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Doing things that don't work because of how they make you feel might not make you crazy, but your toes are in the pool.


Masks, meanwhile, took on novel roles as political statements or articles of faith employed by political leaders, organizations, public health figures and much of the population. People were even seen swimming with paper masks. Physician Margaret Harris, a member of the WHO’s coronavirus response team, was quoted in an NPR column saying that “the mask is almost like a talisman,” making “people feel more secure and protected.”

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I wash my hands too- and brace yourself, I sanitize at times …alert the nut house - I’m on my way

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LOL yeah but those things actually work. Really, we knew everything we needed to know in the very very very very first commercials, which told us:

1) Wash Your Hands

2) Don't Touch Your Face (guess what masks make people do????)

3) Stay Home When You're Sick


It also recommends the following:

• Do not attend work, school or events when sick. Stay home.

• Cough into your elbow or tissue.

• Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer often.

• Stay away from anyone who is sick.

March 2020.


April 2020.


SYRACUSE, N.Y. --- At this point, we all know what to do during this coronavirus outbreak: wash your hands, sneeze into tissues, stay home if you’re sick.

April 2020.

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You belong there

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You should know-

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