha variant when omicron is so mutated ? What are we accomplishing other than dependence on big pharma ? Everyone I know that’s catching omicron are vaccinated !

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Same here. It seems so many vaccinated public people are getting virus. Are they privately wondering what is happening?

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I remind everybody that has ears isn’t it weird that everyone catching covid is vaccinated ? (Many sick at my work)

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Doesn't this suggest ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) if the vaccinated are more likely, or much more likely, to contract COVID than the unvaccinated? With Omicron having generally mild symptoms that is probably not a huge issue for the vaccinated at this point, but it does not bode well for them if a more virulent variant emerges. Or could this be an indication of OAS (original antigenic sin) where the vaccine has effectively primed the innate immune response to be ineffective against Omicron? Is there an indicator in the data that suggests one versus the other (ADE vs OAS) or would both present the same way, with the vaxxed being more susceptible than the unvaxxed? Either way, I think the vaxxed in particular should be very worried about a more virulent variant emerging that can also evade the vaccine.

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Since Omicron is not severe--it's like a regular cold virus that each of of has weathered at least one in our lifetime--why are hospital beds filling up with covid patients?

Is it the boosted vax contracting Delta, getting the original covid, or having Omicron hit them really hard?

I read awhile back that the shots would actually weaken one's entire immune system, thus making one vulnerable to catching most any virus that crossed their path, AND getting hit hard because their body had no strong army to combat.

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I didn’t think they are hospitalized with omicron. The flu and other things are hitting hard. Cases are up but not hospitalizations from Covid. At least in the ER I waited in for 9 hours where I never saw a doctor because I finally gave up. The tech said he tested everyone and only one positive test for Covid. 🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

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Most people don't get early treatment so they can still have a hard time with omicron. My understanding is that people are going to the hospital but not ending up in the ICU. I was acutely sick for 2 days and that's with taking the entire flccc protocol including ivm. I could see how some people would be scared enough to unnecessarily go to the hospital thanks to all the hype too. Being redpilled on this subject helps a lot.

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The vast majority of people in the hospital FOR Covid have delta. There are many people in the hospital WITH Covid who happen to have Omicron as a secondary diagnosis. For example, they come in for chest pain and get a Covid test that ends up positive.

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I am confused about Omicron as well- is it mild or not? We had covid in early December, no idea what strain and it was fairly mild but I would not describe it as a cold, at least no at first.

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In the most recent flccc weekly update video Pierre Kory said most of his omicron patients feel pretty rotten for a few days. They don't end up hospitalized but according to him most of them feel like it's worse than a cold. That is my recent experience too.

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Oopsy ""To date, ADE has also been demonstrated with models using monoclonal antibodies "

So maybe that's not the simple quick fix it seems either?!?

When it comes to meds.... Less is more.

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It appears the jab may actually be CAUSING Omicron. Let's focus on this folks; we can work on Alex on the 2020 election later.

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Can the election results be changed? If not, it's time to move on because we are in a bigger mess than anyone can imagine. This has never been about public health so everyone needs to focus on how we can break the spell the country is under and how we can contribute to making those who created this mass murder psychosis (Fauci) pay for what they have done. At the end of the day with the elite running the country, Trump has become a promoter of the shot so where do you think he'll be sitting if the Elite pulls off their complete takeover of the world? Not with the common man/woman.

EPISODE 249: BREAKING MASS PSYCHOSIS-https://thehighwire.com/watch/.

-Australia already has camps for the unvaccinated.

-Germany has locked unvaxxed people out of society.

-Emmanuel Macron denounced France's 5 million unvaccinated as "non-citizens" and vows: "I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, to the bitter end. That's the strategy." "When my freedoms threaten those of others, I become someone irresponsible," he added. "Someone irresponsible is not a citizen."(Le Parisien)

-There are rumors of camps being created in the US.

All energy & hands need to be on deck for what is coming at us and it ain't going to be pretty. Time to move on from 2020 or you'll be blindsided.

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FEMA camps. This is fear mongering. I found a website listing the locations in every state. The locations included the Federal Prison in Lewisburg PA, for example. Lots of jails and military bases. The list made the preparers look silly. Worry now about what happens with the mandates. If Federal ones aren't nixed by SCOTUS, watch out. The current administration will create NYC requirements for entry into society for all citizens, and no one will stop them.

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The fear mongering is coming from the government. Yes, as I said we are in a bigger mess than people realize and that includes mandates & passports.

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The Australian camps aren't for unvaccinated, they are for returning travelers.... at this point anyway :)

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HUGE : Court rules FDA must release 55,000 pages per month of the Pfizer documentation (instead of 500 FDA requested) https://www.sirillp.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ORDER_2022_01_06-9e24e298ae561d16d68a3950ab57077b.pdf

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Yeah Aaron Siri is awesome. I was wondering: can the FDA appeal that? Because those dirtbags would if they could.

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Sounds like it may be destroying the immune system for many folks, strokes & kills many others, pericarditis death sentence for quite a few (including vax pimp Franklin Graham). All for a disease with a near-100% survival rate if effective treatment is not denied.

Hope everyone's boycotting ALL Pfizer & J&J products. They have hundreds of OTC products and drugs with generic alternatives. They're vulnerable and deserve to be destroyed.

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even the most idiotic public health officer can see these numbers. The push for the vax has nothing to do with the vax. The push for vax has to with the vax passports and they need 100% enrolled for the next stage of the great reset which digital ID and currency.

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