Well, personally I am a hypochondriac health anxious person who goes to my many Drs. more than I should and is there with the first tinge of an ache and pain. I qualify for very in-tuned and health conscious. The running joke in my circles was I would be the first in line for the vaccine. I was shocked at the lack of fear I had personally when covid emerged. I went online and calmy listened to ER dr's in the horrible zones like NYC give their advice and talk about the risks, and how to mitigate them, and how most people seem to do ok when infected and what to do quickly if not. I also googled" when science gets it wrong" and found tons and tons of articles about vaccine and medicine absolute crazy scientific failures in the last 50 years. I also went back like most people to every article posted before covid was a thing, that talked about MRNA technology. I read everything I could about MRNA that was written Before covid came out( so many of these papers have been removed now)= every single article I read on MRNA technology was scary and talked of the failures of the lipid nanoparticles and risks of long-term severe complications. These Articles also compared Elizabeth Homes to Stephen Bancel at the time they were written which was at the time a great thing-- but by the time I was reading the articles she had been exposed as a big PHONY- who "faked it to make it". So, at shot time I said -I'll give it to September- and collect my own personal data. I had my shirt half rolled up ready to be convinced I was crazy not to be be first. My first two friends to get it got immediate high Blood pressure,they never had before(on medication now). One said her heart was beating out of her chest at night but attributed that to martial issues. From then on it was story after story friends diagnosed with cancer( two lymphoma. one bowel/2 breast/1 leukemia)- 6 to date in two years - I only had 1 friend with cancer iin my lifetime). I've mentioned my husband collapsed 6 weeks after his second pfizer and my sister got a horrible thrombosis on her legs and has thyroid issues ever since. I have three friends with life altering tinnitus,....... and the lists goes on. I have more vaccinated friends than unvaccinated but all my unvaccinated are alive and well. One vaccinated friend/neighbor is dead- 53- died weeks after her J and J shot but was diabetic, cause of death was " sepsis". With my vaccinated friends-They all also got covid multiple times and well before me and none of them had any better outcomes then anyone else I knew. My research and data was pretty on target - not safe not effective, no reason to get it. Almost everyone I know now has sworn off any more shots.

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You have my highest praise. You did what everyone needed to do and virtually all did not do the research.

In my case my wife and her BFF did the research and told me back in March of 21 " we're not getting that s**t. Thank god for their willingness to dive into the research. We are surrounded by people (all our families are jabbed) who took the shots and have had covid. For my wife and I, zero covid, zero illness (the vitamins and suppliments probably helped).

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And yet your suppositions would get you branded as a conspiracy theorist. I also had deep skepticism of a rushed vaccine having lived through the 1976 flu scare and its accompanying "vaccine". No jab for me and I got a mild case of the China virus in August '22.

It's so tempting to shout "I told you so" but to what purpose? The media were so effective at scaring people that I almost put my arm out a few times. So many people were complicit in the con and so little accountability.

I want payback for this scandemic but am not sure what that would look like.

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What you get, and I get, is our eyes permanently opened, which will serve us well for the rest of our lives.

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I remember I was so worried what to do with my teenagers -and an over the top vaxx friend said " what would you do-can you live with yourself if your kids die of Covid?" I said : God forbid my kids got ill or worse with covid - based on all the research I've done I would have zero guilt or an ounce of thinking the vaccine could have saved them, on the other hand if they died after getting vaccinated I would know exactly what happened and never be able to live with myself.

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That's a similar experience for me as well. Vax'd family always getting covid over and over, or being sick with colds, high blood pressure, cancer. I'm unvaccinated and my unvaccinated friends are fine.

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Just like every school has a 100% graduation rate if you only count kids who make it to graduation, every "vaccine" will be 100% effective if you only count people who make it through the worry window as "vaccinated."

Of course, the lie will quickly be uncovered as efficacy craters (because it never really had any to begin with, only rigged definitions.)

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Well at least Ukraine is winning!

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"Winning", of course, now being redefined as "desperately needing even more support".


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I've always thought certain people who work for the government aren't the brightest people on the earth. However, when I think about how clever some of these government data people are at rigging their numbers and their "studies," I start to think some of these people are Machievelli-like geniuses.

If the numbers can be gamed to suit their purposes, they'll figure out how to do it. Alex is the 1-in-100,000 who can see through their techniques.

America's data people are smarter than the UK's - they quickly figured out you shouldn't publish the "raw" data.

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I worked for the government for 25 years. I'm not stupid.

I didn't get vaccinated, and I didn't believe their stats st all because I could see right from the beginning that their "data" was irrelevant (unscientific), and the methodology flawed. I knew just by watching them change their numbers and change their sample population, that their numbers were biased and unreliable. There was no science. Thank God there were people like Alex who were paying attention to the numbers and trying to make sense of them.

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It's perverse incentives. This is true of most established institutes and industries.

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The greatest CON and crime against humanity in the history of time and STILL not ONE person responsible for orchestrating ALL of it and intentionally has even remotely been held to account. How is it so many are simply not beyond outraged and seemingly just moving along until the next time this happens and intentionally which will once again keep Alex busy with all the stats and opinion blah blah blah. What GOOD is knowing all of it was one big lie without anyone ever being held accountable? For the love of GOD! Just sayin...

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Earlier this week I was in disbelief when scolded by a relative (retired orthopedic surgeon) for being unvaccinated, "You can't go around asymptomatically giving covid to MY patients." As though the shot stops transmission in April 2023! This is someone who brags that he's read more covid studies than anyone he knows! Ugh.

Or another relative who in support of never-ending boosters says, "At my age, the vaccine is the only chance I've got."

Or another relative who asked to not receive new studies or updates regarding covid, masks, the shots, etc.

This was all THIS WEEK! Sadly the grip of fear, propaganda, and ego is still strong in far too many.

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That was one of the things that really pissed me off the most, watching the government literally scare the shit out of people, terrifying them with daily regular on going death counts and then kept it up with case counts.

That is an unconscionable act for any government to do, deliberately! Hurting the public is criminal conduct. Then once all my friends and family members lost their minds, I had to deal with those dumb babies. You realize very quickly who is who at that point. I watched what I thought were intelligent adults following blindly and believing nonsense! And there was no way to talk sense into them because they would get very defensive and mean, like zombies 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ with selective memories.

Pretty scary how the government can and did brainwash large swaths of the public with propaganda. My city hall mayor and city counselors turned into nazis over night. Trudeau pitted the vax'd against the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated weren't allowed to go into restaurants, or travel on planes. They were fired from their jobs. Trudeau called the unvaccinated names like bigots and science deniers and told the vaccinated that the country shouldn't tolerate the unvaccinated. He incited hatred in the same way Hitler did. And he got away with it. And my vaccinated family members thought he was right. My own family turned against me (over the vaccination and other mandates) because I wasn't vaccinated. They said I deserved the criticism. These people are nuts and it is scary to watch them change into zombies.

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If they haven't heard or read about the latest scientific info from their favorite news sources, it all remains tin-foil hat conspiracy junk to them forever.

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"Remember, for a few months after they were given in 2021, the shots did reduce Sars-Cov-2 infections and Covid hospitalization and death)."

Where is the evidence for this claim? You've made this claim several times and never presented evidence for it afaik. That drop in cases and deaths was seasonal and matched a similar decline in summer 2020.

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They literally took credit for spring.

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I'd like to see Alex address this. He's done such a good job dismantling much of the narrative but then says things like this or that "Oceania's early hard lockdowns kept the virus at bay until late 2021", again with no evidence and with plenty of counterfactuals, i.e., countries that didn't lock down also having low spread (case in point Japan, which was lambasted by the Washington Post in May of 2020 for not locking down and only requiring masks everywhere you went). The fact is nobody really knows why it spread in certain parts of the world and not others or at some times and not others, and this is something that's been documented for influenza over the last 70 years with seminal works like that of Hope Simpson, I believe is the doctor/researcher's name. So to come out and categorically say that vaccines caused low spread or lockdowns caused low spread, in addition to there not being any evidence for this, also flies in the face of what has been documented about respiratory viruses.

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Yep. Us "seasonality theorists" were correctly predicting virus activity by following Hope-Simpson, while people like Fauci were saying they had no idea why cases weren't exploding in Texas during spring when people were going to baseball games.

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Because they're more concerned about their propaganda campaign. They have an agenda that is more about population control and used influenza season to do their little experiment.

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For your amusement I repeated below a list of WHO retractions over the course of 2021.

The last one is not an Official WHO statement and I don't think WHO controls who is going to go to heaven when all of them are going to the other place.

2021 - WHO Backtracks on Covid-19 Efficacy

May: 95% Protection against infection and transmission

June: 70% Protection against infection and transmission

July: 50% Protection against infection and transmission

August: No protection but reduces spread

September: Doesn’t reduce spread but reduces severity

October: Doesn’t reduce severity but reduces hospitalization

November: Doesn’t reduce hospitalization but you aren’t going to die

December: You die but you go to heaven.

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Oh I'm pretty sure they do control the pearly gates...in some gated communities outside DC and Manhattan

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There was some evidence it helped with the original covid virus however its efficacy dropped with every new variant so it was pretty useless by gamma and when omicron came around the immune system damaging components made the vaccine negative efficacy (ie you were more likely to get covid if you took the jabs). I often think of the club member I was talking to at range day last year who said he couldn't understand why he had Covid 3 times when he had had 3 vaccine shots. I explained to him that the vaccine damages the immune system and by the way, I am unvaccinated and have never had Covid.

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Fred, I'd like to see that evidence. By June 2021 super-vaxxed Israel was having its biggest waves.

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This is one of the early studies published in a prestige Medical Journal. As two thirds of their articles are sponsored by pharaceutical companies their morals may be suspect. Many have questioned the article's and others accuracy due to secrecy,, handling and exlusion of adverse events, lack of followup of the placebo group once they were offered the jab after the initial trial, etc. However it and many others are out there and showed some success with the original virus. So as I say, there is some evidence, even if it is suspect.

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Thanks for posting this today! The very last few paragraphs are extremely useful. Just this morning, I listened as Vinay Prasad took the Feds to the woodshed on YouTube for the umpteenth session of same (he even used the word "bullshit" three or four times) RE: Why in the hail did yawl (i.e. Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, HSS, et alia) not do at least a couple of very severe, controlled, blinded randomized trials back at the very front end of the vaccination campaign when there were lots of folks in both the "Never gonna' take that shit" and the "Give me all the jabs ya' got" cohorts so that we could have avoided a lot of the the confusing crapola about increased death numbers due to vaccine receipt that we now have to dig through given the rumors and growing concerns from numerous quarters that the god-darned shots *themselves* may actually be contributing to all-cause mortality numbers definitely greater than what would have been expected for comparable folks having the No Vaccine (i.e. counterfactual) status. I really don't know whom to believe now although I am convinced today to *never again* trust one word from either the current CDC Director or this oleaginous guy Jha at the White House.

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I think you answered your own question here. I believe the studies were unblinded to cover up the data that would eventually be reported as a result of said study. Get rid of the data - get rid of the ability to prove harm.

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In college one of my math professors showed us how you can manipulate or use data to your advantage - or move it around to prove and/or disprove a theory. I’m glad you dug deep into this cesspool. You’re showing us what liars and villains were leading this shit show. Keep up the good work Alex, thank you.

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Glad to see you are looking into the reasons behind the raw statistics Alex. Say, isn't that the job of the government hired epidemiologists?

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No, their job is to make $400,000/year from your taxes and then to lie to you full time.

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The other misdirection around vaccine testing is that the sponsors can claim success when nothing happens. When testing a therapeutic drug, success is marked by something happening - a measurable reduction in symptoms. Vaccines can use “no change” as a measure of success. But “no change” is really evidence of nothing.

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I'd pay my own money to see if Sleepy Joe and the Elites in the United States ever had this crap injected into their bodies. I know, I know - we saw Joe get a shot. No one who saw that has a friggin clue what was in the syringe. They're liars and they're worthless. Our only hope is that the European countries who did NOT grant Pfizer immunity somehow sue them out of business. It's a long shot, but one can hope.

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I volunteer free of charge to be in the Control Group!

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And I plan to REMAIN in the Control Group for ALL new jabs for the remainder of my natural life. The past three years have permanently opened my eyes to the global corruption surrounding drugs of all varieties.

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We don't have the truth because the powers that be (big pharma) and by extension the governmental lackeys don't want us to know what a fraud they perpetrated on the world. If it was all unicorns and rainbows big pharma would document it to the nines. #followthemoney

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I was shown a video of a method for getting real data out of real statistics from of all places, the Canadian government. The person who compiled this video is a PhD. in statistical analysis.

In the video, he demonstrates how to get around the lies used by Stats Canada to create the illusion that the shots lower deaths and hospitalizations and actually get an accurate graph on Stats Canada's OWN WEBSITE:


The video is very condensed and while the instructions are easy to follow to use the Canadian government site to get real data, its less obvious WHY you get this new outcome. So here is the explalation:

If you wanted to prove that there was no statistically significant number of Christians in Rome for a certain period, you might add in the total population of Rome for 300 years before Jesus was born. Then you get a pretty low number of Christians in Rome for the period following the conversion of that state.

This is what the Canadian government did. They included all deaths alleged to be from Covid, from the start of the pandemic into the unvaccinated category. But if you pick a period of time when everyone had 3 or more shots and start everyone from there, you get the highest number of hospitalizations and deaths amongst the triple vaxxed.

Try it. start the video, and pause at each step and follow along. Even if we accept the government statements about who died of Covid, and call the health of everyone as equal, the shots come out as dangerous as hell using their OWN data.

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I've tried watching the video, but I need to know if it is supposed to have audio? I don't hear anything. Thank you!

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There are plans to do a voice over. But try and just do the instructions. Its quite amazing when you do it. You see how deceptive the Canadian government is and how.

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FOLLOW UP: Check out this segment of testimony by Lt. Col. (Ret.) David Redman. He exposes how the governments in Canada are now quietly lowering the Covid death stats to remove the deceptive, 'died with Covid' from the died of covid. His whole testimony is important but this is directly related to this thread and is shorter.


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As Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister once said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” I have chosen to not “Trust the Science”. #followthemoney

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Alex, we got a sizable control group.

Just nobody in the system wants to study us.

And who the hell would fund it, anyway?

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With respect, I could not read these tables (no column headings). You'll get more folks to think along with you if you could send along clearer tables. (Perhaps eliminate the first 4 columns and put it in a title the expand and give us column headings.)

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