About 20% of the country is totally insane and will continue to screech about COVID for the next two years. They will admonish us for not being vaxxed, boostered or masked. They will remind us that "people are dying!", as if people didn't die every day.

Another 20% of the country knew this was bullshit from the beginning, or at least by Summer of 2020. We've been the ones saying that cloth masks do nothing. That poorly fitted re-used respirators do next to nothing. That the "vaccines" are MRNA gene therapy and don't stop transmission.

It's the other 60% of the country that has always been up for grabs. The folks who haven't really been all that concerned with covid, but went along with the masks and the vaccines because the media told them they were effective. A large number of people in this group drew the line at getting their kids "vaxxed" because deep down they know that something might be wrong. A large portion of this group has come to deeply distrust the media and the democrats in the last eight weeks. The MRNA injections wildly under-delivered. I know several "normal" people who recently caught COVID and are now questioning why they have been wearing masks for two years when the disease is so mild. I also know people who happily rolled up their sleeves for the first two doses and are now dead set against the boosters.

Will be interesting to see if a majority stays aware of the lies the media tells, or if they will go back to being sheep.

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This soft middle group will go wherever the loudest voices are, which is why the 20% who called bullshit early has to get louder so the sheep follow the voices of reason.

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Proud bullshit caller from Day 1. But sad about all the damage done.


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I didn't call bullshit until May of 2020 so I was an early one. Good for you for seeing the writing on the wall and the mountain of crap that was coming our way!

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I'm in this set of Americans. " I also know people who happily rolled up their sleeves for the first two doses and are now dead set against the boosters. "

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And honestly this is why we actually have a chance of getting rid of the vaccine mandates that have been imposed in this country. I've seen liberal bloggers reluctantly admit that people who got the jab a year ago are likely as un-protected as a completely un-jabbed person. All but the lunatic fringe will come to understand that (Pfizer's CEO admits it, and it is clear in the UK data). But I would say that 30 - 40% of people that got the initial shots won't get a booster. Add that to the 25% of Americans who never got the original shot, and you have a majority of "not up to date" on their shots in all but the bluest of American cities.

You can't exclude 50% of Americans from everyday activities. They can barely exclude 10% of Americans in deep blue strongholds. We need to keep fighting back hard on every front. We only lose by giving up.

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The age profile is also telling. Understandably the highly “vaccinated” initial group was the high risk. You don’t see that strong of a trend in the boosters because even a good percentage of the elderly realized they weren’t working and turned towards other early treatments, immune support, or simply accepting their odds.

Those of us who are pure bloods are younger and time will ensure our voices grow louder.

For kids, the woke places sacrificed their kids, but they’ve long been sacrificing them. I read an interesting article on how badly Seattle, who have had these crazy ideologies in schools longer than the rest of the woke places, has completely failed the generation of now young adults. The lunacy we are seeing on these places is a consequence of the lack of actual education in the now young adult population.

We tell our kids often when they grow up to find a place that educated their kids, valued them, and largely didn’t mask them and to go live there. The people where we live will hate them because we ensured they were educated in a non-woke private school in person, and that they weren’t masked. We fought for all kids to have that right, but we lost at the polls.

It will never occur to these people that us destroying our own kids too wouldn’t improve society. Just as it will never occur to the pro faux vac population that forcing everyone to get these shots won’t solve any problem.

NY and LA and other actually woke, not Miami we pretend to be woke, places have only begun their long decent to chaos. Once the next generation has been destroyed, those who can get out will, and those who got destroyed will continue the cycle. Predictable consequences are predictable for a reason…..,, a generation of uneducated and unsocialized kids, likely with a few exceptions, will suffer the consequences of being uneducated and unsocialized. No magic woke genie or politician can undo the real world harm they caused. It’s awful for the kids, but their parents are to blame - not those of us who spent the whole debacle fighting against the idiocy, and sure as heck not our young kids.

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I was 54, diabetic and smoker when i got my jabs. No more though

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History shows that this has been a planet of mostly slaves for millennia.

Relatively few human beings are awake and can see things for what they truly are.

The rest (and majority) prefer to be told what to do by their slave masters. They have been trained for a long time to be sheep-like and so they remain, to their own peril.

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Kudos to you for at least admitting it. I know many who will just live in denial and go along to get along.

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Hmm, ever heard of The Asch Conformity Experiment....?

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Good stuff. I looked up the asch conformity experiment. I must revisit when time allows. Thanks for the enlightenment vaccine.

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The video of that is great. Saw it in Psych 101, forty years ago.

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*raises hand* Can only hope and pray the 1st 2 won’t shave any years off.

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Hope so. Unlike others I know who got the jobs, they didn't affect me right away. My wife and stepdaughter got sick from theirs. And the booster they got also made them sick

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Jabs. Not jobs. Lol

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I didn't happily roll up my sleeves but I thought it was the right decision. I regret it now

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Gwen, I know you are not alone and have heard from others the same sentiment. I just heard that Fauci is going to retire in December. Francis Collins, skipped out before being held accountable Fauci, Deborah Birx who recently admitted she knew the vaccines (injections, they were not vaccines) would not stop infections or transmissions.

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Yeah, he getting out while he still can.

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Was there a little twist in your comment--they rolled up their sleeves for the first two doses and are now "dead" so they will not be getting any boosters?

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Well written. my siblings, one is very pro vax, one went because their spouse said so, one due to their adult kids made them. The pro=vax one got booster, not the other ones. My brother, said “FU” from the very beginning! 👍

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I'm like your brother, said & thought the same from the get-go. As Evelyn Couch's character (Kathy Bates) said in "Fried Green Tomatoes" after repeatedly ramming a car who's young driver stole her parking space... ."Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance." Older and/or younger, many of us felt right at the beginning of this Farma Farce that this was all about control. Personally, after years of docs pushing this & that drug on us patients.... the virus from China was a big ass red flag. Created to need vaccines AND fast. China wants to destroy the USA just as our own elected under China's influence do--ALL for control, money & power. Those who immediately stepped up for any jab, and continue to do so, are like those young girls in "Fried Green Tomatoes", "Face it, lady. We're younger and faster." before Evelyn Couch delivered her dose of reality. If one wants the vax, fine. BUT the USA is still a free country for those to choose what they medically want or not want. The fight is on!

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I think you are being generous about the 60% group you speak of. I think the vast majority of people are believers/sheep. Maybe it is because I live in California. I probably would have respect for more people if I lived in say, Wyoming.

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Your mileage will vary by state and even location within a state. Urban centers in the northeast are 90% vaxxed and all wearing masks, even outside. Go just fifteen miles away and no one is wearing a mask. "Compliance" even varies from town to town.

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By FAR there is much more space in America where the normal still reside. Only the lost blue cities and blue counties are locked in mass psychosis formation.

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Lost-very lost Portland, Eugene, Corvallis, Salem, Oregon

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It's not that simple Joe. The establishment turned the fear narrative up all the way in its propaganda response. It isn't easy to just turn off. People are naturally scared of themselves and friends/family dying. The psychological effects of this much intensity will be felt for years. It is also becoming quite clear that all of these "measures" didn't work but that creates cognitive dissonance in all of us.

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Certainly will take some tough love and reality checks for people to break the spell!

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20% will be dead.

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Sadly, I think the number of insane Americans is way higher than 20%. If you were to just base it on the fact that the majority of Democrats want to put the unvaxxed in internment camps, I think we've got a majority sheep country.

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But only 42% are now democrats, so if half believe in interning us, that's 21%. Terrible, scary, twisted, but not a majority

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What you are saying Joe sounds like Servitude to me. spot on!

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I'm in the "This is BS" first week set. and I was looking at those jabs with distrust from the beginning. I hate this big reset.

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Well said

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Jan 19, 2022
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that's the way to look at it. I imagine Covid is so much worse with a mask on.

I got version A before the stupid masking became a social construct.

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RFK Jr's book really showed the depths of Fauci's evil. I had no idea until I read about his past. Start building the gallows. This demon needs to hang.

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I think it only appropriate that he have his vocal cords cut out and then be doused with sand fleas. He should suffer the same fate as those poor dogs.

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And the defenseless children!!

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Apparently I watch too much TV. Doesn't some of that stuff sound more like a sacrifice than an experiment? This is "Cabin in the Woods" shit.

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Hang, firiing squad or under the prison...I don't care which, but that rat-faced weaselly sonavabitch needs to pay for his evil!

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You go Gabriella!

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Fauci should hang , upside down

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The best outcome will be wide recognition of his failure will make it less likely to happen again, at least for a while. The big question isn't whether little Anthony is evil, but how we allowed him to fail so badly. Successful societies identify and correct failure quickly. We didn't. We need to overhaul our medical system. If we don't, the next medical tyrant will do it to us again. And we need to overhaul our education system. If we don't, we'll continue to get abused by smiling villains.

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He's not all powerful, it took a pretty rotten system to make him King.

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Little Anthony and his Imperials?

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Guillotines erected along the Washington Mall? Might draw some attention.

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rfk jr's book shed light on fauci, related corruption (fda/nih/cdc), and authentic concerns behind the "anti-vaxx" movement. fauci's resignation won't fix this. he's just the point of the spear.

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I concur. We need to string up Bill Gates, too. And then break apart the entire framework of "Public Health" as it pertains to vaccination programs.

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Public health is in shambles because of the government media pharma hoax. Public health has become an oxymoron and laughable. Watch out & protect yourself & Family first.

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I've been saying the same about "Public Health" - I haven't typed that without the scare quotes in at least 4 months, maybe more. I don't even think anymore that it's a valid concept - there isn't some entity named "public" which can be healthy or unhealthy. There's just the health of individuals - and the "Public Health" idiots have harmed nearly all of those, at least in blue areas, many permanently - sadly a lot of kids.

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Agree. APPARENTLY there is a lust for fame, money & power addictive in some people. The corrupt are appalling, disgusting & reprehensible. I believe a few high-profile televised public executions would bring things in line quickly. VERY quickly. Of course it won't be done but might be a deterrent.

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His prosecution will be a warning to others. If we don't punish crimes, we get more crimes. This disaster is just a warmup.. it will get much worse, unless we stop it dramatically.

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It's long past time to abandon, defund and kill all of the alphabet agencies.

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About a year ago I watched a documentary by Eric Merola on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, a pioneering biochemist, his cancer research and successful cancer treatment. It sheds a powerful spotlight on the absolutely corrupt FDA and all the cronyism that exists there. It's on Amazon and it will blow your mind.

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I recently read about Burzynzki and how Pharma crucified him

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everyone needed to hear the mention of "just the point of spear" because its true. The lil fraud is simply executing what he is told to execute. Look to the WEF, WHO and CCP for the evil behind the curtain orchestrating it all.

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Yep, that book shows that he was oh for a half-dozen with HIV vaxxes (at the cost billions of dollars of taxpayers money). His playbook it so tired.

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The one thing that will come out of this is that the number of people who seriously question the infant vaccine schedule will go from c10 per cent to more like 30 per cent. And once there is a critical mass (ie people realizing that doctors simply changed the names of the diseases and none of them actually went away) the whole ridiculous paradigm will collapse.

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If nothing else comes from these discussions than this, I'd call it a huge win. The vaccine schedule is absurd on its face. But they've done a great job keeping parents freaked out and keeping the pejorative 'AnTiVaxXeR' term in the vernacular. We have no idea how many children have been permanently harmed by these vaccines. But even just one is heartbreaking.

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Congress has facilitated and permitted all of Fauci’s wrongdoings. They never really opposed or questioned him, except for a few of them.

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Always huff and puff grandstanding with zero accountability

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The great silver-lining of this strife is the FULL exposure of the likes of the lil Napoleonic narcissist fraud!

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Firing squad is far more efficient. We have many traitors to rid ourselves of.

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I've heard they hang traitors because shooting is considered more honorable.

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Apparently 5 members of SCOTUS do not know the injections don't work with how they ruled on the healthcare mandate. How is it possible to destroy so many livelihoods of the actual hero's in the trenches when the very premise of a mandate is false!

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Hospitals get more $$ from the federal govt if their staff are vaxxed. In the local charnel house the doctors threatened to walk off if forced to submit. Administration backed down

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Such ethical people who care about humanities health and well being.....NOT!

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Bought and paid for ! We thought a few more than Thomas were actually Constutionslist ! We knew several were ignorant libs , but it was their race and gender too . Obviously they read nothing on Covid and watch CNN NPR and MSNBC ! Sad for America

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Right! Sotomayor revealed exactly how out of touch they truly are. Not sure how it's fixed now

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Sotomayor revealed that she is just plain stupid. We typically assume that SCOTUS justices are intellectuals. She is not.

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An Obama diversity pick.

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Exactly and you can't FIX stupid

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They commit discrimination in such an "educated, erudite way". Indoctrinated elite morons.

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Can we just relocate all of them to a nice little camp in Xinjiang China? They can spend the rest of their days there, concentrating.

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If anybody knows our weak spots, they do. So a trip to China should be out.

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Yeah, peak something is coming. Peak Covid insanity, peak Covid exhaustion are about to come head to head. Dems are going to desperately try and make moves to hold the midterms, but as Alex has pointed out, real issues cannot be talked away using the Alinsky method. Inflation, immigration, the woke garbage, voting rights (wrongs) and finally, crime are hitting home big time. The coveted undecided, Hispanic and middle American vote has been lost by the left. People need some level of trust in government to protect our base currency, borders and personal safety. All gone. Gone woke, gone green, gone progressive. Guess what? Tens of million Biden voters (not really, just anti Trump voters) are calling Bullshit. The tide will roll red in the midterms. Let's hope the winners don't squander this opportunity. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST. Your life depends on it.

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I was a registered D for 30 years -- I was a delegate to the 2016 Presidential Convention in Philly. Months ago, I registered as Independent! I have NO INTENTION of switching over again, ever!

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Same switch, here. I admit: I never studied civics enough but boy did I get a constitutional (mis)education these last couple years. Was bitter and disgusted w/dems well before their TDS shenanigans, but figured all parties are filled with self-aggrandizing power-trippers who love lobbyists' money, why bother to change seats on the titanic? Now I'm hard right/libertarian but waiting to see what kind of candidates the Repubs run--lotta RINOs signed off on vaccine-tracking fed database, which is a no go for me. They say "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"? That is how I am with the Dems--they used to (when I was growing up) be the party of the average working person. 100% letdown. NOPE. They made a conservative activist out of a formerly politically apathetic person; watch out.

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Agree 100% with your comments. Funny how Bill Clinton of the 90's would be a conservative by todays standards. I'm hard right Libertarian now also and feel the Democrats have abandoned middle America for any victim group that gets votes. Period. No allegiance to this country or founding principles. Time to rise up make a change. RESIST.

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They’ve abandoned the average voter. There game now is to change voting laws so every election can be rigged like 2020 was. They basically want any ballot that’s filled out and is picked up from mailboxes or harvested by party operatives to be counted. They want voting to last weeks or even months. No ID needed, no citizenship needed. Anyone that disagrees with this is a Jim Crow loving racist or confederate loving southern kkk member.

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Right on. I had to renew my library card and was told it could not be done online or over the phone. Even though I have had this card for about 10 years. So I came in and had to produce my photo ID. When I asked if this was equally important to election integrity, I had no reason to show ID since this is a Democrat controlled State. The lady was incredulous. She said "We need to know who has our books" which I agreed with. I then told her to keep that in mind when voting legislation came up asking for the same thing in election integrity laws. She was pissed off but I may have made my point. Maybe not ... It's Michigan where "Stretchen Gretchen" is in the lead for reelection next fall. Resist.

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It's unlikely that librarian agreed. The most notable achievement by the library in my town is it's transgender librarian. A library is not where you go to talk to sane people.

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Welcome to more reasoned sanity :) Absolutely have to vet the crap out of any RINO's left standing! My Dad was an old school Dem long before I knew much of anything, but I know he was respected. If he were alive now I KNOW he would be very pissed off with what has happened now.

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Old school Dems and Conservatives used to have considerable overlap in our circles of belief. Those days are gone. Dems have shifted so far to the left I no longer recognize them as loyal citizens. They are downright anti-American. They should in many cases be tried for treason. The "Squad" is a good example. Pathetic.

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well said!

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Know two people who have done the same in my part of the world! I think this is happening everywhere. Lot's of mama bears awake and people having serious WTF moments. How could you and they NOT!

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Good for you. Keep them guessing..!!

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Welcome to the dark side. ;)

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Same here!

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I was almost 20 reg. dim-switch to non-part

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Moderna stock is way down. The smart money knows it’s over.

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those who were suppose to make the money were gone long ago

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Today Boris Johnson is going to beat a hasty retreat on COVID policy in a desperate attempt to save his government. This pulls one more peg out from under the COVID Karens in their struggle with the Electoral Realists inside the White House.

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For sure...mama bears are wide awake in my area!

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Where do you live? This is not true in my area - the east bay of the San Francisco Bay Area. It seems to me that most people here are just as hypnotised re masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and poison jabs as they've been for the past two years. It infuriates me. I look at them in their double and triple masks, wearing plastic gloves to avoid touching anything, sometimes wearing plastic face shields or goggles, (and even once in a blue moon an honest-to-God, military-style gas mask, like something you might see in the movies) and wonder how we are ever going to live together in a civilized society once covid is officially over. They're lunatics. Zealots. Fanatics. It'd be risible if it weren't so horrifyingly disturbing.

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And the lives of our children and future generations. This evil is insidious and rampant in the public schools and parents are just waking up.

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Mama bear is AWAKE!

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Yep....out of hibernation and angry as hell!!!🤬🤬

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Twilight Zone time! I just said that yesterday. He’s going to become more of a liability to the dems so Brandon will graciously accept his retirement and he’ll exit public life with reams of accolades. From your mouth to God’s ear about Jim Jordan being chair of the judiciary committee. He’s one of the few in Congress with the stomach for perp walks. If he can just get the AG to do the right thing.

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Merrick Garland? Do the right thing? Gimme a break. He's a tool.

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Yes he is. You see it’s not going to be easy even with dems out of power in the house and senate. Trump showed us how deep and rank the swamp in DC is. Jordan wouldn’t even be able to get the corrupt FBI to investigate. Anything!

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No one can; not without an actual real Attorney General. Any Senate vote will tell you what's up. Garland is nothing but the rubber stamp for the Fascist Left. He happily gives approval to go after the suburban mommies and other domestic "right wing" designated "terrorists." I hear that bastard McCabe is hailing accolades for more of it.

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DC gives swamps a bad name. It’s a stinking cesspool.

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Garland is a nasty old lefty hack who lives for power and control. He will do whatever his socialist masters want him to do.

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Can you imagine if he'd landed on SCOTUS?

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You just made me shudder. And remember he was being touted as a moderate. Compared to whom?

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Reams of dirty cash in addition to the accolades!

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I was being sarcastic. I wouldn’t give him the dirt in my vacuum cleaner.

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Unless I've missed it, I'm still waiting for you to apologize to Dr. Malone for your 1) rude attack on him during Laura Ingram's program and 2) for the proof you promised to provide that Ivermectin is not an effective treatment for Covid. If I have missed these, then I apologize to you and ask that you supply a link to these for me to read.

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I for one will keep coming back here not to see some unnecessary apology (it was snarky behavior, but Malone has suffered far worse), but for his claim to expose Ivermectin as useless. Because for two years, Ivermectin has been held up as 1) effective early treatment, which means withholding it is tantamount to murder and 2)so many meta analysis studies have been done, to refute them would be monumental news. Huge. Worth big bucks to the MSM - who would undoubtedly pay a fortune for the story.

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I'm curious to see what his reasoning is behind his IVM comments...but I'm far MORE curious to see him explain away ALL the Election Night shenanigans that took place just coincidentally in just FOUR states, four SWING states, and four swing states that Trump LED before the reporting stopped for a few hours, only to resume in the dead of night with Biden amazingly in the lead.

THAT is far more of a concern to me, because regardless of Alex's view on IVM, I have my own views AND I've weaponized those views into getting my IVM stash.

I have equal expectations on getting his IVM analysis and on getting his Election Night analysis. Which is to say, zero.

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Provide any actual studies about ivermectin being effective, not just anecdotes of people you know or heard that used it. I’ve had people that say they used it also, and it worked…the question is, did it actually do anything or was it a placebo effect, or was it just they would have had same results without ivermectin. I’m not against it at all mind you, but I’ve yet to see an actual study, and honestly haven’t looked very hard. If they exist I’d love to read them.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/vWu9HHE6ZxgX/ If that link doesn't come through, it is the Darkhorse podcast with Brett Weintein and Tess Lowrie. If you search for studies on Ivermectin, it is flooded with both favorable and unfavorable results but I have found Lowrie pretty impressive. I see there's some new study that's supposedly big and incontrovertible but Lowrie criticized it pretty convincingly. As far as proof, since most people will get well without anything, it seems like proving one way or another isn't going to be easy. But my suspicions rise the more Ivermectin is blocked despite doctors insisting it has merit. It's hard to believe all these doctors suddenly became incompetent after illustrious careers spanning decades. And it also is evident there are a LOT of conflicts of interest and huge amounts of money being spent by governments and pharma to make sure all debates go one way. For instance, Baylor is suing Peter McCullough for implying he still has a relationship, not his previous relationship, with Baylor. I believe this implied a current relationship was fostered by (malicious?) third party journalists. I've read that Bill Gates donates $330 mil to Baylor yearly - and I wonder if that payment would be cut off if they didn't go after McCullough. It'll be interesting to see the outcome of that suit but I have to feel sorry for McCullough who I think is already $150,000 in the hole because of this. As I stated in my comment, I keep coming back to see what Berenson is going to say about Ivermectin, because in my mind, it isn't settled science and he all but said he will have settled science forthcoming. But because of the amount of money and corruption, proof of Ivermectin's inadequacy is going to have to be a slam dunk for me to think the scale wasn't tipped against it.

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Look Susan, you raised a two-fold question and now you're declared a troll and woke. Oy vey.

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F*ck off Troll.

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Hopefully retirement doesn't stop the criminal investigation.

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As a dog lover I hope to see him tossed to a pack of hungry beagles. Except the darned things would still just lick his face.

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pay 4 view caning

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Hey, the Left set the precedent with the second impeachment. So there's that.

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Retire in jail. He needs to be held accountable.

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Truckers are going to surround Ottowa parliament until ALL mandates are cancelled. January 29 is the tentative date. https://twitter.com/thelinecanada/status/1482740798299033601

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Why have they waited this long?

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Dear Lord we can only hope! I only pray I live to see the day he’s handcuffed

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I'm suspicious of the shift to "Narrative 20."

Two weeks ago that's how Jeff Childers (Covid and Coffee on Substack) dubbed the "de-escalate Covid" storylines that began emerging in synchronicity. It was sudden and coincided with the announcement of the odd date of early March for The Puppet to read a State of the Union address from the teleprompter. Two months for the international press and medical "authorities" to get on board with and set in motion the wind-down of the Great Scare (although there are those who will never recover from the 2 year psyop). Sure enough, from CNN to international news we're seeing increasing "it's endemic now" and "restrictions will be lifted" stories.

The question is Why? Midterm Elections? Perhaps. Or did Narrative 1.0 go on too long and interfere with the Globalists' Digital Reset agenda? I don't know. I'm suspicious.

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They are also throwing Walensky under the bus. I can’t imagine that she doesn’t go before Fauci leaves. That would be the end of the Biden administration’s Covid publicity team. Then what?

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Joe's ratings and mid-terms and the new Gallup poll showing dems no longer have an edge on people identifying as dem. You cannot cheat to win if you have numbers equal to or fewer than repubs. Joe promised to end covid. He did not. So, they must end the reporting on it. And then pretend that he did so.

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Have you not noticed that the media regularly lie?

So what if masses of voters who were previously Democrats change their voter registration to Republican?

I just did this online.

Even if half of the registered Democrats in California were to change their registration to Republican (or Independent, or Libertarian) the media would still say California is overwhelmingly Democratic. They can not be trusted to report the truth about anything.

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Why don't people remember what happened at the very beginning?

The left - as disgusting as they are - didn't want anything to do with restrictions. Nancy Pelosi walked through Chinatown claiming that it was perfectly safe. It was the last (and possibly only) sensible thing she ever did.

The left (and the right) all imposed restrictions because 90 per cent of people clamored for it. I didn't. I knew it was catastrophically stupid (of course I have an advantage because I knew that there is no such thing as contagious disease) and would lead to a path that would be extremely costly to reverse. But me and a few others aside, the overwhelming majority of people begged for it. This included Tucker Carlson, Paul Joseph Watson and others who should have known better.

Now, these guys turned very quickly and there's no need for grudges but the point is that all of this happened because the people wanted it. The vast majority of people were so stupid and myopic and their whole lives they had been brainwashed to be petrified of sick people's germs (except, bizarrely, at doctor offices and hospitals where they would magically be safe) that when something as deranged as lockdowns started to be suggested, they all thought "yeah! What a great idea!"

Lockdowns became desperately unpopular around 6-9 months ago. Governments never wanted to implement them and they certainly weren't going to implement them when the majority of people opposed them. Remember, politicians are evil, but they're gutless far more than they're evil.

But the unpopularity of lockdowns was met with an intense love of the vaccines. It wasn't enough for the populous to get a vaccine, they needed to force it on everybody else.

This intense love is dwindling as the expectation of forever and increasingly frequent booster shots is dawning on more and more people.

No government is going to be imposing lockdowns or forced vaccines on a populous if the plurality is opposed to it. Democrats aren't going to be confident enough in their vote rigging to do such a thing.

Forced vaccination for Western politicians is like the iron throne. You either win or you die. You'll start off by getting lots of love on Twitter, but if the people turn on this, you won't just be voted out, you'll be in prison.

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Great post, but remember the whu-flu is just cover for the real agenda happening as we move towards 2030

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They don't control the virus.

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Very good intuitive insight!

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Gee, Alex, I really could have done without those visuals. But, good point.

I concur. Doctor Tony's retirement was baked into the cake. It's precisely why you put an 81-year old in charge of an operation like this. He becomes an expendable part, and a blame magnet. He'll announce his retirement and suddenly he'll become a sick old man with multiple health problems and creeping dementia. "Gee, Senator, I don't know. I can't recall. You wouldn't prosecute a sick old man with dementia, would you?" Like HIllary's and Robert Mueller's testimony all rolled into one. It's actually sort of brilliant in a way.

The only question is will the Electoral Realists inside the White House gain the upper-hand and force Dr. Tony out the door sooner rather than later? When Biden announced he was keeping Tony Laura Ingraham astutely observed that he would rue the day. And that day it seems has arrived.

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Fauci has approval of 30 percent. That is the Karen’s and soy boys. The woke crowd. Obama at the helm with Susan. They will never admit Fauci was a fraud because doing so would mean Trump’s dislike of Fauci was warranted. Also the political elite in both parties will stick with Fauci. Again their hatred of Trump and their hatred of Rand Paul.

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It appears that way, largely because at the moment the COVID Karens seem to have the upper hand over the Electoral Realists in the internal White House debates. But with every poll showing Biden continuing to suck eggs the balance of power changes a bit.

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I've been spelling that Fauxci.

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Don't you think by now that Fauci's deep DARPA connections will allow that entity to classify or remove all that email and office files? Don't you think that has been happening already? How Fauci spends his last months--office cleaning?

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I expect to see a raft of retirements this year. Everyone will follow the Sackler Family (makers of Oxycontin) playbook of moving assets from X to Y to make sure when the big hammer comes down, they'll still be in their $25 Million beach mansion without consequence.

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It's time they start passing clawback laws.

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1-Fauci has no worries about the vax as long as Trump spends his days demanding all the credit.

2-Never count on Jim Jordan or any Republican to actually DO anything except run their mouths on TV

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I think that is changing.

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Sadly, you’re correct.

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