The collateral damage is starting to pile up. So many delayed serious illnesses diagnoses (or never diagnosed), untreated chronic illnesses, death from depression and loneliness, suicides, drug OD, permanent delayed development and on and on. It’s going to be an avalanche….. IF it is honestly tracked and reported. Well, it’ll be a catastrophe either way…. just will we know the full extent. I called this (and many others likely) way back in April 2020. It was obvious for anyone who was willing to THINK.

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It will not be reported on honestly in this country I can tell you that. We will have to look to more serious nations to get an idea of what is happening. The USA has ceased to be a serious nation. It is now just a corrupt, bloated government monstrosity that’s only purpose is to keep those rich and powerful in there perches.

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Yes, a dear dear woman, beautiful soul, excelling in a vocation she loves, raising a tiny boy.....misdiagnosed with ovarian cancer until it was too late. Palliative now. Days or weeks left. Doesn't want to be remembered as having fought a battle with cancer but wants it to be known THE TREATMENTS DID NOT WORK.

Not enough research for ovarian cancer; using 30 year old treatments.

We grieve.....individually but collectively as well. 💔

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My heart is heavy as I read this..women think paps identity ovarian cancer as well and not true. Just watched a Tucker TODAY interview of a doctor/surgeon/scientist. His wife had the same pedigree & was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian C. What I did not know is the standard practice when a woman has cysts the docs rotor rooter these cysts KNOWING a minority are Cancer & not benign. The procedure spreads the once contained cancer through out the body & almost immediately have Stage 4 genealogically based Cancer. They fought with the FDA etc to get this practice stopped. She has since passed

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I'm wondering if the excess deaths are because of the lockdowns or from heart attacks/strokes from the vaccines OR something entirely different.

I'd be interested in seeing a breakdown of causes of deaths and which are higher than usual. That will tell more what's going on.

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The problem is that cause of death is so much more complicated that most people realize. It isn't so simple to determine a singular cause of death in most cases. A heart attack could be caused by lockdowns, lack of exercise, unhealthy consumption of food and drugs, failure to go to the doctor - OR it could be a vaccine side effect. How would you know? The reason why all-cause deaths is such a powerful indicator of whether we are doing something right is that it doesn't require anyone to determine a singular cause of death. It tells you on a broad scale if things are generally being done right. Imagine an extreme hypothetical case where a vaccine caused people to black out and not recall it. This might show up in an increase in car accident deaths. The only way to know that the vaccine was causing problems would be overall mortality statistics.

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Excellent comment.

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Robert Malone wrote on Twitter, that Portugese doctors, emts etc. Told him that there is a big uptick in car accidents by people having heart attacks, strokes etc.while driving in Portugal.

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That’s key, knowing what caused the excess deaths.

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They will never admit that it is the vaccines.

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They might genuinely not know it is the vaccines. Perhaps a few years from now, we might have enough data to understand exactly what the breakdowns were. Did places with higher vaccination levels have lower mortality than places with lower vaccination levels? This type of data is not easily available in real time. The only thing we can suppose is that if the vaccines were a miracle, life saving treatment then we should see some sort of improvement in overall mortality. So far, we just do not see that anywhere that we have even a bit of data. We don't have anything definitive as of right now but it is important to keep an eye on this overall mortality because it is the one statistic that cannot be faked. You are either dead or not. The cause of death can easily be obfuscated.

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... and, before Shakespeare, there was the Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." [NIV 1984]

Question: if "they" achieve something very, very close to 100% vaccination levels, won't they lose the unvaccinated as a "control group" and no one will *ever* prove or disprove that the vaccines contributed to the death-tolls?

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That's their Goal. Nothing to See Here !

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"When oft the wrong seems oh so strong.......G-d is the ruler yet." Who knows and not likely will there ever be proof of anything .. all we've had are dark, divided, mis and dis..information. Truth has become elusive except what is reveal in the heart. But them our hearts are deceiving. 😌

A,ex, don't leave us.....

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Katie - that's a great line from a wonderful hymn! Yes, He is! Thanks for the reminder. :)

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Thank you but my English composition and spelling are atrocious. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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As my HS basketball coach used to say, "Stay in control!"

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Ours used to say, “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the ONLY thing.” And “Quitters never win and winners never quit.”

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Mark - I was far too short for basketball, but that's good advice for any court!

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Look at the State of Vermont right here in America . They was one of the firsts in the USA to get everyone fully Vaccinated .Cases and deaths are up higher than this time last year across the board long before we had one person Vaccinated . All that we hear From Biden , Fauci , Collins , CNN and Chris Cuomo . Is to get Vaccinated this is the only way we can get out of this . Get Vaccinated it is free if you are not Vaccinated you are the problem . We will never get out of this with CNN Chris Cuomo , in charge .

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If you heard Biden yesterday, he has promised over a billion doses of Pfizer to the rest of the world. I have this sick fantasy of watching the lame stream media anchor's faces as they report on how the vaccine has no efficacy. The ivory tower germaphobes who get everything sanitized by their masked underlings before touching it will be soiling themselves. Well, now that I said it out loud I am sure I am a bad person but they have inflicted a lot of pain on the nation with their lies and fear campaign so I guess I can have my fun with their fragility.

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I suspect you're a good person.

But the REALLY GOOD PEOPLE are those who wear masks and vaxx and say it's horrible when old, sick people die....even if they never visited these people in the nursing home.

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Yes, how could any of us compare to those extra saintly who protected society by letting the sick to die alone?

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They're the KINDEST. They wear "BE KIND" t shirts to remind us how kind they are.

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Exactly! Perfectly said.

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This is what you get when you have someone who has been abusing hard drugs and alcohol for more than 50 years now . Someone who doesn't know how to be a parent a father to his own children as well . We all know if you are not living in the twilight zone like CNN and Chris Cuomo . Who has never had a real job and very good at spending other people's money like Geraldo , the dope dealer .

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Yes I am expecting a lot of future Hunter Bidens from their stock.

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Maybe they can sell them to China. I’m not opposed to that

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I'm also in VT. Except the North East Kingdom, VT is insane. I think of it as the southern peninsula of Quebec politically.

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Me too! I'm wondering how long I can stay here before I have to move to Texas....

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Vermont, one of our smallest and whitest states. Should be a model for kicking Covid.

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The state that brought us Bernie Sanders???

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Should and yet virtue signaling and mass vaccinations during an actual outbreak like everything else woke doesn’t actually work.

But it is woke white paradise

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So true. Pathetic

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From the Dallas Morning News about the sad death of a 66 year old school teacher, who had "done everything right". 75% of the way through the article, it reads:

"Wise had posted on social media that she was fully vaccinated by March. (Her Facebook page was largely made private by the family after interview requests from The News.) She wrote that she had taken an additional preventive step, getting a third vaccine shot just days before she became ill.

Arndt, her sister, wrote that Wise got sick not long after her third shot, and that her health deteriorated rapidly after a few days of flulike symptoms. A doctor confirmed to the family that she had COVID-19 before getting her third vaccine, Arndt wrote."

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She isn’t the only one. I imagine most of the older folks that succumbed to the delta were fully vaccinated.

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Getting vaccinated makes one at seriously high risk for at least a week - check out Gibraltar detailed data. It killed thousands in nursing homes.

If she HAD Covid when she got vaccinated that was her worst option. Getting monoclonal antibodies would have likely worked.

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She died? That's sad :(

When I first read the story the family was crediting the vaccine for saving her life.

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The extra deaths could be drug/mental health crisis potentially. Scotland had a really hard lockdown and it had to be mentally straining on many.

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Or just people not getting care.

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It could be a lot of things, but it’s not the virus and likely the human intervention to not stop an endemic respiratory virus - be it the lockdowns or mass vaccinations or isolation or lack of care or fear mongering.

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The cumulative effect of Lockdowns would have happened even with 100% effective vaccine.Outside of some Pentecost type feelings of “it’s a miracle “ (cue a very snarky Bill Gates recent interview) Worldwide even the come down from that would have been depressing.But nothing is happening,the entrenched Vaccine Cult is completely out of ideas outside of blaming others and doing what didn’t work beforehand.Really different feeling going in Autumn 2021 in Northern Hemisphere.

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I'm trying in vain to communicate some of the problems with these vaccines with health professionals who are otherwise more on the integrative/holistic side of things, and it's surprising how few of them are aware of the pitfalls. One of them told me today he only wanted to see peer-reviewed texts, which to me is really limiting your view of the world, never mind that peers mean people and people are always fallible. Ultimately people are going to have to witness some of the carnage first hand before they are willing to admit there might be a problem.

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Here's a recent peer reviewed paper in a respected journal.


Then, watch him move the goal posts after you share it.

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I feel like your suggestion vaccines are increasing deaths. But couldn’t the non Covid deaths be the result of shutting down elective procedures. Undiagnosed cancer, blood pressure, diabetes etc etc?

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Largest medical testing laboratory in the State of Idaho is reporting massive spikes in viral diseases and specific cancers among the vaccinated. Not a coincidence. Can only keep a lid on reality for so long - then it punches it you in the mouth.

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This could reflect a backlog; diagnoses are at least one year behind.

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Agreed, if percentages were same between vaxxed & unvaxxed. According to the head of the testing lab, they are not. As Alex has pointed out, time will tell and there's nowhere to hide at this point.

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I wonder if any analysis would also have to measure whether the individuals actually did postpone medical treatment and testing. There may be a higher percentage of the unvaccinated who went ahead and got their regular medical treatment and testing because they were less likely to follow the panic mode. For example, I did not postpone any of my regular check ups and tests but I have friends who postponed everything out of fear. Those friends are also the ones most likely to snap up vaccines and boosters.

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Joseph, is there anyway you could provide a source or a link. This is the type of data we could all use (to share) to strengthen our positions.

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Here's your second red pill for the day.

When doctors go on strike we typically get *less* deaths.

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When centenarians share tips for longevity, it usually goes like this:

1) Moderation 2) Don’t take life too seriously & 3) Stay away from Doctors

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I experienced this first hand. My great grandfather, a poor first gen Scottish orphan, never went to the doctor, as a rule. He lived to be 100. Born in 1888, died in 1988. Went from the horse and buggy to man-on-the-moon + 20 more years.

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Doctors prescribe way too many pills. Instead of lifestyle.. The pills often make seniors ill or sluggish and lack of activity can contribute to a disease. Stop being active and downhill you go.

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The American Medical System is the 3rd leading cause of Death in good times; it's probably up to Number ONE now !!

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Newest edicts from the AMA:

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This is NOT a joke from the AMA. We are now living in a dystopian medical nightmare with the lying criminal Fauci calling the shots.

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We make fun of, say, the ancient Romans for praying to gods rather than going to doctors. Perhaps we should have considered the very real possibility that, if you were only going to do 1 of them, praying had a better outcome.

3 months ago my wife slipped a disc in her neck. It stunk. She saw several doctors, each one trying to get her on all these crazy meds. She finally got into see a top specialist in our area. His advice? Let it heal naturally.

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One of the most important lessons of healing is to relax (as much as possible) when you go through pain. It isn't a sign that something is wrong, it is a sign that things are getting better.

Obviously that doesn't mean that you should never ever get intervention (if I'm in pain from being shot, I would be visiting a hospital) but if you wake up with a sore back or sore neck etc, then just accept that your body is undergoing a necessary (albeit unpleasant) rehabilitation. That's not to say you should never ever take analgesics - just as long as you remember that reducing the pain = delaying the healing.

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Western medicine is great for triage (when you break an arm to be overly simplistic). Holistic treatments will keep the systems working in good balance so you can recover from the triage incidents.

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My sister just had an ear infection, the drops were $300 & her insurance wouldn’t cover. I told her to buy some garlic ear oil. That was the end of it. Most things don’t require a “medical intervention”, the body just needs some extra support to actually *heal*. I hope your wife’s neck is better 👍

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Xylitol “homemade” ear drops work well. So many options for alternatives to the usual choices.

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Oh. Oh boy.

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We are in an information vacuum. This is why we are here on Alex's substack, trying to make sense of a surreal situation. On a positive note, the Amish remodeling my bathroom the last couple weeks have only a vague clue what we are talking about.

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ThAT made me giggle 😂 Thanks!

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AND Increased substance abuse and suicide brought on by the lockdowns

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Sorry, for the misspelled "The"

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Great question, Michael. Thew analysis would be interesting.

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When the response by the authorities to an individual who tests positive is to go home with no treatment offered that often results in complications eventually necessitating hospitalization followed by death, perhaps it is no surprise what the authorities in Scotland are seeing. Perhaps that is not the Scottish way but it seems to be how we mostly 'take care of' those testing positive in this country.

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And, now, this: https://gab.com/stkirsch/posts/106980366258093005

Is Team Hysteria capable of using facts to break out of their stupor?

If yes, the reckoning will be massive. If no, we're in for another dark ages.

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I could show this info to members of the Covid vaccine cult and they would still dispute it. I honestly don’t know what will wake them up.

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Nothing will wake them up. They believe their own lies and are comfortable with it

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It is scary how they won't hear our voices. I am reading a book written by Epoch Times (https://epochshop.com/collections/frontpage/products/nine-commentaries-on-the-communist-party) and the forced compliance we are experiencing around the world is really sounding like its coming from an old playbook.

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I suspect Team Hysteria won’t ever come to their senses.

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Team Hysteria is up to their necks in BS.

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I enjoy these types of posts. I loved your style on Twitter. Short posts, statistical interpretation, lil bit o snarkiness....

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Snarkiness! Laugh out loud snarkiness.

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How long do you think they will continue to try to pretend the the vaccines are not leading to deaths of all sorts? At what point will there be accountability for the idiocracy that led the sheep to slaughter?

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They do indeed work, just not at the stated task, rather the reverse. They're kill shots.

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Naomi asked "Are people having to wait longer to get care for cancer, surgeries, other diseases?" I think the answer is yes, and they are dying of those diseases that would have been cured or at least deferred for some time if the medical care they needed was available. But COVID put the kibosh on all other health care save the Wu Flu.

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My neighbor needs knee surgery so she can walk. The hospital her doctors uses has closed to elective surgeries. I don’t consider a surgery that is necessary to walk elective but whatever.

Being sedentary could have an effect on her longevity

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When does it become clear that being vaccinated does not innoculate anyone from certain serious covid effects and or death? That seems to be the only remaining lifeline these days.

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